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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kenny jolted up from his sleep from the announcement that informed the students about their living conditions. At first he was wondering why was he in this area until he noticed Sol fight being displayed on a screen. Kenny yawned and scratched his head getting up from his little spot walking over to the bar. As he reached the bar he sat in the most secluded spot he could find soon raising his hand to get the bartender's attention. When she had the time Kenny asked her for a drink that she'd prefer and reverted his attention back to Sol's exam. Spectating such a spectacular match made Kenny feel bad by how terrible his match went. Just by watching the fight that was displayed before him inspired him to become stronger. Kenny glued his eyes to Sol's exam his sniper reappearing on his back from how amped he was getting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Aleksandra gave Meruin a quick glance as the girl stepped into the bathroom with her. "I have some right here as long as you don't mind the smell of raspberry and mint" she said after hearing Meruin inquire about some soap and shampoo. Aleksandra had taken the ribbons out of her hair that help it up in her twin tail style and began to shake it out, when she was done Aleksandra was left with a mess of almost knee length hair which she began to clean with the raspberry scented shampoo.

It always took a little longer to wash her hair than Aleksandra would like but eventually it was covered in suds and she prepared to rinse off. Her tenseness slowly melted away until even her aura began to look softer instead of the jagged form it had taken earlier. "So Meruin..." Aleksandra started but interrupted herself with pouring a bucket of cool water over her face and down her back "what do you think of this school so far?" Aleksandra asked in an attempt to start a conversation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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She smiled softly as she looked at her schedule.
"I have
First period: Alchemy
Second period: Rituals
Third period: Free
Fourth period: Elements Class
Fifth period: Free
Sixth period: Summoning
Seventh period: Enchanting
Eighth period: Sealing

Which means that we will have rituals,summoning, enchanting and sealing together..... I guess that I should tell you of a quirk that I have and can't control yet.

My emotions are reflected by my ability of weathermastery. Did you notice the air getting a bit warmer in here?" she asked in an unsure voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Chen heard the bartenders comment and blushed. "I'm not interested in dating yet. Even if I was, I don't date people who aren't as strong as me, no offense. It's a personal rule of mine." Chen remarked to the bartender and Sandra. He noticed Kenny and smiled. "Hey there roommate! Have a nice nap?" Chen asked in a somewhat mocking tone. He then had a sudden realization. "Hey, did anyone beat their test proctors?" He asked everyone still in the bar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@The ghost in black
Meruin nodded. "raspberry and mint is acceptable," she said. All in all, she did not really have any strong preferences for how she smelled, so long as it was pleasant on the nose. Though she did have a soft spot for cinnamon and honey, which were Master and Mistress Chase's preferred soaps, respectively. Borrowing the shampoo for a minute, Meruin scrubbed her hair until it was covered in suds. She kept her eyes shut tight, much like a child did, while grasping around blindly for the pale.

"This is a waste of . . ." muttered Meruin, who then drew a rune above her head. It glowed blue for a moment before a strong burst of water gushed out from it.

When the torrent subsided, Meruin coughed: "Pft pft, blugh, I think I ingested some there. Unpleasant. Anyway, I think the schools has been . . . exciting so far." Her thoughts went back to her battle with her proctor, and she smiled a bit. "I'm hoping the trend continues."


"Well, that's a difficult attitude to have for romance; what if you turn out to be the strongest one around here? You'd never find a partner like that," commented the bartender while cleaning out a glass. "Though I have to admit, I am kind of curious to what kind of girl would catch your fancy, given the attitude."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kenny's attention was soon caught by his roommate. "The nap was good." He replied in a friendly tone complimenting his response with a smile. A smile the quickly turned into a not so happy facial expression. "Sadly I didn't defeat my opponent. It seems I'm not physically or magically prepared for what was displayed. How about you? Did you concure your exam, Chen?" Kenny asked resting his head on the counter his arms supporting his head like a pillow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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"i look forward to our classes together" He returned her gaze "and I did feel it get warmer, and i felt it warmer closer to you, quite pleasant actually" He tilted his head "you mean to say that your mood will affect your control of weather?" He grinned curiously "so, what does the warmth mean then?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Chen shook his head and shrugged. "I'm sure there's someone in the world who's as strong as me. Or at least close." He looked at Kenny and chuckled. "I actually did beat my proctor. Then the test continued and I was killed by dozens of electric eels." Chen stopped for a moment after he finished and his eyes went glossy. "Whoa. I died." His eyes refocused and he laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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"Well that's good...." Aleksandra said with a small giggle at the way Meruin seemed to wash her self almost like a younger child; She then looked at the rune that had appeared over the girl's head "That must be very useful being able to just make runes for everything huh?" she said motioning above her head after dumping another bucket of water over her head in an attmpt to get all the suds out of her hair.

After collecting more water she began to mix in the mint soap in the bucket before dipping a loofah into it. The cleaning device sat in the faintly scented mixture until it was soft before Aleksandra picked it up and began to wash herself stating with her face and working her way down to her feet. "I really needed this, I mean its been an eventful day, hell I even died a few times" she said with a stretch that caused her back to pop as well as her shoulders.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


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Sandra's head was going wild listening to the discussion between the bartender and Chen "Dating, parnter? do-do they mean like a girlfriend." She said ever so quietly for a minute or so as her head raced among her head causing her face to turn a rose red in a blush "Im not interested!" The girl shouted coming to the wrong conclusion and lashed aimed to slash one sword at Chen and another at the bartender but it failed. Her blades did not summon meaning her lashing forward would look like a stupid gesture to the people who saw it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Agatha pulled out a sheet of paper out of her purse and held it out to Kieran.
"This is the list that has happened to me so far. I don't know if there will be more or not. I never went to school so this is all new to me. I stayed home and did homeschooling.

I hope that we can be friends and enjoy what classes we have together. Now if you look at the list, you will see the emotion Embarrassment. And take a look at Nervousness....." she finished.

A grey mist was surrounding her body and it was still overly warm around her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran took the paper and looked at it, his eyes stopping at the emotions she mentioned and comparing it to what he felt and saw around her. if it was just nervousness he would've assumed it was about the her first days at school, but with it mixed with embarrassment well...he wasn't sure what to make of it. He eyed her before asking "do i...make you nervous?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@floodtalon & @Dash375
"Yeah, well I'm pretty sure there are as well, but it's findin' 'em that's the kicker," commented the bartender. Finished cleaning the glasses, the bartender took a seat on high stool, propping her legs on an ice box and listening intently on everyone's conversations, while at the same time keeping an eye on the monitors. She tilted her head slightly as Sandra had her little outburst, and gave Sandra a truly shit-eating grin.

"Aw, well, sure, if you say so, I'll believe ya," drawled the bartender, in a sarcastic, smug way that made it plain that she did not believe her. "I mean, it's totally normal for your face ta be all red like that when you're not interested, yep!"

@The ghost in black
Meruin shook the excess water out from her hair, and wiped off the water dripping to her eyes and blinking them open. "Yes, they're fairly useful, though I have a bit of difficulty tuning their use to mundane matters. I wonder how Master does it . . ."

Lost in thoughts, Meruin began scrubbing herself down with Aleksandra's soap, before abruptly stopping and placing the soap down cautiously. Turning a bit so she could look at Aleksandra, she eyed her in a vaguely intrusive manner, starting from top to bottom, at every nook-and-cranny, and from every angle. She raised a brow.

"You are very healthy looking for a dead person. Are you a zombie or ghoul perhaps? Because if you are, I'm afraid I can't share cleaning agents with you; safety matters, you understand. It's quite unhygienic to share such things with the living dead," said Meruin frankly. "The same goes for the kitchen and beds. I may have to place barriers around them just to ensure that you don't accidentally infect them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Chen leaned back away from Sandra's strike and smirked. "Oh my. It appears as if we have a tsundere on our hands." He looked at the bartender and chuckled. "She's just embarrassed. And lying to herself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha smiled as she nodded. "I am a bit nervous because I never been around males very much except for my two older brothers. I also have two older sisters. But because of my ability I was kept home. In fact, I had my own wing and yard.

I sneaked peeks at my sisters boyfriends though. Which is how I got my own kitchen and from then on I couldn't spy on them.

Do you have brothers or sisters? What was your life like?"

Agatha was trying to calm herself so that her Aura would calm down. Then she would look like any normal human being...kinda.... but of course she could hide her ears. But the ears always somehow find their way out of any hair style... for the ears. Just enjoy your new room! Agatha thought to herself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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"I...I've no siblings, life for me was, er, different..." He trailed off and glanced to the side awkwardly. He looked for a way to change the topic and looked at her again, noticing her ears weren't like the human's, his were different as well but he doubted it was for the same reason. He did, however, forget to voice that into a question and instead just looked at her ears curiously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 10 mos ago

"S-shut up. You guys were spouting all that rubbish and I got the wrong idea and got embarrassed and it led to this." Her words sped up more and more as her face stayed the same red though this time from the embarrassment of what she did rather then being flirted with.
Sandra rose her head and would over to Kenny "Why hey there, did you just summon that gun? What does it do?" She asked curiously trying to block out the other two as she tried to learn more about him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha looked Kieran and smiled.
"My ears come from an ancient genetic line. I have Dark Elf blood or so I am told. I have also fairy blood and wizard blood. The Magick has skipped a few generations. My Father is not pleased about it but without Mother's money, he would be nothing. It is hidden away where no one can get it. There are other skeletons that I don't feel like talking about at the moment."

Agatha began to unpack her belongings. Her Aura became a pale blue with small swirls. She was also biting her lip as she unpacked. Soon the sound of rumbling thunder could be heard as if it was far off in the distance.

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