"My life has a superb cast but I cannot figure out the plot."-
Name: Tristan Elliot Saunders.
Nickname: Tristan likes to be called Tris by some people as he loves the Divergent series. If he let you know his nickname then he'll allow you to call him Eli. Just don't call him Tes, which is an abbreviation of his full name.
Birth Date: December 1, 1999.
Age: 17.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Bisexual but leans towards guys more than girls.
Relationship Status: Single but looking to mingle.
Occupation: None - Trust Fund Baby.
Classification: Junior.
Role: Head Nerd.
In Depth Appearance: Taking after his father with his features, Tristan is a handsome, young man that exemplifies what a guy of his caliber should look like. Much like his sister, he takes on a milk chocolate skin complexion along with those chestnut brown eyes of his. Tristan stands about six foot one and weighs about one-hundred and thirty-three pounds. He has a very slim frame as most people doesn't think he eats enough even though he has a high metabolism. Tristan is very toned as well, not really sporting a six pack but definitely has some abs within the region of his midsection. He likes to keep his hair well trimmed and edged up to perfection. His clothing style isn't unique or anything at all. Tristan likes to wear buttoned up shirts and long pants with Sperry's or Polo shoes. He dresses a bit casual but only dresses up whenever he needs to. Tristan doesn't have any markings, scars, tattoos or piercings.
Habits | Quirks | Oddities Licks his lips often then applies chapstick
Always quoting phrases from books or movies
Hums during awkward silence
Dislikes Conflict
Hobbies: Video Gaming
Likes: His sister, Dominique
Watching the Sunset and Sunrise
Being warm
Intellectual People
Meaningful conversations
Dislikes: Petty people
Too much hype for something
Being told what to do
Arguing with his sister
Fears: Dying young
Personality: β¦ Intelligent β¦ Insecure β¦ Honest & Loyal β¦ Competitive β¦
When it comes to being the Queen Bee's sister, Tristan is the quite opposite of her. He is quite intelligent and can solve almost anything that is put in front of him with ease. Not saying that he is an Albert Einstein genius but he just have that level of intelligence that is quite comparable. Tristan is very honest towards everyone, no matter who you are. He will not lie to anyone as he isn't a person that tells you something just because you want to hear it, he'll be very straightforward with his words and not hold his tongue. If one was befriend Tristan, they better be ready for a very loyal and loving friend. He is nice to everyone that he meets until they give him a reason to not be so nice towards them.
Even though he is the Queen Bee's brother and somewhat popular within the halls of Beverly Hills, Tristan is very insecure about a certain amount of things. He doesn't show it publicly for everyone to see because he doesn't want to be judged but if someone has made a remark about his appearance or whatever, he'll wait until he is alone then just stare in the mirror. But aside from that, he is quite charming and definitely competitive, especially when it comes to video gaming. He has hosted and been in many tournaments, receiving cash prizes and such from his winnings. Overall, Tristan is a great person to befriend as if you want someone to be honest and loyal to you.
History: Since the moment he was born, a year after his sister, his parents immediately started up a Trust Fund for him. He had lived a childhood similar to Dominique's as he was given everything that he had ever asked for. Tristan modeled some when he was younger but dwindled out of that career when Dominique was slowly rising to stardom, herself. He wanted to be by her side just in case things didn't go the way she wanted it. Soon and a few years later, Tristan and his sister had entered Beverly Hills High, he was a Freshmen and she was a Sophomore.
Dominique kept a close eye on him as he didn't really need since he knows how to take care of himself but she insisted. Tristan went back to modeling, briefly but after a long discussion with his parents, he found out that he had an enormous trust fund and quit modeling once again. Tristan spends his money wisely and is sometimes willing to give back to certain people.
Now he is entering in his Junior year of high school and he is looking forward to it. He is sad because his sister is graduating this year but is excited but she is ruling the halls of Beverly Hills High now and he is once again by herself though he hangs around his own nerdy friends, too.
Extracurricular Activities: Video Game Tournaments
Extra: Again, Adele 25 CD!
Anything Else: Just ask.