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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chapter 1: The Start of a New Year

Welcome to Ashe City a city that may seem normal at first glance. With people going from place to place, your usual crimes going on everyday, and maybe that old lady down the street is yelling at her cat again. However a closer look at this city reveals something interesting, the supernatural. Yes, this city holds not only humans but supernatural creatures as well. Some of these creatures coexist and live in peace with the humans. Others however some creatures terrorize and commit crimes. A Detective Agency was founded in order to capture these criminals this is the Ashe City Detective Agency, Scarlet Ashe.

January 1st, 2020: Ashe City Detective Agency, Scarlet Ashe

It's the new year for Ashe City as Leon was turning on the lights of the agency, he had just arrived to open up. When he turned on all the lights in the office he went down the hall towards the morgue as the motion detecting lights went on. Leon opened the doors and turned on the lights to see Xander sleeping on one of the tables.

"Xander, hey Xander wake up." Leon said as he gently nudged Xander.

Xander slowly woke up as his upper body rose to sit up. "Oh hey Leon when did you get here?" Xander said completely awake

"Just now." Leon replied "I thought Zombies didn't need to sleep?"

Xander who was getting off the table towards his desk to grab his lab coat and put it on looked over at Leon. "No you would be correct on that note." Xander said

Leon was poking at a brain that was in a small silver bin watching it jiggle as Xander rushed over screaming "Don't touch that! Don't put your filthy hands on this delectable treat!" Xander screamed as he took the bin away from Leon.

"Well geez sorry" Leon said as he walked towards the door "I'm heading back into the office. I'll come back once everyone is here and we have our first case." Leon said as he began to walk away.

"Yeah yeah okay." Xander said "Just dont touch anymore of my treats when you come back" he added in a yelling voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chaos Wolf
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Chaos Wolf

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Zio woke up from his sleep by a ray of sunlight shone in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes a little as he got up from the couch he was sleeping on, he turned to his tv that was still playing. Zio grabbed the remote and turned of the tv, when he turned it off he threw the remote on the couch and got to get a change of clothes and a shower. After he took the shower and put on some new clothes he grabbed his phone, wallet and his keys. He started to go to the door of his apartment and was almost going to leave without taking his sword with him, so before he clodes the door he quickly grabbed his sword. He now went on his way to the Scarlet Ashe agency, wondering if he could help Garo with a job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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The somber sound of piano music would begin to drift up from the holding cells of the Scarlet Ashe detective agency, just as it did every morning. If one would be so inclined to follow the melody down stairs and into the dark, foreboding corridor they would find rows of cells that flanked both sides of the hall. The hall stretched for a good distance before coming to a stop at one last cell, but this one was unique. Instead of bars this cell had a reinforced glass wall as its barrier, unlike the others this cell was not a bare room with cement walls. No this cell was fully furnished from a decorative rug to a small crystal chandelier that hang from the celling. The soul occupant of the room, a shockingly pale fellow in a even whiter inmate's uniform, sat at a grand piano with his fingers skillfully gliding over the ivory. To most this would be a odd sight, but to those who worked at the agency would be used to this as well as the monster who was causing it. Ever since his capture Damien had made it a daily ritual to meet the morning with a song, much to the distain of the members of the agency.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris bolted upright in her spinning chair her hair color slowly brightening and her ears perking up as she regained her baring. After realizing she was in her workshop still she relaxed and stood up to stretch before taking over a small RC car and driving to the break room all the while avoiding peoples feet and parking it right under the counter and powering off the car before grabbing an apple. After started walking back down the hall driving the small car while waving to others as she went until she reached the the elevator where she pushed the button to go down to the holding cells and waited listening to some of her favorite calming music. She wanted to start the day with a visit to the criminals and run some security checks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Noah woke up with the sun in his eyes after cursing the sun for the fifth time he decided to get up. Deciding to get a better layout of the city he got dressed and got his Glock 17 and hid it in his jacket and his combat knife in his boots, he left his apartment and began heading to a near by park that he had not gone to yet simply passing it by. Once there he began walking in circles around the park, this early in the morning the park was empty and quite Noah hated it, in his experience quite usually meant an ambush or an enemy sniper waiting for him to get out of cover.
He sighed and decided he had memorised enough stratospherically advantageous areas in the park and continued walking to his next destination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leon walked down another hall to an elevator and presses the button to go to the bottom floor where the holding cells are.

"Wonder if Eris is already down doing the security check?" Leon thought to himself. He reached the bottom floor as the elevator door opened. Leon noticed the little rc car on the ground and looked up to see Eris. "Hey thought you would be down here so I came to check on things with you." Leon said as he waved to Eris.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Eris jumped a bit at the sound of Leon's voice and her whole body flickered before she calmed down, "oh... Hi Mr
Leon everything's fine as far as I can tell" she said as she put the car on autopilot and continued typing on a terminal "though the way I see it, some of the locks could stand to be replaced with some that don't need a manual key and key code, but that's just my opinion" barley looking up to hand him a list of numbers 1-6 as well as an ear piece that had a small screen on it.

"if you could be so kind as to check these cells manually I'll keep in contact through this and have visual contact too"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emmett drifted in the car he was driving speeding heavily over the limit. Gun shots could be heard not to far behind him. Two cars moving at a very similar speed stayed on Emmett's tail. "Crap!" He shouted as a bullet grazed his car door. Emmett had to lose these guys quick before the cops interven. He turned on a sharp corner and drove at about 90 mph down the alley. The thugs in the following cars followed and chased him down the alley at a similar speed. That alley was clearly a dead end but the thugs were to busy shooting at Emmett. The end of the alley was coming closer and closer within seconds. Emmett smiled as his car colided into the wall and exploded. The thugs were speechless and unable to stop smashed into his fire ball of a car increasing the flame and also causing a domino effect with their cars blowing up. Emmett walked through the agency doors wearing a tuxedo and a giant smile. He knew teleporting would come in handy at some point in his life. "I got documents on one of the gangs in the city!" He shouted walking through the offices. "But.....they're useless now. If you wanna know why just check the news for fiery casualties." He said laughing and throughing the paper documents into a shredder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Eris jumped a bit at the sound of Leon's voice and her whole body flickered before she calmed down, "oh... Hi Mr
Leon everything's fine as far as I can tell" she said as she put the car on autopilot and continued typing on a terminal "though the way I see it, some of the locks could stand to be replaced with some that don't need a manual key and key code, but that's just my opinion" barley looking up to hand him a list of numbers 1-6 as well as an ear piece that had a small screen on it.

"if you could be so kind as to check these cells manually I'll keep in contact through this and have visual contact too"

"Call me Leon, Eris no need to be so formal." Leon said as he was handed list of cells 1-6 and an earpiece. "Check cells 1-6 manually? Can do. I may be lazy but when it comes to security I'm serious." Leon put the ear piece on his ear as he hit the little button on the side turning it on. Leon began to head towards Cell Block A which contained the first 6 cells as well as cells 7-10. "Ok first cell 1" Leon tapped away at the keypad doing the simple checks in the system. (time laps to go through cells 1-5) "Alright Eris I'm on cell 6 doing the final check." Leon said in the ear piece. "Ok do that, do this, and..." Leon mumbled to himself as a quick electrical surge went through the keypad "Woah!" Leon said as he jumped back and grabbed his sword but not unsheathing it. "Hey Eris did you experience a surge of electrical energy on your end?" Leon said into the earpiece.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Noah had after some walking and taking a bus he had finally reached the observation tower from her he could view all the city and find potential sniping spots for any potential targets, he did this for every city he went too and had become a useful habit that had saved him trouble in the past. Looking around the city he spotted what appeared to be a car chase for a second he considered tracking down the driver out of pure curiosity but found that decision to be dangerous so he decided against it. Once had gotten down from the tower he began heading to the area where he saw the car crash. Once there the police seemed to all ready be at the scene of the accident Noah walked around to get a better look at the front of the car "No driver what the hell?" he muttered to himself this was strange even if the driver had managed to jump out of the car before the impact a human would have been on the floor enough time for law enforcement to arrive a none of the doors where open so what happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sakana a downed the last of the broth in her ramen bowl, setting it on the counter before leaving the small stand. It may have been morning, but Sakana hadn't felt like having real breakfast.

Having left Sakana walked to a small empty park. On the way there she had bought a bag of fish, and was happily eating them, clad in her swimsuit. A young man walked up to Sakana.
"What's a young lady like you doing out here alone? It's dangerous," he told her. But Sakana had already started. She began to talk to him, bewitching him into believing that he needed to kill. That that was the only thing he could do. And that once he killed, he needed to die as well.

Sakana did this a lot. Her call card, if you could call it that, was suicide after the crime. She looked at her wrists, they were covered in scars from where Sakana had slit her wrist over and over again as a child. But now, for some reason, she found joy in seeing others die by their own hands after committing a crime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The new year: A time of celebration and merriment for many, one for drinking and partying, or attempting to sleep off of explain away the ramifications of the drinking and partying, for others, it was a time to reflect on all that they had done in the past, and look towards the future to better themselves as people. For one auburn haired young man, it was none of these things, just another day for a hunt. Dimitri Silvera stared up from the branch he sat atop at the sun as it rose higher into the sky. It was risky for him to hunt by day, however it was even riskier to try to hunt last night with so many people out celebrating. Dimitri looked down at the base of the tree he sat in, the corner of his mouth twitching a bit as he eagerly awaited his latest victim's awakening. As if on cue, the young and very athletic looking blond haired man whom he'd lured out of a house party and knocked out awakened, "Ugh...my head. Where-" "Are you? The park Kyle. Arrowhead park to be specific.", the man jumped a bit and looked upward, eliciting a chuckle from Dimitri. The man -Kyle- staggered to his feet as he recognized Dimitri, "Wait, you're the asshole that was hitting on Laura, what the fuck!? Why the hell did you drag me out here you shit?! Wait- why the fuck are you wearing nothing but boxers!?", Dimitri grinned, his mouth splitting impossibly wide as the scent of copper began to waft through the air, "You told me to step outside. So we're outside. I felt it would be awful though if we interrupted the party though so I decided to find us a more suitable spot. I would've told you but I doubt you would've listened. So I decked you.".

Kyle started sweating a bit and coughed as the scent of copper hit him, he could feel that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what it was, "You knocked me out and dragged me all the way out here to fight me? That doesn't make any sense...". Dimitri's impossible grin only stretched further, revealing nearly twice the number of teeth in a human's mouth, "Fight you? You've got it all wrong man. I dragged you out here because I wanted to dine in peace." he said as the scent of copper grew heavy enough to taste, causing Kyle to wretch and gag, though the smell wasn't nearly as worrying as the sudden stab of primal fear he felt. Kyle turned to run only to find Dimitri to be in front of him standing merely inches away, "Whoa now, what's the rush?", Dimitri punched Kyle in the ribs, causing the much larger man to double over, his throat landing neatly into Dimitri's raised hand as a result. Despite the fact that Kyle towered over Dimitri by a good nine inches and likely outweighed him by several kilos, Dimitri was able to force Kyle onto his knees as if he weighed nothing. Kyle struggled and struck at Dimitri's arm feebly as Dimitri held him in place, his eyes bulged a bit as Dimitri clamped down harder . "Jeez you struggle a lot. Tell you what, I'll give you a chance to get out of this alive. All you've gotta do is solve a little riddle of mine. Deal?" Dimitri inquired. Kyle gasped a bit, and realizing that there was no way out of it and just barely managed to rasp out a yes. Dimitri's blue eyes danced with excitement, "'Atta boy. Now i'm gonna let you go, don't to anything stupid, ok?". The moment Dimitri let go of Kyle's throat, Kyle began to scream for help, only to be cut off by Dimitri kneeing him in the chin. As Kyle had currently been attempting to say something, his tongue was severed in short order as his bottom jaw was forcefully smashed into the upper one. The man fell back and clutched his face, howling in agony as Dimitri casually picked up the severed muscle and devoured it, "I told you not to try anything stupid. Now i've gotta kill and eat you quickly." Dimitri said with a sigh as he grabbed Kyle by the throat.

As blood spilled and bubbled from his mouth, Kyle looked at Dimitri, then wished that he hadn't. Dimitri's body began to transform, it grew and twisted in all manner of ways as his bones broke and reshaped, starting first with his hands with sprouted claws that stabbed Kyle's neck just enough to draw blood. Dimitri's clothing tore as his body grew and fur sprouted, his ribs actually began to tear themselves free of his skin. Kyle wasn't focused at all on that however, only on Dimitri's head as horn like protrusions sprouted and most of the skin and flesh on his face tore open and sloughed off leaving nothing but bones. Bones that were gruesomely breaking and reshaping, taking the shape more akin to that of a canine's skull than that of a human's. Dimitri never screamed, nor broke eye contact with Kyle as his body grew and morphed, going from a paltry five foot three frame, to a menacing eight foot six. Dimitri lifted Kyle up, his glowing red eyes bored into Kyle's as he began to salivate, "You should've agreed to solve the riddle Kyle. You might have won.". The creature which had at one point been an auburn haired young man opened its mouth to reveal rows of massive jagged teeth, eliciting a piercing screech from Kyle. This would be the last sound he ever made before the top portion of his head was ripped free and devoured in a shower of bones, blood, and bits of brain.

It didn't take long for Dimitri to finish his meal, scarcely a minute passed before everything that Kyle had once been was reduced to nothing more than a bloody stain on the grass below. This was typical of his kills, and had become a calling card of sorts since his arrival in Ashe city. The wendigo licked his claws clean, content with the feeling of a stomach full of flesh, still though he couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment at the lack of entertainment before his meal. Dimitri twisted his head a bit eliciting a string of cracks from his neck before he reverted back into his human form, shedding his fur, rearranging his bones, and regrowing the lost flesh from his face as though he had never transformed in the first place. He wordlessly returned to the base of the tree and walked around it to grab and don the clothing that he'd removed and folded whilst waiting for his victim to wake up. "A good start to the new year. Guess I should grab some mouthwash before I head in to work." He mused aloud as he walked off in the direction of one of several of the park's trails.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Throughout the process of the check eris was happy with the lack of problems until they came to cell 6 where she saw the the surge a little too late and felt it travel up her arm and through her body scrambling her form for a second and causing her to drop to her knees.

"yes sir I just got the power surge as well" she said as she slowly stood up and placed her hand back on the panel and transmitting a repair program to his ear piece "use that program to try and isolate where the problem originated from I'll try and fix this burned circut here"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

New Year's day, the perfect time to celebrate what year it is, make conspiracies on whether or not we are going to die this year, and argue about it.

Except, of course, if you're a criminal. If you were, then it would be the perfect day to invade parties and kill people while every single person in the city is drunk and thinks they're sleeping. So, after Isla woke up, she was going to do just that. Of course, she would have to avoid cops and just stay out of sight until she began planning.

But, as everyone was sleeping, she couldn't.

So, she thought of the next best thing, to hope everybody in the city is currently sleeping and that everyone in the agency is being oblivious to what is going on.

She saw a man on the street, and told him that one of his friend sent her to give him a little gift. This gift wouldn't be an ordinary gift, of course, as it would be certain death.

I know that you are thinking about the monster, and the monster is usually in the same spot while she is out and about and getting victims. The man was also an idiot.

He was overjoyed by the fact that one of his friends actually thought to give him a little gift on New Year's Day, and he asked Isla to bring him to his friend, and so she did. But of course, it was the spot in which the monster was hiding, waiting for the next victim. She lead him to the spot, and told him this.

"Walk around this corner, and he'll be right there waiting for you."

That was the monster's cue. He had waited for a man to come up around the corner, and then, he had lashed himself out at the man, and ate him in a gorefest of gorey gore. When he was finished, there wasn't much left. Then, she told her monster to go back to his spot while she went out to find another man.

But, if the agency was out this time, they would surely try to arrest her with guns and other things of the sort, which is where the speed and climbing comes in handy, as she can run or climb to her safety. She can then hide in that spot until she thinks that the agency is gone. That was most likely going to work another time, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, until they caught on to where she liked to hide. Then, she would have to mix it up.

But, until then, she would just do the same exact thing. Go out, find a victim, come back, get them killed, and repeat the cycle until the agency would noticed her and get into a chase.

Unless she'd want to go balls deep and actually allow her monster to go out with her, in order to frighten kids or citizens in general. That would only work if she had taken DAYS to find out the perfect time. To do that, she'd have to become pretty much a super spy, and eavesdrop on her enemies, maybe even fellow criminals who know much more than she does.

But, anyways, she had gone out for another victim, to slowly decrease the population until there was almost nothing left of it.

Fun stuff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Raven was having her fill. She and a man, whom she chose as a victim at the bar earlier, were having relations in a hotel bedroom. As things intensed, Raven found the perfect oppurtunity to strike. A box cutter was siitin nearby and she slowly grabbed it while the man was distracted. Letting out a loud his, Raven bit the man's neck and stabbed him violently in the chest until he died. She rose up from biting his neck and she commenced in kissing his fore-head, leaving a blood red kiss. "That was fun," Raven said smirking. "Well maybe not for you." She then carved XXX on his hip and stood up from the bed to get dressed. After she was ready, Raven cleaned the blood off of her and she made her way out of the hotel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leon received the program and took a usb port in the headset and inserted it into the keypad usb slot and uploaded the program. "It's uploading now. Eris has this happened any other times before?" Leon asked into the earpiece.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Raven was now walking down the street, headed towards the caf'e she often visited. After thirty minutes or so, Raven overheard a news broadcast on the television of the caf'e. In other news, XXX has struck again. A local maid at the Carmella Hotel called in a murder, she stated " As I walked into room 13, I found a the corpse lying on the bed in his boxers, as If he were murdered by his girlfriend while they had relations." Will the Police find this culprit? All we can do is hope. Raven smirked at her success. "They don't even know." She muttered to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Noah had finished looking for potential sniping areas and was going to return when he sent a message to an old acquaintance of his who lived here if they could meet up and talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alekanekalia
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Alekanekalia Attendant of Memories

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alydia walked down the street, every once in awhile accidentally stumbling into people. She used a ivy to pull wallets out of whoever she bumped into's bag or wallet. She glanced to towards the cafe she was passing, looking at the time on the tv. "I should probably head into work she said to herself. Seeing a dark haired girl standing close to her she decided one couldn't hurt. She walked a little closer before "accidentally" tripping and crashing into the the dark haired girl. "oh my gosh... I'm so sorry, are you okay?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emmett was in his office watching TV when his favorite show was intrupted by a news broadcast. "No!!!!! Fuck!!!! I'm missing Breaking Bad because some horny dude was killed! That's bullshit!" He could be heard screaming from his office. Soon his phone ranged and he answered it within seconds. "What! Why!........I.....okay." He hunged up the phone and put back on his tux. Emmett grabbed his phone again and scrolled through the contacts. "Might as well have fun while I'm out on the job." He said clicking a contact name that said Kita. Hey, K some prick decided to die while getting laid. I'm obviously not gonna take this seriously wanna tag along? He pressed send and walked out of the angency. Emmett pulled out the keys to a black smart car and drove to the Carmella hotel waiting in the car until he seen Kita. While waiting in the car. Emmet received a message from his old friend Noah and texted him back telling him to meet him at the Carmella Hotel. He also told him to look for a a black smart car.
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