Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"This is Command to Star Breaker (the ships name) all systems are reading clear but we would like a final report from each of the officers before you make final launch preparations over." Buzzes over your wrist communicators. All of the officers were given one to keep information flowing throughout the ship. The Star Breaker is currently submerged about 84 nautical miles from the Bermuda wormhole. The ship truly is an amazing vessel capable of traversing water, air, and the vacuum of space. (though its unclear if it can successfully exit a solar system its new engine systems are untested) Its a miracle enough funding was left over for its construction, If Project Odyssey was Humanity's last shot, then this project Exodus was like the human race simply throwing its gun at the target and hoping for the best.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

'Asshat' answered first, "This is the Security Chief, Fischer, reporting in. All systems nominal, door control, internal cameras, those scant few internal turrets, all of it's at 100% operating efficiency, Command.". He paused to look around his 'security office', a somewhat reinforced cubicle, with a nice desk inside and the ships' small 'armory' behind him. It could've been made a lot bigger.. and he could've had some assistants... but this'll do. He noticed his 'Twinklesmarts' figure out in the open and quickly hid that in his desk. Eyeing around, he 'phewed' when he was absolutely certain no one saw that. He ran one last diagnostics on all security systems on his console. "DOORS: GREEN. CAMERAS: GREEN. TURRETS: GREEN. ARMORY: STOCKED."

He manually checked the armory, (also known as just opening the damn thing), and saw that not a single bullet was missing. Good, everything's A-OK. He put in one last thing for command, "Command, secondary check also revealed all systems absolutely nominal. Can I ask something, though? If we don't even put out a word in... I dunno, six months... tell my family I love them very much, please?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DashingHeights
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DashingHeights Archangel of Justice, Fairness, Vengeance, Harmony

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Head Scientist Sexton, reporting in," Leigh sighed over her communicator. She flipped a few switches and triple-checked the locks on each collector pod before confirming, "Everything's a go, Command. Over." Sitting back in her seat, she pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eyes shut. She had a pounding headache from staying up too late on her home experiments and data. She had already taken three aspirin but couldn't risk anymore with the jump so close. She clutched her bottle of water tightly, strapping into her chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yojimbo
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Yojimbo The Wolf's Fang

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Gaelic "Ragin' Cajun" Grayeson


*POP, POP, POP* The quick flick of his wrist allowed the snuff-tin in his hand to pack the moist dip nice and tight. A few moments later, he popped the top of the tin and inhaled the minty smell of wintergreen. Taking a pinch, he packed the slivers of tobacco into his lips and closed the container; placing it in his trousers' back pocket. A plastic bottle in hand, he spat inside as he continued making his way through the corridors of the ship. Though advanced in comparison to every other vessel on the planet, it still lacked the luxury of being outside in the open air. Turning down another passageway, he started up the bulkhead and towards the bridge of their "magnificent" vessel into unknown territories. Over the communication-link, pretty much wired to his wrist, he listened as the others of the crew checked in with the Command Deck. Though he hadn't started his part of the journey, as they were currently submerged underwater; Gaelic knew he needed to check the systems for space flight. Space Flight... in a submarine? The original idea caused him to almost kill-over from laughter, but when the talk of the revolutionary engines were involved; his attention was focused.

"This is the Astro-Navigator, still need to do a systems check on the interstellar engines. I'm on my way to do so." he replied into the communicator, hoping they'd shut up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kijani Ryane was not an officer, but hearing the communication over her channel, she figured that she was being asked to call in. "Data Specialist Ryane here." The title was an invention; she was no militant and was outside of whatever pitiful ranking system they clung to. "All pencils sharpened and in order. Every i dotted and t crossed. Let's get on with this, hm?" She was bored. Waiting to do her job, and do what she was paid for.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Henwen
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Henwen A Mixed Fraction of Failure

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gus had been vibrating with excitement for the past half hour, so to prevent himself from 'messing with the radio' he'd taken his wrist-com off and put it on the other side of the room so he could actually get some work done.

So when the call finally came he somewhat over-reacted, lunging for his wrist com while already strapped into his chair and ending up an increasingly difficult battle to get the thing unlatched. The seatbelts were designed to keep them strapped in while experiencing extreme turbulence, so his exuberant thrashing only made the thing tighten its hold on him until he managed to find the release button. Finally though the contraption reluctantly let him go and he snatched up the coms.

"Ah! Yes! Hello! Doctor Angus Sorley checking in!" He practically chirped, his enthusiasm bleeding painfully into his speech and destroying all evidence of the professionalism that had been ground into him during training, "Medi Bay's fully stocked, and everyone is in full health and tiptop ship-shape. So we better do this thing now, before somebody comes down with a cold."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Krosse


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Strider jerked back much farther than he should have as sparks flew out of the ECM/ECCM package and knocked himself senseless on the bulkhead. He shook himself together as he heard the crew sounding off. He opened his wrist communicator and spoke in a quick and firm tone, "I'll need about an hour and a half on the ECM/ECCM. Just fried half the fuses trying to optimize its syncing with my neural transceiver. Ahem... Shouldn't* interfere with any systems. Good to go."

He let out a deep breath and went to scavenge some fuses from the engine room. As he entered, he heard... snoring? Locating the source of the noise, he found Marko asleep underneath one of the engine maintenance panels. The guy had been up for 2 days straight making sure every bolt was tightened and every piece was in place. Strider shook his head. He'd never tell anyone, but he appreciated Marko. He respected him. Finding the fuses he needed, he walked away without saying a word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Marko was standing in the engine the control center that monitored the three engines this ship had, three engine types that is. This ship had to be one of the most advanced and sophisticated pieces of machinery Marko had the pleasure to work on and manage. Looking over the many dials, screens and gauges Marko had reached the end of his inspection. "All submarine engines are running normal, and the systems test for the aviation and stellar engines looks good." He paused a moment looking out of the large window at the main engine transfer housing. "We are ready for the switch after the jump, Captain." Marko was interested to see how this would work after having helped design and build the entire system he wanted to see it really work rather than the simulation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The young female, Achieng, sat resting in a large basin of water. She had the ability to get around the vessel in an odd looking chair that had water in it, but the rest of her got dry and thirsty after a few hours. However, when she started to see the activity on the ship picking up, she slid from the basin, back into her chair. A friendly scientist had taught her the control of it, and she whizzed through the ship with a faint sloshing of water. The first door she found open was the doctor's, and she smiled.

"Greetings, Doctor! You sound so excited! Are we leaving soon? I can't wait, I truly can't!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Henwen
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Henwen A Mixed Fraction of Failure

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Achieng!" Angus looked up with a smile at their resident alien's arrival; a creature that delighted, thrilled, and fascinated him in equal measure every time he saw her. Space Mermaids! Brilliant! Of course, she wasn't really a space mermaid- her strange and unique biology not even close really. But still, Aquatic Beings from Space, it was close enough in his books. He loved nothing more than to learn about life from her unique perspective, and seeing her moving among them, even in her nifty little chair, would ever get old. Not to mention that he found her cute as a button- a shiny unusual space mermaid button.

"We're just doing the final checks now," He waved her in and gestured to the open spot next to him as strapped himself back down in his chair. "Have a spot and fasten her down- we'll be leaving for the final jump in a jiffy so you might want to be securely seated. Who knows what kind of turbulence this space-dingy will shake us with once we get her going!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Krosse


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Strider spoke out as he entered the room, "Lots of shaking. Plenty of painful jerking. The occasional scream from our good doctor here. Lots of entertainment for the whole crowd." He said smugly as he took his seat and buckled in. From the past 5 minutes of listening to the doctor through his old intelligence sensors he had installed around the ship (without anyone knowing), Strider had already determined that the good doctors personality would get on his nerves. Regardless, he had a mission; which was more than he could say for the last 2 years of his unemployment administrative retreat.

Strider opened his wrist communicator and spoke up, "Command. This is Strider. Postponing the ECM/ECCM package reconstruction. I'll get it working once we're on the other side."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"This is command reading loud and clear greenlights received on all but one ends. Once Strider has completed his repairs you are clear to begin project exodus." Buzzes each of your communicators. There is a short pause until the voice through your wrist continues, "We would like to remind you of the goal of your mission. You are to travel through the Bermuda wormhole and scout out the region of space it will take you too. Priorities include habitual resource fill environments for the remainder of the human race. A sort of promise land if you will. Though unlikely discovery of miss Achieng and her people have revealed that intelligent life other then our own dose exist out there. If encountered always remember that you are our first and hopefully our best impression. Do not mess up. You are required to spend a minimum of one month and a maximum of six away from home. However due to the food and fresh water shortage you are only stocked to for three months if light rationing is employed. Remember to continually transmit data until the very last moment back to us at HQ. Though if our hole here is anything like the one in space you will lose contact with us almost immediately upon entering the hole. Over."

@LHG100 On a private channel a different voice commuted to Fischer, "Request acknowledged. If contact is not made with Stat Breaker in 6 months time your family will be notified and compensated for your loss. Over"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Krosse


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Strider looks at his wrist communicator for a few seconds before flipping a switch on the control panel. The lights on the ECM/ECCM indicator lit up slowly. "Huh. Will you look at that. We didn't blow up. That's a good sign." he said cautiously as he examined the boot up sequence. "I was actually about 80% sure that it'd blow up with all the enhancement I made. I was kind of looking forward to the fireworks in space." he said under his breath as he entered a few commands on the control panel. After 30 seconds he got on his wrist communicator again, "Command, ECM/ECCM package is running at 85% output with only 50% power. All enhancements are clear and synced with the ships systems. Requesting Full ECM/ECCM Power & Control Transfer to Star Breaker; Operator Authorization: Zero-Four-Five-One."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fischer makes sure to leave a quiet, "Thank-you Command" before resuming his duties, and getting up from his chair for one last security shakedown. He begins to wonder just what sort of 'aliens' they might find out there... Hopefully the worst they'll find are just green-skinned space babes, but he knows how unlikely that is. They'll probably find hyper-intelligent tentacled abominations, or omniscient swarms of sentient nanorobots or something. Well, he has a job to do and he needs to do it. So, he continued his patrol, silently stalking the halls, gun in pocket, one final check for any smuggled items, for any security breeches, and other things of that sort.

Empty handed, he wordlessly, sneakily returned to the Security Office, likely getting a few looks from the others in the other rooms before he plops down in his chair and waits for the 'Jump', back in his office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Two Hours Later A few moments from the wormhole

"Command to Star Breaker we are reading you moments away from the Bermuda wormhole. This will be the last time for a long time that you will be in communication distance from us and therefore the last orders we can give you. Mr. Marko please switch the engine to aerial flight mode upon surfacing. Mr. Grayeson you and your crew will guide the Star Breaker through the hole. Upon entering quickly switch the engines to Stellar flight modes. Strider, Sexton, and Ryane are in charge of ensuring and data and information gathered inside the hole are delivered here until the last possible moment. The rest of you I advise to strap down and wait it through command out"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Marko was looking over the control panel when, from the corner of his eye, he spotted Fischer going on one of his security walks before they arrived at the jump point. After he was past Marko started patting his cargo pant pockets looking to make sure he still had them. Letting out a sigh as his hand came to rest on a small pack in his bottom left cargo pocket. "That would be a shame if he found that. I would have to-" His thoughts were interrupted by the transmission from command, and Fischer coming back through.

"Acknowledged, keep the light on. Over." Marko said as he glanced at Fischer when he passed. Pressing a few buttons and flipping a switch he opened one of three key lock switch guards. One was already open, and flashing green signifying that a transmission switch was ready. The one that Marko inserted his key into said aerial, and he turned the key causing the light above the key to flash green in sync with the other. Marko removed the key and stood by the button labeled Transmission Type Transfer waiting for the command to engage the surface aerial engines.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Achieng's 'chair' set into a little magnetic hitch on the wall. It would hold her stable for the jump. "Oh, this is exciting and terrifying." Her eyes were lit with joy, and she seemed to be shuddering with excitement.


Kijani prepped her datapad, and was waiting at the front of the ship, looking out at the wormhole. While she wasn't given to overt emotion, she was transfixed on the sights ahead. What waited on the other side? No one knew. It would be her name on the research, her name on the documents... Her knowledge would become power for the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Star Breaker we are receiving loud and clear..." Command is abruptly cut off as you all feel a sudden and painful lurch in the pit of your stomachs. You have entered the wormhole and the navigation system is changing its reading rapidly. Extreme vertigo falls on all members of the crew and anyone not sitting down finds it extremely difficult to stand.

Finally it ends. With the navigation showing on its monitor, "ERROR! PLEASE INSERT LOCAL MAP FOR AREA TRAGETING". In layman's terms, the ship has no idea were you are.
However topographical maps show you are surrounded by ocean on all sides with very small islands scattered about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vaftss2
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vaftss2 Master Jedi

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Ow. Mirabel shook her head. The first thud was the wall of the box hitting the floor, apparently it was metal. The second thud had been Mirabel tumbling out of said box, and hitting the floor herself, shoulder first. Apparently THAT was metal too. Somehow. I sure hope no one heard that... Moments before Mirabel had been stuck in a dark, cramped box, with almost no memory and no idea where she was, and she had had to cut her way out with...something. The cold ground that greeted her solved at least two of those problems; it was no longer dark, and it was no longer cramped. Her stomach seemed to be freaking out, and she had to remain completely still to avoid throwing up.

It eventually ended, and Mirabel managed to sit up and get her bearings. Looking around, she took stock of her surroundings. Pale blue lighting, dim. Stacks of crates and netting. Lockers. It seemed to be some sort of storage area. Cargo bay jumped into her head. Suddenly her vision shifted, and words started appearing ON her eyes.


Icons started appearing all over her vision, overloading her senses momentarily. Eventually it settled, and Mirabel started picking her way through the data in front of her. Mission objectives were unknown, or there were none. It took her a moment, but she closed it by thinking at it real hard. Okay. So I'm some sort of cyborg, with a metal arm that conceals a knife, no mission or information about my purpose of any kind, and an unknown location. This day gets better and better... A miniature map was located in the top-right of her vision, but MEMORY UNAVAILABLE kept flashing on it. Mirabel closed that as well. All that was left were incredibly basic functions; a 'compass' that allowed her to keep her directions straight, an image of a female human that blinked green, yellow, and red in the indicated portions (front and back), some sort of gauge that read 'Bio-electric energy', and a highlight function that allowed her to more easily make out the different objects in her vicinity.

Mirabel started to feel very antsy all of a sudden. She wasn't sure why, but she knew she needed to get moving. She was very exposed sitting on the cold floor like this, and if anyone heard the noises she had made, she would be expecting company. Putting her make-shift door back as best she could, Mirabel scanned for a decent hiding place. There... She spotted a corner in which some crates were stacked in just the right way to create a shadowy recess. She went to the bottom of the pile, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and, on a hunch, let instinct do the work. She nimbly climbed the crates, and settled into her hiding place. She had no idea how long to wait, someone might not have even heard the noise she made. There might not even be anyone else around. Still, it was better to be safe than sorry, and as she waited, she finally started to notice the ever so sleight vibration that permeated every surface she touched. Eventually, her enhanced vision also allowed her to notice one other thing: the dent her shoulder had left in the floor. Shit...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Down in the science labs the crew once regaining their composure from the rigorous flight breathed a sigh of relief and began the tasks assigned to them.

"We are reading a humidity level of 85%, and a temperature of 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Air pressure suggests that it has recently rained, and if we can witness a rainstorm it will prove the planet has at least a basic atmosphere and weather system. With your permission ma'am we would like to..." the scientists report was interrupted by another lab technician who had drawn back one of the lab windows to view the planet.

"Hmmmm... Ma'am you may want to see this!"
@Mistress Dizzy @DashingHeights
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