Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bristle sat down towards the front of the room quietly and waited expectantly. He was half expecting this to be the start of some new torture machine but was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Unlike some people. Bristle turned and looked at the others as they came in still trying to match names to faces, it seemed he would have few friends here, nothing new, so he should know them well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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They got to class and Zephyr decided to sit in one of the middle rows. He didn't want to be right at the front but being way at the back didn't really suit him. It didn't really matter, since there were so few of them he wouldn't be surprised if the master just made them all crowd at the front. They didn't have notebooks or anything to take notes, then again Zephyr never was one to take very good notes. If they were going to be tested on this he was sure he'd do fine without them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mecca decided to sit closer to the back, more as to keep away from the Master for the reason that she didn't want to be close to anyone who angered him. She let her blond hair fall to cover her face as she leaned back into her seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Rex @KatherinWinter @booksmusicanime @duskshine749 @Eklispe
The master would turn towards the class then sigh slightly annoyed at Alex "you really are an idiot.." he says shaking his head then starts writing something on the board "..as you all know now magic flows though you but it also flows through the world around you" he states "now you can access not only the magical energies inside you but the energies outside as well, but that is fairly dangerous and requires a more... developed mage to do" he states "so at your current level you wouldn't be able to tap into other energies.." he tells them "Now something very important to remember" he tells them "As you may of seen when i had you create spheres.. Pure magic comes in many colors, these colors each have their own special qualities" he states as he finishes righting a list on the board "you will do well to remember these, for they can affect how well you can control magic" he turns to them again "For examples Red colored magic" he says pointing to it on the board "Is wild, it doesn't like to be controlled at all compared to other magic, it doesn't take kindly when it's forced to do something it doesn't like so it will have worse backlashes.... in most cases this magic is the hardest to master because of it's tendencies" he states "Magic is alive though it doesn't have a heart beat or normally phyiscal form, it exists in everything and it flows to it's own will" he says "The sky, the earth, and the sea all of these and more is filled with magical energies" he tells them "so much show it will crush your entire soul if you try to use those energies before your ready"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Bristle focused on the lesson eagerly, words were easy to understand, abusive amounts of physical exercise less so. He found the idea of colors interesting, he wondered what kind of color he had. Bristle'd been focusing a little to much on making the sphere than noting what color it was. Then the fire and brimstone speech again. It'd seem like trying anything with magic had a chance of eternal damning them and their soul if they weren't careful. Oh well, could be worse. Maybe. Probably? Regardless he repeated the key points of the lecture in his head to help remember them, he would learn everything he could about magic, how else would he get good at it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Liz wished she had something to take notes on. But she was used to being expected to memorize information so she figured that she would be alright. She thought about the sphere she had created. She had been amazed by the beautiful colors. She had never imagined that she could make something so beautiful. It had amazed her that she had such power in her. She would have to remember not to stretch herself too much though. From what the master was saying magic tended to have a mind of it's own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mecca tilted her head as she listened. She wished she had payed attention to the color of her sphere so she could know for sure what kind of magic she would have to deal with. Her golden eyes wandered around the room as she listened to the Master.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Alex listened to the master’s lecture and looked around for something to write on, but found nothing. Guess we’ll be getting some kind of text book. Alex thought. Alex sighed when he heard about the different colors of magic and wished he’d paid more attention to the color then the fact it looked like it was coming from a telephone wire. Why the hell a telephone wire? Alex was fascinated by the fact that everything had magic inside of it, but his mind racked with questions and knowing the master. He knew he wouldn’t get an answer, but a smack to the head.

“If I may sir, are there alternatives to magic? For example, if someone could use magic to manipulate time. Could they train to use the magic in other ways? Like, instead of stopping time. They could alter the time around another person who’s had surgery to make their recovery time faster or would all the machines interfere with the magic?” Alex asked after the master finished. He didn’t have high hopes on getting an answer. Then thought of the machines interfering caused him to add, “Also, you mentioned technology can interfere with magic. Is it all technology affects magic or is it certain pieces of equipment affect certain types of magic?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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As the master spoke Zephyr thought he remembered his magic as yellow, or maybe it was more orange? It wasn't a very dense circle of magic so it was hard to tell. Alex started asking his questions and Zephyr chuckled to himself quietly, here we go. He did bring up an interesting point in time manipulation, but he was sure the master would find some way to smack Alex for asking about it. Zephyr just kind of figured time magic was too complicated for them to even start thinking about, he wouldn't be surprised if even the master found it difficult.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Eklispe @KatherinWinter @booksmusicanime @Rex @duskshine749

The master would turn to Alex and would be about to say something but then turns his head to Zephyr "..Zephyr don't laugh" he states "first of all this is the time to ask questions even to things you have no business messing with" he states "And just so you know Messing with Time is child's play to me" he tells Zephyr before looking back to Alex "Maniplulating time is a very, very dangerious thing to do" he tells alex "Even the most powerful masters tend to not use it because if you make a mistake you'll destroy the entire universe" he states. "now as for the specific situation you spoke about... that would be speeding a person's own biological time up" he says "dangerious again because if you can't stop it they'll turn into sand within a few minutes" he tells them "Not everyone develops magic the same way, two users of the same element could have completely different offensive attacks" he states "Personally I'd mark time as one of the forbidden magics because you have no reason to alter time" he states "not that you technically can... you'll just be sent into a separate time line that goes besides ours" he looks around rubbing his chin some "well technology can highly interfere with a low level magic user... like you all" he states "as you grow stronger you can learn to reduce its interference but you always must calculate it trying to do something or else you'll ... well fuck up" he says turning to the board and writes 'Necromancy' 'Daemonic' and 'Chrono' "these types of magic along with at lest one other are considered by most as forbidden." he tells them "No council have made laws against them but their considered forbidden for how dangerous they are. If you fail in a daemonic spell you'll call forth something that'll cause massive havoc and possible destroy the world" he states "I have already spoken about Chrono.. aka time magic... and finally Necromancy... it's pointless to try and bring back the dead... the dead can never be brought back" he tells them "all those who have tried only received a corpse.... who had the soul for only a few hours before just having a soulless zombie" he shakes his head "Most who have dabbled into these three magics have became insane or have been killed by it" he tells them. "the fourth magic you don't need to even know about because it's extremely ancient I very much don't think anyone knows about it anymore" he states "and that's end of that discussion" he states.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Liz took careful mental notes about the forbidden magics. Just the names of them scared her. She wouldn't imagine why anyone would want to mess with any of them. But she was sure there was atleast one in every generation that decided that they had to try and see if they could push the lines. She looked at her companions and wondered who would be that person. Her bet was on Alex. He seemed to be the type to do something just to see what would happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mecca made a mental note to not even think about those magics. She let her mind wander for a moment before lifting her gaze to the Master. "Going back to what you were saying about magic color, how can we tell what color of magic we have? And is it possible to have more than one?" She questioned, sitting up in her seat a little straighter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"Right, sorry sir," Zephyr kept quiet as the master explained the kinds of forbidden magic. Unfortunately all he could think of was what the heck was the final forbidden magic the master wasn't mentioning. And yes I know you hear this, Zephyr thought at the master, and I'm fine with you not telling us. I'm just curious, I have a great thirst for knowledge. His search of knowledge is what got him here in the first place, if it wasn't for that drive he may have died during the magic binding ceremony at the start of all this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bristle nodded. Don't summon Demons. Don't mess with time. Don't mess with dead things. Easy peasy. If that was all that was forbidden he could still do like, a ton of things. So it was still cool. Now they could talk about interesting stuff, like what they could do. Like shoot fireballs. He idly wondered if trying all the forbidden magics at the same time would make it better or worse. Probably worse. That was probably a really bad idea. Bristle wondered if anyone had tried it before. And also how they had gotten their magic. It obviously probably wasn't a forbidden magic, but had the master like just tinkered with their bodies, or given them like some of his power, or like filled them with spiritie thingies? He'd probably find out later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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“So there’s magic that even skilled masters are afraid of, but is it the magic that they consider forbidden or is it what a certain user of the magic did,” Alex said before he continued, “You said Magic is everywhere, but where did it come from? Did the planet create it or was there a person who first used magic?” Man I’m so confused Alex thought.

“There wouldn’t be a textbook or something I could read outside of training would there?” Alex asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Rex @Eklispe @duskshine749 @booksmusicanime @KatherinWinter

The Master looked towards Mecca "I would guess you wasn't paying attention then" he states "When you made your sphere didn't you notice it's color?" he asks "When manipulating magic in it's most basic form it will naturally be the color you have" he tells them "Eventually you can manipulate it into other colors though that is only done in order to do certain things" he states "Your own color can never be changed, it is possible to have multiple colors, but yet again it's something you start with, not something you can learn" he says "Infact wizards with multiple colors tend to have a lot more power than others" he would look to Bristle "There are two people in this room with multiple colors" he tells them "Myself being the first.." he says as he makes a sphere in front of them and it would glow brightly with pretty much every possible color like a rainbow. "if you pay attention you'll learn of the other" he says making the sphere vanish and shakes his head at Zephyr at his thought.

"as to the question in your head Bristle, what I did to all of you was an awakening ritual" he says "First I Infuse magic into your bodies in order to prepare it. then 6 or so Needles also infused with magic enter your bodies in order to open the gateways, kind of like pressure points" he states "That had the magic that existed in side of you all sealed an unusable" he states "After opening those gateways your magic then spread through your own bodies over the course of months that you slept and formed into 'cores' which are center points of magic" he tells them "These cores can be anything from a sphere of magical power inside you, to the magic being spread through your veins or your nervous system." he states very clearly while glancing to Alex.

"Alex it's not that skilled masters are afraid of it, most magic become child play to masters including forbidden magic" he states "We know how dangerious it is so that's why we call it forbidden for it can destroy all life as we know it, most people who have used forbidden magic loses their minds to it and pretty much become insane and evil" he states "Magic has simply always existed, sense the dawn of time it has existed, the origin of magic doesn't really matter now a days" he says shaking his head "and no there isn't a textbook because that idea is idiotic what if someone who wasn't under the apprenticeship of a master found one and tried to do shit in it?" he asks with a raised eyebrow "they would kill themselves and everything around them"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 42 min ago

It amazed Liz that she had magic. She remembered the pretty pink of her orb. There had been other colors, kind of like a soap bubble, but they had been so light that she hadn't been able to tell what they were. She wondered what her magic as good for. Not that it mattered to her. No matter what she would be able to help others with her magic and that was what she wanted to more then anything in the world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Bristle nodded, very interesting this whole ritual stuff. He wondered if he would ever be able to do that. Luckily so far it seemed they didn't have to do anything besides pay attention and that was easy enough. He sat quietly for now wondering what was the next topic of discussion. It was too much to hope for that they were done already. He wondered when they would get breakfast. Or lunch. Brunch. Mhmm...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mecca sinks down in her chair, her face slightly red from embarrasment. She had been so focused in just making the sphere that she didn't even think about if it had a color or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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“Really?” Alex questioned before he continued, “I figured all masters had books their apprentices could read. I mean who would be stupid enough to try and break into a master’s home to steal the book? It’s suicide. The masters are the most powerful magic users on the planet right?” Alex remembered the master talking about the magic’s color and what it meant, but he didn’t remember the color. He did remember one thing about the magic.

“I understand the whole magic and color issue, but what about appearance. For some odd reason when I went to look for the magic. It looked like it was going through a telephone wire. At first it wouldn’t allow me to even touch it, but after a while I was able to get into it and take a small amount of magic out of it. Does that mean anything?” Alex asked before he added, “Or the fact that it looked like lightning?”
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