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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Gojira was late to realize as Kong manages to push said rock right at her face. He shattered the rock between his hand and her head knocking her back a few steps. She was still slightly groggy from being awakened to defeat Kong, but none of the less she needs to keep focused. But before she can actually wake up, she can see that Kong was already rushing towards her with the shards of the tree.

But as soon as she wakes up, Kong would then be knocked back hard by an incoming fireball from the sky! Someone else was here and it was certainly not from the great ape's side. Gojira looks up to see a flying object coming towards the battlefield. And then, a familiar cry.


Now already awake, the Queen already recognizes the voice. It was another Guardian of Earth, the ONLY one that can actually be compared to Gojira. Enter...


Once she gets to the battlefield, she stand right between the two fighters, facing Kong as she protects Gojira as she gets up. The turtle-hybrid was significantly shorter then the towering Queen, but has the tenacity and power to match and rival Gojira.

"Mighty Kong!" she then shouts towards the opponent, "I don't know why you've suddenly been resurrected, but under the name of the Kaijolic Pantheon, stand down or face the wrath of the strongest guardians on Earth!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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After some of the first wave was defeated the big guns came out. It was now King Ghidorah, going after them all. King Ghidorah was not alone as Gaia herself was out along with Ymir. These three were known as the heavy hitters and were ready to defend their master.

Zeltrax in the meantime watched as the fight continued. He stood up from his throne finally, a grin on his face as he took out his sword. He was ready to enter the battle when needed. Thanks to his weapon creating more corruption, though on a temporary effect, whatever was cut by it would become corrupt and fight for him. His sword ready he waited behind his three heavy hitters. King Ghidorah would be the hardest one to take down as he was the largest and had the thickest skin.

Zeltrax only grinned at this though, soon enough though someone from the crowd came out to go straight for Zeltrax. It was Son Wu Kong and Hun Batz. After Gamera had made her entrance they saw no further need to protect the jungle. It would be lost in the battle anyways. Instead they turned their attention to Zeltrax.

As both the monkey rulers came at Zeltrax they were blocked by his sword. They were expecting this however and jumped back. Son Wu Kong went at Zeltrax's head again only to be blocked while Hun Batz went after the legs. However they both got a nasty suprise this time in the form of a fire ball of both of their faces. As they tried to recover Zeltrax was already on top of them. He stabbed Hun Batz who was then corrupted. He then turned his attention to Son Wu Kong. "You failed me." Zeltrax said in a cold voice that would send a shiver down anyones spine. Son Wu Kong tried to escape but found himself held down by Hun Batz. Son Wu Kong had a look of fear in his eyes as Zeltrax grabbed the monkeys head before ripping it off. The first casualty of this battle was that of Sun Wu Kong.

Sun Wu Kongs body fell limp after the head was torn off. His body was thrown towards the feet of the merged that had come. This was not a fight to be taken lightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Kong was surprised to be hit by a fireball during his attack. It didn't have Gojira's strength, but it still burnt significantly and knocked Kong back on his butt. As he got up the new lizard flew down and landed between him and Gojira. She began to shout for him to stop by the name of He-doesn't-care Panther-ton. Gojira needed to pay for what she had done, and another lizard just meant that he had to go through this one first.

Kong let an angry roar at her proposal and began to charge her. His anger was getting the best of him now and all he wanted to do was to break these lizards. He began to charge aggresively for Gamera with the intention to bash her as hard as he could. He made his way to her and raised his fists in the air ready to come down on her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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"Because! I am letting you do this alone! I don't care if you are god of death! If you do this by yourself; you'll die! And I don't want to risk losing you! You're the first friend I've ever had and I do want you to leave me alone! Besides I have Leo here with me! He is perfectly capable of protecting me!" Rhona whispered. Suddenly, something attacks Alec, startling her.

"Alec!" Rhona gasps. Thankfully, however, Alec was able to quickly defeat the threat.

Then they both notice Landon and the creature encased in ice. However, Rhona is more concerned about Landon's missing arm than the monstrous creature inside the frigid prison. "Landon! Your arm! What happened?!" She replied, touching the frozen appendage lightly. "Where's your real arm?! Maybe I can reattach it!" She frantically looked around for Landon's arm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Gamera prepares to defend herself as two massive furry fists begin to plummet down on her head. But the impact never came, as Gojira-San blocked the attack by using all of her strength to stop the attack from hurtling down. The turtle did not expect this to come whatsoever, but alas she didn't stop there. Absorbing all of her available mana that she already has inside of her, she then unleashes her High Plasma attack, which will be a 120% increase in strength, make a devastating knockback effect and send Kong hurtling towards the beach cliffside. Perhaps he is already biting into more then he can chew... or well, smash.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Reese activated the portal crystal and immediately found himself within the war zone of the assult against Zeltrax. It seems before Yato and him arrived the Merged was doing fine. That's when he witnessed 3 powerful gods appear on the battle field one in particular that Reese grined a bit glancing upon her once pureness that's now corrupted to disbelief. "It looks like it's time for me to avenge myself from that Olympus battle against Ares." Reese said cracking his knuckles and for a brief second vanishing. A what would be powerful punch was stopped by a medium sized wall of rock. The wall fell from the shock wave of the punch and behind it stood Gaia radiating a great amount of beauty and royalty even in her corrupted state.

Gaia expression unfazed by Reese's advancement towards her. With a light wave of her hand the ground between her and Reese spawned several spears that aimed to pierce him through his limbs. Seeing some of the spears spawn Reese still rushed Gaia dodging a few of the spears. He got a few cuts and scrapes but ignored them and closed the distanced between himself and her. Before he could reach her she quickly summoned another wall in front of her making sure it's thick enough for him not to penetrate with ease. To her surprise Reese smashed through the wall thanks to the momentum he built up running non stop towards her. Occupied by the destruction of the wall Reese had enough time to land a solid punch to Gaia's gut.

He backed away as he seen her grasp for her stomach coughing up blood. Reese could of blew a hole through her stomach but doing so didn't feel right. Distracted by the remorse he felt for Gaia his reaction time was slow and he was struck heavily in the jaw causing him to hurdle through the air. He landed on his back wincing at the sudden pain. Before he could attempt to get up Gaia landed on his ribs forcing her foot down most likely shattering a couple of ribs. Reese bit his lip as more blood seeped out the corner of his mouth. She pressed on his rib harder a light grin appearing on her face.

Fighting the pain Reese grabbed her ankle and twisted it snapping it to the point were it was completely broken. Gaia of course moved her leg reacting to her ankle being broken. Reese shakingly standing to his feet was now ready to kill the once loving god. Mustering up his strength he charged at her aiming to hit her with a left hook. Gaia grabbed Reese's arm but wasn't able to completely stop the punch. A puddle amount of blood poured out of the goddess mouth as the punch separated her torso from her waist. Flowers grew from the large amounts of blood that decorated the ground beneath them. Reese stumbled backwards landing on his butt. He was breathing heavy as his healing abilities started to slowly kick in. He felt a bit uneasy looking at Gaia's bloody separated corpse. This Zeltrax guy had to be stopped and that was Reese's next target once he believed he was healed enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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@Slendy @Cuccoruler

Yato was mentally prepping himself for the fight he was about to go to. He wasn't sure what would happen to him but that didn't matter. His followers expected him to keep watch over them in their time of need and he would not call himself a God of fortune if he just stood back and not help fight Zeltrax. Using the portal crystal Yato appeared in the underworld. Taking a quick look around the area Yato sets his sight on Ymir. With a battle cry Yato runs towards the ice God. On his way over his swings his katana sending three sharp waves of water at Ymir.

Ymir charged at Yato not even flinching as the water struck him in the chest. "You will have to do better then that if you want to win." Ymir swung at Yato but missed as he dodged it and made a small incision on his leg. Ymir responded by kicking the fortune God sending him flying into the wall. The God of fortune cried out in pain and started to pull himself up as he heard the God made of ice getting closer. Thinking quickly Yato created a sphere of water just in time to block the next attack. Yato strengthened the sphere as it was struck again and again. Ymir formed a sword in his right hand and pierced the sphere getting Yato in the side causing blood to seep into the water.

Deciding to try to shift the battle to be in his favor Yato started creating more water to create a bigger sphere. Not able to act fast enough Ymir was caught up in his plan and was trapped. The God of fortune launched himself at the other God, planted his feet on his chest and sent him into the wall causing a ripple on the outside of the sphere. Ymir, not wanting to be made a fool, reached for Yato but missed as he swam upward. The God of the sea rocket out of the top of the water and landed on it with grace. "Let's see if your hardened skin can withstand this." Yato slammed his foot onto the sphere which made it start to compress crushing the God inside. Ymir fought against the force but it was in vane.

Yato opened a portal and kick the much smaller water sphere into and closed the portal. Sporting his new wounds made his way over to Reese. "Looks like you did a number on Gaia. If you want I can help you heal those wounds." Yato lightly chuckled at his joke weather Reese found it funny or not. "Any plans to take this guy down?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


After witnessing two of his heavy hitters go down Zeltrax took a step forward. He got his sword ready before slicing it through the air creating a plethora of fire balls to shoot at them. This would certainly be an interesting battle. A long one as well thanks to the power that Zeltrax had gathered.

Zeltrax rushed behind a few fireballs straight at Yato. He sent a slash at Yato in hopes of catching him during his dodge. Zeltrax sent a few more fire balls at Reese as he rushed in to attack Yato with a flurry of hits. Zeltrax had a mix of red and purple smoke comeing out of his eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Reese noticed Yato walking away from his fight victorious like himself. Reese was beaten up somewhat badly but he still chuckled along at Yato's offer. "I thinks it'd be best for us to be close to our full strength so don't waist your luck on me I'll be good." Reese said slowly getting up onto his feet. "And yes I be-." He stopped quickly punching forward causing gusts of winds to counter the fire balls that tried to blind side Yato. "Look alive the big guy brought the fight to us!" Reese ran in Zel's direction dodging the flame projectiles responding with a few more gusts of winds to hopefully breaking Zel's concentration and cause his attacks to be more unstabled and easier to dodge. "Yato hit him when you can find a an opening!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"Thank you, Hecate-sama."

A torch that would help in a time of great need. Yuki couldn't help but smile at the item and the overall situation. She felt like she was in one of those epic adventures that her greek mother told her of when she was younger. With how the alien war god sounded, this item would be of great importance. Still, Yuki didn't think that it would keep everyone safe. If anything, she'd throw it to someone more important than herself if such a thing was necessary. Then again, she knew not of its activation and methods.

In any case, Yuki had to wrap this up and leave to assist in the battle that she was sure was already progressing. She bowed in respect, and began speaking once more.

"The last thing I wanted to address with you is a personal request of mine. Whether I survive or fall in the coming battle, if I were to meet with you once more..."

Yuki found it difficult to ask such a thing from Hecate, but it was something that she just had to ask. It was a request that must be made.

"If you could...the next time we meet...Could you..."

All she needed to do was say it. One final push, and Yuki would go through with it. It was becoming more and more difficult to ask her, but the dance goddess just had to say,

"Would you please dress up like this the next time we meet!?"

Yuki took out her cell phone and fumbled about with it. She Went into the 'downloaded photos' section of her pictures, and pulled out a very interesting picture (Click if you dare).


Yuki Dashed out of the room with the torch faster than a roadrunner on speed...not really, but she ran out regardless, not looking back and with the torch following closely. She performed her wind dance once more, and let the winds move her and Hecate's torch from one realm to another within an instant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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However, there was no time to loose. As Kong runs towards the two again, Gojira steps in and breathes another beam of atomic energy right at the big ape. She continues firing her consistent beam, with Kong slowly weakening as he tries to block it. Already the fur was begin to catch on fire and slowly peeling from his flesh. She then backs him to the cliffside, cornering him with nowhere else to go. Gamera would participate, but she knows how much the two despise one another and decides to not interrupt. Another pump of lethal atomic energy, and now Kong's flesh began to smoke, crackle, and burn. The agonizing cries and howls proved to be unfruitful as the god's bones became literally disintegrated, with his soul showing an unknown fate.

None of the less, Kong was dead again. Gojira then issues a mighty roar of victory, lasting up to ten seconds before finally ending with a gruff. This was just a small show how the kaiju is feared by both mortals... and immortals. Gamera then nods as she approached the Queen.

"Are you alright Gojira-Sama?" she asks innocently.

With several growls and huffs, she then answers.

"I'm fine." she states in English finally as she looks at her, "Why did you come? I thought I told you I'd take care of this."

"It isn't about this." the turtle replies, "I received a message stating that a certain alien known as Zeltrax has been uprising the dead gods! He's in the underworld. We need to go!"

A small pause was issued.

"Let them fight." she growls as she heads to the sea, "Their bickering is none of my concern."

"But we must!" Gamera begs as she follows after her, "Everyone is required to fight him for the sake of the Earth!"

"They will win." Gojira answers back, "Even without me, they will win. If there's one good reason I should come, say it. But I won't come regardless."


It was then when Gojira was stopped dead in her tracks. She slightly looks back at the turtle with a growl coming from her maw.

"Who's name did you mutter?" the queen asks in a menacing growl.

"Ghidorah is down there." the turtle replies, "Along with the others. You are the only specialized god-killer I know that can destroy Ghidorah! A menace that must be accustomed to your own hands no?"

A longer pause comes in as Gojira thinks about the situation. With an annoyed growls she finally nods.

"Fine." she finally answers, "I will deal with the dragon god myself. But don't bother me for awhile after this."

Gamera nods as the two make their way to the underworld, ready to face the long time nemesis of Gojira...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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@Ace of flames01
Landon noticed Rhona as she ran and called out to him about his arm. He turned towards her as he 'felt' her touch his new arm. It was a strange sensation to him and he was surprised he could feel it. He tried to stop Rhona from frantically searching for his arm. "There's no need to search for it. My arm was torn and crushed by one of the wolf heads. It probably ate half of it, wherever it is, but thanks for the help anyways. This arm takes concentration, but it might not be that bad."

Landon turned to Zeltrax and Ghidorah. "I think we have a much bigger problem than just my arm right now anyways. I don't know how we're going to touch that giant. I hope we can keep it entertained long enough for Reese and Yato to take down Zel."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Rhona looked at Landon with a upset look on her face as she heard of the fate of his arm. "Yeah... OK... I... I'm sorry... I should have come sooner..." She murmered apologetically as she eyed Landon's frozen arm, touching it lightly once more. "Does it hurt...? Your prosthetic... Can it feel anything...? Does it hurt when it gets destroyed...?"

Rhona hid her face behind her hair as she looked down. "I'm sorry..." She apologized again.

Rhona then noticed the 2 towering giants that stood in the distance. Their sheer size was startling on it's own, but to know that those were to be her opponent, terrified her. Swallowing her fear, Rhona spoke truthfully. "I-I don't know how we will be able to distract such a huge god.... But we have to try... But... I could try blinding it... However, if we aren't careful, I could end up blinding both of you by accident..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Yato looked up in time to dodge the fire balls as Zeltrax swung at him in mid dodge. He brought up his katana just in time but almost got knocked down in the process. Using the short pause to get his barring Yato braced himself against the new attacks. The blocks and dodges kept him alive but gave him some bleeding cuts. "I can't hit him if he won't layoff me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01@BlackPanther
Landon looked back at Rhona as she began to get sad over his arm. "Haha, you're fine. It was my own choice to rush in dumb." Her touches of his arm helped him adapt to the feelings it gave. He didn't think the dark would connect with him so well inside of the ice. "It doesn't hurt, but it hasn't really been under any real pressure yet. I don't think it will hurt though. I can feel your touch, but it doesn't feel like you touching me, if that makes sense. I can just feel something there." Landon laughed again as Rhona was apologizing. "Haha, you're really fine. This was my fault."

Landon looked back to the three headed beheamoth. He wasn't sure where to begin on distracting it, or slowing it down. He listened to Rhona give her idea, and it's flaw as well. He had a way to fix it and maybe help too. "That might actually work. I'll blackout me and Alec's eyes as you blind it. I'll also sheet the ground with ice beneath it. Alec if you could cut at it's feet, we just need you to get it to try to move. I'll give you solid footing as you move along the ice. It might seem a little goofy, but it might fall. It might just fly as well though. Don't we have anything that can fight on this scale? I don't know how to make myself an ice giant yet."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Zeltrax felt the sharp wind hit him. He was knocked off balance just momentarily but gained his balance back with an awkward slash at Yato's legs. He continued to slash at the two. Since Yato was cut however he would start to see things as corrupted. He would soon start to change his attacks towards Reese most likely.

Zeltrax took this chance to change his attacks towards Reese now. He fired several more fireballs before following up right behind them. Before the fire balls even hit Zeltrax had sliced through his own fireballs to slash at Reese. This was that power of a god of corruption.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Reese retreated attempting to dodge the fire balls. Being skilled in combat he knows not focusing on the target was a bad choice of action. He didn't even notice Yato taking a hit how focused he was on Zel. Thankfully for focusing on Zel Reese was able to see his sneak attack coming. Though he did see it coming he barely managed to dodge the slash by punching at the ground beneath him the wind shooting him up from Zel's reach. "Damn he's good but hell have to do better to catch a God of War!" Reese spun and swung at the air sending him falling back to the ground at an accelerating rate. As he fell he throw an uncountable amount of punches that even caused his arms and first to become a blur. The funnel of a possible tornado began to erupt from the repetitive gusts of winds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Come on, Claire! We're missing all the good parts!"

"Gimme a sec! It's hard to come up with a song to use against a war god! Go on ahead!

Miriam groaned in annoyance before dashing off to fight against Zeltrax. Her scythe had disappeared, and in its place was an oddly curved longsword. In a moment, the blade snapped into a second form. It had turned from a normal sword to a unique longbow. Arrows began to appear in Miriam's hand as she began shooting at the alien war god. In the distance, one may be able to see the mist and fog gathering together once more in preparation.

"Got it! First one up...!"

orbs of light began to slowly raise from the ground, and her cloud of darkness began to move again. Suddenly, the cloud dashed quickly, Only slowing down for Claire's orbs of light to shoot out projectiles of varying intensity. It went on like this for a minute, before evolving into something more complex.

The projectiles suddenly grew in number, and began shooting into the sky, only to rain down at its target as intense beams, carefully avoiding those who were on Claire's side. At the same time, the music commanded Claire's darkness to pursue Zeltrax as a wave of grasping arms and hands.

"Next one up...!"

While this was happening, Yuki had arrived in the Underworld. The winds there were being forced so much that they had carried her with little to no effort on her part. She watched the battle evolve further and further into a chaotic mess, and found that the few that were fighting each other must have been where she was meant to be. It wasn't hard to pick out the alien war god. He was pretty much obvious with his red...armor/skin, and the strange anatomy. It also helped that the strange winds and fire were where they were as well.

Yuki heard a familiar song, and assumed it was Claire fighting along to it. It was partway through its first half, and coming up to its build-up to the piece's end. It was just enough time for Yuki to help out. She'd have to do it from a distance, though, since her own action would probably be muddied up in the process over there.

When the build-up began, she started to abruptly dance, as if she had started at the middle of a routine. Her movements began to summon the waters to rush towards the battle, though not as a wave, but as elementals without spirit, and a limited amount of time before they melted back into uncontrolled waters. Then, she performed a flare that turned into a continuous spin. This particular part summoned the winds and fire away from the fight to come to her and join together. Together, they formed a burning tornado of flames. As the music got more and more intense, it lifted up large chunks of stone and ground, molding them into round, flaming projectiles that were launched at Zeltrax.

Knowing that this was the most she could do at the moment, and that the piece was done, Yuki looked to the floating torch she was given by Hecate, and spoke to it.

"Torch of Hecate, reveal what I must do..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Rhona nodded, she was weak but hopefully, by doing this, she could do her part in ending this war. "Alright... Ready? Cover your eyes now!" She replied, giving Landon the chance to protect their eyes.

Once their eyes were blacked out, a light, as bright and blinding as the sun illuminated the room. Thankfully Landon and Alec were protected from the light. However, the three headed giant was not so lucky. With a loud, terrible screech the beast reared up on it's hind legs. The deed was done and the creature was blinded for the time being.

With her work finished, Rhona finally collapsed. However, before she hit the ground, a figure, as quick as lightning, caught her and held her gently. It was handsome young man with a slender frame, clad in a black T-shirt and jeans. "Alright, lass... That'll do... That'll do..." He replied softly with a thick Irish accent, grinning. The young man then proceeded to pick up Rhona, cradling her gently in his arms. Surprisingly, despite his slender build, he carried Rhona with complete ease.

"If you'll excuse me. I will be takin' the lass now." He replied slightly louder, not looking at the 2 gods next to him.
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