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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@floodtalon @DaDrummer676

Meruin frowned and released all of them. "Yes, it does appear that it's begun. And hello there, Tony's sister."

She faced the three of them. "Let us continue our discussion," she said, completely unmindful of the fact that the contest had begun and they could be attacked at any time. "I do not wish to divulge too many of my secrets, however, I want you all to know that no matter what form of attack comes at us, we will not get harmed. No one in this school has the capacity to prevent my defensive spells from working, especially ones from my Grimoire."

The small mage stated this with utter confidence that was unlike her. It seemed she really believed what she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Elza blinked rapidly and looked around curiously, random teleportation okay then. "I guess that means we've started. Guess we should find someone to beat up, I can cloak us in darkness, then if we stick to the shadow's we'll be invisible." Elza offered while readying her scythe. She had to admit she was somewhat excited for this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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"Allow me to help you Eris. I can tank magic damage with my scales, but I'm not a amazing in combat, so I couldn't be upfront."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Charlie watches them "what would you like me to do?.. like I said I can do any role thanks to my summoning power" he says "though I need to know what because the strongest equipment I can summon normally takes a lot out of me for a little bit, so best know what I need to do so I can bring it out before" he states, looking between his team mates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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@olcharlieboi@The ghost in black@Vec Slick looked around, they were at the lowest point on the island, therefore the most vulnerable. "Guys, we should make a base, or at least somewhere. Otherwise, we're gonna be picked off easily."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony raised an eyebrow, "none? Absolutely none? I mean, by defensive spells are great, but what you're saying is that we're untouchable? If your defensive spells are that strong then let Lucy, Ryan, and I do the attacking while you make sure nothing hits us. Lucy can disappear, and not only disappear, but become untraceable. That means she can go spy on other teams for us or sabotage them. Who do you think is going to be the most dangerous team for us? Marcus' or Slick's?"

Tony slashed the air and commanded, "apertus!" This made a small pocket of space open up for him and he reached in and pulled out his spellbook. He put his hand on Lucy's shoulder and began chanting. A magic circle appeared under both of them. "Since everyone here has very destructive powers, I gave you a temporary physical buff. You'll be a lot faster, stronger, and more durable than normal." Lucy nodded, making a fist, then she grinned. "Sweet."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit
Location: Town Center

After being teleported, Cruz looked around while doing his analysis with his power. "Oho, now that's something. What are you doing now?", Lyn asked to him. "I'm analyzing our surroundings. By now, all that I can say is that the teams aren't so far from each other.", he said, still analyzing everything. "Oooh, that's not good! Is the team with that girl that wants to test you near us?", Pamela asked, worried. "Call it as luck as you want, but they aren't so near. Yet they aren't so far.", he said.

Agni Blackheart
Location: Town Center

The teleportation was fast. As the process ended, Agni finally released his arm off from Elza's grip. After that, he walked towards a direction. "... I don't know what you'll be doing, but I'm going after someone. I aim him since the teams were formed. If any of you touch him, I'll bring you down to hell and I don't care if you're from my team or not.", he said. After that, he walked towards a direction. Agni wanted to bring Cruz down with his own hands and he wasn't going to let anyone get in his way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@DaDrummer676 @floodtalon

Meruin frowned. "Oh, wait, there is a small problem. The spell that prevents any attacks from being effective also affects us, me included. So long as I use it, when I mean no one can attack, I mean that quite literally."

The small mage closed her eyes and looked about. She extended her conscioussness to everywhere around them. It was the start of the match and luckyily, no one had thought to conceal themselves yet, so she could sense their energies easily. Now, let's see if she can't make anyone squirm for a bit . . .

"Tony, Ryan and . . . Lucy, correct? I feel like I want to make things a little more interesting for everyone," said Meruin, the equivalent of a devilish smirk on her otherwise unexpressive face. "Guard me, just in case anyone approaches."

Meruin began chanting.


NUMBER OF POSTS UNTIL SPELL GOES OFF: 23 - @MagusDream @JELDare @olcharlieboi @Eklispe @The ghost in black@Vec @Slendy@BranchOfSin @ScorpionLantern @Shikaru @Dash375
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan smiled as he felt power flow through him. "I suggest we just walk. It's highly likely that someone will come to us, so let's dictate the battlefield. If we want to go on the offensive we should go after Marcus and his team. He will be more annoying to go fight, so why not get him out of the way first?" Ryan suggested with a shrug. He then thought for another moment. "If we really wanted to we could just have Meruin use the equivalent of a magical nuke though. That would be a lot simpler."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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Slick felt the change in the wind. "Something's happened, there's a magic distill in the air."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony and Lucy took a defensive position on either side of Meruin. Well actually, people would only be able to see or sense Tony, Lucy was completely erased from the world. A
appeared under Tony, he crossed his arms. "So what is it then? Are we attacking or defending? If his team comes to us I can deal with the rest of them while you take out Marcus."

@floodtalon @TheHangedMan
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Charlie looks to slick ".....hm.. alright" he opens his palm as four rings appear in it "each take a ring" he says "... these will help protect against anything that might be non-phyiscal magic.. which Is probably what's in the air" he states. @JELDare @Vec @The ghost in black
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus put up a grin. It seemed that Meruin was about to activate a Major Spell. He put his hand on Marcus, then lastly and definitely least, Cornelia. "I just gave you guys the Abilty to Manipulate Wind, this will make you extremely fast and of course allow you to control Wind at it's fullest." Deus began to chant Latin words as a small black hole appeared in both of his hands. "Can yoy guys cover me, meanwhile I attempt to activate an Ability to stop whatever it is that Meruin is chanting?" Deus asked.


Cornelia felt power course through her body as Deus implanted the ability to control Wind into her. She felt faster, and that was saying alot. Her Enhanced Speed plus the Wind buff would make her extremely fast. "Fine, Dear Brother, I shall defend you for now, I'll kill you later." Cornelia said as transparent wires began to emerge from inside her body, at the end of the wires there were Knives attached.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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@olcharlieboi "Thanks Charlie" Slick said grabbing and putting on a ring. "Now which way do we head?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Alex agreed with Slick, but not because he thought they would be picked off easily by the other teams. "Well, the other teams, if they are competent at all, will have already started moving. Us sitting here, chatting won't help us in winning this" he told the others.

"What's mo-" he was cut off by the sudden increase in the magnitude of the electromagnetic field surrounding the island. He shot a glance at the others and they seemed to have also noticed this change in the air. Then Charlie suddenly summoned four rings, keeping one for himself and distributing the rest to the other three. "Judging by the magnitude, there are few people enrolled in the academy that could cast such a spell. I'd say it was probably Arcadios or Meruin. If its the latter then are you sure these rings will be enough to protect us from her attack, presuming it is an attack that is and not something else entirely..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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"Thanks" Eris said as she took the ring and slipped it on then brought up a shield of light "ok me and you will be the vanguard while Charlie and Alex play defence I'll take care of physical attacks if that is fine with you guys" she said before she jumped up on a roof to survey the area dousing her presence while she was up there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick smiled, magic tank is want I was made for, he thought. My plan to beat the student council snobs is almost done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Liz felt a pain when Deus tried to give her wind powers as Euphie and her own body plain out rejected them causing her to fall onto one knee for a second as her body went limb "I thought I told you my body litterally can not do magic." She huffed getting annoyed at now Deus and Marcus but put it aside as she took on her water elemental form "But if you want protection, then a few water barriers should help." She shrugged and formed a sphere of water around Dues before making more each slightly bigger and encompassing the last sphere "Marcus, new girl. Go guard the perimiter, if you encouter someone pull them away from this location or get away safely till Deus is done." Liz ordered becoming more serious now a fight was begining just like her fight with Marcus.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan looked around as he felt several people getting ready. " We defend. If Marcus comes after us then I shall annihilate him." Ryan began floating in the air as water fell off of him and crept towards the trees. It began forming a net in between all the trees and started to freeze into ultra durable ice. "Lucy, if you could could you begin patrolling the area 200 meters around us? I would greatly appreciate a quick report when you see an enemy team coming." Ryan continued to float as the water stopped coming off of him and he instead began erecting barriers of earth around Meruin and in various other spots so he could bluff people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Hmmmmm protect or Fight..... Liz can I please fight! I promise to go straight after Meruin." He begged and pleaded. "Please I'll owe you another one if you let me." Marcus could wait. A full out rumble of brains and bronze. Hopefully nothing comes back in bites him in the ass during one of his battles. But telling from what happened to Marcus in the last fight he had, he won't be having a happy ending this time.
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