Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
What is your real name?
Ronald McDonald, of course.
No, it's actually Princess MacGuffin.
Oops, I forgot, it's Anna Rose.
Are you male or female?
Hello, Professor Oak. I'm a female. Do I get to choose my starter now?
What is your age?
When is your birthday?
The beginning of time.
(oops i meant february 20)
What grade are you in?
10th, fuck you freshmeats :^)
What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I don't think I have many hobbies, except for playing video games whenever I want to waste time/procrastinate. I guess my interests would be, well,
playing video games.
I do enjoy architecture a ton, as I want to be an architect someday. More often than not, I'd design boats, because I like studying boats. Boats are fun, too. I like cruises. Maybe I'll make a cruise ship?
I'm also interested in landscape architecture, as I enjoy nature and I'd want to design a nature park that people could visit someday.
Boats, nature, and electricity, I suppose. I also draw when I get bored.
How would you describe your personality?
I'd say that I'm terrible at being a person, which is kinda accurate based on what I'm like. I'm narrow-minded, hostile, aaaaand evil. I can be a douchebag 80% of the time, mostly to freshscrubs and nublets, and also new kids, and also seniors, and also little kids, so nobody is safe from my cancerous personality.
But you, the nublet, may be thinking, "wait if you think your personality is so bad why don't you change it?"
What has your life been like so far?
Hello, my name is Anna Rose, and I feel as if I was shit, because I was, and I feel as if the United Kingdom is the best place ever, because it is, and I ALSO feel as if job opportunities in America made me move, because that's
There's a reason why I'm angry a lot of the time, and that reason is because I pretty much had to move, because of that stupid job opportunity that appeared up in Maine, because of course when my life was going
swimmingly, that had to come out of nowhere, basically forcing me away from my friends, most of my family, and now I'm here where I forced myself to meet people in this stupid town named Wellbridge that I've never heard of before.
I was perfectly happy back in the United Kingdom, in Northern Ireland, with all of my fellow Irish (and some Scotland) family. I had so much there. I had friends. I had aunts. I had uncles. I had cousins. Of course, money > family, so we moved when I was about thirteen out of nowhere.
I didn't know how to adjust to this new life as a foreigner in a new country, in an unknown town, in a state that nobody paid attention to, with a stupid government. Hearing people speak without Irish, Scottish, English, or Welsh accents ANYWHERE was confusing to the thirteen year-old me, and so, for a small amount of time, my brain shut down and I became a school-focused zombie. It was only until it neared the end of eighth grade that someone said 'Hi' to me in the hallway, where I greeted them back and we had a long conversation. It turns out that the person that said 'Hi' to me in the hallway was actually interested in my heritage, and it was fun having my first friend.
They moved.
Lots of anger.
I wasn't really depressed, just angry at my father for deciding to move to Maine, and me being the stupid daddy's girl that I was desperately wanted to go with him. My mother followed shortly after, and all of the stupid things that were mentioned above happened. I soon regretted the decision that I made, and wanted to go home, but seeing as my father wouldn't really let me, I just gave up and stayed there.
Being angry somehow lead to me meeting another soon to be friend, who I met a year ago, and THEN I actually opened up, though still angry which caused me to act the way I act now.
It seems that this anger will never go away. Though I still have friends, and I have fun with the new kids within the school, and I'm starting to become on better terms with my father, there's still that anger from years before.
I really don't think I'll ever be the same innocent little girl I was three years ago. Some things do change, but some things don't.
wow when have i put that much into a stupid form
What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
What are your thoughts on the project?
This is dumb.
Anything else you'd like to add?
I also enjoy Desperate Housewives.
My love life is nonexistent.
I can play guitar pretty well, I suppose.
gender doesn't matterI like Caravan Palace.and that's it