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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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Titan had tried to be as least threatening as he could, but such a feat was hard for the large man to pull off. How was he to convince this girl that he wasn't a threat? She had seen hard times, that he could tell with a closer glance than previously had been allowed. He cleared his throat, hoping to catch the attention of the tailor. Perhaps with another person in the room, she might relax. When she had momentarily coiled, Titan was sure the small girl would attack him there and then. Yet, she visibly seemed to reign herself in, knowing the limitations of the situation.

Her suspicion meant she had known she had caught his interest and that he'd kept eyes on her. Whether she knew it was truly him was another matter, but he assumed that she had her own accurate guess. This was good, for Titan had no time for fools. "Unfortunately, I do not. But no shop will give you clothes on credit or... be particularly grateful for suddenly missing inventory." His deep baritone filled the empty shop with sound, a smile apparent in the tone of his voice. He ventured deeper into the store, looking at a particular fabric that had indeed caught his eyes. He noted strands of metal sewn into the roll. That would make good material for additional pockets. "I do know of a pawnshop that could help you, but the owner isn't there right now either. He's... taken my warning and left before things become.. troublesome, in the marketplace." He let his fingers fall from the unique fabric. Titan turned towards the girl and held out his hand in a friendly gesture.

"I am Rafael. And you are?.." Titan asked, letting the question hang in the air, waiting for her answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She pursed her lips again in disappointment when he replied to her second question. Back to square one, then. With his next sentence she realised she may not have been so successful in hiding her intentions earlier and he made it quite clear that he probably wouldn't just let her take something from the shop. She smirked mischievously then flashed a toothy grin, like a child who'd been caught reaching for the cookie jar but knew there'd be no punishment for the crime had not yet been committed. If he'd paid attention, he might have noticed her canines seemed filed to a point, though only for the instance of that grin, for somehow it was not visible otherwise. Most would assume they had imagined it.

She watched him curiously as he fondled a metallic piece of cloth. The more she interacted with him, the less threatening he became. In fact, he seemed to be making a visible effort not to intimidate her, despite his obvious ability to fight from the weapons he was carrying. She took the opportunity to observe his weapons from close-range. They were unusual; they seemed like standard weapons, but complicated by machinery. She couldn't begin to imagine what the enhancements did. He also seemed to be wearing one of those weird arm gadgets.

She frowned when he announced trouble in the market. "What sort of trouble?" she asked, her voice deepening slightly with seriousness. "Something I should be aware about?".

When he offered his hand she flinched slightly, less at ease with a friendly gesture than she was with an aggressive one. She eyed his hand like she would a poisonous snake, though she knew he probably really only was offering it as a sign of trust. She looked up from his hand to his face, visibly finding the situation awkward, and shook her head, signifying she would not shake it, though her expression showed she meant no offence from it.

"I'm sorry, I don't..." she didn't finish her sentence, but let it trail off, hoping he would understand.

"I'm JG. Pleased to meet you." she bowed her head slightly and slowly, though making sure to keep her eyes on him. Clearly she didn't trust him enough. And rightly so; if he decided to grip her hand rather than shake it, she was sure she wouldn't be able to get out of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@WittyWolf Akkina then opened her eyes, from Silas' touch and then looked at him smiling happily at him, she then seen a wolf and a kid in front of her and then widened her eyes and immediately backed away, clutching Durandal tightly, pushing herself up from the ground in a flash and getting into a combat stance, to try attack the possible threat, if it was a threat, she didn't know and looked at Silas for confirmation, she waited for it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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"that'll be 20 bucks for the leaves but the only price for the Ale is spending time with me and maybe I'll reveal some stuff." Aleksandri said with a short laugh. "But as of yesterday I've been the own per of this shop for about 2 years" she said before walking back behind the counter and pulled a second seat around with her, she patted the seat lightly motioning for Ava to take a seat.

@WittyWolf@The Slenderman
"Nice to meet you Silas, Well actually it's a full carc- whoa!" Kouh exclaimed as the sleeping girl immedietly got up and into an attack position, while she did this Kouh stumble and caught hold of Wolf's chest fur to keep her from falling "Wa-wait!" Kouh said with a bit of a stammer before picking up the spear that had fallen to the ground and putting it back into the basket. "Ok now answer us this why is everyone aiming weapons at us today?" She said with a laugh and reached into her basket "I can do that too!" And pulled out her Harley saw which she aimed at Akina with one hand but then planted it in the ground to lean on it, yawning as she did so. As she did this Wolf was standing stock still only watching the scene but listening to the birds that flew over head at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@The ghost in black Akkina saw the young girl and immediately put her sword back in to it's sheath and then bowed in a apologetic manner, realizing the mistake that she did "I am so sorry, I thought you were a Kyato spy, but now that I see you I realized that you aren't a spy, I'd like to become friends if you don't mind that" Akkina whispered softly
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@GingerBoi123 "I don't have any reason to battle you, I'm not your enemy" Kyato said and looked at Randy, and then sat down at his desk working on another device for Kyato Corp. He kept on looking up at Randy, but he kept on working on the device
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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"Hmph, well, you've made a sorry first impression Seto Kyato. I REALLY hope I meet you again under different circumstances." Randy scoffed before walking out, he then looked at one of the guards in the hallway. "Might want to check on your colleague in there." He said before carrying on walking. He walked out and saw Silas, Akkina and someone else. "What are you guys doing here? I had it under control!" He commented, kind of jokingly. He then looked at the girl and wolf and took his eccentric bow. "Randy O'Malley, the Junker." Randy said to introduce himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Titan's hand lightly twitched when she refused it, but other than that he showed no reaction. He slowly pulled it back to his side and inclined his head further than it already was. That smile, the nervousness, and intense personal guard all allowed the man to realize this was survivor. And a distrustful one at that. When she smiled, there had been something there he could not quite put his finger on. Ever more intriguing, this JG was. "You as well, JG," his tone was warm and welcoming, which he hoped was the right tactic with this wild child.

"Trouble that could lead to an ugly fight or two in the streets of the Marketplace. There have been more than a few bounties posted, the targets of which reside here. They seem to be rather hell-bent on not being captured." The last he said with a hint of frustration. He disliked collateral damage immensely, but Akkina and Silas had proven to worth adversaries. They would not go quietly whimpering into the night, Titan was sure. He turned back to the cloth and looked at it for another moment. "I really do like this material.." he said, more to himself than anyone else. "So what brings you to Liz's Tailor, child? Looking to replace those rags and sandals?" Titan had adopted a teasing tone, poking light fun at the girl. If he had her pegged correctly, she should respond with a bit of a retort of her own. She most certainly wouldn't be hurt by such a light statement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 @WittyWolf Akkina smiled at Randy and skipped around him and then walked to Silas and stood by his side where she stood waiting for him to hold her close. She also looked at the wolf, then waved to the child while smiling happily to her. "We need a new place to stay, we can not use the Pawn Shop as Humphrey jumped ship to somewhere else. And who is the only one that is rich enough to get us a place?" She suggested indirectly Seto Kyato.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The new person who came in seemed to be nice enough though a bit eccentric in a way, "nice to meet you both, I'm Kouh the hunter and this big lug is wolf" she said as she introduced them both before pulling her saw out of the ground and storing it back in her basket without a hint of hesitation when she picked it up. She stood up straight and walked over to wolf, climbing onto his back and laying down on her stomach, she smiled back at the girl "sure, we can be friends by the way" she said as wolf took a few steps forward and Kouh looked over his shoulder.
@WittyWolf@GingerBoi123@The Slenderman
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


JG mentally breathed a sigh of relief when Titus didn't appear to take offence at her lack of reciprocation. She returned his warm tone with a warm smile, but that quickly turned to a concerned frown when she listened to him talk about potential troublemakers. People fearing capture could become very reckless and very dangerous. While part of her was intrigued and wanted to meddle, she thought it was best not to go looking for trouble yet.

"Bounty hunters themselves are often more trouble than their targets..." she said quietly, not really expecting an answer.

Suddenly she choked and her eyes went as big as saucers.

"Child?!" she croaked, not quite believing her ears. She straightened her back, raised her chin and sniffed. If she could have looked down her nose at him she would have done, but clearly that was just not possible, so she merely narrowed her eyes and gave him a dirty look.

"There's nothing wrong with my clothes." she started with a somehow stinging tone. "I'm simply looking for something that will allow me to avoid unwanted attention when travelling." she growled. She suspected he might only be teasing her, so she exaggerated her response in feigned indignity. After a couple seconds spent mock-scowling, she stuck her tongue out at him and ruined any semblance of a noble lady she had tried to imitate.

"I suppose I ought to find somewhere else then, if this place is closed and you are guarding it..." she finally said with a mischievous smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by User
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Having left the pawn shot, Hatter. The grand and mighty pilot acording to the songs they sing borded his airship. Flying over the mrket the back of the engins started to backfire and lost altitude, flying low over the market and bloting out the sun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dennis entered the tavern on his way towards the tender when he was suddenly interrupted by his watch alarming him of a new bounty. Dennis stopped in the middle of his tracks to look at his watch. Before he could even see who the new bounty was on it beeped again signaling that the bounty was already completed. "What the hell..." Dennis stated tapping his watch. That was the first time it acted up like this. He shook his head and attempted to take another step but was again stopped by his watch.

Dennis eyed it quickly but was unsuccessful in seeing what was the problem this time. "That's it!" Dennis randomly shouted catching the attention of some of the customers within the bar. "I knew I should of bout an upgrade on a bounty indicator when they were handing them out!" He shouted at himself exiting the bar. Dennis maneuvered his way onto the nearest building and made his way to the roof gazing at how far the market stretched out. "I need to know what the hell is going on!" Dennis said retrieving a very small gun and firing it into the air. A khaki colored flare danced high in the air to give off his location. Hopefully something would catch on to it. Just to be safe Dennis unsheath one of his pistols. He didn't know what type of person would react to the flare so he paid close attention to his surroundings to be safe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Titan's laugh nearly made the glass of the shop's windows rattle. This girl was a firecracker! "Not guarding it, merely a concerned passerby. I noticed you earlier, you had seemed rather lost. And I'm not one to let a youngling travel without protection." Pushing back his wide left sleeve, he nimbly tapped at a few keys, then opened the shop door a foot's width. He held open one side of his cloak and in flew his five Gears, which flew into an inner pocket. "Or without supervision." He straightened his cloak and looked around the shop once more. "It does indeed seem the owner isn't in, but for the life of me I don't know why she didn't lock the door!"

He turned towards JG, taking in her rather gaunt and skinny features. "I'm sorry if you aren't a child. Most people look small to me, and you ever more so." His eyes were crinkled, alluding to a smile underneath his face cover. "Come, I'll feed you and then we can talk at how you came to find yourself in the Marketplace. Maybe your opinion of bounty hunters might change..." Winking, he pulled the door wide open, crossed an arm across his midsection and mockingly dipped into a half bow.

@The ghost in black@The Slenderman@GingerBoi123

Silas grinned broadly as his friend exited Kyato's building, unharmed it seemed! "Randy, what happened in there?" He swung an arm around Akkina's shoulders. When he heard her concern, he snorted. "Me, my love. Don't you remember how we first met? I was selling some very valuable pelts to Humphrey that day, I have more than enough to rent or buy out a room. Possibly over our friend's shop?" Silas pointed to Randy with his chin. The idea had mostly positive benefits in Silas' opinion. They could stick together and watch each other backs. And if Silas happened to need a repair job on his bow or sword, Randy would only be a stone's throw away. He turned back to the wolf, looking into the animal's eyes. He felt a kinship to the large creature, in small part because of Silas' own cursed blood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


JG watched Titus and wondered if his neck was starting to ache from being being hunched in the low-ceiling room. It took her a few seconds to come out of her daydream and work out what he had just let in through the gap in the door. She took a sharp intake of breath and her eyes widened.

"I knew I was being watched!" she exclaimed, a little louder than intended.

She collected herself quickly after her sudden outburst and cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. She found herself blushing however as her new companion- if she could call him that- had revealed her faux-pas in criticising bounty-hunters. She was ready to accept his offer and took a step towards the door, ignoring his dramatic gesture, but then stopped, hesitating again. She really needed a weapon. His warm and apparently caring attitude had lulled her into a false sense of security, and she had suddenly realised it. He was after all a bounty hunter. Why would he feed her if not for personal gain? She eyed him suspiciously again, on the defensive once more.

"I...need a weapon..." she mumbled, shuffling on her feet again like she had done before he had gained her trust.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

FM decides its time to check out the market. He walks around the market, checking out the shops buying a few odds and ends here and there. He ends up in the middle of the market, performing tricks while going through the minds of everyone passing by to see if he can't get any information about the secrets of this market.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dennis entered the tavern on his way towards the tender when he was suddenly interrupted by his watch alarming him of a new bounty. Dennis stopped in the middle of his tracks to look at his watch. Before he could even see who the new bounty was on it beeped again signaling that the bounty was already completed. "What the hell..." Dennis stated tapping his watch. That was the first time it acted up like this. He shook his head and attempted to take another step but was again stopped by his watch.

Dennis eyed it quickly but was unsuccessful in seeing what was the problem this time. "That's it!" Dennis randomly shouted catching the attention of some of the customers within the bar. "I knew I should of bout an upgrade on a bounty indicator when they were handing them out!" He shouted at himself exiting the bar. Dennis maneuvered his way onto the nearest building and made his way to the roof gazing at how far the market stretched out. "I need to know what the hell is going on!" Dennis said retrieving a very small gun and firing it into the air. A khaki colored flare danced high in the air to give off his location. Hopefully something would catch on to it. Just to be safe Dennis unsheath one of his pistols. He didn't know what type of person would react to the flare so he paid close attention to his surroundings to be safe.

Usually, Ryner preferred to stay in his store, doing who knows what and staying as safe as he could. But on this rare occasion, the noise had peeked his interest. Perhaps it was a final tipping point on his boiling blood that forced him to break his rage, or the desire to know the answers to such an odd phenomenon, no matter what, he grabbed his cane, preparing his shop, and began to wobble his way weakly to the exit to look up to the roof and sigh. Yet again, some nitwit vigilante it seemed. They didn't realize all they where doing was causing him trouble. Shaking a cane at him, the elderly man snarled at the man.
"you up there! my stores for buying goods, not being some superhero wannabe! Get down her and buy something or get the hell out!" The contankreious man belligerently shouted, weakening his voice, as he noticed the weapon, and press his hand at his side for his own, which was still in the form of a cube in his pocket.
"You heard me! Scram ya Piccadilly whore!"
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Akkina not entirely wanted in this moment in time began to slowly walk to the right to see where she ended up, hopefully she ended up at a shop as she wanted to buy another sword, pretty soon she was out of Silas' field of view and she kept on walking until she seen a big guy in a shop, if he saw her she was fucked, She had a bounty on her head and at that moment her breathing started to falter again resulting in another panic attack .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Dennis looked off into the distance searching from any signs of reactants to his flare but to his surprise there was none. Well not actually none but the voce he heard couldn't of been referring to the flare he just shot into the air. Dennis was a bit occupied at first to fully hear the man but he did hear him. "What the bloody hell was that!?" He asked him self looking around his eyes soon coming across a somewhat old man or was it a mole man...Dennis couldn't fully tell so he aimed his sniper at him to get a better look at him through his scope. "Oi you codger minger!" Dennis called out to the elderly man that was throwing his first in his direction. "For fuck sake the flare is to signal other bounty hunters not merchants!" Dennis cursed the flare sliding down to the ground and walking over to him. "My apologies I was trying to signal for help." He stated scratching his head laughing. The man was quite rude but sniping a merchant his against the law because he called you a foul name. Dennis was seriously trying not to flat out shoot the guy. Besides apologizing he took a quick gander at the merchants shop. Of course he stood still awaiting the merchants response he just simply glanced behind him noticing some very valuable items. "Excuse me but would you happen to have a silencer for a sniper?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Slendy"Bounty Hunters huh? So thats what the flare was for, well I'm no bounty hunter but I can provide any help you require." FM appears as if from no where, he had seen the flare and decided to investigate it's origin. Of course he didn't really need to he had read the minds of several people on the way so he knew what was going on but it wasn't like he was going to tell anyone that.
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