Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Ariamis I do believe that I have made the necessary changes to the character sheet. When you say that I can only modify my weapons how far can I go?

Also thank you for the....... commendation? apparently I make pretty good backgrounds for my characters, so yeah.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Handemere

Handemere The Alchemist

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey there @Ariamis love your thread idea! I'm somewhat new to RPing, but I do have a full imagination. any spots open? :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Handemere

Handemere The Alchemist

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Handemere Levin IV (Goldeneye)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Gear: A small satchel filled with various Apothecary items, a small black colander, a worn flint and steel, damp tinder, a large cloak, much too large to fit now, and a small dagger with a jade handle, and a bright truesilver blade, engraved “Levin”.

Skills: A small boy specializing in alchemy with silent feet and an even more silent blade. A rouge Like fighting style, Handemere imbues his weapons with deadly poisons if the means to do so are there, otherwise he is an exceptional scout.

Physical Description: A small boy, no taller than 5 foot 3 inches tall, Handemere has large blue eyes, with a hazel ring around the outside, often giving him the look of surprise. Wearing the colors of his late family, dark green, with gold lining, and black riding boots that are two sizes to big, resulting in his signature look of barefoot. His dagger is sheathed between his leg and left boot, as he favored his left side due to only having three fingers on his right hand.

Personality: Handemere is a quiet and resolved boy, being the youngest of 3 brothers, and the supposed final heir to his family’s name he often is very analytical, but quiet. Although past tragedy does plague his mind, he is a lighthearted boy, with a positive outlook on life, he can take a joke, and dish out some pretty funny retorts as well. For only being fourteen, he is beyond mature, knowing the weight of his decisions not only affect his life, but can affect the lives of those around him.

History: Small boy of the Levin clan, father being Handemere Levin I and each of his son carried his father’s name. They were a relatively privileged family, not ever needing any more, and never wishing for any less, until the youngest brother was born. The Levin Clan was known for their skills in harvesting herbs, creating powerful brews to cure sickness, and one of the best brandy’s in all the land. Buisiness became scarce after the birth of the third Levin boy, as the essential herbs to most remedies began vanishing from the immediate area, at this time the oldest of the Levin brothers began delving in the creation of poisons to help make some money to feed his brothers, the backdoor buisiness held for 12 years, but the angst and blame for the twist in the families path was still placed heavily on the youngest boys shoulders. On the youngest boys 14th birthday, a tragic accident happened, where he lost his mother. Blamed for the death of their mom, and with their father out looking for proper herbs to cure the cancer in his body, Handemere Levin IV was banished by his brothers from their homestead, given nothing but a cloak, and a days worth of rations. Handemere ran and ran but tired not far from the outer boundaries of the house when he smelled smoke. Reinvigorated with fear Handemere made a mad dash to the house, to find the whole thing was up in flames. There were two howls of life escaping the flesh, and the flames suddenly vanished. Charging into the house the boy found his brothers burnt to a crisp clutching a small box. Above their bodies, “Death to the Levins” burnt into the wooden wall. Grabbing the Box and a small satchel with what various items still survived the blaze, Handemere the IV mounted his horse, and rode towards the nearby town of (Insert town name?) He knew his father was alive, He just knew it.

Other: There was one instance in which Handemere became enraged and fell into a deep slumber, near comatose, although the instance was unknown to Handemere, and any evidence of it died with his brothers.

Let me know if this isn't exactly what you are looking for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Eodwyn Aether
Only very basic stuff, such as shortening a blade. It's accepted, and you can post it to the character tab.

Another noble? I guess peasants are boring people to play as, huh? The history, while sizable, doesn't really incorporate the setting in any way, and could basically be pasted onto any medieval/fantasy story, which I find lazy and uninspired. Also, while I assume the Levins were killed due to their poison trade, not only is it unclear, but that's really not a logical reason since they are living in an age of terror and paranoia, and the use of poison would be seen as an everyday part of life due to Kaaos' influence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roundabout
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Interested! I'll see if I can whip up a CS
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roundabout
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Annelie Durant

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Gear: Armor, two hand sword, small knife and backpack containing basic survival items.

Skills: Skilled with large swords. Physically strong from years of hard training. Thrives in close combat battles.

Physical Description: Annelie is fairly tall and muscular. Long, light brown hair, usually braided or otherwise kept out of the way in a bun or ponytail. Bangs at the front, swept to the side. Whisky eyes with a almond shaped face. Thick eyebrows. Has a small gap between her front teeth.

Usually dressed in heavy armor, as her job as a city guard requires. Dons a comparably lighter armor while traveling or when not on active duty. When relaxed at home, she wears simple clothes, mostly because she can't afford anything more fancy.

Personality: Calm and collected, but not one to say no to a good time. Due to her chosen profession, she's disciplined and likes to have her life in order. She's content following rules. Dreamed of adventures and travels when she was younger, but life and hardships have made her settle for a life of routine and order. Doesn't often question. Loyal and friendly, as long as no one's rude.

History: Born in a faceless city where nothing worth mentioning has ever happened. Her father worked as a tailor, while her mother was a miller. The family never had much to get by on, but managed to live a relatively content life, despite the constant fear of living under Kaaos harsh rule. ”"One should be happy not to be on the streets"”, her mother often said. Annelie was restless in her teen years, feeling trapped in a meaningless life with no escape from boredom. She often got into fights and rebelled against authority.

A big turnaround in her life came when the city was attacked when she was 14. The city guard defended the city with courage, but still enemies managed to get inside the walls. The streets were filled with screams and terror, and Annelie could do nothing but hide. She'd never felt more helpless in her life. She was discovered by two of the attackers. Just as she thought her life was over, she was saved by a captain of the guard.
In the end, the enemies where defeated and driven out of the city. But it was not a happy victory. There were many casualties, among them Annelie's father, who'd been attacked, brutalized and killed in his shop.

Overcome by grief, Annelie struggled, until she by chance was confronted by the guard captain who'd saved her life. She was offered a place in the guard, and she accepted. She settled well in the military life, and came to embrace it. It gave her life meaning, and furthermore, it offered her a chance to never be helpless again.

Other: She wears a memorial necklace from her father. It serves as a reminder of both him and as a motivator to always train and push herself harder. The incident with her father also made her even more bitter towards Kaaos rule, as the city had received no help what so ever in their time of need. Rumors even went around that the attack had been sanctioned by Kaaos.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TeddyThePsycho
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TeddyThePsycho The Teddy bear

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

ooooooooh pplz are joining, the RP is aliiiiiiiiiive.. ITS ALIVE I TELL YOU
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Reminds me of Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones, and I approve since these days people tend to be averse to front-line tanking roles.
Accepted; you can post it to the character tab.

And on that note, I won't be accepting human characters any more.

I'm glad of that, but I am disappointed that there hasn't been any full-blood griffin apps yet. I guess it's because of the weapon rules, so I'll make them a bit more lenient.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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Monochromatic Manic Episode Full Blast

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Long-handled weapons. Does that also mean things like hablerds and double headed battle axes are alright?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Jezz I go away for awhile and this RP comes alive...-____-' as I said Ariamis, I do feel like a jinx.

But about before, this was another idea I had for a character before I tried using the "siblings" but there were possibly some issues with it that you may have with it. Plus, it's darker than the siblings I put together. But anyways, here:

Name: Ariel Ashford

Age: 21

Race: Human/Griffin Half-breed (half-Raven)

Gear: A Dagger. A custom-made leather purse with a long strap to either sling over her shoulder or tie around her waist with. Usually holds coins or other forms of "light" weight currency.

Skills: Being a half-breed, she doesn't have the level of power to control the weather like many other Griffins do but she does know how to manipulate rain and lightning from clouds. Major storms and other large-scale weather patterns are out of her league. She does know how to use a Dagger, Knives and certain light-weight swords in combination with her flight, speed and agility but only has average combat ability with them. She also has some skills as a thief to compensate such as pickpocketing, disarming, lock picking and related thief skills.

PhysicalDescription: vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemble..

Face claim: Vika from Fire Emblem series. Ariel stands 5'6".

Personality: Due to being looked down on most of her life due to being a half-breed as well as her lack of "drive" to fight in battles like most Griffins do, Ariel has developed a rather shy personality. However, roughing it on her own has also developed a wild streak when she's pushed over the edge in tense situations. Usually to the point where signs of the Griffin's war-like persona begin to show, making her a rather intimidating individual when it does happen.

History: If you were to ask Ariel if her life was hell, she'd say that "hell" has nothing on her life.

Being that half-breeds were always shunned and looked down upon in society in Evania, Ariel didn't exactly have a place to call home either in the sky where the Giffins or even on the ground with Humans and Dijinn. Simply abandoned in a forest somewhere, she grew up a lonely existance. Learing to hide her wings through cloaks and other clothing, she quickly learned how to steal through pickpocketing and other methods just to stay alive. But even just learning to exist was rough.

One day however, she robbed the wrong individual when said individual was apart of a local group of thieves. Taking her in, they soon discovered her wings when stipped searched and, to punish her, sold her to slavery for money/gold.

Ariel was subjected to things that even she didn't want to talk about. Even more so, she doesn't say for how long. But one day, that all changed when one of the slave traders thought it'd be fun to cut off her wings. Despite being tied up and despite the number of armed individuals, she somehow broke loose, grabbed a lightweight sword by sheer luck from one of the slavers and that was the first time Ariel had embraced the warlike tenacity of the Griffin race. When she finally became self-aware, she saw the bloodshed she had left in her wake. Some of the bodies even looked charred as if struck by lighting. Even the other slaves were shocked and even they were a mix of the three races.

Despite this horror she then set the other slaves free and simply said this.

"Your free but since I'm a half-breed, I don't deserve any of your "thank you's"."

The massacre didn't go unnoticed however, as men under Kaaos's banner soon happen upon the site but Ariel and the other slaves were long gone. What Ariel didn't know was that one of the slaver's was under the employ of Kaaos, planted there as a spy to make sure the slavers didn't get any foolish idea's of using their slaves to raise their own army. The spy was the only survivor but had quickly escaped during Ariel's rampage and reported what had happened when Kaaos's men arrived on sight.

It's said that Kaaos himself "sometimes" has vested interest in strong warriors regardless of race and hopes to recruit such warriors. To make them choose between the old tradition of "the sword or the knee". Ariel, however, wants nothing to do with such people, having to deal with them most of her life so when she hears Kaaos himself had placed a "capture alive" bounty on her, she immedately goes into hiding.

But one day, she happens to be in a certain town when an unknown individual hands her a letter that could change her fate forever...

Other: Ariel has a unique ability to "fold" her wings inwards against her back in such a way that it looks as if she's a normal human. It's through this that's she's able to walk amonst normal society so long as she wears clothing that covers her back.

* * * * * * * * * *

Also had some villians in mind but one thing at a time. Do you think I should have submitted this one if there were some things I needed to change?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

I prefer the twins to this character, honestly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 1 mo ago

k then idea dropped unless you want me to fit her in somehow. I mean, we don't have any half-breeds officially as of yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Ariamis Finished my application.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

It would have been incredibly easy to simply write a djinn who uses healing magic, and I wouldn't have minded, but you went the extra effort which I appreciate. Accepted; you can post it to the character tab.

And now also Djinns are off-limits. I'll first wait for a finished griffin or half-griffin app, but if that doesn't happen in a week the RP will start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Can't wait......no seriously I can not mentally or physically wait for this thing to kick off I need the RP in mah life man *Pulls Ariamis close to face* I need it in mah lyfe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Eodwyn Aether
I appreciate the enthusiasm, I really do, but I recommend that you don't go full steam into this from the very beginning, since it often ends up with one losing his/her energy and interest in an RP. But hey, if you're willing to stay around, then go for it.

Edit: On that note, if at any point the RP seems to move too fast, too slow, or anything else you may find wanting, don't be afraid to comment on it. My last RP died even though the people who participated in it had no complaints, which as a GM I found frustrating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roundabout
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Member Seen 5 days ago

How is the relationship between the races in present day? I understand it can't be too friendly, considering their warring history, but have the races somehow learnt to tolerate each other other in the face of Kaaos cruelty, or do they still fight each other? And how likely is it that, for example, my character to have ever met someone from another race? Is it common, or will it be a somewhat new experience? Sorry if these questions have already been answered; I did a quick read-through but couldn't find anything specific on present-day relations.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Kaaos claims to have united the three races in peace, but while it may outwardly seem like so with the end of the war and public hate crimes, in truth there is lingering animosity and racism under the surface, cultivated by the racial segregation set by Kaaos. The most apparent sign of this is the racial insults used freely by the people of Evania: mudlings and sandsuckers by griffins, turkeys and spooks by humans, and carrion and apes by djinns.

Most cities and settlements have a mostly mono-race population with few xenos, but the port town the RP begins in, Myrskyburg, is a settlement with a 50% human, 30% griffin and 20% djinn population. Due to this, it is one of the most violent and lawless settlements inhabited mostly by sailors and pirates. The positive side to the city is that Kaaos doesn't have a strong presence on the place despite flying his banners and colors, but it also doesn't get much support from the kingdom, as Annelie has realized while serving her duty there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roundabout
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Great! On that note; would it suit the rp better if Annelie was born in that city, or transferred there after becoming a guard? Because I think that would affect her view on other races.
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