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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Graham Turner

“It’s not gonna bite, dork.”

Great, that makes two of us, then. Ugh.”Graham poked the abomination unto nature once more with his spork. He could have swore that it growled at him. He considered, briefly, growling back, but decided against it. There was no reason to antagonize his tray any further. He pushed it forward, respecting its boundries. One day, when it has its vaguely fleshlike tendrils wrapped around the throat of the world, it may look back on this day and remember the mercy shown to it. And perhaps maybe, JUST MAYBE, it will return the favor?

“Ugh, man, I’m starving.”

Graham looked up at Alexis, whisked back from his madness by her complaining. His stomach protested his decision to spare the flesh monster. He could understand Alexis’ gripes.

“My dumbass roommate made me miss breakfast. I swear, I’m going to throw her into a wall by the end of the year. Made me miss first classes too…So who’d we have first anyways? I’ma need to borrow your notes or whatevs.”

Roommates, eh? Must be nice...having constant companionship. When times get so lonely…

Pull yourself together Graham! Man up!

“Ehh, so uh...remember that monster thing chick from the train? Because it’s the monster thing chick from the train. That’s our first teacher. Didn’t really go over anything in class. Just went around the room introducing everybody...then she got...weird...so yeah, no notes.” Graham sighed dramatically before continuing. “Damn…”

He sighed again. He needed to gush, and poor Alexis was the closest person, poor chick.

“Well, as long as we’re bitching, not gonna lie, today has kinda sucked...so maybe my misery can make you feel better? I fell out of bed this morning, possibly breaking my phone, I dunno. Then I go get breakfast, yeah? Well, this upperclassman dude like...starts hitting on me. Pretty sure he told me that he’s going to make me a booty call, so that’s just fun.”

Graham shook his head before looking off into the crowd of people awaiting lunches. For a moment, each and every one of them look like the cruel Grahamdiddler. Monsters the lot o’ ‘em.

“Uhm... bumped into just this fuckin’ BEAR of a chick. Like, put a bra on a Mack Truck and you’ve got a pretty clear picture. Picks me up like it ain’t nothin’, and I’m pretty sure she’s thinkin’ about just eating me. Or snapping me like a twig. Good thing a teach came by or I’d proooobably be dead. Oh, and then I get to class, right? Monster thing chick like...assaults and gropes me in front of class.”

He shakes his head again, letting out a shudder. He had never experienced so much sexual acknowledgement in his life...it uh...wasn’t the greatest thing. The Stranger Danger here was pretty unbelieveable.

“And then, y’know, because the universe just has so much fun shitting on Graham, my fuckin’ asshat of a sister comes waltzing into the class. She’s sitting beside me in there. So that was my morning.”

“Erh, hey?”

Graham glanced over to see Cheol standing kinda awkwardly by him. Whoa...slightly creepy how silent this kid was. If he wouldn’t have said anything, he might have been able to just stand in Graham’s shadow for the entire lunch period with the gingerbro being none the wiser.

“Is it...okay if I sit here?”

Graham chuckled. “Yeah, dude, pop a squat. You don’t have to ask, we’re friends, yeah? We were just airing our grievances. Come be miserable with us.”

“Hey guys, do you mind if I come sit with you?”

Err...didn’t he just hear that? Like...was life on echo? Graham looked around confused for a moment. Then he saw her.

The giant. Graham’s mouth nearly hit the floor when he saw her again. Not due to her size this time (alright, so just a tad. She really was intimidating when she stood...especially to a sitting little dude like Graham), but because of something else…

Something red…

Around her mouth…

Graham laughed out loud. He stood up and stop a step over to her.

“Dude...digging the ketchup beard. But uh...red might not be your color. Come on and take a seat, dude. Take a seat and join in our teenage angst.”

He offered her a napkin, one of the handful he got when he picked up the tray. If he wasn’t going to use it, someone should. Still, that was a lot of ketchup...he liked the tomato as much as the next guy but there were limits. He returned to his seat then, and looked around at their little group.

A punk, a giant, a stud, and a little bro.
Yeah, that’d work. Their group dynamics would flow righteously.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

“Great, that makes two of us, then. Ugh.”

Alexis rolled her eyes. Really, the food could be worse...it could be her moms cooking for example. Pretty sure her 'cooking', if it could be called that was an affront to nature. Honestly? While it was certainly not the best, it certainly wasn't bad. Well, considering she mainlined junkfood and caffeine she didn't have much room to comment...

“Ehh, so uh...remember that monster thing chick from the train? Because it’s the monster thing chick from the train. That’s our first teacher. Didn’t really go over anything in class. Just went around the room introducing everybody...then she got...weird...so yeah, no notes.”

Uhm...that one that broke up the fight with her and that snooty bitch? That thing? That...was a teacher? Alexis was a bit lost for words. Well, if that thing was a teacher then things were going to be a bit...interesting.


...he really seemed like he was getting all depressed over this. She couldn't have been that bad. Its not like she attacked him or something. He was probably just exaggerating a bit. She doubted they'd let a teacher here if they harmed the students.

“Well, as long as we’re bitching, not gonna lie, today has kinda sucked..."

Ooh...yay, number of fucks she really gave: Zero. She gave him a bored look, but didn't say anything.

"So maybe my misery can make you feel better? I fell out of bed this morning, possibly breaking my phone, I dunno. Then I go get breakfast, yeah? Well, this upperclassman dude like...starts hitting on me. Pretty sure he told me that he’s going to make me a booty call, so that’s just fun.”

Ouch. She may have been half-heartedly listening to him, but well, that did sound pretty bad. She could related to the falling out of bed thing, kind of. Except for her, it was more like having an airhorn go off in your ear when you were asleep. And then the whole thing with her roommate...ugh. Not to mention the following little confrontation in the cafeteria. Plus getting hit on? Well, she didn't know how Graham would react...but well, she wouldn't like some random person hitting on her. Sounded like both of their first days at this place was just going well..

“Uhm... bumped into just this fuckin’ BEAR of a chick. Like, put a bra on a Mack Truck and you’ve got a pretty clear picture. Picks me up like it ain’t nothin’, and I’m pretty sure she’s thinkin’ about just eating me. Or snapping me like a twig. Good thing a teach came by or I’d proooobably be dead,”

Bra on a mack truck? Pfft, okay, that was kind of an amusing picture. Although, the only person she could think of when he said 'bear chick' was her roommate. Yeeeah...the ensuing image was less than hilarious, and something she would need a lot of brain-bleach for. Ugh. Thanks for the mental image Graham.

"Oh, and then I get to class, right? Monster thing chick like...assaults and gropes me in front of class."

...what? Okay, she was pretty sure groping students wasn't allowed. In fact, wouldn't that be illegal?...meh, he was probably exaggerating. The thing on the train yesterday was...pretty odd yeah, but probably wasn't doing...whatever Graham thought she was doing.

“And then, y’know, because the universe just has so much fun shitting on Graham, my fuckin’ asshat of a sister comes waltzing into the class. She’s sitting beside me in there. So that was my morning.”

For once, she was glad to be an only child. She didn't understand the appeal of having a sibling. Honestly, they all seemed annoying. Still, Alexis couldn't help but to chuckle a bit at his misfortune. The guy apparently just had like, zero luck or something. Eh...maybe she should say something. Friends were supposed to...cheer friends up right?

"Well at least ya didn't have to put up with some jack-ass of a roommate..."

....fuck, she was terrible at this. She could have face-palmed so hard at her own social awkwardness, if someone else hadn't shown up first. Kind of...odd, how she didn't hear him coming. While she wasn't exactly paying attention, she was pretty sure of her hearing abilities.

“Erh, hey? Is it...okay if I sit here?” Did graham know this guy? This...kid? Damn, he looked like he couldn't be older than like, twelve or something. The hell was he even doing here? was he some kind of super genius or something?...whatever, she didn't really care. Though, his presence made the anti-social girl a bit uncomfortable. She'd probably have told him to go away, or at least just ignored him but Graham already gave him an invite, earning a bit of a glare from her in return.

“Hey guys, do you mind if I come sit with you?”

...oh god no. No. nononononononononono. She knew that voice. Why of all people did she have to want to sit with them? Why couldn't she sit somewhere else? Maybe she actually liked- Goddamn it, pull yourself together Alexis! Sh-she wouldn't. Right, she probably just thinks of Graham as a friend. Right. Right. Yes, calm down. Right...calm. Focus. Focus on how much of a dork Graham is. Still, she couldn't but to momentarily stare a bit before giving an annoyed huff and looking in the opposite direction of the vampire. She'd let Graham do whatever he wanted to. Not like she really could have much of a say.

“Dude...digging the ketchup beard. But uh...red might not be your color. Come on and take a seat, dude. Take a seat and join in our teenage angst.”

Ketchup beard? She took a quick glance back at Anastasia. That...was probably most definitely not ketchup. Should she tell him?...yeah, she was going to tell him.

"Uh...Graham, not to freak you out or anything," Yeah right, she was doing it exactly for that reason. "But...that's not ketchup."

~Meredith Hillard~

Ooh, It all looked so tasty! What should she eat first? The vegetable stuff? The meaty looking spicy stuff? The grey blob of meat? Ooh, it all looked so good and tasty. She wanted all of it! Waiting in this line was killing heeeer! OOh, hurry up and move! Most of the other students gave her a friendly little hello. She exchanged a few comedic jabs with one of them, after one of them teased her about letting her in front of them. Well, really she could just go around them anyways using the excuse 'Ima teacher, deal with it' but then she'd miss out on probably messing with a few students. She was slightly hoping Graham was in line and she could mess with him a bit more. Thankfully, it didn't take her long to reach the trays and the food.

"Ooh..it all looks so gooooood~" She commented, trying to once again decide what she should have. Well...why should she have to decide, then? Why not-

"I'll have one of everything!~" She giggled, before getting the attention of one of the chefs. He looked a bit young to be working there, but she was too distracted about the thought of getting food to think much of it."I want one of evvvverything! Come ooon, hurry it up!"


~Ziska Seighild~

Knock knock.

...just as she had laid down on the bed. What horribly inconvenient timing. She briefly thought about just ignoring it and letting them think whatever they want to, but it was likely they had seen her come here. She sighed and got up off the bed. Who could it be? If it was her roommate, she doubted the delinquent would have knocked. A teacher, maybe? Well, as long as it wasn't Meredith. Even Adal would be preferable to that...thing. Well, whoever it was she'd find out as soon as she opened the door. She walked over, making sure her appearance was mostly in order.

When she opened the door...it was someone she was not expecting at all.

"Paul?" She was momentarily at a loss for words. What...was he doing here? She wouldn't exactly call them friends, or even really acquaintances for that matter. So what was he doing here? Maybe he was just curious as to what she was doing here. Well, she'd probably be slightly curious too as to where a student was going during the lunch hour. Most would probably be up to no good sneaking off...but well, that was an issue for later. At the moment...the current issue was something else entirely.

"Paul," She stated again, giving him quite the annoyed look. "I would like to remind you, it is against the school rules for boys to be in the girls dorms. I do hope you have a very good reason for being in here." She could have very well just make him vacate the premises herself, but she was quite tired, and only would if she absolutely had too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 20 days ago

-Anastasia Tepes-

After Anastasia had asked her question she saw that Alexis looked away... Was she still mad for yesterday? So it wouldnt be as easy as she had hoped. Eh, who knows. Maybe if Anastasia had been talking abit to Graham and Cheol then Alexis would also partake in the conversation.

Graham turned to face Anastasia and suddenly started laughing at her. Well, okay... That was odd. Then he said something about a ketchup beard and this confused Anastasia even more. She didnt even like ketchup. As he handed her a napkin she finally realised what was going on. She obviously still had some blood on her mouth/chin/cheek after she viciously attacked that bloodpack a few seconds ago. She took the napkin from him and held it in her hand for a moment as she was thinking. Should she tell him that it was actually blood or...

Or... Alexis would do it. That could work too. Well she didnt outright tell it but she started the subject.

Anastasia put her plate down on the table and sat next to Graham and looked at him. "Alexis is right. I dont even like ketchup to be honest..." She looked down at her plate and held the napkin close to her mouth. "But yeah, this is blood" She said as she wiped her mouth clean.

-Anouk Dijkstra-

It seemed like the annoying poking would pay off as Graham reacted to it. At first he seemed hesitant to shake her hand. When he made a motion to shake it though, he suddenly broke it off and seemed mortified. What? Anouk didnt look so bad that you wouldnt want to touch her... Right?

Anouk had hoped to make a new friend but it seemed like Graham did not really want to be a friend. Well, she could maybe try again during lunchbreak. He was Tabitha's little bro for one, so that must mean that he's actually a really awesome dude! Yes, she was not going to give up!

The rest of classes were pretty boring. Anouk hadnt really gotten a chance during these classes to get to know someone else. She was missing Tabitha and wondered why they didnt share the next class with eachother... Yes, she was actually missing a person she had only met hours before. But she hadnt made many friends in the States yet and Tabitha was really cool, so who can blame her?

When the lunchbell sounded Anouk made her way over to the cafeterria as quickly as she could. She was one of the first to get there... only to then get some complaints from her blatter. Ooh dammit!

One toilet break later the cafeterria was already pretty filled up and a massive line had formed up. Bugger.

But ooh look! There's Graham and... That chick from earlier. Welp, that meant no talking to Graham for the moment. The moment that psycho saw Anouk she would probably attack her. Yeah... Anouk didnt want anything to do with her.

Anouk looked around the cafeterria abit and then saw her awesome roomie. She made her way over to the table as fast as she could. "Tabitha!" she exclaimed as she got close enough to Tabitha to leap over at her and stop a few inches infront of Tabby.

As excited as ever Anouk didnt really know where to begin... So why not throw it all out in one go?"How've-you-been?-I-missed-you!-You-know-your-lil-bro-is-hanging-out-with-that-psycho-bitch-we-met-earlier?-And-is-this-your-twin?-Hi-I'm-Anouk,-Nice-to-meet-you!" She extended a hand to Gracie and smilled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Lukas Kunze : Entrance to the Cafeteria-

As the girl spoke, Lukas knew that his comment fell flat completely. The blonde haired beauty wasn't having any of his truthful embellishments as she inquired if his pick up line ever worked on anyone. Lukas rubbed the back of his neck, pondering on if he should move to stage two of his coquets. The boy analyzed the look in the girls eyes, gleaning that she had a bit of a mischievous from that glimmer and smile. Lukas had the strangest idea that she would be a feisty little minx... that was almost as tall as him.

The teen eventually decided to complete the whole comment as it would be unsatisifactory if the whole comment was left to rot without a second thought. Shining a playful smirk at the woman, Lukas returned his arm to his former spot on his side and placed his backpack down. The two things holding the items above began to levitate even further into the air as if they wanted to observe the ongoing chaos. Raising a hand to his witted lips, he casually observed her a little longer before chuckling slightly. He then moved his hand down a few centimeters and began speaking in a lighthearted manner.

Let me finish before dismissing it lovely, lest it be nothing more than words in the wind. I don't enjoy leaving anything unturned and finished... loose ends are irritating. Suffice to say, my complements only work on angels sent from above, and you look like one beautiful, angelic maiden..."

As Lukas circulated the comment, he was a bit bitter that right off the bat she completely decided that the comment was over. Much to his chagrin, he could already tell getting through to this chick was going to be difficult. Lukas sighed slightly as he found one-liners to be rather distasteful ironically. Even though it would be difficult, Lukas felt the excitement of such a prospect be for him. However, he didn't know if this blonde haired lady would be into him, especially after that whole spiel.

Thankfully, there was no need for drastic actions any further as she seemingly accepted Lukas' companionship. The teen watched her outstretched her hand towards him as she introduced herself. Lukas felt he could probably slip in a subtle complement that wouldn't be induced as flirting by her. Reaching out for her hand, Lukas gave her a genuine smile before feeling the warmth connect between their hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Kára Raskstål. I'm pretty sure I should be honored to meet you. Such a wonderful name fits an alluring young lady such as yourself. Hey, maybe we could have some lunch together, preferably with a close friend of mine who tends to be a pretty zestful gal! You two might get al-"

With his guard down, Lukas failed to suspect anything amiss and was inattentive to Lonnie sneaking behind him... in a rushing down fashion. Unable to do anything but lose his balance, Lukas toppled forward into Kára. As this whole situation went downhill fast, the trio went down even faster than the whole circumstance they were in.

Crashing down into the lady, his grip slipped from her hands and onto the floor. Recalling something rather important, he didn't come to the conclusion of the blonde haired Amazon being close to his face as he caught the to items using telekinesis. The clinking of the utensils left him reassured as he moved them to where he saw his backpack and softly set them down on the floor. Eyeing the person above him, he safely dissipated that specific thought into midair and sighed vehemently.

"Well hello to you too Lonnie, heh heh... your looking beautiful as always... Jeez, you have no idea how much I've been worrying about you. I'm glad your ok, out of trouble, and... I'm forgetting something really important... wait, oh dear... OH NO! CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP!"

With keen timing on his part, Lukas recalled that he was squished between a genuinely passionate woman and a ravishing young lady. Lukas couldn't figure out whether he enjoyed this or not, but he one one thing - he was turning pretty red. His face was pretty close to Káras and he was pretty sure he could feel her breath coursing in his face. Flustered and beffudled, no words escaped his mouth as he stared at the blonde before shooting a retort out from the dark about this whole situation.

Uh, hm, sorry, but I'm not into threesome... I'm more into, er, commitment... wait... Th-that's not what I meant to say!"

Lukas could only ponder on if this was retribution for how he teased that one newbie this morning, along with hitting on Kára and Lonnie. Either way, he was still in a daze as he returned his nervous gaze to Lonnie whose head was on his back. Lukas honestly did not know what to do at this point. He was wracking his head on what to do next before immediately putting his legs on the outside of Káras.

At this point, this whole spiel was looking like an awkward sandwich, to which Lukas eventually respond my pushing himself up. With Lonnie on his back as Lukas stood on his knees, his back erect. Using his telekinesis, he focused solely on the clothes connecting to her body. He did he best to keep her shirt and pants in place. Smirking mischieviously, he deftly spun his right leg around through the air over Káras torso. He carefully made sure not to bang his leg on her face as he navigated it around. With the tables turned, he immediatly attempted to wrap his arms around the girl and give her a hug.

"Nice try Lonnie, but you aren't getting away too easily from me, especially after what transpired, heh heh... Kinda turned me into a sandwich there temporarily!"

The teen chuckled, before realizing how awkward this whole situation seemed with them both on the floor... and the sandwich thing. At any rate, these two didn't know each other, so maybe he could take the liberty of introducing them to each other. The boy tipple his head to stare at the blonde haired woman lying down, and gave her a toothy smile.

"By the way, Kára, this is Lonnie; a close friend of mine who tends to act a bit... mischievous in her endeavors. Speaking of which, where were you today Lonnie? Kind of had me a bit worried that you wern't in class. Did you cause any trouble or something?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 20 days ago

-Kára Raskstål-

Damn this guy was really confident of himself wasnt he? Kára raised an eyebrow and a mischievous smirk as this guy was attempting to hit on her. Atleast, she thinks he's hitting on her, eventhough she does not really know what he means with this "angel" thing.

It didnt seem like this guy was going to back down as he was still hitting on her. To be honest Kára was thinking about sqeezing Lukas' hand abit with her strength just to mess abit with him, but decided against it. Afterall, it wouldnt make a good first impression to accidentily break someone's hand would it? Besides, she was sure that she could find some different ways to mess with this guy.

Then Lukas mentioned a close friend of him and he immediately grabbed Kára's curiosity with that comment. Could he possibly be talking about her new roommate?

As if on cue, Lukas was being approached from behind by a brunette... The same girl Kára saw earlier when she was waiting for the vice-principle. This must be Lonnie, she thought to herself. Lonnie was sneaking up on Lukas and Kára was pretty sure about what Lonnie was planning... Well, not 100% sure but it was pretty clear that she wanted to suprise him so Kára opted to not point it out to Lukas.

Then Lonnie rugby-tackled Lukas. Lukas would be pushed towards Kára so she had to make a quick decision. She step out of the way, which would reslut in Lukas falling face first on the floor. Not something she wished to happen. She could also just stop the both of them by just using her strength... But what's the fun in that?

No, no. Kára would have abit more fun. This Lukas seemed to be pretty confident about his pickup lines. Let's see if he's still that confident in a moment...

As Lukas fell forward on her, Kára made a convincing fall backwards. As she looked at Lukas she was amused to see him sandwiched between Lonnie and herself. However, she quickly put on a At first Lukas was trying to make sure that his trays would not fall down on the ground, which was predictable. He then seemed to divert his attention to Lonnie. Now, Kára normally wouldnt minded that but... he was laying on top of her so atleast acknoledge that fact please. Hello? Eugh, fine, she'd find a way to get his attention. Lukas' head was pretty close to her's, so maybe she could... Nah, let's do something else. With that Kára started to squirm abit to get Lukas' attention.

Does this look awkward and weird for others? Probably. Did Kára enjoy the sight of Lukas' embaressed face? Ooh hell yeah. He seemed to be very confused about what was happening aswell, as was evident at accidentily mentioning the idea of a threesome... Yeah, that was not gonna happen.

Anyway, Lukas somehow managed to turn himself around and embrace Lonnie in a hug. To be honest, Kára felt abit left out. Especially considering he was embracing Lonnie while still sitting on Kára's legs. Lukas introduced Lonnie, but to be honest she had already figuered that one out. But before Kára could even say hi Lukas was already talking to Lonnie again. Gee, thanks for the lengthy introduction...

Kára pushed herself a up to more of a sitting position then a laying down one. She had hoped Lukas would fall over and thus it would reverse the whole thing but she wasnt really putting any bets on that happening. Instead it now looked like the both of them were sitting on Kára's lap... for whatever reason.

Kára looked over at the brunette. Well, it wasnt a hard looker. So atleast that's a plus. And she seemed to not be a pansy. Which was also a good thing in Kára's opinion.

Kára would wait patiently for Lonnie to respond on Lukas' question, she does have some decency, before she would try to converse with Lonnie. "Lonnie eh?" Kára said with a mischievous grin on her face. "Well, seems like I got an ideal roommate then." Kára started to move her legs a little bit. "Now, if you both wouldnt mind..." she said as she gestured to her legs.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Graham Turner

“Uh...Graham, not to freak you out or anything, but...that’s not ketchup.”

Pfft...trying to fuck with him, eh? Nice try, Alexis, but it was going to take a little bit more than that to fool ole Graham. If it wasn’t ketchup, what was it? Blood? Bwahahaha-

“Alexis is right. I don’t even like ketchup to be honest…”


“But yeah, this is blood.”

Graham looked from the towering chicka to the plate she had been carrying.

There WAS a little bag full of red stuff...but...it couldn’t be blood. Why the hell would it be?

“...no. No. No. Nope. Nope. No. No. Nah. I can’t. I just can’t.”

Graham slid back down into his seat, staring down at the table.

Teleporters, Eldritch Horrors, Pedophiles, Giant Carrots, Bear Women…
He’d accept a lot of shit. He didn’t like it, but he’d fuckin’ deal with it. Because that’s what he did, he dealt. If somebody wanted to sit here and tell him that this chick was a vampire, well...that’s where he drew the fuckin’ line. Enough’s enough. Vampires just DIDN’T exist, dammit! Granted, he would have said the same about superpowers not too long ago, but...c’mon, universe, cut a guy a break? Just once?


And as if on cue, the universe shot down a beam of light onto Graham. “I gotchu, bro” he could have swore he heard. “Justice, and all that jazz, yo.”

Right, well there was no light and no funky universal voice, but there was a crash not too far from his table. Graham looked over, thankful for the timely distraction.

There was...well...a lump of people. Two chicks and...and…

Graham started laughing.

It was the fuckin’ perv. Pervybro, in a fit of pure, unadulterated lust, attacked two poor ladies. He just couldn’t control himself. He simply gave in to his more primal urges…Graham frowned slightly and shook his head. If that was the case, he should have been on top of both of them…Maybe the brunette simply intervened to rescue the blonde from His Perviness? And in the scuffle, the lot o’ them fell to the ground?

Fuck it. Works for him.

Tabitha & Gracie


The manic mohawked miss made Gracie flinch when she suddenly popped up. The girl seemed to be radiating pure energy and enthusiasm. Normally she might be a bit off put by the sudden spunk but...there was a look in the girl’s eyes. The genuinity was rather comforting, surprisingly. Gracie quietly let go of her breath, returning to her calm, happy place. She knew Tabby. She could have taken a couple guesses, but by the look of things, she wouldn’t have to...

Tabby, upon hearing her name, lit up like a Christmas tree. It worked! Hopes and dreams are still alive, miracles DO happen! The youngest of the Turner brood spun around and greeted her roomie with a large goofy grin.


Before she could even begin to greet the Dutch chick, she was besieged by words. She had to give Anouk credit, dude wasn’t likely to be talked over any time soon. Which was righteous. Stand your ground, Anouk. You are a strong, independent woman that don’t need no man running her life.


Tabby hopped up to her feet.

“Dude, I missed you too! Classes were sooo boring! And, wait, the jerk from th-Oh! Yeah, uh, Anouk, this is my older sister Gracie. Gracie, this is my roomie, Anouk.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Anouk.”

Grace offered Anouk a warm smile and accepted her hand lightly. A couple light shakes then drop with a nod. Gracie shot a look over to Tabitha. The younger ginger didn’t have to be a telepath to know what she wanted to know. What’s this about a psycho bitch? She just offered her grin back to Gracie and let out a chuckle.

“Great, great. Let’s all get along, yeah?”

About that time, a certain crashing sound caught the attention of both twins. Gracie gave it just a momentary glance, seeing a brunette on top of a guy with her arms somewhat around him, and the guy on top of another girl. No biggie. The first girl probably tripped into the guy who fell into the second girl. It happens. Not that interesting.

Tabitha wasn’t quite interested in the human sandwich either. Rather, she looked on to see her little bro at a table with the tiny dude from her first class, a giant chick that looked somewhat familiar…

And the bitch.

Well whaddya know?

She stiffled a giggle and turned back to her table. The hell was that about? Did wittle Wahem have a wittle cwush? Pfft...Oh well. Even dorks needed friends. Good on him. She turned her gaze back at Anouk.

“So dude...how ya diggin’ it so far?”

Theodore Turner




Why was the line moving sooo slowly?

It was torture.

All he wanted in life was food.

Food is life.

Life is food.

How is that difficult people?

The line inched closer ahead. Ted inched closer to madness. There were so many tiny people in line...he wasn’t tiny. He was big. Surely they’d understand if he were to step over a few of them. In fact…

The student in front of Ted turned around and gave him a weird look, though it was rather appropriate considering the tall ginger had propped up against the nearby wall and was now trying to put his leg over the newbie.

“Just go…freak.

Ted smiled and moved up in line. Yet another step closer to glorious, delicious rewards. He found himself behind a somewhat tall blonde. Something seemed rather familiar about her...but there was no time for that. For now, there could be only noms.

After what felt to be an eternity in line, Ted found himself second only to the blonde. He was holding a tray and his mouth was like a faulty faucet. Everything looked so good…

“Ooh..it all looks so gooooood~”

Ted looked down at the blonde. She was in his head. Obviously his only choice was to not think.


“I’ll have one of everything!~”

Ted’s mouth opened. That was an option? By God…He looked from the food back to the blonde. Was this love? Was this what love felt like?

“I want one of evvvverything! Come ooon, hurry it up!"

She seemed to be looking at one of the younger chefs. Odd...Ted hadn’t seen this one before. Poor newbie...but lunch was serious business. Either he was cut out for it or not.

Ted took a couple small steps forward and was now standing beside the mischevious Biology teacher. Certainly Ted would recognize her if he got a good look at her but...well...more pressing issues were at hand.

Ted made brief eye contact with the chef, then one his hooks were in, he anchored it and cranked up the intensity to eleven. All blinking had been delayed until fooddown. This was life or death, people.

“Yes. I’ll have what she’s having. I want one of everything too. Well, not two of everything…”

Ted trailed off for a moment, pondering...then he came back to Earth with a twinkle in his eye.

“Actually, no, wait, yes, I want two of everything. Mmm.”

Ted leaned forward, losing all humor in his face. His mouth hanged partly open. Eye contact was still intensifying.

“Food me, bro.”

It would be Newbie’s Trial by Fire.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rebekah Green

The morning's class dragged on. Though Rebekah had initially been excited about taking classes with and for superheroes, the reality didn't quite measure up. Since aliens apparently existed, she would have thought that humans weren't the only ones capable of higher reasoning and laying out a coherent train of thought, but she was now beginning to doubt this. Meredith Hillard staggered drunkenly from one point to another, skipped and hopped lightly over a few tangential details before veering off in another barely related direction. She did seem knowledgable about biology, and the coursework was contained in what she said, but oh boy did it take some work to separate the wheat from the chaff and get it out of there. Rebekah brow was growing deeper and deeper furrows as Meredith laid out the syllabus.

The course, apparently, would contain human anatomy, ecosystems and ecology, cell biology and genetics. This all seemed like good stuff to know and even interesting, but Rebekah was fast coming to the conclusion that this would not be her favourite class here at Herculean Academy. She would go through with it, learn what she could, but having to deal with a teacher who went beyond eccentric into scatter-brained and sadistic would suck the joy of learning from that class for her.

The class came to an end, and lunchtime rolled around. Most of the students trooped off towards the cafeteria, and some towards the dorms. Rebekah followed the second group, to quickly check on her possessions. If they had been disturbed for a second time that morning, she would need to take stronger action. As it turned out, they had not. The cupboard door was still jammed shut, with her bags safe inside. Seeing this, she shrugged off her school bag filled with books, pens and notes and instead picked up a second backpack of green and yellow, opened an empty pocket and slid in the jewel that Professor Veilleur had given her that morning. This was the one that she mentally referred to as her "super bag" and was growing towards being, so far as she was concerned, the most massively useful collection of items ever assembled into a space of under 35 litres.

All shrunk down and organised into their own individual pockets were everything from extra clothes for a number of situations, food, drink and other survival supplies, first aid kits, combat gear, vials of some interesting chemicals and a few handy gadgets to top it off. When she left the room, it was this bag that sat on her shoulders, because after lunch, instead of more theory classes, she had her first practical training. Exactly what that would mean, she didn't know yet, but whatever came, she would be prepared. With her super bag, she always was.

Lunch was already well underway in the cafeteria when she arrived. A cacophony of conversation hit her from all around as she got her food. There seemed to be some kind of disturbance going on in the other food line, but she ignored it. This was a time for students to mingle with each other, socialise and get to know each other. As important as her studies were, Rebekah knew that if she went through a year at this new school without a few friends beside her, frankly, her life would suck. She didn't mind spending time alone, but loneliness was another matter. So far as she knew, the first step to friendship was proximity, and so, when she spied a group of girls who she recognised from biology class, she went to them and sat down at the table.

"Hey" she said as she set her tray down. "How's it going?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Zacary Yoxall

Zac was honestly having the time of his life, even though it was supposed to be a punishment. He was happily humming along as he cooked dish after dish on the school's stovetops. Every dish order he received went out with his own personal touch, giving the academy food, even considering how good it probably was without any tampering, a boost in taste.

He was still working when he heard an impatient voice behind him. Turning around, he opens his mouth to tell off the student telling him to hurry, only to realize this woman was definitely no student. After a few moments, he says, "Uh, yeah, sure. Just a sec."

Strange that the school would hire someone like her on their staff. Wonder what she teaches, he thinks as he loads a couple of trays with food. Turning back to the teacher, he sets the trays in front of her. "Who are you?" he can't help but ask. "What do you do here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

“...no. No. No. Nope. Nope. No. No. Nah. I can’t. I just can’t.”

Graham looked like someone had just killed his puppy. Alexis couldn't help but to chuckle a bit at his expression when he was told that was blood and not ketchup. Really, she couldn't understand why he was so easily freaked out, but it was going to be fun to mess with him if this was how he reacted to everything. Maybe she should play a prank on him...she wondered if he was afraid of spiders. Giant, fake, spider in his dorm. Hahahahaha, now that'd be priceless. Maybe she could sneak one into one of his jacket pockets or something when he wasn't looking.

...actually, better question. Where would she get one of those to begin with? If that biology teacher was anything like Graham was describing, or at least the rumors were somewhat true maybe she could get help from her.

A crashing noise interrupted her thoughts, drawing her attention to the three people in the floor who looked like they all just had tripped and fallen. Alexis couldn't help but to start laughing rather loudly at them. She had no idea what was happening, but at the very least it was gonna be fun to watch. Maybe a fight would break out.

...now, there was an idea. A fight would be fun. She could use the practice on these guys. She hadn't been in a good brawl in awhile so it'd be a nice change of pace. Hrm...eh, whatever. For now, food.

~Meredith Hillard~

"Uh, yeah, sure. Just a sec."

Yes. yes. YES! FOOD!~

The best thing on gods green earth. Well, it would be if she was religious in any way. Or was actually from earth. Or, well, actually tasted the food instead of just swallowing most of it whole.

but still. FOOD!

Meredith waited impatiently for the food to be brought to her. She licked her lips impatiently, rubbing her hands together in anticipation for the glorious food that was about to be brought to her. The school wouldn't let her anywhere near the kitchen usually, but she could still order a lot of food nonetheless. Thankfully, it didn't take long for the young looking chef to bring out the food. As soon as the trays were presented too her, an equal number of fleshy tendrils shot outwards, grabbing each of them from the chef with fleshy-hand like appendages before he could even say anything.

"Who are you? What do you do here?"

Hmm? He...didn't know her? Well, that meant he was probably the new student that had gotten put on chef duty for trying to break into the kitchen. Huh, well, she'd normally probably would have messed with him, but you do not mess with the guys who make your food. Well, time for an introduction! She quickly swallowed the food that she had quickly shoved into her mouth.

"Meredith Hillard," She replied with a grin, grabbing the boys hand, giving it a firm shake. "Biology Teacher! and you are Zacary Yoxall, correct?~" She let go of the students hand, bringing a tray back down to head-level so she could start eating. Really, having an almost infinite number of hands was really quite useful. She didn't understand how humans were able to get along so well without that function.

Funny little primates.

"Hehe, really you shouldn't miss your first class, but I guess I can't blame ya. Sneaking into the food storage is a favorite pastime of mine!~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Paul Ray

Paul just stood there, patiently waiting for something. He waited a couple of minutes, rethinking his decision to knock on her door but after looking back at the sandwiches, decided to knock once more, reasoning with himself that if she doesn't open after the second knock, she might as well be sleeping.

Just as Paul raised his free hand to knock again, the door opened. "Paul?" Shit, that much of a surprise huh? I guess that was to be expected since we are not really what you would call friends, Paul thought and sighed. He could literaly sense the annoyance emanating from Ziska when she next spoke. "Paul, I would like to remind you, it is against the school rules for boys to be in the girls dorms. I do hope you have a very good reason for being in here."

"Hey Ziska," he said, greeting her. "I was on my way back to my room when I saw you enter the dorms and you seemed like you hadn't yet had lunch. I so happened to had bought an extra packed sandwitch from my visit to the cafeteria so I thought we could like, share them?" he reluctantly said while pointing at the bag on his other hand. "A little lie can't hurt, right? I can't possibly say to her that I deliberately bought her lunch..." Paul thought. "Oh, It's totally fine if you don't want it thought. I'll just take these sandwitches and go back to my room and eat them..." he let the last few words trail off as he waited for her response.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Zacary Yoxall

Hearing this woman, a teacher, no less, freely admit she enjoyed sneaking into the food storage, Zac can't help but grin. "Well, it wasn't really my idea, but I was the one who got caught. No big deal, though. I got this chance to work in the kitchen, instead. It's great hands-on experience for if I ever wanna get into the restaurant business. Though, I might leave out the 'punishment' thing on my resume."

Chuckling, he looks behind Meredith and notices the line was growing. "Well, even though I'm having fun talking to you," he says, "you should probably move on. The line's starting to get pretty big and I've got a lot of work, as it is."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Lonnie Lewis -

Lonnie's face went bright red as Lukas wrapped his arms around her. "H-hey!" she shouted, before proceeding attempt to shove him off of her. "Get off me, you idiot!" She barely heard what her friend - if you could call him that - was saying as he introduced Lonnie to Kara. She was too busy trying to pry Lukas off herself. Once he was off of her, she pushed him away and got to her feet, brushing imagery dust off her suit. "I thought I told you: I don't like hugs."

There was more talking before Kara herself spoke, saying hello and all that.. and then she said something odd.

She said that she was her roommate.

Lonnie looked over at her frowning. "I think you've made a mistake," she muttered. "I just got assigned a new room today. Nina paired me up with someone called... Grace? I think...?" She couldn't exactly remember, but she was pretty sure her name wasn't Kara. "So yeah." She crossed her arms. "Yeah, you must have gotten the wrong person."

- Cheol Akiyama -

Graham seemed happy enough for Cheol to join him, and the young boy quickly plopped himself down on the chair next to him. Feeling a little less sad now that he was in the company of people he felt liked him, he began wolfing down his food.

That was, until Anastasia walked over, her mouth stained with blood.

Cheol stared at her in alarm. Graham, beside him, seemed to think it was ketchup, at least until Alexis corrected him, but Cheol knew what it was. He quickly looked down at his food. He suddenly didn't feel very hungry.

'Told you we should have stayed in Yokohama,' the mask mutterd in the back of his mind. And for once, Cheol agreed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 20 days ago

-Anouk Dijkstra-

As Tabitha was responding to what Anouk had said earlier Anouk was looking at Gracie. So, this was the older twin sister of Tabitha? As Anouk was quickly looking at her she did see alot of resemblences between Tabitha and Gracie, but they were not identical twins. Plus, if she was gonna be completely honest, Gracie's facial expression wasnt really as kind as Tabitha's was and if Anouk hadnt known any better she probably wouldnt have tried interacting with her. But it was Tabitha's twin and she seemed kind enough when she was shaking her hand, even though she didnt say much. Hey, it's a feeling okay?

"Pleased to meet you Gracie." Anouk said, slightly calmed down after the sudden rush of excitement had passed. She smiled kindly and nodded her head to Gracie. Anouk then took a seat and prepared to relax abit, maybe chat abit with Tabitha and Gracie. She wanted to know so much about them... They were going to be best friends! She just knew it!

Then she heard a thud in the distance. When she looked over she saw that some people had fallen ontop of eachother. It seemed kinda weird but Anouk didnt pay too much attention to them. It's not the weirdest thing in this school. There were people flying, people yelling, juggling with fire, spawning a massive amount of tentacles... It's not like some people falling ontop of eachoter was really that noteworthy. So she just turned her attention back at her friends, who also didnt seem to be so impressed by it.

So... What to talk about? Ooh wait! Music ofcourse! And maybe boxing... Or both!

Anouk looked at the two twins and smiled. "So, you two both play music instrument dont ya? I'm actually kinda curious as to what kind of music you two are into." She pointed with both of her thumbs at the band name on her crop top and then to her mohawk. "I dont think you guys really need to guess what kinda of music I like" she said with a grin.

Just as she was about to continue talk some more to them she suddenly got interupted by another girl who sat down at the same table. It took Anouk a few seconds before she realised that it was the carrot girl from their biology class. The one from New Zealand... Right?

Anyway, she asked how they were doing. "Hey, you're the girl from biology arent you? The one with the carrot? That was really awesome by the way, wish I could do that... Would help me so much with- ooh wait." Anouk said at normal speed. "I dont think we've actually introduced ourselves properly yet." She said with a smile as she reached over with her hand to this girl. "I'm Anouk Dijkstra, nice to meet ya!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rebekah Green

"Yeah, that was me" Rebekah replied, taking and shaking the hand. "And it's good to meet you too. The way that teacher was going off on everyone, I thought I'd better make a peace offering. That, and not give her any more ammunition than I absolutely had to. You could almost feel her zeroing in on kids' weak spots and thinking of ways to embarrass them. It's crazy."

Complaining about teachers. It was the standby of schoolyard conversations everywhere. Was she really falling into such cliched conversation already? No, she thought. That was safe but boring, completely out of place at Herculean Academy. She changed tacks quickly.

"But yeah, whatever you were about to say, I probably could, and I'm fine with helping people out. Just after breakfast this morning, this one teacher got me to grow his collection of magic rocks and gemstones. I gave him back diamonds bigger than your head, and it cost me nothing. It drove my old teacher crazy, the way I completely brake economics, but hey, why not. So tell me, what's the plan, what am I growing, and what are we going to do with it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Lukas Kunze : Cafeteria Entrance-

As Lukas squeezed Lonnie, he peered around to look at her face, his smile growing continuously as mischief took ahold of the reigns. Seeing that her face was beginning to turn into a lovely shade of red caused Lukas to elicit a small chuckle. His revenge was completed and now she was embarrassed in public. Of course, there was a slight price to pay for the path in regards to it. The telekinetic rookies hard pounded more furiously than usual, something Lonnie might feel on her back.

"Uh, er... sorry K-Kára, but I'm just 'greeting' Lonnie in my own special way... I'll get off in a bit just... hrggh... give me a sec to... nggh..." Lukas grunted as he struggled to keep the lovely Lonnie located in his arms to embarrass her. He was confident that she enjoyed these, but acted too harsh when he did it for an unbeknownst reason. As he made eye contact with Kára, there was a playful glimmer in his crimson iris', signifying why he did this to Lonnie. Even with the playful grip, his own whimsical fantasy ran through his head, causing his lip to slightly tremble.

Nervous and flustered, his grip tightened to the point where his hands were turning red themselves as if they too were blushing. As she forced herself against his arms, they slowly loosened themselves around the girl. Lukas knew his fun was over for now, but he knew he should at least attempt to make out what was left of it. Putting in one final push, Lukas attempted to hang onto Lonnie for a bit longer until his arms flew apart, disengaged thanks to the girls strength

"Well, looks like this little spiel is finally at it's close," Lukas thought as Lonnie then immediately thruster him to the side. Lukas didn't go flying a few feet, but rather a good few centimeters as he bounced on the floor a couple of times before coming to a complete standstill. Lukas groaned slightly as his face molded into one of complete irritation, before segregating himself from that mood set.

As Lonnie spoke her peace after brushing herself off, Lukas eventually decided to push himself off the ground. Back on his own two feet, giggle lightly he again at Lonnies displeased comment again. Eyeing the girl, a grin formed on his face as if he was a sleazy drunk. "Last time I checked, it was flirting that you abhorred, not hugs," Lukas said in a jovial fashion as he warmly grinned at her.

Deciding to put the nail into the coffin to completely clear up tho whole situation. Just before he could do that, his attention was diverted to a table gregariously howling with laughter. From what he noticed, it seemed a few devoted few were chortling about the discord here. "Seriously, can't they just mind their business about this whole predicament?" Lukas annoyingly sighed to himself before noticing something rather... peculiar about the bunch. As he glared at the few laughing, his eyes veered off to a familiar young lady amongst the rabble.

If any one up close to him took note of how he looked, his whole face would say jackpot right now. Lukas spotted the beautiful girl that Ziska was personally escorting yesterday. His grin a bit wider, he eyed the girl for a few seconds as if he was in a trance... before snapping out of it and recalling that he had to prioritize a few others important things.

Returning his focus to Lonnie, the boy reverted to his previous homely smile as he looks at Lonnie. With no tricks he would prefer to use, he was just frank with her in a friendly way. "... heh, apologies for that Lonnie, but I couldn't just let it go after you turned me into a sandwich. Best way to get back at you was to hug ya since you get flustered so easily when I do that. At any rate, lunch is on me as I got you something that will really spice up your day. Ditto for you Kára, you can have my food as I can always procure another dish."

Knowing the girl would probably dislike sitting on her ass for a while, Lukas took the liberty of walking a few inches to her. As they both spoke and responded, Lukas had a curious sensation in his eyes about this all. However, this wasn't the whimsical fantasy people usually dreamt of, rather a worrisome and volatile thought. The two conversed about being roommates, Lonnie giving out the most info of the two.

As Lukas stood in front of Kára, his head rotated back to Lonnie, his smile long gone. What became of it is a troubled frown with both of his eyelids drooping a bit. Lukas seemed a bit torments by something, but only released his words to Lonnie in a bland, but concerned tone of voice. "Lonnie, maybe you could tell me what happened to your previous roommate at lunch once we find a suitable table with Kára. I am rather... interested in why you have a new roommate, two at that matter and a new room."

Snapping back to Kára, he see me a little less disgruntled currently as his frown reverted back to a subtle grin at this point. Lukas' knees bent slightly over to war the maiden, Lukas outstretched his arm to Kára. "Here, let me help you up."
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