Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

N A M E / A L I A S

T H E S K Y S P L I T T E R & H E R O O F C Y N D E R I A


1 , 9 3 7 Y E A R S A G O


Altim was born roughly 2,000 years ago in Cynderia, one of the fragmented states of the West, into the family of a merchant class father and a lower class mother, who worked and married to achieve a higher status and escape the cycle of poverty in the ghettos of Cynderia. In the capital city of Cynderia, Altim received his education, and although he performed excellently in scholarly pursuits, he felt alienated by the traditional society of his homeland and called to the adventure in the world. So compelled was he to escape the life, which his parents had intended for him from the very beginning, that he ran into the forest to find a journey of his own. By the 8th day, Altim was starving and thirsting on the brink of death, and he had no food or water. The adventure he had so painstakingly sought eluded him; all he found in the great woods was isolation and emptiness. As he lay to sleep that night beneath the boughs of the trees, Altim realized his folly and wept tears of shame. He cried for the worry of his elders, and he pitied himself for naivety and ignorance. In one act of kindness, he freed a bird whose legs were caught under a stone, and he drew his final breath.

This selfless act and tragic epiphany did not go unnoticed in the shade. In the morning, he woke in the waters of the holy fountain in the forest temple, under the care of the High Priest. The High Priest of the temple told Altim of Faerthus, the God of Wisdom, whose countenance rewarded the virtues of man with intelligence and knowledge. In the night, Faerthus had blessed Altim with new life and new wisdom, and in the day, the High Priest sent Altim home with food and drink. The prodigal son returned a prudent sage, and his family welcomed him with love, song, and joy. From that day forward, he thanked his family for what they had done for him, and they allotted him more freedom, even against his rejection of traditional Cynderian views. Altim became a devoted follower of Faerthus, whom Altim prayed to regularly for guidance and faith.

The tale, for Altim, did not end after his life-changing revelation; many years later, when Altim reached the tender age of 18, the neighboring empire of Bytheron declared war on Cynderia. The siege on the nation seemed endless, and the people grew restless and discontented by the losses experienced under their king. Altim fled the capital city for the safety of the temple of Faerthis and for the aid of the god in peaceful Cynderia's time of need. There the High Priest of Faerthis prophesied the fate of Altim's homeland and gave Altim an ultimatum: save Cynderia and bring greatness to the land, or suffer the consequences of failure and watch the land burn to the ground. Altim did not find adventure, adventure found him. From that temple, Altim took food, water, a horse, and a magical violin from the Priest, who in turn blessed the youth with power.

He rode from the temple into neighboring kingdoms to warn of the Bytheronian threat to the east and to temper his magical abilities in order to rise up and fight the Bytheronian Empire. The surrounding kingdoms united under Altim's warning, and Altim himself conquered dissenters to raise a powerful army. The army quickly retook Cynderia, and Altim used his powers in the final battle of the arcane between him and the King of Bytheron. Joyous celebration followed, and Altim was declared a hero of the Republic of Cynderia, the new nation that rose from the united sovereignties, a great uniter of the lands who called a storm and struck the King of Bytheron with a mighty bolt of lightning. Altim refused to become the leader of the new nation that rose from the ashes of the old Cynderia. Instead, he retired to become a scholar and died in the arms of the man he loved.

Beyond the grave, numerous tales were spun about Altim's greatness, and songs were sung from generation to generation, each one praising the wisdom of Faerthis and the journey Altim took to attain the artifacts and abilities that allowed Cynderia to win the war. As time passed, many of the older, truer depictions of Altim faded and disappeared, and newer versions of Altim's legend survived. His love for beautiful men, his studious nature, his divinely-gifted precepts, all of these things were erased by the passage of time and the ignorance of mankind, but no man would ever forget the great nation which owed its existence to Altim and Altim's impact on the world.


The last-surviving testament to Altim incorrectly depicted the youth with short, light blond hair and a flute. He had neither, and he was never as tall, sinewy, or wealthy as the tale portrayed him. In fact, his physical appearance is very different from what his flawed description may lead people to believe about him. In reality, Altim in his prime appears 18 years old. Framing his soft, amber-brown eyes, he has medium-length, dark brown hair that he parts to the left, close-trimmed facial hair that if left unattended grows into a full beard. His stature is a little shorter than average at about 5 feet and 7 inches (or 170 centimeters), and he weighs only 150 pounds. Now, despite his meager weight and height, Altim himself is fairly strong for his age, and his strength, though nothing like the exaggerated brute he was depicted as, shows in his broad shoulders and lean, muscular frame. His fingers are long like a musician's, his arms thick like a blacksmith's, but in general, Altim is of a lithe, statuesque build. The books show Altim in rich outerwear, regal capes and crowns, but he has never worn either of those things and in fact opts for simpler clothing. He is typically caught in loose, canvas pants and tunics, covered by chainmail, belts, and hood. He puts his feet every morning into tight, knee-high black leather boots and his arms into strapped-down, brown leather gauntlets.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T

The many stories woven about Altim speak often about a mighty warrior who smote everything in his path with sword and shield, but the truth about Altim is a history of a person who won his battles with cunning, wisdom, and high magic. The violin, which he was given by the High Priest of Faerthis those 2,000 years ago, is by far and by large the most important weapon he wielded in his lifetime. With it in his arms, he easily honed the capacity for magic that he was given by Faerthis. Although after some time he had tempered his magical powers enough to use a diverse range of skills without the help of the violin, the songs he learned were still nonetheless incredibly practical in their applications. That violin enabled Altim to play songs of healing and anthems of tempestuous destruction, to sway men and women to emotional hymns, to cry for the aid of the gods and goddesses in their hallowed temples. Aside from the violin, Altim recruited the aid of other ancient artifacts, a staff that dramatically increased the accuracy of his power, a sword that could purge souls, and a bow that could pierce dimensions and deliver an empowered shot. Of course, after the revival of the heroes of old, the other curios disappeared from his possession, but his magical violin and spellcasting voice maintain their powers at his enchanted fingertips.


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


The Rampart | Unbreakable Wall of the North

Between the two Mountains of Dust lies a pass which acts as the only way into the heartlands of Ansus that does not have a high rate of attrition. Historically, this pass has been used by many invading forces from the north in order to raid the Southern deltas and, despite its strategic importance, remained undefended for centuries. Barely wide enough to admit two men abreast, the pass is a natural chokepoint for armies. During one of the Heartlands' army campaigns into the north for pacification, it was routed by a barbarian ambush which left them at almost half their numbers. Retreating meant that they would have to enter the pass, which would slow down their progress significantly. That meant, of course, that they would have to have a rearguard, which would most likely die by the time the others make it out. That duty fell unanimously to the Shield Bearers, that group of soldiers who forsook the blade in favour of carrying great tower shields, though this does not make them any less deadly in combat. Send forward in the first wave, the task of shield bearers was to engage the enemy, form a wall, and batter them back while protecting their comrades. This made them the first in, and the last out.

Positioned at the center of the line, Ellarian and his fellows formed a protective barrier around the remnants of their army as they slowly backed towards the pass. One by one, they split off to join the retreat, the line growing ever smaller as the pass funneled them in. All they way, they were under attack from barrages of arrows and barbarians who threw themselves onto their shields, where they were then flung off down the mountainside. Soon they reached the narrowest part of the pass and, after beating some sense into the more foolhardy of the remaining Shieldbearers, Ellarian remained the only one in the pass...and yet the barbarians refused to let up, charging into the breach and onto Ellarion's pitted shield.

For three days and three nights, Ellarian stood vigil over the pass, pushing the attackers back and suffering many wounds in the process as blades reached around the shield, their owners receiving a heavy bash to the face a few seconds later. With no time to rest or refresh, Ellarion rapidly began to fatigue. As he received a brief reprieve, he slid down with his back to the shield, content with saving what remained of his countrymen, and prepared to slip into blissful oblivion...at least thats what he had thought. A single rock fell on his head, causing him to look up to see loose boulders hanging precariously over the edge. An idea formulated in his head. Unwedging his shield from the pass, Ellarian began to bodily slam against the unstable cliffside. The barbarians, finally seeing the man behind the shield, immediately rushed to the attack. Axes sank home in his arm, spears bit into his torso and swords cut to the bone. But he didnt stop. With a final, mighty crash, he thre all of Ellarian threw all of his bodyweight onto the cliff, causing a rumbling. In a great avalanche of stones and boulders, the pass was blacked off; yet Ellarian himself was unharmed by it in a moment of serendipity. With his job finally done, he slipped into the sweet embrace of death's bosom.

Such a loud noise, however, was not to go unnoticed. When scouts checked up on the site of the rockslide, they found the corpse of an imperial shield bearer collapsed onto a boulder, his entire right side cut open with multiple snapped spears in him. Recovering it, Ellarian's corpse was brought back to the capital, where he was posthumously heralded as a hero for his actions. Stories were told of the predicted events, and his shield was mounted in the castle armoury as a trophy. He was essentially canonised. He was made out to be the most virtuous, honourable soldier, something for all of the military to aspire to. Children loved hearing his heroic tale spun from the mouth of bards and skalds, and the pass he fought so hard to protect was named after him in his honour. And yet, if he were still alive, he would not want any of these frivolous parties or titles. In fact, he probably would have been somewhat upset at all this...

Portrayed on several murals, Ellarian is typically depicted as a bulky middle aged man with rapidly greying hair and dark brown eyes. With his hair done up in a bun in the traditional Imperial style and a stern, piercing gaze, he is seemingly the epitome of the disciplined soldier. What the murals fail to portray however is the sheer amount of scars and keloid tissue that covers him. One almost cannot trace an inch on his skin without running over an old battle wound. Such is the life of a shield bearer. Classically, Ellarian is also depicted with a thick, unkempt white beard and, to a degree, that is true, but in reality it is quite well maintained, or at least as well as can be while on campaign. While a bit short, standing at 165 cm, one cannot deny that he is a large man considering his muscular girth, enhanced even further by the Imperial armour that he wears and the towering shield that he habitually carries.

Aegis: A thick, standard shield originally wielded by the shieldbearers of the Imperial Army, it has now fallen into disuse. Made from solid black iron trimmed through with silver in the shape of the Imperial insignia, the Aegis is heavy and unwieldy, but if placed in the right hands, it is a terrifying weapon indeed.

Banner of the Forefathers: An old Imperial banner taken off of the snapped regimental standard of the 12th Imperial Army, the Banner of the Forefathers is now being used as a kind of cape for Ellarian as a homage to his former comrades. Provides a +10 bonus to leadership and +5 to charisma
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Corvidae
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Corvidae one shot, / one kill

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

T h e W i n d w i t c h

"Self-sacrifice makes me wanna puke."

N A M E / A L I A S


Stormcaller | The Windwitch


Approximately 2,000 years ago, give or take a century.


As a child growing up in the lawless outskirts of a derelict village, Crow learned to rob and cheat to get by. Growing up on the streets with little more than a gang of juvenile vagrants for company left Crow with an intimate familiarity with the delicate arts of delinquency. She was a covetous scavenger that rifled through the garbage, dug through its ilk in the vain hopes it'd earn the right to live another day - hence the name.

(Her former 'gang' leader had never been one for empty pleasantries.)

Stealing, extorting, and a tiny bit of conning honed both mental and physical agility, while life on the streets taught her self-reliance. When she was ten, a ragtag group of criminals took a shine to the young delinquent and brought her into their fold. By the time Crow was thirteen, she had become a seasoned accomplice, and she relished the thrill of every heist.

The nights were long, sometimes. Long, cold, with only the intermittent rumbles of an empty stomach to break the monotony. Wet, too, when the clouds chose Crow as the object upon which to vent their frustrations. Many a night was spent nestled between piles of snow, huddling futilely for warmth, listening to the thunder roaring a vicious lullaby.

She’d never been one for religion. She’d never hunched over her own hands, tipped her head skywards, a frantic stream of murmured pleas spilling from her lips. She’d laughed in the faces of gods and heroes alike, citing the former as nonexistent and the latter as corruption incarnate - as bastards that destroyed the lands, their treachery leaving a trail of scorched, ruined villages and destitution in its wake.

(She was seventeen the day the soldiers slaughtered one of her friends in cold blood.)

She wasn't quite sure exactly when the winds began to bend to her commands - a gentle, caressing breeze would explode into a tempestuous maelstrom in time with the flare of her temper, thunder would crack with every loud, boasting laugh.

(She was seventeen the day her 'friends' left her to die outside the barracks, their comrade avenged.)

As any starving, scared young adult might do when confronted with an unnatural phenomenon - one that threatened to crumble the relative stability of her daily routine, at that - Crow severed ties with her former compatriots, fled her backwater, ramshackle village, and turned to a life of solitary crime.

(She was eighteen the day she contemplated razing their shoddy little hovels, stripping away all they held dear, ruining them like they'd almost ruined her.)

(She was eighteen the day she promptly cut that intrusive-thought shit the fuck out.)

It came as very little surprise to anyone when the young thief ran afoul of one of the local smuggling rings. It came as even less of a surprise when the leader - an impish, capricious young lass who was as fickle as she was whimsical - took a special interest in the wayward vagabond. Not only was she a valuable asset (criminal know-how and a pretty face?), but the rumors had a way of spreading. Whispers of the witch of the wilds, knight-slayer and (alleged) rampant vigilante of the poor burned through the cities like hellfire.

(They were only partially true. That man wasn't a knight, and she sure as hell wasn't some kind of cloak-wearing do-gooder. The nerve of some people, jeez!)

Negotiations were discussed. Invitations were extended, and soon the King of the Ports had recruited her 'court mage'. Fealty was sworn, allegiances were forged, and the dynamic duo's reign of terror-but-not-quite kick-started.

It came as absolutely no surprise when they fell into bed together approximately one year later.

The legitimate, permit-wielding naval fleets took a certain, justified amount of offense to their ships being plundered and their trade routes compromised. They didn't pose much of a threat, initially - when you're a vengeful, hero-hating smuggler with the gales themselves wound delicately around your fingertips, few things do. The King of the Ports, complacent in her perceived authority, disregarded most threats, vows, and promises of war-waging with little more than a flippant, dismissive hand-wave.

(She had the skies themselves squirming beneath her nightly. The navy could, quite frankly, go fuck itself.)

Unfortunately, speculation as to the nature of the King and her Hound's relationship had spread from the King's crew to the taverns. Specifically, Crow's sapphic tendencies. She met a girl, that night. Another one, one that wasn't her King.

(She couldn't help it, how was she supposed to know that lying wretch was a spy? She was pretty, and she'd offered information to the crew in exchange for board, and she'd said nice things, and damn it, Crow was such an idiot!)

One particular battle went horridly awry, to put things mildly, and the uppity little Crow found herself impaled through the stomach on the point of her paramour's dirk, bludgeoned over the head with the flat of her own glaive, and, eventually, imprisoned. Held captive like some common war criminal. Like a dog.

(The irony was about as bitter as the rusty tang of her own blood.)

The fleet had been dispatched to dispose of the smuggler problem, and that, apparently, included the destruction of the port-side villages, too. Salvo upon salvo of cannon fire was launched. Alarmingly few hit their marks, and most of the artillery sought purchase in the clusters of homes and markets.

She couldn't abide it. As much as she loathed the weak, as much as the mere notion of self-sacrifice repulsed her to the point of nausea, a crime this heinous was exactly the sort even a lowlife bastard like her couldn't allow.

And though she was bound, life trickling out of her chest in sticky red rivulets, consciousness ebbing away with every ragged, pained breath, she could feel it. Feel the pull of the wind in her veins, the tug she'd come to know as magic yanking at her gut. The storm raging outside called to her, choppy waves and roaring thunder and steady, reverberant drum of the rain hitting the decks above combining in one harmonious symphony.

She leveled the entire fleet.

The King survived, slunk back into the city's underbelly to replete and rebuild, pride stinging as badly as her wounds.

Crow's body was never recovered, but the legends of the wild Windwitch, the Stormcaller and Knightslayer, were bandied about the land as if on the wind's whispers. Though the tales were altered to suit the bard reciting them - in some, she was a pirate; in others, a diligent young soldier; in one, a hermit that had retreated into the mountains, built a hut, and cannibalized some children - her final moments remained, mercifully, intact.

In all the stories, one thing was consistent: she had died before her time, and the concept of self-sacrifice had made her quite ill.


Crow’s face is thin, all prominent cheekbones and angular cheeks and narrow, mischievous eyes. A faint, barely-distinguishable smattering of freckles spans a soft, slightly upturned nose. Small lips born to twist into a crooked, devil-may-care grin host pristine white teeth. Significantly detracting from an otherwise imposing aura, Crow clocks in at approximately 5’2”, meaning one could conceivably hoist her over one’s shoulder and carry her off mid-argument.

(The legends rarely get it right, however, preferring to depict their revered hero as a tall, strapping young lass, which...couldn’t be further from the truth.)

Straight, side-swept dark hair falls in choppy layers down her back. She’s adamant in her refusal to shear it short, and so, for pragmatism’s sake, she binds the majority of it back in a long braid. What’s allowed to hang freely has got this windblown, perpetually tousled quality, as if the wind itself is bending to its whims.

She’s lean and narrow, alabaster skin stretching taut over a reasonably toned physique. Power is written into every movement, every challenging stare or cocky smirk, brimming deceptively beneath her skin. Years of acting on the ‘fight’ portion of her instincts has imbued within her a certain sense of confidence – her posture is aggressive on the battlefield and assertive everywhere else, and she typically stands with her feet spread, hands planted firmly – defiantly – on her hips.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T

Armed with little more than a time-worn, battle-ravaged glaive and a rusty dagger, Crow has never looked the part of the legendary beastslayer, even during the height of her career. (The glaive's sole purpose was a fulcrum and balancer; something to pivot around or vault off of. An enabler for a reckless, octane, highly ineffectual combat style.)

But that’s all right - she rather prefers it that way.

She’s the Windwitch, the Stormcaller, the fury of a thousand bolts of vengeful lightning, after all - not the Steelsinger. Not a knight.

Not a true hero.

Manipulation of the wind has always come easiest, be it conjuration of an updraft to propel her skywards or a razor-sharp gale to cleave off an adversary’s arm. It’s the most comfortable, like an extension of her own body. The rush of adrenaline she gets whenever she invokes this magic is almost intoxicating - it’s like liquid euphoria, dissolving all her worries, all her cares.

The skies themselves heed her commands - while she can’t generate her own personal rainstorms or clap her hands for an emergency lightning strike, existing thunderstorms fall under her dominion. She can direct lightning, conduct it through her glaive, hurl arcs of white-hot hatred at those foolish enough to oppose her. She can’t produce it herself, though. Never could.

Rain has always been the most difficult. The most elusive. She’s reluctant to admit her ineptitude when it comes to the more nuanced art of water-management, but unfortunately, it’s a glaringly obvious shortcoming. She can’t even so much as reduce a deluge to a drizzle.

Her hidden talent is pretending she's more competent than she truly is.


Two Steps From Hell - El Dorado
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jack Travidi

Jack Travidi

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

S i k e s

N A M E / A L I A S
Sikes / Novissah's Prophet

499 years ago

They always tell stories of the boy blessed by Novissah, the once proud and graceful near-omniscient Goddess. They say he could see the future and the past, sometimes even things happening at that moment but somewhere else. The legend most know tells of Sikes seeing a darkness swell over Ansus, a murky vision with something sinister lurking in it. The tale goes on to say that he then ventured away from his home and family to the Bastion of Light, a dwindling fire dancing in his eyes. It haunted his dreams and left him exhausted, the vision giving the sixteen year old waking dreams in which he traveled toward the fire, waking somewhere different from where he’d fallen asleep.

Weeks later, the boy arrived, disheveled and dirty, demanding to see Novissah’s Fire, and an explanation for his visions. The High Priests refused and Sikes camped just outside the Bastion for thirteen days before the Priests admitted the near starving boy, taking him in and sharing their plight. They had become desperate and fearful, Novissah's Fire no more than embers. It was something they’d never seen and they hoped Sikes could help them to rekindle it, blessed by the Goddess as he was.

Novissah’s dying days were filled with Sikes trying to commune with her and keep her Fire alight, trying desperately to discover what lurked in the dark visions. The general population does not realize he failed, as Sikes and the High Priests never revealed that such an event ever occurred. Most believe that Sikes succeeded, devoting his life to Novissah and to helping maintain the Fire he once rekindled.

No one, of course, connects the ensuing chaos with this myth. No one realizes that this event, a Fire being brought low, was a catalyst for the turmoil that would take over until the Last God fell and Ansus was reunited once more.

Novissah’s Prophet did end up dedicating his life to Novissah, though it was not in the way most thought. He traveled around Ansus, using the abilities he had been granted to keep faith in her alive, hoping to let others feel the personal connection to her he himself did. Even with her gone, he could use his visions and tools to answer the questions of those who were in desperate need of knowledge.

Sikes never betrayed that Novissah’s fire had diminished and he was frequently permitted to visit the Bastion, even as another fire began to suffer the same fate as Novissah's.

As the continent fell further and further to chaos, Sikes found his power overwhelming. There still exist jokes about Novissah's poor prophet, suddenly blinded as he was assaulted with visions of darkness, of something lurking, of a ring of flames being extinguished until nothing remained... And it was as he had one of these visions, at the age of twenty-eight, that he stumbled into the river beside which he'd been resting, on his way to the Bastion once more to seek answers from the High Priests once more. His visions had changed ever so slightly, the complete darkness now followed by a speck of light, which seemed to wound the lurking thing in the darkness... it could only be a sign that the Priests had learned something.

And so the poor prophet never saw his own end coming, the river washing him away before he could get the answers he so desperately seeked.

While not old, Sikes is into adulthood, having spent his years travelling and helping those in need. He’s fit from travel, but not particularly strong, much of his time spent trying to discover the dark thing eliminating the Fires and how to destroy it. Sikes dresses simply, in fact, and his skin is marred by a light tan and the occasional scar from, erm, hurting himself in his survival attempts. Dark hair covers equally dark eyes and his facial features are more rounded than they are sharp. He’s also taller than most people, standing over six feet tall.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T
Sikes doesn’t have a lot of equipment, per se. Floating around somewhere, maybe in a museum or mausoleum, is his old hunting knife, something he forged with the aid of his father as a child. There also is a crystal bowl and an assortment of gems which would allow him to more easily control when he received his visions and even ask to receive one. The reflection on the water in the bowl or on the shiny surface of the stone will change to show him things, though it is less often to be something true and even fails. He carries none of this with him now, with only dreams (waking or otherwise) to guide him.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Theme Song

Wolf in the Mountain | The White-eyed King

30,592 Winters since


Due to the lack of artistry in his time, there are very few sources that can correctly gauge his aesthetic. It is true that he is taller than most men, standing at six-foot-six, but he does not tower over rooftops as is sometimes claimed. His eyes are not quite the pure white that is depicted in the tales either, they are in fact a very light shade of grey and whilst he does indeed have pupils, it makes his stare is no less forgiving. It is difficult to discern whether or not Norco is an ugly man for his ragged black beard, stained white in places, hangs over his mouth and chin like a chain-mail coif. Cheek bones sit high on his face, stretching his rough whitened skin that darkens ever so slightly in the crevices of his wide nose.

His attire in the books and fables has forever been an example of his barbarism. Scantily clad across his broad chest they like to infer that his skin is armour enough. The truth is that during his time Norco wore many furs and pelts of animals that he had personally hunted. A bears head sits on his shoulders, halved down the center of its head and turned forward to match his gaze, they act like pauldrons of a brutish nature. Cloths and leathers cover the rest of his body leaving only his hands and head uncovered and exposed to the elements.

A B I L I T I E S & W A R G E A R

Norco is known as a warrior king, one of the deadliest to ever live. A swing of his axe can cleave several men in twain allowing him to carve his own bloody path through a battlefield. Whilst he is not the most skilled warrior in history his disregard for his own safety makes him insurmountable, wounds and injuries have been said to heal in hours rather than days. A blessing of endurance, no doubt from his father.
Norco is also known to have a particular affinity for the cold. Having been raised in such circumstances this is hardly surprising. Beginning his campaign in the frozen east his battles have become legendary in their own right. Gliding across the ground with an unnatural ease a close mist shields him from those who seek him, his ambushes are renown. His prowess in the bitterness of winter went so far as to claim the snow itself was his ally.

Banemaw - The Axe Norco wields is known by this name. Forged in the blood of a great wolf and sharpened upon it's teeth, its blade is said to cause wounds that may never heal, demanding the death of any who feel it's bite.


In the frozen wastelands to the East, myth tell us of a man so huge that he could not feel the sting of arrow tips, that swords bounced from his skin as if striking a sheet of iron. That his very step would imprint onto rock. Indeed this hulking warrior, this behemoths legend has stretched to the very edges of the world and back. Passed down generations as tales told around a fire, everyone at some point has heard that name, Norco Khan.

Our story begins with a people known as the Kulgan. A clan of barbarians that lived at the foot of a mountain fixed into the eastern steppe horizon. Christened Ironmaw mountain, it served as the highest peak within twenty leagues, overlooking two smaller mountains to its left and right.
The Kulgan annually traversed the only safe passage through these mountains, eager to reach the bountiful forest that flourished on its far side. It was in the thirty-second year of Chieftain Kosk, a most notable leader in his own right, that those gatherers returned with more than roots and berries. In the snow covered mountain pass, a boy was found. Wrapped in a grey cloth, protecting him from the biting cold, his cries bounced from the rock faces and high into the air. It did not take long for the expedition to find the boy, sat upon a boulder free from the snow. The sole woman in the group stepped forward and picked him from the rock like a root from the ground. The very first thing she noticed were his eyes, a pure white with no pupil, no iris. She could describe them as two perfect spheres of marble if only she knew of the precious stone.
“A gift from the gods!” She exclaimed to the people traveling with her. A boy supposedly placed in their path so as to live a normal life, but he would grow to be anything but normal.

The people of the Kulgan took the infant in, raising him as one of their own. He grew, and grew fast. By the time he was seventeen he could match any man around for size. They were no strangers to watching him achieve feats they thought impossible, from picking up felled logs in the building of huts to large for any other to carry. Or the most famous of his fables, the confrontation with a colossal dire wolf which he dispatched single handedly with nought but his hands, earning him the name ‘Wolf of the Mountain’. It wasn't until his early twenties that Norco began to wonder of his origins. He had been told the story of the baby in the mountains many times before, yet if left too many questions unanswered. That winter Norco left the village, he headed for the mountain pass in search of those answers.
A year passed and the Kulgan heard nothing of their adopted son. Some feared his death after traversing the pass in the dead of winter, a pilgrimage none dared to take. Another winter passed, another followed. It took five long years, when his fate had been decided, that Norco stepped down from the mountain to the people he once knew. Norco was different, in the five years he had seemed to grow only larger. His face and body showed exactly what it took to survive as he did for so long, muscle and sinew tying all of his limbs in place. He had become a man. The people gathered at the villages edge to watch a Goliath stride towards them. A man few believed to be real, a man with pure white eyes. The woman who had lifted him from that rock nearly two decades ago fell to her knees as she recognized the nearest thing she had to a son.
His gaze pierced her with an air of pure might, taking a knee himself, his face softened for the slightest of moments as he took her hand. The words he spoke in that moment have been written in the history books of almost every civilization since, "The Wolf returns".

Norco Khan quickly became one of the most legendary warriors alive, single handedly he dragged the small village of barbarians to the heights of a recognized world power. Indeed since that day it has been said that to travel to the east is to walk into the jaws of a wolf. They spread throughout the east in startling fashion, crushing anything and anyone that stood in their way. With Norco as their leader, the Kulgan were a seemingly invincible people. It took several decades, yet the Kulgan at one point in history ruled the entire eastern fringe of the known world. Mercifully for those who dwelled in elsewhere the great clan were reluctant to leave the frozen steppes, they were too acclimatized to the cold and struggled in every season but winter.
It was not until he reached the age of forty-seven that Norco met an enemy that he could never hope to defeat, time. His hair grew white, his face sagged and wrinkled. The white-eyed king, as he would come to be known in the histories, was laid to rest in the very place he began his journey, the mountain pass above his old village. A pile of stone rests, sealed together and immovable as if to match the man underneath. Some say that whilst walking through the mountain pass, you can still hear the cries of a young baby boy. Alas his tomb has never been found by the many adventurers that have strived to traverse the east. Some think the legend was never true.

Many years later the bards of younger nations would sing of his journey into the mountain, the five long years he spent in the numbed pass of Ironmaw mountain. It was rumored that atop that mountain, Norco questioned the gods. Bellowing his frustration towards the heavens in a thunderstorm so violent it cast a shadow across the world. A single bolt of lightning struck the hard stone ground, meters from where he knelt. A dire wolf. Larger than any living beast approached Norco from that scared rock. It did not bear its teeth, it did not advance with aggression. It simply sat in front of Norco Khan. He did not know it, but that wolf was no beast, it was a god. The father of Norco Khan had come to stare his descendant in the eye, to give his final blessing. His survival in the mountain had proved his worth and he was accepted by his progenitor. The wolf tipped it’s head skywards, to which Norco followed. Confronted by a strange alignment of stars, in the shape of Ansus, a cloud drifted across its expanse. A cloud in the shape of a wolf's head. Norco Khan, the wolf in the mountain, the white-eyed king, was to become the mightiest warrior the world had ever seen. It was a title that he undeniably lived up to.

The Kulgan, under new leadership managed to continue their reign for a few years. However without Norco, they could not resist the empires that lay on their doorstep. Year after year the Kulgan lands shrank, retreating back the cold, bitter wastelands of the east. Even today there is still a town at the foot of the Ironmaw mountain. They no longer call themselves Kulgan, but their blood is linked, and they still await the wolf in the mountain to descend once more, to lead once more.

"And when you die,
The only kingdom you'll see,
Is two-foot wide,
and six-foot deep."

- Extract from the saga of Norco Khan -
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible
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Invisible Unseen

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Beast of the Forest


N A M E / A L I A S


Beast of the Forest & The Fair Maiden

A g e o f L e g e n d

41,692 years ago


Ancient myth tells of a man who possessed the soul of a giant beast of the forest known as a Torgarian allowing him to become one with the creature. This man was a knight, a king in fact who thirst was not for blood, nor money, nor power but for the peace which all but never existed in the lands now known as Ansus. Rather than kill the opponents he fought on the battlefields of a castle formerly known as the Borgar Village, he would fight using nothing but his palms and would focus on hitting pressure points to paralyze his foes. Borgar Village is no more than a castle now ran over by vines and ancients creatures which supposedly guard the tomb of this king. Some say his bloodline still runs through somebody in the East Ansus but once again, this is all just a myth.

And even a myth has its own fallacies, ones often picked up over time by misinterpreted words or the slight change in them to suit the times and those who rule over the group telling the myth. The truth can indeed be found in Borgar Castle which hides under the shadow of the Lone Mountain known as Urgain, or King’s Crown in the language of the Borgarians who once lived there. Written on a single tombstone, faded by time and the many passing of beasts and man alike, lies the below.

Here lies Princess Pricia, heir to the Borgarian throne and Strongest of her Kind.

Princess Pricia.. she died much younger than she should have but that is what happens to heroes who are seen as monsters. Even if your intentions were of the best for your people, one cannot escape the mob started by a rumor created by some drunkard in a tavern. The princess is truly the ‘man’ of myth who possess the soul of a Torgarian, or Shapeshifter as they were known in the tongue of the Borgarians. Having been born with the Mark of the Wild, Pricia was granted the power of shapeshifting by the Goddess Goethia, Queen of the Wilds. As such, Pricia could change between many creatures as part of her birthright but she could not always control them. When she was very young, Pricia would occasionally shapeshift into a wolf and try to play with people in this form, not knowing the she was any different from them of course.

When the young Pricia was nine years of age, she was sent away to the Monastery of Goethia- less a monastery really than a giant tree growing above a lake where Goethia’s worshippers lived- to train and control her powers. All members of the Monastery were marked by Goethia as Pricia was but their powers only allowed them to ‘commune’ with Goethia through the act of rituals involving incense burning. The young princess spent much of her life learning with the Priestesses before leaving at nineteen and swearing a vow to tell nobody of her training with them nor of her powers. But when the time came that her small Village came under combat, Pricia had to transform into a direwolf and defend them. When it came out that the Princess was the person who had attacked them early on in her life, she was driven from Boragar and went off into the turbulent world alone.

At least, that is what she thought she was when she left the comforts of her village and went into the roads beyond. Goethia contact Pricia herself and called her to take up arms against those who wished for war simply for the death it would bring. So, the princess spread across the lands which have now become Ansus and brought down groups of bandits and warlords whose only goals were to cause chaos. To aid Pricia on her Journey, Goethia gave the young woman the Staff of Nature’s Breath. But not even the Goddess could foresee the Fair Maiden’s death at the hands of people who believed her a monster simply due to a single rumor. In the end, the last sight Pricia saw was that of a crowd cheering to cut her head off. Not even a single person shed tears that day for her parents were dead, her village falling apart, and any friends she had were due for an execution as well. Yet still, her body was delivered back to castle where she was born and she was buried.


Pricia stands at an unimposing four feet and eight inches tall and weighs just under ninety-two pounds. Despite her looks, Pricia’s body is all muscle and her training with the priestesses of Goethia taught her how to fight without having to be much stronger than your foe. The girl is light on her feet and hardly makes a sound as she moves through the world. But this does not mean that she doesn’t stand out of course. Pricia is known for wearing vibrant green robes and clothing which stands out even in the dimmest light around her. Never has anybody seen the Maiden with long hair and even getting a glimpse of her cutting her hair seems next to impossible. It is almost as if her hair never grows anymore. Found on her right shoulder is the Mark of the Wild she received from Goethia.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T

Once upon a time Pricia bore the Staff of Nature’s Breath which had been blessed by Goethia to allow her to manipulate the air as if it was a part of herself but the staff was taken from her when she was captured for execution. Somewhere in some king’s castle probably sits a simple looking staff that no man has touched since it was taken from Pricia. The Maiden was also given a pendant which allowed for the normal animals of the Wilds to identify Pricia as a member of Goethia’s ilk and thus pass through nearly every forest in the land unharmed. But, like her staff it was most likely taken and may quite possibly be worn by a Queen who thinks it just a beautiful trinket passed down through her family. Either way, all Pricia is left with are the powers granted to her by the Mark of the Wild and even they are not quite what they once were.

No longer can Pricia transform multiple times throughout a day as, with the death of Goethia, the Mark’s power has faded from it former glory. Now the Mark only allows transformations six times a day. The most common form Pricia can take in her transformations is a sort of mix between a dire wolf and a human, the Hound of the Wilds Goethia once called it. Its true name is Kallimor, a beast which is sentient enough to wield weapons and wear clothing but still can be copied by the Mark. Though, the copying of a Kallimor is imperfect as it simply enhances Pricia natural form instead of making her into a Kallimor in full. While in this form, Pricia stands at six feet tall and weighs nearly a hundred and thirty-six pounds. Pricia takes on the strengths associated with the creature she transforms into which also means that she gets the same weaknesses.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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N A M E / A L I A S
Ki'ira Infera – Calamity


Ki'ira is a very unusual character from legends, her first mentioning comes from records about 1800 years ago. The place was not named as it was a nameless battleground where two opposing armies clashed. At the time of her appearance there, she wrecked havoc among both armies, sending many to the embrace of death. The chaos on the battlefield continued until the two armies retreated, leaving her alone in the field of death, afterwards she vanished. From that point in time onward, she would appear at random intervals in the middle of battles, attacking everyone she comes across. She became one of the fairy tales on the fields of battle. Every commander sent to fight, would fear her appearance as it would mean the destruction of his armies. Thus she was nicknamed the Calamity on the battlefields.

Ten years after her first appearance, Ki'ira appeared for first time in the middle of a pillage of a town which was later recorded by survivors from there. After the town's protectors were slaughtered and the aggressors began pillaging it and indiscriminately killing it's residents in twisted games they forced them to take part of, a single caped individual walked into the town. Records state it was a woman, but on her head a pair of fox ears could be seen along with a tail that was moving around behind her. When the pillagers tried to attack her, the woman went into rampage, mowing down every last one of those who tried to fight. Records state that those who tried to run away form the carnage of their friends, were slashed from afar, using what witnesses only describe as flying blades of fire. According to the records, she was laughing during the entire slaughter and when there were no more enemies around, she just took a bag from one of the dead bodies, filled it with some food and then walked away as quickly as she appeared. It wasn't until a year later that the mystery woman was recognized as the walking calamity.

Ki'ira's stories were always similar, she would appear during a battle and would always mow down soldiers in both sides. Occasionally she would appear when there were pillages going on, would kill everyone with a weapon and then vanish again. As the number of people saved by her continued to increase, some began to regard her as a mythical fox creature that appears to save the innocent from aggressors. Which wasn't always far from the truth, in fact her rampaging on battlefields had caused many wars to stop in their tracks, effectively saving the lives of many civilians, but also costing the lives of many soldiers and capital, as the money she costed to countries wasn't insignificant at all. Eventually a coalition from several countries was formed to deal with this calamity. The strongest warriors were gathered and send after her as she had proven that her power was overwhelming.

According to legends she should have been around 29 years old when that happened. Despite the protest from the side of normal people, the expedition from multiple countries was sent after her. The calamity made her final stand near a now not existing village known as Kaleze. The soldiers had attacked the village to draw her out and she appeared for the joy of the village's inhabitants. The soldiers quickly reorganized and attacked her. Legends state the battle continued for days as the soldiers were many and strong and even had magic on their side. The calamity was not behind them though, her strange powers over fire allowed her to sweep many in her attacks. When the battle ended, not one of the soldiers send after her was standing, but they had done their jobs. Ki'ira was mortally wounded as dozens of weapons were sticking out of her body. In her final moments it's said that a single child approached her to offer her a cup of water. She took the cup, drank the water and thanked the child. As she reached a hand to pat the child by the head, she died. Her hand, softly placed on the child's head, her body still standing tall with her sword in her other hand. Following the defeat of the expedition force, all the kingdoms sent soldiers to retrieve her body and belongings, but not a single soul was to be found in the village. The final legend states, the villagers knowing soldiers will come for her again, took her body and placed it in a coffin and left Kaleze with Ki'ira's body and belongings. No one knows where they went and what happened with them. Some say they found a new place to settle down away from everyone where they idolize her to this day, other say they were ambushed on the road and killed to the last person. No one can say for sure, but what is known is that her body was never recovered or found. Still to this day she is regarded as many things, for some her story is the one of a person who gave her all to protect the innocent from the horrors of war, for other she was the personification of destruction and chaos. As some tell it to their children to learn and become a better person, others use her to scare their young into obedience.

Yet for those with the iron will to find the truth, a single clue remains, locked inside one of the many libraries. Unknown to most and ignored by those who have seen it, a single small leather bound diary lies covered in dust. It's content are nearly impossible to read as it has nearly dissolved under the relentless tides of time, but the old diary written by an old forgotten general contains a single untouched by time sentence:

“And by our hands, by attacking those who had not the power to protect themselves, we awoke a fiery monster in the form of a child...”


(Mind not the elfish ears :3)

Ki'ira's appearance is quite the discussed topic for records that contain it have been lost so all that remains are varying legends. Some described her as astonishing otherworldy beauty while other as a mostly foxlike monster with long face and slit eyes. Still her most distinguishing feature were her fox ears and tail, they appear in every legend and even the vague mentioning in historical texts. She was always told to have the pair of red fox ears and a tail.

In reality, Ki'ira was tall 1,75 meters tall, with long straight dark brown hair, reaching down to her waist, which was often put in a braid. Her face was beautiful with clear skin and a pair of piercing gray eyes. On her bare body could be seen many of the scars she bears as marks from the devotion she had towards fighting WAR.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T

Ki'ira has been often depicted as a monster that slashes people with her bare hands, but as many myths that's simply not the truth. She was an excellent sword wielder who lived her entire live with a sword in her hand. Additionally the abilities of fire she is often told to have had are quite true. At a very early age, she learned magic and specialized in fire. As magicians go, she was never formally taught, all she know, she learned herself by the trial and error. Her favorite magical attack were her flaming wave slashes, she often used those to take down multiple enemies at once. Additionally she would often coat her entire sword with flames, thought that would destroy every normal not enchanted blade.

While her abilities themselves helped about her incredible strength, it was also her equipment that proved worthy to follow her in her legend the most. The calamity had many different artifacts, most of which no one knows how she acquired. Names and existence of many were lost in the time, but a few still live in her legends:
Infernal fang – that was her signature weapon, a longsword that she wielded with one hand. It had glowing red blade with many carved figures on it. It was a magical artifact that could withstand heat and fire and it's blade was harder than even the greatest steel. In her entire life it never broke, never chipped and never dulled.
Blessings of the fox goddess – The legend about her having fox ears and tail come from these artifacts. A headpiece looked like a pair of fox ears and leggings had a tail attached to them. The ears gave her the ability to hear so far away that she could actually hear the clanking of an armor from miles and the tail allowed her to run nearly as fast as a horse and not leave tracks behind her. Though she still tires with time and cannot run for a long time.

1815 years ago.

When revived from her supposed eternal slumber, she only had her headset from her 'Blessings of the fox goddess'.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Transience
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Transience Disgustingly Vengeful

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A n s u r T h e F o r e f a t h e r

M y t h o l o g y

Ansus has not always been. One quick jaunt through any of the historical colleges in the Heartlands and the scholars will remind you that Human-kind is not native to Ansus, rather they came from the Southern Continents after fleeing some unknown disaster.
It is here that the interpretations of Ansus' ancient history somewhat diverges. Some scholars are adamant that the current royal family is directly linked by blood to those who led the first men to the expansive land of Ansus; some are sure that the movement was pioneered by a group of tribal leaders from the Southern Continents. However, the most prevalent tale by all accounts is the 'Tale of Ansur, the Forefather.'

It is said that he was the bastard child of a Southern Queen and a rogue God, and his conception was heralded by a host of sullen angels. He is said to have emerged from the womb following the impact of a falling star from the Heavens, and he emerged with wings like tendrils of blinding light. Obviously such a story can only be the work of fiction, but it is well established that Ansur was an otherwordly child by all accounts; mastering archery and sword-fighting at an age that some say simply is not possible, and quickly rising to leadership amongst his people.
Whether Ansur was formally recognised in a state of Kinghood or not is a fact that has been lost to the winds of time, but it is well recorded that he acted as a guide and mentor to the expansive cult that formed around him, a following with such great numbers that it became a faux-nation all of it own. It is a generally accepted theory that the world before Ansur was godless and hedonistic, and that he alone brought order and fear of the Gods into his fellow Men. Some credit Ansur with the advent of civilised life; a proud accolade indeed.

However, in his thirtieth year, the land that he knew as home supposedly fell to an event that is not properly recorded. This is where the Tale of Ansur truly begins: he rallied men and women from across the land and led them through the Northern Passages, sailing through expanses of storm marred seas, trekking through hellish swamplands and battling through infestations of barbaric sub-men who guarded their lands with fury and zeal. There are countless tales and fables that stem from this period, stories of epic heroism and incredible acts of valour. It is said that the long journey through the Northern Passes took over a hundred years, many of his followers succumbing to the ravages of time, and many others bringing new disciples into the world to follow Ansur to the lands in which they could begin anew; yet Ansur himself was unphased by time, and remained youthful for the entire century that he was at the helm of the Great Journey.

And so it was that at the end of the one hundred and first winter, a new land grew upon the horizon. Ansur's followers decided that it would be named after their leader in his honour, and to immortalise him for his undying effort to bring new hope to mankind. Ansur and his followers travelled deep into the heartlands of the newly founded Ansus, and toiled to build the Bastion of Light, a great fortress dedicated to the Gods which Ansur claimed to owe his success.

From there, the solidity of the story falters. There is little scripture detailing what became of Ansur after the creation of the Bastion of Light, but some say that he gave himself to ashes to light the Great Fire at the heart of the fortress, and there are some who beleive that his spirit still resides in those holy walls, ready to return and guide the people once more.

A p p e a r a n c e

"Ansur is not a giant, but his presence is felt by all. His corse is lean and strong, and his eyes pierce the very soul with naught but a glaze. The people look to him f'r strength and guidance, and he responds with valour and fortitude. He adorns himself not in gold and steel, but rather leathers and furs that he procur'd during the time he spent in his homeland; his face is ragg'd yet welcoming, and he hath the hands of a man who hath work'd his due at the forge."

- Arcillius the Scribe, year unknown.

There are many accounts of what Ansur looked like, and many of them differ tremendously. Some writings claim he was over nine feet tall and wielded a sword of holy fire, whilst others claim he was a short, stocky, stout man who was rounder than other legends would admit. While nobody can know for sure the true nature of Ansur's appearance, he is never depicted as wearing any suit of metal armour, and never adorns himself with jewels or other sightly embellishments. He is also normally depicted as hiding his face under a hood of furs, while a great hawk sits at his side. Some illustrations show him wearing a crown of dulled iron, and others with a rugged, unsightly mess of facial hair during the Great Journey.

A b i l i t i e s A n d E q u i p m e n t

Ansur is said to be like a God striding amongst mere mortal peers, a trait that some attribute to his apparent paternal figure being of divine origin. He was supposedly stronger than a Dragon (he is said to have barehandedly wrestled three such magnificent beasts to their death during the Long Journey), faster than the most mighty Jungle Stalker, and wiser than all of the Gods combined. His skill with a blade was world reknowned (So incredible was his skill, in fact, that three sword-figthing styles are presently named after him) and his accuracy with a bow was as if the arrows themselves were extensions of his very being.

Some retellings of his story state that magical assaults simply did not effect him, and there are other accounts that tell of him splitting a titanic ice sheet by summoning a great, piercing flame from the sky.

Surely such tales cannot be true, but who can really know? He is a long dead man who is sure to never return to the land of his design...

A g e O f L e g e n d

Ansur's mythology is one of, if not the oldest in the known world. He was extant an approximate 60,000 years prior to the present day.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 5 days ago

"I have seen nations and peoples reduced to ash and ghosts. It brought no pleasure, even to a heart as dark as mine."

N A M E / A L I A S

Volkimir Sturmkirk
The Mortifier, Dark Prince of the Shadowlands


The coastal mountain ranges to the West of Ansus have a dark and bloody history, one often not discussed alongside the many other legends that fill the nation's colorful past. Nothing lingers there but darkness and sorrow, most say; all best left buried. In times long before the Unification, these reaches were called the Shadowlands, referring mostly to the thick forest that covered the rocky foothills. The Shadowlanders, a hardy and simple folk, were ruled over by their Prince, a scion of the noble bloodline of Sturmkirk, descending from the heartland kings of ages past. It came to be that one spring, famine gripped the Shadowlands, and what had once been fields and forests became naught but dust and death. The ruling Prince was known to be an alchemist and a wizard, and so devised many possible solutions to aid the plight of his people. His attempts failed, and the Shadowlanders starved in droves. When it came to be that his own wife and sons died from hunger, the Prince was finally driven mad, and bargained with a demon to end the plague. He summoned the monster Silgengar, an abyssal creature of infinite malice and dark cunning. In exchange for the blood of the Sturmkirk patron angel, Marycz, he would bestow on the Shadowlanders immunity to age and disease, and freedom from the curse of starvation.

The angel was lured, trapped and exsanguinated by the mad Prince, and Shilgengar held up his end of the bargain. The Prince and his remaining family were cursed with vampirism, so freeing them from the famine, but damning their souls to oblivion. Some say that the Prince wished only for eternal life, and was so satisfied by the bargain. Others claim that Shilgengar bestowed the famine on the lands, and so plotted the downfall of the noble Sturmkirks. Whatever the truth, the Sturmkirks quickly sank into untamed depravity and debauchery, keeping their peasantry as a farmer might keep cattle for slaughter. Blighted in the eyes of gods and men, the Shadowlands became vilified as a locus of pure evil. Witches, werewolves, and all manner of other monsters sought asylum in its depths, as there were none who would dare follow them.

Well after the Shadowlands had become known as a hell on earth, a man emerged. He roamed Ansus, searching for fame and fortune with which he might bring glory to his proud name. For he was the Prince of House Sturmkirk. Volkimir by birth, this enigmatic figure bared no shame in revealing himself to be a scion of the blighted vampiric house. Throughout the lands of Ansus and beyond, Volkimir plundered ancient tombs for treasure and lost artefacts, studied lost magical traditions, and sought dark and decadent displays of pleasure and carnality. Though he was a rarely-seen figure, he traveled far and wide, and so rumors built up greatly in the many lands through which he passed.

As ages passed, the Dark Prince had already passed into something of an urban legend. Stories of having seen him were dismissed, as no man could possibly still be around after such time. However, he was an immortal vampire, and as such was very much still alive and active. Volkimir's years affected him curiously; a larger world began to reveal itself to him. He found himself less concerned with his own escapades and enjoyment, and saw the needs of Ansus as issues that he was obligated to attend to. He took on a strange responsibility, to protect Ansus and its peoples from threats that their mortal perspectives could not perceive. He manipulated history to achieve his ends; sometimes from the shadows, sometimes in a display of power and ruthlessness. Where an assassination or siege may be foiled, the next year a leader or an entire people may be mercilessly culled. His exploits in these times were many, and to the common folk he was a capricious figure at best. Volkimir came to be seen more as an omen than a man, and none could say if he were one of good or ill.

The history books will only recognize Volkimir Sturmkirk in one place: the War of Midnight Suns. Just as suddenly as famine had befallen the Shadowlands, darkness fell upon the Heartlands of Ansus. The suns had fallen, and did not rise again even after days had passed. Then came the invasion of darkness. Apparently ill content with what remained of their territory to be exploited, the vampire nobles of the Shadowlands declared war on the Heartlands, and rode to conquer them. Hordes of undead and knights as dark as new moons filled their warhosts, and countless mortal armies were crushed by them. The Dark Prince would not abide this. Just as he had subtly manipulated the nations of the world to more suitable destinies, he again manipulated them to better fight the forces of evil. He taught them the weaknesses of the undead, and how to turn their armies against them. He lead warhosts of his own, meeting his own blood on the field of battle. After months of hardship and war unending, the suns once again rose, and the Shadowlanders had been driven back. The vampires cursed Volkimir, damning him as a traitor, and giving him the epitet of "Mortifier." Even with this, Volkimir knew there was more work to be done. With a host of warriors borrowed from the sovereign nations that he had saved, he rode into the depths of the Shadowlands, and was never seen again.

Time passed, the all was silent in the West. Monsters no longer creeped out from the Shadowlands, and skies cleared over the blighted kingdom. Slowly, frontiersmen returned to the lands to trap in the forests and harvest its lumber. Farmers followed, sowing fields that had been reaped in many years. Before long, the empty nation was entirely resettled, unofficially conquered by the common folk. The old castles were torn down, towns were built, and mention was never made again of the Shadowlands and the curse of House Sturmkirk.


As an ageless vampire, Volkimir is considered to be an avatar of dark and forbidden beauty. Seen usually as a tallish man with the well-balanced build of an experienced warrior, Volkimir Sturmkirk is a striking figure to behold. His features are sharp and angular, balanced by his masculine brow and strong jawline. His eyes are the most distinctive feature of his face; their black sclera and golden, luminous irises are distinctly inhuman, and Volkimir's gaze is piercing and predatory. Sharp, white fangs are revealed whenever he smiles or speaks, and his incisor teeth seem unnaturally sharp and jagged. His hair hangs to the top of his shoulderblades, and is so fair that in most lighting it seems completely white. Volkimir's skin, while usually so pale as to seem translucent, takes on a sickly, ashen hue when exposed to sunlight, stripping away his last disguise of humanity. While depictions vary depending on the particular instance, Volkimir's "signature" attire strikes a balance between the practicality of adventuring clothes, the mystique of a dark magician and the regality of a noble knight. A floor-length, ornate leather coat is worn over a enameled, ruby-encrusted breastplate. Engraved armor plates are set into the shoulders and forearms of the coat, the shins of his black, woolen trousers, and the toes of his thick-soled leather boots.

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As a vampire, Volkimir is at once much more and much less than a normal man. His strength and speed are both mythic; far greater than what can be attained by common men. He can see in darkness just as well as in light, can hear a heartbeat from across a full feasting hall, and can smell a living bloodscent from a league away. If he so chooses, he can move in complete silence, become invisible, or fly through the air like a phantom of night. Neither age nor disease blights him, and his half-living flesh is greatly resistant to cold and poison. However, he is cursed to feed upon the lifeblood of mortals, requiring at least a human body's worth of blood every turn of the moon. Sunlight is his bane, searing his skin and punishing him with migraines should he come in direct contact with it. Silver nauseates him, and the sight of his own reflection fills him with delirium. Moonlight reflected in water or by a silver mirror inflicts Volkimir with temporary blindness, should it meet his eyes. Though he can recover from wounds faster than most mortal men, any wound inflicted by silver or living wood festers rather than heal cleanly.

Most mortals have but a few decades to practice their skills, whereas Volkimir has had thousands of years to perfect his own. He is a swordsman par excellence, wielding a bastard sword with inhuman power and grace. His knowledge of ancient cultures and legends are both profound, and he speaks many tongues both living and dead. A master manipulator, Volkimir is able to turn both common men and entire nations to his will. These are merely his mortal skills, as his magical arts are far more profound. By plumbing ancient ruins in distant corners of the world, Volkimir is master of many magical practices forgotten by mankind. His favored spells fall under the domain of "sangromancy," a rare and secretive school of black magic that specializes in manipulating flesh, bones and blood. Volkimir's most infamous techniques are to painfully disintegrate flesh to ash, or to manipulate the matter of still-living bodies, turning his enemies and prey into puppets.

Almost as famous as the man himself is his legendary sword, Elbrus, the Bound Blade. While ornate in design and flawless in construction, Elbrus is quite unusual in having been forged of a metal not known to earthly smiths. The blade is seemingly unbreakable, with an edge as sharp as winter, and so dark in color that it appears to consume light rather than reflect it. Intensely magical, the sword absorbs the life-force of those it wounds, giving Volkimir a considerable advantage in lengthy duels. However, this is not a mere enchantment; Elbrus has bound within it a powerful demon, sealed within the sword countless ages ago by a holy warrior that gave his own life to contain the monster. The sword has an unspeakably unholy aura to those sensitive to such matters, and the demon whispers foul promises and fouler threats to anyone weak of will that comes to wield Elbrus.


The War of Midnight Suns was roughly 2,500 years ago, though Volkimir was born an indeterminate number of millennia before.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vigfast
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Green Knight

"But if thou art so bold as all men say, thou wilt grant me in goodly wise the games I ask."
The Green Knight

N A M E / A L I A S

Sir Otto Oddmund Ormsson (though his name has long since been forgotten), instead he is known as simply as the Green Knight.



"In the ancient stories the Green Knight is depicted as a giant of a man, a towering figure adorned with armor of metal and wood, his face always hidden beneath a great helm decorated with the antlers of a strange beast. The grim sword Foebane he ever wielded, the bringer of death to all manner of unnatural creatures."

- Harald Silvertongue, the famed Bard of the North, in the year of our Lord 1015.

"At the behest of the king and with little ceremony the Green Knight removed his helm. His black hair was long and ragged, reaching to his shoulders, his beard equally unkempt and the man seemed to have lost himself to the wilderness. Calm green eyes looked at our party with only a polite hint of amusement, lingering on each of us as if in judgment, and a broad mouth shifted into a modest, disarming smile. His noble features and the antiquated, exceedingly formal manner in which he spoke led me to believe that he must have been a member of one of the ancient Nalmorian houses."

- statements made by the legendary bard Perdan Goldenlute to the Alundo, royal scribe of the Kingdom of Telrov, year unkown.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T


The Green Knight belongs to some of the oldest ages of Ansus and while his story has not been forgotten, the true man, has been buried beneath thousands of years of legend.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Transience
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Transience Disgustingly Vengeful

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


T̅̄͛҉̴̘̜̣͓̠̟̲ ̱̉͋ͅH̵̨͙ͪͬ̔ͬ͡ ̵̞̽̌̽̀̃̃͊͠Ȩ̶̛͎͖͙̮̘̯̳ͪͭ̽̒̓̾́ͧ̇ ̢̢̬̦̯̝̺̠̈̈́ͫ̊̏ͦͧ̌̐͘ ̸͔͕͓̎̍͗̅̒̍̑ͬ̓̀K̵͈̆ͬͤ̑ͩ̀͟ ̛̙̫ͫ̌͡͝I̟̰̲̣̫͚ͫͬ̽ͣͣ̊̈́͆̀͢ͅ ̤͎̱̣̱̟͚̺͛̒ͅǸ̨̹̰̞͐̄͐̌͘͝ ̨̛̹͎̬̝̮̻̘͍̿͝G̖̜͚̙̣̼͚ͣͮ̆ͥ̚ ̨̪̲̠͇́̈̑ͧ̓ ̗̹̙̖͈̙̻̟̎̏I͔̹͎̬̟̤̖͍͙̅͟͡ ̸͈͇̱̮̳̤̌̌́̚Nͨͣ͋̃͐̓́͏̴̙̪͕̭̹̹̩̠͙ ̼̬̬̹͉̊ͮ͟ ̴̱ͫͤ͟͝B̷̥͖̻͆͋͌̀͢ ̵̷̘͇͖͗̒̈͋̆̍ͫL̴̍̄̑̓͆̂͛̏͞͏̩̘͖̺ ̭̻̙͙̣̌ͬͫȀ̡͎̺̯ͮ̓͂ͫ̓ͣ͞ͅ ̿͊̒͛̈́̕͏̹̟͔̞̭͙͚C̨̜͓̯͛͛̀͋̾̒ ̧̼́̐Ḱ̷̂͆ͪ͂̊̅̚͏̷͍̻̝̬
T̨̨̛͓̟͍͖̯̔͒̀̍ͦͮ͗̑ͬ͗ͬͤ̚ ̴̹̼͖͕̼̼̗̰͕̖͂͑ͤ͒̓̅ͮͧ̉͂ͫ̋͢ͅͅḨ̴̻̜̫̖̮̰̮͉̗̻̇͒̆̓ͪ̓͋ͯ̈̊͗̚̚͞ ̷̧̢̞̖̝͓̠̞̞́ͭ̽ͥ̄ͩ͗͡Ē̸̡͚̰̭̼͇̥͇ͫ̃̇̌ͭ̊̄͒̄̋̃ͫ̊̊̚̕ͅ ̢̠͉̰̹̥̥̼̙͓̭̂̌̇͋̎̒̋̒ͬ͑͂ͤ̓͊̚̚̕ͅ ̛̛̞̬̆ͧ̉̃ͧ̓ͥͫͫ̀͞ͅ
K̶̵̡̗̞͉̄͗͊͋̇͌̍̈́ ̶̨̺̱̦̘̏ͬ̀̅̓͗̏̎ͪ̐͠Iͯ̿ͬ͌̑̀̐ͬ̌́ͨͬͨͥͦ͋͒҉҉̵҉͕̜͓͉̤̮̝̭̜̮̘ͅ ̋͂̎̉̄̓͒ͮͫ̋͆ͣ̃̄͐͂̕͞͡͏̠̰̰̤̗̣̰̟̘͓͔ͅN̢̯̦̭͚̼͙̝͉̫̰̳͇͙̳̝͉̪̯ͬͣ̓̒ͣ͗̇̄͋͌͒̓̂͗ͪͬ͞ ͆̉̆ͮͬ̈́͡͏̪̣̻̼͍͙̩̫̻̲̼́͢͝ͅG̵̸̩̻͓̲ͣ̾͒ͬͭ̀͡ ̛̖̞̙̫̟̖̲̲̦̯͔͖̰̰̱̰̭͋̏̈́̿͝ ̧͛̒̽ͫͮ͆̔ͮͤ̐̃̇͒̍ͯ̾͐͗͏̵̬̳͙̝̺̱̯͈̜̙̕͟Į̶̧͓̝͍̖̻̦͖͇̹̻͍͍̝̱̳ͩ̃ͥ͛̽͒ͮ̄̄ͧ̋̕ ̸̶ͨͣ͋̎ͫ͋ͨ̌̔͒̎̈͟҉̯̝̝̘̥͉̘̺̟̘̰̬̫̮N̵͖̱̩̜͙͆͛̎ͤ͛ͮ͐͡ ̢̯̣̫̼͓̜̪͈̬͖͔͑͋ͨͭͥ͗ͩ̍́͠ ̴̧̺̲͔̫̟̮̼̩̦͓̣̲̲̱̭͍̞̐̌̋̍̄͆̄̈̌́͐ͨ̈̔̋ͣͦ̚͡͠B̴̵̥̝̗̤̗̬̮̫̪̣͔̞̤̝̞͕̰̓̒ͨ̈͐̍̐̇̐̃̈́̑̕͟ ̵̛ͣ̐ͦ̋͌͐͊͑ͨ̕͏̺͇̬̤̠̦͇͇̭͍̺̼̫̰̹͓̰L̵̰͕̤̮̂͂̎̅ͮ͋͒͆͟ͅ ͯ̄̀ͩ҉̶̴̧̣̥̭̦͖͓̥̬̥̪̹̩̝̀A̷̢̘̱̟̦͊͆̓̇͗̊̋̑͐̿͌͒ͫͥ͐̑̒ ̴̛̛̯̺͎̰͖̫͙̣̬̼̄ͩ͒̾ͫ͆̒̕͠ͅC̖̼͉̥̝̳̪̈̉̏̌ͯͣ̐ͦ̍͐̌̽ͦ͌̆̈̆̀̚̚͞͠ ͭ̀ͥ́͑̌͛ͬ̌͏̵̴̷̤͉̝͔̪̥̫̣͖̠̱̭̫̰̪̬͠K̴̩̻̟̖̝̉ͫ̃̈́ͫ̄̄̂̋̑̎̿̐͗̎̃ͩ͡

T̨̨̛͓̟͍͖̯̔͒̀̍ͦͮ͗̑ͬ͗ͬͤ̚ ̴̹̼͖͕̼̼̗̰͕̖͂͑ͤ͒̓̅ͮͧ̉͂ͫ̋͢ͅͅḨ̴̻̜̫̖̮̰̮͉̗̻̇͒̆̓ͪ̓͋ͯ̈̊͗̚̚͞ ̷̧̢̞̖̝͓̠̞̞́ͭ̽ͥ̄ͩ͗͡THE KING IN BLACKĒ̸̡͚̰̭̼͇̥͇ͫ̃̇̌ͭ̊̄͒̄̋̃ͫ̊̊̚̕ͅ ̢̠͉̰̹̥̥̼̙͓̭̂̌̇͋̎̒̋̒ͬ͑͂ͤ̓͊̚̚̕ͅ
̛̛̞̬̆ͧ̉̃ͧ̓ͥͫͫ̀͞ͅK̶̵̡̗̞͉̄͗͊͋̇͌̍̈́ ̶̨̺̱̦̘̏ͬ̀̅̓͗̏̎ͪ̐͠Iͯ̿ͬ͌̑̀̐ͬ̌́ͨͬͨͥͦ͋͒҉҉̵҉͕̜͓͉̤̮̝̭̜̮̘ͅ ̋͂̎̉̄̓͒ͮͫ̋͆ͣ̃̄͐͂̕͞͡͏̠̰̰̤̗̣̰̟̘͓͔ͅN̢̯̦̭͚̼͙̝͉̫̰̳͇͙̳̝͉̪̯ͬͣ̓̒ͣ͗̇̄͋͌͒̓̂͗ͪͬ͞ ͆̉̆ͮͬ̈́͡͏̪̣̻̼͍͙̩̫̻̲̼́͢͝ͅG̵̸̩̻͓̲ͣ̾͒ͬͭ̀͡ ̛̖̞̙̫̟̖̲̲̦̯͔͖̰̰̱̰̭͋̏̈́̿͝ ̧͛̒̽ͫͮ͆̔ͮͤ̐̃̇͒̍ͯ̾͐͗͏̵̬̳͙̝̺̱̯͈̜̙̕͟Į̶̧͓̝͍̖̻̦͖͇̹̻͍͍̝̱̳ͩ̃ͥ͛̽͒ͮ̄̄ͧ̋̕ ̸̶ͨͣ͋̎ͫ͋ͨ̌̔͒̎̈͟҉̯̝̝̘̥͉̘̺̟̘̰̬̫̮N̵͖̱̩̜͙͆͛̎ͤ͛ͮ͐͡ ̢̯̣̫̼͓̜̪͈̬͖͔͑͋ͨͭͥ͗ͩ̍́͠ ̴̧̺̲͔̫̟̮̼̩̦͓̣̲̲̱̭͍̞̐̌̋̍̄͆̄̈̌́͐ͨ̈̔̋ͣͦ̚͡͠THE KING IN BLACKB̴̵̥̝̗̤̗̬̮̫̪̣͔̞̤̝̞͕̰̓̒ͨ̈͐̍̐̇̐̃̈́̑̕͟ ̵̛ͣ̐ͦ̋͌͐͊͑ͨ̕͏̺͇̬̤̠̦͇͇̭͍̺̼̫̰̹͓̰L̵̰͕̤̮̂͂̎̅ͮ͋͒͆͟ͅ ͯ̄̀ͩ҉̶̴̧̣̥̭̦͖͓̥̬̥̪̹̩̝̀A̷̢̘̱̟̦͊͆̓̇͗̊̋̑͐̿͌͒ͫͥ͐̑̒ ̴̛̛̯̺͎̰͖̫͙̣̬̼̄ͩ͒̾ͫ͆̒̕͠ͅC̖̼͉̥̝̳̪̈̉̏̌ͯͣ̐ͦ̍͐̌̽ͦ͌̆̈̆̀̚̚͞͠ ͭ̀ͥ́͑̌͛ͬ̌͏̵̴̷̤͉̝͔̪̥̫̣͖̠̱̭̫̰̪̬͠K̴̩̻̟̖̝̉ͫ̃̈́ͫ̄̄̂̋̑̎̿̐͗̎̃ͩ͡
T̨̨̛͓̟͍͖̯̔͒̀̍ͦͮ͗̑ͬ͗ͬͤ̚ ̴̹̼͖͕̼̼̗̰͕̖͂͑ͤ͒̓̅ͮͧ̉͂ͫ̋͢ͅͅḨ̴̻̜̫̖̮̰̮͉̗̻̇͒̆̓ͪ̓͋ͯ̈̊͗̚̚͞ ̷̧̢̞̖̝͓̠̞̞́ͭ̽ͥ̄ͩ͗͡Ē̸̡͚̰̭̼͇̥͇ͫ̃̇̌ͭ̊̄͒̄̋̃ͫ̊̊̚̕ͅ ̢̠͉̰̹̥̥̼̙͓̭̂̌̇͋̎̒̋̒ͬ͑͂ͤ̓͊̚̚̕ͅTHE KING IN BLACK ̛̛̞̬̆ͧ̉̃ͧ̓ͥͫͫ̀͞ͅ
K̶̵̡̗̞͉̄͗͊͋̇͌̍̈́ ̶̨̺̱̦̘̏ͬ̀̅̓͗̏̎ͪ̐͠Iͯ̿ͬ͌̑̀̐ͬ̌́ͨͬͨͥͦ͋͒҉҉̵҉͕̜͓͉̤̮̝̭̜̮̘ͅ ̋͂̎̉̄̓͒ͮͫ̋͆ͣ̃̄͐͂̕͞͡͏̠̰̰̤̗̣̰̟̘͓͔ͅN̢̯̦̭͚̼͙̝͉̫̰̳͇͙̳̝͉̪̯ͬͣ̓̒ͣ͗̇̄͋͌͒̓̂͗ͪͬ͞ ͆̉̆ͮͬ̈́͡͏̪̣̻̼͍͙̩̫̻̲̼́͢͝ͅG̵̸̩̻͓̲ͣ̾͒ͬͭ̀͡ ̛̖̞̙̫̟̖̲̲̦̯͔͖̰̰̱̰̭͋̏̈́̿͝ ̧͛̒̽ͫͮ͆̔ͮͤ̐̃̇͒̍ͯ̾͐͗͏̵̬̳͙̝̺̱̯͈̜̙̕͟Į̶̧͓̝͍̖̻̦͖͇̹̻͍͍̝̱̳ͩ̃ͥ͛̽͒ͮ̄̄ͧ̋̕ ̸̶ͨͣ͋̎ͫ͋ͨ̌̔͒̎̈͟҉̯̝̝̘̥͉̘̺̟̘̰̬̫̮N̵͖̱̩̜͙͆͛̎ͤ͛ͮ͐͡ ̢̯̣̫̼͓̜̪͈̬͖͔͑͋ͨͭͥ͗ͩ̍́͠ ̴̧̺̲͔̫̟̮̼̩̦͓̣̲̲̱̭͍̞̐̌̋̍̄͆̄̈̌́͐ͨ̈̔̋ͣͦ̚͡͠B̴̵̥̝̗̤̗̬̮̫̪̣͔̞̤̝̞͕̰̓̒ͨ̈͐̍̐̇̐̃̈́̑̕͟ ̵̛ͣ̐ͦ̋͌͐͊͑ͨ̕͏̺͇̬̤̠̦͇͇̭͍̺̼̫̰̹͓̰L̵̰͕̤̮̂͂̎̅ͮ͋͒͆͟ͅ
ͯ̄̀ͩ҉̶̴̧̣̥̭̦͖͓̥̬̥̪̹̩̝̀A̷̢̘̱̟̦͊͆̓̇͗̊̋̑͐̿͌͒ͫͥ͐̑̒THE KING IN BLACK ̴̛̛̯̺͎̰͖̫͙̣̬̼̄ͩ͒̾ͫ͆̒̕͠ͅC̖̼͉̥̝̳̪̈̉̏̌ͯͣ̐ͦ̍͐̌̽ͦ͌̆̈̆̀̚̚͞͠ ͭ̀ͥ́͑̌͛ͬ̌͏̵̴̷̤͉̝͔̪̥̫̣͖̠̱̭̫̰̪̬͠K̴̩̻̟̖̝̉ͫ̃̈́ͫ̄̄̂̋̑̎̿̐͗̎̃ͩ͡

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 9 mos ago

N A M E / A L I A S
Erebus Thane = The Dragon-Blooded = The Uncrowned

Come, sit down, and drink with me, as I tell the tale of a king with no crown, a lord with no titles, a man with a simple, yet insane, seemingly-impossible wish.

Let me tell you the tale of Erebus Thane, the man who became a dragon.

Long ago, when this country was still young, a tribe of travelers and vagabonds was set upon by bandits. But when all seemed lost, and the brigands' victory seemed assured, they were turned back by a young boy. He carried no weapons, not even a simple belt knife. But his teeth grew into fangs, and his fingers sharpened to claws. He slew many of those who threatened his people, and drove off the rest. And so he was left to contemplate the wonder of what had just occurred.

Some time later, his parents took him aside, to explain his bizarre transformation. According to them, their bloodline had been touched by that of dragons many years ago. Perhaps one of the great beasts had come to them in the form of a man. Perhaps some ritual tainted their line with its essence. Whatever the cause, Erebus had somehow manifested the gifts hidden in their blood, an event that had not been seen in many a year.

Erebus was ecstatic- a great power boiled within him, waiting to be unleashed. And so, when he came of age, he set off on his own, to study his unique gift, and enhance it, in order to accomplish his truest, most sincere wish- for if a dragon could take the shape of a man, should not the opposite be true?

Whatever the case, whatever means he accomplished them by, it is clear that he succeeded in his goals- tales across Ansus tell of a man who, with naught but a gesture, could shape parts of his body into that of a dragon. Great wings sprung from his back, the legends say, and scales harder than steel grew across his limbs. No blade could pierce him, no arrow could slay him, as he rained down lightning upon those who stood in his path. He was a wandering warrior, travelling where he saw fit according to his whims. He was a conqueror, who leveled mountains and crushed cities. He was a hero, who slew far worse monsters than he. He was a god, deigning to alight upon the base earth. Many tales exist, none quite agreeing with the other about who the Dragon-Blooded truly was.

Whatever the tale, however, one thing is agreed upon by all- wherever Erebus Thane walked, it was his dominion; the Uncrowned King of all the world.

And then, suddenly, strangely, his legend ends. The Uncrowned walked across the horizon, never to be seen again. Where he went, what end he met, if any, remains a mystery...

Were it not for his unkempt nature, one might find Erebus appealing, handsome even. Strong, sharp features, as a broadsword, one might say. Taller than any mortal man, with a physique to match. Twisted, tangled black hair and beard adorn his head, with eyes that glow unnaturally, like a bolt from the heavens has been caught and frozen in his eyes. He dresses simply, in mere leathers and furs- he has no need for regalia.

His body is forever altered by the means by which he acquired his gifts. His hands and feet are scaled and tipped with vicious claws. A strong tail winds its way from the base of his spine. When angered, his teeth grow long and sharp, horns start to grow from his head, and sparks of lightning dance across his skin and scales.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T
The Uncrowned carries no blade- his teeth and claws will suffice. He wears no armor- his skin and scales match or transcend mundane iron and steel. He carries no bow- his very breath smites with light and lightning. He has no retainers- his brothers in arms and in the skies are court enough for one such as him.

He has no throne. Only the world whose breadth he walks.

Nigh on five thousand winters have passed away since the Uncrowned last walked his dominion...

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 1 yr ago




The circumstances of Cinnead's birth have long been subject to controversy. In the version of his tale traditional to the highlands of where he grew up, Cinnead was born to a village hunter and his wife. However, in the tale courtly bards often tell, Cinnead was the son of a noble baron who was stolen from his cradle by a vengeful crone. Regardless of his true origins, all agree that the hero was blessed by Faerthius with his incredible cunning and that Fulthrim, not to be outdone, bestowed upon Cinnead a part of his own fury. This fury would only manifest in battle and would come to be known as his daemon.

Though the details of his birth and childhood are foggy at best, Cinnead first came to prominence at a relatively young age. He was said to have been a hunter of extraordinary skill, able to venture into any forest and catch enough game to feed the entirety of his humble village. He would boast of hunting boars by himself, a task usually requiring a party of ten or more, and that how no beast of Goethia's was safe from him. Cinnead's hubris angered Goethia, and she sent one of her Great Beasts, Ladon, to punish him and his village. Cinnead encountered Ladon on his next hunt, and their battle lasted three days and three nights; the earth was said to have trembled and shook with the ferocity of their fight. Finally, Cinnead triumphed by thrusting his spear into the beast's unprotected mouth when it roared. Furious at his triumph, Goethia appeared before Cinnead and made to strike him down. However, ever cunning, he immediately begged forgiveness for his tresspasses. Mollified, Goethia forgave him and granted Cinnead the pelt of Ladon.

Several years later, Cinnead celebrated his manhood ritual by going on a grand hunt. Accompanied by a dozen hunters from his village, he set off into the northlands tracking a boar. They traveled for many days and nights and crossed a great distance; far enough that the other hunters wished to turn back, fearing the monsters that lived in the forests ahead. Cinnead placated them with eloquent words, and the next day they stumbled upon the cave-lair of Arges the Giant. Arges slew ten of the hunters and captured the rest, along with Cinnead, seeking to preserve them for a later meal. However Cinnead, crafty as he was, tricked Arges into thinking that there was a second hunting party and that he would lead Arges to them in return for his freedom. When Arges agreed and went to untie Cinnead's bonds, Cinnead struck his eyes and tripped him onto a stalagmite. Cinnead then leapt atop the felled giant and dashed his brains across the cave walls with a large stone, and claimed an ear from his corpse.

When Cinnead was twenty, he was invited to be part of the retinue of a famous lord. There, he met a hooded man who would not give his name. Offended, for Cinnead had already given his, he challenged the man to a game of riddles; if Cinnead won, the man would give his name, and if the man won, Cinnead would leave him alone. The hooded man accepted, and so they traded riddles back and forth for the better part of a day, before the man became stumped. He thought and reasoned and scratched his head but could not come forth with an answer, and so he admitted defeat, revealing himself to be Orthus. Impressed with his wit, Orthus gifted upon Cinnead one of his own spears: Brionac. Made entirely of black iron and enchanted to be as light as a feather, the spear would return to its owner upon calling its name. He warned Cinnead that by accepting this gift he would achieve everlasting fame, at the cost of a short life. Cinnead, in his hubris, did not heed Orthus' warning and claimed Brionac for his own.

With Brionac, Cinnead would go on to have many more adventures. He would battle great beasts, rescue fair maidens, slay evil tyrants, and increase his legend with each passing day. So great grew his fame that no man in all of Ansus did not know of his name or deeds. He was welcomed with celebrations befitting the highest of lords wherever he went, and was much beloved amongst the common folk. But although he was hailed as a hero, men are but mortals and as such he was the target of lords envious of his fame. One such lord, Count Adolar of the Reaches, was a particularly jealous man. So great was his hate for Cinnead that, after some years, Adolar gathered a great host of men to slay him. Cinnead ran afoul of them crossing the highlands of the north and, despite felling many more his number, was mortally wounded. He retreated to a hill, where a solitary tree grew; the only in tree in hundreds of miles of highlands. There, he chained himself to it's trunk so it may hold him up, and slew any man that approached him. For five days and five nights he stood there against the tree, and on the sixth day after the bodies began to pile like a great wall and the blood began to run like a river down the hill, did Cinnead finally give his last breath. His killers would not approach him until a raven landed on his shoulder, so furiously lethal was he even at the doors of death; among the slain lay Adolar. That tree and hill are said to still stand today, and are immortalized as Cinnead's Stand.


Though there have been many depictions of him across history, few can agree on how Cinnead appeared beyond those detailed specifically in his myth; a young man of average height and build with a wild mane of hair. Usually he is shown to be wearing some form of scale armour, accompanied by hard-boiled leather and a fine fur cloak, and always is he depicted with his famous spear Brionac. As he was a famed hunter of beasts, Cinnead is often seen prowling in a forest.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T

Cinnead is known to have been perhaps the greatest spearman to have ever walked the land. Such was his skill, and so renowned was it during his time, that the smallest form of patronage was enough to launch any prodigious warrior into the highest echelons of fame. He was known to possess a truly heroic level of guile and cunning, a trait of his that was more well known than even his skill with a spear. Often would lords and kings call upon his council, and often would they bless his name afterwards, not realizing that they had been made utter fools of.

During his short life, Cinnead accumulated several magical items of great value. The first, and greatest, is his spear Brionac, with shaft of bone and head of enchanted iron. Crafted from the bones of a titanic sea beast and blessed by Goethia, the spear will return to it's owner upon command and is said to be never dulling. Cinnead was also said to possess a cloak of fur, cut from the hide of the Ladon the Great Bear, supposesdly impervious to the ravages of the elements. Most tales vary on the rest of his equipment, though all agree it was enchanted in some form or another.


34,000 years

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The Kingmaker
Knight Commander Coquelicot



"The theme of the Clarent myths has always been a subject shrouded in mystery and conflict. In most children's stories, he plays the archetype of the "Magician Hero", valiant in all knightly endeavors. He is both trickster and hero, lover and sage, usually guiding his charge through the many perils her quest takes her through. Some historical texts, however, paint a different picture; that the daughter of a murdered king ascended the throne up a mountain of corpses, carried by an assassin named Clarent. A man who fought with monsters because his fellow man could pose no such challenge. While our Order has many recorded instances of our mythical founder, especially during the later years of the Red Queen's reign, to date we have discovered only possible illumination from that time period that could be attributed to him. Knight Scribe Calles, a brother of our Order's predecessor who lived during the days of the Red Queen, was one of the authors of the "Morte D' Roi," which chronicled the life of the Black King Solom. The illustrations and ornamentation of the book surpass that of other insular books in extravagance and complexity. The decoration combines traditional Bevalian iconography with the ornate swirling motifs typical of insular art. Figures of humans, animals and mythical beasts, together with poppies and interlacing patterns in vibrant colors, enliven the manuscript's pages. No mention of the Knight Commander is specifically mentioned within the book, but he can still be found. One of the illumination depicts a day in the court of King Solom. At the right hand of the throne stands a young maiden in crimson. Behind her, her shadow; a tall fresh faced youth garbed in a black robe. A shock of unruly black hair crowns his face, and to credit Brother Calles's skill, particular detail gifted for those closest to the throne. To date, one can still see the blue ink vibrant against the pages of the vellum, peeking out from beneath the shade of the black robe of our Order."
Brother Regulus, Hierophant of the Knightly Harmonic Order of Coquelicot

“Knight in Black. Went to the Spaid.
Burned all the homes that the farmers made.
First came the sword. Then came the flame.
Then he cursed the Red Queen's name.”
A children's rhyme still sung today in the Tear

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T

"A lot of those stories, the ones they tell to children... we all know they aren't real. Ansur never wrestled three dragons, Norco Khan was most likely a group of barbarian warriors whose collective name became grouped under one identity, and Volkimir is simply a story to tell naughty children at bed time. So no, Clarent never singely handedly fought off an army of trolls, plucked a star out of the sky to give to the Red Queen, or is spending all eternity protecting some magical cup.

That doesn't mean the myth is greater than the man.

The art of bladecasting has been the heart of our Order since its founding. We know that its origins predate Clarent, but it was he who perfected many of the techniques we now use. At its core, bladecasting is all about the blade - or more specifically, blade shards. Having more components or shards than an opponent gives you a major edge. Most blades are made of steel, but a few, like the Knight Commander's, use gems. Every one of these pieces respond individually to a Knight's magic. Together, encapsulated by a single moment field, they form a whole blade. They can split the blade apart into projectiles, lock together, make them deflect other projectiles, or just flail it around and use it to cut through things. At its core, bladecasting is all about versatility.

Well, and I guess not getting hit.

We train our knights must be as swift as the wind, and as flexible as a reed. Our draw must be faster than our opponents, for our speed, reflexes, and dexterity are the only things that will protect us. While the cloaks we wear posses some degree of enchantments such as to keep us warm or dry, the only thing we have is ourselves. Thick heavy armor just guarantees death when your opponent can fling metal piercing gemstones into.

The average knight can handle nine shards. Hierophant can do ten, but that bastard has been at it his entire life. The Knight Commander Arcon can do about thirteen, but he's Knight Commander for a reason.

Knight Commander Clarent lived during one of the most violent times in history. He was present at three sieges, twenty-seven field battles, commander of nine and led the vanguard in at least four of those. He was the personal teacher in martial arts to the Red Queen herself, whose savagery cemented her in the annals of history. Strategic geniuses, the both of them. They changed almost everything we know about warfare today. He survived all of those, and lived to found our Order. And I trust you've heard 'The Song of Clarent'?

I believe every word of it. When you've lived through all that, just how else are you suppose to die?

What I can tell, without a doubt, is that Grand Knight Commander Clarent Coquelicot was the greatest blade caster who ever lived. How do we know this? Just look at his sword, Regent. The Order still keeps it at Clarent's shrine, near the lake where he fell.

Twenty shards of diamond. That's how you know Clarent was real.
Dame Nightshade, martial trainer of the Knightly Harmonic Order of Coquelicot


2523 YEARS
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Free Faller
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Free Faller Official Gravity Tester

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

زهرا - Zahra

N A M E / A L I A S

زهرا از آزادییان
(Zahra az Azadeyan)
Zahra of the Free

شیر آهن دندانه دار
(Sheer-e A’han-e Dandaneh-dar)
The Iron-Toothed Lioness


Nearly 7 millennia have passed


“So, travelers, you want to hear a story? Of the deserts, you say? Well then, come sit. Sit around this old woman’s fire and let me tell you the greatest tale of them all. Of the woman who saved the tribes of these deserts more than six thousand years past, the greatest warrior of our people and the last of the allomancers: Zahra, The Iron-Toothed Lioness.

When the lands of Ansus were wreathed in chaos, and nations and empires would rise and fall with the desert suns, the tribes of the Dust laid scattered and broken. For centuries we nomads suffered from internal warring and power struggles between clans, fueled by generations of mistrust, hate, and our own fierce warrior culture. Slowly we were killing off our own kin, picking at them like vultures for scraps of food and honor. But as is almost always the way of things, salvation for our people came from the most unlikely of places; the banners of southern conquerors and the will of one tribeswoman.

Panic spread quickly when the boots of the Pakryn Empire began churning the sands of our forefathers’ deserts. They swept through our lands like the worst of plagues, pillaging and burning what little the tribes owned and leaving red sand in their wake. The scattered tribes offered little resistance to such a large, well armed force and more often than not broke before their enemies. It was a far worse slaughter than any of those the tribes had committed amongst themselves. Separated they could not stand against such foes and hope to survive.

It was then that the legend of Zahra began. A simple woman of the tribes, her life had been torn asunder when the invaders found her people. They were not kind. Her husband, the tribe’s headman, had been killed in the skirmish and her daughters, though they survived, were subjected to a far worse fate. It was then, lying in the sands with an arrow protruding from her shoulder and watching her family suffer that Zahra snapped. Unbeknownst to her, Zahra was a desert allomancer, the first one seen in generations. And they had just awakened her latent abilities.

A fire burned so hot in her center that she thought she’d alight any moment, the pain unbearable, until the power growing inside her finally burst in an audible pop. Every piece of metal, to include the metal-clad Empire soldiers, within their camp exploded back from Zahra. There was so much power behind the blow that the men were shot hundreds of feet into the air and were crushed by the fall. Zahra had fainted from the exertion, but awoke to find the remnants of her people staring at her in awe.

This was the start of our people's hope, and of our rebellion against the forces threatening our lands. With Zahra at their head, she vowed to avenge every wrong wrought by the foreigners and eject them from their lands even if it meant killing every single one by herself. She went to each tribe one by one, merging them into her own with either words or the force of her new power. Others flocked to her as news spread of her swelling army and the guerilla war they were successfully waging against the Pakrynian forces. Now that the gap in numbers had lessoned and the tribes could attack the small armies throughout the desert, the clans could take full advantage of their superior knowledge of the plains and their ferocious warriors.

She unified us, our Zahra. A queen of battle without the title, she ripped through enemy lines like the strongest of sandstorms, stripping them of skin and blood. It’s said that she could kill a hundred men in just one battle. Our beautiful Zahra, with the strength and tenacity of her animal namesake. Never before had the invaders seen a magic such as hers; a true allomancer. She was no mere manipulator of metals, she used them. Consumed them and burned them within to fuel her strength, her senses, her power.

Finally, after four years of warfare with the forces of Pakryn Zahra had decided that she would gather all of her forces to her at the edge of the desert and push out into their enemy’s land to destroy the base of operations for their war effort. Small contingents of her armies that had been spread throughout the desert made haste to muster to their leader. Little did she know, the Emperor of the Pakryn’s had much the same idea, only sooner. The most elite of his forces already occupied the post and were preparing to begin their campaign. Nobody could have foreseen the outcome of the two forces clashing, though.

You’ve heard of the Battle of Red Sands, yes? Of course you have. Everyone has. The sands there are still red to this day, you know. The Gods made the sands permanently stained with their blood as a dirge to the fallen. Well, anyway, this was the start of that famous battle and the end of Zahra’s legacy. So pay close attention.

It was pre-dawn at the edge of deserts, the air was still cold enough to cling to your breath and the cooking fires burned low in their pits where Zahra’s forces had made their encampments. Most of warriors were asleep, having traveled at an unrelenting pace for days to join the main force of their army. That’s when the call throughout the camps came. A perimeter guard had spotted the encroaching Pakryn army as the the first rays of sunlight glinted off their breastplates.

They were not prepared, our army. They were travel-worn and the encampments were too far from one another to spread news quickly, to rouse them all quickly. But the Empire was already almost upon them.

Zahra knew her warriors would be slaughtered if they couldn’t muster into a sensible formation. The wall of shields and spears now making their way towards them guaranteed as much. She knew she could not be the shepherd that led the sheep to slaughter, her people, to slaughter. She would bide them time to mass. It would only take five to ten minutes, surely the strongest allomancer in the history of the Dusts could hold them off long enough. And so our brave Zahra consumed what metals she had on her person, drew her twin daggers, and went to meet the army by herself. One against hundreds.

She shot across the space separating the two armies like and arrow, pulling herself towards her armor-plated foes by their own armor. She landed in their midst and began ghosting through their ranks like a Daeva -demon, your people call them- of vengeance and death. In desperate fear of stopping her people's’ impending plight should this army reach them before they were ready Zahra began to burn all her metals at once. A dangerous thing, that. And she knew full well that the power would consume her, but her own life was no longer of importance, only that her warriors be allowed to fight on fair ground and defeat this enemy to protect their lands.

When Zahra’s metals finally ran out she collapsed amongst over a hundred men gushing their life-blood into the sands. With no metals, all of the pain from injuries she’d received during the battle was no longer masked, and she had no energy in which to fight. But the tribes were coming, she could feel the vibrations of it within the shifting of sands. She’d held off the enemy long enough. A hand grasped her by the throat, not content with letting her die where she’d fallen, and dragged her through the ranks until she emerged through the reforming shield wall. The man gripping her neck, the leader of this army of plague, thundered a warcry as he lifted her off her feet like a trophy and brandished his sword.

He thought to kill her in front of her charging men, like it would break them, but our Zahra only smiled and met his eyes in pained-defiance as he slipped his blade into her stomach. Her eyes flashed as soon as the iron blade touched her core where her inner fire lay, and the first several ranks of empire soldiers, including the man who’d run her through, scattered like leaves behind her. The melted end of half a sword fell from her gut and she followed; her last act. Zahra died in the bloody sands of that battle, carried to our forefathers by the sound of her people winning their freedom.”


The oldest descriptions of Zahra come from ancient songs, poetry, and stories from her own people. Due to their culture of being orators, it’s difficult to say what has stayed true through the millennia and what has evolved through retelling. Regardless, many an artist throughout the ages has attempted to create their own interpretations through visual means and have created a generally accepted visage for her. She is normally depicted as a tall, stunningly beautiful dark desert woman swathed in silks and leathers with long raven hair, startling green eyes that are lined in copious amounts of kohl, and plumb lips set into delicate features. Rarely can one find a painting or drawing of the woman without her two trademark daggers, which is probably the thing most true to the actual woman than anything else.

Most of these attributes, however, if not completely false, have been exaggerated. In life Zahra was indeed a pretty thing, and perhaps exotic in that her tones were darker than was the norm for non-desert dwellers, but never had she been accused of having some kind of unrelenting beauty that would cause men to fall at her feet like she is so often portrayed. She bore the common dark brown hair and eyes of her people, and a face of harsh, sharp angles that in life usually found itself pulled into a stern look of indomitability. Corded, lithe muscle and the stark living of the desert warriors also lent a harshness to her, and it may have been more apt to say that instead of stunning beauty, she possessed a predatory-like grace and countrance. The “Lioness” indeed.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T

Zahra was the last known desert allomancer, as well as the most powerful recorded. This type of magic is odd in that the user physically consumes different types of metals and then burns them with inner magical fire to gain different abilities. Zahra herself was known to have been able to burn three metals with extreme efficiency: Iron, copper, and pewter. Burning iron allowed Zahra to pull metals towards herself or push them away, copper was used for increasing the six senses, and pewter increases her muscular and skeletal strength, stamina, and allowed her withstand much more pain and injuries than a normal person. There were drawbacks to this type of magic, however: No metal to burn means no power, keeping metals in the body for too long could begin to poison or cause odd side effects, and burning too much at once weakened or even kill the allomancer.

Zahra was also known to carry two long daggers as her weapons of choice, often referred to as her “fangs” by comrades and enemies alike. While there is nothing too spectacular about the pair, they were well made and maintained, and they were weighed to be able to fly well through the air should Zahra use her magic on them.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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T H E W H I T E K N I G H T | T H E S T A R S W O R D


26,750 years past


"Light seemed to charge into the very steel of her sword..."

Elowen is the name whispered when one is praying for strength of heart. When one is looking up to the skies, hoping that Arete, goddess of virtue is watching, and wishing to have even an ounce of courage that Elowen had. The 'White Knight' is often viewed as a saint of Arete, a symbol of how good can overcome the evil in even the darkest hours, and how determination and compassion can radiate out and heal. It is a tale of sadness and hope.

Myths tell of a young girl that wandered from village to village, alone, hungry, and spat on. Seen as a useless beggar, she tried to find a family among the spotted villagers, a place to call home and spent her life as a child feeling ignored and abandoned. However one day, a priest of Arete saw her on the streets and something struck a cord within him, something that everyone else failed to see - no matter how much it seemed to rain and pour, this young girl was resilient beyond belief. She still tried to smile, still tried to be kind, and refused to let the world keep her down. He could not let such a rare gift go unloved in a world full of cruel men and jealous women. So the priest went over to her and offered her the home she had been so desperately seeking and for a time, things were looking up.

Fate, it seemed, had different plans for her. It was only a year spent with the man, when she had finally started to heal from all the scars on her heart, that a bandit raid swept through the town with surprising ease. The priest hid her away into a secret shrine room and stood tall as they cut him down, beginning to burn the village down for it's mundane riches. Elowen could only slump against the statue of Arete and begin to cry, for her loss, for the loss of the villagers, for the deaths, and for her lack of power. If only she could stop them and send them away, to save the others and rebuild the once peaceful village... if only...

In that moment, Elowen gasped in shock, feeling a warm glow on her hand. Upon looking down, she saw that a rune had been suddenly inscribed onto the back of her hand. Some say that she felt the knowledge of it's power pour into her mind while other myths claim that Arete herself whispered in her ear, but both agree that she came out of the burning temple with a blade, steeling her gaze right into the group of bandits. With a trembling wave of magical energy, Elowen swung her sword and cut many of them aside from a distance, not even having to risk close quarters. She battled with the men with frightening efficiency, however she turned her blade and twisted it so as to spare many of their lives before gathering the villagers still alive and hiding them safely in the forest. Eventually, myths tell us that she was able to give the villagers food and water, guided by her goddess, until they could rebuild once more.

This was only the beginning for the young woman however. Other tales speak of her defiant defense for the innocent, even risking her own life to make sure that others could be happy, and many times staying behind to help them pick up pieces of their almost broken lives. Named the 'White Knight' by the people, she had never formally accepted knighthood from any kingdom and instead opted to travel across all lands to assist those in need. She was not the traditional sort, but for many in those days, she was their knight in shining armor - the one to stand up to evil, plant her blade into the ground and yell, "no more!"

Her last tale speaks of a small kingdom on what is now the northern plains. A peaceful, kind sort of king ruling over them as they worked together to make everyone happy, with no slaves and even treating women with dignity and respect. Their ideals though, seemed far too progressed for the other kingdoms surrounding them and they grew jealous. After many meetings, three of the other lands declared war on the kind-hearted king, not being able to stand that their own subjects were questioning the traditions ways. So at the day of battle, there sat the small kingdom's army, surrounded on all three sides. The king took a knee upon the grass and prayed for aid and the strength of virtue to see this through - when suddenly Elowen appeared and patted his shoulder. As the other armies charged, Elowen stood alone before all three of them and raised her sword aloft. Light seemed to charge into the very steel of her sword and with a mighty swing, the flames of a star nearly blew away all of the men, leaving but a small portion for the king to fend off himself. This is where she got the title 'Star Sword.'

As with any good story though, there is always an end, and hers was met with tragedy. A stray arrow made it's mark into her heart and she slipped away from the world before any healers could make it to her side. The saddest part isn't her death though, but rather that she had been alone the whole time. In all of her travels and quests to help everyone else, she never once found a true friend, or a lover. She always turned the men away and those she truly wanted to be with could not follow her on her journey. A life of sacrifice and a death of loneliness.


"Named the 'White Knight' by the people..."

Elowen is often pictured wearing light plate mail of some sort, a buckler, and her legendary blade - Ilfirin. At times she is also drawn with red fiery hair, but most times she is given blonde hair that is shoulder length, while sometimes either short or down her back. Other than this she is given toned muscles that reflect a lifetime of swordsmanship, but also of feminine beauty.

In truth, this isn't far from her actual appearance. She has shoulder-length blonde hair, toned but lean muscles, and often wears light plate mail as protection. Elowen does favor the buckler as well, however her causal dress is not something that is often discussed or thought upon. On her revival, she is wearing a short dress, ending just below her knees that is both elegant and simple in it's design. This type of wear is normal for her, mixing a feminine fashion with function if she were to find herself with blade in hand. On her hand still rests the engraved rune for 'Sword.'

A B I L I T I E S & E Q U I P M E N T

"With a trembling wave of magical energy..."

On her right hand sits the 'Sword' rune, an engraved symbol of divine might and magic. This powerful rune does many things, such as give her mastery over swordsmanship. Being from the goddess of virtue, it also imbues her with immunity to diseases and poisons and some amount of superhuman agility and reflexes. Though these attributes make her a formidable opponent, it's her instant access to many powerful sword spells that are normally beyond the reach of mortal spellblades, that really make this gift so incredible. These include being able to produce waves of magical force, drawing elements onto the blade, and her most famous ability; to draw upon pure magical force that can take out battalions. There are also such defensive abilities as magical shields to parry away other magics & weapons and a moderate ability to heal others. However with her reawakening, the rune has been dormant, so while her talent and knowledge of it's powers is of a master she cannot access everything upon her rebirth.

A requirement of the 'Sword' rune however is that she need to be holding a blade. Any blade will do, from daggers to greatswords, however she does normally prefer long swords or short swords if she has her pick. Some of her defensive abilities will function without a blade however, they are just much weaker without the presence of a blade, forcing her to rethink her tactics.

She holds nothing of value either upon her re-entry into the world, however she had been buried with her legendary blade, Ilfirin. It's presumed stolen, but rumors said that it could never chip nor rust and that with a beckon, would return to it's owner's hand. While not entirely powerful in it's own right, combined with the existence of the 'Sword' rune, it made her a difficult opponent.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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D A E N / T H E U N R A V E L L E R / T R U T H S E E K E R




A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T


Roughly 30000 ago from present day
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcness
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N A M E / A L I A S
Arsanna Va Nri

The Final voice of Nridriel, The Martyr , but more often known as
Flamekeeper Arsanna

The tale weaved many years ago was of a small girl from the lost kingdom of Nri- it was a place of unparalleled beauty, sadly wrought into war. It was said that the landscape was covered in trees of white bark and black leaves, of flowers that bloomed in luminescent blue by moonlight. It was said that this land was touched by the gods so long ago that none can possibly trace the ages long passed by time. These people beckoned upon the goddess Nridriel, Mother Moon, or the Goddess of the night.

Although her tale has faded with the final memories of this now lost placed, it was told that Arsanna was a gifted priestess who quelled a storm of fire and brimstone that raged upon the city for 3 days and 3 nights- A fire brought in the fury of the Moon Mother driven mad. her rage sundered the land of Nri, destroying it's beautiful flowers and ashen trees. It's towering cities brought to it's knees, its people brought to their knees and begging for forgiveness for committing the ultimate sin upon their lands. These 3 days became known as "The Blood Moon"; as the meteors careened into the earth bellow- an unmoving moon held high, painted deep in red. Night did not pass into day and a black barrier cut off the country from the outside world. Within the Bastion of Lights, it was said the normally brilliant fire of Nridriel grew, scarring her alter and the began to burn black.

On the first night of the Blood moon, all of the blue flowers and ashen tree bloom red, withering away and leaving a barren landscape unsuitable for men. The moon ran red as blood and a black rain fell on the land.

On the second night of the Blood moon, the waters ran black, the stars in the sky began to glow a sinister shade. Moaning could be heard in the sky, black clouds began to form.

On the third night of the Blood moon, fire and stone fell from the sky, rampaging the cities of Nri. It was said that during the merciless slaughter of the people of Nri, Arsanna continued to dance and sing, protecting the many people who came to take refuge beneath her songs. The most beautiful and grand Radiance the people of this land had ever seen was protected them, eventually becoming powerful enough to create a shield over the center itself. It was at that time Arsanna told them all to flee- her parting words are said to be her final sacrifice, to repent for the sins of this once grand Kingdom:

"Spare them, take me instead"

Though the accounts of the end of Nri are fuzzy at best, many say that the few survivors fled in terror as they were shielded from the night's Wrath. The black barriers were shattered by the ribbons of music bound light that began cascading across the sky in every direction. The people did not turn back as the night screamed in pain and anguish. All the while, her songs lit the sky as clear as day, they did escape the city. As they crossed out of the lands, the lands began to burn and shatter, shredding the earth. the Moon eclipsed and was said to become the mouth that swallowed the cities of Nri. The paraselene became blinding and with a single chime, the clouds, the red stars and the cities of Nri were no more- so too were those still trapped within it. All that remained was an expanse of emptiness before them.

But this is how the story goes, but history never lies, historians however...

Arsanna in truth was born to a miller and his wife in the singular city of Nri- it was not a kingdom but a singular city state ruled by a council of mages that sought out young hopefuls to innovate and lead their city in war against a neighboring land of Izarem. the city of Nri was indeed covered in it's beautiful and exotic landscape but the effect of magic was slowly wearing on the land. Nridriel was considered the matron deity of this land and her influence was well noticed among it. It was learned that through the use of magically intoned refactors, the Radiant Songs could be amplified and was then that the discovery of Izarem's impeding invasion lead them to use this gift against them and annihilate the enemy forces.

It was this time that Arsanna was orphaned and taken to the palace barracks and was enlisted as a soldier at a young age and due to her natural ability at using the Radiant Songs, was trained to be a weapon of war. It was during the planned invasion of Izarem that Arsanna discovered that a weapon was going to be used from Nri to directly destroy the enemy land and did not march with the others. Upon confronting the council of their plans to destroy the city and effectively kill thousands of innocent people, she was imprisoned.

The weapon was a spark of the Nridriel Flame stolen from the Bastion Of Light and on the night of the weapon being used, the curse of the Blood Moon began... giant meteors rained over Nri as the waters became bubbled into oil. The land was burning as the moon was slowly eclipsing- gravity and sound began bending and slowly the city was being sucked into the sky into the dark hole that was once the moon. No barriers of black magic imprisoned the people in- but the city walls and gates were sealed by the council to essentially keep anyone from escaping and spreading word of such a sacrilegious act of taking a part of a flame.

Arsanna used the chaos to get free and sought to take back the Ember that was stolen. Upon entering the Council Chambers, she was greeted by the perpetrator, who planned on taking the artifact and fleeing with it- of which a battle began where both users were throwing out Radiant sonic blasts at each other, destroying the city. The identity of the thief was not direct identified but Arsanna did become victorious. With the ember in hand, she retreated to the shrine of Nridriel to try quelling her rage which in turn caused Arsanna to begin using her songs on a lunar refactor to amplify her music to shield the temple and once her power and strength began to dwindle- she began channeling her magic and using the ember in one of her chime bracelets to further amplify the effect. her shields and Radiant Sonic waves began knocking away r shielding the ruins of the city from more onslaught.

Her final words however were true as she began to realize that without clearing the way, these people could never escape... using a few ribbons of light, she cleared open the the southern gate. Encouraging them all to go, she told them they only had a little time- as the city was still raising into the sky, crumbling in bits. When they left the chamber, she was left alone. With all her heart and rage, she poured her soul into a song powered purely by the ember that passed over the rest of the city in thousands of ribbons streaming from from a glyph rounding under her feet. Her eyes echoed in gold light as the palace ruins exploded out. Arsanna was engulfed in the fires practically incinerated. In her place floated the Ember of Nridriel that began its slow ascent into the now fully eclipsed moon that began pulling everything into its dark grasp. To those who looked out, they saw a bright flash flow out of the moon followed by a blinding light. All three moons were now once again in view, not the solitary Blood Moon. All that remained was scarce ruins that can still be found today in the Plains of Dust. Branded text resembling the Radiant Loops can still be found scarred to buildings and stones occasionally found in the deserts.

An Oasis known as "Arsanna's Rest" can be found, where a formal travelers' marker stands as shrine to her sacrifice. It was here that Arsanna awakened. Head pounding, eyes blinded by the sun and dizzy, unable to walk straight. She wandered about for a good time, unsure what was going on. she continued her wandering until she slips beyond an embankment and falls face first into the waters bellow. Her long flowing hair madly twisting about in the waters edge, catching all forms of disgusting matters within it. Two men and an elderly woman trying hoisting her free but continued to yank at the resistance they gained- her hair was wrapped and knotted around a root intruding from beneath stone and earth. with a few quick cuts, she was free. She was quickly taken to a near by temple where she was nursed to health and provided clothing and food...

It was here that Arsanna discovered the painful truth- keeping it to herself. Nridriel was no longer called the Moon Mother of Night any longer as well. People at the shrine called her, "Nridriel, Mother of Night's Delusion"


Arsanna was a very gifted musician who loved her craft, knowing as a child how to use her power in a lesser extent. Brands of the Radiant Language are burned onto her back via the use of the songs. Because of this, she never took to the more risque attire as many of Song-Trained Soldiers she knew had. she took to simple blue and white garbs. She did not, if ever, begin donning her armor that she was awarded. On the day of the Blood Moons, she wore a noble pearl blue dress; hair of these indiduals (man or woman) was left uncut, as it was seen as disrespectful to have short hair and be in the military in Nri.

the young woman's awakening in Arsanna's Rest was hazy at best; she laid in a small clearing beneath a petrified tree, long since dead, in a patch of black and blue flowers. Standing, groggy and confused, she walked about in a daze- and unknowingly walked off an embankment into the spring while onlookers watched in confusion as to why a woman in singed clothing had haphazardly fallen into a pool of water like the undead. After being rescued, she was dressed in her current attire and due to how she got her hair tangled in debris in the water, needed to have it cut.

A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T
Arsanna's power was deemed a gift from the god's as young woman from her time who lived in the now fallen kingdom were selected for this gift and given the right to retain as "Radiance". "The Radiant" or an ancient song language known to those who communed with their Goddess. the power is activated upon simply singing this language and allowing resonance with light. These Sonic waves can have varying effects dependent on how they are used.

Upon release of the first note or beat, the user releases outward double banded loops of lights, or just a line of the double banded ribbons of light, that expands outward and fades. Between the two bands lay archaic texts and symbols where the knowledge of the exact meaning is lost in time and worn by history that not even the practitioners of this art cannot translate it any longer in this day and age. Arsanna is the soul retainer of this dead language.

Around her wrists and akles, she wore gold and silver bracelets made to imitate the look the the language with various bells attached to them- it was a normal practice to dance while singing these songs and use the sound waves made from the chimes to help generate extra Lines of light or sonic loops. the right hand was named Roth Ier or Hell's Winter and the left, Fio Brell or Summer's Gift. The anklets were Apple of Autumn; Ushir Lo Gri and Spring Remembrance; Jyu Likra. The Apple of Autumn was destroyed as it was the trinket the Ember was used within.

The only item still in her possession seems to be the crown of military service she wore the nights of the Blood Moon. It seems to be her only clue as to what is going on. The crown itself does not possess any magic properties, but it was a symbol of extreme status in her day and age. Any historian or archaeologist would undoubtedly know where that crown comes from. It bears the crest of Nri upon it.

The Lights' bandsand lines cause an internal resonance when they interact with an object, entirely based on the intent of the user. the purpose or use of this is no longer known, but it is possible to imprint or burn the band and the sigils within them onto objects effectively burning the meaning onto the object. If a single line of the Radiant is generated, it can be forced forward in a forceful manner which can knock one back or possibly stun them. The effects could include but not limited to branding the text onto a target, sending out sharp bursts that can cause powerful impacts or even slice clean through things or by generating the light and focusing in on the loop created, halting it's movement, can be used as a shield- creating a disc.

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