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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GhostWing
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Age(21 if new):
Looks(Pics are good, pics are great!):
History(Just a couple of sentences to tell us about yourself):
Special skills(i.e. tracking, stealth, sticky fingers):


Age(21 is the minimum for Queen's operatives):
Special skills(i.e. cloaking, hunting, sticky fingers):
Bleh-bleh, bleh!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GhostWing
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Looks: But red hair.
History:Born in Ireland originally, Keyleigh comes from a pack known for strong fighters and trackers. She was actually part of the team that slayed Dracula.
Special skills(i.e. tracking, stealth, sticky fingers):Tracking, sticky fingers, hand to hand combat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Name: Chintia
Age(21 is the minimum for Queen's operatives): 21

History: Chintia was born in a vampire family, who know what the Lycan are planning to do and don't want to ague with them.
Special skills(i.e. cloaking, hunting, sticky fingers): cloaking, seduce humans and hunting.
Bleh-bleh, bleh!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Benoît Rousseau
Age: 500
Except the sword is covered black.
History: A vampire that has constantly served as both a bodyguard and an assassin, killing and protecting whom ever the vampire queen deems appropriate. Prefers to toy with his foes before killing them.
Special skills: Stealth, detecting presences and Sword-fighting, wields an elegant black sword that drips with a poison lethal to any living creature.
Bleh-bleh, bleh!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lycan Form

"Even after all these years... None of this crap still doesn't make sense."

Gunnolf Fenrir Leidolf
(Is just called G for short)


G is a walking tower, standing at a mind blowing 6'10 and has a incredibly muscular build. He has a over all gruff look to him, from his long thick brown hair to his even thicker beard. He usually keeps his hair, both on his head and chin, tied into a loose braid. He has tanned skin from spending long hours under the sun and is peppered with scars. His eyes are deep amber in color and hold a certain light hearted feel in them. He has a large tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon on his back.

G was born back over a thousand years ago to a proud clan of Lycan warriors who had integrated themselves into the lives of a Viking tribe. G was raised for battle, his giant size only helped with that. He was a fierce warrior for his clan for centuries until he grew tired of none stop conflicts. He eventually left his clan, much to their distain, and began to wander the world in the hopes of finding meaning beyond just blood shed.

Special skills
G is an amazing warrior, his specialty being up close encounters ranging from hand to hand combat to battling with a giant axe. He is quite attuned to nature and its creatures, he is able to walk among the wildest beasts as if he was one of them. G is incredibly strong even by the standards of his fellow Lycan, though his strength does come at the cost of some of his speed. Quite recently he has taken up playing the guitar, trying to see if he has any chance at creating rather than destroying.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ancient Amen
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Ancient Amen The Mexican Americano

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Alejandro Renaldo Saul Dante... or just call him Alejandro

Age: 21

He put on the sombrero and fake mustache at random times.

History: He dreamt of being a full Lycan that will one day eliminate any vampire that try to disturb the peace of humanity. Now that he is 21, he is ready to destroy any vampire. His parents were murdered by vampires and seeks to avenge them and live up to his name. His parents once told him the meaning of hid name which
Alejandro means Defends Mankind,
Renaldo means Counselor, or Ruler
Saul means asked for (such as going through a lot to get this one baby, and asking for him, over and over, finally getting the precious gift that took so long...), and Dante means enduring (connected to a fierce, strong, and powerful description in a poem).

Special skills: Swordsmanship, Dodging Attacks, and Stealth. He uses an ancient Mexican war sword passed down from his ancestors from a long time ago.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Katherine Hartwell
(Kat For Short)


Katherine was never really looking forward to becoming a full fledged lycan, she rather have a normal kick back life she had beforehand. Though I guess it's unavoidable, though she holds a bit of a grudge for vampires when they murdered her entire family so I guess there was a reason to fight.

Special skills
Kat specializes in hand to hand combat and artillery usage such as various guns (her father was in military). She has a way of moving her body and by that she means dancing, she was always fascinated with it ever since she was a little girl and now it's used for a nice work out or to let off some steam other then her usual way of hitting something or someone. She is very light on her feet for stealth and has incredible speed.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Mithias
Age: Looks 27.

History: Mithias was a Templar knight at the time of the first Inquisition. He died, but became a vampire, long story. He was free to do what he wanted: take vengeance, protect humanity, discover that there are werewolves, and struggle with the meaning of it all. He doesn't agree with the Queen, as she calls herself, nor did he agree with Dracula, but he doesn't want his species wiped out. He's an honorless rogue who will kill whatever gets in his way, if he can. The vampires loyal to the queen would probably like to cut off his head, but there's also werewolves who think they are righteous warriors trying to take him out. He's pretty pissed off about the whole modern scenario.

Special skills: Mithias is strong willed. He of course also would have learned a lot in his several centuries of unlife, such as riding, archery, swordfighting, etc., but also more modern stuff like driving, chemistry, guns, and computers.

Supernatural pyrokinesis - Mithais has only recently realized he has a small amount of heat control. He can start fires, as in light candles, and hold a small flame in his hand. He can also put these fires out and maybe even hold fire at bay from burning him to a degree. He certainly can't walk through an inferno unscathed. The range is also limited but can be controlled through walls.

He's strong, but not as strong as a werewolf, generally. He's particularly fast though.

He doesn't look human and can't pass as one unless it's at a really goth rave party.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MafiaM16
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MafiaM16 The Beast Within

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Luke Williams; Romulus (Remus) Capitoline

"The Beast Within..."

Age: 2,097 years old; (32 when he became a Lycan)

Appearance: Looking at Luke Williams would be as if you are staring directly at a wild animal, an untamable man who shows both wear and tear on his face. He is Caucasian, but seems to always be stained with dirt and blood. He has messy dark hair that is kept rather short nowadays and has a thick dark stubble. He always has facial hair and is never seen without some form of hair here. The only striking part of his appearance is clearly his eyes. They are a vibrant bright golden yellow. However depending on his mood they can change to a demonic murderous red. His figure is muscular, but not to the extreme. He is also quite tall, standing at over six feet in height and weighing a bit over two hundred pounds. His entire body from face (a scar that goes over his left side) to legs are covered in old wounds and scars from old battles and wars from other Lycans, monster hunters, and Vampires. For these specific wounds do not heal easily. He has a well-chiseled face, which behind all the years of stained horror many would consider handsome and good looking.

Personality: Due to Luke being a Lycan he has a sort of second personality in his head; the wolf, as he calls it. This is the more animalistic, aggressive, sexual, wild part of him. It’s still him of course, but to Luke it feels like a second person is living inside his head at all times. One of the more nasty cons of being a Lycan despite all the pros that he gains.

Generally Luke's human side displays a leader-like personality that has the desire to achieve something visible and noteworthy, and tries to always strive to reach his greatest potential. Luke has a healthy dose of ambition that can be seen by not only himself, but also from others who witness him in action. He has an inner voice that pushes him to get to the heart of an issue and find solutions. He searches for specific answers and doesn't give up until he gets them. His high energy is infectious as he consistently drives his priorities through the organizations that he is apart of or has close connections to. He works tenaciously for information that he is missing and keeps tweaking his mental models until he arrives at a positioning that works best for himself and others. He is able to listen to his own inner voice when he is able to push back the wolf side of him and can endure the lonely moments when an important decision falls on his very shoulders. He often speaks his mind and acts decisively knowing that he can withstand the consequences. It’s not a matter of acting tough for Luke, but having a tough inner core, or what some refer to as emotional fortitude, a fortress that he created many years ago. He has the willingness to allow himself to be influenced by other people and to share multiple ideas openly. He believes that this ultimately enhances the strength between him and his friends, and companions. Luke tries to seek diverse opinions, so that he can see and hear more and factor a wider range of information into his decisions.

However this completely changes when Luke becomes angered or aroused, the wolf will come out of him either by talking in his head, or by taking over his body completely, as it does when he turns into his wolf form. Often there will be a kind of battle between him and the other part of his personality. As Luke became older, he has became better at controlling the wolf side of him and as time goes on he has learnt to control himself, allowing the two personalities to blend together and it’s not as much of a battle between the wolf and the human. Luke is still learning though and at times he has little control over himself. It is still a constant struggle, but one Luke hopes to master.

Special Skills: Due to his military training, Luke is well-versed in all things combat. From fighting with weapons of all types to barehanded beat downs. He is capable of using ancient weapons like swords and the like, to modern day firearm. Luke is also well an expert in strategic planning and defense due to his time in the military throughout the years. Due to his Lycan blood Luke is a capable hunter and knows how to track better than almost anyone.

Typically prefers a lightweight battle ready armour, Luke prefers clothing made out of natural leather, hides, and animal furs, but goes for a more casual look more often. He wears a long trench coat and some simple modern clothing. In terms of weapons, Luke generally prefers some of the more classic weapons, specifically from the Middle Ages, his favourite time period. He keeps a large dagger at hand for close quarter combat, a smaller one for hunting purposes, and a sleek long sword for open warfare. However, while out and about he carries a large wooden stave, he wouldn't want to scare the public. He isn't a fan of firearms, despite knowing how to use them, but carries a heavy duty .50cal handgun at hand.

Biography: Born in 82 BC, Romulus Capitoline was a Roman soldier, a high-ranking individual at that from the time when the Roman Empire was at its mightiest. He had a typical upbringing for the most part... except for the fact that he was a Lycan. His entire family were from what he had gathered, ever since their beginning. They were also very active military, putting their powers to good use and he followed in their footsteps.

For centuries Romulus battled with the beast inside him, a never ending war for control over his body; Wolf versus Man. It was a struggle for Romulus, one moment he was himself and then the next there was bloods on his hands. It took Romulus over a thousand years to fully control his inner demon and at last he gained the upper hand. It was during the Middle Ages that Romulus decided to change his name, his birth name was outdated and so Luke Williams became his name. A natural born huntsman he called himself, and a mercenary for hire. It was during one of his bounty hunts that he encountered Vampires, powerful undead beings of strength and skill to match a Lycan.

It would be fifty years after his first encounter with Vampires that they started to become a serious issue in the region. Luke and other known Lycans would join together to form a pack of Vampire hunters to take out these threats or to at least contain and control them. The pack would move elsewhere joining with other likeminded packs. For countless centuries the Lycans have been protecting mankind from the real threat of the Vampires. They have been hiding this unseen bloody war for what seemed like forever, but with Vampires becoming more bold as of late and with hints of another outbreak, the only one to save mankind is Luke and his fellow wolves - the Lycans...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Age(21 is the minimum for Queen's operatives): Appears to be 23 but is 534 years old.


" I'm not to fond of a Lycan ,but war is a little to much"

Zarr's life is the least bit of interesting. I'm pretty sure he slept for at least 20 years because of his laziness. Doing his years as a young vamp he slugged around and didn't do much. This made him look weak in the eyes of other vampires but trust me he deserves to slug around. From when he was born till his fiftieth birthday he was trained like a dog. After he seemed fit he ignored his training and killed his parents for treating him like shit. Now he just roams doing what ever the hell he fells like.

Special skills(i.e. cloaking, hunting, sticky fingers):
Zarr has the usual vampire abilities. He can cook ,but I don't see how he can use that in combat. He's also a very quick learner.

Zarr is very lazy and is often bored of this whole I'll kill you because you're a Lycan or a vampire thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GhostWing
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name:Fleur Delacourt
Age:Unknown, said to be the same age as the vampire Queen
History:Fleur's history is known to very few, but there are several rumors that surround her. One being that she may have been the lover of Dracula, but she'll never tell.
Special skills:She is the Queen's confidant, she's the one who send out those who are meant to do her Queen's bidding. She's also got several surprises in store.
Bleh-bleh, bleh!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GhostWing are original vampires allowed
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Name: Hades "The Hellhound"
Age: 2874
Looks(Pics are good, pics are great!):

History(Just a couple of sentences to tell us about yourself): He earned the nickname "The Hellhound" at some point both for his appearance and his ferocity.
Special skills: Hades has great strength and speed, Regenerative healing, and he is a really good hunter

Name: Logain
Age: estimated around 3,000, exact age unknown

History: Unknown
Special skills: Logain is a highly skill with swords and pistols, his speed surpasses that of other vampires but his strength remains at a more normal level for vampires, he can bend light around him which allows him to make himself completely invisible and move during the day.
Bleh-bleh, bleh!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I shall throw my hat into the ring as well.

Name: Dimitri Santos
Age(21 is the minimum for Queen's operatives): 172
Looks: Appearance- He stands at 6'3" and weighs about 179 pounds
History: Originally born in the Republic of Honduras during the height of the liberated country's attempts at unity. Growing up in a land wracked with several small rebellions and civil wars, Dimitri made a life for himself at the age of sixteen by joining whatever rebel forces happened to be the most powerful at the time, hopping from one militia to another whenever there were better rewards to be reaped or when it seemed that the force he was currently joined with was on the verge of losing. For several years a combination of luck and skill kept Dimitri from getting injured or killed, however it finally appeared to run out when Dimitri was shot and left to bleed out in the streets during a riot. Fate appeared to be kind to Dimitri however, as an emissary of the vampire queen happened to be in Honduras on business and was taking the opportunity presented by the riot to feed. Perhaps it was because Dimitri had skills that could be useful, or maybe Dimitri's unwillingness to succumb to his wounds simply amused the emissary, but Dimitri was offered a chance to escape death so long as he pledged his allegiance to the Queen. He's been in Her Majesty's service for decades now, and has honed his skills during that time so as to better serve the Queen as a tool of war.

Special skills(i.e. cloaking, hunting, sticky fingers): Psychological warfare, interrogation, intimidation
Other: He carries around a cane sword dipped in silver and despite serving the Queen without question, it's hard to tell where his allegiances lie at times.
Bleh-bleh, bleh!
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