Negishi-Kemono, Masshiro (真白 畜生)*
Kanji without Negishi
Kanji without Negishi

Name: Masshiro Kemono
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Age Appearance: 16
Sexuality: Bi-sexual, leans to females
Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Organization: N/A
Clan/Kekkei Genkai (or hiden): N/A
Rank: D Rank
Position: Genin
Chakra Nature: Lightning (Affinity), Wind, Yin and Yang
Additional Appearance Details:
A fourteen year old boy, Masshiro is considered an early boomer in his class at the academy. A lithe, wiry child who managed to grow like weed to 159 cm tall (5’ 2.6”) and seems to be still gaining height well past his growth spurt. Currently he’s among the tallest in his class and can easily overlook the heated glares of his peers at his luck. Sadly with the height and appearance of a sixteen year, he’s often mistaken for one and that leads to expectations to act his ‘age’ rather than like a child.
Outside, his body language gives off an indifferent and sometime negative attitude in reaction towards others. This leads to assumptions about his discard toward his surrounds but truthfully, Masshiro is very much aware of them and far more than is expected of a fourteen year old. Because of this, it can be difficult to tell what’s on Masshiro’s mind with complete confidence since only in extreme emotion will his outside reflect his mental state and thoughts.
Through his height is clearly reaching full maturity, his facial features haven’t. It still holds feminine characteristics in it that he has often been teased for. Many names range from being called ‘pretty’ boy to a much worse, especially during the time he had left his white hair long. Currently, since he turned eleven, Masshiro has kept his hair cropped short and stopped attempting to prevent its wild behavior. It looks like it was tossed about by a wild storm in his opinion which annoys him time to time. His bangs often seem to find its way into his left eye even after he’s tried numerous ways to keep it clear away. Over time, he’s stopped wasted energy over it and merely allowed his wild hair to do as it wishes. Other features include his inability to tan, scars on the front of his neck and his crimson red eyes. the scars were from a childhood fire when he was four years old and long since healed, faded memories along with it. On the other hand, his eyes, as far as he knows, are hard for people to make contact with. Often they would react in various ways, some literally wanting to strike him to being unable to hold it. To date, most his experiences with it has been negative. In a habit he will usually avert his graze and prevent looking directly in another’s eyes, avoiding the discomfort it might bring.
Many recent Genin wear the common uniform for their graduation but not Masshiro. Instead he prefers his casual and everyday outfit, because it suits his movement much better and he’s more comfortable in it. This includes his three silver earrings on his ears looping around the outer edges. His blue protector with his village’s symbol is tied about his neck, along with several bandages, to hide the scars. On his torso he wears a dull, brown coat that reaches to hips. There’s a slightly furred collar and in hot weather, his jacket is left unzip half way to reveal a dark blue shirt underneath. He has matching gloves on each hand which end just shy of the wrist, the pads on the fingers and palm provide better grip on his weapons when throwing to ensure his accuracy. The bottom half is pretty simple with black pants that don’t restrict his movements, belt with multiple pockets and mid-calf sandals. the later he will switch out for closed toe boots in colder weather. The belt mainly holds smaller, combat oriented items like his acupuncture needles, tags, kunai and shuriken. When traveling, he carries a backpack for supplies for day to day survival.
Masshiro was born in Kumogakure and raised there all his life. He is an orphan of war, like many children raised during the first Shinobi Wars, having being brought up by the Negishi family since he was barely able to stand upright. Past memories about the time before he was orphaned are long gone from his mind which has left many questions over who his parents were and what happened to them, little evidence being found in his research. In the years that followed, he has grudgingly pushed aside his desire for answers while he slowly came to terms he might never truly know about the night they were killed.
He wasn’t the only child to being raised by the Negishi as he grew very close to Hanawa Hyūga, a girl five years older than himself. When he was four, he caught in one of the last raids and nearly burned to death when the house was set aflame during the raider’s escape. Frightened and alone, he did want any little child would and hide under their adopted family’s table. If Hanawa hadn’t darted in and yanked his sacred form out, crying, then he might’ve not been here today. For that he will always be loyal to his sister as well as grateful.
In his earlier years, he was known to give the term ‘wild child’ a visual meaning with his unruly and emotional behavior. Often his moods would swing from pleasant to anger, violent enough he literally lashed out, in a heartbeating. For any parent, this behavior was difficult to handle but the Negishi were stubborn people. The battle of the wills had went on for a few years until Masshiro had started to talk. It was then they discovered he was having blackouts during these ‘fits’ and he remembered very little about the events that happened during them, quickly bring concerns to his parents’ mind about his health. Medical-nin found nothing wrong through it wasn’t something normal for a child, even a wild one. The only possible thing that could be done was to wait them out and see if he could outgrow them. Following the medical-nin’s advice, the Negishi family kept close watch over Masshiro who slowly outgrew his abrupt, heavy tempertantums. It was when he showed slight improvement that he was taught to control his powerful emotions and resulting in the behavior seen in the present. When he was nine years old, the blackouts became a distant memory by both him and his family.
His life became normal and his youth was filled by the expected experiences many children his age went through. Many pleasant joys shared by his immediate family.
Hitting his adolescent years, Masshiro slowly developed an inverted personality. this made reading his emotions difficult, especially when he attended the academy. It was here where he found interaction stressful and harder than most, often causing him to withdraw. Naturally his experiences weren’t made any easier with a bossy, over protective and playful sibling like Hanawa. Ignoring her was like asking for a fate worse than the technique called the ‘One Thousands Years of Death’, a fate Masshiro knew first hand and tried never to have repeated in his life.
Ever since he first entered the academy, his older sibling had managed to keep him both in line and encourage him through his trials. The evidence of her effective tactics were seen in his grades as he was near top of his class. As a student training to become a Genin, he naturally excelled in some areas and failed in others. He primary did well in Ninjutsu with his second best being Genjutsu. He held a strong weakness in Taijutsu when he discovered it in gym classes, his lesson being hand to hand combat. In a competition of strength, he was the student who lost in the shortest time and because of his previous accomplishments in areas outside strength, this one weakness lay a target on his back for a few of his fellow classmates. It was a discouragement to him and the source of great misery. However, it also gave him motivation to overcome it with the only physical advantage he did have: speed. He was surprisingly agile and quick for a fourteen year old. With hard work, he managed to bring all but his strength to suitable levels when it came to his graduation from the academy.
Since he couldn’t bring up his Taijutsu to decent levels, Hanawa, in her own sisterly way, suggested he begin to develop training in an interesting weapon of choice: Senbon. Combining it with his already acceptable speed, it increased his combat damage by a notable degree at least. With time, his bukijutsu focus began to center on using Senbon, an object commonly used by Medical-nin, and not too much different than kunai. This lead to his knowledge of human anatomy (gained from Hanawa’s own) to increase his effectiveness and rose above expected range for Genin, but it wasn’t quite honed with experience. That is something he will have to learn during his time after the academy and soon.
Like many teenagers his age, Masshiro is growing from being a child into an adult.This mean he’s developing a sense of individuality and independence to prove himself in this world that is he can a useful nin to his village. Mainly to find a place that is suited for him outside his family’s standing reputation and something that is of his own. Unlike several teens, he isn’t brash, over emotional, or show extreme cases of his emotion on the outside. To many adults he appears to be a mature, quiet and reserved individual. On inside, this is far from the truth. His emotions are actually fairly strong compared even to a fourteen year old range. Few have ever seen him fully locked in an emotion, be range from rage to sorrow, since his causal interactions seems rather jaded compared to his friends and classmates. Even by adult standards.
Most would believe his indifferent attitude is the real thing but it’s more or less the aftermath of not wanting to become too attached. However, one chance look in his eyes will tell anyone differently. The emotion within them can be rather intense in aura and been known to involve a reaction, one that varies to each individual. One classmate described it best. ‘His eyes are looking on a paint that reveals an emotion and it stirs something inside, telling you more than you want to know about him.’ This trait isn’t connected to some hidden skill and it doesn’t make an individual react on what they feel, their thoughts and actions still their own. Knowing his gaze can make people uncomfortable, Masshiro rarely makes eye contact with anyone while interacting. Unless requested or demanded by someone higher rank than himself, he tends to avert his gaze so to prevent a reaction.
Since his eyes can never hide his feelings, his body has learned how to control itself and prevented him from acting out on those strong emotions. He rarely makes a gesture without a reason or purpose behind it. Sometimes the meaningful of it is known only to himself or someone that knows him well enough. To those he knows and is comfortable around, he can be soft spoken, curious and seemingly shy. Usually he requires someone else to start the conversation before he’ll start to speak his thoughts and show expressions of friendliness. In times of emergency he will break his hovering habits and state the problem to be addressed. Mostly he does only when he feels it’s necessary, slowly drawing him out of his ‘shell’ as the becomes more involved in the conversation and even positively received by others. Negative reactions will quickly shut him down depending and can be extreme or soft depending on the harshness.
When confronted by strangers, acquaintances and unfamiliar factors, Masshiro becomes rather distant and guarded. He is easily unnerved and distressed over the unpredictability that these new elements could bring. This makes his reactions in body language very defensive compared to his usual indifference, possibly aggressive when he notices things he doesn’t like. Thankfully, this isn’t acted on as much as spoken in the tones of his words, becoming sharp and uncharacteristically cold.
Those he’s familiar and attached to, he displays more affection and deeper loyalty towards. In short, he would live and die for the individual even if their goals stood against everything he knows is right. Few have ever reached this stage with him and for good reason. Masshiro is careful about getting close to anyone because he knows someone will abuse it. It explains the wall he creates when someone gets too close to gaining his affection and tries to shove them away, giving in only when someone has persisted enough and given him a reason to earn it. This doesn’t prevent him from being social on a day to day basis as he enjoys interacting and learning in order to feed his curiosity.
When it comes to enemies, those he views as threats and danger to those he loves the most, his anger swells to consume his otherwise calm nature. A hot icy sense fills his soul whenever he holds eye contact and his face twists in pure hatred, ensuring his foes knows his wrath is building inside. It is a subtle warning to them to back off. If they don’t heed it, he will not stop until the threat has been disabled or dead. Often times, in the grip of his emotions, he’ll forget who’s friend or foe in the heat of the moment. This means he will hurt his allies as well as his friends with no recollection of it ever happening. Usually he tries to prevent this at all costs but as life has proven, it’s never predictable and a time might come he will have to tame his inner beast.
{These are the basics of Masshiro’s personality, but not all of it. Like many of my PCs, he can be influenced by those around him and is subject to change IC depending on the stories he’s tie into. Especially with what traits are encouraged within him.}
[url=]Theme:[/url] Optional.
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Age Appearance: 16
Sexuality: Bi-sexual, leans to females
Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Organization: N/A
Clan/Kekkei Genkai (or hiden): N/A
Rank: D Rank
Position: Genin
Chakra Nature: Lightning (Affinity), Wind, Yin and Yang
Additional Appearance Details:
A fourteen year old boy, Masshiro is considered an early boomer in his class at the academy. A lithe, wiry child who managed to grow like weed to 159 cm tall (5’ 2.6”) and seems to be still gaining height well past his growth spurt. Currently he’s among the tallest in his class and can easily overlook the heated glares of his peers at his luck. Sadly with the height and appearance of a sixteen year, he’s often mistaken for one and that leads to expectations to act his ‘age’ rather than like a child.
Outside, his body language gives off an indifferent and sometime negative attitude in reaction towards others. This leads to assumptions about his discard toward his surrounds but truthfully, Masshiro is very much aware of them and far more than is expected of a fourteen year old. Because of this, it can be difficult to tell what’s on Masshiro’s mind with complete confidence since only in extreme emotion will his outside reflect his mental state and thoughts.
Through his height is clearly reaching full maturity, his facial features haven’t. It still holds feminine characteristics in it that he has often been teased for. Many names range from being called ‘pretty’ boy to a much worse, especially during the time he had left his white hair long. Currently, since he turned eleven, Masshiro has kept his hair cropped short and stopped attempting to prevent its wild behavior. It looks like it was tossed about by a wild storm in his opinion which annoys him time to time. His bangs often seem to find its way into his left eye even after he’s tried numerous ways to keep it clear away. Over time, he’s stopped wasted energy over it and merely allowed his wild hair to do as it wishes. Other features include his inability to tan, scars on the front of his neck and his crimson red eyes. the scars were from a childhood fire when he was four years old and long since healed, faded memories along with it. On the other hand, his eyes, as far as he knows, are hard for people to make contact with. Often they would react in various ways, some literally wanting to strike him to being unable to hold it. To date, most his experiences with it has been negative. In a habit he will usually avert his graze and prevent looking directly in another’s eyes, avoiding the discomfort it might bring.
Many recent Genin wear the common uniform for their graduation but not Masshiro. Instead he prefers his casual and everyday outfit, because it suits his movement much better and he’s more comfortable in it. This includes his three silver earrings on his ears looping around the outer edges. His blue protector with his village’s symbol is tied about his neck, along with several bandages, to hide the scars. On his torso he wears a dull, brown coat that reaches to hips. There’s a slightly furred collar and in hot weather, his jacket is left unzip half way to reveal a dark blue shirt underneath. He has matching gloves on each hand which end just shy of the wrist, the pads on the fingers and palm provide better grip on his weapons when throwing to ensure his accuracy. The bottom half is pretty simple with black pants that don’t restrict his movements, belt with multiple pockets and mid-calf sandals. the later he will switch out for closed toe boots in colder weather. The belt mainly holds smaller, combat oriented items like his acupuncture needles, tags, kunai and shuriken. When traveling, he carries a backpack for supplies for day to day survival.
Masshiro was born in Kumogakure and raised there all his life. He is an orphan of war, like many children raised during the first Shinobi Wars, having being brought up by the Negishi family since he was barely able to stand upright. Past memories about the time before he was orphaned are long gone from his mind which has left many questions over who his parents were and what happened to them, little evidence being found in his research. In the years that followed, he has grudgingly pushed aside his desire for answers while he slowly came to terms he might never truly know about the night they were killed.
He wasn’t the only child to being raised by the Negishi as he grew very close to Hanawa Hyūga, a girl five years older than himself. When he was four, he caught in one of the last raids and nearly burned to death when the house was set aflame during the raider’s escape. Frightened and alone, he did want any little child would and hide under their adopted family’s table. If Hanawa hadn’t darted in and yanked his sacred form out, crying, then he might’ve not been here today. For that he will always be loyal to his sister as well as grateful.
In his earlier years, he was known to give the term ‘wild child’ a visual meaning with his unruly and emotional behavior. Often his moods would swing from pleasant to anger, violent enough he literally lashed out, in a heartbeating. For any parent, this behavior was difficult to handle but the Negishi were stubborn people. The battle of the wills had went on for a few years until Masshiro had started to talk. It was then they discovered he was having blackouts during these ‘fits’ and he remembered very little about the events that happened during them, quickly bring concerns to his parents’ mind about his health. Medical-nin found nothing wrong through it wasn’t something normal for a child, even a wild one. The only possible thing that could be done was to wait them out and see if he could outgrow them. Following the medical-nin’s advice, the Negishi family kept close watch over Masshiro who slowly outgrew his abrupt, heavy tempertantums. It was when he showed slight improvement that he was taught to control his powerful emotions and resulting in the behavior seen in the present. When he was nine years old, the blackouts became a distant memory by both him and his family.
His life became normal and his youth was filled by the expected experiences many children his age went through. Many pleasant joys shared by his immediate family.
Hitting his adolescent years, Masshiro slowly developed an inverted personality. this made reading his emotions difficult, especially when he attended the academy. It was here where he found interaction stressful and harder than most, often causing him to withdraw. Naturally his experiences weren’t made any easier with a bossy, over protective and playful sibling like Hanawa. Ignoring her was like asking for a fate worse than the technique called the ‘One Thousands Years of Death’, a fate Masshiro knew first hand and tried never to have repeated in his life.
Ever since he first entered the academy, his older sibling had managed to keep him both in line and encourage him through his trials. The evidence of her effective tactics were seen in his grades as he was near top of his class. As a student training to become a Genin, he naturally excelled in some areas and failed in others. He primary did well in Ninjutsu with his second best being Genjutsu. He held a strong weakness in Taijutsu when he discovered it in gym classes, his lesson being hand to hand combat. In a competition of strength, he was the student who lost in the shortest time and because of his previous accomplishments in areas outside strength, this one weakness lay a target on his back for a few of his fellow classmates. It was a discouragement to him and the source of great misery. However, it also gave him motivation to overcome it with the only physical advantage he did have: speed. He was surprisingly agile and quick for a fourteen year old. With hard work, he managed to bring all but his strength to suitable levels when it came to his graduation from the academy.
Since he couldn’t bring up his Taijutsu to decent levels, Hanawa, in her own sisterly way, suggested he begin to develop training in an interesting weapon of choice: Senbon. Combining it with his already acceptable speed, it increased his combat damage by a notable degree at least. With time, his bukijutsu focus began to center on using Senbon, an object commonly used by Medical-nin, and not too much different than kunai. This lead to his knowledge of human anatomy (gained from Hanawa’s own) to increase his effectiveness and rose above expected range for Genin, but it wasn’t quite honed with experience. That is something he will have to learn during his time after the academy and soon.
Like many teenagers his age, Masshiro is growing from being a child into an adult.This mean he’s developing a sense of individuality and independence to prove himself in this world that is he can a useful nin to his village. Mainly to find a place that is suited for him outside his family’s standing reputation and something that is of his own. Unlike several teens, he isn’t brash, over emotional, or show extreme cases of his emotion on the outside. To many adults he appears to be a mature, quiet and reserved individual. On inside, this is far from the truth. His emotions are actually fairly strong compared even to a fourteen year old range. Few have ever seen him fully locked in an emotion, be range from rage to sorrow, since his causal interactions seems rather jaded compared to his friends and classmates. Even by adult standards.
Most would believe his indifferent attitude is the real thing but it’s more or less the aftermath of not wanting to become too attached. However, one chance look in his eyes will tell anyone differently. The emotion within them can be rather intense in aura and been known to involve a reaction, one that varies to each individual. One classmate described it best. ‘His eyes are looking on a paint that reveals an emotion and it stirs something inside, telling you more than you want to know about him.’ This trait isn’t connected to some hidden skill and it doesn’t make an individual react on what they feel, their thoughts and actions still their own. Knowing his gaze can make people uncomfortable, Masshiro rarely makes eye contact with anyone while interacting. Unless requested or demanded by someone higher rank than himself, he tends to avert his gaze so to prevent a reaction.
Since his eyes can never hide his feelings, his body has learned how to control itself and prevented him from acting out on those strong emotions. He rarely makes a gesture without a reason or purpose behind it. Sometimes the meaningful of it is known only to himself or someone that knows him well enough. To those he knows and is comfortable around, he can be soft spoken, curious and seemingly shy. Usually he requires someone else to start the conversation before he’ll start to speak his thoughts and show expressions of friendliness. In times of emergency he will break his hovering habits and state the problem to be addressed. Mostly he does only when he feels it’s necessary, slowly drawing him out of his ‘shell’ as the becomes more involved in the conversation and even positively received by others. Negative reactions will quickly shut him down depending and can be extreme or soft depending on the harshness.
When confronted by strangers, acquaintances and unfamiliar factors, Masshiro becomes rather distant and guarded. He is easily unnerved and distressed over the unpredictability that these new elements could bring. This makes his reactions in body language very defensive compared to his usual indifference, possibly aggressive when he notices things he doesn’t like. Thankfully, this isn’t acted on as much as spoken in the tones of his words, becoming sharp and uncharacteristically cold.
Those he’s familiar and attached to, he displays more affection and deeper loyalty towards. In short, he would live and die for the individual even if their goals stood against everything he knows is right. Few have ever reached this stage with him and for good reason. Masshiro is careful about getting close to anyone because he knows someone will abuse it. It explains the wall he creates when someone gets too close to gaining his affection and tries to shove them away, giving in only when someone has persisted enough and given him a reason to earn it. This doesn’t prevent him from being social on a day to day basis as he enjoys interacting and learning in order to feed his curiosity.
When it comes to enemies, those he views as threats and danger to those he loves the most, his anger swells to consume his otherwise calm nature. A hot icy sense fills his soul whenever he holds eye contact and his face twists in pure hatred, ensuring his foes knows his wrath is building inside. It is a subtle warning to them to back off. If they don’t heed it, he will not stop until the threat has been disabled or dead. Often times, in the grip of his emotions, he’ll forget who’s friend or foe in the heat of the moment. This means he will hurt his allies as well as his friends with no recollection of it ever happening. Usually he tries to prevent this at all costs but as life has proven, it’s never predictable and a time might come he will have to tame his inner beast.
{These are the basics of Masshiro’s personality, but not all of it. Like many of my PCs, he can be influenced by those around him and is subject to change IC depending on the stories he’s tie into. Especially with what traits are encouraged within him.}
[url=]Theme:[/url] Optional.
Base Weapons & Items:
6x explosive tags
2x smoke bombs
10x kunai
10x shuriken
1000’x wire
100x senbon
1x medical kit- Listed below what’s in each one.
Any basic, needed items for travel or IC event currently in progress.
Specialized Weapons & Items:
Chakra Salve
Description: An experimental salve made from the combined efforts between the siblings, Hanawa and Masshiro, to promote the healing and reforming of the Chakra paths damaged in combat. This is including disruption caused by techniques that target them. Combining honey with plantago for painkiller, mugwort and various other herbs, the salve has the ability to promote natural blood and chakra flow which would allow the body to repair the damage created much faster than normal. The balm can be applied and created, with the pressure point basics, herbal knowledge and chakra application. It was designed to be used by more than just medical-nin and because of that, it’s application is simple. Through the effectiveness when used by any non Medical-nin might cause the salve to be less effective, which means merely more than one application for the healing process. To use, a nin merely needs to dip the end of a Senbon into the salve then insert it into the skin where the chakra flow is being affected. Finally, they must apply a small Chakra amount to activate it.
Note: Currently, as far as Hanawa and Masshiro know, only the Kumogakure nin (mostly medical-nin) use this salve type. As time goes on, Masshiro’s aim is to enhance it where it heals physical wounds in addition to repairing the chakra paths. Its result would be much like an alternative version of the Healing Palm Technique using Ninijutsu methods, but he’s yet to figure out how exactly to accomplish this. The salve is imperfect within its trial stages through both siblings are continually working on it, which will lead to branching variations of the same thing. At least, this is Masshiro’s hope.
(Aim to enhance these ICly as Masshiro overcomes different challenges, hence why I made a weapon format for them)
Name of Weapon or Item: Masshiro’s Senbon
Description: If an attacker manages to get up close and personal, Masshiro will use six Senbon. Each are set aside as a makeshift weapon and by wedging three within each fist, their points sticking out between each knuckle, and punching out with the spiked ends he can increase his punch’s effectiveness. While not lethal, if they manage to hit a Chakra path/point than it has a small chance of disrupting the Chakra flow. Depending on his attacker's skills, counters and other attributes, unless Masshiro’s disarmed than this influence can possibly build up over time causing the user to have trouble using their chakra. Unlike the medical Senbon, these are reinforced enough to prevent breaking should the target move or jerk out of his strike zone. This is his last combative option should he be unable to keep his distance.
6x explosive tags
2x smoke bombs
10x kunai
10x shuriken
1000’x wire
100x senbon
1x medical kit- Listed below what’s in each one.
- Bandages
- Herbs: Plantago, Nandina, chameleon plant, Perillas, mugwort, Veitch's bamboo, Amur cork‐tree, iris, dried citrus peels, ginseng, Bracken, Capsella bursa‐pastoris and various others.
- Poison: Ratsbane, and 2-3 others which are curable only with the right knowledge. This is for stubborn patients, namely enemies, who would threaten his allies life should he let his guard down.
- Balm: made from honey and animal fat.
- Medical Needles (non combative which using them means they will break easy)x 50
- Chakra Salve*, poultice, ointments, etc, to heal various of common injuries from burns to cuts, even serious wounds. Through healing time depends strictly on the severity.
- Needle and Thread: Stitches
Any basic, needed items for travel or IC event currently in progress.
Specialized Weapons & Items:
Chakra Salve
Description: An experimental salve made from the combined efforts between the siblings, Hanawa and Masshiro, to promote the healing and reforming of the Chakra paths damaged in combat. This is including disruption caused by techniques that target them. Combining honey with plantago for painkiller, mugwort and various other herbs, the salve has the ability to promote natural blood and chakra flow which would allow the body to repair the damage created much faster than normal. The balm can be applied and created, with the pressure point basics, herbal knowledge and chakra application. It was designed to be used by more than just medical-nin and because of that, it’s application is simple. Through the effectiveness when used by any non Medical-nin might cause the salve to be less effective, which means merely more than one application for the healing process. To use, a nin merely needs to dip the end of a Senbon into the salve then insert it into the skin where the chakra flow is being affected. Finally, they must apply a small Chakra amount to activate it.
Note: Currently, as far as Hanawa and Masshiro know, only the Kumogakure nin (mostly medical-nin) use this salve type. As time goes on, Masshiro’s aim is to enhance it where it heals physical wounds in addition to repairing the chakra paths. Its result would be much like an alternative version of the Healing Palm Technique using Ninijutsu methods, but he’s yet to figure out how exactly to accomplish this. The salve is imperfect within its trial stages through both siblings are continually working on it, which will lead to branching variations of the same thing. At least, this is Masshiro’s hope.
(Aim to enhance these ICly as Masshiro overcomes different challenges, hence why I made a weapon format for them)
Name of Weapon or Item: Masshiro’s Senbon
Description: If an attacker manages to get up close and personal, Masshiro will use six Senbon. Each are set aside as a makeshift weapon and by wedging three within each fist, their points sticking out between each knuckle, and punching out with the spiked ends he can increase his punch’s effectiveness. While not lethal, if they manage to hit a Chakra path/point than it has a small chance of disrupting the Chakra flow. Depending on his attacker's skills, counters and other attributes, unless Masshiro’s disarmed than this influence can possibly build up over time causing the user to have trouble using their chakra. Unlike the medical Senbon, these are reinforced enough to prevent breaking should the target move or jerk out of his strike zone. This is his last combative option should he be unable to keep his distance.
Special Traits
A note- These are currently Masshiro’s stats upon graduating and depends on what happens IC, they might (after notifying the GM) alter due to the influences he gains. Aka, if another Player’s Character ends up helping him train in a key area listed below than that area will slowly increase unless stated otherwise. The chart below is tailored for my PC and means that level will not exactly match up with other players. However it will give a good idea which stats he’s more developed compared to his others.
Chart level
Speed: 6
Strength: 2
Durability: 4
Stamina: 5
Chakra Pool: 4
Chakra Control: 5
Additional notes.
When stress factors are met during combat, Masshiro can become actually angered to the point his emotions can overwhelm his better judgement. This is display in his facial features and slightly alters his personality, becoming something akin to a snarling animal. It remains until the state has ran its course and he is exhausted. No amount of verbal reason will cease his aggressive actions as his immediate family has discovered once. Officially, its origins and what it is exactly, are unknown. There’s been no notable changes in the boy aside from abrupt, uncharacteristic tactic and personally change. Luckily this side of Masshiro has only been seen in his youth which has lead many to believe he’s either been able to contain or outgrown it. Only time will tell however…
Other skills.
~Medical knowledge including skills in pressure points, stitching, wound care, herbal identification/knowledge, first aid (light to moderate wounds), and additional areas related to this. Most his medical skills ranges between basics to advanced levels thanks to his older sister and family.
What types of jutsu are you best at? Ninjutsu, followed by Genjutsu- Masshiro is very average for his age in these two areas, having both the academy and Hanawa's tutoring to thank for it.
Do you have good chakra control? Yes, Masshiro has better chakra control than many of his peers as a Genin.
Do you possess any weaknesses/limitations?
Strength- It's unknown to him how to strengthen this low trait as even conventional methods don't work, though Hanawa has assured him is perfectly normal and healthy. It's only his weapons that have manage to help him create notable damage despite it being minimal.
Taijutsu- Due to his low damage ability and skill in this area, Masshiro leans his is best at playing only key roles during combat and to his strengths.
Masshiro's tactics will focus on supporting his teammate’s attacks with his Ninjutsu and long range coverage during the conflict, aiming to keep out of reach of his opponents. When it ends or one of his allies are injured, he’ll usually proceed to patch them up with the herbs, bandages, and other poultices he has on hand while still remaining aware of the conflict. He works better as a team player even with his personality, often trying to adapt his style to accompany their attacks. When alone it's much harder to accomplish this and though he's not pitiful in a one vs one, he is notably easier prey.
Name of Kekkei Genkai/Hiden/Kekkei Tota:N/A…
Canon Jutsu
Hanawa’s influence and additional teachings outside the standard academy curriculum.
Custom Jutsu
Note, these are Jutsu Hanawa has taught him to date and he’s still in the learning process. However, he’s mastered the basics and fundamentals of each one below which means with practice, more learning and time, he will become better.
A note- These are currently Masshiro’s stats upon graduating and depends on what happens IC, they might (after notifying the GM) alter due to the influences he gains. Aka, if another Player’s Character ends up helping him train in a key area listed below than that area will slowly increase unless stated otherwise. The chart below is tailored for my PC and means that level will not exactly match up with other players. However it will give a good idea which stats he’s more developed compared to his others.
Chart level
- 1- Weak: Non existent and unable to tell it’s there.
- 2- Poor: Barely able to note its existence but it’s there.
- 3- Decent: Slightly below Average.
- 4- Average: Normal, expected levels for a ninja.
- 5- Good: Slightly above average.
- 6- Excellent: Unable to ignore it is beyond the expected level.
- 7- Strong: Well developed and close to its peak in development.
Speed: 6
Strength: 2
Durability: 4
Stamina: 5
Chakra Pool: 4
Chakra Control: 5
Additional notes.
When stress factors are met during combat, Masshiro can become actually angered to the point his emotions can overwhelm his better judgement. This is display in his facial features and slightly alters his personality, becoming something akin to a snarling animal. It remains until the state has ran its course and he is exhausted. No amount of verbal reason will cease his aggressive actions as his immediate family has discovered once. Officially, its origins and what it is exactly, are unknown. There’s been no notable changes in the boy aside from abrupt, uncharacteristic tactic and personally change. Luckily this side of Masshiro has only been seen in his youth which has lead many to believe he’s either been able to contain or outgrown it. Only time will tell however…
Other skills.
~Medical knowledge including skills in pressure points, stitching, wound care, herbal identification/knowledge, first aid (light to moderate wounds), and additional areas related to this. Most his medical skills ranges between basics to advanced levels thanks to his older sister and family.
What types of jutsu are you best at? Ninjutsu, followed by Genjutsu- Masshiro is very average for his age in these two areas, having both the academy and Hanawa's tutoring to thank for it.
Do you have good chakra control? Yes, Masshiro has better chakra control than many of his peers as a Genin.
Do you possess any weaknesses/limitations?
Strength- It's unknown to him how to strengthen this low trait as even conventional methods don't work, though Hanawa has assured him is perfectly normal and healthy. It's only his weapons that have manage to help him create notable damage despite it being minimal.
Taijutsu- Due to his low damage ability and skill in this area, Masshiro leans his is best at playing only key roles during combat and to his strengths.
Masshiro's tactics will focus on supporting his teammate’s attacks with his Ninjutsu and long range coverage during the conflict, aiming to keep out of reach of his opponents. When it ends or one of his allies are injured, he’ll usually proceed to patch them up with the herbs, bandages, and other poultices he has on hand while still remaining aware of the conflict. He works better as a team player even with his personality, often trying to adapt his style to accompany their attacks. When alone it's much harder to accomplish this and though he's not pitiful in a one vs one, he is notably easier prey.
Name of Kekkei Genkai/Hiden/Kekkei Tota:N/A…
Canon Jutsu
Hanawa’s influence and additional teachings outside the standard academy curriculum.
Shunshin no Jutsu: Unable to use in combat, though he’s still trying to improve that.
Kanashi no Jutsu: Due to him still being a Genin, this ability can be resisted and nulled by a Chunnin, level Rank B nin and above.
Sōshuriken no Jutsu: Masshiro can only attach up to 4 chakra threads without stressing his reserves at one time.
Kanashi no Jutsu: Due to him still being a Genin, this ability can be resisted and nulled by a Chunnin, level Rank B nin and above.
Sōshuriken no Jutsu: Masshiro can only attach up to 4 chakra threads without stressing his reserves at one time.
Hanawa has ensured Masshiro mastered the basics of his academy training through harsh training and bossy tactics. Clearly, they worked...
Body Replacement Body
Transformation Technique
Cloak of Invisibility Cloak
Rope Escape Technique
Clone Technique
[url=Tree Climbing Climbing Technique[/url]
Rock Climbing Technique
Water Walking Technique
Body Replacement Body
Transformation Technique
Cloak of Invisibility Cloak
Rope Escape Technique
Clone Technique
[url=Tree Climbing Climbing Technique[/url]
Rock Climbing Technique
Water Walking Technique
Custom Jutsu
Note, these are Jutsu Hanawa has taught him to date and he’s still in the learning process. However, he’s mastered the basics and fundamentals of each one below which means with practice, more learning and time, he will become better.
Name of Technique: Koppojutsu - Bone-Breaking Art
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu/Nintaijutsu, Hiden, Fighting Style
Rank: C
Range: Touch, short
Nature Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Handseals: N/A
An obscure but deadly taijutsu or fighting style that revolves around using one's chakra in precise and powerful strikes to break or shatter the chakra of objects, including but not limited to the bodies of others. This is based upon the practice of tamishiwara (breaking objects) and tamishigiri (cutting objects). It is geared, primarily toward the destruction of the mechanical structures of the body, namely bones by disrupting the innate chakra in those structures while supplying a powerful and sharp physical blow. Every attack or strike is meant to break bones, wreck joints and break down a person's mechanical ability to fight. This style is aggressive, fast paced, and deadly accurate. It requires excellent chakra control as well as a detailed knowledge of anatomy, in that one must know how the body is put together, and where the bones are weakest for striking. This style is most commonly known among medical nin, though most are loathe to use such a deadly and painful art.
Slightly slower, requires significant concentration and focus. It does require heavy use but not necessarily heavy expenditure of chakra.
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu/Nintaijutsu, Hiden, Fighting Style
Rank: C
Range: Touch, short
Nature Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Handseals: N/A
An obscure but deadly taijutsu or fighting style that revolves around using one's chakra in precise and powerful strikes to break or shatter the chakra of objects, including but not limited to the bodies of others. This is based upon the practice of tamishiwara (breaking objects) and tamishigiri (cutting objects). It is geared, primarily toward the destruction of the mechanical structures of the body, namely bones by disrupting the innate chakra in those structures while supplying a powerful and sharp physical blow. Every attack or strike is meant to break bones, wreck joints and break down a person's mechanical ability to fight. This style is aggressive, fast paced, and deadly accurate. It requires excellent chakra control as well as a detailed knowledge of anatomy, in that one must know how the body is put together, and where the bones are weakest for striking. This style is most commonly known among medical nin, though most are loathe to use such a deadly and painful art.
Slightly slower, requires significant concentration and focus. It does require heavy use but not necessarily heavy expenditure of chakra.
Name of Technique: Chikara Bakudan No Jutsu - Energy Bomb Technique
Type of Jutsu: Nintaijutsu.
Rank: Variable according to user control/power/experience - A (In Hanawa's hands)
Range: Touch. short
Nature Type: Yin-Yang
Handseals: NA
A derivative of such arts as Juken or the Gentle Fist, as well as Koppojutsu, the user powers their strikes with Chakra, projecting beyond the end of their punch, kick, or other strike. Most commonly hand strikes or kicks. They then leave behind a small ball of chakra from the size of a marble to maybe four or five centimeters across. These balls of energy, when lodged in the body, can range from being completely unfelt, to uncomfortable, to being devastating to the chakra of the victim, blocking or hindering the flow of said chakra.
At a predetermined set of conditions, movement(s), or simply whenever the user wishes, they may 'detonate' any number of embedded balls in a given target, in numbers as few as one, or as many as all of them at once, or even in sequence. Effects range from sharp sudden pain, to complete disruption of the chakra pathways that they rest on or reside near. These can also convey a second impact force, as when detonated it may appear as if the person is struck by an invisible blow once more.
While not typically resulting in great immediate harm, it is possible to do serous damage to the tenketsu and internal organs of any particular victim. It can be used in targeted fashion for specific organs or locations, and can do significant damage when targeted specifically. This technique has a variety of uses, from simply annoying another person, to being used as a means of control, coercion, or even assassination.
A skilled chakra user may be able to negate some of the effect of this insidious technique. These 'energy bombs' can be notoriously touchy and can go off when tampered with by anybody but the one who created them. They can, of course, be safely removed or dissolved with time, but it is risky. If a person did gain control of one without it blowing apart, they might be able to make use of their opponent's chakra in some fashion.
Type of Jutsu: Nintaijutsu.
Rank: Variable according to user control/power/experience - A (In Hanawa's hands)
Range: Touch. short
Nature Type: Yin-Yang
Handseals: NA
A derivative of such arts as Juken or the Gentle Fist, as well as Koppojutsu, the user powers their strikes with Chakra, projecting beyond the end of their punch, kick, or other strike. Most commonly hand strikes or kicks. They then leave behind a small ball of chakra from the size of a marble to maybe four or five centimeters across. These balls of energy, when lodged in the body, can range from being completely unfelt, to uncomfortable, to being devastating to the chakra of the victim, blocking or hindering the flow of said chakra.
At a predetermined set of conditions, movement(s), or simply whenever the user wishes, they may 'detonate' any number of embedded balls in a given target, in numbers as few as one, or as many as all of them at once, or even in sequence. Effects range from sharp sudden pain, to complete disruption of the chakra pathways that they rest on or reside near. These can also convey a second impact force, as when detonated it may appear as if the person is struck by an invisible blow once more.
While not typically resulting in great immediate harm, it is possible to do serous damage to the tenketsu and internal organs of any particular victim. It can be used in targeted fashion for specific organs or locations, and can do significant damage when targeted specifically. This technique has a variety of uses, from simply annoying another person, to being used as a means of control, coercion, or even assassination.
A skilled chakra user may be able to negate some of the effect of this insidious technique. These 'energy bombs' can be notoriously touchy and can go off when tampered with by anybody but the one who created them. They can, of course, be safely removed or dissolved with time, but it is risky. If a person did gain control of one without it blowing apart, they might be able to make use of their opponent's chakra in some fashion.
Kudos to who can translate his full name and hint for the future. (Yosh already did... and please, GM be gentle with this CS.)