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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Calamity at this point was now watching the battle from near by. Moon Slicer was also close by. Neither one of them would interfere as they observed. Lucien later came by with a bag of popcorn and some seats to share with everyone. They were all now just sitting and watching the battle, while eating popcorn.

Cinia meanwhile just gave a bit of a sigh. "Your welcome to for now, the farmers market is almost over anyways." Cinia said as she motioned to the other stalls now starting to pack up. It had been several hours and the Farmers market was starting to wind down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zarr clentched his fist tightly and looked in the dirtion the young girl pointed. "Humans." He said in a pissed off tone of voice. He hated how humans try to play the role of god and create life. He'd instantly kill the woman if she wasn't so human like. "I'll....deal with that later as of now do not ally yourself with humans who aim to create life for that'll be your end." After Zarr deals with his wife and the fugitive Calamity he'd turns towards the humans and erase all signs of science that leads to the creation of artificial lifeforms. He was also gonna eliminate the scientist that came up with this chaotic idea to play god. "Listen child travel with me and do not form bonds with these Earthlings they can be cruel creatures." He stated to Lucy looking at her with a very serious face.

When her attack missed and she was fired upon by an onslaught of attacks she kept her calm and gracefully moved through Guilt's attacks as if they were coming towards her in slow motion. She even dodge the collapsing ceiling by quick shattering the pieces that fell her way with her over sized demonic beast. "This princess is gonna end your worthless life." She said dashing towards Guilt. She was surprisingly fast and was almost in Guilt's face in a matter of seconds. She raise her palm in front of him and grinned a wicked grin. "Now Die!" She shouted as her hand shifted into a giant skeleton hand. The hand shot out at Guilt as if it was a bullet being shot from a sniper. Her being close to Guilt made it even more tougher for him to block and survive a hit from the angered woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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"Why would that be my end?" The concept that creating life was somehow evil confused Lucy. From what she had observed up until now, evil was associated with ending life, and causing harm to living beings. While she certainly had met humans that opposed her because of her origins, she had always assumed that they hated her because she was different, or because they believed her to be a threat. The idea of condemning the very act of creating life seemed to contradict what she had previously encountered. "Are you implying that the act of creating life is intrinsically linked to it's annihilation?"

Surprisingly enough, Lucy had quite a large vocabulary. This was because she had stolen a dictionary, and memorized it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It had been a dead end. The mercenary had known nothing of interest, and wasn't guilty of any crime severe enough to be worth killing him. He would need to find soem other source of information. That was to be expected. The farmer's market would be breaking up. Around this time, undoubtedly the darker times would go around, trying to knick something as everything was being taken away. It was a slim shot that a petty thief would know anything about Calamity, but only a fool underestimated the criminal underground. Filth talked to filth, and word of anything could spread fast.

Appearing in the market, the Warp Spider looked around at the gathered figures. There were two people flying in the sky. Definitely worth noting, but far too visible to be criminals. Most likely new heroes, showing off their powers. There wasn't any fighting, so he wasn't interested. He might check them later, however. In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to ask around the place.

Appearing at one of the stalls, where a woman seemed to be buying strawberries. Looking over at Cinia, he places a spontaneously appearing ten dollar bill on the table. "Why hello there. I don't suppose I could get some last-minute goods? And I might have a couple of questions for you as well." It was an old trick, people were simply more open with a customer. It simultaneously proved you weren't hostile and made it worth their time to answer your questions. It was most likely this woman wouldn't know anything important, but that was the nature of an investigation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When her attack missed and she was fired upon by an onslaught of attacks she kept her calm and gracefully moved through Guilt's attacks as if they were coming towards her in slow motion. She even dodge the collapsing ceiling by quick shattering the pieces that fell her way with her over sized demonic beast. "This princess is gonna end your worthless life." She said dashing towards Guilt. She was surprisingly fast and was almost in Guilt's face in a matter of seconds. She raise her palm in front of him and grinned a wicked grin. "Now Die!" She shouted as her hand shifted into a giant skeleton hand. The hand shot out at Guilt as if it was a bullet being shot from a sniper. Her being close to Guilt made it even more tougher for him to block and survive a hit from the angered woman.

Guilt had to admit, this woman was fast...but he was faster. She had avoided his weaponry attacks that meant direct was his only option, she flashed in front of him and fired off her hand in skeletal form like a bolt from a sniper rifle, Guilt flashed to the side her attack missing him entirely, and then with her arm still raised he was inside her guard, his blade was like a lightning strike, he sliced right towards her ribcage and slid behind her, his shoulder turret charged one powerful blast and launched it at her feet, so even if she somehow defended from his sword which was nearly impossible, the blast would hit the ground next to her and explode in a massive explosion of coldlight. Then he aimed the antimatter gun at her, "I think that's enough proving myself...You surprised me...Your Majesty." Guilt was respectful and he knew a worthy adversary when he saw one. And as far as the android was concerned no one short of a queen could have walked through his hell fire. His sensors scanned around, "I know you can see and hear me Calamity...I have an offer for you..."

Alice nodded softly as she dug into her strawberries, "These are amazing!" She looked at Cinia, "Where will you go when the Market closes?" Alice looked a little wondering, like she didn't want to lose the two new heroes she had found. "Cause...I don't really know where I'm supposed to go...and I don't know any other heroes really..." That's when the man approached and went to buy some as well, "You won't regret it these are amazing,"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia nodded to the girl as she finished setting up. "Well I'm afraid I don't have much to do, but since you are a new hero and I'm gonna be working with you, why don't we go out to the fields and see what you can do, this goes for you too Miff." Cinia said, a few hours later they were out in an empty field outside of Cinia's farm. She currently in her costume again, a chicken was next to her, this one was named Greg.

Linia meanwhile had moved her ship recently, she was currently on a job that included hunting down a criminal organization. She was uniformed but keeping her light down as much as she could. She was watching them having an exchange with what looked to be a group of cultists.
(spot to join in)

Calamity meanwhile got up clapping at the fight. "That was wonderful." He said as he finished chewing some of the popcorn he had. "You have my attention machine, what do you want?" Calamity said approaching the man. Calamity himself almost had wanted to join the fight to blow off some steam, but he was sure the machine wouldn't have survived an attack with him, not to mention he had to be hurting from using that much energy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Precisely, creating life is like playing god and acting as such an incredible being is punishable by death." Zarr looked at his surroundings and frowned. "Listen creature if you don't believe my judging of these humans actions then you can pay the price they'll soon pay." Zarr said summoning his scythe. He wasn't gonna kill her he was just giving hints about what she she should say next. The wrong words could lead to her demise so she should choose wisely what she says next. Zarr didn't hate the girl he just didn't want to see the young child follow the wrong path.

Belle survived Guilt's attack by risking her arm. Besides the complete obliteration of her right arm she was unharmed. She'd continued to fight the android man but decided to stop when Calamity revealed himself. "If you don't agree with this things terms I'd happily eat him!" She somewhat shouted floating backwards to be behind Calamity. Belle had to stay close so her pray wouldn't get out of her grasp. If Calamity didn't agree with the mysterious fellow's words she'd without a doubt attack him and make sure to kill him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krein
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With so much of this place's depths left unexplored and its secrets uncovered, Abaddon hadn't planned to return to his home realm of Earth any time soon. However, if Thasseldar was calling out to him for help, he knew things must have been serious over there. Wasting no time, Abaddon slashed at the empty space in front of him to create a point of entry into Sheol, and from there he began the process of crossing over into Earth.

The Realmswalker did not say where to meet him exactly.

"I'm aware, but at the very least we'll end up in the same city he's hanging out in... Davenport City huh? We've been there a couple of times in the past, major hotspot for all sorts of metahuman and supernatural activity."

As the spiral of energy continued to shoot into the dark atmosphere above, Abaddon caught glimpses of both a cult and a criminal organization meeting together in secrecy. They appeared to be conducting some sort of ceremony...? No, a ritual.

Ha! The fools hope to add demons to their numbers!

It was always an interesting thing to see two such distinct groups team up, but not entirely unheard of. Sometimes these kinds of organizations would join up with cults to try an increase their hold in the city, and sometimes the cults would throw in demonic summons into the mix to further ensure their goals. Typically wasn't a good idea to do that when the organization members were around; their inexperience in dealing with such forces always made them easy prey for the summons.

"We'll make it fair, let's just treat all of them as prey!"

The ritual provided an excellent point of entry into Davenport, and with just a thought, Abaddon broke through and appeared in the center of their summoning circle. Everyone present stepped back in horror, particularly the cultists. They had specific spirits in mind to summon, and this... this was definitely not one of those spirits.

"Hi!" All six of Abaddon's tendrils shot out in different directions to skewer the surrounding criminals.. The organization members began to either run away or fire at him in terror, but the bullets pretty much just seemed to sink into his body with no effect. A slash here to disembowel, or a snap of his jaws to behead, Abaddon quickly made a massacre of the group. The only ones who survived were those smart enough to run seconds after they saw him. Normally he would have chased them, but Abaddon had more pressing matters at hand.

Where was Thasseldar?

Abaddon would find him eventually, or maybe Thasseldar would find him first.

(I hope those cult and organization members were just random NPCs to pick off. I'm really sorry if I screwed something up! If I did I'll be happy to edit my entire post to fix it!)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

From Lucy's fingers several blades seemed to extend. Long blades of bone with serrated edges, formed from a series of rapidly expanding and multiplying cells. Her heavy and lumpy flesh converted itself into lightweight chitinous plates, serving as armour against incoming attacks of a physical nature. In the span of 3 seconds, the little girl had transformed into an inhuman, insectoid creature that looked like a sick parody of a medieval knight. Her wings became large and feathered, as insectoid wings would lack versatility in a combat situation. She had further formed a number of additional eyes around her body to get a better idea of her surroundings.

Her life had been threatened, and regardless of the motive involved it required reciprocation. Much like an animal, she could not show weakness in the face of such a threat. "If you wish to inflict harm upon me, I will be forced to kill you. I haven't yet killed a being such as you. I'm sure the experience will aid me in further understanding your kind." She didn't make the first move. She merely continued to hover in place, slowly bobbing up and down as her massive wings flapped. However, if Zarr would give any indication of attacking, she would be forced to annihilate him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shots had been fired. With a thought, Shiro was surveying the scene from above. Standing on top of a nearby skyscraper, he observed the crime scene through the scope of a high-powered sniper rifle. It was clear that some sort of combat had taken place moments before, as the place was littered with corpses. Furthermore, a rather demonic figure could be seen standing in the centre of a series of arcane runes, most of which had been drawn with blood. Clearly a case of a demonic summoning gone wrong - a hypothesis further supported by the presence of cultists among the corpses. The others were bystanders, sacrifices, or perhaps even allies. It was regardless. Most demons were nothing more than mindless killing machines, and those with intelligence put their minds to work only on even crueller ways to kill. This being was clearly the perpetrator of a murder, if nothing else. As such, it was only fair that his act would be met with an equal and opposite reaction, of which Shiro was planning to be the cause.

A bullet 20mm in diameter, an extended titanium cases with a reinforced tungsten tip. An explosive core would fire the tip forward upon impact, an armour-piercing round capable of disabling even heavily armoured tanks. The rifle was a 2-meter beauty called Fullbringer, equipped with a series of rail accelerators to fire a projectile at Mach 3. The energy consumed was massive, but Shiro had a charging station in Africa, and the ability to exchange power sources in an instant. Few guns could match the sheer force behind this single rifle, the product of highly advanced military technology.

The round would hit Abbadon long before the half-demon would be able to observe it. Of course, it's effectiveness would be questionable. Shiro would have targeted the vitals, but what was necessary to a demonic being? The head was a fairly good guess, but if it failed Shiro fully expected to place a number of rounds in the legs and arms. Occasionally a specialized weapon would be necessary to slay such a being, such as a divine symbol or weapon. But such things could be acquired. The most important thing would be to contain the threat before it spread, and prevent it from leaving this world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ah, it's been months since we last killed humans. I'm still impressed by the fact you have no qualms for killing your own kind; that was always a characteristic of yours even from the start!

"There's no deep philosophy behind it, I just detest 'humans' like these."

Abaddon licked some of the blood off his claws as he admired his handiwork. So much blood spilt in mere minutes, but this was honestly a basic form of the real carnage he could create. He would have liked to more thoroughly feast on some of the bodies, and though no one was around in the immediate area, he could tell something was off. He felt... watched.

"Oh for fuck's sa-"

Shiro fired his shot, and not even a second later Abaddon's body had been dispersed into shadow and strange, black ooze. He wasn't dead though, evidenced by the dark materials gathering together in one place as Abaddon reconstituted his form. He snarled in anger, that was one major blow that left him with quite the headache. Now that he knew where the shot had come from though...

"You are a grade A asshole, you know that?"

Shiro would be surprised to hear those ring in his ears, especially now that Abaddon was floating directly in front him. With a tendril, Abaddon quickly knocked the impressive weapon off the building and immediately followed up with a powerful backhanded strike to the face. His attack had been infused with the crimson energy, giving it more power and a bit of an explosive force upon contact. Whatever armor the sniper was wearing would likely take a good part of the damage, but hopefully it would be rendered less effective due to the magic it was exposed to.

He appears to be a metahuman.

"Sucks," Abaddon said as he perched himself on the edge of the building. "I usually like to have a little more fun with my foes if that's the case, but seeing as how we have other arrangements, I'll have to make this quick!"

Stretching out his right arm, Abaddon fired a stream of the Devourer's Wrath towards Shiro. The magic surged forth quickly, and should it connect with its target, it would effectively leave behind a fatal hole in his body...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zarr didn't turn around to witness the young woman's transformation. He simple swung his scythe backwards to were it would strike her but before it was a few inches away from her it vanished. "Listen...you'd attack an unknown being not knowing their abilities. I'd say that's reckless especially if you come across a hostile opponent." Zarr turned towards her unfazed by her new appearance.

"I'm a reaper and if you have a soul you've already lost. Although your artificial so the meaning of soul might not apply to you." Zarr steps forwards and vanishes and reappears directly in front of the woman. "I don't think you'll succeed in killing something that is rarely affected by Earth realm technology." Zarr places a hand on her forehead and looks at her. "I mean no harm the last thing I want to do is kill for no apparent reason."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Calamity meanwhile got up clapping at the fight. "That was wonderful." He said as he finished chewing some of the popcorn he had. "You have my attention machine, what do you want?" Calamity said approaching the man. Calamity himself almost had wanted to join the fight to blow off some steam, but he was sure the machine wouldn't have survived an attack with him, not to mention he had to be hurting from using that much energy.

Guilt had done it, he had gotten the attention of Calamity, "I am Guilt..." He knelt down on one knee, "I expect no sympathy from you...but I am offering my service under your command..." Guilt turned into his normal human looking form, "If...you'll help me with my sister..." Guilt looked up into his eyes, "She was raised by my creator Dr Lancaster...and he raised her to fear and haten!e...In truth I'm asking if and when you defeat the heroes...that my sister be spared...captured if possible...I want her to see the truth."

Alice looked at Cinia, "Oh okay...I suppose I can show you... I'll try not to destroy your field..." And with that said Alice transformed into her armored battle form, "Here goes." Alice shot up into the air so fast it sent out a wave of air that would have surprised Cinia and Miff, Alice tore through the air at super sonic speed, doing amazing flips and air maneuvers, She dipped low and flew across the field so fast it left a ditch in the dirt where she had been, she turned on her weapons system and picked a good spot in the field where they could see her and she stopped flyin. Alice then gave a thumbs up before unleashing coldlight hell on the ground, her weapons were firing at such a high speed that the blasts seemed like a continuous laser. By the time she was done there was a smoking crater in the ground, Alice flew back and landed, "How was that?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The bullet hit, and seemed to blow the demon's head to pieces. However, within mere moments it had reformed from a strange dark goo. So this being was capable of regeneration at high speeds. That would make it nearly impossible to leave any form of lasting injury. He would either need to find a weapon capable of inflicting permanent wounds, or he would need to find some method of containing the demon. Banishment was a last resort - it would simply delay the being's return to this plane. He went through his options in his head. As long as he remained unseen he would be able to-

Oh shit.

The demon had teleported in front of him. A tendril sliced downwards, ripping Fullbringer out of his hands and throwing it off the side of the building. Even as the second blow moved for his face, however, Shiro seemed to dissolve into a blue flash. The falling Fullbringer also disappeared, returning to the Arsenal. Shiro had reappeared a few meters away from Abbadon, even as a blue glow seemed to encompass his left eye, visible even through the helmet's visor. The Absolute Eye, a portal technique that allowed him to observe everything around him at once. With full 360 visibility and the capability to observe events from kilometers away. It vastly increased his capability to avoid incoming attacks, and together with his teleportation made him nearly impossible to hit.

The issue remained however, that Abbadon seemed nearly completely unfazed by physical attacks. And Abbadon't endurance would be far beyond that of Shiro, who -despite his training- was merely human. This fight would need to end relatively soon, because in a war of attrition Abbadon held the clear upper hand. The first order of business would be to find the demon's weakness, and then exploit the shit out of said weakness.

Once again disappearing in a flash of light, Shiro avoided the blast of energy. His Absolute Eye showed him the effects of the blast, and he already knew his armour would form little resistance against such an attack. If he was hit, it was all over. One mistake, and he could be turned to a fine red mist. His armour dissipated, leaving him wearing a tank top and cargo pants. Easy to move in, and far lighter than the reinforced kevlar plating. This was a battle in which agility and exhaustion played key factors, armour would only lower his chances. It was important to adapt to any circumstances that might occur during a fight, for which Shiro's power was ideal.

Dual submachineguns formed in his hands. Specially modified devices designed to have the bullets teleported directly into them. Shiro was able to fire an infinite stream of bullets without reloading, his power supplying all the ammo he needed. He shot silver, cold iron, even a single golden bullet at Abbadon. Metals to which arcane properties were often attributed, any of these could form a weakness. Even as he zapped from place to place to avoid Abbadon's attacks, he maintained a constant stream of bullets in order to find what Abbadon's weakness might be, and in order to force him to constantly regenerate. Some regenerating beings were only able to regenerate for a certain period of time or amount before their power ran out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Even as Zarr's scythe flew towards Lucy, she was already shooting foward. Flying aroudn teh swing of the scythe she crashed into Zarr, who had not been expecting the sudden attack. She would then proceed to attempt to savage him, her entire body transforming into a ball of rending claws and blades that ripped at his flesh. Should he teleport away (like he can apparently do), she would chase after him until he had taken quite some distance. Attacking from behind was the same as the front, she saw in 360 degrees. Her armour would further protect her from most harm. Her only weakness was her inexperience, her furious assault was one without skill or strategy. She was relentless, but clumsy in her constant strikes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia smiled at what Alice could do, though at the same time she was a bit jealouse, if only she could master the other summoning she had been working on. "Right then." Cinia said with a smile as she held out her hand as portal appeared summoning Greg. "I have to say I'm jealous all I can do is summon chickens." Cinia said as jumped infront of Cinia. "Anyways, let me show you what I can do, mostly cause I have been needing to do this." Cinia said as she held her hand, multiple magic circles surrounded Greg, who then started to grow, and grow untill he was the same size as a nearby barn. "Good job Greg!" Cinia said as Greg started to peck at the ground while each of his steps seemed to shake it. "Now one more thing." Cinia said as she held out both hands again creating a slightly larger magic circle on the ground. As she continued her concentration she was just barely able to summon and entire cow. "I need to be able to summon more than one of these." Cinia said as she panted while letting go of the magic circle. The Cow was still there, just eating some of the grass.

Linia meanwhile watched as the demonic creature started to fight a man who was using portals. She jumped towards them a bit showing her increased agility as she jumped from building to building. She herself had wanted to go after the creature. She lunged at the two, her body started glowing, then it flashed a huge amount of light would blind those who were in the area momentarily. When they were blinded Linia was inbetween them. "Hold on, your more intelligent than the average demon." Linia said as she pointed at the demon with her sword, light seemed to be vibrating from it. "And you need to be more careful, that bullet of yours could have brought down the entire building, we don't need any more property damage." Linia said to the portal man.

Calamity meanwhile walked towards Guilt. "I'm already helping one, I can't afford to help more, if I happen to see her in a battle I have no guarantee I well let her live. If you really want to join me then your sister is your own responsibility." Calamity said as he walked towards Guilt. Calamity was indeed a very large and muscular man and towered over Guilt.

Zehlan meanwhile was just now starting to enter the city from the port side of the city. And sirens could be heard going off near them. There was what looked like a large wave behind him, however following him was large number of human like sea creatures. Some of them were like him, but for the most part many of them had other fishy forms. Each one of them were fearsome and carrying weapons, some even carrying guns.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Both of his attacks had missed, and Abaddon quickly discovered that this metahuman's power was rapid teleportation. Wonderful! Looks like this battle wasn't ending as soon as he had hoped, so his meeting with Thasseldar would have to wait. Shiro had quickly spawned two automatic weapons and began firing away, much to Abadddon's annoyance and minor amusement. Seriously, if a shot to the head from that rifle hadn't worked, did Shiro honestly expect those of lesser weapons to do so? Deciding to humor him, he allowed the initial barrage of bullets to hit their mark, but to no obvious effect. Some passed through him, while others seemed to just melt into his body.

"Silver," Abaddon chuckled as he held out said bullets towards Shiro, "Do I look like a werewolf to you?!"

Tossing them aside, Abaddon began his retaliation by dodging and deflecting the following barrages with magic. He also started to fire lone orbs of darkness towards his foe, doing so in a way that made it seem he was just hoping to eventually hit him. There was a strategy behind the wild shots though: Abaddon was attempting to discover a pattern in Shiro's portings as well as any other latent abilities being used in his fighting style. It worked.

Shiro would mainly appear at angles that would exploit the "blind spot" such as directly or diagonally behind him, or even right above him to avoid being hit on the ground. Abaddon also took notice of his glowing eyes and linked them to Shiro's apparent sense of premonition. Having fought teleporters in the past, he decided Shiro belonged to the rare bunch of those able to see in all directions.

"Hmph, two can play at that game," he thought. Focusing his senses, Abaddon began to better predict and avoid future attacks. With Drevenon's vision, he would also be able to see in multiple directions, as well as take notice of any developing distortions in the energy spaces around him. These would be the perfect indicator to where Shiro would reappear!

A few more evasions and deflections, and Abaddon moved in for his more coordinated strikes. As the space on his right began to distort, Abaddon whipped himself in its direction and in one lightning fast movement-

A flash of light appeared in between him and his foe. Abaddon sprang backwards, landing on all fours and on guard. Was this his foe's backup? Now he was just getting pissed and was on the verge of just exposing the entire area to a much stronger variant of the Devourer's Wrath (which would essentially draw everything save for Abaddon towards itself to obliterate them in a chaotic vortex).

"You're more intelligent than the average demon," the glowing girl had said to him before turning to Shiro. She was holding both of them back, so perhaps she wasn't the teleporter's backup. A friend perhaps...

"Do you know this metahuman?" He asked her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

None of the materials in question had worked, so it was clear this particular type of demon wasn't vulnerable to a specific material. His next choice would be to move through a series of religious artifacts, pagan symbols, and other such weapons. If these failed, he had multiple other methods of containment in mind. However, it was clear that Abbadon was the more powerful foe. In speed, strength, and sheer explosive power Abbadon was more capable. The only reason Shiro was able to hold his own was his immense skill and proficiency with his power, allowing him to project the Absolute Eye and use his Arsenal to his advantage. His opponent was uninventive in his application of power, however, preferring simple brute force and attacks.

Eventually, Abbadon seemed to be able to guess where Shiro would move instants before he moved there. He had lost the element of surprise in his attacks. This attested to his opponent's capability to adapt their strategy, a dangerous trait. However, if he could get in close, and use his blade... if he was able to sever the limbs, and then introduce a material that kept them seperated, he might be able to prevent the demon from reforming. Regeneration could be prevented through the permanent introduction of matter. It was a risk, but it was a risk worth taking.

It was a mistake, of course. Even as Shiro appeared, blade in hand, he knew it had been a mistake. His opponent was already facing him, even as the tendrils shot towards his face. Within moments, he would have been killed. And yet, a bright white light seemed to explode from some point in between the two combatants.

"You're smarter than the average demon"

A newcomer. A wild card had been thrown into the fight. This timely intervention had saved Shiro, as well as giving him a chance to collect his thoughts. The demon had backed off, questioning the woman. Not as aggressive as he had originally believed, but it was clearly still just an animal. "Intelligent or not, it remains a demon. It has already tasted human blood, and undoubtedly will take more. We must contain it before it spreads chaos to the rest of the city." From the powers Shiro had observed so far, and from what he knew of the heroes that generally operated in this city, it was clear that this demon was a level above what the locals could handle. Even if it was eventually defeated, there would be many casualties. His success here was imperative.

In the distance, sirens could be heard. With a slight grunt, Shiro projected the Absolute Eye to the other side of the city. Seeing through a portal far above the commotion, he had the perfect point of view to see the army of fish-men invade the city. Heavily armed, they ripped through the law enforcement. Superhuman in speed and strength, if not in technology. A large and devastating force that even now was fighting to claim the central infrastructure.

"You, try and contain the demon. I will support you from a distance. However, there is another matter I must address." With those words, Shiro disappeared, reappearing on a skyscraper above the carnage. It seemed like it was time to use a more powerful technique. A power that many had thought to be seperate from his teleportation, and yet was secretly merely the advanced application of it. Shiro stretched out his right hand, the palm thrust out towards the forces far below. He would decimate their numbers from here.

A wave of wind and force washed over the forces. An explosion of air moving at almost supersonic speed, ripping apart flesh, bone and even stone. Like a tank shell made of wind, it crushed anything in it's way. Shcokwaves with lethal force, each one in a different location, the source of the attack unknown. A large quantity of air, drained away from the atmosphere, and then suddenly reintroduced to it in a single point. The supercrompressed material rapidly expanded in a deadly explosion. Burst, the final offensive hidden technique developed by Shiro.

Although it rapidly drained him, this move would with equal speed decimate the forces below.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Abaddon listened to the small exchange between the two, then watched attentively as Shiro ported himself to a further area to perform an odd series of movements with his powers. He could also smell a new scent in the air, something... fishy. Literally. Coming from the other side of where he was, he figured that this was due to either the appearance of multiple sea-based creatures, or one giant ass sea creature. Was there some sort of deep sea invasion happening in Davenport? Was this why Thasseldar had called him back to Earth's realm? He'd find out, but first he needed to ease the suspicions of the girl before him, and perhaps further mollify Shiro by showing he was of no threat (at least not in the way he thought). Afterall, Shiro's words somewhat implied that he was fighting Abaddon to simply contain what he perceived to be a threat to the safety of the city. Nothing too new really, it happened a lot back when Casimir first emerged as Abaddon.

Worry not, girl, Drevenon began, The realm of Earth is the original home of my host.

"He's right. We haven't come to enslave 'all you pitiful mortals'," Abaddon joked. "You might've heard of me before, my name in this form is Abaddon. I've come here in response to a summons from an ally. According to him, there's been major trouble brewing in Davenport."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia took a deep breath as she turned her attention to the other sirens. "If you plan to not kill us all, then prove it by killing the fishes." Linia said as she started to head towards the army of aquatic people who were coming out of the sea. Many of them different kinds of fish. Once there Linia looked like she was dancing among the aquatic creatures. She quickly took out two of them standing close to her. Others were starting to close in on her though.


About ten of the aquatic beings that were attacked by Shiro fell to the attack. However there were a few on the edge of it who blocked the blast. One of them seemed to be some kind of squid, yet they seemed like just kids. A few of them were able to splatter some ink towards Shiro, in hopes of blinding him. Much of the army was progressing farther inland, thankfully most of the civilians had fled by now so weren't many casualties.



Cinia meanwhile had heard the on the radio of what was going on. "Nevermind being here, we need to go." Cinia said to the others as she dragged all those who were with her onto Greg, who started running at full speed towards the city, suprisingly Greg was much faster than a car, those without wings who couldn't keep up had to hold onto Greg for dear life.
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