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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sixth Arc: Grand Magic Games(PROLOGUE)

OOC: Let the current stuff be an open ending. The show must go on.

I'm not in a good condition right now here are the details:

X-815, January 7th.

Four have come to past; and there is only two weeks before the Grand Magic Games. Viper Bolt and Harpy Wing are no longer united for Harpy's Guild is restored in Magnolia. Changes have been made and struggles have been rising; the resurrection of Fairy Tail Guild is what the masters and Sable have been going at but it isn't going in Sable's favor. Going back to the events of X-814, September 24, it was a mission failed for the Magus Hunters; Avatar is still on the run and it was thanks to Alec Roganoff that Lamia Scale isn't disbanded by the Magic Council. The unknown dragon slayer is still at large for other villages have constantly been plagued by her magic and she leaves no trace of herself. Gwen and Sairis have had been training together for the past 4 months, Aiden, Brad, and Black Mamba are relieved of their duties temporarily in the Magic Council for Kyou had taken interest in Sable and personally recruited him with benefits included although he isn't an official member of Magus, Sable receives training from Oriel with the supervision of Kyou. The rest of the months especially New Year's Festival, Lamia, Harpy and Viper had a party. Since the death of the King of Fiore, a new King has risen and it's none other than the former council member, Drake Roganoff. Lunar Wolf remains in the shadows and have yet to make their move till the grand magic games, and Sabertooth holds the rank of being the 2nd strongest guild in Fiore. It is a free roam segment and everyone is free to do what they want but don't abuse your freedom.

GMG is handled by Kal, Renny, Nero and Kio

GM's notes: I won't be around much considering the challenges I'm facing irl.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Berserker's Fury

Vladosta Arc: End

4 weeks later after the Vladosta incident: X-815, January 7th

Sage hoisted his bag over his shoulders, the breeze ran through his white hair as he continued walking towards Lamia Scale, the past few weeks Sage had been training with his new body and Magic/Curse...but he was still unable to fight at full strength, evident by the amount of bandages and wrapping he was covered in. As the Familiar building appeared on the horizon..or what looked like to be the build.

'Attacked? Why would someone do that?' Sage pondered as he cover his red eye over with his white hair. Leaving his black eye to show. 'Avatar...something tells me it's them....'

As Sage entered the guild...the silence around him with noticeable: VERY noticeable. Sage really wanted to use his magic to scare them off...but by request of his Mentor and 2nd mentor: he promised them he wouldn't.

"Sage Ruzuzaki." looking up he saw Leon glaring at him "My office: now."

That was one of the many thing that happened today: this was just the start of it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - A Ghastly Flicker

-Prior Events-

Silently, the Archangel observed the silent Sage skeptically as he turned to stare ominously at her for a few seconds. Guardedly, the Paragon stood in silence, a breeze caused the wings of brilliant gold she possessed to flitter ever slightly in the wind as for a second the two simply stared. Wrathfulness had filled the air, threatening to overwhelm her unending temperance as he then moved with a savage roar towards her as he drew a duet of blades and charged the Archangel with undue aggression.

His sword came down and clashed with one of her own in a flash of light.

Having perceived him as an ally at first, Jeanne's blades of white fire were summoned at the last possible moment to parry aside the oncoming strike. Gracefully, she swiveled about him with the prowess that countless hours of practice methodically provided, and in a smooth transference of motion her own blade arced around with the parry that struck Sage's unwarranted attack aside.

It would come to a calm stop just millimeters away from the space between his eyes. There it would remain. The lawful temperance of Jeanne's magic acting as a direct wall against the insane madness that was the Berserker's surge. Yet even then, the Archangel would not strike down her apparent opposite while she held him at her mercy. Around him flickered the fickle flame of dozens of righteous fiery blades, each with their pointed edge aimed for his heart, yet she was still.

A dark portal consumed him then and he disappeared, though she had the opportunity, the Archangel did not follow.

The incident would be reported to the Guildmaster. He would be the one to decide punishment, not Jeanne.

The passing four weeks had been little more than a constant vigil of her patience in waiting for Sage to return from whence he came. Inside Leon's office she would be waiting for him to enter with her arms folded behind her back and her fingertips intertwined just lightly. Though any would have expected for her to be tensed and ready for war, she was in fact rather relaxed.

Once he entered Leon's office, an heavy silence hung over the three until at last Jeanne spoke first.

"You're lucky," She began quietly, looking downward upon the boy. "I did not tell anyone other than our Master that you tried to strike me down in Valdosta. Their mistrust in you is well placed, but not well placed enough as a result; I do suggest that you begin to tread lightly for the coming months."

Yet her final question lead to a severely narrowed focus of her eyes upon him, behind her back her fingertips clenched into fists as if she were about to draw a sword. "Thankfully, my concerns are on a greater scale than my own well-being. Mind explaining just what in the Gods you were doing out there? If you were going after a Dark Guild by yourself, you should have had the common sense to call for help."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nigel Ballard

The markswoman seemed surprised when Nigel suggested that she be a part of the team for the Grand Magic Games. "Me?" she questioned first, poking herself in the chest for emphasis. Piper thought about it for a few seconds, bringing a hand to her chin. It was true that there were few experts in ranged combat like her, and she did have tactical insight and advantages. It wouldn't be crazy to put her on the team, but Piper was still surprised that Nigel recognized a value in her.

"You're right," she agreed, nodding her head. "With a lineup like that, we're sure to win. We're diverse enough to ensure we can win the challenges, we just have to hope we get good matchups for the fights." A smile formed on her face as she adjusted her glasses. "We might be able to net our first victory at the games this year. We've got what other guilds like Lamia and Vyper lack..." A cocky grin formed on her face as she tapped the side of her head.

"Smarts." Despite Master Chak standing right there, Piper giggled to herself a bit. "Though I'm probably the weakest link of the team. We'll just have to hope that I don't get called for any fights. Leave the challenges to me and we'll win for sure. But about the uniforms..." Piper brought a hand to her chin again as she began to hum. "We need to have style and a theme... but... we should also have some utility..." Her eyes settled on Nigel now. "Have you ever worked on clothes in your laboratory?"

While Piper was talking, Nigel listened patiently to her, occasionally nodding in agreement. When she mentioned clothing, Nigel thought about it for a while. "Clothing huh...I work on so many things at one time. Clothes with hidden utilities might be one of those things. I'll have to check on that but If my memory serves me right, I believe I have engineered a certain piece of fabric with some peculiar properties" he told her. "I'll go check right now, you are welcome to join me to the lab if you want" he said and started walking towards the stairs leading to the guild basement.

Present Time - 2 weeks before the Grand Magic Games

"Hmmm still not good enough..." Nigel mumbled as his artificial eye zoomed in to the fabric of which the outfits their members would wear at the Grand Magic Games would be made of. When he started, that was just a normal-looking piece of fabric.

Well, not exactly, since that specific piece of fabric had the peculiar property of shapeshifting to whatever its wearer wanted it to look like. What gives it this property? That would be Nigel's nanites of course.

Nigel stood up and threw the fabric over his head and on his back, sort of like putting on a coat. Closing his eyes, he envisioned the fabric slowly changing its form to his desired outfit. The nanites ingrained into the fabric quickly picked on the signals his brain was sending and slowly started absorbing eternano from the atmosphere around him before starting to move around, shaping the fabric according to his liking. After what seemed to be only seconds, Nigel opened his eyes and looked at the mirror in front of himself. Before, he was naked as the day he was born. Now, he was wearing a pitch black dress shirt along with a pair of reddish-to-brown slacks and a pair of white socks. He peeked inside his pants and was happy to see that the fabric had shifted to make some underwear for him as well.

Unfortunatelly though, shoes were still an issue as the fabric was limited to only clothes. "Seems like this is as far as it goes when it comes to shapeshifting. Now, let's see what else I can make this thing do..."


Twelve hours and a dozen more modifications later, Nigel raised his head and sighed. The fabric was now flame and water-resistant up to a certain degree, meaning intense heat or regular fire would not be able to burn it and it would not absorb and dampen when it came into contact with water. Additionally, he had programmed the nanites in the fabric to absorb and redirect eternano from the air to the body of the wearer, essentially making the fabric give the wearer a slight boost when it came to regenerating magic power during and in between fights. Aside from the practical modifications, he had the nanites turn the color of the fabric to a pitch black that would change depending on the preferences of the wearer. I suppose I'll let the actual people that will be participating in the Games to decide on the color of their outfits he thought. Happy with his work, he tidied up his work desk and exited his lab. His new lab that is as in the weeks prior, Harpy's Wing had relocated from Crocus to Magnolia and to their new guild hall. His lab was now located on the second floor of the guild hall.

Nigel wondered around the guild hall for a while before walking towards the guild lounge. He walked up to the bar and helped himself to some whiskey. Although Nigel can't actually get drunk, he does enjoy a drink from time to time. Taking a sip, he looked around the lounge, searching for anyone to talk to. After so much time being holed up into his lab, he was in desperate need of some form of communication.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


Aiden was running through a forest, eyes glowing with a savage intensity in the darkness as his quarry tried to shake him off. They were currently one a horse, eyes shifting constantly as he looked for the ice dragon slayer. He didn't have to wait long, however, as a chill spread through the air. The leaves rustle as frigid winds blew over the man, piercing the thin cloak he wore with ease. Suddenly, a light shower fell over the forest, and as the man raised his hand to shield himself from the chilling droplets of water, the horse he as riding cave out a frightful cry as it lost it balance, toppling over and sending the man falling to the ground.

As he tried to rise up again, he heard a strange cracking sound. Looking down, he saw that not only was the ground covered in slick ice, the culprit for his horses toppling, but he was slowly being covered in a thickening casing of ice. He tried to get up, but he found that his feet were stuck fast to the ice under him, as it slowly began to creep up his form. He cried for help and mercy as it rose high and higher, but the forest offered no reply, only a silent vigil as the man was slowly frozen.

Only when he had been completely frozen did Aiden appear, forming from mist next to the downed horse."Water Dragon's Healing Spring." He place a hand on it's sprained ankle, a small orb of water forming over the injured area and a gentle blue glow emanating from the center. After some time and no small amount of effort, the limb was good as new. Aiden then used the ice to help the animal back up, and the horse gave him a silent look before riding off into the forest, disappearing from sight in the leafy depths. Aiden wiped his forehead of sweat, feeling somewhat annoyed that it was still hard for him to heal things. He'd gotten better, but unless he was healing himself, it always took a lot out of him, and he could only heal minor injuries and physical fatigue within himself, everything else could just be stabilized to only partially healed.

Giving a sigh, he turned to his target, a dark mage that had been terrorizing a nearby village, or so they thought. In fact, he hadn't even been a mage, just a guy who'd gotten his hands on a powerful artifact and abused it. Aiden had tried his best to recover the artifact, but it got destroyed in the battle, causing a large explosion and giving the scumbag time to get away, though it didn't matter much in the end.

"Goddammit, I was hoping this mission would be more of a challenge." Aiden muttered to himself as he pulled out a transportation lacrima from his pocket and put his hand on the crook-sicle, and in a flash of light, they were in Crocus. Aiden dragged the frozen criminal into the guild and placed him near the door, before he pulled up a communication lacrima and called the authorities, letting them know that the mission they put up had been finished and that the culprit was ready for pick up. He then walked over the bar, leaping over the counter to access his stash of ice cream snacks. Today he was feeling like chocolate, so he pulled out three galloon tubs of the stuff and a spoon, closing the door to the stash with a slam then walking over to a table, where he began the process of eating the delectable treat and thinking of new ways of using his magic as well as ways to train.

He'd recently gotten down a Secret Art that had opened up a lot of possibilities for using his powers, but he still didn't think he was ready for what was coming. The Grand Magic Games . . . After my last failure, am I even ready for them? Aiden's free hand clenched into a fist and he almost bit through his spoon as he thought about the events of 4 weeks prior. Not only had they failed to bring in the shadow mage, but she was continuing to reign havoc on the populace. And if that wasn't enough, he had been 'relieved' of his Magus Hunter duties because that blasted councilwoman has taken an interest in Sable for training.

A frost began to spread from where he was seating his anger rose, wondering what the hell this woman was playing at. Everything she did served only to make him hate her more and more, the way she seemed to move and manipulate people without a care for what ever they were doing before, it was beyond infuriating. Before he lost control of himself, he started to breathe and took himself out of that frame of mind, continuing to eat his treat.

"I wonder if Cynthia will be in the games, haven't seen her in a while . . . goddamit, I hope that Sable didn't ruin his things with her with his new bullshit attitude." He sighed as he sat in the Viper Guild hall, waiting for something to do, for something to happen. If nothing did, he would go and train for a bit, something he had been doing non-stop between any missions he'd decided to take, and sometimes during them if they were the slow kind.

Xavier, A short distance outside of Crocus

Xavier stood alone in a field, his new longer hair blowing in the breeze as he stared out across the fields, eyes scanning the horizon. In his hand he wielded a new sword that he had spent the last 4 weeks training with, a bulky thing but thaty suited him just fine. Taking a breath, he raised the blade and slowly began to go through the forms that Knight had taught him. As time passed he began to swing the blade faster and faster, and started to perform more skillful techniques with it, the wind beginning to whistle around the black blade.

After an hour of this, Xavier began to gather magical energy into the blade, causing a darkened orange aura to cover the blade.

"Tephra Godslayer's Ashen Harvest!" The energy around the blade flashed as he made a horizontal slash, sending out a fast moving, sickle shaped cloud of super heated ashes to slice through the air, and it was soon followed by more as he continued the assault on nothing, before he moved to block an imaginary attack from behind. As he pretended to struggle with the foe, another orange glow came up from below as he used another spell. "Tephra God's Wrathful Upheaval!" The ground exploded upward in a plume of hot ashes, which Xavier used to separate himself from his foe, but then burst through it slash at his imagined foe, using the plume of ash to send out blades of obsidian at them every now and then to keep them from getting into a rhythm. If anyone was looking for him at the moment, this is where he would be, training intensely in order to get ready for the Grand Magic Games.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai - Magnolia

2 months have past since his endeavour to the lost city of Mensis, hidden in the northern mountains. It was indeed a long and grueling journey, but thanks to the voices in his head, it guided Kuroku towards its location. Alas he was able to find it and made his way in, and was greeted by a huge shrine embodied in gold and silver. It was a glorious sight for all eyes that would set upon it. An elder, who had an incredibly long beard, then presented himself to Kuroku, telling he that he was the Father of Mensis and offered him to confirm that he was... a chosen one. Kuroku agreed and the next thing he knew, he was participating in hard and grueling training that would help he to become a more stronger mage then he was before. It required his whole body, mentally and psychically to pass the tests given to him. Some were so hard in fact, that it would almost seem as if he was going to give up or even pass out. Yet Kuroku was able to pass all of them. After that rigorous training, he was finally bestowed with a power that will forever change his life. One that will help bring peace and purity towards Fiore as a whole. He had finally taken the place of the warrior before him...

The one he had KILLED long ago...


Immediately after absorbing the power, Kuroku was declared the title of Wizard Supreme, the Champion of Mensis. Who would know that after killing such a minor "demon", or so he still thinks, would allow him to gain such an honor and title? It almost seemed like a dream...

Now Kuroku was free to head back to the cities of Fiore, only after taking a vow to never reveal his rank, or anything about Mensis, unless he was told to. Yet there was just some things that "kind of" sets it off. Despite being more or less the same person, but now stronger, the powers had beefened him up a notch. He was slightly taller, he looks a few years older, and he wears a red suit with black underclothing and belts, an upgrade compared to his usual white shirt and black pants. In addition, he has gained a new element. While looking very sinister at first glance, he can wield a dark substance known as Blackened Ice, ice that has been fused with, not black magic, but with graphite, which gives the ice its blackened look. It behaves and acts much like darkness magic, but its unable to corrupt objects.

Kuroku takes a look down the streets of Magnolia, leading to where once stood the old guild of Fairy Tail. He remembers when it was destroyed those many months ago... a painful blow to his childhood. He still aches silently whenever gazing upon that one spot. As he glances at it, he hears two people talking about the GMG. His ears twitched a bit as he tries to figure out what it means. But then he realizes what they were talking about! The Grand Magic Games! Of course! He has participated several times in the past, yet his guild Lunar Wolf had won only once... or at least so he remembers.

Lunar Wolf!

Kuroku remembers his guild and decides to head back to the hall. He hadn't returned in the two months due to his absence in Mensis. Alec would probably kill him, but it matters not. He wants to see his friends again, especially Oram, even though he expects him to still act like an asshole. He turns around as he makes way towards the hall.

"It's great to be home." he thinks to himself as he makes a faint smile.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tenshi - Crystal Dragon Slayer

The GMG this was a important event one she would show the world that despite her age she was still a mage and one to be feared. Swinging her sword she sent out multiple stones flying out at the target before slamming her sword down on the earth creating a solid crystal pillar in front of her. Taking a small breath she whispered "crystal dragon slayer's shattering roar." Before stabbing the large crystal shattering it and causing the many shards to fly forward impaling the large wall of earth she created to train on. With a slight sigh she looked at the stone wall seeing how well she did before moving to the side and with that she couldn't help but smirk. Her keystone magic made any earthen material extremely dense which went perfect with her dragon slayer magic. Though looking at the wall despite how dense and thick the wall of stone was multiple crystal "spears" from her roar that pierced it half way through. Her strength increased now to work on speed she supposed still perhaps she could go get Moka to help her train. With that thought in mind she left in search of her semi elusive partner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


" Fuck you! I'm not done ... not yet"

Crimson petals burned slowly, crispy and dark pieces was pulled with the westward wind. They passed along his face with a cruel fate, destiny had not been nice to the greenery that had once grew there. All that was for several thousand feet around him was the dead spots, black and crumpled. The crimson petals were only the most recent to be affected by the intensity of his heat. The heat was visible around him, the clear fluctuations weaved up and down in various places, centering on him as if comforted by his presence.

He raised up with the help of shattered shortsword, standard for the fodder that now littered the charred earth around him. Some held tight to their weapons, still grasping them even as they were teleported to the infirmary. Others were beaten to the point that they didn't have the time to close their eyes; only the time to let them roll back and reveal the white was granted before they fell unconscious. Even now, on his third-straight day of training without water or food, had Sable been made to take a knee.

" You couldn't possibly ... Nghn, think this could take me down! Hell no, I'm nowhere near done. Fairy Tail is going need a strong leader to command its mages. I could care less for what you magic council dicks have to say, I'm going to bring it back!"

He shot forth a torrent of crimson flames from his feet, the fire sliced the earth like cookie-dough before up-chucking a slab into the air. Sable shot off the ground and landed with a thud onto its airborne surface, the moist earth beneath his feet threatened to break apart, only to give way to solid rock. He scrambled up the vertical rock before stepping off it pointed edge and even further into the air. From below he watched the fifty archers from the magic council pull back tight-bowstrings and conjured up an array of ethereal arrows.

" Fairy Tail has been put to rest for a reason, Mr. Rhodroth. Do not think the will of a single man can overcome the shield of Fiore. The sword of the King. And the law of the land." The commanding officer yelled from his place at the end of the firing line. "Fire at will soldiers!"

"Right!" shouted the army before releasing a storm that rushed towards him.

" My will is not that of a man's! But that of a Dragon's! Know my strength!" Sable's fist clenched up as he urged the magical strength hidden beyond to surface. A fiery essence raced from his core and burned him until he was forced to construct it into a physical form. The might of his enhanced flames; the proof that Natsu's magic resonated inside him, burst forth and with a blinding light, disintegrated the colorful arrows with a sharp, surrounding hiss.

Above he looked upon the council soldiers with anger that seared the very wind. The archers and soldiers grasped at their throats, some stripping from their armor while sweat poured off their bodies. Sable felt the weight of gravity leave his shoulders as three apple-sized flames spiraled over his right shoulder, keeping him afloat. He bit his lip and felt the exhaustion that sent the soldiers below scrambling for water.

Well his training was finally over. As usual he marveled at the infinite expanse of the sky. A great blue that could not be bound or touched like the ocean. This place was truly free. Though lonely at times, he could feel the greatness and legend that came with it. And he wanted it to be his. Like the sky he would be a infinite ... Or perhaps he was just thinking randomly again. He tended to do that lately.

A glance was spared for the scorched earth in the form of a fluid, curving maneuver. He paused as if laying on a slanted, upright sofa. The wasteland had not faired well. He was sure he had just destroyed the homes of thousands of animals. But it worth it to grow stronger. With this strength, he felt that he had finally surpassed those that would betray him. And he owed it all to Kyou and Oriel.

From below he spotted Rush flying towards him. Sable cut a path through his heat for the exceed, she had grown lately. " You did great, Sable-Sable. I'm so proud to have you as my partner."

"You should really kick that habit's ass, Rush-Rush. Don't you know I'll be king one day. It'll be embarrassing," he teased before placing his hand on her head and rubbing it.

She nodded before flying in his chest and snuggling him. Sable could only answer by letting his anger and Slayer move fade away as he drifted to the ground. I have new friends now, Vyper's Bolt. Prepare to be put down like the snakes you are.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

Cause and effect

"You're lucky," She began quietly, looking downward upon the boy. "I did not tell anyone other than our Master that you tried to strike me down in Valdosta. Their mistrust in you is well placed, but not well placed enough as a result; I do suggest that you begin to tread lightly for the coming months."

Yet her final question lead to a severely narrowed focus of her eyes upon him, behind her back her fingertips clenched into fists as if she were about to draw a sword. "Thankfully, my concerns are on a greater scale than my own well-being. Mind explaining just what in the Gods you were doing out there? If you were going after a Dark Guild by yourself, you should have had the common sense to call for help."

Sage looked at her with a puzzled look, before frown, Leon the headmaster for the two stepped between them. "Jeanne at ease, we had a unexpected attack, i don't want another." he looked at Sage "This isJeanne, an S-class mage like you, she's been here since the last guild master." Sage offered a small bow on respect, but two thing weighed his mind.

1. How did he attack her?
2. Why was she concerned about him, he hardly ever known her

"With that being said: sage, do you mind telling me why you had the sudden idea of attacking a dark guild?" Leon spoke calmly, He had dealt with other that were way violent, sage didn't seem to be the type of lash out. "Before that: were did you go and how did you end up in the ice region?"

Taking out his notepad, sage began to re-tell the story, how he met nyarlathotep, his aunt and Lily. How his girlfriend and little sister came to support him. How his aunt told about the secrets of the one magic and how Avatar held the key. How he (with great difficulty) dispelled the giant illusion of the great castle and when on take one the Real dark guild.

-But there is one thing you must know, Leon-sama, Jeanne-sempai- he wrote. Suddenly the Black beast echo'd in his mind.

"Kid, are you sure you want to tell them?"

'Yes, i need to tell the truth, i've caused enough trouble for them' The beast snickered.

'Talk about two sides of the coin...'

-....I casted away my Humanity, i'm no longer human- this got the attention of both the mages. The guild master took a step towards him.

"Sage...what are you saying?" Without a response, the white haired hybrid started taking of his jacket and shirt underneath him until he was showing his muscular body. But that wasn't the main point.

Both were stunned: Upon his white skin, black and red scales were scattered around his body, almost giving him an extra coat of armour on his upper body. -That's isn't the main thing, it's what's on my back.-

He turned around and showed it:

The Bloody symbol tattooed to his back.
The Mark of the New voided devil slayer

Showing enough to them, Sage put back his clothes on and set it soak in 'I feel twice...no my power is more powerful than ever.' he lifted his hand and clenched in -thing i couldn't do...i can do it with ease...these past few week was me training non-stop in order to master the power i obtained.-

He looked at them, as Leon sighed "I thought it was the enemies coming to attack us, i would have never expected you to obtain that power....but i can't be proud of saying you have good magic: My friend and fellow Pupil Gray....he was a devil slayer of ice...what are you?"

-The Voided Devil slayer i was taught by a Demon by the name of Bakuko and then merged with him in order to get here-

"....." shaking his head he looked at the Devil slayer "I want to get more info of this demon you speak of...but in the mean time: you are responsible for this guilds destruction and violated a Light guild law that cannot be forgiven easily"

-I understand that....but before you continue...Jeanne-sempai...how did i attack you?- @Feisty-Pants

"She will tell you in her own time." Leon ruffled his own hair and sighed, the tense moment lighten up "Beside you two will be having a long time to talk about things."

Your 'Just' reward

"Sage you are hereby forbidden to participate in the grand Magic games this year, unless i see improvement and so will Jeanne here, son until then, you are under house arrest!" he pointed at him before placing a hand on Jeanne's Shoulder "Jeanne:

"Will be your 'Big-sister' until she too sees you improve, want she says go and when she goes on a mission: you will follow her to the T." he snickered "And to make sure you don't pull a fast one: we will be your Housemate until then!" he Smirked "Any questions!?"

.....This was one of the many thing that happened today: this was the second one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


An hour or so later, Xavier was walking the streets of Crocus opening a new pack of flavored cigarettes. Taking out cherry-flavored one, he lit it and took a deep drag, holding the smoke in his lungs for a bit before letting it out in a red-tinted stream. Nothing better after a short training session than a good cigarette. As he walked through the city, his sword strapped to his back, Xavier was heading back to the guild hall when he saw a blue haired girl around his age, or more specifically, her sword. It was a longsword with a dazzling golden blade, the entirety of it giving off a sense of strength.

Curious about where the girl had gotten such a weapon, and if he'd be able to get one like it. While his sword was more than fine, it always helped to have options and variety. With that in mind, Xavier walked up at a leisurely place, giving a wave and a friendly smile, though the cigarette kinda killed the friendly image.

"Cool sword you got there, mind telling me where you got it? My name's Xavier, by the way, and are you looking for something or someone?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - Big...Sister?

Sage's reveal of what he had become began to unveil precisely why he had done back in Valdosta left little impression upon Jeanne. Rather, it left a sense of disgust. He was a developed magi, there was little to no excuse for assaulting a comrade in arms like he had done.

Magic was under the conscious control of its owner, at least for the most part. In the end the fact that he had let the Darkness consume him meant not only was the Devil Slayer Magic volatile, but it also meant he lacked the will and constitution to properly control it. If she had half the mind to act properly in accordance to how she actually should, the Archangel fought the urge to simply execute the boy on the spot and instead of risking other lives.

There was a terrifying darkness that lay underneath the boy's surface, and it was soon revealed that the Master intended that she would be the one to bear the burden.

The burden to rein in and teach him how to properly control the madness within him.

"As you wish, Guildmaster." She replied quietly, as thin lines of pure light traced across her form to take the shape of a lighter form of her armor. A simple breastplate, light bracers, plated skirt, and shin-guards of luminous ivory took their place upon her figure as the golden hues extended outward to create a light sapphire skirt embroidered with hints of gold beneath it.

"Boy. With me then. We are going for an afternoon stroll." The Archangel ordered, turning upon the plated heel of her boot and sauntering with a casual stride. Externally, she was placid; internally, an intense spitefulness remained quieted within the seemingly peaceful serenity of her soul.

If this boy's idiocy and inability to maintain control squelched her ability to participate in the Grand Magic Games, there would be no forgiveness. She had been one of the driving forces in protecting Lamia Scale's title for the past half a decade; a key instrument in their victories. If it all transpired so that she would not be able to partake, it would be of great detriment to Lamia.

Quietly she walked, her personality seemingly more calm than the stillest pond one finds in fables. Meandering first through a marketplace, buying an assortment of freshly cut fruits through the gathered rabble of merchants and the like. Not a word was uttered as the merchant smiled brilliantly upon her arrival, appreciatively shook her hand, and of course accepted the funds she provided.

Next then was a Baker, of whom she bought a freshly baked loaf of good sourdough bread.

As she walked, some of the people parted. Bowing their heads in respect as she regally strode across the cobblestone walkway. While she continued to move, she headed towards the outskirts of the city out towards the open plains. There, free of any thought of risking collateral and unnecessary damage, the Archangel turned and faced Sage.

"Do you know the purpose of Lamia Scale, boy?" She inquired softly, even though her voice spoke with such distinction and purpose. "It is to help and protect the people. It is not for fame nor for fortune, it is for the greater good in this world. To ease the suffering of those who are undeserving of it.

"Destroying Valdosta displayed your clear lack of such a mindset." The Archangel continued, wings of purest light slowly grew from her shoulder blades then; so long did they flow outward that they did not stop until they brushed against the tips of the tall grass.

"Control. Focus. Discipline. All three are things you shall learn here. Or you will die trying. Do you understand? I will be the one that measures your worthiness to Lamia Scale no less; fail me, and you will be removed as a member faster than you can blink." Her fingertips rose so that her gauntlet armored hand faced him, and the closed fist opened for a beautiful effect.

Around them both grew and flickered two-dozen blades of light and searing flame.

"You tried to remove my head from my shoulders in Valdosta, and you failed. The being within you lacks the control that you yourself do not possess. Attack me with the fullest of your might to allow me to gain measure of what you can currently do. Both of you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki- Little Brother?

It wasn't bad..so he though, earn the trust back- Yeah he was finding it difficult as it was. Not only was he placed under house arrest, Jeanne was now his jailer and held the key for him participating in the GMG, while she had all the right to fighting in it in 2 weeks times.

It's was already clear if there was no guild-master, she would have killed him. It was fine by him.

He already died 4 times the past week. Each one his body reconstructed and became better to handle.

"Boy. With me then. We are going for an afternoon stroll." That was the first order give to him by her. Sage nodded as he fastened his coat as followed her a meter behind her. This was going to take a lot of explaining to Mei and Kei when they go home. On the casual stroll, he noticed the townspeople bow in her presents as she acknowledged them. Strange...Sage wondered why....i guess it came for being a long term member of Lamia scale, the guild he joined 6 weeks ago, the same guild that he only spend their of 2 weeks in total before this all happened.

They sound reached to the outskirt of Margret Town, it was then Jeanne fully spoke to him.

"Do you know the purpose of Lamia Scale, boy?" She inquired softly, even though her voice spoke with such distinction and purpose. "It is to help and protect the people. It is not for fame nor for fortune, it is for the greater good in this world. To ease the suffering of those who are undeserving of it.

'This 'boy' reference is not going to go away anytime soon' Sage sighed and nodded as her words. 'Protect those who can't protect themselves...those words made him frustrated: it was those words they made him help Yang and his Beloved Nukos from danger. It was those exact words that betrayed him, it was like being stabbed countless time by swords by those you knew and trusted....it was evident that Jeanne only saw Black and white of the world: Never Gray.

"Destroying Valdosta displayed your clear lack of such a mindset." The Archangel continued, wings of purest light slowly grew from her shoulder blades then; so long did they flow outward that they did not stop until they brushed against the tips of the tall grass.

'That place was a Illusion, you do know that?' Sage still kept quite as he watched her wing grow. this 'onee-san' was raising her magical pressure in order to do something 'the building people: all of it was one giant illusion: Nothing was accomplished.' he kept thinking. She did have a point. But sometimes making mistakes is how you grow.

"Control. Focus. Discipline. All three are things you shall learn here. Or you will die trying. Do you understand? I will be the one that measures your worthiness to Lamia Scale no less; fail me, and you will be removed as a member faster than you can blink." Her fingertips rose so that her gauntlet armored hand faced him, and the closed fist opened for a beautiful effect.

'I've already learned all these actions, Bushido works like that. the only thing that sets you and me apart is the fact that you rely on others...i rely on myself to protect and see things through the end.'

Around them both grew and flickered two-dozen blades of light and searing flame.

"You tried to remove my head from my shoulders in Valdosta, and you failed. The being within you lacks the control that you yourself do not possess. Attack me with the fullest of your might to allow me to gain measure of what you can currently do. Both of you."

That when his mind when blank....he couldn't remember. All he saw was blood...a dead girl and a picture of something he had forgotten a long time ago....it wasn't time to think about it, she had challenged him to a sparring match. and already she had set up get swords around him. each one burning with white flames.

Sage....strangely calculated each swords...as if wanting to get something out of it. Before looking at her again. She wanted to kill him. She wanted to set him straight.

She was the Angel.

He was the Devil.

With a sigh, Sage removed his arm sleeves from his arm as he covered his upper body, the jacket handing loosely by the belts around his waist. --This other...isn't here...nor i do want you to see him- he held out his hands and closed his eyes.

Mucro Somnio: Musash! a white light appeared in his hands before two katanas materialized in his hands, he couldn't held back...this women was going to being out everything within him.. exerting his pressure to match hers. He readied himself.

-Fine then, let's dance.- Sage was waiting for the first attack. Full force attack on anything, His mentor was taught him everything, and he had ways to go. This woman was going to be tough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - Heaven and Hell

Onward the Archangel observed the boy as he drew his weapons. Curved blades reminiscent of the exotic of the Orient that contrasted so greatly from the European style of her own. Curiously she watched as he assumed a defensive, and she remained statuesque as her eyes closely studied his poise. His normal state was simple enough, she the Angel sought to urge the Demon to come out and greet her.

"Cowering in the dark. I see you." Jeanne ominously began at first, while the two dozen flickering blades rotated about the two of them. "I will make you rise, or you will lose your host."

Did she really intend to kill the boy?

At least for the moment, it was a very convincing act.

With her open hand extended out towards Sage, her fingertips would suddenly close as of the sound of shattering glass announced the demise of four blades. She had shattered them, breaking them into thousands of tiny shards. Some so tiny that the light of day barely caught them as from four separate polar directions as they moved with her thoughts, her will. From his right, his left, behind and in front, blinding white fire threatened to consume him.

With blinding speed, the thousands of tiny flames burned through the air towards the Devil Slayer. Miniscule razorblades closed upon Sage like a oncoming storm that was the Wrath of God. Locusts to fields of wheat, they would slice through armor, steel, flesh, and bone with merciless ease.

That is if he lacked the wit to remove himself from such danger. Even then, twenty-strong blades still circled about him in the air; waiting for the opportune moment to seize his blood upon their edge.

@Akashi Mayhiro
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki- Hikari no Yami

As Jeanne started her attack, she summoned thousands upon thousands of mini blades that even the sun couldn't refract.

-First of it isn't where you got your sword from, it's olden days of the Samurai age, thank you very much.- As he got ready to attack the mini attacks.

slice through armor, steel, flesh, and bone with merciless ease- but what about darkness?

"Voided devil's Infinite Darkness!" using his left katana, a black and red aura coated the blade as he swung underneath and raised is up, he was still meters away from Jeanne, but it didn't mind him. as the blade lifted up a Rather larger head of the Black beast he fused with rose up and opened it's mouth, swallowing the minuscules blades that was directed at Sage before it exploded into red energy spikes that when everywhere. Sage cut down the double edged attack and looked up, there was those swords to take care of. it was a fail-safe of ensure a quick end to the fight.

'She must be vary of me, we haven't talked to fought...she's trying to read me.' The devil slayer clicked is tongue as the swords came rushing towards him as mach speeds. she wasn't trying to kill him, she was trying to force him in submission or get his teacher out. Stepping back 10 meters behind his previous location and closed his eyes and listened to teh whistles the swords mad as it cut the air.

'Be the darkness as it travels as fast as the light itself: Hollow moon form: Wolf's howl' as the Blades glowed black and red, Sage took as step forwards as the swords pierced him. He left the first two stab him, before he moved like a flash as the other 18 swords were turn into steel dust.

Pulling out the white hot swords, he felt the beast curse/magic heal his wounds. 'An angel...that hasn't been taught by one....but' he couldn't put his finger on it, for now he was keep his distance from her. Lily help him greatly refine his bushido and he wasn't about to let it go to waste.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


A couple hundred kilometers from where Jeanne and Sage where having their battle, another battle was taking place, though the combatants weren't nearly as matched as Jeanne and Sage were. Revan, dressed in no shirt and nearly destroyed jeans, had been hunting this damn monster for 3 fucking days, the only reason he didn't give up on it was because it was mission and he wasn't about to lose his rights to participate in the grand magic games just because of a frustrating monster chase. He still had to teach that damn youngling of an angel a lesson . . . and give her lunch, something he only just remembered. Oh well, with any luck she's forgotten about it as well. Revan sighed, then ducked as the beast's tail flew over his head, taking a look at the monster that was the source of all of his current frustrations.

The damn thing was durable, strong, fucking huge, could breathe fire and liked to do so a lot(hence his present lack of clothing), and was a good deal more slippery than it looked, always escaping at the exact moment that Rev an was going to deliver the final blow. He wanted to just go Satan Soul mode and completely erase it from existence, but he was trying to stop relying on his demon side so much and increase his default abilities. This training restriction was annoying as fuck, but it was working, if slowly. Revan was tossed from his wonderings when the beast lashed at him with a claw, sending him spinning into a nearby hillside with a resounding boom. Before he could try to get up, the beast had leaped over to him and proceeded to unleash a barrage of punches on the prone half-demon, following it with another stream of flames so intense it caused the ground to crack and splinter.

From the center of these flames, however, a armored hand shot out and slammed itself into the monster's stomach, cutting of the flames and sending it flying backwards to crash into it's own hillside. Revan stood up, covered in heavily dented Bulwark armor that quickly repaired itself. Red eyes glowed with intense malice as he stepped forward, slowly at first but quickly gaining speed as he progressed, coming up on the beast before it could fully recover, easily breaking through the meager defense it put up and land a strong hit right to the gut. He payed the beast for every punch it had thrown with two of it's own and each with twice the power, the resulting barrage driving the beast's body deeper into the ground, and when he was finished, he jumped up into the sky with an arm outstretched towards the fallen creature.

With a whistle, A-rank hydra's crawled from the shadow's of his arm and curled around his hand, soon becoming a large cannon barrel tip with the skull of a King Hydra, a ball of red energy formed in its ivory maw and soon doubled in size rapidly as the attack was charged. "Requim of Fallen souls!" Revan cried out, before a large flash of red energy burst forth with an all consuming rage, slamming into the beast as it lay barely clinging to consciousness and was soon followed by a loud explosion of scarlet light that could probably be seen from miles around. When the smoke cleared, Revan was sitting at the edge of a large, not a scrap of clothing on him as he looked at the charred pile of bones with a satisfied smirk, glad that the fucker had finally been dealt with.

"God damn, I've never enjoyed finishing a mission better than this one, that monster was a freakin' dick, I wonder where the hell it came from." He pondered the question for a few seconds, then decided that he didn't care enough to try and figure it out. He rose from his seat and began walking towards the nearest guild around, Lamia Scale he believed. Hopefully they'd be willing to lend a teleportation lacrima, as he really didn't feel like flying or walking to Crocus."Maybe I'll say hi to that angelic youngin, see if anything interesting been happening over with the Lamias."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin

"Where is it, where is it, WHERE is it, WHERE THE HELL IS IT?!"

Matisuki growls furiously as he searches for his target, producing a massive stomp with every prod of his massive legs and shaking the foliage around him. Even when he is not in his kaiju form he can be an imposing figure to all who stand in his way. His eyes are slightly reddened from rage and anger, his nostrils inhaling and exhaling quickly, and his muscles are all tensed up. He too was looking for that one monster, a quest that would earn him a good sum of money. The two met out on the open fields and fought a hard and heavy battle. Indeed it was a hard advisory, but Matisuki could still produce one hellova beating, remaining in his human form the entire fight. However, just before he was about to make the finishing blow to the pinned down monster… it managed TO GET AWAY. God damn did that make Lizardman angry. No… FURIOUS!

"When I get my damn hands on that damn creature's throat…" he mutters in a deep, guttaral voice, "I will TEAR HIM APART LIMB FROM LIMB!"

Suddenly, Matt picks up the scent. The monster was close by… but then he senses another smell. It was human alright. In addition, he can also sense powerful magic energy residing from the human and a foreign smell. A smell not coming from a Vyper. After a few more sniffs, he recognizes who the person was. It was a Harpy mage...


"That fool! He is MY target... AND MINE ALONE."

With that Matt issued a powerful, echoing roar, that can be heard for miles around. Nobody interrupts his quest and gets away with it! His breathing gets faster and his rage increases. He begins to run through the forest like a runaway freight train. Hopefully he would make it in time to redeem the final strike in defeating that monster. But when he got to the site of the battle, all he could see was the scorched ashes and remains of his target. He looks down the path, to see Revan calmly walking away from the site.

. . .

"HOW DARE HE!" he thought to himself.

"REVAN..." he growls ominously towards the Harpy mage as he picks up a handful of the monster's ashes and crunches up the little bone pieces. Scales were already beginning to form on his skin, as he is dangerously close to turn into his Take Over Form…

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


Revan turned around with a sigh, knowing who it was as soon as he opened his loudmouth. God dammit, what is with these Vypers and always being loud as shit, just be quiet and . . .oh crap, he's pissed at me about something. This will end well. Revan wasn't in the mood to get into a fight right now, especially with this guy, so he decided to try and take a diplomatic approach to his current problem.

"Oi, lizardman, I don't know what's got you so pissed, but can\t we just talk about it like civilized people." It wasn't until after Revan already said the words that he realized that some might find them to be just a tad inflammatory. That sounded a lot better in my head, now that i think about it. Fuck, I hope that he's having a good day, or else I'm fucking stuck.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin

Matt throws the ashes and crunched up bones to the ground as he slowly gets up from his kneeling position.

"That was MY target ya got there..." he growls at Revan as his eyes begin to glow red with rage, "Do you know how much was the REWARD to kill IT?"

He paused for a second.

"10,000 JEWELS!" he roars as more scales begin to form on his body, "AND YOU JUST FLUSHED THAT REWARD DOWN THE DRAIN!"

Now Matt was REALLY PISSED! More and more scales form on his body, turning his skin into a dark charcoal grey. His whole body began to change slowly. His body became more lean and muscular, reptilian, he even began growing a tail, his arms turned into giant claws, his legs turned to massive tree-stumps, and his face turned into a theropod-like creature. His growls turned more monster like as his sized doubled. Revan had unintentionally unleashed the Take-Over from within Matt. The malevolent KAIJU SOUL! With a stomp of his foot, he looks back at Revan, already twice his size and issues a loud, ear-piercing roar of pure rage, which can be heard for miles upon miles away. He then snorts as he issues another guttural growl.


And with that he charges toward the Harpy Mage like an unstoppable runaway train...


Theme of Battle:

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - That Which Pursues Darkness

An abominable darkness rose up and devoured the shards that pursued Sage, and she allowed it. He swung wildly about him with his swords as two broke into his flesh, shattering the others into scattered, flickering dust, and she did not resist it. Could she have? Most certainly, but for the moment she would allow the devil slayer to play by his rules for a moment. She wished to see what he was capable of, and what he was incapable of.

Like a balloon that had been pierced by a needle, the consuming void erupted and sent shrapnel flying about. It took only a flicker of her will, and the pointed edges collided against a freshly conjured wall of blades as a long-sword smoothly grew in her grasp.

Needless to say, it was intriguing to watch the boy.

The shield of blades in front of her then broke, separating and swirling about Jeanne through the air as she remained silently observant. Ever studious of his poise and stance, he kept his distance, he stood far away from her as if such a distance would be his salvation. All the while, the diamond glowering dust of shattered swords created an eerie luminous light that was so fickle akin to a candle's glow about them. Beautiful but eerie, the Devil Slayer would hear whispers upon the air. Thousands of tiny, minuscule whispers, hints of voices upon the air that spoke an unknown, ancient tongue.

Patience was a virtue of hers, and she waited. The blade in her grasp flickered, and then it took upon a more rigid state. Two dozen blades that circled about her similarly grew into a more solidified sense. There would be no breaking of these swords, each were stronger than the mightiest steel. Each would not be squelched by the shadow.

Taking her long-sword into the grasp of both her hands, Jeanne mutely rose the flat of the blade so that it kissed her nose. It was a salute, a noble, oft'-forgotten tradition of ages past that one would do if they believed they were against an opponent of worth. Like liquid fire, the blades split, merged and reformed about her until there was only eight of them. Four on each side of her, all pointed towards the heavens in solemn purpose.

Yet there would be no mercy.

One moment he glanced down to pull the blades of fire from his flesh, he next second he would look up to see his adversary, the Archangel would be upon him. With eight blades of rigidly hardened light that screamed through the air towards him in unison from eight different directions, the most frightening thought was not necessarily even that of the blades. It was the closed state of her helm. Eyelets of abysmal black wept tears of obsidian trails down reflective silver cheeks as the blade was brought down from on high.

With might beyond might that brought the blade down towards Sage's skull from the heavens, even if the blade came close it would erupt outward in a blast of Light that threatened to sear and burn any that remained even remotely close. If not critically injuring him, it would undoubtedly force the boy back; and there would be absolutely no relent on the Archangel's part. Continually she would surge towards him, unendingly on the offensive as blades constantly circled about them both, seizing windows of opportunity and easily parrying and striking aside any counter he might attempt to throw against her.

A final horizontal strike with this assault threatened to cleave the boy in half, and within the space of time that it might take one to process even a thought, it was swept upward vertically. Each blow would rupture the very air with explosive light, as Sage would have begun to notice something even more eerie than before.

The thousands of wisps caused by the shattering of her swords would have begun to disappear each time the blade passed through the air. They curved and moved towards the long-sword that Jeanne held in her grasp. With each tiny partition, each blast that erupted forth with the sweep of her blade grew in ferocity and tenacity. Each of the eight blades similarly grew in size, speed, and ferocity. As the last flickers were consumed by her light once again, the blade she held grew in width until it became a blade he had only seen once before in Augustine.

The Ashbringer.

Only a few feet away from him, Jeanne's blade swept horizontally across. And a massive wave of utterly destructive force erupted outward that threatened to rend Sage into little more than Ash. So great was her control so precise was her actions that the trees, the flowers, even the blades of grass would be unharmed by this eruption.

Only Sage would be.
@Akashi Mayhiro
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"First this sword is one of a kind there is none like it in the known world. Forged from kohryus golden scales upon his death I highly doubt you will manage to find another scale." Tenshi said her "fathers" death was touchy and one she rarely expanded upon and the remains of kohryu's great serpentine body is also hidden one she would not reveal anytime soon. "to answer the rest I am Tenshi Amane of sabertooth and I am searching for my partner." She stated once more before throwing her sword up in the air before it turned into a small hakkero(eight triagrams reactor) and catching and stowing it away in her long skirt.
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