Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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The beautiful face of the elven princess wore a determined expression as she marched gracefully and lightly across the dirt trail towards a critical point in the battle happening between orc and elf forces at the elven forward command center. At her side were two others, a male and female, both graceful in their own right but not matching her own, standing out even amongst the elves. She had flowing garments fluttering around her gold and silver colored thin plate armor, covering only strategic parts as to not weigh her down and limit maneuverability.

Once she got into position she held out her slender right hand, swirling white energy flowing through tattoos on her body that only revealed themselves when using magic. The energy then began forming into a ball within her hand that would become powerful enough to wipe out the orc forces pinned down below. The orcs would break out of the elf defensive lines and win eventually, but not before she managed to take the orcs out and shift the battle to a clear elf victory who would only have to mop up the survivors.

Little did she know, one of the orcs happened to spot her and was on his way to intercept her just in time to thwart her master plan...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Kotagnac had just finished hacking an unprepared elven warrior's head of with his shield when he saw a magnificant white light in the borders of his vision. He turned, and to his dispair, saw a beautiful elven princess standing above the ongoing battle, withdrawing from the expanses of her magic abilities, preparing an attack to wipe out his forces. "Dre'bachk, Sneklen, hurry, follow me!" He shouted to two high ranking orcs. "Perske' shoot that wench!" He shouted this to his horseback crossbowman as he and his other chieftans advanced upon the elven royal with their long sprinting strides. The smaller orc, Perske', readied a bolt, and let it loose, aiming at one of her armed gaurds, for no one was allowed to take a higher ranking officer's target. Kotagnak readied his shield to protect from enemy projectiles or magic coming from the small group, and let out a blood curdling war cry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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"Milady! Look out!" The male elf shouted, seeing the fowl archer taking aim in support of three others. With his swift reactions he took a firm step forward and raised an elegant golden shield, causing the arrow to glance harmlessly off of it. He then raised his javelin with his other and flung it down at the orc advancing furthest in the front. As his weapon was soaring through the air, he and his companion drew very slimly built swords and held them at the ready to clash against the orcs.

"We'll hold them off!" The female elf told the princess, not risking looking behind her at the princess for fear that the orcs may take advantage of the momentary distraction. The elven princess remained motionless, eyes glaring at the advancing ruckus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Kotagnak saw the incoming javelin and easily smacked it away with his shield, laughing at the weak attack. "You cannot hope to defeat me!" He roared in boast. "Throw up the ladder!" Several orcs levered a large steel ladder into place, and as it clanked into place, the hooks at the end latched it onto the elevated area. "Perske', cover us, then when we reach the top ride around and join us." "Yes, chieftan." Kotagrak waited for Sneklen to begin ascending the ladder before getting on himself, followed by Dre'bachk. This was customary to allow cover from above and below while climbing. They were about halfway up the ladder when a very loud horn-ish roar was heard. Kotagnac turned his head. "The mammoths are here, brothers!!" There were two of these mammoths, one hold a small trebuchet on the back. They were both about 200 feet away from where the elven royal was. Kotagnac then began to ascend the ladder quicker, urging Sneklen to move at faster pace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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"Concentrate on stopping their advance up the ladder!" The elven princess ordered.

"Yes, your majesty!" The two elves replied, already making their move forward. The male elf raised his shield to cover the two of them from the arrow fire as the advanced towards the top of the ladder, the elf female extended her free hand out after a series of chants, causing fire to burst forward at the climbing orcs and the ladder itself, which would heat it up to painful levels and might even burn their hands badly enough where they couldn't hold weapons properly if they didn't get off it soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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"Kotagnak! Theyre heating the ladder!" Kotagnak thought for a moment, then grabbed the orc behind him and threw him up onto the ledge. "Take out the shield!" Kotagnac roared. He then grabbed the orc above him by the back of the shirt and was thrown up the opposite side of the other, to the right. Kotagnak then began to throw himself up the ladder like a raging gorilla, reaching the top and diving onto the platform, plowing through the guards standing there. Perske', the horseback, crossbowman then began to circle around to geyt around to the section that melts into the rest of the landscape. Kotagnac rolled to a knee position and raised his shield, covering his whole body. He then drew a card from his boot. "Magic: Fireball!!" he shouted. A flaming orb of death then appeared from the card and burst towards the elven royal at surprising speed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Such force that orc had to throw two large orc men around and then bash through the elven male with the shield, knocking him down as well as the female behind him. She knew that orcs could be strong, but that was ridiculous! This was no ordinary orc, that much was for sure. As he shot a fireball at her she had no other option but to release the magic that she had stored in front of her palm, sending it flying towards the fire at breakneck speed to likely eliminate both attacks in a massive explosion. The force of the blow knocked her backwards a bit and she barely managed to maintain her footing, only doing so due to her incredible grace and anticipation of such a result.

Her eyebrows furrowed into a look of annoyance. So much for her quick and easy victory plan. She'd have to kill this intruder soon before her elves lost the battle. The other two elves were now trying to scramble to their feet before the orcs could reach them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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There was a massive explosion. Kotagnac only budged an inch or two in his kneeling position. "Rrrg. Her magic is strong. She is not however." He thought. "You there! Elven maggot! What is your name?! I want to know what i shall engrave on the plaque that goes under your severed head! Hahaha!" He yelled this taunt to the princess in taunt as he advanced towards her, his shield raised, covering most of him in his crouch position.

His other two orcs were in combat with the elven gaurds, so he was going to challenge the princess. He drew another card, this time from his belt, and chanted some words. "H'huru mislektsh ektemp." Upon finishing these words, the card he was holding began to glow. And out of it came a nasty looking orcish shortsword. "Hehehe." He laughed as he came upon her. "Your time to die is now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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The elven princess let out a grin, amused by her opponent more than annoyed by his insults. "My name is Velice Alnori. I'm afraid that I cannot allow a lowly orc such as yourself to take my head...unless of course you're more than meets the eye? It's hard to tell, really; each orc looking as disgusting as the last."

As the orc brandished his weapon, Velice drew her own gracefully from it's scabbard in one fast, fluid motion. The sword was long and narrow, almost like a rapier, it's blade transparent and appearing like stained glass of many different colors that glittered magnificently as light struck it. The glittering was not blinding, however, more pleasant to look at then anything else.

"Unfortunately for you, we elves and myself especially are far stronger then our appearances let on," she replied to his threat on her life. To demonstrate her point she lashed out with the tip of her blade at him so quickly it was almost a blur, and if it struck his sword it would likely be quite the jarring impact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Kotagnac slightly adjusted his shield to block the surprisingly strong blow. He then returned it with a swing of his own, from his top right to his bottom left. But one thing he did barely see was a bolt fly at Velice from the side, well aimed at her torso. Kotagnak did not avert his eyes, so his opponent couldnt know it was coming from him. Hopefully this would be a swift victory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Velice sensed the attack coming and swiftly glided backwards out of range of both the swing and the arrow, almost making it seem like she was on ice skates. She gave her opponent an arrogant grin as her feet touched noiselessly back down onto the earth.

"Surely you didn't expect to take my head with that paltry attack? Any other moves you'd like to show me?" She taunted, unbecoming of her beauty to act in such a manner.

Her two companions wearily faced their opponents, their battle not going quite as well as the princess's, but they were managing to hold their own for the time being and hoped for a single good strike or two to turn the fight in their favor. Fighting at close range against orcs was not a favorable position, so despite the elves being more powerful overall, this battle was proving to be a very difficult one. They were talented with magic but not nearly on the level of the quick casting abilities of the princess, and the orc's relentless attacks stopped them from having the time to form the complex spells that they needed to win. They needed to make their move...

"Gildia, behind me! I'll hold them off, just concentrate on the spell!" The male elf said in their language. The female nodded and stepped behind him and his shield, chanting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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"I dont think so!" Kotagnac yelled at the elfs announcment. He kept his eyes on the elf princess but began a quick chant of his own. "Gr'eck lertuje m'uckt" An green flying Imp appeared behind Kotagnac, wielding a bow. It aimed at the elf gaurd chanting a spell, and fired. Now nornall a bow smaller than an Imp wouldnt do much more than sting, but this Imp was summoned, so it had magical qualities. Through flight, the arrow tripled in size, and began to coat in frost, making a frightful sight to see flying at you. Except the elf wouldnt, as it was coming from the side, and aimed right at heart level.

Kotagnac wouldnt waste the small oppurtunity he had to call to his allied orc. "Perske'! Provide more cover fire for the other two! Occasional shots here!"
He then turned to his own opponent and performed a feint left hip to right shoulder slash, planning to bring it into a roundhouse kick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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The elven male fought bravely, the orc's weapons clashing off his shield while he got some good counterattacks of his own against them, but unfortunately this distracted him from the arrow coming in from a direction that he didn't expect. The female shouted at him to look out a moment too late, as he glanced with unfocused eyes at the iced over arrow in his side before tumbling weakly off the cliff edge, his armor and shield making loud clattering noises as he fell to his presumed death. The female snarled angrily at the loss of her comrade and friend, finishing off her spell with much more energy and gusto then before, unleashing a huge blast of fire at the two orcs in front of her, intent on burning them down to charcoal in revenge for their role in his demise.

Velice's swift reactions were too much to allow her to be tricked so easily as she blocked the shoulder slash, although her muscles strained against his power more then she'd like to let on. He was indeed a strong orc after all. She took another step back to dodge the kick. How could an elven princess like herself be caught seen giving ground? Loosing on her of bodyguards to him was already a big enough shame as it was. She'd have to stop fooling around with him and take him and the rest of his fowl brethren out.

He tattoos glowed as she extended her free hand towards the ground, calling forth a vine to spring out and try to wrap around her opponent's ankle, forcing his foot out from under him so that he'd fall heavily to the ground and become an easy target.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Kotagnac heard a combustion of magic behind him. The elf must have finished her spell, as there were no more grunts of effort heard. Then he heard the swift pngg of a crodsbow and the twang of a shortbow as two projectiles were launched at the remaining gaurd. "Thatll be the end of that." He thought. Suddenly a tug at his ankle was felt, and Kotagnac was almost thrown off his feet, his left foot yanked heavily to the side. The pulling of the vine put him into a wide- leg- open stance, left leg slightly ahead of his right, actually putting him in a more stable stance. He stabbed forward with the bottom of his shield, and a overhead with his sword at the same time, although keeping his sword arm close to his body incase he needed to make any quick gaurds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Gildia took solace in the fact that two of the vile orcs were enveloped in the full force of her magic, burning to death too quickly for her taste, but she also wanted to help the Princess so knew not to let her emotions get the better of her any more then it already had. Just before she turned the fire onto the orc that Princess Velice was facing, an arrow came at her from both directions. With her limited mobility, thanks to being busy casting her spell, she only managed to barely avoid the one from the summoned being, the horseback archer's arrow striking her in the torso underneath her ribcage. Her flames flickered out as she felt consciousness leave her, falling to her knees and then rolling off the cliff like her dead companion, only in her case luckily breaking her fall into a bush, yet still seemingly dead from a distance as she remained motionless.

Velice was angry now, causing some of her grace to leave her fighting style, turning her more agressive. She grabbed from the bottom of his shield with her gauntleted left hand (although still painful) while blocking his overhead swing with her sword held horizontally over her head. With all of her might she would try to yank the shield left and deflect the sword to the right, opening up his torso for a quick slash of her blade down into it if she managed to create the opening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Kotagnac heard as an arrow pierced into the soft flesh of the section of torso under a humanoid's ribcage. One of his archers had landed a blow on the remaining elf gaurd. He heard her then tumble of the cliff with an audible thud below, mixed with something else indiscernible.

He focused on his opponent again, realizing she had influenced both of his weapons outward, leaving himopen. He attempted a backwards roll away from her, but he only ended up falling onto his back, the vines holding one of his feet in place. He looked up at the elf princess and snarled as he realized he was in an extremely bad position.

Kotagnac attempted to scramble to his feet but was stopped as a massive bellow was heard through the air and dust and dirt suddenly flew up around the two, making a fog of irritating gas. Also at the same time the dirt anf particle were blasted into the air a large tremor was thrown through the earth, knocking Kotagnac back onto his bum again. He, completely bewildered, began to try and cut the vine with his sword blindly in an attemp to remove it from his ankle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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"Yes, victory!" The elven princess thought, the finishing blow mere moments away, only to be stopped just in time by a most unexpected arrival. A large quantity of irritating dust burst into her eyes, temporarily blinding her, and a powerful tremor at her feet threw her off balance, causing her to first stumble forward and then tumble back onto her own hindquarters rather ungracefully, landing very close to where the orc was struggling. Inconceivable! She cursed her own bad luck and the horrible orcs that caused things to come to this, as well as whatever it was that had attacked her like that.

Knowing that he was so close to her she lashed out with her feet, trying to kick him before he had time to do anything to her. Her legs and feet glowed with runes as they powered her strength and speed to inhuman levels, like how she had been keeping up with the physically more powerful orc until now. This allowed her to have that advantage over him, but she had used a lot of her magic in the opening spell that she was forced to waste on his magic so could tell she was weakening, her kicks loosing their power even as she did them just now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Kotagnac successfully cutting the bond on his leg was caught off gaurd by a kick to the ribs from his left, as he couldnt notice his foe on the ground beside him. There was an audible crack, the tell-tale sign of a broken rib. "Ack! You swine!"

He had unnfortunately dropped his shield in the commotion, so his only choice was to block it with his...bare...hands.

He put his hands up to defend from a kick and, surely dreadfull news to his opponent, there was a card in one of his palms.

"Magic: Fireball!" This was his second time using this card, as he had already went through his minute deck. Hopefully this would deal significant damage to the elf's nearly bare legs, maybe overpowering her magic or matching it enough to deter her, even though this fireball was a relatively weak magic, it had Kotagnac's physical strength behind it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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The magical runes visible on her legs and feet glowed brightly as the magical attack came in contact with it, the two forces bashing against each other in an effort to come out on top. The runes managed to stop her from getting physically burned but it was still a painful burning sensation, causing her to cease the attack and sprawl painfully around as she was taken off guard by this. He could likely see the runes on her skin fading as they weakened themselves to counter this point blank attack, signaling that she was now the one in big trouble.

She tried to blindly stumble back onto her feet in an effort to regroup. Meanwhile, a small audience was forming as the mammoth and their reinforcements arrived. However, they held back, knowing not to take the kill from their leader.
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