You know I'm just throwing the bait at them, just let them fight for it and on the last minute... yank the prize away, like a carrot in a stick. Hehehe.
You know I'm just throwing the bait at them, just let them fight for it and on the last minute... yank the prize away, like a carrot in a stick. Hehehe.
Ha! Well the jokes on you, because this just meant you sowed the seed of rebellion! I will amass the people of the RP underneath my mighty banner, and together we'll overthrow the tyranny of this world. We'll resist this so called divine power and make our own heaven, one carved out with our own hands! WE ARE THE AFTERLIFE BATTLEFRONT! Shinda! Sekai! Sensen!
But I have a boy. Thus, the boy's uniform will have TINY MINISKIRTS!
But I have a boy. Thus, the boy's uniform will have TINY MINISKIRTS!
Ok, everyone, IC is open! Have fun!
Also, whoever makes the first boy gets to choose their version of the PC uniforms, all the girls will have one like Harumi's when they wake up. Or you can choose to wear the NPCs' uniform, from the anime at your own leisure.
Thought you were doing Chi?