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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kurosawa Emi

Emi realised was simply reading her book when the the director began to speak. However, Elise was more in control at the time since Eli wasn't thinking very much. As he spoke, Elise grew extremely bored. Not much interested her and the romance novel Eli was reading didn't help whatsoever. Once he mentioned the heir of Baphel, she could not help but feel a bit piqued. She did not actually not what it was much but when everyone showed dramatic emotions at it, her head lifted up a bit and wondered what the big deal was about it.

However, it wasn't long before Eli grew conscious again and began to become worried. The heir of Baphel? What it that? Groups? Huh? I shouldn't have been reading while the director was talking. Examining the classroom, she quickly understood the situation and looked around at the people talking. The thought of getting in a group bothered her a bit but she decided that she would wait it off until later. Placing the book on her desk face down, she began to rumage through her bag, in search for something to eat. After searching, she found a piece of candy that seemed to be pretty new and plopped it in her mouth, smiling in satisfactory. Surprisingly, sweets were something that she had always been very fond of. Picking her book back up, she pondered on weather to actually begin looking for a group. Starting conversations wasn't one of her strong points but being the one that people had to put up with didn't seem good either. Sighing, she gave up to her weak mental state and began to read again. "Nobody really cares if you're miserable. So you might as well be happy." Words that her mother told her ran through her mind. She flinched, realizing that her wound was opening again. Smiling, she took out a small band aid and placed it on top of the wound, not actually caring if it would really make it better. Continuing to read, she looked up one more time and realized that she would have to start a conversation at one point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Alucard realized what was about to happen mere moments before it did. Plenty of time to react. Thousands of options to mitigate, dodge, or block the blow. But a slap from a lady was not intended to harm, it was intended to send a message. And Alucard did so hate to turn down a lady. The slap hit solidly across his face with a surprisingly amount of force. Not enough to knock him down, but it did force him to take a step to keep his balance and create the very loud sound that always accompanied a slap. Hells that hurt, he hadn't expected her to hit like a body builder on steroids! And yes he did know what that felt like. What's more she seemed to be getting ready to cast some magic, judging by the mumbo jumbo, and Alucard was preparing to defend himself when she suddenly stopped. Well that was good, he'd been getting slightly worried about the safety of his clothes. His hand rose and lightly touched bruised skin.

Esh, his wonderful looks, temporarily marred: with his skills it'd be gone by tomorrow, but it was still rather distasteful. Obviously he'd miscalculated the degree of her distress. Half his attention was on the speech and half was on figuring out a way to rectify his mistake. Something about the Heir of Baphel, whatever in god's name that was. Apparently it was a big deal judging by the sudden increase in tension. A chance suddenly appeared, the redhead had apparently been promised chocolate by the demon girl. Agilely stepping through the agitated students he paused in front of the redhead and said, "My apologizes for my misconduct perhaps-" Mid sentence he stepped to the door and held it open for her in one fluid movement, gesturing for her to go ahead. "-I could pay for my mistake?" A good chance to increase his favor with her, in particular if she felt the least bit guilty for hitting him in the face. Which anyone would after seeing how nice it was. That or he'd get hit again, honestly it could go either way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Edgar Quantus

Edgar had been sat for a while now, sitting slightly further to the back of the massive crowd that filled the room. There must have been, what, at least 450 people, from what he counted. But something definitely struck him as odd. Why were there so little students here, when the school housed so many? Wasn't the point for all the students to meet their teachers? And it couldn't have just been Year 4s that were there, because he saw some Year 1s, that Year 5 Richard, and others.

The Director started talking, mostly just stuff he had either already heard before or he just tuned out of. It was all mostly related to the Magus games, but something felt missing from what had just happened. Something felt off. Did he miss something? Also, where was Mr Wick, anyways? He was a teacher after all, so why wasn't he around.

"And the most extreme thing about this all! I will give great power and the number one spot to the single person that manages to get me the Heir of Baphel!"

"Y-Your joking..."

"I know who the Heir is, and I won't ask for the unreasonable, so I'll give you a slight hint."

He can't have just done that... T-There's no way.... T-The b-bastard... why would he say that? In fact, how the hell did he even know in the first damn place? The was nobody who knew who had it, so who could have told him? How could he have known that, out of the 500 odd people he called here, one would be the heir? HOW!

And then the classroom fell into chaos, people yelling, preparing magic. Runes lit up all around, and Edgar just got more stressed. It was like something was enveloping him, something dark. He didn't have an anxiety issue, did he? It couldn't have been the case; someone would have told him. It wasn't the first time, and when he had gone to speak with Rollanda she said he shouldn't worry; at least not for now.

Some people were staring at him now, a bit. They watched him with odd curiosity as he sat, just staring straight at the front. The rune on his cheek began to light, and dim, then light, and dim again. But, a couple minutes after the feeling had washed over him, Edgar felt as if the energy - or whatever it was - was being drained from him; being sucked out of his being. About 20 seconds after he felt fine, like there was never anything to begin with.

So, as the room descended into further chaos, and people prepared dangerous spells in an attempt to intimidate, Edgar stood. It was obvious that, since the school nurse was here, people wouldn't be afraid to attack. Someone had to intervene right?

"Will everybody shut... The fuck... UP?!" he yelled, his voice tearing through all the shouting and fighting. To his left, someone decided it was a good idea to let out a Contritio spell; a ball of fire.

"Som ess bran renis brach" and the fire ball stopped, or at least it looked as it it stopped. It all reality it had just slowed to a crawl, but to everyone that looked at it it would have stopped; it would have been frozen, suspended in time.

"Stop fighting. Everyone. The heir isn't going t-to reveal themselves if this is what will h-happen. So, why don't we just... Meet out teachers, and then we can find the Eye... In our own time..." and with that, he sat back down, letting it sink in to everyone around him. Everyone around probably knew whom he was, or at least what family he belonged to. Time magic was an oddity, that was for sure, but there was only a certain family with that much skill, or even training in incantations. The family of Quantus. The runes on his face faded, as well as the one of his neck, back, chest, arms and eye.

Synth Kane

Synth stood towards the back of the teachers, watching as the room descended into chaos thanks to the directors words about the heir. The bastard just had to say it, didn't he? Thanks to him, things were only going to get worse, and therefore make everyone's jobs more difficult. Not only for the teachers, but for the students too. He watched as Xiao Long attempted to take command, but instead just made things worse. Then as people began threatening, starting spells. And as Edgar stood to take control. Whatever was was gonna happen, it was out of his hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alistair Kuruz

The rune scarred teacher stood back and simply watched. He nodded to the head nurse as she looked and took care of his cursed friend. He bit his lip gently and rubbed his fingers through his hair once more before waiting for the Director to finish up. A tap across Alistair's head from the Director himself brought a dagger like glare from the young teacher. Another rub through the mop of black hair as he watched the Director in his childish glee. The mention of the Magus games made Alistair rub at the thin scar that marred the front of his pale chest, bifurcating the man's chest right down the midline. The very top of the scar poked out from the undone top three buttons of his dress shirt. He had received that in one of those Magus Games. Sometimes they were incessantly brutal.

Then he mentioned Baphel’s Heir. Alistair looked up from under the rim of his glasses and he watched as the ripple of suspicion and aggression began from the front. It was like the Director had thrown a rock in a very deep pool. The ripple began with a single shout from an obviously Asiatic student and it extended outwards. Alistair simply watched, his eyes drilling holes in the Director’s head. How could he just go out and say that. Could he not see that this was going to rip each others throats out now. Especially with the promise of a modicum of his power. The shouting and swearing and outbursts continued. The Director disappeared. Alistair and the new teacher were left with a rambling shouting mess of students. The Prodigy sighed, walked forward and held one hand to his throat. The runes on his arms glimmered and his voice was immediately given unnatural volume. Thunder clouds spawned over the entire roof of the class. Alistair's hands making gestures to cast a spell. Individual runes flashing with crimson light. One arm crackled with energy while the other ignited into roaring flames.


The unassuming, almost student looking teacher's smooth british voice boomed out with the unnatural volume his enchantment had given him. Thunder clapped around and lightning flashed threateningly in the dark clouds that now coated the entire classroom’s ceiling. Voice settled at Alistair’s display. A few were still threatening to throw spells. Lightning struck into them. It was enough to hurt and plant them on their asses but nothing more. Mostly as a display of power and that was all.

I hope you all now realize that I am not a man to toy with” Alistair began to pace up and down the length of the front row, his eyes flicking to individual faces. Especially those of Iravis and her few friends that were looking to leave “ While the issue of the Heir is a well deserved thing of attention, at the current time you are students” He folded his hands behind his back as he continued to pace “ and I will be your teacher. I am Alistair Kuruz. Graduated from this very academy five years ago at the age of fifteen” He breathed out and calmed the storms “ I suggest this is why you stay in my good books if you wish to learn” the british mage finished his speech by returning to his desk, putting his feet up and lighting another smoke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 14 days ago

Richard shifted into the room after the chaos, just in time to hear Alistair screaming his head off. He grinned a bit, "What the hell happened in here?" He wondered quietly aloud. He heard the teacher mention a heir, and Richard raised an eyebrow, "He couldn't mean the Heir of Baphel" He thought to himself, as he took his seat. Richard gave a bit of a laugh as Alistair smote a few students, and bragged about how he was some kind of child prodigy and vaguely threatened them. He rolled his eyes, "He needs to get his ego in check..." He said quietly, already disliking this teacher.

These feelings only intensified as he noticed him light a smoke. "Are you serious?" He asked, almost taking offense to this action. Growing up around a Medela mage for a mom, he saw all the screwed up things smoke did to a persons body, resulting in him absolutely hating the habit. "You know, just because healers can fix you up, it doesn't mean you should constantly poison yourself for fun." He pointed out vehemently, crossing his arms. While he shouldn't have said these things to a teacher, he felt the need do to this ones increasingly unprofessional behavior. However, he did finish with a pointed "Sir."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shikio Wahlaal

Interactions: @GrafRoy Zeppeli Lin

As fun as it had been to tease her master, and play with another student for a while it seemed it all had come to an end quicker than she would have thought and after somewhat managing to fill her belly on the way she had ended up following Lin to the classroom to find it in the first place even if she still was a bit grumpy at the beginning it was something she quickly forgot along the way. Eventually she was just standing among the others of a big crowd and even if that was unsettling to her she was also very curious as to what they were all brought here for. In time she would gain her answer, the strange man-pire thing had talked to them all and done so in a stranger way than before... kinda like he was having troubles with himself... or something along those lines, perhaps he was simply bad at his own magic and couldn't control it.

In any case, standing amoung the crowd they announced stuff, some of which she followed and others she had no clue whatso ever what they meant... but even if she didn't have a clue what this all was about she could feel how unsettled others became, even her own master became very unsettled by these facts and eventually her only option was to chase her master down again and ever so 'un-gently' shove anything and anyone who tried to mow him down in their fit of aggression or try to stand in her way of reaching him. "Master... what's these Magic Games?... what's a Hair of bapel?... more importantly... lets get out of here before they kill you!" she said as Lin seemed to attract a crowd from screaming his name at people. For a moment Shikio's eyes glowed after her comment and she grabbed Lin's around the waist hurling him up in her arms before she leaped up over the croud, bounced over several people's shoulders before leaping out a window smashing it to pieces on the way out. Once outside the building she sat Lin down again and brushed off the glass pieces some who had pierced her skin. She looked to the wounds on her legs before looking to Lin again ignoring the light bleed. "What was all that about?... why did that man fall to the floor?... why is everyone so upset?... Master i'm frightened" she asked ears folded back as she was certainly discouraged by the events and not understanding them haden't helped her at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Runik Brandt

Evidently with the school’s head nurse on the scene the answer was not very long as she quickly took a look at the fallen teacher. His attention was drawn elsewhere and settled on the redhead who seemed about to cut loose if there was enough ambient mana to raise her hair. His eyes flicked back to the unconscious Mr.Wick given an update on his status by Ms. Rollanda seemed to the cause of the redhead’s sudden calm and a curious hum escaped his lips.

It only took a few moments of the Headmaster’s voice to sour his mood, and he snacked furiously as a distraction. It pushed down the urge to gag at the least until the man reached topics that actually called for his attention. The Magus Games were a nice opportunity to cut loose he supposed. Too young to participate the last time they had been held… or something like that, his memory wasn’t too clear. His fingers brushed against flakes of chocolate and salt, and to his disappointment Runik realized he’d polished off the bag of trail mix already. With a grumble he scrunched the empty bag back into a pocket, hand freezing as the Headmaster stunned the room into silence with the bombshell.

His attention went to the young girl’s outburst amidst the dead silence before he focused on his own thoughts. Anyone who wasn’t an idiot knew who Baphel was, plenty knew about the Eye of Baphel, and Runik guessed that its new owner was the Heir mentioned. A glance back up towards the stage and a scowl took over his expression as he watched the Headmaster continue happily along. Would the bastard out the Heir’s existence without the student’s consent or knowledge? Probably.

Naturally once the speech came to a close and the Headmaster disappeared, there was almost a riot in the classroom. Plenty of people vied for the center of attention, tension skyrocketed, and Runik gave the room a quick scan. Red eyes met purple for a moment and he offered the like-minded girl a small nod before he moved on. While he couldn’t deny curiosity to the Heir’s identity, Runik had no intention to join the “witch hunt” their “Headmaster” had started. Well assuming of course the Heir and Headmaster hadn’t already reached some sort of accord. A game where the pieces had agreed to their roles was quite a different story after all.

As things continued to escalate Runik was content to simply weather the brewing storm. Until Mr. Kuruz actually brewed up a storm within the room and struck down the most aggressive students. Of course he had to then go and say something to ruin any sort of impression he might have left. “Oh wow teach, I’m sure everyone was just wondering which of the teachers looked the weakest,” he called back out to the front, his voice managing to cut through the commotion. Then again he was used to having to shout over the sound of a battle, so a bunch of posturing wasn’t that bad in comparison.

He fell quiet after that quick remark even if his tattoos glowed faintly in anticipation. As much as he wanted to announce his intentions, Runik was able to control himself. He was strong, no doubt about that, but there were others his equal and numbers could do just as well as individual skill. Those that couldn’t face him in the open might just be as content to slip a dagger in his back as well if he made himself known, so for now he sat and remained silent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Lyssa was definitely not expecting Iravis to react so...harshly to the guy sitting next to them. Honestly, she was a bit scared, if she had to say anything. Violence of any sort always made her uneasy, ever since...well, it always had. Especially if it was her having to do the violence. Even more so if it was against another person. So the demon could only stare at Iravis in a mix of awe and fear. She gave the guy who she had slapped an apologetic smile, but said nothing, and instead turned her attention to the rest of the speech.

Magus games. Some sort of fighting competition. She wasn't sure that was something to get excited about, but everyone else seemed to enjoy it. Maybe she was the odd one out there. Iravis was smiling though, so that meant she was probably going to enjoy such a spectacle. Ugh, as much as she liked Iravis, well as much as someone could like someone having only known them a handful of hours, she wasn't sure she'd ever like conflict of any sort. It just wasn't nice.

The fact that after that everyone seemed to squabble over something called the 'Heir of Baphel' didn't help. Ugh, she knew she should have taken a nap in those cherry trees and not come to class.

"You promised to treat me to chocolate." Wow, when did Iravis get over by the door? She must have been too busy not paying attention. Welp, whatever! Chocolate would make her feel better, definitely. She hopped out of her seat and quickly made her way to the other girl, ignoring the large crowd. She was definitely ready to get out of here. It looked like things could get messy quickly, and she wanted no part of it.

"Yep yep, sorry!" she cheerfully replied, not bringing up what had just happened. She was giving Iravis the benefit of the doubt here, that she was just upset that Mr. Wick had been injured. "We shall go find the mall then! I brought plenty of money with me, so I'll guy ya whatever you want." At least, that was her plan until the guy showed up. She was a bit worried Iravis would slap him again.

"My apologizes for my misconduct perhaps I could pay for my mistake?"

Well, if he was willing to pay for stuff, she wouldn't exactly mind. At least he was being nice about this, so she couldn't really say no.

"Well I don't have any problems with it, but that's up to Iravis really."
She gave him a grin. "But you can buy me sweets anytime you want too."

-Livia Fiore-

As the room descended further into chaos, Livia only smile. She had to laugh incredibly loudly at what happened to that Alucard fellow. He probably deserved it, but quickly silenced herself. She didn't want to draw too much attention to herself here. For once, she was glad that it was easy for her to go unnoticed and ignored by others. Served her well in situations like this. She intended to simply leave and perhaps just go quietly read a book somewhere, but now that the teachers were getting involved, that seemed a bit unpractical, even if she was afraid that the floating ball of fire might in fact burn her precious books.

Well, whatever. She stick around, just to see what would happen. She did enjoy watching these things, after all if she had to be honest with herself. She took a quick look around the room again, eyes landing on Emi. She frowned. Was she hurt somewhere? She was pretty sure that was a band aid she had put on some sort of wound or something. Hmm...

Against her better judgement, she picked up her book, and walked over to her roommate.

"Hey, Emi." She said, taking a seat next to her. The student who had been sitting there had stood up for some reason or another, and she simply decided to make it hers. The student was going to protest, until she gave him the coldest, harshest glare she could muster, sending the student away. Pretty sure she scared the kid, which brought a small smile to her face.

"Hmph. So noisy." She grumbled, placing the book on the new desk. "Getting all worked up over the Heir of Baphel. Really, this is going to solve nothing. Amusing to watch though." She chuckled, before giving Emi a somewhat suspicious look. "Judging from your lack of reaction, you have no idea what that is, do you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kurosawa Emi

So loud and fucking annoying. Who the fuck decided it was time to just start fucking doing random magic spells and yelling at random shit. Sighing, Elise touched her forehead and gave herself a mental slap. The people in the room just didn’t know how to shut up, whatsoever. Eli came back and thought about the situation. The man that sent her here wanted her to get away from violence and now here they are, having to fight and maybe kill one another. She chuckled at the coincidence but Elise grew angry at this. How the heck is that funny. Stop smiling. All of a sudden, she heard a loud voice boom through the room and looked up. Once she saw it was just a man talking, she put her head back down. She then heard two voices after the man had yelled. They seemed to be criticizing him but it was a teacher, I don’t know if he would actually care. She glanced over at the second man that had yelled out at him. His tattoos were quite beautiful and she admired them for a while before staring down at her desk. The two students that had yelled out at the teacher were two people she wished she could be like. Looking at her hand, however she realized she most likely couldn’t. Confidence and fearlessness, two qualities her father never wanted her to obtain

“Hey, Emi.”
startled, she looked up and saw her roommate.
"Judging from your lack of reaction, you have no idea what that is, do you?".
Her eyes went a bit darker. She had heard of it, in fact. Even if Elise didn’t know much about it Eli had a gist of what it the big deal was. “M-my father..” Elise had a look of fear and disgust once the words father came out of her mouth. The look was also quite visible on Eli’s face. “ H-he often talked about it...T-The Eye of Baphel and the heir… The myth about a curse, wasn’t it. Well, not so much a myth but more of a legend I suppose.” she smiled, not specifically at her but simply to smile. "I-I guess we are going to have to fight." her hand seemed to be getting worse by the minute. A black rose appeared next to her, simply floating but appearing as if it was growing off of her. She quickly held it, sighing at the sight of it. As she expected, her fingernails begin to drip blood and a drop of blood went onto the desk. She looked at it and back at Livia. "A-ah, I'm sorry." If she had gotten it on Livia she would have felt even worse. What if she didn't like the sight of blood. Since there was not much blood on the desk, she wiped it off with her sleeve quickly. She attempted to smile brightly so that she didn't produce any more flowers. "S-so... you be joining the games I suppose? O-or is it mandatory?" She tilted her head as she asked. The blood will go away soon, hopefully I didn't cause her to feel disgusted.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Synth Kane

The teacher stood to the back, still watching over the unfolding chaos that was the 500 odd students called by the Director. Was the man's plan to have the heir revealed in the room at this exact time? He surely must have known the characteristics of both the Eye and the person whom held it, so why have everyone fight over it? It wasn't mere competition the Director was after, but it most likely wasn't all out war. So then, what was his motive? Synth racked his brain, trying quite a bit harder than normal to figure out what the hell A was thinking. His thoughts were shattered, however, with the sudden shouting from Alistair.


Well, so much for figuring out the Director's plans. He stuck his finger in his ear and twisted it a bit, exaggerating the pain a lot more than necessary. A couple of students shouted across to the lightning mage, and it was clear that he wasn't exactly best pleased by it. All the students that he had struck with electricity were now sat, looking rather dazed, and the room had quieted down a considerable amount. Synth decided a good course of action would be to approach Runik, one of the boys that had shouted at the mage.
"Runik, I would advice being quiet. You may not like him, and I am fine with that, but voicing your opinions isn't exactly needed. I'm unsure of his temper, and I would rather not have to stop him injuring you if need be." and with that done, he walked away and towards Alistair, with whom he would attempt to make conversation with, if possible, even if it were just to prevent any more outbursts.

"Now, Alistair, I'm sure that wasn't entirely necessary, was it? I'm sure the fighting would have stopped on its own, and we do have Rollanda with us to treat the injuries." he stood above the man sitting at the desk smoking, "And the young Medela Mage is right, you really shouldn't smoke. It's bad for your health." and with the last sentence the burning end of whatever he was smoking seemingly fell off, like it had been cut by something. Behind him, the ball of fire that was seemingly stuck in time vanished, attracting a few eyes from the crowd.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cinderella Man
Avatar of Cinderella Man

Cinderella Man shall become the wings of Rebellion

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Having sat himself as far back as he possibly could so as to not be caught paying little to no attention to the Director and whatever else it was that was going on. He was more concerned with creating potential decorations for his dorm, and was messing about with little pieces of metals and other scrap. Silently, Logarius messed about with the metal in an attempt to turn it into gold. He chanted magical words under his breath, sort of shielding what he was doing from whoever could see with one of his arms. The metals slowly changed, first composition, then color, then luster. Characteristic after characteristic of gold were filled in as the pieces of scrap changed. Until, eventually, it was nearly impossible to tell it wasn't gold before.

His little attempt at arts and crafts was quickly disrupted, however, as when a few choice words hit his ear.

"...Heir of Baphel!"

Did his ears deceive him? The Heir of Baphel, being in this room, right now? If Logarius had the nerve, he'd probably riot too. People all throughout the room began shouting loudly and arguing over whoever it was that could be the Heir, but Logarius decided that the best course of action would be to stay silent until a teacher took care of it. And take care of it a teacher did. Someone gave a loud shout, calling out to the whole crowd to shut their mouths. And shut their mouths they did. To add onto that, a teacher shocked a few of the rowdier students and called out some pretty weak brags if Logarius had to be honest.

But he wouldn't dare say that out loud.

Rather he kept his head down rather than speak out, like Richard and his roommate did. Instead he opted to play with his gold. Crushing it together with his hands, almost like one would do with modelling clay or play dough, he began to shape it whilst wondering what he would make. Perhaps a tiny statue. But of what?

He absentmindedly moved the gold about in his hands.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reina Izumi

Kirby has arrived

A white skirt bumped lightly up and down as pale white thighs moved against the soft fabric of the skirt. Each pace of her steps made her have the same feeling. A slight shiver from the soft fabric brushing against her skin and the sun shining on her long brown hair. Light humming sounded from the girl as she walked towards the gate of her new school. This was her first time to ever go to private school so she was pretty excited. Not because it was only for special students but it was the first time she would see so much people of the same age as her.

Reina lightly brushed a few of her hairs behind her ear as her skirt continued to hop on just barely not displaying the undergarments she was wearing. So this was how it felt like to be in school uniform. Everyone wore something similar like her so there wouldn't be any discrimination against each other and on top of that from long beautiful dresses to simple plain plated mini skirts was something special too. She wore a light smile on her face and her eyes closed with her head tilted slightly up enjoying the sun that shone on her face as she walked with the wind in her hair. Reina arrived on the spot as she quickly came to a halt, hairs falling against her uniform as she stopped with walking just like her skirt did against her bare legs.

Her eyes were focused on the stage with the headmaster on top of it. She did not say anything and kept a constant smile on her face like she had nothing to worry about. Seems like she was just in time for the headmaster his speech. He began talking and immediately she noticed that he didn't use his voice to talk but rather telepathy to get it directly to her mind. She was not surprised and didn't even flinch from it but remained listening instead. It was nothing to shabby and at the end he pulled a fun small magic trick with the students by having placed a dorm sheet in their pockets. Reina gave it a quick look over and placed it back in her pocket again since it would become handy eventually when she had to find her dorms. Her stuff was already delivered at the dorms so she didn't have to go and check but rather had some free time for herself right now. She sat down at a nearby bench in the park and enjoyed the sun on her body a bit longer waiting for the headmaster to call everyone again for the opening class.

About a hour later the headmaster had addressed everyone to join him in one of the classes. Reina timely stood up again and began walking in a general direction of the classrooms. Only a few minutes later she arrived and seated herself next to a blonde haired boy waiting for the speech of the headmaster to start again. Before anything could be told to the students a teacher dropped down to the floor just like that. Reina worryingly stood up from her chair and placed both hand on her table as her mouth slightly dropped out of concern. She wasn't able to help him or anything otherwise she would just get in the way and even though she was to far away to even try to help. A novice nurse entered the classroom however and immediate took him away. She gave a small sigh of relieve and sat down on her seat again as her expression turned somewhat happier that it would be alright at least. The headmaster was quick to let the subject of the downed professor completely drop and would go on with what was on the schedule. Reina showed her kind smile again and patiently listened to him as he introduced the teachers. Suddenly the Magus Games were mentioned. She wondered what those would be


Her tender voice sounded. Headmaster continued as the class seemed to discus with each other some more. He introduced that there would be events you could do and that getting a group of people together would be something smart to do. Reina placed a fist on the table as her smile beamed with confidence. She would be sure to get some friends since she longed for something like that for quite a while now. Reina stopped and everything seemed to suddenly freeze. Reina's eye twitched at the mention of the Heir of Baphel. Someone started shouting but no one really seemed to mind the swear words at that point of time.


In confusion Reina started to look around her a bit confused on what had just happened with that announcement. The class seemed to be getting out of their mind with just a simple word. People started fighting as the headmaster continued and left the room eventually. Reina and everyone else was flattered with everything. Reina tried to make some of the people stop fighting by lifting her hands up and down to gesture to calm them down.

"C-could everyone just... get along... please..."

She awkwardly smiled as her voice was cut out by the noises around the classroom. What the hell was happening. Lighting and voices that would reach about the same sound as a fighter jet. She couldn't make anything out anymore it was about time she left this mess for safety. She stood up in one go shoving the chair she was on aside with her legs and just started walking. Reina's eye caught something as she passed one of the desks. She stopped and turned back towards the person that was sitting. He looked a bit pale and in fact. His pupils were pretty small, Reina stepped closer to him out of concern and bundled her hands on her back as she bend over lightly so she would have direct eye contact with him.

"Are you alright? You look a little pale. Just let me take you outside for a bit, fresh air will do you well."

She gave him a kind smile and walked over to the side of his seat to help him up, but... He suddenly started yelling, he didn't seem to like chaos as much. Reina moved back a little and covered her ears out of protection. He chanted something and she soon noticed what he was doing. A fire ball had stopped mid air and almost seemed frozen in time or stopped with just moving at least. Reina was slightly dazzled but still started clapping as her smile grew. She faced the boy again who had sat down again.

"Wonderful! How did you do that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Meruin Hazy

Meruin frowned, raised a hand up, then reconsidered and sent it back down. The crowd had settled down considerably thanks to the efforts of a certain teacher, and from their murmurs, Meruin could piece together what she had missed. Evidently, the Heir of Baphel was among the 500 or so students in this room. An already tantalizing piece of news that drove the students still more ravenous at the promise of power should the Heir be found and presented to the Headmaster. Not to mention the announcement of the beginning of the Magic Games, it was no wonder the students were in a frenzy. It took the intervention of a teacher to calm them down - though Meruin was doubtful of his methods . . . and she had to confess that his boast was more than a little underwhelming.

Graduate from the school at fifteen? Was that truly such a difficult feet? She herself was fourteen and a fifth year, and by all means, if she chose to do so, she could easily move up to sixth year - but she did not. She needed to stay in this school until she had completed her own agendas. The facilities and the environment were difficult to find anywhere else, and if the only requirement to access it was to be a student, then by all means, she would remain one. So this Mister Alistair's achievement of graduating at such a young age . . . Meruin simply shrugged it off. Perhaps it really was a great feat, and perhaps she was just as capable of achieving it, but what did it matter? Age was nothing to the art of Magic. Only knowledge and experience granted you any merit.

She frowned, looking at the teachers. It seemed none of them had bothered answering her, and none of the students were as concerned as her. If that was the case . . .

The small mage stood up, a tired look on her face. If the announcement was all they came here for and there were no classes or lessons to be had, she was done here, whatever Mister Alistair had to say. It was not as he could fault her for wanting to leave now, yes? She hardly had the time to waste on meaningless drivel and pointless arguing, not when she could be doing something productive.

Like sleeping. Yes, a little sleep sounded just lovely as of the moment.

"Excuse me," murmured Meruin, standing up and weaving through the crowd, towards the door. "If you don't mind, I'll be leaving now."

As for the Heir of Baphel: What of it? Yes, the Heir and the Eye were of great interest to her - but only for research. She had no wish to obtain it or the rewards the Director offered. Whatever greatness she obtained would be obtained through her own work.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Goddesses mouth nearly dropped as the black haired boy she slapped was opening the door, asking for forgiveness. He even offered a tribute as repentance. Lyssa stated the decision was up to her roomate, but was being friendly as always.

The Phoenix sighed mentally, of course not! I won't tolerate...

Her train of thought was interrupted by a bellowing voice. Lighting flew from the sky and struck the most disobedient students. There was even a fireball that had stopped mid-air. The Phoenix looked towards the stage, the Sir Alistar's eyes piercing the Goddesses soul as she was midway through leaving. The teacher said a few accusatory words, which Iravis took to heart.

The red-haired had just attempted to ditch the lesson of a man who saved her life and granted her freedom. She would apologize later that night. She'd beg if she had to. With Mr. Wick gone, the girl wasn't sure she could make it without either of them. The Goddess prayed her teacher would find it in himself to forgive her.

Her eyes drifted back towards the black haired boy, crossing her arms defensively and speaking softly to the bruised face. "Mercy fills me today. You have been granted the opportunity to repent your sins via tribute tomorrow. Be prepared to cater to my desires immediately after class then. I will appear before you when I feel the urge to. Until then, get out of my sight."

The goddess spun around and calmly returned to her seat, beckoning for Lyssa to follow. The Phoenix would collect on that tribute after class today. She leaned her face against her palms, deep in her own thought and generally ignoring her surroundings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

After resting for a bit, he awoke to many noises surrounding him. The words "Heir of Baphel" could be heard and he looked up quickly. What. Here? In the same room as Emi? God da- he cut himself off and sighed, standing up to go to Emi. "Emi. I do not know if you should be in such a place with dangers such as these. At least don't go around on your own." without realizing, he completely ignored the woman near Emi and looked over at her. He looked up and down at her quickly, hopefully not offending her. "You are a friend of Emi's, yes?"

Emi looked up at Akito. "I-I'm fine Aki... I can handle myself, you shouldn't worry too much about me." She smiles lightly, putting her bleeding hand under the desk. "This is Livia Flore, my new roommate as well as friend. She has a reaper familiar, too but he isn't here at the moment." her stuttering was gone as she introduced him to her. "L-Livia, this is Tanakasa Akito." She smiled at her, hoping that she would still answer the questions that she asked her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Livia Fiore-

“M-my father...H-he often talked about it...T-The Eye of Baphel and the heir… The myth about a curse, wasn’t it. Well, not so much a myth but more of a legend I suppose."

Hmm...about as accurate as she expected. So she really didn't know then. Probably better for her that way. She didn't look like one who could handle getting involved in something like that. She'd drop the subject then. No need in telling her more then. It looked like Emi was having a bit of trouble with something anyways. She didn't mind blood so much - though she couldn't say she found the rose to be all that...welcome. She never liked roses, probably because her older sister loved them so much.

...flat-chested plant loving harlot. She hoped she went and got pricked by a rose thorn.

"I-I guess we are going to have to fight. A-ah, I'm sorry. S-so... you be joining the games I suppose? O-or is it mandatory?"

"The games? I don't believe they're mandatory." She replied. She could be wrong though, but she was joining again this year regardless. "I am, however joining again this year. I believe I am skilled enough to win it - with the help of my lovely spirits of course." She thought about adding that if Emi wasn't feeling well she should go see the nurse. Emi though, didn't seem too concerned with what happened, though, so she let it go. No sense in getting in her business, so she simply ignored it. Wasn't like she had much time to address it before she was interrupted, anyways.

"Emi. I do not know if you should be in such a place with dangers such as these. At least don't go around on your own. You are a friend of Emi's, yes?"

"Roommates." She replied rather bluntly. "Tanakasa Akito was it? Livia Fiore." She sighed, giving him a bored, definitely calculating look. She had to refrain from telling him that it was definitely not a pleasure to meet him. "Is he...a...friend of yours, Emi?" she hesitantly asked, though anyone would be able to tell the question was somewhat forced, as though she was faking actually caring about such a thing.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lin Hua

Lin knitted his eyebrows. He certainly did not expect everything to explode into riots and whatnot like this.

Lin surely blamed himself, in other one of his fits of extreme self importance.

Shikio's words and then sudden actions brought him back to reality. Truthfully, he felt a bit ashamed to have his familiar help him like this.

After going through the window and landing safely on the floor, Lin was quick to scramble out of Shikio's arms and dust himself off.

"T-Thanks about that, Shikio. But don't do unnecessary things. I had everything under control." Lin shook his head.

"You know what? I'm pissed. Let's go get you fixed up and then go to the cafeteria. I'll buy you those steaks and maybe eat something myself." Lin said, scratching the back of his head.

"I can also tell you about the Magus Games and the Heir Of Baphel... not that we want this getting out of hand. The power that old guy is offering might just be what I need."

Afterwards, he turned on his heel and started walking towards the infirmary. Or to whoever could help treat the small wounds Shikio had gotten on herself after that dashing rescue.

Certainly, he had never been so ashamed before in his life. Being carried like a princess by his familiar was most definitely humilliating, even more so was escaping in the face of a fight.



The riot that had formed and then was appeased by the teacher certainly surprised both Charlotte and Juliann.

The girl for one, had stars in her eyes after that demonstration from their teacher. He was certainly impressive, and young too.

Juliann too was impressed by this man. He seemed like a definitely powerful warrior. When the cheeky student and teacher thought it was their place to berate the teacher after the impressive feat.

Juliann was confident that she too would be able to appease the students, but it would probably involve a missing limb or two.

"Please, mister Kane, if you think that the fighting would've stopped so easily, you are more naive than I thought you were. You still haven't seen a thing of what the Eye is capable of." The woman closed her eyes as she spoke, before turning her eyes to Richard. "And it is his decision whether he wants to poison himself or not, kid. It doesn't take from his prowess as a warrior, and I don't see how it is any of your business to butt into your professor's affairs."

The woman scolded Richard. She did not expect students to be this unruly, and rude to their teachers.

Juliann would certainly need to crack on these unruly students before things got out of control.



Charlotte was completely at a loss. All of these terms being thrown around so loosely as if it were commong knowledge for everyone... She felt dumb only thinking about how she should know of these things but still had no idea what the others were talking about.

[color=pink]"B-Belly! What should we do? I don't understand a single thing these guys are talking about!"[/center]

Charlotte asked the spirit inside her.

With a mental shrug that could only be seen by Charlotte, Belphegor answered, "Dunno, don't care. You shouldn't either. Get a seat and wait for these Magus or whatever games to take place. I will get you all the points you need."

"You know I don't want that! I want not to be this confused over things! Who should we ask?"

"You could ask one of the teachers. Then again, they could go derp like that other dude from before."

"Eh, but I don't want people to get hurt..." She started scanning the room with her eyes until she found a person that looked like they were knowledgeable enough to answer the questions she had.

Her roommates were a no-no, since she, well, Balphegor, managed to piss off one of them big time.

Then... there was a girl leaving the room. Yeah... she seemed good! Intelligent, even!

Charlotte ran towards her and grabbed onto her sleeve.

"Excuuuuse me!" The girl shouted to get Meruin's attention. "Where are you going? Do you mind if I go with you? I'm just kind of really, reaaaaally confused with all that just happened."

Even as she asked her, she was already readily following after her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Alucard grinned and bowed, "As you wish." he muttered softly as the flame-headed women gracefully spun and returned to her seat, past the mostly pacified students. Alucard was surprised he hadn't been struck by lightning as well, normally if anyone got in trouble for anything he did as well. It looked like he'd scored a double date with red-head and demon girl. Nice work for the first day. At least he assumed demon girl would follow wherever the candy was, another thing to note. Though she might just be the red-head's familiar, she certainly acted like it. Regardless, he was agreed with the opinion of the short, nerdy, vampire girl. If they were only here for a meet and greet then couldn't they just leave? Hell two people had already literally jumped out the window. Though perhaps he should take advantage of this to try to assemble a team of females.

Males would work too but they tended to fall less easily for his charms. Of course the regal red-head had basically said she'd kill him if he so much as entered her sight before tomorrow so perhaps it was wise to refrain for now. Tomorrow would be a perfect chance to recruit them. Until then... well honestly Alucard had nothing better to do but didn't want to anger his date so he leapt upwards and clung to the ceiling like some sort of bat and waited to see if anything else interesting would happen. These Magus Games sounded quite fun, perhaps the director would announce some more shocking information. If not it wasn't like he was missing anything at his dorm, since Gall clearly had no intention of showing up ever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Runik Brandt

The unfamiliar teacher only received a lazy look from Runik as he approached, probably discontent with his comment. His lips curled upwards for a moment before he fought down the amusement and waited for the man to finish. While the comment certainly hadn’t been needed and it probably wasn’t for the best since Mr. Kuruz was already pretty agitated, he had been the man’s student for a few years now and most of his teaching career. It would have been rather sad if he couldn’t get away with a comment like that after all this time, though publicly wasn’t the best idea. Mah, he’d apologize if Mr. Kuruz was actually upset. A few snorts of contained laughter chased after the man as he walked away, and when Runik had recomposed himself he simply raised his hand to wave bye to the teacher.

A quick scan of the assembled teachers showed that most of them hadn’t cared too much about the little scene. It seemed that the newest among them approved of neither him or Richard’s comment though, but at least she didn’t try to call him out on it. For that he gave her a shrug before bowing his head apologetically. He had to stand up to get a survey of the room, but it seemed that things had mostly died down. Someone had make a quick exit by window apparently, the shattering of glass concealed by the commotion, while others slipped out by the more tried and true method of the doors. Between Xiao Long’s disappearance and Mr. Kuruz’s little demonstration it seemed that the remaining students were content, or at least cowed. Why someone had decided to hang from the ceiling he didn't really know, and he stared for a few moments. Well at least he hadn't gone through with that plan then...

He retook his seat after that and waited patiently for the teachers to get on with what they had to say. Hopefully they didn’t use the near riot as an excuse to drag things out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Well, that certainly could have gone much worse. Lyssa sighed, glad that it turned out alright and no more violence was had. At least from Iravis. Everyone else seemed to be intent on causing a ruckus, which caused the demon to frown. Ugh, she really didn't want to be in such a place where everyone was fighting. She didn't feel comfortable at all in this place, what with the lightning bolts and everything being thrown around. But, well...She looked over to Iravis, who was apparently motioning for her to sit next to her. How could she possibly say no? Hehe. She was a bit disappointed the guy didn't take her up on the offer of treating just her, but she'd live.

So she found herself back in her seat next to Iravis.

"So so, I was thinking the first thing we could have was something Chocolate, obviously." She said to the phoenix. "Ooh, and ice cream. Can't forget ice cream. My favorite is strawberry. Maybe some cake too. Wait, no. Chocolate Ice cream cake! With strawberries! Yes, that's definitely what I'm getting you once we get out of class."

And she'd do it, too. As soon as they got out, she was gonna head straight for the mall. Well, she'd attempt to. She'd have to find it first. She'd buy the biggest cake she could get her mitts on and she'd let Iravis have it. Most of it. Maybe half.

...okay, she'd have to refrain from eating all of it, but she was certain she could do it! For now though, she simply waited for class to be over with.

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