Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The story of a young girl

Near the shrine, Gwen rediscovers a nightmare of the past.

Gwen Sniegow

"This feeling.....I haven't feel this for ten years." Gwen feels not only the vast amount of curse power rising and diminishing the landscape but this isn't just it. It was more than that. She started crying and asks herself, how can this be true? This can't be! Falling into her knees with her sword staked in the ground, the young Ice Mage freaks out upon hearing the word that caused her life ten years ago. She can't stop the aching of her heart, she clenches her fist into her breasts feeling the pain and anxiety that began to have hunted her today, there was a lot to take in, a lot of questions but pain in turn becomes rage. The rage that encases Gwen's heart in ice. Such feelings are impure and ill, you can never remain calm in the ghost of the past that traumatized you. Gwen now feels the trauma that is breaking her now and what also broke her in the past, rock bottom. Yet she continues to deny the existence of the monster mentioned by one of the demons.

The story of a young girl all started in the northern country, cold and white as snow like the ice that freezes the time of life. A glimmering and shimmering motion that values life. A young girl was crying in a similar slice of a devastated town like Augustine, her home was devastated and was burning in flames of anguish, her tears cried blood, colored like crimson and a scarred heart of a love that was taken from her, her name is Gwen Sniegow. Her home, family, friends, and people were taken away from her by the destruction wrought by the Walpurgisnacht. A young Gwen left with nothing but raging rampage of anger, revenge, and hatred during that day. Who would have though an 8 year old would lost too much in the worse most despicable manner. The thing about losing someone is that it can be fate worse than death and how it is depicted in front of you. That day today is the same day Gwen lost everything she cared about, today marks the 19th birthday in the worse way possible. She never expressed gratitude of her day of birth since then.

And now as it speaks, the omen that stood alongside the Isvans and the despair that awaits Gwen, a despair that broke her 10 long years ago once again is about to swallow her. Gwen's face shows expression of contempt, pain, sadness, anger, and hatred. Screaming in the top of her voice that perfectly matches her hate. "WALRPURGISNACHT!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroko Nagasai

With the Savage God unleashed onto the battlefield of Augustine Town, Kuro was facing a seemingly unbeatable force of pure evil. He knew full well that this is a battle that cannot be won. Or at least... so easily. Yet try as he might, using various ice make powers, it was almost no use. He took hit after hit, as well as the powerful explosion that rippled through the whole town. Yet it transported he and the rest to an alternate realm of the city. At least this means that they don't have to worry about saving the city since it is a fake. Yet he as well as the others were getting their asses handed to him. And he will not go down without an honorable fight! He is already behind Yunin and at least wants to try and weaken him as much as he could. IF he could that is. Aura vibrates through his fists once again as he prepares his next move.

"Ice Make: Spear of the Frozen Blizzard!"

Kuro forms a massive spear over his head, which it then speeds right towards the Savage God, hitting him directly on his spine. This was one of his more powerful moves, so it could hurt him somehow. Or give him a slight pinch. Hopefully it should deal SOME kind of damage to him anyways...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@SharyxeNigel felt the cool downpour, the water droplets raining down on his face. However, he didn't care. The small smile that had started forming on his lips was beginning to grow. The nanites had repaired sufficient part of his memory circuits and his most recent memories had started coming back to him. "The seed has been planted...now we can only wait..."

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching his location. "Hah..he came to finish me..." was the first thought that crossed his mind. He was wrong however; as it turned out, it was Aria that had come to his aid. She knelt next to his decapitated head. Although he couldn't make any facial expressions, he could see Aria. He could see how worried she was, her face betraying her voice.

A single nanite flew upwards and landed on top of Arias' nose. That was his way of saying he was okay, well, almost ok. He wasn't dead atleast, that much he was sure of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


The attack knocked Sairis off his center of balance, pushing him back against the rock hard "earth". Revan's attack was stronger then the beast thought it would be. That mistake would not happen again. Sairis rose back to his feet, his light purple hair swaying from the tumultuous winds all around. All he wanted right now to destroy and kill and Revan would be the perfect target. Darkness manifested around his eyes enmassing into a single point, his pupils and then rapidly it raced from his pupils as a wide beam of concentrated magical energy. The darkness carried a heated effect as the steam rose from it. He meant to raze Revan's entire body into a bloody paste and if that didn't work, Sairis was already on the move to tackle Revan into the heart of one of the F5 tornadoes.

Revan grinned as Sairis came back with an attack of his own, seeming to come at him with a beam of Darkness from his eyes. Revan sent forth another Moaning Lamentation, this time sending out 6 beams of energy, two of which he sent to block the attack, the other he had encircle Sairis. When they got in range, their piercing screams would disorient the demonized Vyper, striking a dissonant chord with in his very soul. If successful in doing this, he Revan would rush in and hit him with a full powered punch to the gut, the attack being further boosted by a follow-up explosion of concentrated Darkness.

Sairis’s tackle was thrown off again by the wailing of Revan’s attack, the encircling beams causing him to his target as he charged forward,leaving the perfect opening for Revan to launch his attack. The attack blew him backwards into a building with a resounding crash, soon followed by another explosion as Revan’s previous attack went off, causing the wailing beams to explode into pillars of darkness. Revan thought that it would be the end of Sairis, but he wasn’t going to let his guard down yet. Good thing to, case this battle was far from over.

Sairis burst out of the rubble with a roar of anger, barely looking scratched as he had instinctively used his fortification magic, as well as his muscle magic. The dangers of doing so was lost on his feral mind, which only cared about destroying the foe that stood before him. He charged forward with an incredible speed, seeming to disappear for a second, before reappearing in front of Revan, a resounding boom following him as he broke the sound barrier. He launched forward a clawed strike, the black and red energy forming around his hands a clear indicator of him using his claw magic.

revan was barely able to muster up an adequate defense, a wall of hydras that quickly crumbled under the strength of the blow, but gave him just enough time to avoid it. Before sairis could pull of another blow, Revan charged forward to engage him in a battle of fisitcuffs. Fast as Sairis was, Revan was faster, scoring a strong hit to his demonized foe's face. But Sairis’ Ghost road soon allowed him to quickly adapt to Revan’s speed, and he began to return the punches with ferocious clawed strikes of his own that Revan could barely dodge himself. And so it was that the two found themselves locked in an intense exchange of blows. Revan’s speed and reflexes in Asmodeus mode allowed him to avoid all of Sai’s attacks for the most part, but even a grazing blow was enough to send the former demon lord into a world of hurt. Revan, while landing more hits, was doing less damage overall. While his blows did do a number when they hit, Sairs’ increased durability, from both his Fortification and Muscle magics, allowed him to shrug them off as he continued his onslaught. The shockwaves from their strikes rang throughout their section of Augustine town, and any attack that failed to hit a target sent a shockwave so powerful that it would crash into the building with enough force to cause cave it in.

Soon, they were surrounded by nothing but rubble, their engagement taking up the whole of each combatants attention. Yunin’s awakening was lost on them for the most part, especially Revan, who was beginning to tire.If this kept up, he’d take a direct hit from Sairis’ and that’d be it for him, so he sought to end this engagement, and this fight. Focusing a small amount of magic into his mouth, he opened it to show a small ball of darkness, which soon began to glow intensely before unleashing a cannon of demonic energy barely towards Sairis, who couldn’t avoid it due to his close proximity.

The attack broke the engagement as Sai was sent flying, looking none the worse for wear from it, though he did seeme to be slightly fatigued from their exchange. Revan brought his hands up high, before lowering them down in a sweeping gesture at Sai, a shrill whistle accompanying the motion. From the shadows all around, hundreds of A-ranked Hydra’s flew out, large as they were, and energized themselves, bombarding Sairis with wave upon wave of attacks. While Sairis was able to deflect a few with his claw magic, there were simply too many for him to get them all.

Revan took this time to prepare his next attack, gathering an insane amount of magical power for what he was going to do. Sensing this Sairis’ began to spin around rapidly, the energy from his claws forming a swirling tornado of energy, blocking all of the attacks until their were no more. Immediately, the tornado began to race towards Revan, a swirling tornado of slicing death moving at high speed. It was mere inches away from him when Revan let out a short, piercing sound, it was unidentifiable with anything that could ever be heard and cut through the entirety of the world with a ringing echo. The next second, Sairis’ attack was met by a large, scaly hide, which repelled the swirling tornado with ease.

Revan was now surrounded by humongous serpents, their eyes an unearthly shade of blue with a dark void of a slit pupil gazing from it. The presence this being gave off was immense, so much so that the rubble that surrounded Revan was crushed into fine powder with in seconds. Revan could feel the intense drain that summoning the King Hydra took on his magic reserves, though lessened by his current state in Asmodeus mode. He could hold them for about 20 continuous minutes, 30 if need be, but he’d be in no condition to fight after such an ordeal. Anything over 30, and he’d die from exhaustion soon afterwards if he didn’t get medical attention stat. He snapped his fingers, and the 7 heads shrank down to a more manageable size, each now coming out of his back like a living tendril.This allowed him to fight while still using the King’s power, but lessens the immediate drain immensely.

Sairis’ came in for another charge, only for Revan to block his attack with a blade made from one of the king Hydra’s heads. It was a black Katana blade, the metal giving no shine as it seemed to devour all light that came near it. Pushing Sairis’ back, Revan launched a strike of his own, a single swing of the blade in Sai’s general direction. The entire area in front of Revan turned black for a second, and when light returned, Sai was standing with his arms crossed in front of him, a deep slash cut in to them, the rest of his body faring little better as hundreds of small, jagged gashes covered his skin, as if an intense pressure had ripped of pieces of his skin. His bones were covered with many tiny fractures as well. Behind him, all of the buildings and rubble were gone, blown to dust from the force of the slash.

Sai fell forward a little, catching himself with his feet and staring at Revan with an intense look of anger, but Revan ignored it, instead opting to point his blade at the enemy in front of him. The ground around them began to vibrate intensely, causing a cloud of dust to rise up. Revan usually had to chant for this spell, but the King took care of that for him, each head speaking a low incantation as he supplied the power.

“Rising Sodom.” He whispered, and everything in front of him was engulfed in an intense beam of Darkness. Not even the light and color around the attack could escape from the hungering void as it drew everything into it and up into the sky. When the attack was finished, there was only an empty space in front of him, the rest of the floating island had been engulfed by the attack. Revan waited a few seconds before he changed his blade back into the a hydra head and sent it out to catch Sairis as he fell down to earth. The demonized man was alive, if barely, but he was out like a light. The durability of his body was indeed quite impressive to have survived that attack. Revan set the fool down on the ground next to him, before finally turning to face the intense magical presence that had been at the edge of his mind during the battle.

[color=9e0b0f]“I guess I have to apologize to the silver haired brat, this is pretty impressive, not godly so, but still very impressive. I’d say that I was about half my strength when I was at my peak, barely.”[/color Revan chuckled slightly,knowing they were in for a helluva a fight. "Better to my part to contribute while I’m still all offense, let’s bring all of that darkness back down shall we. Broken Heavens!” Revan raised his hands up high, causing a pulse to ring out from up above, parting the clouds to show a orb of darkness floating above the city. He locked in on Yunin’s magical signature and brought his hand down with a flourish, causing the first beam of darkness to shoot out from the huge orb. It was not to be alone, however, as soon a barrage of such beams came down one the Savage God’s position, homing in on his magical signature, and thus only exploding when they hit him. They were moving at an incredible speed, and would even burrow through the ground, then come back up from behind to hit them. Add on to that the fact that there were hundreds of them and each of them had enough power to take out a city block, and it would be pretty hard to dodge these, and near impossible to intercept them all before they hit, The explosions were also concentrated, so that means that only those in Yunin’s personal bubble of space would be affect by the blast, though the intense shockwaves would definitely flatten a few buildings.
As that was happening, Revan was focusing his magical energies on himself, switching to his other form. Earth began to rise around him as his Asmodeus form faded away into a dark mist. The earth closed in around him for a second as he mutter a low chant.

“MAy the earth subdue this lust that I feel, the darkness it breeds I shall no longer appeal. May the earth rise up and free my mind, may the earth rise up, and with it my pride. I shall break the heavens upon my knee, for not even the God’s are as mighty as me.”

As the incantation finished, the earthen shell around him cracked open, and out flew Revan, again looking like a very different person. he was shrouded in a golden armor that shone with a dark light, six black angel wings sprouting from his back, each feather edged with flecks gold. His hair was the same, an intense shade of black with streaks of gold running through it. Even his eyes, still mostly black except for the pupil, were given a golden hue, though red was still predominant. His face was as handsome as could be, and held in it a great arrogance even when there was none to be had. In fact, the whole of his form exuded an arrogant pride, as if his very existence was saying ‘I’m better than you could ever hope to be, so get out of my way you filthy trash.’

Once his transformation was finished, he felt a small amount of relief flow through him as he felt slightly rejuvenated from the leftover energy that Asmodeus mode had left behind. The relief was only a passing comfort, as he soon felt it drain away as the King took his share of the ether. Revaan formed another blade as he flew over to the area, seeing the attack that was heading for Jeanne., he quickly focused his magic to cast a spell that would hopefully serve to block the spear, or at the very least, lessen or redirect the blow.

“Break the Heavens!” He called out, and several pillars of golden stone rose up near instantly, forming a durable wall of earth that would stand in the spear’s path. Revan stayed up above, surveying the situation with a calculating eye as he saw how Yunin reacted to his assault.

Revan fights Sairis, wins, then sends a powerful attack Yunin’s way, before switching to his Lucifer mode and attempting to block Yunin’s attack with a wall of earth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Roganoffs

Introducing Haruka and Kanata!

Alec and his dad briefed Oram about his task. Two girls sneak into the lab and started glomping Oram, "Nii-san! We've been looking for you everywhere!" The short haired one said. "Uncle Alec! Can we go outside, it looks very exciting!" The two of them just got home from a mission and they still want more, Alec said fine just don't be long otherwise they'll be punished, Alec doesn't want Oram out. He let them out instead.

"Haru-chan! I heard dad is outside in Augustine, let's go see~" She said with a smile in her face, "Right, even Uncle Sai is there. I bet he's doing Gwen-chan while all there's a large party on going." The perverted younger twin laughs wholeheartedly.


Drinking a cup of sake with Matt as the destruction unfolds. "You know I almost feel sorry for not joining the fun. Almost.... almost." He crosses his legs while in the floating Vyper Bolt ship. "Don't you think it's a bit too much to see my own cousin possessed by his own magic while being beaten up by that Harpy piece of trash." He asked Matt. "Scum are scum, demon scum."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Light of Dawn

Deliver Hope

Yunin's reckoning took but only a split second for the Angelic woman to prepare. Instantaneously, the dual Ashbringers shattered and broke into their two-hundred varying forms and with simply the thought of her conscious mind, they linked together and formed a barrier. Not only for her, but for any Magi who might have been standing nearby. With a calamitous roar, darkness conflicted against light, and light held steadfast. As it always would, she, the vanguard against the dark.

With the monstrosity of his might, Jeanne did not falter, she did not even shudder or tremble in fear. There was only one thing that needed to be done.

Here, now, before the demonic energy could finish the drain, she needed to put a stop to this evil at all costs. There was no other option, no other choice in this matter. Raising her own held blade and kissing the flat to the nose of her helm again, she offered a salute to her comrades what could very well likely be one last time.

Revan's brutal attack from the heavens brought her more time as her eyes fluttered shut and she uttered a command concisely so that everyone that was fighting could hear her as the concussion from the Darkened One's onslaught was absorbed by the barrier of her magic almost easily.

"If you do not wish to die. Fall back beyond Niti's barrier. Now." Her voice rang out clearly, without even the slightest sign of even subconscious fear. "Niti. Hold the barrier, no one walks out alive. Do you understand? Not even I." Wings of light fluttered then, their wings caressing the wind as it passed through them. Suddenly, the two-hundred plus blades spread outward into a wall, dividing Yunin and the remaining darkened ones away from the Magi of varying guilds. Faster than one could blink an eye, the blades surrounded Yunin and his comrades on all sides, even from above and below.

Even if an ally tried to step past this burning, searing barrier, even they would be lit painfully aflame. It was then that it seemed almost as if gravity itself had begun to twist towards the angelic woman. Slowly, the armor fell away and seemed to coalesce back within her as the wings too began to dissipate in similar fashion. Clear, radiant eyes of blue cast a glance to the other Mages as she uttered one final order:

"Did you not hear me the first time you fools? You have ten seconds to be past Niti's barrier. If you can, Niti...reinforce the barrier as much as you can. Run and regroup, or die. Be sure to grab Gwen...and if I don't survive, tell our Master that I am sorry." There, she stood as the vanguard between the Magi and the dark. The wonderfully golden hue of her hair seeming to shine in wondrous radiance as she stared both Yunin and the Masked man down. Even in the face of overwhelming death and odds, there was a beautiful smile that crossed her lips.

At long last, she was once again serving her purpose. And the very air seemed to ripple and curl about her in golden tendrils of pure light. Each of them crackling as they burned the air, as they protected her from the dark. Here, even against the mightiest of unholy efforts, they would class with fiery judgment, and they would clash in vain. There was no running from this, there was no hiding.

The instant that her friends and allies were close to being clear from what was coming, the barrier suddenly dropped. The blades were suddenly pulled into a singular point of light that hovered in front of her. So brilliant was it that it shone like a newly born star, so great was its magnitude that the very essence of the world seemed to want to be pulled into it. If anyone could sense it from a distance, it would be nearly equal in monstrosity to Yunin's presence.

With it, she uttered what could very well likely be her final prayer.

"Et pastores erimus tibi, Domine, pro te.
Descéndit de potentia ad pacem tuam,
ut velociter mandata exequi.
Et fluvius egrediebatur ad te,
venient et nos animas turgens erit semper.
Nomeni patri et fili et Spiritus Sancti.


Judgment then came, and it came swiftly.

With a calamitous cacophony of a roar, the star ruptured outward with outright wrathful fury. From its center came nothing but destruction; there was no sparing of allies or enemies. Pure righteous rage coalesced in blinding light equivalent to the light of a star as the concussive wave ruptured outward from the central point that was Jeanne's form. Stone, flesh, and even unholy bone would be rendered to little more than dust. The masonry that was once Augustine would cease to exist.

Niti's masterful and thoroughly sound barrier would fluctuate and expand rapidly with this destructive concussive wave until even that too would shatter. Most importantly however, it did the job it needed to do as the major damage was limited to Augustine. The outer edges would still suffer remarkable damage, but it was nothing compared what happened to the core of Augustine.

The Light, in all its monstrous intensity and beauty faded and was gone. With it's departure, the horror before all that was once Augustine could be seen. It was a flat plain of dust and earth. There was nothing else, the wonderful city that had once been Augustine was now gone. The only contrast being merely the faint glimmer of golden hair in the center that was the burnt, broken, and unconscious form of the Archangel at the epicenter of the blast.

She had served her purpose, having made peace with her maker. She had done what she could to deliver hope.

In her rest, she could only hope, only pray that Yunin and his disgusting ilk suffered the same fate of Augustine. In her dreams they were now gone from the world and the pages of history.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ajax Thera - Councilman - Hellmouth

Aiden had managed to defend against Ajax's sudden attack, if barely. That was a good sign. Kyou, however, decided to appear and assist in the fight. "This is only an evaluation..." he spoke up. "There's no need to break them." Before he could return his attention to Aiden, who was clearly preparing to fight, Oriel had closed in. She moved behind him in an attempt to restrict his movements, but Ajax was faster than his large body suggested. In one quick rotation his left leg swept through the air, bringing the heel of his boot into Oriel's side, below the ribs, and the resulting impact sent her to the ground several meters away.

"You are fast, but..." Ajax stopped himself, hopping lightly into the air to jump over Aiden's fist slash with his water-enhanced blade. "You did not think your plan through." Ajax was mid-air for the next attack, making a dodge out of the question. Instead he held his arm out and a layer of magma coated it. The occasional drop of the lava on the ground seared it, so when the water blade came back for another strike and was blocked with the lava magic it exploded in a blast of steam.

Aiden was quick to retreat this time, perhaps having learned a lesson from Ajax's earlier jab. The lava on his arm dripped off onto the ground, bringing his arm back to normal but leaving a small pool of magma underneath him. "Your behaviors have already explained one of the problems," Ajax spoke up, casually leaning out of the way to dodge Aiden's next swing of his naginata. "You two hold yourselves to higher standards than I, despite the difference in our experience. This is indicative of one thing..."

"You two believe you are the strongest and will always win your battles." With the next slash of Aiden's naginata, it was stopped by Ajax's bare hand. The big man caught the blade with one hand, not even a drop of blood left his grip. His yellow eyes settled on Aiden, giving off an intimidating glare. "I'm much more realistic." Before their very eyes, the blade in Ajax's hand began to bend. The big man heated the metal just enough to give it some fluidity, allowing him to bend it with ease. Once the sword was bent to a sharp angle, Ajax released his grip. "And I will teach you two how to be realistic as well."

Unlike before, Ajax didn't wait for Aiden to catch his breath or pull a temporary retreat. His left fist shot out, connecting with the chestplate on Aiden's uniform and sending the Dragon Slayer flying backwards. A blow like that would've surely broken some ribs or his collarbone, but the uniform had the chestplate there for a reason. Ajax looked over to Kyou now. "I was a bit iffy on recruiting them at first, but now I can see what Jak was talking about. They are stronger than they appear, but still..." He stood up straight now, flexing his fingers from the fist that struck Aiden. "What do you think, Kyou?"

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

The pale girl grinned at Kyou, putting her hands behind her back and leaning closer. "Oh, we can talk later," Stacy spoke, keeping her sly grin. It took her a few seconds, however, to realize what Kyou had actually said. Something about a trip. Stacy stood upright and took a look of confusion. "Wait, what are you talking-" And like that, Stacy was teleported away from the underground base.

"- about...? Oh..." The red eyes took a look around to survey her new environment, seeming uncaring about the disappearance of her clothing. "The hell am I?" Stacy wondered aloud, putting her hands on her hips. With a sigh, she finally looked down and discovered her nudity. "Oh, my clothes... I hated that uniform anyways." With a shrug, the naked woman started walking past the rubble. She could feel the intense magic and evil in the area, but something drew her to ignore it and focus on the direction she was facing.

Despite her feet being bare, she showed no difficulty navigating the destroyed environment. "Something feels... familiar here..." Stacy said, looking over her shoulder when she heard a distant explosion. "Maybe that is why Kyou-sama had sent me here. Something familiar..." Her gaze went forward again as she approached the demonic shrine. At the base of the structure, Stacy finally stopped walking. "This presence..." Her red eyes seemed to grow darker, a visible anger taking hold of her gaze.

"I know it..." Both her hands clenched into fists and her face contorted in rage. "It's that fucking demon." Visions of a destroyed town blanketed in snow came to her mind. The death and destruction of long ago, from the eyes of a frail little girl. The memories of family long lost, memories that Stacy had tried to forget, began to surface. Despite the rage controlling her body, tears began forming in her eyes. With a primal shout of rage, Stacy began running toward the source of the feeling. It didn't take long, however, to find someone else.

Stacy froze when she heard Gwen's shout. A voice not heard in a long time, but a voice she recognized. Stacy wiped the tears from her eyes as she redirected her course to Gwen's whereabouts. Rounding a corner, Stacy kicked up dust as she skidded to a halt. And there she was. "Gwen Sniegrow!!" Stacy shouted, rushing forward with the bottom of her right fist pressed against her left palm. A long whip of ice was molded, lashing out and wrapping around the other naked woman's neck. "Of course you would be here!"

The Ice Make mage was lifted off her feet by the whip, being spun around the air and smashed into the rubble of a nearby fallen building. At that point, Stacy freed Gwen from the whip bringing it back to her side. Only anger and hatred was visible on her face. "Remember me!?" Stacy stood upright, some of her long white hair hanging over her shoulder. A sign that she was too focused on something other than the hair she takes great pride in. "You still think running away will solve your problems, Gwen!?" Stacy lifted her arm up, preparing to bring a powerful whipping upon Gwen.

A powerful blast of magical power in the distance distracted Stacy, even taking her off her feet and sending her to the ground. The mild disturbance to her thought process, or lack thereof, seemed to have snapped her out of her uncontrollable rage. After picking herself up she let the whip disappear. The pale woman took a moment to brush her hair from over her shoulder and even spent a few seconds getting dust out of it. After closing her eyes and letting out a sigh, her angry gaze returned to Gwen. "Pardon me if I seem upset," Stacy began, clearly having greater control of herself now.

"But I'm sure you can understand why, considering how you abandoned me and all. A less sane person might even try to kill you." Now Stacy faced away from Gwen, crossing her arms over her chest and closing her eyes. "What are you doing here, Sniegrow? And why are you naked at a time like this? I just got here and I can tell there are demons. Aren't you from an exorcist family? Are you running away from this too?" As her words grew more and more angry volatile, the display of Jeanne's barricade lit up the area. From where Stacy and Gwen were standing they could hear her warning.

"Uh..." The pale woman still refused to face Gwen, but some of her anger seemed to fade as she felt Jeanne's magical power rising. "Perhaps... running away might be the best choice right now..." Despite the severe time limit, Stacy seemed to waver for a second longer. Deciding what exactly to do, as simply running wouldn't get her out of the town in time. Quick thinking took effect and her hands moved together to form the Ice Make position. "Ice Make: Raging Sea!" A path of ice was formed in front of her, stretching out over Augustine Town and leading to the edge of the bubble barrier surrounding it.

Without another word to Gwen, Stacy leapt onto the bridge of smooth ice. As soon as her feet touched it the ice no longer maintained a smooth texture. A wave formed behind her heels, almost like it was water instead of ice, and began to propel the pale woman up the frozen path. Her light frame combined with her magical power made this a fast mode of transportation, allowing her to skate to the edge of the bubble in mere seconds. Despite leaving Gwen behind, in a situation that could very well kill her, Stacy did not totally abandon her. Behind the wave that propelled her, the ice smoothed out again. Should Gwen step onto the bridge as well, she would be propelled forth at high speeds just like her former comrade, provided she could keep her balance.

Once at the edge of the bubble, Stacy leapt up and a wolf head formed around her fist. No time to think about the consequences, so she ripped her way through the barrier and out to the alleged safe distance from whatever Jeanne was planning on doing.

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot

Piper adjusted her glasses, allowing her to see the destructive battle between Jeanne and Yunin unfold. While most would only be able to watch the fight at a purely physical level, Piper was attune to sensing magic. She could see their power much more clearly than the others. And frankly: both fighters terrified her. When Jeanne announced that everyone had to leave Augustine or else they would die, she didn't need to repeat herself.

The bespectacled sniper was already running. "If anyone can handle this, it's that woman," Piper spoke to herself, jumping over some mangled vines left over from the fighting earlier. "It's not hard to see that I'm not helpful here..." With plenty of time to spare, Piper made her way to the edge of the bubble barrier. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she could pass through it or not. Considering it was one of the Lamia Scale mages that made it, it was likely that it would let her through.

She first touched it with her hand, making sure that it wouldn't hurt her with contact. To her surprise she was able to put her hand through the soapy substance without harm, only feeling somewhat wet yet clean for touching it. Deeming it safe, Piper walked through the bubble the rest of the way. Oddly enough, it cleaned much of the dirt and dust off her. A small detail, but one she noticed quickly. With that out of the way, Piper began retreating further from the bubble. Something made her feel that standing directly outside it wasn't the brightest idea.

Piper made it a good distance before the explosion occurred. She sensed it before she heard it, turning to face the bubble barrier. Piper had sensed that most people escaped by now, but with the massive magical presence coming from inside the barrier it was hard to be precise. The barrier first expanded under the pressure before entirely bursting open. Even at her distance the blast was felt, a powerful stream of wind pressing against Piper that almost knocked her off balance. As the wind died down and the dust settled, Augustine Town was no more. Only a massive, dusty crater.

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

As the dust began to settle around Jeanne and the blast site, a small breeze picked up. From the sky fell a thin pillar of cherry blossoms, landing next to the fallen Lamia Scale mage. As the blossoms fell they began to take shape, quickly forming into the Last Samurai herself. Hana kneeled next to Jeanne, putting her fingers on the woman's neck to check for a pulse. The expression on Hana's face was surprisingly grim and serious, despite finding Jeanne had survived her attack.

"You're lucky, Jeanne," Hana spoke softly, her voice as calm and soothing as always. "That wasn't an honorable way to die. Perhaps if you killed yourself with seppuku you would've kept your honor." A small grin formed on her face. "But I didn't want you to die anyways." Hana stood up now, making a rising motion with her right hand. In accordance with her command, thousands of cherry blossoms appeared underneath Jeanne, lifting her off the ground on a soft bed of pink petals. Hana turned and began to walk away, the floating bed of cherry blossoms remaining at her side. "You fought well. Be proud of that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gwen Sniegow- Chrome

Stacy! I didn't have time to defend myself due to my anxiety, I let my former friend get the better of me and hurt me as she wished, she finally got her wish a long time ago but what am I doing out of self pity. A powerful blast of magical power in the distance distracted me and Stacy, she let go of me but I keep my balance and make an ice tower. The mild disturbance to my thought process, or lack thereof, seemed to have snapped me out of my uncontrollable somberness . After that I followed Stacy up, I have to think critically. Naked as I am, I took a moment to brush my hair from the dust. After closing my eyes and letting out a sigh, my calmed face looked at Stacy as I too got propelled.

It's then I will converse with my former friend and former sisterly bonding, indeed it's quite nice to see Stacy again but out of love I still feel concern for her and it's my fault to begin with. Stacy has always been ahead of me, even Kuroko of Lunar Wolf, we were disciples of Master Liz the greatest Ice Mage one could ever found. "Ice Make: Surfboard!" I use a surfboard of ice, it is huge and with my own power, I control half of Stacy's ice and make it as my own to keep in me balance along with my surfboard which technically surfs as an ice rider. Looking at Stacy, she clearly hasn't changed a bit since we last met, enough about it. Seeing Stacy shove everything in my face opened a calm approach in things right now, I should not let my emotions get the better of me. I am Gwen Sniegow of Vyper Bolt and I will protect my family and the people here.

As I surf along with Stacy, I ripped the barrier with my exorcist blade. "Listen, we don't have time to argue, let's do this together for old times sake. We'll use that technique. Oh and look at you, a while ago you're asking me why I'm naked and your naked as well, looks like you adapted to the habit as well huh?" I stared at her boobs and poke it. "They've gotten bigger." Joking at times like this.

Kyou-Red Witch

Remarkable, such strength displayed by Ajax; "Well, I suppose you're right." Kyou sounded flirtatious and teasing. "However, a shame that the boy is not using Dragon Force. Yes, the council is not blind, the both of you. How do you think crime rates are lesser? It's because we have runes rigged everywhere and the data rune which is archived in the archive magic database, your battle back in Greed Island was recorded." Kyou explains the resourcefulness and wits of the magic council.

"What I find intriguing is that the masters of vyper and harpy have the intention of disbanding their precious guilds. Shameful as a matter of fact, who would have thought that the proud martial arts guild and the fabulous guild would call quits." Kyou wasted no time revealing such information by downloading an app via archive magic inside Aiden's head. It is a footage of the masters conversation.

With the bloodlust oozing from her magic power, rather a taunt to piss of Aiden, "What could be the reason? Is it because they are moving on with their lives? Do they fear? Do the Roganoffs have something to do with it? Or was it because you were so set on your petty goal on avenging a family member that was never part of your life and isolate yourself for two weeks. Or is it that a question on yourself that you're afraid of evolution. Who knows which is it." With so much knowledge, Kyou uses it against Aiden. Whatever her intentions are, it remains vague. She definitely berates Aiden.

"Ajax, after this let's have some hot cocoa." She winks at Oriel trapping her within an invisible confinement. (All according to Shiho) She threw a pyrofrost lacrima with a wanted picture of Raul to the kid. "Now then..." In a smooth voice she smiles, "....show us your true power Aiden Cross, hmm I guess not or would you rather make me pull out the words right off your tongue, never use dragon force again, you said. Ha! Such thrill of feeling murderous when Hydrologia begged for mercy." Then she winks at Ajax. In many ways possible, Kyou would manipulate and stir everything in her way to get what she wants. She laughs sarcastically and ominously at the last sentence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Nothing, not even a scratch. Aiden's feeling of helplessness, of weakness, grew ever more as Ajax evaded and blocked his every attack. And as this feeling grew, so did the primal rage that built inside of him. In his current state, his dragonic blood began to take over his thought process, and his instincts were pushing him closer and closer to a state of feral rage. The aura that surrounded him in this state soon began to writhe around as if it was alive.

As he was sent flying back by Ajax's last attack, Aiden was able to land on his feet, skidding back a fair distance from his landing point. His breathing was slightly hitched as pain flood his body from the point of impact. He'd probably broken a rib, or at least fractured it. That pain was soon forgotten as Kyou began to poke and prod at his emotional weakness, her comment about his sadness over Hydrologia's death was also angering. While he had barely known the dragon, he'd felt like he had forever as the dragon gifted him his memories, and that had only compacted his despair. If he was in a sounder state of mind, he would've ignored Kyou's comments, but he dragonic blood was screaming in his ears, pushing his rage into a blizzarding fury.

When she tossed him the lacrima, he caught it with out thinking. He stared at the orb, feeling the great amount of power throbbing within it. For the smallest of moments, he remembered his vow and wanted to desperately resist eating it, afraid of losing control. But then he remembered the power it had given him, the power he so desperately craved right now. He needed it now, he needed to prove that he wasn't weak, wasn't useless, he needed to prove that he was good enough.

"I'm not a failure. . I'm not a mistake." He whispered to himself, inaudible to everyone else around, before he devoured the Lacrima in 1 bite. As soon as he did so, he felt the rush of energy rushing through his veins, a power that took over his sanity, filling it with only one emotion, a feral rage spurred by a primal need to destroy everything around him. A roar tore itself from Aiden's throat as a pillar of energy exploded around him, a deep, animalistic sound that rumbled in the chests of all around, a sound a human throat should not be able to produce. The light from the pillar became blinding for a second before it suddenly bursted out ward, bring with it a flurry of snow and freezing winds over a large portion of the area.

Aiden stood still, a marked difference in his Dragonforce from before. The scales now flowed up his arms and shoulders and spread over his chest, shredding through the fabric and metal of his outfit. His feet were more like the taloned feet of a dragon, the scales on his face covering a good deal more then before, and his mouth full of razor sharp fangs. Two pairs of curved horns rose from his head, one looking like clear, crystaline ice, the other like the deep blue ice, a color similar to that of the deep seas. His wings were larger now, made from actual flash and bone and covered in a mix of ice and dark blue scales. The same was to be said for his tail, and a trail of frozen spikes made their way up from the tip of the tail to the base of his neck, a sail of flowing water moving in between them.

His eyes, however, were empty of any other emotion of thought besides a primal rage, which Aiden expressed in another animalistic roar, this one accompanied by a intense pulse of freezing air. He was more dragon than man, both physically and mentally, glaring at those before him, not a hint of recognition or consciousness in his eyes. He took a deep breath before unleashing another Roar attack, the same one he had used earlier against Ajax, except it had doubled in size and ferocity. The cold that radiated from the attack, and from Aiden himself, was much more intense than it had been before, and more piercing as well due to the fact that it was accompanied by a veil of moisture as well.

After unleashing that attack, Aiden would fly up high, waiting for the attack to hit before he dived bombed Ajax with another roar, covering himself in a whirling vortex of ice and pressurized water. Once he impacted the ground, it would explode outward into a mountainous pillar of ice, the cold sapping away the strength of any who came near it, and hiding Aiden's energy signature inside of it. He waited, glaring to see if his opponent would raise again.

@Masaki Haruna
@Hebigami Shiho


Revan landed next to Hana in the empty plain that Jeanne had created, wincing slightly as he did so. While he looked fine, his fight with Sairis had left him rather injured, the grazing hits he received nearly breaking his bones and leaving deep gouges in his skin that were only partially recovered form the change of form and were hidden by his armor. His reserves were also running low with the presence of his King Hydra, which still came from his back, forming a type of armor on each wing, with the extra one forming a type of helmet.

"We could get into another conversation of the various things more important than honor, but I'm just glad that you're okay. I also have half a mind to slap Jeanne when she's better for pulling that shit." He looked down at the young woman with a look of concern, though he quickly harden his features as he looked towards where he felt Yunin's magical presence, as he doubted he was dead yet. "I think it would be best to take Jeanne away from here, in case the so called 'Savage God' survived her last attack. While he will definitely not be alright after that, having an unconcious teammate on the battlefield is always a bad idea."

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He stared carelessly at the wizards. Their attempts at survival was pointless and unreasonable. What had transpired since the time of Ishgal? what had changed? Humans were once creatures of fear and cowardice. They ran when they could and hid to avoid battle. Only a rare kind would emerge to combat adversity. But now, standing before him, was another of that rare kind. A woman who shimmered with blind hope. She risked everything on her life and was willing to sacrifice it for others. Others too. He remained still as a flurry of ice shards shattered against a curved sphere of energy, instinctive as it was, the magic appeared in time.

Foolish humans.

Again a pressure in his hollow chest seemed to echo with discord.

He touched it gingerly and at the same time acknowledged the chaos that would rain down on him shortly. Each laser of magic was a singularity slowed in time, a glimmer in the darkness that seemed overshadowed by the mass of light preparing to rupture forth. It made him feel lonely, for he was but a overpowered remnant, destined to reign till its whole returned. Though he grimaced inwardly, he displayed no emotion outwardly that hinted at his sadness.

Let it come, child. Show me your idiocy, your foolishness, your ill-minded conviction. No god exists beyond me. No redemption or haven lies beyond this world, he spoke, taking a step forwards before feeling the first bang of the beams sent from above. It clashed upon a small shield of pure energy, shielding him from damage. And so it was with each bang afterwards as he continued on. I'am not your salvation, I'am not your defender, I'am not your enemy. I'am your ruler and that is all you shall know before you die. This... fulmination will not kill me but it will bring your comrades that much closer to death. Place the blame on your shoulders with your last thought for being weak bodied-

His yellow eyes widened for just a moment as the searing energy reached him and spread beyond him hastily. The magic burned him unlike anything had for centuries. Surprised, he instinctively crossed his arms to shield himself from its raze. The brilliant light tore the malnourished skin of his pale arms off and soon he was covered in the fury of the Holy Warrior. He fell towards the ground and welcomed the pain of battle again as he continued his thought.

And weak minded.

The wrathful roar of the explosion resounded for miles beyond the realm, shattering its fragile state and exposing reality at its southernmost quadrant. The sky was empty of clouds, a shimmering of sunshine fell into the realm of chaotic green and black. It was the reprieve of a terrible nightmare. A reprieve that would not last.

A dreary gray fell over the massive clearing. Dirt scorched black fell from the realm's sky as tainted snow. His presence, though quelled for a moment, sparked back to life not too far from them. A flesh tattered nub rose from out the fine sooth as he climbed out. He was burned all over, the trim of black fur was dried with black blood as his looked towards the unconscious martyr. In a green-starlight firework of magic, his arms were soon replaced with prosthetics of pure energy--each resembling his lost limbs in structure.

He glazed his yellow eyes over all and extended his presence to those that weren't around, so even they felt under his Godly gaze. His magic spiked even further, overshadowing the entire cast of Wizards until they seemed like nothing more than dirt.

His chest thumped again, this time with pain. He groaned from it before clenching his chest and spitting out a pool of black. Was he injured by that last attack? no, this constant feeling of pressure had been happening since before. Where was it coming from and why was it there? Pulling himself together, he eyed the woman that formed from pink petals and made her his next target. Wizard after wizard would fall before him. She was next on his list.

Will you not bow? will you suffer the same fate as your friend? he asked, suddenly feeling that his strength had not diminished but grown even further up the totem pull of supremacy. Do you not cower in fear? are you not afraid of death? Do you wish to die?


Dirt covered the Masked Man's bloodied face as he tumbled on the ground, his black cloak and complex suit besmirched with grim and scorched to a fine red in certain areas. He twisted around with horrible effort to see the Demon: Walpurgisnacht had been completely absorbed, its magic no longer resonating within its still beating husk. With a fanatic grin, he balled his fist and slammed it into the ground joyously.

"Yes! Now Yunin will be capable of furthering the plan. No one will combat us! Our goals; all our work has finally paid off. I accomplished what I had to do!" He fell into laughter, overwhelmed by a perverse and twisted happiness. "Yunin is great, Yunin is magnificent. That filthy, legal bitch's spell that leveled a town was no match for him. He is truly GOD!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ajax Thera - Councilman - Hellmouth

The large councilman watched unflinchingly and without any signs of surprise as Aiden began powering up. He was skeptical of Kyou's decision to let him enter Dragon Force, but he too was curious. In reality, Aiden is the first Dragon Slayer he's ever met aside from himself, so seeing the power of the Dragon coming from him was far more interesting to Ajax than he let on. "Dragon Force..." Ajax mumbled to himself, memorizing Aiden's appearance after he finished powering up. He was certainly draconic, no doubt.

Then the roar attack came. This one had much more power than before, but Ajax reacted fast. Much faster than his earlier roar attack, Ajax charged and released his own Lava Dragon's Roar, countering the incoming cyclone of water and ice with his own lava. After the spells collided a powerful gust blasted forth briefly from the impact before his lava overpowered the weaker element. Despite the danger such an event would have for Aiden, the boy had already thought ahead and darted positions well before he would've been consumed in the lava.

"He seems to like flying," Ajax noted, watching Aiden in the sky. The speed of his divebomb attack surprised Ajax. With surprising speed, the big man jumped backwards out of the way, skidding to a halt just outside the reach of the resulting explosion of ice. "I cannot lie, he is a force to be reckoned with in this state," Ajax said aloud, mainly to Kyou. "If I was not here, you might be in trouble, Kyou." A grin formed on his face now, for the first time since the train ride.

"Lava Dragon's Maw!" Ajax opened his mouth wide and a massive wave of lava spewed forth, like a wave from a raging ocean storm. The lava blanketed the mountain of ice, immediately chewing through it from the intense heat. "He has reached the point where he can survive my attacks," Ajax spoke up, so that everyone can hear him. "So I will respect that power by not holding my magic back."

Lava began to coat Ajax's hand, forming a thick glob that constantly dripped onto the ground. He rushed towards the ice pillar, which looked more like a hill of lava, with his fist pulled back. Lava Dragon's Iron Fist!" His attack blasted through his own lava, smashing into and through the melting ice beneath. The sheer power of the attack shattered the entirety of the ice, and the distorted temperatures caused it to explode outwards from the pressure. This in turn sent lava flying into the air, which now began to rain down on the battlefield (much to Kyou and Oriel's danger).

Had Aiden not taken any measures to avoid the punch directly, the odds would be that the fight was now over. But Ajax knew that the boy knew better than to take the attack. "I wonder where all this rage is coming from," Ajax spoke, intentionally quiet enough so that Aiden would hear him clearly but perhaps Kyou and Oriel wouldn't pick it up. "Was my assessment earlier correct, after all? Do you believe that you can only ever win your battles?"

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

Once she landed a safe distance away, the explosion occurred. Thankfully Jeanne had exaggerated about the ten seconds, else Stacy and Gwen would've only been just outside the barrier rather than completely out of the blast radius. The white-haired girl watched the power of the attack with awe, but the expression disappeared as a look of irritation formed on her face. "Seems a bit extreme," she commented to herself, putting her hands on her hips and letting out a sigh.

By now, Gwen had caught up and began talking. Stacy remained quiet as Gwen talked, seemingly ignoring her considering she even turned her head to look away from the Ice Make mage. That is, until one of her breasts was poked. An angry expression took hold of her face, though this one was much more comical than before. "Of course they've gotten bigger!" she barked at Gwen, crossing her arms over her chest. "Bigger than yours if you didn't notice. More firm, too. Everything about my body screams perfection."

Now she raised a finger, indicative of the incoming lecture. "For your information, I have spent countless hours perfecting my body. I maintain this perfect figure every day. Beauty like this isn't easy. My hourglass figure, my smooth skin, my flawless complexion, and most importantly: my magnificent hair. Men and women alike can't resist my exotic beauty." A mean grin formed on her face now as her hand went out and pinched Gwen's side, stretching her skin. "It seems you don't spend much time on your body," Stacy spoke, giggling to herself as she let go of Gwen.

The pale woman ran a hand through her own hair. "Oh, and I was trained out of the stripping habit," Stacy said, placing her hand on her hip. Then her stern gaze faded a little and a shy smile took hold. "Well... I was but I've been relapsing lately. Not my fault I have no clothes now though. Councilwoman Kyou teleported me here... and her spell only works on living things." Now her red eyes surveyed the desolate plain that was formerly Augustine Town. "... I don't think we'll have to use that now."

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

"Hm?" Hana mumbled when Revan approached. "Of course I'm okay. I went into the sky when Jeanne made her big attack. I didn't want to get caught up in that." A friendly and innocent smile formed on her face. Her pink eyes looked down to the floating Jeanne. "I planned on moving her. Niti, the mage that set up the bubble barrier, would be better suited to taking care of her now." Hana stopped walking now, but the bed of cherry blossoms continued floating on as if she didn't, carrying Jeanne further away from the battlefield.

The pink-haired samurai turned to face the rising Yunin. Jeanne's attack clearly did damage, but he had replaced his missing arms with magical ones. Despite his rising magical power, Hana remained motionless. When he spoke to her a powerful heartbeat resonated from her again and her eyes grew wider. "Do I... wish to die?" Hana repeated. The Last Samurai held her left hand out. A glow of white accompanied her Requip magic and the white blade from before was in her hands. This time, however, her right hand went across and grabbed the hilt.


The white scabbard vanished in a glow of white, and now only the sword itself was present. "You are mistaken," she began, her voice quiet and surprisingly devoid of her characteristic soothing nature. "I do not wish to die. I do not fear death. I do not bear fear at all. Most importantly..." Hana held the sword in both hands, holding it vertically at her right. A pink and black aura began to radiate from Hana, just barely visible to anyone looking for it.

"I do not bow to a man with no honor." Her eyes leveled with Yunin's. Her gaze was not as fierce as the glares that some of her comrades can pull off, but it had a hidden anger to it. One could look into her soul and see the innocence tainted with rage. The aura around her was thin and unimpressive, far less flashy than what her comrades were capable of performing. But something about the simplicity of Hana's stance and appearance had it's own frightening element to it.

"You are not God," Hana spoke, still unmoving from her new stance. "It is not you that created me. You are not the one who blessed and cursed me. You didn't even craft this blade I wield before you." She tiled the Sword of God slightly, to catch the sunlight better and create a glare. "You hear no prayers and you protect no one. You are not a God..." It didn't seem possible, but Hana's gaze grew even harsher (though still not particularly frightening). "You are only a man. A man with no respect, no courage, no love, and no honor..."

Hana moved her sword now, holding it lower and tilting it to let the tip of the blade hover just inches from the ground. She gripped the weapon in both hands. The pink and black aura extended from her now, encasing the sword in the same slight glow. She closed her eyes as she began to focus. "I am no God... but I have respect... courage... love... honor..." Her eyes opened again, her pink irises now having a faint glow as well. "I am not good at many things. I do not have the vanity to proclaim myself the best. But I have always been good at one thing..."

From behind her began spawning many thousands of cherry blossoms. They floated harmlessly in the breeze, flowing from Hana in the general direction of Yunin. Any that contacted him had no effect, as they were plain petals rather than her magically infused ones. The blossoms continued spewing forth, so many that it began to block the sunlight. The field around Hana, Revan, and Yunin began to grow darker with the multiplying cherry blossoms. "I can defeat those that dare to insult my honor, my very existence."

All the blossoms at once began to fan out, creating a clear path from Hana to Yunin without any obstructions of her vision. "Senbonzakura..." In the blink of an eye, she vanished. Hana appeared behind Yunin now, slightly to the side and several meters back. Her sword was no longer pointed at the ground in a preparation stance but instead pointed to the sky. It appeared that she had completed her swing. "Iaido."

A clean slice appeared along the ground, starting from back where she originally stood. This deep, clean cut stretched along the ground, running past Yunin's left foot and going into the distance. A mountain outside the former town of Augustine bore the mark of her attack, the clean slice going perfectly through it. As the upper half of the mountain began to slide from the smooth cut that bore entirely through it, one could look up into the sky and see that the clouds above the battlefield had been sheared along the path of motion as well, splitting several clouds into two pieces.

The attack was not very flashy, in fact it wasn't even visible. The damage was not wide-spread or incredibly destructive, but the power behind the single attack was terrifying. A slash that could cut through flesh, bone, steel, entire mountains, the sky above, and even the very magic that was bound to Earthland and its inhabitants. Hana's expression was as serious as before, but she didn't turn to see if Yunin survived her attack or not. Hana knew the results already. Aside from the breeze, the only sound on the field was the distant echo of the mountain collapsing. The calm aftermath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Annabeth Stagitta- Lamia Scale

Darkness. That was the only term that could encompass what spilled outward into the sky in the distance. It was hardly a tangible thing, yet it pulled at those who witnessed it all the same. It was a surge of malice, a pulsing hatred on the world... and, at the moment, a manifestation of pride. It looked around it and saw no equal, believed nothing could actually harm it.

But that was before the eruption of holy power. The darkness recoiled in its wake, its pride diminishing and its malice fading back. And yet, Annabeth's concern did not waver; if anything, it increased. Not because of the vile aura, but because of the judgement attack. To unleash something like that, even for Jeanne, was a catastrophic risk. And one she was all too familiar with...

Do you not cower in fear? Are you not afraid of death? Do you wish to die?

"Do you?"

All at once, four brilliant white lines streaked through the air as a cluster of magical arrows rained down in front of Yunin's path, following directly behind Hana's slashing salvo. In the wake of the small explosions caused by the Dawnburst arrows, a single figure clad in a white and purple dress descended with an almost gentle grace onto the ground. As the small dust cloud settled, Lamia Scale's Indomitable Sniper rose to her full height, her bow in hand, to stand between the monstrosity known as Yunin and the bruised, battered mages she knew as her family. Her eyes, already flashing silver with the power of her ocular magic, stared at the fell creature without so much as a casual blink. In them was no trace of fear, no sign of hesitation, no modicum of doubt; only a silent ceaseless focus as she measured her target.

Her gaze broke but once, as she turned her head to look back at Jeanne as she lay atop the cloud of petals. She was terribly hurt, her outpouring of energy burning even her own flesh in its ardor. But she would live. She would walk. And she would wield her powers again safely, albeit after a brief period. It was nothing short of a miracle... but Annabeth had accepted miracles before.

"Jeane..." she said quietly as she shook her head, "You should never do such things to yourself."

"However, the punishment here is not yours to bear."

Her eyes snapped back toward Yunin, now ablaze with all the primordial fury wielded by a mother to a hurt child!

"It's for the one who pushed you toward it."

In the skies above what once was the town of Augustine, several hundred twinkling lights began to appear, glowing like stars in the sky. Any who looked upward at them, however, would soon discover that rather than stars, it was a sky full of Annabeth's arrows that now descended at high speeds, shining white missiles plummeting by the score- and locked onto Yunin! As the small storm landed and lashed into the demonic being with sharpened tips and explosive force, three more Dawnburst Arrows materialized in Annabeth's hands, much larger than their raining brethren, and in an instant she had knocked them into her bowstring. Her magically empowered eyes allowed her vision to cut through the chaotic mass of energy to see her target, mark his chest, and loose her shots toward it for an erupting conclusion to the attack!

"This isn't over. Hana, please keep Jeanne safe for me. But keep her nearby. Her life is not yet in danger, and I may need her help."

As she finished speaking, Anna loosed another volley of arrows at Yunin and knocked three more, waiting to see what the evil god would do in response. It didn't matter to her what he was- he had harmed her family, and that was not something she would forgive. Ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

"......." He only saw darkness.

'.ugh....wha..' He tried shifting, but it was really tight...and hot.

"Kid, You were too slow to react on that Nuke that practically destroyed the town. I Bakuko had to step in a cover you in my skin." the Black beast spoke up.

'So that means...'

"Yes, i had to assume control over your body, now just pust over of the shell, was the majorly damaged." Sage nodded before forcing his way out, the shell cracked with the sound of eggs cracking. Gulping down fresh air, he coughed as he took in dust.

'the hell...happened?' He wasn't in Augustine town any more, he was in a crater or some sort.

Builds, demons, People and even the buildings had vanished. The only thing that was still standing was Niti's barrier. 'Whoa...Sensei, did you do this?'

"Don't be foolish: i would have made this become the underworld with the crater size twice as big" Bakuko laughed. Sage checked his weapons before he started walking "You're going to right way, I'd be surprised if the shrine was still intact."

Sage didn't want to waste any-more time, breaking out into a run he followed the mana-signiture towards the shrine.

'Two...signatures up ahead....' Sage furrowed his brow, he wondered what could make it faster than-

"WALRPURGISNACHT!" A high pitched Feminine voice scream out into the open.

'Walpr-what now?' Sage saw a familiar naked figure on her knees scream out. 'Ok, how the bloody hell does naked woman get there before me!?'

'Oh right...the tentacles....'

Sage was about to met up with Gwen, when a sudden flash of bright light appeared a few meters away from her, though it was behind a (Some-how) rubble building. Considering he was going to investigate it.

"Gwen Sniegrow!!"

Suddenly: It was Attack on Naked woman. "Of course you would be here!"

Sage watched as a Whip made out of ice coiled itself around Gwens neck, hoisting her into the air, at the corner of his left eye, he saw....

'Oh for the love of...'

Another naked woman. This time with White hair and red eyes.

'Hey...isn't that Mirajane from Fairy tail?' Sage asked the beast. 'Since when did she learn ice make?'

'Hard to tell, really.' Repiled the beast.

Gwen was being spun around the air and smashed into the rubble of a nearby fallen building. At that point, Stacy freed Gwen from the whip bringing it back to her side. Only anger and hatred was visible on her face. "Remember me!?" Stacy stood upright, some of her long white hair hanging over her shoulder. A sign that she was too focused on something other than the hair she takes great pride in. "You still think running away will solve your problems, Gwen!?" Stacy lifted her arm up, preparing to bring a powerful whipping upon Gwen.

A powerful blast of magical power in the distance distracted Stacy, even taking her off her feet and sending her to the ground. The mild disturbance to her thought process, or lack thereof, seemed to have snapped her out of her uncontrollable rage. After picking herself up she let the whip disappear. The pale woman took a moment to brush her hair from over her shoulder and even spent a few seconds getting dust out of it. After closing her eyes and letting out a sigh, her angry gaze returned to Gwen. "Pardon me if I seem upset," Stacy began, clearly having greater control of herself now.

"But I'm sure you can understand why, considering how you abandoned me and all. A less sane person might even try to kill you." Now Stacy faced away from Gwen, crossing her arms over her chest and closing her eyes. "What are you doing here, Sniegrow? And why are you naked at a time like this? I just got here and I can tell there are demons. Aren't you from an exorcist family? Are you running away from this too?"

'Just who the heck is she?' Sage hide behind a small wall. Watching Gwen taken a beating. He could of stepped in...but as they say.

'Never underestimate a woman's anger.'

As Gwen Got up as a Retaliation, she made a surfboard out of ice and made chase to the White haired girl leaving Sage all by himself, Sage couldn't help but to admire the ice bride that Stacy made.

'Well....I've got nothing else to do.' Sage stretched his arms and legs and ran towards the ice bridge. 'Sensei, Assit me.'

"Let's go." Sage felt something growing underneath his shoes. Black and red spikes appeared underneath him as he dug his shoes into the ice, leaving holes as he ran. leaning forwards he gained speed before his legs were a blur, soon enough he reached to where Gwen and Stacy were riding together. As they outside the Barrier, Sage easily cut through the barrier and made his way towards the girls.

"Listen, we don't have time to argue, let's do this together for old times sake. We'll use that technique. Oh and look at you, a while ago you're asking me why I'm naked and your naked as well, looks like you adapted to the habit as well huh?" Gwen stared at her boobs and poke it. "They've gotten bigger." Joking at times like this.

'Uh...right...' Sage watched Gwen Fondle Stacy's breast. 'No time for that, If they going to use a finisher. I might as well help them out, you think what I'm think Sensei?'

"you have no idea, how long i was waited to hear that!" The beast roared in joy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroko Nagasai

Kuro's Spear attack had, as he predicted, done absolutely nothing to hurt the massive Savage God Yunin. Yet suddenly, he can only see a blast of holy light, lighting up the sky in a fabulous display of light. The next thing Kuro knew... he was standing in a massive crater. Augustine Town here was utterly wiped off the map of this realm. The incredible power the attack had done indeed shocked him right to the core, all in total awe. However, now was not the time to marvel at it, Yunin is still at large and there was nothing that they can do to stop him. Or so it may seem. He looks behind him, only to see a shrine... and a person in between he and it. It was Lucifer, one who is also related to the Savage God. He seemed to be weakened from the blast as well. Now it was the perfect opportunity to The Winter Spirit to finally do something for once in this battle! Perhaps it is he that could help weaken Yunin, or if not, at least it'll be another worrisome foe down. Putting his fists together, more of his icy aura begins to swirl around him as he prepares a final blow towards Lucifer's death.

"Ice Make..." he begins slowly as the ice begins to form into...

"Harpoon Gun!"

The ice begins to form into a Harpoon gun, falling into Kuro's hands. The Winter Spirit aims the weapon at Lucifer, aiming directly at his head. After steady concentration, it was finally time.

"Heads up."

He pulls the trigger and an icy harpoon heads straight towards the opponent's head at an incredible speed. He shouldn't be able to miss at the range he was in...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Niti Laevis

“Jeanne. Hana.”

A steady voice called out. Niti made his way across the barren crater as he could still feel the heat rising from the ashen ground made by a catastrophic attack. He looked even paler than before; his skin looked as if it was drained of blood. Red hair stood prominent against the dark ground and even more blackening skies. Having to reinforce the bubble barrier and making sure it holds as long as possible was no easy feat. It did a number on Niti and his magical reserves, but that didn’t stop him. If his guildmates are on the battlefield, then this is where he stays – right along with them in this mass of chaos.

Steadily, his gaze shifted from the brilliant series of onslaughts in battle to Jeanne who slept on a bed of overwhelming petals. He didn’t even need to look at her to tell that her own flesh was burnt since, no matter how many cherry blossoms were in the air, it could never mask the scent of burning hair and skin set ablaze.

“Hana, help the lovely archer. You can leave Jeanne with me. So…” Niti let out an obviously forced grin and innocently tilted his head. However, forcing happiness was too much effort as he instantly dropped the look, opting for peeved instead. “Make sure you kick that falsified god’s ass off his copper throne. Jeanne… “ He trailed off as he leveled eyes with Hana. “…She was hurt from all his god crap.”

Niti quickly turned away from the battle, focusing on Jeanne. He took a deep breath, readying himself as he concentrated his magic.

“Healing Chrysalis.”

With a swipe of one hand over Jeanne’s battered body, a large number of bubbles were conjured. All together, they wrapped themselves around the Archangel until her prone figure was completely submerged in bubbles. The bubbly bath shined with luminance despite what little light the sky has to offer. A few petals from the flower bed floated within, adding an aromatic factor, while the bubbles pushed against the injuries and any tensed muscles. Not only was this spell like a massage to a weakened body, the soapy substances also acted as gentle disinfectants to the wounds and increase the healing rate exponentially.

Whatever attacks that may come, the bubbles that had encased her would be her cocoon – protecting something precious until the living treasure blooms anew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Lucky?" She smirked shrugging off Ajax statement of underestimating her, she sat down with an invisible defense repelling all of Aiden and Ajax's attacks and barrages as well as the temperature change. Seated at the floor, Kyou crosses her legs and snapped her fingers which created a throne out of nowhere and seats there. The power of the 5th Wizard Saint remains vague. Drinking a glass of red wine, Kyou watches the battle unfold and tells Oriel that this isn't even Ajax's full power and the invisible wall that she invoked was out of this world as Oriel asked and Kyou gave her a clue about her magic. "Who knows if you can break out of my invisible wall that is." She taunts Oriel.

Then she played with her archive magic which is connected to Aiden's magic power, "Dragon Force invoked; ethernano levels exceeding limit. Content 50% fire and 50% ice. Delete 50% fire content, synthesizing ethernano component 50% ice, completed. Synchronizing with internal origin mana with host(Aiden's own mana), completed. Stabilizing success." Kyou uses her archive magic and got "rid" of the 50% fire content of the lacrima Aiden consumed which will stabilize his mode better to make him have more control and not be affected by the side effects of that 50% content later. It doesn't change the fact that the ice will still affect him regardless of resilience over ice magic, it is still a concentrated extreme amounts of energy that do more harm than good. In short Aiden is both relying on his own magic power induced 50% ice lacrima. Regardless it is still a pyrofrost lacrima but its fiery properties are neutralized, it's 50% ice content is enough to make supply him enough power to maintain DF.


Of course, Stacy used to be flat chested when they were kids, they were 12 years old since they last met and it's only natural that Stacy would have menstruation. "Ouch.... and you're bragging that right now? Virgin tiger." That last part is a mockery of her alias. "I spend time taking care of my body too for the record. Beauty stuff aside, let's cut the chase and end this. Lamia Weasel. Get your ass out there and stop self raping yourself. Everyone, use every blast of magic power you have!" Gwen signals her attack. "Hyouma Zero, Hakka no Togame(Ice Devil's Zeroth White Haze Judgement!)" Gwen launches an ice devil slaying induced ice chaotic snowstorm shower, it is also enhanced with her ice make, taking form in a shape of an ethereal deity resembling that of Amaterasu Ookami. Form of a deity like wolf. This would then give a signal for everyone to follow up their attacks. Gwen makes use of the little chunk of ice that Gray left for her an Caroline.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Revan made sure to back away as the two women went after Yunin, not wanting to interfere with their attacks. He didn't launch one of his own yet, waiting to see how the so-called 'God' handled the others attacks. He stayed on guard, however, ready to attack or defend as need be, the King Hydra hissing in anger at being restrained from inflicting destruction upon the foe. The King was the only hydra that he couldn't control completely. He could only guide it or hold it back, both were immensely difficult at times and impossible to do forever.


Aiden had bailed ship as soon as he saw that his attack hadn’t hit, melting the inside of the hill and leaving only a thick shell of highly resilient ice to stand against the wave. To escape the attack, he fled underground, using the water to form a highly pressurized drill, allowing him to slip through the soil and avoid the attacks with ease. He would burst out from behind Ajax as he spoke, the words lost on his feral mind.

He collected the water he had brought with him in a sphere and launched a barrage of pressurized pellets at the Wizard Saint, screaming through the air at insane speeds. When they hit the earth there was only a small puff of dust, an insignificant testament to the concentrated piercing power of each pellet, the hole they make burrowing deep into the earth before the magic holding the pellet together fell apart.

At this time, the effects of Kyou’s interference took hold, a small portion of sanity entering his eyes as he stared at Ajax, before he flew backwards and landed quite a ways from the Saint. There was still too much instinctual rage boiling in his blood for him to feel anything else, but he once again had his calculating mind and skill in tactics. He wasn’t going to attack in a blind rage anymore, he was going to end this, one way or another. He held out a hand behind him, gathering an intense amount of pure ice magic to form a ball of ice, the amount of magic it inside of it being so intense the it began to glow with bright light.Underneath Aiden came a bright blue glow as a magic circle appeared underneath him, a low hum building in the air as immense pressures and freezing winds came from Aiden.

He stared down his opponent as he began his final attack, throwing everything he had and more at the Saint. The glow from his magic sillouetted Aiden in shadow, the only thing that good be seen of him was the intense glow of his eyes and scale marks, like the icey blue fires of hell. The ball elongated and shifted into the form of a large spear, decals of dragons carved into the shaft, as well as the blade, pulsing with magical energy.

“I do have to win every battle of importance,” Aiden said, his magic spiking as his emotions flared even higher than ever before, “ for it’s how I prove to myself, day in and day out, that I’m not a failure, that I deserve to live, deserve to exist, and most of all, it proves that bitch wrong.” As he looked at Ajax, a painful chill working it’s way up the arm that carried the spear only to be ignored, the image of a woman standing in the snow was superimposed over him, a look of utter dismissal present in her icy blue eyes, her platinum blonde hair blowing in the freezing winds. A roar of primal fury broke through the air as the pressure of Aiden’s magic cracked the ground underneath him, the power pulsing from the spear increasing it’s potency as he pushed the magic past it’s limit, not caring for the consequences of the actions as he blasted forward.

“Water Dragon’s Blitzing Charge!” He screamed as he charged forward, causing the magic circle to flash once before it launched him forward so fast he became little more than a blur, the ground behind him being completely obliterated by huge stream of pressurized water that propelled him forward at such insane speeds. The spear contracted as he drew it back, then instantly elongated as he thrust it forward to meet what ever attack or defense that Ajax sent his way. So intense was the power of the magic that even Ajax’s Lava would become cooled, as all of the heat was drained away by the intense aura the spear gave off. And as the two forces collided, Aiden released all of the power he had with one whisper.

“Metsuryū Ougi: Ascalon!”

The Spear gave one bright glow before it exploded with a rush of energy towards Ajax, taking the form of the roaring maw of a dragon the second before it hit him. It would blast forward in a avalanching rush of intense magical energy that would freeze everything in thick layers of ice, consuming all of the magical energy of whatever it touched. The radius of the blast was large and far reaching, scouring a frozen trench that extended far away from where Aiden launched the attack.

Aiden, however, was left greatly weakened by the attack. The skin on his arm and shoulder had become blue, stiffened with cold, the scales around them the only thing that kept them from being completely frozen and unsaveable. Exhaustion wracked his body as he took a step back after the attack, only to end up falling over in a dead faint, his body drained of all of it’s strength and his mind drained of all of the raging emotions that had filled him just moments before.

As he lay unconscious on the found, the dragonic features that dragonforce had brought on began to fade away back into his body, but not completely. When the process was done, Aiden's canines would remain slightly elongated, as would his eyes still hold hints of what he was like in his DF mode. His nails were still tough and sharp-like claws, and the scale marks would slowly begin to spread across his body, the one's on is face spreading down to his neck, and the ones on his arms spreading to his shoulders and torso. It seemed that with every use of Dragonforce, Aiden's dragon blood seemed to grow stronger, gaining a great amount dominance against his human side with every use.

@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 6 days ago


Like the masked man before him, Lucifer was awe struck by the might of Yunin. With every attack from Yunin, the wizard known as Lucifer felt an intense sense of happiness. Yunin may have been hurt by Jeanne's attack but, he was still kicking and growing strong as ever. With the power he wielded then he could destroy everything. Demons would become the new order. Blood leaked from Lucifer's body as he had taken some damage from the nuke-esque spell even with his magical shield. The sound of the air being cut reached ears all too late. He turned his head at last minute to see a spear flying straight toward him. The moment the spear made contact with the shield, a bright glow eclipsed the spear's contact point. The spear ripped through Lucifer's head like a hot knife through butter, killing him immediately. A voice echoed within Kuro's mind.

You have defeated a great evil. Become one with magic and find us within Mensis.


Sairis's Ascension

Dream World Begin
"What have a done?" Sairis voice was low and raspy, covered in disdain for himself.

"Get up, Sai-sai." A young feminine voice.

Sairis opened his eyes to see that he was back at the guild. Everything looked normal except for the young versions of Gwen, and Nathan stood over his body. They stared at him, Gwen smiling as brightly as usual, and Nathan with his usual look of boredom. "Why are you still on the ground?" Gwen asked in a somber tone. Sairis face showed a lack of his jolly personality and he responded in a similar tone. "I let myself. Maybe it's better if I stay down."

"Oh really? Sounds like weakling talk to me." Nathan responded non-nonchalantly.

"You're right. I'm weak." Sairis closed his eyes in defeat.

"HEY! You stop that. That's not the Sairis I grew up with." Gwen yelled in addition to smacking him aside the head.

"Remember when we fought for five hours and you didn't stop once?" Nathan spoke in a more cheery voice, placing his hand on his head.

Sairis expression changed a bit but not by much until Gwen also spoke, "Or that time you chased that giant gorrilla 14 miles to capture it." Sairis's smile began to take form. They were right in a way but what could he really do? He was hurt and had no true understanding of what to do.

"I don't understand what's going on now. I'm..different." Sairis spoke with a sincere tone to his friends.

"So? That's never stopped you before. Help your friends. Don't lose your way." Gwen spoke with the utmost happiness.

Sairis opened his eyes to see a now adult Gwen and Nathan standing above him with Gwen holding her hand out to help him to his feet. He reached to her hand and her words echoed throughout his mind, resonating with his very soul.

Don't lose your way

Dream World End

A pillar of darkness exploded from the area Sairis was in, eclipsing everything around him and only him. It rose to the very clouds above, swirling and blocking out any sight to the man on the inside. Sairis body underwent a new "form" and strange markings formed over his body. It was time to embrace the power of a devil and use it against the forces of evil. Several moments passed before the pillar finally lowered with Sairis appearing differently then he used to look.

A grin formed over his lips, replacing the expression of anger. Shadows coalesced around his body, dancing to an imaginary tone. The devil Slayer had awakened and he was ready to help his friends. "Ya know..I've heard everything up till now. You harmed my friends and me but I have to thank you. You brought to whole 'nother stage in my life. Unlocked something deep in me that I couldn't unlock on my own. Now it's time to test it's power on you." Sairis extended his right arm fully, shadow gathering at his palms. It swirled and jumped before taking shape of a large scythe. DEVIL SLAYER ART: MADMAN CROSS SLASH!" Sairis voice boomed throughout the area as he reeled his arm back gathering as much force as possible. His arm lunged forward creating a powerful sonic boom when the spear was launched and lifting Sairis right off his feet.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroko Nagasai

Kuro's spear was true to his target. Even after hitting Lucifer's shield, it was able to penetrate the weakest spot and utterly slice Lucifer's head open. Finally he was able to do something in battle and spoke a silent Yes! as he did it. Yet what he heard next would indeed shock him to the core…

You have defeated a great evil. said a voice from within Kuro's mind, Become one with magic and find us within Mensis.

The Winter Spirit's eyes jolt open and looks around rapidly, trying to find out where the voice came from. He thought that killing Lucifer would only bring the demon down and nothing else. It seems as if there is much more in killing him...

"W-What?" he asked aloud while looking around, "Who said that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Y U N I N T H E S A V A G E, D E S T R O Y E D


Blinking lights of ill-intent filled the sky. His steps towards the rebellious child was halted as he paused, avoiding three arrows that fell where he would have been. The rest of them seemingly peppered the ground around him, for several feet around him they stabbed the earth. Only one was embedded in his shoulder. Black blood oozed from the puncture wound as it shattered from a concentrated burst of his power.

Irrelevant, girl. Are you the one causing this pain in my chest? he thought, his voice traveling to wizards.

All the while he listened to the woman's ramblings. She was not the first to spout such nonsense... the Dragons had told him the same. Only difference being they had the power to back it up. He smirked--for the first time--as the woman bent into a obvious stance. Before, not even once, maybe twice or thrice, he had seen that stance. Centuries of battle had offered an unparalleled advantage when it came to those that imitated or even experimented with another's technique. The damp ground suddenly slid from underneath him as he felt a instant jerk from his energy shields and left arm.

Wide eyes could not describe the shock. Like a dagger through soft flesh, his left--ethereal--arm had been split down the middle. If he had not been more careful, if he had not followed his instincts and attempted to dodge at the last moment, he would have been killed. For a moment, he felt exhilaration flood his veins but than a foreign emotion, something akin to fear but more related caution drove him away from her. A powerful flap of his wings sent a devastatingly quick blast towards the woman swordsman, pummeling her with enough strength to send her flying into the columns several dozens feet away.

Likewise, he gripped the three arrows aiming for his chest and shattered them with little effort. He stomp madly against the ground and halted his movement. A vile green energy erupted again from him as he did so, sending a constant, ground shaking wind towards them.

Death and despair...Sadness and hurt, He spoke out to them somberly. The future is plentiful of havoc and chaos. Immortality will expose you to pain unlike any other. A grim fate will break you like a twig. Seeing you all defy me is heartening and admirable. He pointed a thin magical finger towards the being in the form of an angel, a straight line on his face. I'm going to kill you after I'm done with the women. You seem content to let them die and it angers me.

His eyes lowered and the nullification drizzle from before fell on top of them all. Their magic, items, had become useless now, utterly and faintly pointless. It would disappear as if it never had existed. They needed to know that there was no hope for them anymore. That they could stop fighting and bow to the apex.

He trained his gaze on the samurai, ready to kill her, for he knew she would never bow to him. But when he took his first step, his chest gorged two times it normal size until he puked out a black--crawling-- pool of blood. He eyed it, seeing small metal creatures invisible to the normal eye. Directing his attention to his insides, he saw the cause of his random chest pains, the small insects were corroding and eating him alive. Clenching his fangs together, he took flight backwards, unaware, and at the same time knowing of another's presence.

This man of black hair and tattoos had swiped something forward as he passed by. Yunin's world had twisted in the same moment as he fell to the ground and his rain came to a stop, wet dirt sloshed against his pale face. Calm as ever, he turned his gaze upwards to the extreme to look at the cracking and shattering hell realm. He had not known why at first but it appeared he was under the sky now. Lucifer must be dead and the realm is falling because of it. Pity.

He attempted to heave himself up but could not, so he tried again, and once again failed. It was amusing to be trifled with such a task. So he sensed himself out, only find that his legs were severed from his torso and that they were quickly being devoured by the insects. When he checked his torso as well, it too were being devoured. With a laughter so profound that it echoed in everyone's mind like a sick child's, Yunin found himself smiling.

A Devil Slayer... You all had a Devil Slayer hidden away. I believed I had slaughtered anyone with such knowledge five hundred years ago. Only that magic could survive my rain, only that magic could defeat me, Oddly enough, a calm swept through him and the mind's link to him as well. Very well then...I was tired of being alive anyway. Living through this world with no other purpose than conquest was saddening.

He glared up at the sun that shined in Augustine Town, the injured but far less devastated town, was rather comforting to him in his last moments. I thank the being that did this to me but know this, he is not your hero. For you all would have died if not for these metal bugs, they tore me up from the inside and weakened me considerably. Even still, I thank you Devil Slayer. For now I can join her again...

Reach further courageous ones. For you still have claws to climb with and loved ones to protect.

Several minutes had come and gone by the time his body was completely devoured. Not a trace left.


He sat on top of a building undetectable by the others, his eyes covered with his hand as he stared with dead eyes at his bare feet. If what he had just seen, if what he had just heard was true. If that vision was true... t-than...he would be betrayed by the ones he loved the most? What was trust--even if a little--compared to a vision of the truth. What had he stumbled upon in this amulet? The golden trinket with three silver eyes embedded in its core with etchings of sapphire dragons fixed around it. What was it?

His gaze fell upon it, dull and dark as he grasped it in his hand. Could it be lying? He decided it couldn't for it wasn't the item showing him the vision. Rhodroth wouldn't lie to him. He knew that much... so it had to be true. Furiously his eyes fell upon the gathering of wizards in the center of town, every single one of them would... even Gwen. Clenching his jaw, he raised and turned from them. Heading back to the guild with a vile but convincing betrayal before his eyes.

Fucking shits. Don't ever call me friend again...
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