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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Livia Fiore~

“Eh? Eh? I am so sorry for anything that I did! It was belly!!”

"Hmph, well 'Belly' is a pervert, and next time he touches me, I'm going to make him wish he regretted possessing you." Livia harrumphed. This 'Belphegor' might as well be one. After all, he was possessing a little girl for the love of god. Just what the fuck dude? She sighed, pressing her hand to her forehead again. Blegh, she was going to get wrinkles if she stayed this stressed. She should just go find somewhere quiet and read, or maybe find some idiot to take her annoyances out on.

She finished speaking and turned to Emi. For now she'd just ignore the pervert demon and the kid, and possibly attempt to have a civil chat with the fallen angel. She, however, was momentarily stunned by what she saw. Two of the most beautiful black wings she had ever seen. They looked so...fluffy and soft. She almost wanted to touch one, but managed to keep her composure until they were gone.

That was, until she noticed the other pervert out on the tree.

"You're Gall hm? It was quite rude of you to not show up at the dorm. Next to that I find myself falling off the roof from exhausting myself looking for you out of concern and barely catch myself on the windowsill. What's more I find you threatening a girl. You are making a very poor first impression. It is you I have to thank for giving me a safe escape from my treacherous position, you may call me Alucard."



His voice just. UGH. It made her want to beat his goddamn face in. Not to mention, she was fairly certain that whole thing about looking for Gall, was a goddamn lie. Seriously, was she going to be surrounded by perverts this year? If she was, she might very well just have Gall kill the lot of them. Useless wastes of flesh. Most of all though, she didn't like him getting so close to Emi.

...it was kind of an odd feeling, considering she wasn't really one to involve herself with others, but well...Emi seemed decent compared to other people at least. She walked over grabbing his hand, and somewhat forcefully attempting to remove it from Emi.

"You can cut the act, creep, anyone with half a brain can understand you weren't out there looking for my familiar. Or will you deny you are trespassing in the girls dorms just so you could get a peek at something you shouldn't?" She coolly replied, though there was a definite edge to her voice. "Either way, Gall, throw this Pervert out, will you? I refuse to tolerate his presence."

@sakurasan@neogreggory@Eklispe@GrafRoy Zeppeli
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kurosawa Emi

The fact that Gall was being a bit criticized by him didn’t sit well with Emi. He was adorable, such an adorable reaper having to get told such things for doing his duty wasn’t right to Emi. “G-gall was only protecting beautiful Livia but y-you're welcome I suppose… M-my name is Kurosawa Emi...” She looked down at him and wondered why his grin was a bit weird or maybe even suspicious. Then he kissed her hand. She was a bit stunned when he kissed her hand but mostly she was… afraid. The only time a man ever actually touched her was her stepfather and she didn’t like that experience. She smiled and was about to lift her hand away when Livia pulled his hand away quite forcefully. Her eyes widened, stunned at the sudden action but happy to think that someone was maybe, even a little bit, worried about her.

Once she saw that Livia seemed to be angry and said to throw him out, Emi became a bit worried.
Yessss please do! This perv needs to leave! What the heck is he still doing here? Emi, I swear, don’t you dare say what I think your going to say.. “I-it’s okay…? I mean, w-were all new and maybe he was searching for Gall? W-we should all maybe just get to know each other b-before violence.” She smiled sweetly at Livia.
Yeah… I never really expected much of you. A cute face and an innocent mind. Also known as Emi the idiot. Please just torture him. You could tie him uuuup~ Just like daddy did to you? Or maybe when he left you starving for 10 days? HA! Now that feeling was quite painful.
Emi groaned a bit silently, suppressing the urge for her power to do just that. Give him the feeling that she had to live with for years? No way. Sighing, she smiled again and sat back on the bed, beginning to cough. A bit of blood came out which she attempted to hide since she didn’t want anyone to feel grossed out. Wiping it on her dress which was crimpson red, causing it to blend in, she stood back up and hoped that no one realised. “I-I wonder when classes are beginning.”
(Might edit later)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The grin on Alucard's face changed to a look of concern. "My, my, are you feeling well? It wouldn't do to be sick on the first day. If you want I could perhaps escort you to class?" Alucard let his hand get peeled away passively by the abrasive women, as he'd already planned on letting go. He rose to his feet and defended himself against her rude accusations. "I must insist your allegations are quite unfounded. Consider them denied, I even have the slip of paper proving Gall is my room-mate. Gall, if you attempt to throw me out I will be severely displeased and I must ask you to refrain, as soon as Ms. Emi answers my question I will remove myself so there is no need for you to intervene regardless." Hostile wasn't she? Oh well, he'd dealt with her type before. Probably thought she was smarter than anyone and that interacting with people was a waste of time. Just took some persistence was all, even if she did have a strange fascination with perverts. Course maybe it was just guys she didn't like. Obviously Kurosawa cared for the reaper for some reason, another thing to note. He still wondered what those wings were, some kind of demon or fallen angel? Pure speculation, but he was very curious all the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 11 mos ago

]Gall the Reaper[

A man was through the window. His first act upon entering the room was to insult Gall, but of course it wasn't the first time Gall had been attacked with word, it was Gall's job to collect the souls of the dead and dying, and the ones that held on long enough to see him always begged for mercy or cursed Gall's existence. Those that cursed used words with far more sting than anything this man could produce.

"Either way, Gall, throw this Pervert out, will you? I refuse to tolerate his presence."

Gall moved his scythe, now in one hand and held outward, and his right hand reached out towards Alucard. The man said how he would be displeased, and how Gall's intervention would be unneeded. Another who tried to barter than, an order was an order, and Gall and yet to not do all he was asked without question for Lady Fiore. You will leave the way you've come, or I will remove you. Gall said as his hand came closer and closer to the man's face. If the man didn't move than Gall would pick him by the face and continue moving, to the window where Gall intended to let go once the man was outside it. What happened after was of no consequence.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Iravis was actually a surprised that Lyssa didn't try to adopt her on the spot. In fact, the demon didn't even say or ask anything about familiars while introducing herself to Sir Wick. Maybe having an authority figure around keeps her from acting too friendly? The previous conversation suggested that wasn't the complete truth, however. And based on the hellion's deduction that she was a Pyromancer, the demon certainly would have noticed.

Sir Wick the demon invited the demon to his class. Based on the previous conversation about powers, it was obvious that the girl had some potential, but Iravis was curious about how any mortal could waste their precious lifetime handling someone so ... Annoying? Bubbly? Overly cheerful? I'll ask Sir Wick to share his wisdom later.

After confirming Iravis' thoughts and a few sarcastic words, the teacher disappeared via a blinding flash.

The Phoenix and Demon were alone again, and Iravis lowered herself into the chair that Sir Wick left out. "I've been informed that an alchemist can't learn destructive magic, but Sir Wick is impressively knowledgeable in his fields despite his casual nature."

"Hehe, I'll take that silence as a yes." She grinned slyly, though she didn't say much else about it. She wasn't going to go prying after all and she had gotten the information she wanted.

"Yep yep, see ya." She cheerily said to the teacher as he left. Some sort of teleportation magic, then! Well, now that was fun. She wished she could teleport - though flying was much more fun, she supposed. She couldn't exactly do it very well, or very high but it was still fun. Her two bat like wings flapped at her side unconsciously. Maybe she should go out at give them a stretch after this? Maybe go back to those cherry trees and ditch class?

"Hehe, it's true." Lyssa continued. "Alchimia and Contritio are complete opposites of each other, though people who don't know my magic often mistake it for Contritio. It's kinda funny to watch them freak out when they find out it's not." She grinned. "Not that I would want too anyways. I'd much rather learn something in the Praestigiae magics. I wonder if there's a teacher around there who wouldn't mind teaching me?" She mused aloud with a thoughtful hum, before shaking her head.

"Not that it matters I guess! I still need to focus on Alchemy anyways." She fell down on the bed, landing on it with a dull thump. "Still not all that great at using it." She sighed, somewhat bored. "I can memorize all the elements and chemicals known to man, but I'm still not all that good with it. Ahhh!" she began rolling back and forth on the bed in quite a childish manner. "Why couldn't I be born being super awesome at magic and super adorable. I dun wanna go to class and do boring normal people stuff!"

Iravis rolled her eyes to the heavens as Lyssa proceeded with a tantrum. My roommate possesses the maturity of a three year old. It was going to take getting used to. Still, at least she's not attacking me right now.

The goddess chose to deliver some wisdom onto Lyssa. "With adequate dedication, time and practice will allow you to reach both of those goals." Iravis gave the demon her clever grin.

Lyssa stopped her rolling, and sat up as she gave Iravis somewhat hurt look. Woooow. Okay, someone was feeling rude. Maybe she wasn't the most adorable thing on the planet, but she liked to think she was up there.

"Wow, that hurts," She fake pouted, giving her a wide eyed stared and poking her lip out just slightly. She didn't really have much else to say other than that. As far as being able to insult someone, or make a clever jab at them, Lyssa was not so skilled. Mostly because she didn't want to be. That, and she didn't really take Iravis' words that seriously.

"But I am most certainly adorable!" She refuted, pout immediately leaving as she folded her arms across her chest."Ask anyone! They'd agree! I bet Mr. Wick would even agree that I am 100% grade-A adorable!"

The Phoenix's grin remained, growing slightly wider at the girl's response. "Confidence in the ability to make men with twice the years look your way is truly admirable." A mischievous glint ran through Iravis' eyes after the comment, wondering if the innocent girl would catch on.

The Goddess was slightly concerned that perhaps she was being a little too cruel to one Mr. Wick appeared to favor, and maybe the demon's pouting had a little honesty behind it. While Iravis had no intention of being best friends, they would be living together. Maybe she could let up just a little and spread out the damage over time.

Suddenly Iravis remembered a bit of their earlier conversation. While the Phoenix had been too busy looking to make fun of the Lyssa, the demon had listed a few things the goddess had never heard of. Questions always seemed to cheer the hellion up, so it wouldn't be terrible to ask one.

The Phoenix adjusted her grin to a more honest smile. "You mentioned eating 'sweets' previously. I've experienced the flavor, but could you enlighten me to what 'sweets' are on the way to class?" And to be honest with herself, the goddess was feeling hungry. As if on que, a small growl erupted from Ustrina's stomach, leading to the goddesses cheeks flushing with fire. Well that's embarrassing, but hopefully it gets the point across.

"Confidence in the ability to make men with twice the years look your way is truly admirable."

"Hehehe," She shyly laughed, cheeks flushing just a bit, idly twirling her tail in a hand while. "Weeeel, I've had guys a few years older than me hit on me, but I've turned them down. Mostly because my dad would kill me. Or them. Possibly both." She giggled, not seeming too upset about it. "Buuut I'm 16 now! And he's not here, so I might try, just for fun."

She let go of her tail, that was about all she could say on the subject. She didn't entirely get what Iravis' statement was implying, but she got the general gist of it at least, she thought. It was true, she had been hit on by older guys. Guys that were probably in their twenties, though no one twice her age. That line of thought was interrupted however, at Iravis' next statement. Crashed and burned into a ravine, as they say.

"HUUUUUUUUUH?!" Lyssa's eyes went wide as saucers, looking at Iravis' pure shock. It almost looked like she was having a failure to comprehend those words she had just uttered. It took her a few seconds to recover, leaping off of the bed and landing right in front of Iravis, placing both of her hands on the other girls shoulders, looking almost as if she had seen someone kick a puppy right in front of her.

"You have my sympathies." She suddenly said, wrapping her in another hug...right as the other girls stomach growled. The demon quickly pulled away, holding herself at arms length away from Iravis', still holding onto her shoudlers, giggling a little bit but otherwise said nothing. "But, I will be more than happy to tell you about the deliciousness of sweets on the way to class! You have to let me treat you afterwards!"

Iravis felt the rush of panic again, but at least this time she was ready for it. The demon let go fast enough though that the Goddess didn't have the time to start smiting her roommate, but it was still uncomfortable. I'll talk with her about it later. The bird of prey believed Lyssa would understand if she was asked directly not to touch her.

However, the thought of an offering made the goddess in Iravis smile. "I humbly accept the gifts of both knowledge and food." The phoenix lifted herself off the bed, brushing off the hands on her shoulders as she walked towards the door, looking back to make sure that Lyssa was following. After all, the Goddess needed to expand her knowledge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kurosawa Emi

"Eh? Oh, yes, I am f-fine." She was about to look up at him when her eyes went to the scythe that had been pulled out. Startled at the sharp object, she walked over to them. Why do they have to resort to threats and violence? She placed her hand on top of the scythe, causing blood to trickle out of her hand. It stung but it was nothing that she was not used to. Slightly grabbing Alucard's hand, she began to speak. "I-I think I'll head to the class. A-Alucard, I honestly think it is time for you to leave." She smiled at them and dug a nail into the cut. Her way of handling pain was to make it hurt more so that she would get used to it. She walked out of room somewhat forcefully pulling him out into the hall.

Once they had left the room and shut the door, she let go of his hand and exhaled. She would have gotten out her band aid but felt that it would be a waste to use it on herself. "S-see you later then." she headed to the class which was apperantly not too far. Leaving him behind wasn't really anything personal. He wouldn't want to walk with me. I would only boor him anyways. The cut seemed to be deeper than she realised but she decided to put some alchohol on it afterward and maybe use her sword to heal it a bit. However, using that... thing was one of the last things that she would resort to. The one thing that she would not do for sure was use her powers. Sighing, she wiped the blood off on her dress. The blood seemed to be increasing but she was just focused on getting to class. Maybe things will be a little less hectic there.
(Might edit later)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Timeskip, err, time?

Lin was about to continue his ranting, before the intrusive telepathy of the headmaster suddenly took over the thoughts of just about everyone.

"*cough cough* Is this think working? 1, 2, mic check."

"You know they can."

"I know, I know. And you should know too that I already know that and shouldn't interrupt my transmission. How rude." The headmaster scoffed. "In any case, boys and girls, please head over to your classrooms at once. Where are they, you ask? Well, that's simple. It's classroom A-190. Professor Wick, please head there too. Mistress Rollanda and myself will be there to organize everything neatly and nicely."

And then the telepathy started making a sound like a cut telephone line.

"Okay, I'm just screwing with you. I'm going to hang now for real! .....Oh, but you should cut first. No, you. No, you. You!"

There was the sound of flesh hitting against flesh.

"Stop screwing around already. I have things to do, unlike you." Rollanda spoke again.

"Your hand's gonna dry up if you keep hitting me. In any case, hurry it up, boys!"

This time, the telepathy was really cut and most students wondered what the heck had just happened with that small telepathic comedy routine.

Later on, in the classroom where Alistair was, yet another teacher intruded upon him.

The woman's eyes were of different colors, and her figure was that of a mature and curvaceous woman. She was also carrying a sword by her hip.

"Good afternoon." The woman approached Alistair and then bowed down. "I am Juliann Espada. I am a new teacher here. I hope we both can get along."

She seemed polite, but did not seem to be up for any more conversation apart from that. She turned around and faced forward.

Just as she did, the students started gathering inside the classroom.

A small smile crooked into Juliann's face.

After the students, in came the Director and Mistress Rollanda.

Both Charlotte and Lin were also among the crowds of students that had arrived, and even more teachers joined Alistair and Juliann at the front of the class, along with the Director and Rollanda.

It seemed that something was indeed about to happen, something important.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Livia Fiore~

“G-gall was only protecting beautiful Livia but y-you're welcome I suppose… M-my name is Kurosawa Emi...”

Woah. Beautiful? Well, flattery would probably get Emi quite a ways. Not that she was ever going to say anything to that effect, though. That, and this fellow was seriously pissing her off quite a bit.

"I must insist your allegations are quite unfounded. Consider them denied, I even have the slip of paper proving Gall is my room-mate. Gall, if you attempt to throw me out I will be severely displeased and I must ask you to refrain, as soon as Ms. Emi answers my question I will remove myself so there is no need for you to intervene regardless."

Her frown only deepened at his denial. It was obvious what he was doing. Even if Gall was his roommate, there should be no logical evidence that he would be here in this room. Or in the entire girls dorm for that matter. This fucker was lying, and she goddamn hated lying. Liars and idiots were the two people she hated the most. Wasn't a surprise that most of the time, a liar was an idiot as well. And this guy, obviously fell into both.

"I-I think I'll head to the class. A-Alucard, I honestly think it is time for you to leave."

Was it time for classes? She quickly looked at the clock that was sitting above the desk. Oh, it was. Well then.

"It is almost time for classes, isn't it?" She sighed. Ugh, today was going great so far. At least she'd be able to finally relax a bit in class. And by that, she meant tune out the idiots and focus on something other than people. She walked over to the desk, picking up the book she had placed on it earlier, flipping through a few pages before before closing it, and tucking it under her arm "I suppose will be going as well then." She gave Alucard a cold look, before turning away and waving dismissively. "Do whatever you want with him Gall. Take his soul for all I care, just make sure he learns not to come anywhere near my room again." And with that, she left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

With a bored, dismissive look on her face she set out for the classrooms.

Well, bored until the directors inane telepathy broke her concentration. She really wished he would quit with that nonsense. It really was an invasion of privacy to do that in her opinion. At least it didn't take her long to get to the classroom and find an empty seat around the middle of the room. No way was she sitting in the front where she'd probably be called on, or in the back with the annoying delinquents.


~The Adorable Demon~

After Lyssa finished speaking with Iravis about her never tasting a 'sweet' before, the two set off towards class. Lyssa, true to her word began telling the Phoenix about all kinds of delicious things that fell under the category of the word. Pastries, doughnuts, caramel, chocolate. That one time she ate half a bag of pure sugar before her parents caught her. Needless to say, Iravis was probably finding most of her conversation quite a bit annoying. Not to mention, needless considering she rambled quite a bit on the way to class. Thankfully for the goddess though, it didn't take them long to reach the classroom, which at least caused the demon to quite her mouth and stop talking.

Didn't stop Lyssa from sitting next to wherever Iravis decided too, though.

"Hey hey, so. I know I promised to treat you and stuff," She said. "But this is my first time here, so I don't really know where anything is." She somewhat shyly admitted. "I kinda came straight here after arriving. You know where the mall is? I can probably find the delicious sweets from there. I can smell them a mile away, heh~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Tanakasa Akito

Looking around, he realizes something. This place was quite suitable for Emi. It seemed to have a very good aura around it but you could tell that the people here are not to be trusted as much. He walks around the building. He had already missed the assembly but did not mind much. He just wanted to get to Emi after all this time. "Where is she?" He mutters under his breath. After looking around for about 20 minutes, he finally realizes that he could just teleport to her. Just think of her. Her black hair, her disgusting parents, her dark eyes, her pale skin... After about 30 seconds. He was able to finally teleport to her. Just as he was going to speak to her, he decided that he would surprise her by letting her notice herself.

Kurosawa Emi

She walked for about 5 more minutes before she finally reached the classroom. Slowly opening the door, she walks inside and notices that a few people had already gotten settled in. She looked at the teacher and smiled lightly with a nod, mouthing the words "hello" to him as she found a seat. All of the people around her smiling and talking made her quite happy. It had a sense of unison to it and made her feel calm and not at home. She was about to speak to someone that was near her but decided that she wouldn't want to bother someone straight off the bat. Her eyes didn't go around the entire class since she missed Akito completely at first but once she did see him, a tear fell out of her eye. "A-Aki?" She says softly. She immediately goes to him as her quivers, wondering if what she was seeing was real or not. He had always been a friend and she wasn't able to see him for such a long time.

He wiped a tear away from her eye. "Hello Emi. You must go sit down for now. Class will start and I want you to talk to others before you talk to me, ok? I'll talk to you later." He smiles and sends her on her way. Examining the room, he took a note on every one there including the young teacher that looked around the same age as any 18 year old here. I don't trust him. He had a resemblance to Emi's father but shook it off and placed his hat above one eye and decided to rest for a bit.

Emi nodded and walked away, now felt extremely happy as she went to sit down. He always did encourage her to speak to other kids around her. Instead of actually listening, she decided to take out a book and begin to read a classic romance novel called "Emma" and decided to speak to those around her later or when spoken to.

(Might edit later)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cinderella Man
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Cinderella Man shall become the wings of Rebellion

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Logarius nodded to Runik as he mentioned going down to apologize to people that might have been plagued by the sound of actual auditory excrement. He was somewhat surprised to see someone simply enter the room, especially without a slew of curse words for them.

This person, named Richard, turned out to be quite friendly luckily. Without tossing his thoughts about too much, he seemed to recall people talking about a fifth year Richard. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to remember what they said at the time.

"My name's Logarius, nice to meet you." He waved politely to Richard. "My roommate and I were about to go see if we annoyed anybody with the ruckus that was going on, looks like we did actually. My sincerest apologies." Logarius decided that he was going to begin unpacking his bags so as to sort through some of the things he brought with him.

Unfortunately for Logarius, Headmaster strikes again! As he heard the announcement, relayed directly into his mind, he sighed heavily. He let go of the ball of yarn he had grabbed in his bag, and stood up. "Well gentlemen. It seems like we should get going to class." Too polite. Gotta relax more, Logarius.

He wriggled his way out of the large, fur coat and left it on top of his luggage. The Alchimia mage then slid past Runik and Richard, whilst simultaneously gesturing for them to accompany him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Alucard had been quite ready to fight the reaper, almost excited even, before Emi grabbed his hand, blocked the reaper with her hand, and dragged him out casually. Alucard was a little surprised, she obviously didn't like him well enough for that, did she perhaps simply hate the though of violence that much? "Very well then, until next we meet." He said cordially and watched her leave. Strange girl that one. The rude girl proceeded to order Gall around more like he was some kind of dog, must be her familiar, and threatened to have his soul taken away.

Alucard smirked a little, he'd never really believed in that none-sense. Besides, Alucard didn't think the goth punk could beat him in a fight anyway. Regardless Alucard was assailed by the annoying mental conversation like everyone else so he had to go to class, guessing by what happened earlier not doing so would be a mistake. He entered the class room and was pleasantly surprised, at least one of their teachers had been kind enough to go with the hot teacher cliche, though the vice-principal or whatever wasn't that bad herself. He had been going to sit in the back and pretty much ignore everything but now... Alucard took a seat in the furthest up row he could manage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Arthur Wick

Everything was ready, the final touches made. With one more swing of his golden sword the enemy would be soaring out of the arena. "I have you now Metaknight." Arthur said to himself as he lowered his thumb to the B button, and then a rather loud voice in his head. As the flying knight of darkness was thrown away by Ike's counter strike Arthur sighed and closed the small piece of technology. "Yeah yeah, I heard you." Arthur said aloud as he stands up and starts walking over to the classroom. One of the larger classrooms by far, to hold all the students. Arthur could have teleported but honestly it was tiring, and it was good to walk from time to time. Or run, as Arthur was doing. Good exercise as any adventuring squad could tell you. Soon he was outside the door to the classroom, student funneling in. Calming down to a walk Arthur slipped in through the crowd and found his way to the other teachers. However something was starting to bother him. It felt hotter in this classroom then it should. Nobody else seemed phased by it, maybe Arthur was imagining it. As he took a place standing a bit behind and to the left of Director A it hit him. An intense heat, something not even his fire was willing to produce unless Arthur was fighting to the death.

His entire body was on fire. Not physically, he could see that, but everything burned, the blood under his skin wouldn't stop. No matter how much Arthur willed it to stop, combated the fire in his body with his own inner fire. He couldn't do anything. "ARRGHAH" Arthur screamed as he flung himself, his hat flying away. The man's trajectory could have been more ideal, flying straight towards Director A wouldn't have been Arthur's first choice but it was where he was going.

With a noticeable clang Arthur's spear hit the ground, and his hat drifted slowly towards the crowd, almost possessed. It landed at the feet of Iravis. Arthur meanwhile was about to collide with the Director, but he couldn't redirect himself, his mind was nearly gone with the pain he was feeling. How did it happen? What mage was powerful enough to do this and had a grudge? Arthur couldn't ponder long.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alistar sat, cigarette in one hand and glass of amber alcohol in the other. He sat in the classroom, smoking and drinking. He placed the empty glass down on the table and continued smoking. It felt like he had been sitting at this table for almost two whole days. The crushed out pile of cigarettes that had fallen prey to his chain smoking habit was growing as he waited for the class to begin. Alistair winced at the feeling of the Headmasters intrusive psychic link blasting through his mental defences. He ignited the cigarettes butts and brushed the ash away as he prepared for the students and other teachers to enter. The Prodigal teacher put his Converse enclosed up on the table and let the black mess of hair fall over his eyes. He could try sleeping before the class started.

ALAS! That was not meant to be. A voice cut through the gentle silence. It was female. He brushed the hair out of his eyes and looked over the owner of the voice. He raised an eyebrow at the short snipped conversation she had offered. He just sighed in response. The students began to file in one after the other. The only one he even cared to take note of was Iravis at the current time. Admittedly that was both the researcher in his head calling out and the slight inebriation. He rolled his head, his neck cracking gently. He stood up and moved towards side of the Director. Again, rubbing the hair out of his eyes, he looked towards the students. Suddenly a shout of pain and his friend and colleague Arthur was obviously in pain. Alistair was quick to move. He leapt up and watched as the man's spear and hat flew off him. His eyes widened and he moved as quick as he could to grab on to the man. He growled. Arthur was heating up. He set him on to the ground and looked at Rollanda “...Can you take care of it?” he said slowly, his voice as always was slow and measured. The English twinge on his voice indicating his homeland. He stood back up and grabbed the man's hat and Spear from the ground “I’ll take care of these till you come back Wick” Alistair softly said and placed them behind his desk. He took his place back beside the Director and waited for the man himself to begin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

If there was a class called 'Sweets & Chocolates 101' in Liseranna then Iravis had unmovable faith that the demon would be the one teaching it. The tests would probably involve eating various chocolates, and discussing how sweet they are in essay format.

Despite the annoying amount of information, the Phoenix did find it highly educational, and the red-haired girl found herself taking mental notes despite herself. Maybe I should have been a scholar instead of a Goddess. Might have been less trouble.

Before she could manage a sarcastic comment, the Phoenix's mind was filled with the director's words. It seemed like Iravis would have to go to class A-190 instead. She could always explain the problem to Mr. Wick later, and in the teacher's own words it was a bad idea to defy the will of the director. The Goddess was sure he would understand.

As they walked into the classroom the red haired girl sat down in the front row wanting for both of her teachers to notice her. She couldn't help but shoot an honest smile towards each of them individually, a little happy she didn't have to choose between the men who saved her life. They were the only two Pyromancers locally that the Phoenix could detect, the fact being that she could keep tabs on them and therefore trust them.

It was clear that Lyssa had full intentions to stick with her new friend no matter where the Phoenix sat, so maybe being up front would help keep the hellion in line for a bit as well. Iravis wanted to smite the demon out of pure frustration, but the goddess put up with the company anyways for some reason she couldn't fathom.

"I know of it, but I've never ventured there. I feel I have better ways to spend my funds." In reality, the phoenix had no money at all and refused to get a job. So she wouldn't be receiving anything unless someone offered them. I could ask the director for funding, he housed me after all!

Before Lyssa could respond however, the phoenix felt Sir Wicks flame burn like the fires that ended Rome. It was an unhealthy level of power that the goddess was sure no mortal could produce, and she could tell he was trying to suppress it.

Iravis was too stunned to respond when Sir Alistar picked up the hat that landed at her feet. But one thing was clear. Someone had definitely tried to kill Sir Wick. Panic flowed through her body as the Phoenix fumbled to form the words that this was not an accident.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Runik Brandt

He turned round at the sound of an unfamiliar voice quickly this time, but bowed his head after the other student had finished. Seeing as how his roommate had chosen to introduce himself first, he remained silent and waited for Logarius to finish. Figuring he had if he’d begun to unpack, Runik finally took the chance to speak. “So yeah, sorry about that. Runik, 6th year and if the noise wasn't too much then pleasure to meet ya.” He would have offered a hand to shake if it didn’t jump up to his head instead as the Headmaster intruded into his mind at that very moment. Clearly annoyed as the two at the top of the school broadcasted their sketch to the student body, he sighed heavily wehn the connection cut off at last.

A pointed glance at himself and Richard as if to say, "Really?" before he smiled and remarked, “I suppose we should mentlegen.” He slipped his shoes back on and closed the door behind him before catching up to Logarius without any trouble. A hand ran through his hair several times to fluff it back up since his beanie had done a great job at pressing it flat.

It didn’t take too long for Runik to reach the designated classroom, though it seemed that there was already a scene. Had to be a record of some sort considering it was a teacher and not a student, lord knew how many incidents the Headmaster had to his name in regards to that. Not too bothered he continued to the middle rows and found himself a seat before he pulled out his snack bag from one of the jacket’s interior pockets. Unzipping it he popped a bit of the trail mix into his mouth, chewed quickly, and then, in a voice loud enough to cut through the din, asked, “So what happened to Mr. Wick?” It didn’t seem to matter who in particular satisfied his curiosity, nor was there anything more than that to his tone.

With the question voiced, he decided to scan the room for anyone of particular interest. While many of the teachers were familiar in some capacity, Runik could confidently say that he had never seen the blonde with heterochromia. As for the students that filled the seats all around him well, as per usual, very few of them clicked with any familiarity in his mind. Well he'd probably run into some acquaintances or the like after this meeting was over since he'd just yelled his question aloud. Popping another piece of chocolate into his mouth, he leaned back and wondered how long this would take now that it had opened off with such an incident.
@Cinderella Man@Natsu @Anyone who wants
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Alucard turned with interest towards the sound of screaming and the sense of incredible pain and magic. To his surprise he saw what he could only assume was someone being erased. Everything the man was holding feel to the ground and he was launched towards the director by some unseen force. Alucard's keen eyes noticed the spear next. It was a pretty trinket. He would've liked to take it if someone else hadn't first. What a shame.

Well, today was interesting after all. He was sitting next to two beautiful girls, a redhead and some demon girl, with a not too shabby teacher to boot. It had been a pretty good day so far. The redhead seemed to be gibbering something about Mr. Wick so Alucard naturally attempted to take advantage of this. "Are you alright? I'm sure Mr. Wick will be fine after a bit of work, from what I hear this school's medical facilities are second to none." At least he assumed that was her concern, he was unsure of why though, she must've known him for an earlier year or something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Second Arc

There's A Mage Teacher On The Floor

Rollanda calmly kneeled down to take a quick look at Wick's condition.

Everyone seemed worried, or at least feigned it considerably well, but Rollanda would have none of that.

He took Wick's arm to check for a pulse, and then went on to open each of his eyes to confirm he wasn't dead or about to kick the bucket.

He was burning, but not physically. It was mana. Not a problem.

"You should know I can. However, this is not something that really merits my attention. Any one Doctor class magician can handle this." She answered Alistair.

She closed both eyes, before calling for someone to come aid her.

Afterwards, a blonde girl hurried into the room with a stretcher.

She was a well known novice nurse that went by the name Hanako. Japanese chick, who often told others to call her 'Hanako-chan', so everyone either called her that or 'My Sweet Angel In White'.

Her talent and ever-ready attitude when it came to her work as a nurse made her a favorite to be the successor of Rollanda as Liseranna's head nurse, and that's not mentioning her wide smile that often soothed the heart of her patients.

Many also think her the best candidate to become a man's wife in Liseranna at current, though she is quick to crush those hopes when she tells others that she has no interest in dating anyone until she meets the man of her dreams and gets married.

After professor Wick is secured on the stretcher, Hanako carries him off alongside a Kubinashi that is probably her familiar.

"Do not worry, Hanako will take care of it. It is nothing more than a curse. If I had to classify it, yes... it would probably be a medium rate course. Pesky and difficult to get rid of, but nothing Hanako can't treat in a short while." Rollanda explained as she stood back up.

"Poor, poor Wick. That is what he gets for messing around with things he shouldn't." A sinister smirk appeared on the headmaster's face. "But nevermind that, let's get on with the juicy details. Sadly, since Professor Wick won't be available for a while, his students shall be moved to a different teacher. Shame, that." He shook his head.

"In any case, let's get down to business, shall we? The reason I called you here is to meet your teachers. But really, look at them. They are as boring as they come. The hottie over there isn't too bad for the boys, I'm sure, but her classes are the most grim, so I don't really recommend them. There's also Alistair over here, but, well, what can I say about him without showing that I am madly in love with him? Teehee." The headmaster jokingly hit his head.

Lin was completely unamused by this, and Charlotte really had no idea of what was going on.

"Well then, get to meet them, talk to them, ask them out on a date, whatever. The real reason we are all here is to tell you this! The Magus Games are starting the next week! Ohmigosh, this is so exciting!"

The whispering did not make itself wait at the mention of the games.

"The Magus Games, huh? I'd definitely love to get some of that action." Lin smirked. "How we gonna go about it, though?"

"Magus games? Belly, you know what that is about?"

"Don't look at me. I'm as out of the loop as you on this one. Never been to one of these shits before."

"And this time, there are lotsa stuff to get you into the game! For once, the more you participate on events, the more credits you will receive! If you are good at what you do, you might even skip a class or two!"

More than one raised their eyebrows at this announcement.

"You should also get yourself some friends, because some of the events will be made as a group. If you don't have one, you'll be put into one, so that the loners don't feel left out." He continued. "And the most extreme thing about this all! I will give great power and the number one spot to the single person that manages to get me the Heir of Baphel!"

At the mention of this, the room instantly froze.

Lin got nervous for one of the few times of his life. His fingers twitched and his jaw trembled as he tried to say something.

Out of surprise, Belphegor took over Charlotte's body before shouting, "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM, OLD MAN?! Revealing the heir of Baphel? Here? Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

With a sinmple glare of the headmaster's still closed eyes, the spirit gulped and disappeared back into the depths of his host's mind.

"Unlike what some of you would think, the Heir Of Baphel is definitely not the woman with heterochromia standing beside me." His smile returned to his face and he continued talking. "I know who the Heir is, and I won't ask for the unreasonable, so I'll give you a slight hint."

He then pointed at the students that were still at a lack of words, which was most of the crowd.

"T-T-The heir....?!" Lin stuttered, finally letting the knot in his throat disappear.

"They are in this room. As you may have noticed, this is not the whole of the school. A single classroom could not hold all of the students. The ones here are a selected few, among which there is the Heir. Good for you. Your search has been reduced to a few five hundred." He said with yet another malicious smirk.

"You devil..." Rollanda whispered under her breath.

"So! Get to know each other! Talk with one another! Get to know your teachers! And then bring me the one with the Eye and you will be richly rewarded."

After that, he pulled out a single sheath from behind him, put it over him and then disappeared, but the echo of his voice lingered in the room.

"Good bye boys! And good hunting!"

The headmaster disappeared, but Lin still could not believe his ears.

The Eye Of Baphel? In the same room as him?

How could it be that he overlooked such a thing.

"H-Heir of Baphel, I order you in the name of the Xiao Long to appear before me at once!" He shouted, making more than one set of eyes turn to him.

He did not like his family, but he would use the name if it was a means to an end.

"Your voice's trembling! I bet YOU are the Heir!" Answered another voice.

"You just want to make us go for the wrong guy, right?! Well, that won't save your ass!" Yet another one joined the fray.

"And how do we know it is not you? You only want to blame someone else!" It was a woman this time.

At this point, the whole room exploded in fighting and arguments. Some people were even readying their magicks to fight it out.

Juliann's first day was going anything but well, and, of course, the one most confused about all of this was Charlotte.

"Hey, Belly, what are they arguing about?"

"Nothing ya need to bother your little mind with, kid. Go find a comfy spot before you get caught up in this shit."

"Well... that cunning devil got away with it." Rollanda turned to the other teachers. "I'll let you to it. I've some things to attend to. Urgent things, actually. Do your best while you calm them down."

With that, Rollanda turned on her heel and left the room without another word.

Now, what they were to do? And how would the students react to these shocking news?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Livia Fiore-

Honestly, Livia wasn't amused in the slightest by what was going on. Some teacher apparently had a heart attack or something. She wasn't really paying attention at that moment in time - simply reading through her book. She flipped another page, not at all interested. If they weren't going to be starting class, then she had no reason to listen to them drone on and on about something she had little interest in.

"Are you alright? I'm sure Mr. Wick will be fine after a bit of work, from what I hear this school's medical facilities are second to none."

She recognized that perverts voice from anywhere. She looked up from her book, noticing he was talking to some girl, and a rather appealing little demon. Hmph. Maybe she should go over there and ruin his obvious flirting or something. That'd definitely be fun to watch. Then again, she didn't want to deal with those other girls, either. It'd probably end up with her having to do something incredibly annoying. Like befriending them. That demon looked way to talkative.

So she contented herself with her book, and ignoring most of the other people. The director continued talking about something like the Magus games. Now there was something she'd be looking forward too. It'd definitely be good for relieving some stress, win or lose. Not to mention, she could really, really, greatly enjoy envisioning kicking that Alucard fellow right where it hurts. It'd be a good way to get some practice as well. She could use some live targets for her spirits.

However, what came next...was something she didn't expect.

"And the most extreme thing about this all! I will give great power and the number one spot to the single person that manages to get me the Heir of Baphel!"

...heir...of Baphel?

Now there was something she could be interested in. It wasn't obvious to guess that the room was going to be in an uproar quite soon over that information being revealed. For once, she wasn't put off by the thought of a bunch of screaming idiot people. She simply closed her book, placing it on her desk and resting her arms on it casually. Somewhere in this room? Now that was curious. Livia simply began observing everyone. No one looked all that suspicious just yet, not even that idiot demanding the heir to show themselves. Honestly, she probably looked the most suspicious here, simply calmly observing everyone and their reactions as she rested her chin on one of her palms.

Now, who was it, she wondered?


Well, that was too bad. But ah well, she was confident she could find it. It shouldn't be terribly difficult to find. She liked to think she had an incredible sense of direction. She didn't get to ponder that long enough to reply to Iravis, however. Lyssa was completely shocked at what just happened. Being one to dislike violence and loathe conflict, and seeing people get hurt for that matter, she was completely at a loss for words when Mr. Wick just passed out, seemingly dead to the young demon. More importantly though, Iravis seemed more upset then she was.

It was not the time to be shocked when one of her friends was upset.

"H-hey, you alright Iravis?" She asked, giving her a gentle nudge on her shoulder. "You wanna go check on him? You're friends, right?" She honestly didn't know much of what else to say, aside from maybe give her a hug, but she didn't think the other girl would appreciate that very much in her current state.

"Are you alright? I'm sure Mr. Wick will be fine after a bit of work, from what I hear this school's medical facilities are second to none."

A third party interrupted. She looked over to Alucard, giving him a friendly smile, though said nothing and returned her attention to Iravis.

"See? He'll be fine. I'm sure they can fix him up."

As far as whatever the 'Heir of Baphel' was, she could care less since she didn't even know what it was that well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Meruin Hazy

Meruin was late. That much was a given, although you could hardly tell that she was from the look on her face. Meruin plodded through the large body of students drowsily. The small mage was up late the day before experimenting on herself and barely noticed the time. The direct result of this was sleeping in and waking up way past acceptable school hours.

Speaking of which, Meruin looked around her. There were quite a few people moving around, no doubt scrambling towards their respective classes. The small mage recalled when she first came to this school, and sighed. That was a tiresome - not to mention unnecessarily painful - year. She had wizened up as she grew in power and maturity - at least she thinks so - but that doesn't change the fact that she had done a great deal of damage to her body because of reckless magical experimentation on it.

She was still modifying her body, mind you, but she was doing it properly this time.

In any case, Meruin opened the door to the classroom, ignoring the chaos going on around her about a professor wick or whatnot. Why they had to be so loud over a piece of candle string boggled her, but she was too drowsy to care much. The only thing she could really focus on was getting to the class that eccentric school director had put in her head. Speaking of which, she would need to find a way to block him from her mind - if he could so easily send messages in, then it wouldn't be a stretch to think that he could pull thoughts out. As much as she was grateful to him and his institution, she was not much fond of anything poking in her head asides her own thoughts.

Meruin took a seat and promptly looked up to listen to the directors speech.

". . . nd good hunting!"

Meruin woke up in time to find the whole class in disarray. There was an excited tension in the air, and the students were panicking or looking around at each other suspiciously. What did she just miss? It seems that whatever the director had said was the cause the commotion. Hm, perhaps she shouldn't have slept through the announcement . . .

Well, whatever the case, she could always find out later. She had more pressing concerns.

The small mage raised a hand. "Excuse me," her quiet voice was enhanced magically - rather, she did a Director and threw her thoughts outwardly, though it was more concentrated for the teachers - and despite its silent texture, every word rung clear, "when does class begin?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

]Gall The Reaper[

Alucard had gotten himself rid of, and Gall deduced he had better things to do than harass a mere mortal who left on their own. In his time, the reaper had met very few who would disobey a direct order from any scythe wielder. He began to head towards the classroom along with the rest after hearing the order, seeking to protect his mistress.

The doors were shut. The reaper didn't know what was going on, but believed that his master would certainly call on him if needed, considering that she called on him when she needed to pull a prank. Leaning against the wall was a much better way to pass the time than worrying anyways.

"Are you alright? I'm sure Mr. Wick will be fine after a bit of work, from what I hear this school's medical facilities are second to none"

The demon's voice said something afterwards, but the Phoenix didn't hear it over the sound of her strike. The Goddess had stood up and backhanded the black haired wretch in one fluid motion, delivering the full divine force of her body behind the blow. She didn't particularly care if he dodged the blow or if it landed.

The Goddesses lips moved, but only foreign words left her lips. Ra, the Burning Sun, I ask you forgive this sinful soul ... As she spoke her red hair began to rise as if gravity itself was releasing its command on the Phoenix's body.

"You should know I can. However, this is not something that really merits my attention. Any one Doctor class magician can handle this."

She stopped the spellcasting immediately whenever the medical staff started to act so ... casually? In fact, the school nurse called in one of her cute inferiors for the job, which meant it couldn't be that serious.

He's an asshole anyways. The bastard could have at least been concerned for one of his superiors. The Goddess sat back down, folding her divine arms across her chest and looking away from the man.

Undoubtedly Lyssa said something or stared at the Goddess in awe, but Iravis would not apologize for her divine judgement. Either way, the director gave an insufferable speech which Iravis knew she couldn't afford to respond to. At least Alistar seemed a little concerned, which made the Phoenix feel a little less like she was overreacting.

Then the professor detailed the Magus games to the audience, explaining their goals. Iravis at first smiled, thinking that some friendly competition like the gladiators of old would be enjoyable to watch.

But at the mention of the Heir of Baphel the crowd began to react. With the director's sudden disappearance chaos started booming exponentially, taking over surrounding souls as some students prepared to cast spells. At the mention of that name, Iravis knew something terrible was about to happen, but she wasn't sure what.

Iravis stood up immediately and started walking towards the door. The phoenix turned around to Lyssa, casting a smile and speaking in a cheerful manner, "You promised to treat me to chocolate." The goddess never forgot the promise of offerings, and she would collect that offering even if it meant preventing the demon from being consumed by the crowd.
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