Name: Lisa Harris
Age: 31
Occupation: Lottery winner
Nationality: 'Murican

Place of Residence: Washington D.C.
-Very smart from multiple degrees. Most of which are pointless but hey, she is insanely rich!
(associates degree in english and history and a bachelors in politics science. She was working towards a masters in business administration.)
-Fit. When you're rich and bored, why not get a personal trainer!
-She doesn't show it but she is a very caring person, guiding Billy is the biggest example.
-Super spoiled and vain. She has a very entitled attitude and must get her way.
-Very naive. I mean, how did she survive this long.
-No filter. Her outbursts are going to piss someone off eventually.
Designer bag full of cosmetics and other beauty aids. As well as -other- feminine items.
M9 pistolMachete
Pretty and scared? This will develop over time.
Other: None
Name: Billy Davis
Age: 35
Occupation: Moderately mentally challenged, (Savant syndrome) social security recipient.
Nationality: United states

Place of Residence: Elkton, Maryland
-Extremely gifted marksman, seriously. Lisa and her group were moving through Elkton when suddenly a group of walkers overwhelmed them. Shots rang out and one by one in rapid succession, walker heads exploded left and right. In no way could he compete with the extreme ranges of a traditional sniper but he is still an exceptional marksman at range.
-Very nice! He doesn't let anything or anyone get him down!
-Dependant on Lisa for guidance. She is the only friend he has had for a while now. She makes sure he eats and rests. Even though Lisa acts like a prick, she has been seen reading to Billy.
-Developmentally impaired, not everyone was fortunate in life but he has done very well. Some may say this has made him stronger, and in all honesty it probably has.
M110 Semi auto rifle He doesn't remember where he got it.
Backpack with a variety of simple objects, the most common being a rubix cube.
Small axe
Personality: Billy is the type of guy that would help a bully up after falling down. He would share his food to make sure others survived, even though he isn't completely sure what is going on.
Other: None.