Not deterred at all, I want to make that character believable. That said I did come up with a spare idea. I'll flesh them both out a bit more and if I'm in time we'll see if either is OK.
PM me with what you have and I can give oy usome assistance, alternatively set up a google doc, PM me the link, and we can talk about it real-time. Same offer applies to the other two, was too busy these last couple days to do so, but am free-ish starting now.
Aight so after one day in new work, I'm sorry to say but I just won't have time to fully commit to this in the way I'd like. Sorry to cause so much ruckus for nothing >_< But the day is just too short. Sorry far stealing so much of your time.
In order to streamline the application process, I have created A public google doc where all in-progress character applications should be placed (please sign your username at the top of the sheet). They will be reviewed in order placed, accepted or declined, and any declined character will be moved to the denied character document with notes. Accepted characters will be placed on a list of reserves in the char tab, which will also have links to these documents. I'll be checking consistently, if you're unsure of anything, feel free to PM me (and yes, active players may submit characters to be placed in the reserves)