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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Akashi Mayhiro (Aka in Japanese is red)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Weapon: Black Eclipse

Akashi's Weapon is Modern but at the same time, ancient compared to other members of Beacon Academy. The young Mayhiro had built his weapon after his Previous weapons the 'Gravity Hammer', was banned due to the use of consuming ones Aura when in use, instead of the traditional use of dust. Black Eclipse is meant for supportive uses. While it can prove useful in close combat situations. It's more helpful for far away areas. While it doesn't have a secondary form. It is lightweight and can collapse on itself if need to before becoming a bow once more.

There are five types of Arrows that Akashi use:

Regular arrows: Light, Razor sharp and sturdy
Stun/Electro Airburst: Able to Stun Humans and Grimms, shooting it in water electrocutes everything
Fragmentation Super-Thermite Recon: When shot at an enemy or wall or anything for that matter, it will stick and explode with some splash damage
Binary Arrow: It employs two core-mounted particle accelerators inside Black Eclipse to propel a round with unparalleled stopping power that can bring down distant foes with one shot. When the round impacts an enemy, it causes them to disintegrate in orange light. The bow emits a highly visible orange beam from its barrel when aiming, allowing opponents to trace the user's location.
Airburst Fragmentation:When shot at an enemy or object (I.e: Explosive barrels, Walls with enemies behind them), it will explode upon impact and cause splash damage over a relatively large area.

All Arrow type are carried in cases, Akashi needs to switch them out if he was to use one.

Specialty: True Archer/ Brawler: If Akashi need to go in close, he let's his semblance and his Style of fighting do the talking. Otherwise he is only a supportive type Hunter.

Semblance: Gravity
Akashi can manipulate gravitation, a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other, and gravitons, hypothetical elementary particles that mediate the force of gravitation.

He can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, cause objects to “fall” toward another object instead of the earth. He can also repel and attract matter and energy regardless of its mass or move objects in a manner similar to telekinesis.

Offensive uses of this power include repulsing people or objects with such force to shatter practically anything, increasing gravity to crush or immobilize opponents, decreasing it to render them defenseless, or surrounding one's body in a gravitational field to amplify physical strength. Defensive uses include creating a gravitational force-field to repel all manner of attacks or anchoring oneself to the ground.

Personality:Lazy and dual Personality, Akashi is a person that you can angry at any given time. Though he doesn't look like it, Akashi is a genius. However he hates the fact this he is smart. Despite that the young Mayhiro is general a 'background' character at a first glance. Battlewise he is focused and mentally prepared to fight whatever comes his way. He is generally a passive type of hunter.

Color: Matte Orange (#FF6600)


Appearance: Kiyoshi is a very tall young man (193 cm (6' 4")). He has half-long, brown hair that frames his dark eyes. His eyebrows are quite thick. His hands are large, but it is unspecified if they are unusually wide for his height. He wears a black high collar, short sleeved shirt, his right hand was heavily covered by a black gauntlet while his left arm was wrapped with stain wrappings. His shirt consisted of four different coloured streaks near his stomach. Red, orange, gold and blue. His thighs were covered in a white cloth tied together by a black rope, but underneath it was an orange armour plate that protected his legs all the way to his feet.

Also: he has a car.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Beryl Harken
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Otter Faunus
Weapon: At the center of Beryl’s combat abilities is an elegant sword named Stream, a beautiful curved blade that appears to glisten in the light much like it’s namesake. With a golden hilt inlaid with aquamarine gems, every inch of the blade evokes the image of a current of water flowing through the air. The silver blade curves towards the very end and is inlaid in an archaic Mistralese script. As if to further evoke it’s namesake, strands of gold from the hilt crawl up the sides of the blade, blending into the metal blade like rapids in a stream.

However Stream is not just a pretty weapon, with the simple press of a button the blade extends into many small pieces connected by a thin string of carbon nanofiber. In this form the blade is akin to a whip, that Beryl is capable of expanding and contracting at will. If the sword form of Stream is a strong current cutting through the rapids, the whip form is a whirlpool of water devouring and capturing all that lies in its wake.

The final trick up Stream’s arsenal is the ability to infuse it with dust rounds adding an extra layer of versatility to an already formidable and beautiful weapon.
Specialty: The lack of a gun form consigns Beryl to a mid to close range assault on enemies. While for some this might be tricky, Beryl is capable of navigating the center of the battlefield with ease. Through the use of her semblance and weapon she is capable of manipulating the flow of enemies whether through ensnarement, redirection, or a myriad of other tricks. In this way Beryl keeps the battlefield more manageable for her team and ensures their continued success.

However if crowd control isn’t required, Beryl is more than adept at inflicting large doses of damage thanks to the lacerating effects of her blade or the dust rounds stored within. Thus if need be Beryl can quickly chop individuals or crowds of enemies down as she cuts through the battlefield. In this way her high damage output can make quick work of particularly troublesome opponents.
Semblance: Aqua Vitae - Beryl is capable of detecting water as well as controlling it in a telekinetic fashion. This flows well into her usage of Stream as she coats it in a thin sheet of water while in segmented form allowing for a much finer level of control than would otherwise be possible.
Personality: Like water, Beryl is one who goes with the flow of life, she tends to be a little laid back and easygoing allowing each day to flow on past. However while she may be rather relaxed, one should not confuse this with a lack of conviction, push too hard in one direction or another and Beryl will push back just as hard. The strength of her conviction can perhaps be best seen in her tireless crusade against injustice. Beryl is the first to fight for the oppressed and defend those she sees being trampled. The one thing that Beryl can not stand is injustice and engaging in such deplorable acts is the surest way to acquire her wrath.

Much of Beryl’s hatred to injustice comes from her upbringing as a rather devout follower of the Church of Mistral. She strongly believes in the church’s calls for charity, tolerance and courage. As such, Beryl often applies such teachings to her daily life and thus treats all people with the same level benevolence and kindness. In fact it is not uncommon to see Beryl praying before battles or looking towards her religion for guidance. Ultimately, Beryl’s religion is a very fundamental aspect of her core being.

Of course none of this should dissuade the notion that Beryl is deprived of fun, on the contrary Beryl greatly enjoys life and all the fun it provides. In terms of hobbies she greatly enjoys listening to music on her Sonee Strollman, which possesses a vast library spanning many genres. In addition she greatly enjoys swimming and spending time in the water, as well as travelling across many different locales. As one could probably surmise from the aforementioned, Beryl is a lover of the outdoors.
Something of an odd quirk that nobody seems to know how it became such, Beryl can be absolutely clueless as to the effect some of her actions can have on other people. A particularly low moan, extensive stretching in less than loose clothing, a full body hug. Absolutely zero clue about certain effects on others.
Color: Aquamarine
Emblem: A streak of aquamarine in a sort of thin "S" shape.

Somewhat on the taller side at 5' 10" Beryl is usually seen wearing loose athletic clothing, blue jeans and a black T-shirt being the most common. Instead of the ears that most Faunus have Beryl has a rather muscular tail extending from the base of her spine that is the same glossy black as her hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Sterling Johnson

Age: 21

Gender: Manly Male

Race: Human

Weapon: Nuada, his artificial right Arm. Stylized to look like gothic plate armor of old, Nuada is both sleek and powerful, capable of amazing physical feats beyond even what the rest of Sterling's intensely trained and aurically powered body can achieve. Speed, dexterity, and power: everything's there, and ready to be tapped into at the drop of a hat. Not one to limit his options to mere fisticuffs (despite his love of a brawl), Nuada also sports a set of retractable blades running down the outside edge of the arm, culminating into a nasty-looking swordpoint that juts out from the elbow. Additionally, the wrist joint, in a feature deliberately and unrepentantly copied from Berserk, doubles as a cannon, once the hand is lowered, detached, or otherwise out of the way.

Specialty: Anything from a brawler to a tank to even ranged support, Sterling is of the opinion that the name of the game is Versatility. Will, for simplicity's sake, default to frontline warrior should the choice present itself.

Semblance: Airgetlam: The Silver Arm of the King. Allows Sterling absolute control over any metal he has handled in the past fiteen minutes within a fifty meter radius, bending it to his will and allowing him to order it around with but a thought. To that end, he always carries a small pouch of steel ball bearings on his person which he fools with regularly, often trying to create sculptures or some other method of both practicing his skills and fooling around.

Personality: Goofy, humorous, and jovial almost to a fault, Sterling makes it a point to have fun with life, even in the face of the sometimes grim tasks he must undertake. In that regard, he often tries to affect the air of "cool older brother" to the incoming first-years whenever he works with them, both relaxed and ready to offer whatever advice he can. His wit is a strange beast that takes all comers, ranging from terrible puns to perfectly time zingers that almost make up for said puns. Brave enough to be brashly confident in the face of anything, or at least pretend, at the end of the day Johnson is a nice dude with a sense of justice that stands firm through any circumstance.

Color: Sterling Silver

Emblem: A silver fist crashing into a the face of some silhouette.


Tall and athletic, Johnson's powerful frame is typically draped by a navy bomber jacket, the left sleeve noticeably cut short to allow for ease of use with Nuada. Underneath lies a plain white tank top, and, depending on the weather, either an orange bandana or orange scarf around his neck. Unremarkable denim jeans and white sneakers take care of his lower half, and his silver hair is always, without fail, slicked back. His steel blue eyes sometimes find themselves behind aviators, and sometimes don't. Again, weather-dependent.

Practically always smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Valin Nash

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Weapon: Slot, his completely ordinary revolver. A brand of revolver that could quite easily be constructed and sold right off the counter in any shop that could legally sell guns. Yep, just his not out of the ordinary gun that he carries around, nothing to really see here.

So, with that out of the way, we can get to the fun stuff! Now, there are two reasons why the gun is called slot. First, he calls his bullets coins, and pretends the 'coins' are going into the 'slot'. He likes to imagine things. Second, the orderly and simplistic design of his weapon makes it quite easy to add any attachments into his gun, thus, making it so that his gun has tons of slots for add-ons! He came up with that name all by himself. There are several variants of his weapon, all attachments are kept within his light weight pack with other things crammed inside.

Whew, with so many combinations to choose from, how do you make the probability tree even larger? Why, use different coins of course! These coins will just make things more hectic also combined with dust! Just what is this boy thinking? Why does he have so many choices to choose from? Why do I keep talking when I should be explaining the types of coins and dusts? Find out, in the next hider.

Wow! That is a lot of stuff to handle! Amrite!? Well, nothing that Valin can't handle. He likes being random, or make people think he is random. Either way, with all that amount of variations for guns and bullets. Can't wait to see it in action.

Specialty: Fighting style? Well, like many teenagers and young adults inside of the fine establishment, he uses a gun! Revolvers are mainly preferred to be used in short to medium distances. However, with the right set of add-ons can really change the fighting style of the boy and the field around him. So, he prefers to be close to the action, but not too close to be stabbed or slashed at from close combat range. He isn't the best at agility and stamina, but he could hold on his own if necessary. Just not for too long.

Semblance: Luck - Just as the name says, his semblance gives him the ability to get lucky. Now, you might be thinking, can't he use that for any type of situation? From getting the right answer on a multiple choice test to getting a girlfriend? Nah, it takes a immense amount of focus and strain to activate his semblance. Valin can maybe use it three or four times for reloading, and any further would be very dangerous for his health. So, he only uses it in life threatening situations.

Personality: Valin loves the chaotic life style that he has chosen. Disorder flows through his veins and confusion is the type of aura that he usually gives off to others. He is the type of person that likes to cause trouble for others, be they friend or foe, all are the same to him. So, with that kind of attitude towards people, he doesn't really make friends very often, and many dislike him for his reckless and negative attitude. However, he ignores this all while giving the same crooked smile and chittering chuckles.

So, the enigma of Valin can't be broken, very surprising. Or maybe, people haven't tried hard enough to break through that hard shell of his. There could be something under the vast amount of layers of cynicism, irritation, and confusion. Who knows? He might actually just be crazy, you figure it out.

Color: Ultramarine

Emblem: Placed upon the back of his clothes is the image of a skull with a cross going through the left eye socket.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Triple A
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Triple A Banned Admin / From The Dankest Hell

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: "Crimson" Volk

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Weapon: Randomized. His own body is an extreme weapon of his own; giving Volk a gun basically makes him more annoying to fight.

Specialty: Volk is an all-around close-quarter-combat master who is both fast, strong, and durable. His Semblance makes him the ideal duelist, and the random weapons he brings can grant him crowd control. But he is not the strongest man in the world; he can still be brought down by those who mobilize against him. What makes him truly fearsome, however, is his mind. Volk's influence upon the black market allows him to grant him enough vision to make double-sided plans fervently.

Volk's physical strength comes from multiple strength enhancing chemicals, its effects being permanent.

Semblance: "Gilgamesh" - Volk's Aura exponentially increases based on how many people or Grimm are around him. If only one person is next to him in a small radius, then his Aura becomes extremely large in quantity, and he will be able to tank a lot of attacks. If multiple people are next to him, his Aura becomes smaller, but more condensed. This makes tanking less effective, but the condensing of the aura itself allows Volk to shrug off short blasts of damage. When alone, Volk's aura grows even larger to the point where the small radius around him is completely filled with his own. This Semblance makes it impossible to snipe Volk from afar, and forces people to confront him by themselves.

Personality: Faunus, humans; all of their limbs are equally valuable, and each and every bit of a body part's financial worth is something Volk believes he should claim and sell for wealth. Volk is both calm and impatient: calm in the game of minds, and completely invigorated in the game of fists. He views himself without a whole lot of self-worth, and believes that his position as a leading black market dealer to be a well-earned one. All businesses are never evil in his eyes, for he thinks that everything is worth profiting off of. He is not afraid to profit off of illegal chemicals, weapons, and artifacts... and a dose of organ extractions for a couple more Liens.

Color: "Death Red" like his right eye.

Emblem: A crimson "V" with a red eye staring between it.

Additional Info: -Volk's right eye is robotic. It has heat-detecting and motion-detecting capabilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stein
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Stein That's Queen Stein, thank you.

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Vixian (Vixi or Vivi for short) Viridian

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Weapon(s): Helter & Skelter

Ver. 1 - Vivi operates with a pair of battle axes-- connected by an extendable chain-- that hold a variety of uses. From their heavily durable nature, to their Aura-infused structure, these axes have served her well. The length of the blades are actually energy based, allowing Vivi variance in her fighting. The energy blades can be set to either repel on impact (launching enemies and projectiles) or sharpened to cut through objects….and enemies.

The chain can be released and retracted into one of the axes, allowing for separated use.

Ver. 2 – Vivi combines the axes to create a double headed axe. This weapon (Helter-Skelter) allows her increase her range slightly. Her fighting style while the weapons are in this form is much more fluid, focusing on spins and twirls. Her posture is more elevated as opposed to her low-to-the-ground and quick style she adopts when her axes are in their Version 1 form. On attack flows to the next, giving the appearance of one continuous attack most times.
While in their combined battle-axe form, Vivi can chuck them at opponents and call them back. She doesn’t have a fine-tuned control over them, so she lacks the ability to control its flight pattern past slightly altering the trajectory and arcing the weapon back to her.

Specialty: Melee/Support

Semblance: Gaia's Blessing - By activating this, Vixi is able to control the earth around her (namely within a 20 meter radius). However, he control is strongest where she stands. She uses this ability to erect small barriers of earth and even to launch pieces of rubble into the air and knock them toward enemies with the flat of her battle axes.

If she is in a particularly sandy area, she can use her ability to create a sand cloud or localized sand storm. Her control over her ability peaks about a minute into her activation of it and she can hold it for about 3 minutes with a 5 minute cool-down.

Personality: At first glance, Vixi is rather intimidating and seems unfriendly, but that's simply a result of her training (and her SEVERE Resting Bitch Face). However, upon talking to her, she quickly opens up and it's easy to see that, above all else, Vixi cares about the individuals she comes into contact with. She has a warrior's spirit with the heart of a nurturer.

She is stubborn and stout in her resolve and can hardly be swayed once she's made up her mind. She believes that everyone has a story, and it's only a matter of finding where it starts , what the inciting incident was into making them the person that they are.

Color: Viridian Green

Emblem: Her emblem is a battle axe pointed upward with roots spreading from the end of its handle.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Jorie Ngo

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Faunus - Alpheidae

Weapon: Claw; Jorie’s right arm. It's an overgrown claw that has replaced one of her limbs, if you account for her entire weight, this thing almost weighs half of her. The biological weapon is possibly one of the most confusing weapons in the school, able to shatter bones and eardrums if you allow her to land a critical attack. It works in a rather odd manner, similar to firing a gun, this shrimp cocks her claw, nothing too bad happening. However, once the pincers snap shut in an almost lightning speed, pressure fires is fired. It works as her claw is snapping so fast that it creates a gap within the air, the power comes when the air rushes back to fill the gap creating a shock-wave that allows foes to be hit with mere sound. This implosion causes an attack that can knock around most enemies from medium distances and possibly could break bones if you were hit in the right area with enough force.

Specialty: Mage / Gunslinger - Jorie isn’t too fast due to her abnormal weight distribution, she’s constantly imbalanced while moving which makes her very immobile in situations that require speed and finesse. This makes it so that she likes to fight from medium to long range, or hiding to strike at the right moment, Jorie is most vulnerable if she is in CCQ due to that the rest of the body is quite fragile excluding her weapon which can be dangerous if you allow her to snap at your flesh with her claw.

Semblance: Bubble Blast; Jorie is able to pressurize small areas of space. They are mainly used to add extra force into her weapon, make the shock-waves even worse with added pressure to be popped. Begrudgingly, and rarely, Jorie can also use this power to create small pressurized bubbles within people that can cause acute pain, nauseous, and possibly even start some internal bleeding if the pressurized air bubbles pop within them. These bubbles only last for a few seconds as they are mainly used to fire off more powerful blast, but it can still be used as a distraction method if necessary.

Personality: Jorie, amazingly with her rather strange arm is exceptionally understanding and kind when it comes to curious people, she doesn't find the questions too bad, and is even friendlier to other types of Faunus. Though, you have to find her first to even interact with her. Natural instincts tell the girl to constantly hide, she can fit into almost any space and you can find her in the most confusing places like in the top cupboard or her own school locker. If you are able to detect and find her hiding places, than you are free to interact with her actually shy personality. She murmurs to strangers most of the time, but with people that she sees on a regular basis like her teammates, she becomes a lot more outgoing.

Color: Pearl

Emblem: A circle completely surrounded in a claw-like shape.

Appearance: Jorie is extremely small, you could almost say that she is similar to the size of a shrimp! Jokes aside, she is around the height of 4’8, her claw arm is almost half the size of herself. The main things you notice about her is rather large claw arm, but she also has another physical trait relating to her species. From her skull, two antennae are protruding from her head, these are very sensitive to touch, and they allow her to feel in a higher sensation compared to the human side of her. She is rather light, likes hiding in the dark better than standing in the day light, and her size allows her to hide anywhere she pleases.

She doesn’t like to wear anything too tight, she likes wearing loose bits of clothing to fit in those tight spaces that even she would have trouble squeezing into. Jorie also wears a dark grey and over-sized hoodie, far too big for her own good as if you pull up the hood on her, it covers her entire face! She also wears khaki pants with red slippers donning her feet, her hair is unkempt and short with the color relating to the color hazel. All in all, she looks like a pretty frail girl except for the giant claw arm protruding from her body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Ebon Umbranox
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Weapon: Ebon uses what looks like a huge tower shield known as "The Kingdom". A very heavy shield that Ebon can swing and bash his foes with, but there's a secret to it that is it's true power. The Kingdom stores about a hundred "R-Types", drone ships about the size of a handgun within. Each of these R-Types can be used for different purposes with different equipment, from simply being fast moving shooting drones, to melee-oriented drones that grapple and swarm his enemies, to recon that allows him to have a knowledge of the battlefield. Some drones can take more damage than others, and if they can return to The Kingdom they can get repaired within the next few minutes. The R-Types are build around a unique beacon that allows Ebon to control them with his semblance more easily. As long as they are near by he doesn't need to look at them to control one of his R-Types. While mechanical in nature, rely entirely on Ebon's semblance to operate; if anything else tries to all they'll get is a useless model ship.

Specialty: Ebon prefers to use his R-Types to fight for him, controlling them from a safe distance to break down his opponents. Not that he can't handle himself in a fight, but this is just how he works best. Like a sniper, it's best if the enemy isn't in his face.

Semblance: Ebon's Semblance is basically Telepathy and Telekinesis which he calls "Mind of Matter", but it works on just about everything, even inanimate objects. Specifically what it's like is as though he was right where the person or object is, and he can see what they see, hear what they hear, and feel what they feel like he was there himself. He can also use this power to communicate with others or read their surface thoughts. With long focus and concentration he could even dig through their memories for basic information, like their names or things they're very familiar with. He can telepathically "Listen" to someone as fast as it take to listen normally, though he needs some time if he wants to decipher more jumbled messages that come from trying to read someone's thoughts.

He can telekentically control inanimate objects or unconscious creatures. He has to see what he wants to telekentically control unless it's one of his R-Types, in which he can control without looking as long as they're close to him. Ebon can use his telekinesis to augment his strength as he usually uses it to throw very heavy objects around, occasionally even his foes if they make an opening.

Ebon has an effective range of about 50ft away from him that he can easily control or use his telepathy without losing concentration due to the heat of battle. Beyond that Ebon would need to divide his attention on things further away less he lose control over them. If he doesn't need to worry about something disturbing him, Ebon could keep his focus on objects well outside his 50ft range, though any distraction will break his focus and force him to start over.

Personality: Ebon can be a rough guy to be around. He always seems to be on edge, like he expects you to fight him. He can't help it as he grew up with a fairly violent history; you don't make threats you don't intend to carry out, and Ebon is more likely to act on those threats than other people are. He can also be very superficial; he'll judge you for whatever reason, be it your gender, your race, your weapon, your appearance, or even just your name. He can be a hard guy to get close to and he typically does that on purpose as he doesn't want to make emotional connections. If you can tolerate him being an asshole to you, he'll slowly begin to warm up to you, but only if you can prove that you're not about to die any time soon. He hates the idea of losing his friends and will go out of his way to save them, even if he has to kill hundreds of others to do that.

Color: Ebony

Emblem: A castle tower (Kind of like a rook from chess) with three arrows coming from the top. This is suppose to be The Kingdom, and the arrows represent his R-Types.

Appearance: Ebon is a tall, black skinned young man. He has a rather full beard for a 19 year old which he keeps braided. Despite his dark attitude he wears colorful clothing, prefers warm colors like red and yellow, though he doesn't mind wearing light blue and green as well. He also doesn't like shoes and often goes barefoot, though he'll settling for sandals if he has to. Regardless of what his outfit is he always wares a black duster with it's sleeves torn off, and on the back is his emblem in white. He has burn scars covering most of his body, and practically all of his face except around his mouth where his beard grows out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Savato Super Peace

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