Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cherry_Shield

Cherry_Shield The Old Ice Queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This is the only roleplay I managed to salvage off of the OldRPG that I made. It is by username Cirno (me), and it is over 5 years old. Please excuse any grammatical errors or abnormalities. Let me know if anything needs explained or refined.
This is a original roleplay idea, thought it is based off videos. I randomly found epic videos over Youtube and decided this is how I wanted a roleplay, so I threw all the videos together and added my own story line to it.

Though I do not expect over-the-top work, I will ask for at least 3 decent paragraphs per post; I love detail people, so consider this as Advance Casual Roleplay.

Also, GMG= Genetically Modified Girl


You're running. Why are you running? You can't remember; Adrenaline pumping, too many thoughts surging through your developing mind to think of that right now, but you know it will come back you later. All you know is that they are after you; the ones clad in black, and that the word 'prisoner' is not in their vocabulary.



You fall to your knees; You finally got away. Gasping for air as saliva spills out your gaping mouth, you struggle to your feet. Making your way out of the ally, you pull your hood up to hide your appearance. You stare into a rusted newspaper dispenser; 2052 reads the headline of the New York Weekly. Wanted posters and police propaganda plaster the city walls, advertising for the capture of members of government opposition.

Many will fall for these posters and support the government. But you know better, because you are an enemy of the government. You know what they did.

They will pay for it. One way or another.


The year is 2053, one year after the escape. New York City. Martial law is in effect due the escape of a large group of genetically modified teenage girls. Though the reason behind their creation and escape is a mystery. Some say it was a government super-soldier program gone horribly wrong, or that they experimented with young girls to turn them into 'egg farms' in an attempt to boost the population after the Life 0 super-virus ran through the world 10 years ago, only affecting females and nearly whipping them out. The thing is, no one truly knows why the genetically modified girls fight, not even the girls; Only the fabled Three Kings know why they truly fight. But the military will hunt them until not a single one is left standing. It has been 5 years since the breakout, and the girls still wander, fighting for their lives.

You are one of these girls, and this is your story.

Where are you?:

NYC, USA, YEAR 2052. The cities outer layers are slowly crumbling into ghettos and slums, the middle ring of the city is middle class, and the center of the city is reserved for those who are high class. Police forces are visibly placed in the ghettos and middle class areas, and are still placed in the high class center, but in more discreet ways as to not disturb the 'valuable' citizens. As a genetically modified girl, you tend to stick to the ghettos and slums, occasionally drifting into the middle class area and even the high class if you are experienced enough, but a lot of times you will find that the sewers and dark allies are your most valuable travel points or even homes.

Who Will Fight With You:

The Three Kings
(Alternate Video: Recycles a lot from the first one, but has new parts; Strongly suggesting watching it despite re-used materials.)-
Queens, is a more correct term. The original three genetically modified girls, no one knows their true names and very few have actually ever seen them. Each one is modified to the core, and god-like in the field that they have been advanced in. They are the only ones that truly know the cause of the conflict, and are the hidden leaders of anti-government forces.

The Fist: Armed with massive amounts of weaponry, The Force is the main cannon for the resistance to take out large opposition. She has inhuman strength and body reflexes, and is supposedly bullet proof. The most famous act of her was single handedly taking down an 250 man swat unit, complete with riot gear that was sweeping the streets for signs of anti-government forces, when she simply flew from an ally and opened fire; Non-Strategically destroying the entire force while taking massive amounts of fire onto herself, yet walking away seemingly uninjured from the scene. Many people know what she looks like, being the most publicly feared figure.

The Thinker: Armed with knowledge, The Thinker attacks from afar, never showing herself. Having the brainpower of a super computer, she could easily devise and explosive device from drain cleaner and milk if she was really desperate enough. She has bombs strategically placed through the city on government supplies or places that the forces will meet and simply destroys them. She obtains all her supplies from strategically re-routing government shipments to locations were her helpers pick them up and deliver them to her. She is extremely elusive, and it is said no one has ever laid eyes on her face, instead only meeting with her silhouette overshadowing a dark room.

The Messenger: Armed with her wits and small weaponry, The Messenger strategically assassinates high-ranking government officials. She is extremely agile and responsive, said by some to be able to run as fast as 70 MPH (Unconfirmed). Either sneaking in with a silenced pistol, or snipping from afar, she eliminates the high ranking target and exits the area immediately. She works alone, and no one was ever seen her except the few officials she has executed face to face. There is no place to look for her like you could The Thinker or Fist, and she will leave you a message if you are one of the lucky few that is ever contacted by her. Very little is known about her to the resistance, and even less for the public.

POLTAVA- Based more along the lines of hiding and simply trying to survive. The POLTAVA tend to have more passive personalities and genetic modifications, only looking to survive instead of taking a battle to the endless numbers of government forces. 'Hide, Eat, and hope for another day.' is the motto they live by. The POLTAVA are lightly armed, but masters of hiding and concealing themselves; They have vast information centers and are defensive based, a lot of times intelligence being their strong point. Due to their hiding nature, they cannot obtain extremely heavy weaponry to fight back, but use their knowledge to evade government forces and stay hidden.

NARVA: PSEUDO OFFENC- Based more along the lines of exterminating governmental forces and rebelling. The NARVA tend to have more aggressive abilities and genetic modifications, taking up every opportunity (Providing they will be able to make it out alive) to destroy government forces. 'They did this to us; Time for them to pay.' is the motto they kill by. The NARVA are often heavily armed and can get almost any gun they want through their advanced smuggling systems, but tend to have an extreme lack of information; Never being able to coordinate attacks on large forces due to lack of brain power [They are smart as your average girls].

One does not have to be affiliated with a faction, and some will wander alone or in small groups; But strength is in numbers.

Those Who Will Harm You

The Government- Brutal and ruthless, they bring a new meaning to brutality. No riots, uprising, or even peaceful protests happen in New York anymore, because they will instantly be disposed of using lethal force. Martial Law is in effect in New York, so the military, swat, air force, you name it, it is stationed in the city, even tanks on some streets. The forces are broken into the Swat/Army, and the little known Seekers.

The Military/SWAT Forces: Brutal and unforgiving, these forces will go in in numbers and crush opposition. Armed in standard gear, they will either travel in squads or line the streets in the hundreds looking for girls. A squad head on without cover could easily wipe out a girl, but if the girl plays her cards right and hits them hard or takes them out one by one as they split up, they can be taken down. The street-sweeping squads require heavy weaponry and lots of girls to take down.
The Seekers:No one knows who they are, or 'what' they are, let alone if they are even human. The seekers are only deployed when the location of a highly-valued girl is establish. They are fast, brutal, and will kill without allowing someone to get in their fabled last words or even thoughts. They can run extremely fast and take massive amounts of damage. One oddity about them is that they cannot use anything that requires climbing (Rocks, Stairs, Ladders, ect.) But if a girl thinks she can escape by abusing this they are wrong; The seekers quickly and ALWAYS find an alternate route to reach their victims. 90% of the time if they are after you, you are going to die. They have highly advanced weaponry and armor only seen in their use. The sounds they emit do not seem to form words.

When Did Your Change Happen?

A King- You are one of the lucky three girls to survive experimental trials with massive amounts of injections. You led the breakout force and where ruthless against the government in your way. You powers are fables, myths, and legends. Only you know why you where truly in the labs. (Currently UNPLAYABLE)

Test Subject- You are one of the later experimental subjects, pumped with the injections and lucky to survive. You escaped to the outside world with the victims waiting to be tested on with chemicals to distribute to them. Your are quiet powerful, and are usually more relied upon in your rankings of your faction [If Any]. You where kept under anesthesia for most of the time you where in the lab, so you remember nothing of your stay their or a week before it, but your old life is crystal clear; Though you cannot go back to it now. (Only people who have great apps or that I know I can trust will be able to be one of these)

Leaf- You are one of the originally un-altered girls that escaped the labs with the help of The Kings and Test Subjects. The government still wanted you dead for some reason though, so you willingly allowed the Test Subjects to alter your DNA with the injections. Due to the girls having no chemical science experience what so ever, they where only able to give you low doses of chemicals to ensure your survival. You powers are still great, but they are no match for Test Subjects. (Open to all).

They cannot give the girls super-hero like powers such as flying/creating forcefields/magnetic fields, they can only enhance things that the human body can currently achieve.

I.E. Somethings not ok: Flying, Magnetic fields, spitting acid, morphing.

I.E. Somethings that are ok:

Humans can withstand bone-breakage pretty well; This could be an enhancements so that the girls could jump off 4 story tall buildings and roll out of it without even cracking the bone.

Humans can run at decent speeds; Ussualy around 10 MPH; This could be an enhancement of the ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the legs allowing achievable speeds of 30mph+

1. I am the OP. What I say goes.
2. Any fights/pvp will be decided by me if an argument comes into play.
3. Romance? Hell yeah! But of course, keep it PG-13 (As the forum requires). Once the hand starts schlicking or groping, it's time to fade out. Providing you can find a mate, of course [And be at least 15 if you want to go there!]
4. Be realistic; You are not going to headshot everything, and you will not gun-ho an entire SWAT squad without cover or tactics. You will die humiliatingly if you do.
5. Profanity, I don't care. Just don't abuse the privilege.
6. Post at least every week. I'm not a post nazi, and will make exceptions for life events (Because we all have lives), but not repeated exceptions. One week max, but posting at a faster pace is welcome, but remember; Quality, not speed.
7. I reserve to add any rules as I see fit, no matter how insane.
CS: (If you want to make an amazing app, go ahead; I just want a moderate one. Though it could determine the class I allow you to have)

Keep in mind it is the year 2052. I will allow Semi-Futuristic weapons/clothing/ect.

Each girl has 2 traits that where significantly enhanced when they where altered. They will always pair each other (I.E. You cannot be a walking muscle force but be incredibly inteligent), and some have downsides [Handicaps you choose to give your person]/

Sex: (For the sake of my sanity, ONLY female teenage girls are GMG's, and for citizens I will only be allowing males.)
Age: (GMG's will range from 12-17)
Experiment Tier: (Test Subject, Leaf). (GMG ONLY)
Enhanced Trait 1: (GMG ONLY)
Enhanced Trait 1 Downside: (If Any, GMG ONLY)
Enhanced Trait 2: (GMG ONLY)
Enhanced Trait 2 Downside: (If Any, GMG ONLY)
Faction: (Put respective faction; You can be a citizen if you want to help out or go into a relationship with a girl.)
Appearance: (Pics work fine, but if you do use one put a small desc. in such as height, weight, any distinct features)
Clothing: (Put 'See appear' or 'see pic' if it is the same as above)
Weapons: (If Any)


I think that's all...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cherry_Shield

Cherry_Shield The Old Ice Queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If you have already created an app, please post it here again for me to review in the thread and give you the approval to post in the character tab so everyone can see who is in. I will approve them shortly after and will have the first IC post up very soon. If you need insight on outposts, first-post locations, how the city is set up, ect let me know. For most first posts it will be starting in either A) Passages in the sewers between bases, B) inside a NARVA or POLTAVA base in the sewers, or C) Out in the city, scaving ect (note while you will not need to be completely concealed in the shadows, you'll need some sort of 'disguise', whether a heavy poncho to hide your head or something. Teenage girls are regularly subject to search in order to try to catch the escaped 'experiments').
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Here's my guy again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Massasauga
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Massasauga Special Forums Operational Detachment - Delta

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Joy Knox
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Experiment Tier: Leaf
Enhanced Trait 1: Enhanced muscle tissue
Enhanced Trait 1 Downside: "Enhanced" is being generous. She's just stronger than she would be normally for a girl her age.
Enhanced Trait 2: Pain receptor suppressant
Enhanced Trait 2 Downside: While the pain is ignored, the rest of the trouble that comes with the wound is not.
Faction: N/A (Nomadic)

Clothing: As pictured with a few odds and ends around. Mainly military-surplus grade clothing.
Personality: Quiet but not totally antisocial. Curious, but also cautious. Still prefers to be distanced rather than at the center of attention
Weapons: McMillan CS5 with suppressor, Rock Island Armory M1911, OKC FF6 Freedom Fighter
Equipment: Rucksack, TAC belt, side holster, ammunition pouches on both legs, knee pads, elbow pads, shoulder pad, sleeping bag, flashlight, bandages, tourniquet, pack of cigarettes, mini multi-fuel stove, canteen, multi-tool
Bio: Joy had the rough life like the other test subjects. She was an alternate, though. The government mainly kept her around just in cases they needed one more test subject to experiment on in the event they ran out. However, with the help of the Three Kings, she ran out first before they could get to her. Being older than the others, she had the luxury of getting some extra free time in which was usually spent reading old Tom Clancy novels and bugging security guards to show her tricks they learned. While most never bothered to give her the time of day, she managed to get some one-on-one time at the range during the off hours with a few. Marksmanship was an essential skill that needed to be honed, along with how to determine and eliminate priority targets. These were hard lessons that she needed to learn.

After the escape, Joy hung around with some of the other girls. Two injections gave her a muscle mass boost and a sort of regulatory strain that deactivated her pain receptors. Though not exactly on board with the idea of the last one, she figured that since she was being hunted now like the others that it would be better to go with what she could than not. After two weeks of being on the run, she became separated from the other girls. Lacking much in the sense of a personal arsenal at the moment, she snuck out and made her way to a junkyard. She now lives out of one of the vans, trying to keep her spirits up, her stomach full, and her head on her shoulders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 19 days ago

So much to do, so much to do~

Will you be choosing the GMG's after all the sheets are in? How will that work?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cherry_Shield

Cherry_Shield The Old Ice Queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Obscene Symphony Nope, if you wanna be a GMG just write up an app. Anyone who wants to be one can be one, they're the backbone of this roleplay anywho!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 19 days ago

@Obscene Symphony Nope, if you wanna be a GMG just write up an app. Anyone who wants to be one can be one, they're the backbone of this roleplay anywho!

Oh, I think I worded that wrong. I meant a Test Subject (sadly, yet understandably, the Kings are unplayable) as opposed to a leaf. You said they'd be given to deserving apps right? Is that decided after all the apps are in?

Also, is 19 too much of a stretch for a Test Subject age? Thanks!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

YAY happy to see the OOC is up. I'll endeavor to get my character up in the next day or three. Although I can't promise that as my computer currently KIA and my phone barely worth circuits its made with so doing what I have left of my CS will be difficult.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
Avatar of Obscene Symphony

Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 19 days ago

Oh wow, I didn't expect to be pouring my heart into this character XD

This is still VERY WIP but if you want to check it out go for it.

Good grief it's not even near complete and it's already so long. Whoops XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MinervianGrey
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MinervianGrey The Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

:/ a lot of effort, a few scrapped ideas, and more time than I care to count: this is the fruit of my labor

Oh good gracious deity of choice, this is no where near complete and I most likely forgot a thing or five, feel free to point things out that might not make sense.

Also, would multiple characters be acceptable or would it be too much
(T-T) please tell me
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kokushi
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Kokushi Friendly Lycanthrope

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Foster referred me to this RP :3 I hope that this is acceptable!

Name: Joslyn (Lyn) Vulcas

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Experiment Tier:

Enhanced Trait 1:
Enhanced Vision:

Josyln’s enhanced Vision allows her to see with almost startling clarity, making it possible for her to pick up on the smallest of details when she is out in the field or simply trying her hardest to blend in and collect intel. Along with her ability to see clearer than the average human, she is also able to see things further away without the aid of a scope, giving her the ability to be an amazing sniper, though she does not classify as the best as she knows there is always someone out there better than herself. While she can see well enough in the dark, if the area is completely devoid of any form of light (i.e moonlight) she is unable to see just like any average human.

Enhanced Trait 1:
Downside: Light Sensitivity

While Joslyn enjoys the perks of being able to see far and in complete clarity, this enhancement caused her to develop an acute sensitivity to light. Due to this, she must always wear sunglasses until nightfall and, unless the room is dim enough, while under artificial lighting. Part of her counts this as a blessing in disguise as it offers her a way to hide her eyes from those who are looking for her, as they are the most notable feature that she maintains. Should she be subjected to bright light (i.e a flash bang) without the proper eye protection, her sight is rendered useless until such a time that her retina’s are able to adjust and right themselves.

Enhanced Trait 2:
Heightened Reflexes

While she is unable to dodge bullets, Joslyn’s reflexes have been enhanced in order to allow her reaction time to be far greater than the average human. The messages that travel from her brain to her limbs take far less time to communicate the need to do something, allowing her to react faster and take less time to process situations as they occur. Her heightened reflexes also increase her rate of fire depending on the firearm she is using at the time and aid her well in hand to hand (or overall close range) combat.

Enhanced Trait 2:
Downside: Twitchy

Due to her uncanny habit of twitching, whether it is when someone touches her or when she is forced into a fast reaction time too many times in a row, Joslyn attempts not to rely on this ability too much. While engaged in close combat, should she take a particularly hard hit (or a harmful hit in general) her body’s reflex is typically over exaggerated and could potentially cause more harm than good to herself.

Faction: Poltava


Height: 5’7
Weight: 145 lbs
Distinct Feature(s): HeteroChromia (LE Green / RE teal)

Clothing: See second picture for shirt style, typically wearing black jeans or slacks and a pair of black sneakers. Due to her light sensitivity, Joslyn also wears a pair of sunglasses that she rarely takes off.

Joslyn prefers to keep to herself when she can, though she is not shy by any means but seems far from approachable due to the fact that she always looks rather mad, even when she is not. Usually very straight forward and blunt, she hates to sugar coat things and is usually the person to go to if you want the hard truth about something. Once one gets past the bluntness and permanent ‘I will kill you’ look, she is overall a fun person to be around who enjoys a good joke just as much as the next person.

Weapons: SR-25 (Semi-automatic special application sniper rifle 7.62x51mm), PMR-30 (.22 magnum), and a few well placed throwing knives.

Emergency Kit Containing:

  • Lighter
  • Compass
  • Camelbak
  • Disposable Cell Phone
  • Emergency Tinder
  • Magnesium Starter
  • Emergency Rations
  • First-Aid Kit (small)
  • Canteen
  • Aqua Iodine Tablets
  • S&W SWAT Knife
  • Mini LED Flashlight

Taken at a young age, Joslyn does not have much of a childhood to remember as she spent most of her years in a facility being put through an array of tests. While she remembers nothing that happened between the ages of 8 and 16, she can remember what few years of clarity she had with her Mother and Father. Both of her parents always seemed to be happy and madly in love with one another, a feeling they also shared with their daughter who never went without. She always went to parks to play with the other local children, a place she assumed she was taken from as she could not remember anything leading up to the week that shew as taken. Despite many attempts to try and recollect the eight years of memories she did not have, she had nothing to show for it as every attempt resulted in a failure.

When she had managed to escape the facility with the Three Kings, Joslyn had attempted to find her family, wanting to go back to them, to let them know that she was ok despite her genetic modifications. When she got to the outside of the house she remembered living in eight years ago, she found it in the state that she had left it, immaculate and well taken care of. However, when she peered inside, she saw only a shadow of the man her father was sitting in front of the television with beer bottles all around him and a young boy pleading for his attention.

Not being able to take the sight before her, she left without so much as knocking on the door and found her way into the Poltava faction. While she could fight if need be, she preferred doing things from afar, or simply not at all as she isn’t much of a violent person unless the situation calls for it. While she finds no pleasure in what was done to her, she could not bring herself to join the faction that actively attacked the government, despite the fact that she blames them for everything that she saw through that window.

At present she volunteers as a sniper when one is needed, doing her part in an attempt to earn her keep with those she decided to join. While she has no issues with remaining in the shadows, even she is aware that there are times when violence is a necessity and when the government is after you, sometimes that necessity happens a lot.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 19 days ago

@Cherry_Shield Alright, I do believe she's done. I might make minor edits, but nothing huge; If you read the last one, I recommend reading this one again. A lot changed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by converge
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converge The destroyer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Although it's not finished yet, I thought I'd go ahead and show what I have. A lot is bound to change! But, hopefully it's acceptable so far...
p.s. Yay! OOC!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cherry_Shield

Cherry_Shield The Old Ice Queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(@All) Why you hooligans making me read all these long apps. It's 11 pm here and I'm being flooded with high quality writing. Also, my backspace key is sticking which is driving me nuts. Luckily I have a Red Bull for the morning. The girlfriend is out of town so I have way to much time to cuddle with my SKS, trying to decipher which sounds are wind and which ones are intruders trying to break in.

@rechonq Good to go.

@Massasauga Cleared for flight mini-me.

@Evil Snowman Thanks for keeping me in the loop big sexy.

@Obscene Symphony Even though your signature suggests that bread is a bad thing, in which case I should have you immediately escorted from this thread for crimes against culinary kind, I have read you app and I like it. Mostly. One your first trait, moving the rest of your body parts can have a slightly increased speed, not vastly. No Deus Ex neck-snaps at 40mph for you. That second trait makes me a bit iffy. I'm not necessarily saying you need to change it or get rid of it, but I'll be watching you closely. Also, for where you said she's growing out of the prosthetics, it's only been 1 year since the escape, not 5. I'll be watching you closely. If you have any question as to if something you wanted to do with one of your traits would be OP, message me first. If you go ahead and do it and I catch wind of it I'll just let it stay, but your character may be punished, severely. But overall, your app gave me a writers boner. GG.

@MinervianGrey I like you bud, but that app is a bit too over the top. Not necessarily from the second trait, but the first. Traits can only be towards one thing, like higher cognitive function OR increased physical abilities. Plus, the second trait must be relate-able to the first. With you first trait it looks like it is increasing you mental and physical atonement. If you wanted to change that to just mental, then overall it would be fine, because it would make sense that your GMG has increased mental functions, which then allows her second traits, hearing, feeling ect, to work, but on a physical level she is still a normal girl. Having both and once would probably put her as one of the experiments that didn't make it. Gotta remember the project got cut short by the girls escape, all the girls are just test subjects/rejects, not final products. Also, your app needs a bit more fine-tuning on things like appearance, just a bit more details for me to get the idea of what your character is like. Let me know if you need help on anything. I cant wait to see the final product! As for multiples, lets start out with one now, and I'll see how well I can handle things in the RP, then go from there.

@Kokushi I'm surprised you were even able to find the thread if @Foster told you about it. He probably gave you the coordinates to a geo-chache containing this threads URL on a map made out of stale pizza and the elastic from his old underwear. But no matter how you got here, I like your app, you're in.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cherry_Shield

Cherry_Shield The Old Ice Queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@converge Lol you posted as I was typing that huge post, I promise I didn't ignore you. I like the app so far. Finish it up and I'll give it the final stamp of approval. But, one thing. I'm bumping you down to a leaf. This is not because I don't trust you, I don't like your app, or anything of the sort, I just see your traits of more of a 'leaf' quality. Especially with your downsides. The bump-down is mainly just to establish a arche-type of some sort, because there are already more test subjects than leafs (leaves? if it's referring to the girl, what should the plural form be?) For the most part this is just a titling change, I will not use it to bump down what your character is capable of in the roleplay.

EDIT: Ok, now that all the replies are out of the way, I'm going to go pull the old first IC post and post it after a bit of freshening up. Watch for it in under half an hour!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cherry_Shield

Cherry_Shield The Old Ice Queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

IC IS UP. CALL ME DADDY. If you have been cleared to post, feel free to do so!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kokushi
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Kokushi Friendly Lycanthrope

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Cherry_Shield I didn't put her in as a test subject off the bat because I wanted to ensure it was ok with you. (re-read rules and guidelines like... 4xs lol)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 19 days ago

@Cherry_Shield Oh! I could have sworn that I saw that it was 5 years since the escape in the OP. My mistake! As for the body movement, her entire body can't move as fast as she can run. That would be OP.

I'm flattered that you liked my app - if you have any other concerns feel free to voice them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

((OOC: The fight can be toned down if it's excessive. I just wanted to set a terminator reference))

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 19 days ago

@Cherry_Shield Is the extraction team for Unknown A playable?
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