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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan sighed. He looked at the sky and smiled. He looked over at Meruin. "You got any spells that can give me a stamina boost?" Ryan asked Meruin. He then looked at the Spirit Bomb in the sky. "On second thought." Ryan reached into his pocket and grabbed a small syringe filled with a glowing clear liquid. "I love money."
He jabbed himself in the arm and injected all of it into his body. " This is going to hurt." He began convulsing on the ground and yelled for a solid minute. He called down and simply twitched for a couple of seconds. He got up and coughed up some blood. "Hey Meruin, we need to go now." Ryan pointed at both Deus and Cornelia.@BranchOfSin@TheHangedMan
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin looked at Cerberus, preparing to finish him, when Dues bomb flashed throughout the grounds. Shortly afterwards, Ryan fell on the ground next to her, muttering something about explosions - which was pretty apt, considering how many of them were going on right now.

"Well, that would seem to be the case," said Meruin, straight-faced. She raised a brow as he injected himself with a small syringe, filled with something obviously not medically prescribed. "Wait, I wish to observe this a little longer," she stated. Cornelia had piqued her interest. They all had, actually, but right now Cornelia held her attention the most.

Seeing Ryan cough up blood, she frowned deeply. "Are you okay? I can preform healing if you need it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus jaw dropped in ah. He wasn't scared or surprise of the power Cornelia was giving off. "Oh...my...goddess!!! He laughed clapping his hands like a little fan girl. Marcus could possible die and he's acting like a retard. He obviously was caught up in his own thoughts about the battle. " I think I'm in love." He says as he grips his fist tightly at the excitement that raged in his body. Cornelia was starting to look more attractive to him as she became stronger. A few things pass through his mind that shouldn't be said out loud in front of children as he continued to stare at her. "Your so mines after this fight." Marcus dark blue eyes began to imitate the aspects of fire and danced like it was being ignited by wood. He did look insane but this time he had complete control over his madness and sanity. " I think its time to make are relationship more physical." Marcus says disappearing and reappearing uncomfortable close to Cornelia's face. " Say cheese!" He shouted as he threw a purposely slow punch towards Cornelia's stomach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"No I'm really not okay. I'm overusing my Grimoire and I just blew myself up a few minutes ago. But I don't need healing, that's what the syringe was for." Ryan explained quickly. " Just make sure we get out of here before we die. If we get beaten by these guys because you were too curious for your own good, I'm going to be unbelievably embarrassed." Ryan shrugged and looked at Cornelia and Marcus. "Love is strange huh? How he's attracted to a powerful woman." He glanced at Meruin. "I think I get how you felt when you first got your Grimoire. Crazy stuff. " He then continued looking at the battles going on. "We have quite a few contenders for council positions. They're strong. Not as strong as us though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister and Agni Blackheart
Location: Town Center

It was point blank. He had no chance of escaping it. Soon, all that Agni saw was that gigantic sphere engulfing him. The explosion was big and he would surely lose. Launched in the air, the Devil Lord opened his eyes, only to see the black and red clouded sky. Heh... Ahahaha... how funny. My decision to hold back was truly idiotic. But... I'll have himvdead. I'll make him suffer... just like he did to me.,, he thought. With those words running on his mind, Agni's wings vanished and the twin scythes he was carrying fused themselves and became the Word of Hatred.

As Agni fell down, back to the crater the Spirit Bomb made, Cruz walked to the unconscious body and spoke. "I'm sorry, Agni. I don't know why you want my death that much, but as long as everyone is here with me, I won't fall down. Not for you or to anyone else.", he said. Cruz looked at the panel with his set spell. Soon, he was going to release it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus sighed. He had stored some energy for a final attack, but he didn't need to use it. He looked at Cornelia and his anger re-ignited. He guessed that he did need that extra energy. He began to fly towards Cornelia at high speed. He suddenly noticed Marcus attack her and Deus prepared to ricochet her to the ground.

"You are all in my world now, do you think a mere punch will hurt me?! Well let's see." Cornelia was sent flying into the sky were Deus was waiting. Since Deus had already charged up his energy, he didn't need to do it again. As Cornelia was sent flying, Deus came up from behind her in a surpise attack and used his ability. "Haa! Sūpā Ryū Ken!!" A Large, Giant orange Dragon made of pure Aura came out of Deus fist and went straight through Cornelia. She was sent free falling to the ground. "Gah! You'll pay for that Deus, stop interrupting my fight!" The sky kept growing Darker and Darker. This showed Cornelia's anger. "Fine if that's how it's going to be then... Order! Fact to Fiction, The Ryū Ken hit Marcus instead of me causing severe damage to him!" This was an advanced Version of Fact to Fiction meaning it was nearly unavoidable, it rewrote the Laws of the world. There were two ways to take down Cornelia. To destroy her world or to do something else which was hinted in Deus's dialogue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus dodged the majestic golden dragon by milliseconds. "Holy shit!" He shouted as he stumbled onto the ground from the shock of the dragon's collision with the ground. Deus' moves were pretty awesome but a serious pain in the ass when your in the blast range. Marcus stood to his feet and dusted himself off for like the fiftieth time today. This battle is getting way out of hand with this abuse of negative energy. He literally stopped and laid on the ground admiring Cornelia's figure. I wonder what she would do if I were to surrender. Marcus thought to himself as he sat criss cross continuing to look at his psychopath of a lover. He was really falling heads over hills for this girl. To be anxious Marcus didn't have any ideas on how to beat her. Usually he'd just punch his problems and it would be solved. He jumped to his feet and strechted looking between Deus and Cornelia. "Deus , you got any ideas on how to beat her!?!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Deus sighed. She was dangerous, Extremely. A Dark Aura began seeping from Deus, regenerating his Stamina and Strength. He then remembered something that Cornelia had said many times before. Why does she call me her brother...My sister committed suicide...I'll kill her for mentioning her name! Deus had blocked out all outside noises. His Dark Aura was going wild, and unsheathing Kusanagi made his Aura get get wilder. He began to fly towards Cornelia creating a Sonic Boom that would make everyone deaf for 10 seconds. During that time he spoke telepathically with Marcus. Marcus, While I'm still normal, it appears that surprise attacks work perfectly on her...I'll attack her and you surprise her. She can't sense your Aura or Presence so its fine.

Cornelia laughed at Deus futils attempt to attack her, and laughed even harder as he took out a wooden sword. "You're so weak, You'll die here!" Cornelia countered each and everyone of Deus' attacks.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan sighed. "You'll die here! I have crippling inadequacy issues. My power is uncontrollable so I try to kill others to prove my existence." He mocked Cornelia by mimicking her voice in an unnaturally high tone. He quickly returned to his own voice. "Meruin, can we go now? They're annoying me with their attempts to one up each other." Ryan asked Meruin. "Not only that, but they actually think they can permanently kill each other. WHICH THEY CAN'T BECAUSE OF THE RULES OF THE CLASS AND OUR BRACELETS PREVENT US FROM DYING!" Ryan half yelled just so everyone else could hear him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin, upon looking at the spectacle before her, opened her mouth and looked like she very much wanted to say something. Suddenly, she closed it, pursed her lips, then just stopped altogether. She turned to Ryan.

"Ah, you know what, I think you may be right. We'll step out, however, we do still have a duty to make sure this doesn't go overboard," she said. "Honestly, if it isn't Marcus and Deus, then it's Agni and Cornelia. Does everyone here have a hit-list I don't know about?"

You know what? She would hang-out with Liz. Yeah, that seemed like a much more sensible option.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Meruin, upon looking at the spectacle before her, opened her mouth and looked like she very much wanted to say something. Suddenly, she closed it, pursed her lips, then just stopped altogether. She turned to Ryan.

"Ah, you know what, I think you may be right. We'll step out, however, we do still have a duty to make sure this doesn't go overboard," she said. "Honestly, if it isn't Marcus and Deus, then it's Agni and Cornelia. Does everyone here have a hit-list I don't know about?"

You know what? She would hang-out with Liz. Yeah, that seemed like a much more sensible option.

"Of course, of course." Ryan nodded in agreement. "I don't have a hit list. If I don't like someone, I humiliate them. Killing them is a bit overboard." Ryan stated. He quickly glanced at Cornelia. "Hey what happened to the other members of our team? I think we lost them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


You sir are a genius. Marcus telepathically says back to Deus. As Deus destracted his lover he appears behind Cornelia and heavily strikes her in the back with his index finger. I know what your thinking. Why just his index finger? Why not his whole fist? Well at this level of strength him punching her could probably instantly snap her in half. After Marcus strikes her, he grabs her arms and holds her in a full nelson. Quick Finish Her! He states telepathically holding onto Cornelia tighter. Love is gonna have to wait. Right now ending this battle is equally important than his future relationship with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia, Lynda "Lyn" Hermit and Agni Blackheart & Cerberus
Location: Town Center

A beep cold be heard. When he heard it, Cruz took his pendant of his neck and held it. The town can't be left in shambles like this. Even if its purpose was solely for our fight..., he thought. He kneeled and placed his hand open in the ground, with the pendant under it. A giant magic circle appeared under him, as static was being constantly released from his body. Red eyes that were shining more than a polished ruby, Cruz declares his spell. "Code: Reality/RESET!!", he declares, as the static appeared more and more. A blinding and expanding light started to rose from Cruz, engulfing the unconscious Agni first.

While battling Lynda, Cerberus, finally noticed the lack of Agni's power in the air. My master...!! This cannot be...!!, the thought of Agni's defeat running in his mind, constricting the fragile pride that Cerberus had. But when he looked back, the engulfing light of Reality/RESET was already approaching. "Gggggh...!! This blinding light...!!", he said, while closing his eyes and protecting them with his arms. Behind him, the two girls were too closing her eyes. "Darn it...!! It's like when you're looking directly at the sun...!!", she said. "W-Where is Cruz?! What is going to happen to him?!", Pamela spoke, worried about Cruz. But she didn't have time to give hypotesis, as she, Lyn and Cerberus were engulfed by that light.

It couldn't be nullified by anything, nor it could be stopped by any magic of different reality. It was only an emergencial code, both for the user and for the enviroment around him. Soon, the light expanded even more, engulfing everyone into it...

@TheHangedMan@Shikaru@Eklispe@JELDare@Vec@The ghost in black@Slendy@BranchOfSin@ScorpionLantern@Zetsuko@floodtalon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 27 days ago

Meruin was for once, fully surprised by the spell Cruz unleashed. She shot a dirty glance at the blinding light, right before teleporting right next to Ryan. The light shined through them, however, the area nine square meters around Meruin was still damaged, and remained the same as before.

"Oh . . . it was harmless," said Meruin, looking around her. It looked like all the spell did was fix things. Well, whatever. Cruz should have known better than to cast a spell like that without telling anyone.

@MagusDream, @floodtalon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus nods as Marcus grabbed unto Cornelia. He began charging up his power for one last strike before it disappeared. Deus disappeared and reappeared on top of Cornelia, but Cornelia didn't sense him, since her World power had malfunctioned, she could only use it for a limited time. Deus grabbed Cornelia by the hair, and threw her up in the air. He took out Kusanagi and Impaled her through the Heart and then sliced her legs, making her unable to move for some time. Cornelia and Deus both began free falling from the sky, they were both knocked out. When they hit the ground, a loud thud could be heard.

Cornelia was taken by surprise as Marcus and Deus double teamed her. She sighed as she knew that she was defeated right then and there. She cursed that she held back and didn't use her final trump card named Complete Arsenal. As she free felll from the sky, she cursed at both Marcus and Deus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan didn't even flinch as he saw what could have been the equivalent of a magical nuke heading straight towards him. Meruin flashed next to him and blocked it quite easily. "Nice reflexes." He commented quite casually. He watched Cornelia fall from the sky and smiled a little. "I do believe it's over." He got up and cleared his throat. "Let's be quite clear here! If anyone else feels like trying to kill, maim, or destroy anyone here, then step on up! Because I am getting quite sick of being surprised by people trying to kill other people!" He yelled as he cast a minor spell to make his voice louder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus smiled happily as Deus lands the finishing blow on to Cornelia. He walked towards Deus's and Cornelia's unconscious bodies and picked up the both of them carrying them on his shoulders. He was to busy being happy about the ending of the hectic battle that he didn't notice the spontaneous beam of light that in golfed him. His surroundings were rebuilded and back to there perfect state. Marcus's eyes reverted back to their normal cyan color. The sky also seem to become clearer after Cornelia's defeat. He walks towards Ryan and Meruin still carrying Deus and his soon to be girl friend. "That was one hell of a fight!" He happily shouted getting closer to them. Hopefully that was the last fight of this choatic battle royal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia, Lynda "Lyn" Hermit and Agni Blackheart & Cerberus
Location: Rebuilt Town Center

As the light faded away, the town was completely rebuilt. Back to the state it was before everything began. When they opened their eyes, it seemed like a miracle. "The town... it was rebuilt?", Lynda asked. "Look! O-Over there!!", Pamela said, pointing to Cruz and Agni. The technomage could barely get up. He was tired. His opponent just opened his eyes, only to see the blue sky. The hell wolf, with a single dash, reached his target. "My master!!". Cerberus said, upon reaching Agni. Pamela ran towards Cruz, holding her microphone tightly. She knew that Agni would do something. And right she were, since in the moment he got up, he alled a scythe and prepared to slash Cruz. However...

"Ugh!!", he said. Agni was unable to slash, let alone move his arm. The massive power he used backfires every time it's over, leaving him weak. However, he tried to move more and more. "My master, you must stop! You are in no condition to continue with this!", Cerberus said. "Let go of me... let me kill him already!!", he shouted. "... Is this all some prejudice? What... did I ever do to you...?", Cruz asked, with a weak voice.

Upon hearing that question, some tears fell from Agni's face. "You bastard... you even dare to ask, huh? You got balls to do that, after making me and sister suffer like you did, you murderer!!", Agni shouted again, louder than the last time. Cruz raised his head, looking directly at him. "M-Murderer... what are you talking... about? I would... never... kill... someone...", Cruz said, his voice getting weaker and weaker. "... Mark my words. I don't care what it takes, or who's getting in my way... but I'll have my revenge. I will take your life away...!! And you'll suffer so much, so much... jsut like I... did...", Agni swore. After than, not having any energy anymore, both fell down again. "My master! I... I must go for now! Please excuse me!!", Cerberus said, completely worried with his master's state. Using his own power, he took himself and Agni back to the academy.

"Cruz!! Cruz!! Wake up!!", Pamela said, shaking him. He was still conscious, but with his eyes closed. "Sorry... but I can't... go on anymore. It's... thanks to me... that... we lost...", he spoke, almost whispering. Lyn apprached him and kneeled down. "You still care about winning? After all that happened, I just want to go back...", she said, laughing a bit. "I... see. In the... next time. we'll do it. I'm... su... re....", the last words he spoke fore getting unconscious. It was actually the first time he used Reality/RESET, so his own magical system wasn't ready for something like that.

The two girls got up. Then, Pamela saw a thin thread on the ground and pulled it. It was Cruz's pendant. It was a blue cross, but its light was really dim. "It's really beautiful... I wonder if this was something that a friend gave to him.", she commented. "It's really different from anything I have seen. I don't know anything about this jewel.", she said. They kept looking at the pendant... rather, the mark wielded by the King of the Technomages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan looked over at the scene going on between Pamela and Lyn. He walked over towards them and put on his most smug grin he could muster. "I don't suppose you two have an alternate form designed to try and kill me?" He asked sarcastically as he looked over Cruz. "He'll be fine. He overloaded his magical system. I amazed he didn't scar his soul, but either way he's fine. Now give up. I don't want to have to hurt you two, I'm about five minutes from passing out myself." He asked politely. This is probably the most polite he's been in the past 5 years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit

Both girls looked at Ryan and then at each other. "Well... I-I do give up. I'm more worried about Cruz than with some victory...", Pamela spoke while looking at the unconscious friend. Lyn sighed and gave her answer. "I don't think we have many choices, do we? I don't know about Arcadius over there, but I'm out... for now.", she said, disappointed.

Then, a weak panel appeared right at them. The message converter from the symbols to letters.

Hey... Um, you're probably asking how this appeared if I'm not awake, but... I just wanted to ask a favor.
I don't know when I'll wake up, so I want you to question Agni. I want to know why he wants to kill me that much...
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