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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kurosawa Emi/Elise and Tanakasa Akito

Greeeeeat, wonderful Akito is here. Elise didn't like him as much as Eli did. Eli looked down at the cut and realized that it might be much worse that she had thought. "Y-yeah, he's my chi-childhood friend..." She began to loose conscious but didn't realize that it was also Elise's influence. Yup, just go to sleep Eli. Eli's head went straight down on the desk. Not loudly but more gently, Elise didn't want to actaully hurt herself. Her head then lifted back up, smiling a ginormous smile and turning to Akito. "Heeeeey, Aki~ Miss me?"

What a bitch he thought looking at Livia's obviously fake... everything. This is the type of girl that Eli has to room with? Great. Then, he realized what was happening. Right when he was going to respond, he saw Eli's eyes flash red before her head landed on the desk. Shit, did she have to show up? "Hey... What the fuck do you want? Go the hell away and stay away." Elise pouted adorably. "Even though I look like this?" she put on a puppy face for a while before going back to a grin "Well, I don't really give a fuck, haha! Anyways, Eli was being annoyingly idiotic and she simply pushed me to my limits. I only want to play the game with you guys..."
Akito looked pissed. By pissed, I mean that you could literally see his energy around him, creating heat and it was clearly visible that he was about to cast a spell. "Go The fuck a-" He was cut off by Elise, putting her finger on his lips. Did she really just. Shhhh. You want to throw an attack at me? Oh, how didd that end up last time? Eli might be a level 5 but i'm worse that a level 6 and you know it. Now, let me introduce myself to sweet sweet Livia that Eli seems so fond of. She smiles sweetly at him and turns over to Livia, aka the bitch. "Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Elise! The better half with a great personality! I already know you, sadly." She gins at her and holds out her hand for a handshake.

Akito nearly loses his cool but manages to make himself calm down. "It's a fucking monster in Eli's body." He mutters under his breath, sighing.
(Might edit later but goodnight for now!)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shikio Wahlaal

Interactions: @GrafRoy Zeppeli Lin

Hearing her master somewhat both thank her and scold her she was unsure if she should feel glad or bad about what he said making her feel a bit confused for a while. He may have said that he had everything under control yet she doubted that he sensed the same kind of malice from everyone that she did and that running away in the end after getting so much extra attention was the best course of action. Thus Shikio decided that she should be glad about her judgement of the situation and she nodded to him even if he told her to feel kinda bad she smiled too him. "I'm just looking out for a member of my pack of course, I didn't want to see you come to harm" she said as the situation indeed had been very delicate.

She didn't need him to explain that he felt pissed, she could tell that it wasn't towards her because otherwise he would have rejected her here and then, meaning that he was agressive towards the situation and that his judgement about it might not be on the top. Hearing that he wanted to get her fixed up she nodded feeling that she was pretty fine, but she figured that she couldn't just go lick her wounds like back home. At least she was not afraid of doctors, unless it involved shots... and pills, she didn't like either as pills tasted bad and having sharp stuff put in her body that made her feel weird was not on the good side either. "Of course , lets go~"she said cheerfully as she bounded closer to Lin and gently took his hand to hold. Holding hands was a way for humans to show affection to others and that they were happy with them, and that was what Shikio watned to show Lin.

Hearing him offer food she wagged her tail and nodded, "sounds good to me~" she replied cheerfully as she was not one to ever pass up on food. And yet she tilted her head as he spoke about power and stuff making her shrug, "I believe you have everything you need already... and that power comes from the inside" she replied as she thought about it, following at his side as they walked towards the infirmary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@GrafRoy Zeppeli
Meruin Hazy

Meruin paused her hand already on the door. Inclining her head slightly to get a good look at the little girl grabbing at her sleeve, her brows furrowed as she began asking questions that Meruin wasn't sure she had answers for. For one thing, Meruin did not, in fact, know where she was going, only that it was going to involve sleeping, and as to whether she minded this little girl following her . . .

"You are very strange."

Oblivious to how "pot calling kettle black" her comment was, Meruin regarded the little girl that she had yet to know the name of. She was obviously a mage of some talent - otherwise she wouldn't even be at Liseranna - but she was rather . . . cute, to be frank. Too cute. Which meant she was either very good at hiding her personality with a pointlessly cute one, or she had a very rare talent that excused her childish demeanor. If it was the former, Meruin would have to tread lightly around her; if it was the latter, then she honestly did not know what to do.

In the meantime, she had still asked her a question. Two of them, in fact. How to answer?

"I am going to sleep," replied Meruin, "but I don't know where yet. Probably in my dorm, if I find it. I hope I do, in any case."

She paused, staring blankly at Charlotte, considering her next answer.

"And . . . I do mind, I suppose, but you can follow me if you wish. I've no authority over what you can and can't do."

With that, Meruin opened the door and stepped out of the classroom, looking left and right and trying to decide which way to go. She'd have to ask for her dorm number, but she couldn't decided whether she should do that before or after she had taken a nap. How vexing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Synth Kane

The boy, Runik, decided laughing at his comment would be such a wise decision. If only he knew, but secrets were secrets; and such a one couldn't be disclosed. Not that the boy had anything special going on about him, but it would be unwise to make a display at such a time, especially with the Heir within the vicinity.

Then the blonde woman, one he had never seen before approached. And, from anyone seeing his eyes, they could see he was burning holes straight through both her clothes and her with a certain... Stare. Not a glare, as such, but one he gave to people he... Liked? If someone were to pay close attention, they would probably be pretty disturbed at the mere thought of what the guy was thinking. Though, it was probably left unknown for the best of reasons.

"Please, mister Kane, if you think that the fighting would've stopped so easily, you are more naive than I thought you were. You still haven't seen a thing of what the Eye is capable of."

Hold on, she wasn't implying that she was smarter in the knowledge of either combat or the Heir, maybe both, was she? If only she knew too, but that, too, was best left for another, more suitable time. The next comment about it being the teachers choice actually made him smile a bit, considering the previous comment.

"I'm afraid you are the naive one, my lady. The fighting may not have ended of its own accord, but the Eye would have stopped it for sure. Unless there is something about the Eye that you know and I dont, I suggest you speak up, or step away. I can tell you are new, otherwise you would have realised your place by now." he paused for a moment, his smile turning into a very serious expression that would give chills and second thoughts to anyone. And, just to make sure, a shadowed hand reached out invisibly from the ground and gripped the blade, preventing it from being pulled from its sheath. "But dont let me stop you, continue if you must, or you can walk away. Fighting will result in only pain for you, and it wouldn't set much of a good example for the new, extremely hot teacher to be beaten in a one on one duel with a 35 year old, now would it?" and in the last comments, his expression changed from the serious face he had displayed back to that with a smile.

Edgar Quantus

Edgar sat and watched as everything went on around him, and everything seemed to ignore him. No one really noticed the ball of flames, and everyone continued the riot. That was until Alastair, the bastard teacher who could have very well been a student, stepped out and electrocuted some people. One bolt flashed above his own head and hit someone behind him who had been causing a nuisance and threatening to cast spells. The old teacher, Synth, walked up to one of the students who had been shouting at Alistair, and then went back and proceeded to talk with the bastard. And to top it all off, the blonde one went to speak with him about it, though he didn't exactly seem best pleased. The ball of fire had dissipated, thanks to the loss of magical control by the one who casted it coupled with the allowance of temporal normality from its captor. Everything continued, and only then did he notice something. There was a pain, dull but noticeable, in his right eye. Not only that, but the rune there had been activated without his consent. Did he overuse mana or something? No, that couldn't have been the case; he had a pretty damn big mana pool and almost never had to worry. So, could it be that..?

"Wonderful! How did you do that?"

Edgar slightly flinched at the sound of a younger girls voice beside him and the clapping that went along with it. He also realised that, without his knowing, he had brought his hand up and was massaging his slightly throbbing eye. He would just have to go wash it out with some water, since there was probably something in it. Turning, he looked at the girl was looking directly at him and clapping, seemingly impressed by his magic.

"H-Huh? Y-You mean the time thing? Thats my magic, m-manipulating time." why the hell was he stuttering? hadn't he pretty much established he didn't have sexual feelings or attractions, or was it that he had never actually spoken with a girl before? His parents did decide to let him chose who to marry, if anyone, so... snap out of it, dude, its all good. No one knows, at least not right now he thought, rubbing his forehead slightly before turning back to the girl.

"I'm Edgar, Edgar Quantus, year 4 Naturalis Mage. How about yourself?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Vera Meadows and (a little bit of) Jocelyn Blackwell

"You are an odd one, I'll give you that. So I'll be good with you and let you make an impression on me. Quick, your school of magic and rank!"

Hm. So he really was going to be a little bit more open with the brunette. Although this guy hadn't really made the best first impression on Vera, at least there was some progress being made. She turned her head towards Lin.

"Well, my school of magic is actually-"

Without warning, Vera was hurled onto the bed by the blue furred fenir, eyes so large they looked like they were about to explode. The tears that were being built up inside of them glossed over, making them look much more shiny than normal. Jeez, this familiar was just so unpredictable it was almost scary.

"Pwease... fweed meee..."

Vera had no idea what to do at this point. She was the type of person to rarely show any emotions other than 'happiness', but right now her face looked both confused and completely dumbfounded.

What… just happened?

"I Shikio... be your best friend if you give me meat now~" she continued, her large tail waving from side to side. So, the name was Shikio. Well, at least Vera wouldn't have to call her 'unidentified furry object' inside her head anymore.

Smiling, Vera slowly sat up, patting the Shikio on the head. "Well, I don't recall bringing any meat with me today… I would give you some toffee sweets I bought a while back, but I wouldn't want to upset that little stomach of yours."

To really make sure that Shikio wouldn't bite her head off, Vera continued to stroke her head, keeping a loving smile on her face. Glancing towards Lin, Vera continued to speak.

"She's quite the lively one, isn't she?" she spoke. "I'm a user of Naturalis magic, if that answers your question. As of now I rank as a Sorceress, but I do hope I manage to raise my rank up to a higher class this year."

"*cough cough* Is this think working? 1, 2, mic check."

It was Director A.

"In any case, boys and girls, please head over to your classrooms at once. Where are they, you ask? Well, that's simple. It's classroom A-190. Professor Wick, please head there too. Mistress Rollanda and myself will be there to organize everything neatly and nicely."

All right. Room A-190. She knew where that was.

Wait, did she?

Thankfully, Vera had managed to make it to the classroom safely after taking one too many wrong turns down the never ending corridors. She had somehow managed to lose Lin and Shikio in the crowd, and was only able to make her way back to designated classroom after spotting the massive crowd afterwards. Four years studying at Liseranna and she still struggled to find her way around.

Once Vera had arrived, there already seemed to be something crazy going on. Well, seeing that Director A was in the room, it wasn't all that surprising.

As always, her staggering height came into good use in situations like these. To get an even better view she attempted to balance on her tippy toes to see what was going on. Immediately, her face dropped.

It was Mr Wick.

On fire.

On fire.

"O-Oh dear…"

Another woman rushed in soon after, one that Vera didn't recognise at all. The girl's gaze followed the injured man as he was taken out of the classroom.

"In any case, let's get down to business, shall we? The reason I called you here is to meet your teachers. But really, look at them. They are as boring as they come. The hottie over there isn't too bad for the boys, I'm sure, but her classes are the most grim, so I don't really recommend them. There's also Alistair over here, but, well, what can I say about him without showing that I am madly in love with him? Teehee."

That's the headmaster for you…

The mention of the Magnus Games began to excite the other students. A majority just continued to get even more restless by the minute.

Make some friends blah, group events blah. As long as Vera had some acquaintances sprinkled around the classroom that wouldn't be too hard at all.

"And the most extreme thing about this all! I will give great power and the number one spot to the single person that manages to get me the Heir of Baphel!"

Did she hear that right? The Heir of Baphel? The Heir of Baphel?

Somewhere -or rather someone- in the cramped room looked up in confusion. The thirteen-year-old girl, standing at around only five foot, glanced around with large, steel blue eyes. What was this 'Heir of Baphel' everyone was getting so riled up about? She'd only just arrived in the classroom and she honestly had no idea what was going on.

In the other corner of the classroom, Vera's dark blue eyes widened. No, the headmaster certainly wasn't joking. Being the bookworm she was, Vera had come across the name 'Eye of Baphel' once or twice before. She knew what it was. And she knew what it could do. Sort off.

"Unlike what some of you would think, the Heir Of Baphel is definitely not the woman with heterochromia standing beside me. I know who the Heir is, and I won't ask for the unreasonable, so I'll give you a slight hint. They are in this room. As you may have noticed, this is not the whole of the school. A single classroom could not hold all of the students. The ones here are a selected few, among which there is the Heir. Good for you. Your search has been reduced to a few five hundred."

This was just obsurd. The Heir of Baphel was here, right here in this very classroom. Was it the one sitting next to her? Or was it the one sitting a few rows further ahead?

"Good bye boys! And good hunting!"

A few seconds passed and the room was in an uproar. Vera could barely hear her own thoughts over the panicking voices of the other students. Not that she wasn't feeling just as uneasy inside, though.

"H-Heir of Baphel, I order you in the name of the Xiao Long to appear before me at once!" a familiar voice yelled.



The sounds that were hammering at Vera's eardrums came from both the man's booming voice and the thundering clouds engulfing the entire classroom ceiling. Now that was a magic Vera didn't want to get entangled with.

“I hope you all now realize that I am not a man to toy with,” the man's voice spoke up. “ While the issue of the Heir is a well deserved thing of attention, at the current time you are students.”

The man continued with his introduction as he paced up and down the room. “And I will be your teacher. I am Alistair Kuruz. Graduated from this very academy five years ago at the age of fifteen. “ I suggest this is why you stay in my good books if you wish to learn."

Another teacher to be wary off. How wonderful.

First the horrible sense of direction, then the teacher set on fire, then the revelation of the legendary eye and now a new teacher that didn't seem to be one to approve of a student's (or an entire gathering of them) extreme misbehaviour.

Stuff had just gone from zero to one hundred real fast.

"Um, sorry, but… would you care to tell me what this 'Heir of Baphel' is? I'm… sort of new here, you see…" a voice asked, directed towards Vera.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago


The demon followed her roomate obediently, returning to her seat next to Iravis. The hellion immediately returnined to her lecture in 'Sweets and Chocolates 101'.

The red-haired girl unburied her face, and gave Lyssa a slight grin. Iravis wasn't feeling too well, but she had to admit that Lyssa's consistency comforted her slightly. For all the insanity, the riots, and changes in that day, Lyssa's inherent cheerfulness was one thing Iraivis felt she could count on until doomsday.

"Your lecture is highly informative, but one must wonder when this school will teach me about something other than treats." The flame haired girl felt her stomach prepare to growl again.

In desperation she forced a change from the subject of sweets. "Is it really normal for doormates to share a bed?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



The demon chuckled when Iravis' stomach growled. Honestly, she was feeling a bit hungry too. She really hoped class ended soon, so she could go get something to eat with Iravis. That, and, she felt like getting out of here would make her feel better. She for one, would feel much much better after getting out of here. The current atmosphere in the room wasn't gonna be good for anyone's attitude, even if the teachers had finally managed to calm things down a bit.

"Hmm...I dunno." She replied to Iraivs' question with a hum. "This is my first day here, so I have about as much of a clue as you." She ended the sentence with a giggle, giving Iraivs a grin that could be taken to mean something suggestive. "Buuuut, I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you any day."

Of course, she didn't mean it quite that way. Well kinda. She mostly meant she was gonna make good on that promise one using Iravis as a pillow.

-Livia Fiore-

Honestly? She was a bit confused. She could gather from what was going on that something had happened to Emi, but she wasn't sure what. Judging from her demeanor, it was almost as if she was possessed by a spirit or something. She was pretty sure Emi wasn't a Pythones mage, however so that was unlikely if not impossible. Anything outside of that, was beyond her. So she simply watched in silence as the events unfolded before her.

"Erm...hi...Elise?" She replied when this new...person? Made itself known. She however, did not shake her hand. That had bad idea written all over it. "I...have no idea what's going on here," She replied with a sigh. Urgh. This was what she got for getting involved with other people. So very, very troublesome. "But I've gotten involved in something annoying." As much as she'd like to leave, that would be rude and well...she was already involved and this girl was her roommate. She'd have to deal with it sooner or later.

"Akito, was it?"
She continued with a sigh. "I'm sharing a room with her, so I guess I gotta deal with this sooner or later. What just happened?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reina Izumi

"The start of something wonderful"

At first Edgar seemed to be in his own head just a little much. She waved a little and moved around in front of him a little but nothing seemed to help getting his attention. She placed her hands on his table and bend over the table to get her own face closer to his face. He still didn't react. In confusion with a slight tilted head she looked at the boy.

He must be one of those airhead types I heard about.

After his outburst she clapped and got close to him. As close as she could come she was next to him at the open side of the table with a very warm smile on her face. She wondered if all the airheads were like this? She had never seen someone just straight out ignoring someone when they were deep in their thoughts. Well that wasn't true actually, her mother would ignore her when she was sleeping but that was something else to worry about later.

He finally gave a reaction at which Reina her face immediately brightened up full of expectation on what he was going to do more after that amazing magic trick. The boy started rubbing his eye. Oh! that was it, he was just still tired and hadn't slept enough that was it! Just like her mother he ignored Reina in his sleep. Still it was amazing he could sleep with his eyes open just like that. The boy finally started talking back to Reina and explained what his magic trick was all about. A surprised look appeared on her face on top of her smile.

"Ooohhh, so you are someone with a special ability. Isn't that true?"

Reina her smile brightened when she realised her first encounter on this school was with someone as special as that. Wait... was she worthy enough to even talk to someone of this caliber. However he must have been quite scared of other people seeing that he stuttered quite a bit when he tried talking to her. She took this in considering and tried not to do anything rash as for the moment. The boy was so kind to introduce himself, Edgar Quantus. She would remember that.

"Sooo Quantus-san. right? I'm not that well informed on western formalities."

Reina stepped a bit closer to him as she poked out her hand out at him.

"But greeting someone isn't a problem. Izumi Reina, I hope we can get along with each other."

Reina tilted her head slightly closed her eyes and gave a kind smile while her other hand was placed in front of her lap so it wouldn't be dangling somewhere around her. Reina took the same step back when she was finished with shaking his hand to give him some personal space to consider his anxiety of people that she had discovered by his stuttering.

"You didn't look so well just now... Are you sure you are not feeling ill? I wouldn't mind to help you out of this chaos."

She kept the same kind smile on her face while she kept talking knowing people would appreciate it if she did so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Edgar Quantus

Edgar couldn't recall a single time in his life where he had seen someone smile as much as the girl did. It was like she was just radiating an aura of happiness that couldn't be ignored, and the same went with the way she talked. Though, at the mention of his magic, she seemed a little... Shocked, surprised?

"Ooohhh, so you are someone with a special ability. Isn't that true?"

A special ability? Did she not realise that she was in a magical academy, or was she just a bit odd? He decided he shouldn't press it, partially for fear it might upset her, but mainly because he couldn't get past the almost overwhelming aura that came from her. It felt similar to has slight panic attack from earlier, but this time it didn't feel like a dark, evil and negative presence.

And then she referred to him as "Quantus-San", which was something he had never been called. Was that one of Japanese things... What were hey called... Honorifics? No, that couldn't be right... It didn't sound right, at least.

"But greeting someone isn't a problem. Izumi Reina, I hope we can get along with each other."

Hold on, was that English naming order of Japanese? He guessed it was Japanese, considering her use of the suffixes on names, or at least his. If that was the case then her name would be... "Reina Izumi", right? Before he could even finish the thought, though, she put out her hand for him to shake. So, he took her hand and shook it, looking a little red in the face, but that was because of the heat, right?


"O-Okay then, R-Reina. Nice to meet y-you." and he was already back to stuttering. Though, Reins didn't really seem to notice, which made life easier. At
least it would have done, if not for her next comment.

"You didn't look so well just now... Are you sure you are not feeling ill? I wouldn't mind to help you out of this chaos."

She was joking, right? He didn't look ill, he couldn't have. It was just stress, nothing more nothing less. It wasn't gfbyfy6475bf, because there was nothing wrong. His family said that would only happen if he got really emotional, and even then it was unlikely because of his controlled abilities. And even then, what did she mean by "...didn't look so well...", anyway? What, was he pale, were his pupils an unnatural size, what?

"U-Uh, I guess going outside wouldn't be that bad. Maybe we can get out of h-here before the teachers start a b-brawl, or worse." he said, standing from his seat and taking a slightly wobbly step. His eye was still slightly throbbing, but for some reason it felt as if it had gotten worse. Was it the atmosphere of the room, or was it do with the girl? It never normally hurt like this, so maybe he did get something stuck. Maybe it was a bit of wood, or maybe it just hurt from the pressure change courtesy of the bastard teacher, Alastair nobody-gives-two-shits-about-your-graduation. Edgar could probably take him, and win easily. Without a scratch, even.

"Right, I, uh, guess w-we should get going, R-Reina..."

There was definitely something very, very wrong with him today.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He sighs, “Yes, I suppose you have to know since it seems that you are going to have to deal with her… She is-” he gets cuts off by Elise. “You’re just going to complicate or simplify things Aki~ I should explain. I am the creation of the power Veranidia: Torture. Another personality.” she smirks, saying that always did make her feel happy. “I wasn’t normally here but she discovered me at age 7. She was getting abused for about 5 to… 7 years, I think?” Akito looks at her, glaring. How can she just say that so calmly? “Anyways, after that, slowly, I became a part of her. She began dumping every piece of anger and feeling of revenge into me. She doesn't feel such things.” smiling brightly, she looks up at her deviously “I’m everything she’s not. I don’t even understand why she has to act like such a bitch and you know what’s the worst part?” she looks down at her desk. “She blames herself for everything.” sighing, she looks back up at Akito who had an extremely pained expression. She realized that she may have said something dark but unless people understand her situation, they might get mad at Eli for acting so irritating. It's happened before, she can barely hold a sentence with confidence.

Elise never hated Eli but didn't like the way she was. She knew that she was just a kind soul that only wanted a few things in her life. To be loved, to be accepted, and to be in a place she thought she belonged in. Sighing, she looked at Livia, for a second looking like the Eli that she had met the first time. “...Don't hate her...I mean, you can hate me since i'm not fond of you anyways but Eli... Well, I guess it's up to you. Anyways, about those games!” Returning to her bright smile, she looked back at Livia hoping for more of an explanation since she was pretty limited due to Eli's lack of knowledge in the Eye of Baphel area.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reina Izumi

"Escaped from the realm of death named the classroom"

The boy might have been a bit confused by the japanese honorifics Reina used but it was something standard she did so it was hard to drop the standard greeting. As the boy talked he had a somewhat red blush on his face and acted rather shy towards her. But when he used her first name her heart skipped a beat. Her cheeks became the color of a peach as her mouth dropped slightly open in surprise. She was clearly flattered by the way he said it. People in japan wouldn't usually call each other by their first named until they would get permission from the person to do so. On top of that Reina hasn't met much youth yet so it was standard for her to be named with respect and honorifics.

Reina her smile faded a bit at what he just called her and to get some of the pressure off of him but she didn't look sad in the least. Reina gave a confirming nod as she placed both her hands joined together on her lap now. She had to get used to it knowing a lot of westerns would be calling her that now but dropping the whole san thing would be even harder for her. Time will pass it will happen eventually.

Her comment made him act a little weird she could feel something was up but it was hard to describe what it was. He agreed on going outside but he didn't comment on him looking sick. Maybe it just irritated him being called sick by his looks. Most people wouldn't like it either when they would be commented on their eyes looking like a dead fish or their figure as small as a child she had to agree. She simply smiled a little at him and had a look of surprise as expression again when she heard about the teachers potential brawling.

"Eeehhh!? Is that something that happens often? It sounds dangerous if teachers would be brawling each other or the students if that were to happen."

Edgar stood up and looked ready to go from the looks of it. She waited a moment for him to ready up and noticed that the sleep in his eye still wasn't gone yet. A somewhat worried look appeared on Reina her face as she had gotten closer to Edgar. She had her hands that were slightly bald up not in a mean way close to her chest. She began standing on her toes to get a closer look at Edgar his eye while talking.

"Is your eye alright? You seem quite bothered by it for a while now. Shall I give it a look when we're outside?"

Reina waited for an answer from the boy and took the lead short after to get them both out of the crowd. It wasn't so hard to get through as expected and most of the students were still rather calm it was just that there were a few lunatics that thought it was fun to shoot fireballs and stuff around. She lightly swayed her hair with her eyes closed and turned around opening ber eyes in the progress to face Edgar again.

"Looks like we're out of that mess at least. I'll just take a quick look at your eye if you don't mind. It will take the concern off my heart at least just to know nothing is wrong. Please sit on your knees so I can get a better look."

She gave a kind smile at him at the end and waited for the boy to follow her command or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Alucard smirked, his vantage point was better than he'd thought. Initially it had just been to keep out of sight and keep eyes on anything interesting. What hadn't realized was that he now had an extremely good view of several people's anatomy, what's more they weren't even aware of it. Something to note for the future, in fact, Alucard was surprised he hadn't thought of this sooner. His name sake was half vampire after all. He listened primary to the demon girl listing the sweets she enjoyed and jotting them down on a piece of paper, as well as noting her attempts to bed the redhead. Hm, he might have competition. Or an ally, depending on her preference. Something else to find out about. Alastair seemed to have made no friends with his boast and display of power, unsurprising. Even more people seemed to have the intent to leave.

Though some were attempting to form teams, he could note down any teams that did form and their members so as to be better prepared for the games. All in all he had made an excellent choice. Sometimes his genius surprised even himself. He eyed the desk Alastair had put the spear hungrily, he wanted it. Partly for the reason that he couldn't, partly to spite the teacher, and partly because it was shiny. Perhaps if he stayed long enough it would be left alone. Good things to those who wait. To help make sure he wasn't rooted out Alucard activated his magic, one tattoo glowing softly. He began to become less noticeable, simply less there to begin with, blending in with the background. A trivial cost for a trivial benefit. After all he didn't want to get into too much trouble if someone noticed him attempting to remain un-detected. Naturally he was technically not doing anything wrong but he'd found that people tended not to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lin Hua

"W-W-W-What the hell are you doing, Shikio? T-T-That's something o-o-only lovers should do!" Lin was quick to yank his hand back after Shikio took a hold of it.

Sadly for him, the boy was incredibly more naive and innocent that he would like to think.

After that, he sighed and shook his head again. Well, it definitely helped him get his head out of the gutter, at the very least.

"Let's hurry for the infirmary. I'm gettin' hungry too." Lin continued walking towards the infirmary with Shikio on toll. "I'll tell you all about the Eye and the games as we walk there."

Lin then cleared his throat and started explaining everything to Shikio.

"See here, there was once a great magician by the name Baphel. He was the one that divided magic in the schools we know today." He moved his index finger as he explained his case.

"So, after he was done with that, the man made a ritual in order to pass down a single part of his body through the ages. So, his Eye has gone through the ages for some time now. It grants its user incredible power and it also produces an insane amount of negative energy. Usually, the heir suffers of bad luck but-!"

Wait... couldn't Shikio actually help him with this? She could be in the lookout for who's got the Eye if it is among her roommates!

After his realization, Lin coughed some before getting back on track with his explenation. "But also has access to increasingly powerful magic. Their magical power is often great and unusually powerful. Usually, when someone isn't from a noble house and still has great magical powers, it is because they are the Heir Of Baphel."

After that, Lin turned to Shikio with hopeful eyes.

"In any case, Shikio, this will be a race against the others. The Magus Games are a competition as well, so I want you to keep an eye out for anyone who seems suspicious. Just... don't leap on top of them when you think someone is the heir, a'ight? If we win, we might as well become as powerful as Baphel himself."

A boost in Lin's power would be a boost in the Fenrir's power as well, after all.



Charlotte tilted her head to the side after Meruin's first word.

"People say that a lot, actually. Am I really that odd?" Charlotte brought a single finger to her chin as she wondered whether the girl was right or not.

What she said afterwards surprised the girl, and she probably overreacted too. "Eh?! You are going to sleep?! This early? But what about the other classes?! Or do you just... really don't care?"

Well, that was odd. What was she even doing at school if she really didn't care about the classes? Since, well, school was a place to learn things, right? Then again, she could be jumping to conclusions and there were actually no more classes to worry about, ergo, the girl was free to go wherever she wanted and that only made Charlotte a really loud nuisance.

Probably it was the latter.

Then, the girl said that she actually did mind her going after her.

Charlotte's shoulders dropped and her enthusiasm had completely disappeared, being replaced by a gloomy mood and a sad little face that would've made even the most heartless of men repent over the words that brought forth such a face.

"I-I see... I'm sorry for disturbing you, then." The girl turned on her heel and went back into the classroom.

"Don't be an idiot, Charlotte. Go after her! She wants you to go after her! It is the typical 'They run away because they want to be chased'!"

"Eh? Don't they normally run away 'cause they don't like being chased?"

"A shikigami friend o' mine told me this once. When a chick is all stoic and calm, that means she is a Kuudere. Once you melt that ice, you can get to the sweet, sweet fiery insides of the girl *slurp*." It was the sound of something licking something else.

Honestly, Charlotte did not understand a single thing of what the spirit was saying, but she did arrive to a rather simpel conclusion.

"Soooo.... should I go after her?"

"Please. And walk behind her, if you can. I wanna enjoy the spectacle."

"Err, sure?"

Confused, Charlotte still did as she was told and followed behind Meruin. She'd also probably follow her no matter where she went. Yes, even the bathroom. Perhaps that's where Balphegor most wanted to go.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

The hellion giggled, then gave the goddess a sly grin. The sort a lady gave when suddenly interested polishing the tools of matrimony. The phoenix smiled back, confident her innocent roomate had never even imagined such things. The goddesses eyes drifted down to the demon's bosom. Age isn't the issue ... how would it work? Would laughter consume the chamber with every ... Those thoughts were quickly dispelled as the Goddess became certain in her omnipotence that that sort of thing would never occur between Lyssa and another creature, giving herself a slight nod of confirmation.

"Buuuut, I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you any day."

The urge to reincarnate on the spot was tremendous. But the Phoenix was certain that this would haunt the memories of at least the next five lives, so killing herself wouldn't be overly beneficial.

She cursed the entire Egyptian and Greek pantheons as the Phoenix's cheeks began to match the color of her hair.

The goddess decided she should at least offer Ra one last attempt at renewing her faith that the world had any sense of order. "What EXACTLY did you mean by that?" Her smile remained, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"What," Lyssa tilted her head slightly, giving Iraivs a quizzical look. "Did I mean by what?" She innocently questioned. If she was doing that on purpose, It was impossible to tell, but it did seem she was thinking quite a bit about Iravis' question. Thankfully, it seemed she understood fairly fast enough and quickly answered.

"Ah! Well, what do you think?~" She smiled, which was probably not helping the misunderstanding here. "For starters your warm! Which means since we're sleeping together," She seemed to emphasize that phrase just a bit. with a little giggle. "I'll never be cold! I wasn't lying when you said you'd make a good pillow! Now that I mention it, you were kinda soft too...so a really comfortable snugly pillow!~"

It would have been difficult to tell if there were any underlying meaning in her words. For one, they seemed genuine, but at the same time also quite suggestive of something else.

"Why?" She questioned Iravis, a slight frown forming. "Ah! D-don't tell me you already let someone use you as a pillow!" She gasped, appearing a bit shocked at the sheer notion of it. "Ah! That's no good. Where else am I going to find a warm comfortable pillow aaaat...."


-Livia Fiore-


So...like some sort of psychological coping mechanism then? Thats what this Elise was? She frowned. Shouldn't she see about getting help for that or something? Not like it was really any of her business, but...that seemed like the smart thing to do anyways. That wasn't important though. Emi was being abused? A small flare of anger showed very briefly on her face before returning to its normal cool gaze. While she didn't know the details, and probably didn't, she had never had much of a good childhood either. She wasn't really abused, but...well, she was pretty sure her parents didn't even know she existed.

"Well...uh, alright." She simply replied still a bit unsure about how to even approach this. "Well I don't hate Emi, but I don't like her either." She gave a small, somewhat smug seeming smile. "But I don't like anyone, so don't take it personally." That was about all she had to say on the matter. Well, kind of. She left out the fact that she thought Emi was still adorable, but that was for another time.

"The Magus games, though? A series of events, and that's all I can really tell." She replied, folding her arms across her chest. "Might be a tournament, might not be. With the Director, it's difficult to tell what it's going to be probably and it'll probably be different than last year. But we'll find out soon enough. I, simply want class to start already so I can get some relative quiet from this stupid chaos."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kurosawa Emi

She smiled lightly, happy to hear that Eli wasn't hated by her new roommate. "The energy in here is really lively and energetic though! Almost like a party." She grinned happily. A party was something that Elise never had the chance to go to but she new that she would love to experience one, one day.

She could feel Eli's spirit somewhat trying to break out but she ignored it. "I wish I could make new friends..." she muttered under her breath, hoping that no one heard her. Shit. Well, I did get some of Eli's qualities it seems. "Maybe I should talk to people..." she said, sighing as she examined the room. She knew that if she didn't take the time to make a friend, there was no way Eli was going to be able to have anyone for a while. Except for him of course but I don't like being around this shit she thought, glancing over at Aki.

Who would be friends with a shy, jittery, and cute idiot... After a while, she spotted the man that Eli had been looking at before and had been admiring his tattoos. Grinning, she abruptly stood up. I could at least get her started. Walking over to him with total confidence, she put her hand on his desk and opened her mouth to speak. "Hello! Y-you..." Slowly, she turned into a bright red tomato. What is happening...? Dang it! Dang it, dang it, dang it... I don't talk to any guys other than Aki and it turns me into this? Plus, I got some of her qualities... Attempting to make the best of it, she continued, knowing that she couldn't really back out now. "Wh-what's y-your name? E-Eli wants you to- A-ah I mean I w-want you to b-become a friend...?" Was that even how you asked to become friends? My face feels hot as fuck. Nope, I don't think I can do this. She thought about her choices. One, be a brave woman and conquer her shyness, showing to Eli that she was better. Or two, she could simply return Eli to reality and hole up in her bubble and watch a disaster unravel (or not)... Yeah, Eli, you can have this conversation.

Quickly, she switched them out, not causing her to fall but lightly stumble on her feet. Opening her eyes, Eli had a slight headache and once she saw that she was in front of the man with the tattoos she stood speechless. She began drawing a blank when she thought about how she ended up there. "A-ah ummm..." not knowing what to say, she simply stood there with a sweet smile and wondered what had happened. Even with this, she was quite used to these types of situations. Does he dislike me...? Did I say something wrong? Just what happened this time. She wasn't sure if he looked like a good or bad person since everyone looked nice to her. The redness didn't really begin to fade away but did tone down a bit, allowing her head to cool off some.
(Might edit later)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shikio Wahlaal

Interactions: @GrafRoy Zeppeli Lin

She was slightly surprised when he removed his hand from her grasp as in downright rejecting her, it caused her ears to lower significantly as she thought he was angry after all but somehow he still didn't feel that way. Was this what you called being shy? she wondered what he meant by lovers?... didn't they already love each other?... in her world love was rather simple.. she loved her pack, her parents her brothers and sisters... and Lin was part of her pack now, and she loved him because of it right?. "But I do love Lin... Lin is Shikio's master and my pack mate... why wouldn't I love you?" she asked wondering if he meant in a totally different way perhaps... it was strange, it was not like he had tried to seduce her to become his mate or anything and she just wanted to show that she cared about him. Shikio was confused again but did try really hard to understand him.

Following Lin to the infirmary where her wounds would become quite obvious to the receptionist who quickly would direct them to one of the rooms where they would get quick help. "So a Great Magic ian... like Lin?... or Like Father?... made magic, and because he made magic somone is looking for his child, or the child of his child... or so on because they have his eyes?" she thought wondering if she had seen someone with weird eyes or something of the sort yet. Curious thing was that she actually had seen 'someone' not with eyes that was rather suspicios in his own way.

"So someone who can use great magic?... that could be anyone"she mumbled to herself as she sighed and thought about it for a few minutes. "How about that Authority man?... he who said there was a hair first?... he don't show his eyes?... aren't that suspicios if we're looking for odd eyes?... it would make the most sense that the one who don't show his eyes is the one with the special ones, and if he starts a hunt for them would try everything to move his suspicion onto the large masses to create confusion when the most obvious answer was right in front of your nose" she said as she came to the conclusion that it was very likely to be Headmaster/Director A that was the hair of Apel or whatever it was called again.

Thinking about the race she was eager of course, but not to the point where she would start a fight over it... they could gain power sure... but what would they do with more power?... Shikio was satisfied with her power so far and even if she was not as good as her father who could turn whole continents into ice compared to her, she didn't sense her pack being in any obvious danger that she needed a lot more power to defend against. "Okay so I won't pounce suspicous people... but how would I recognize said eyes?... do they have an weird scent?, or look a certain way?... should I look everyone in the eyes to find out?... I don't know what to do Lin... you tell me to help track them, but I got too little to go on to track..." she said as she felt rather useless in the current situation, games were fun... but only games that she had a chance of winning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@GrafRoy Zeppeli
Meruin Hazy

So she really did follow her. But for a moment it seemed she had relented and turned back to the classroom. How strange.

While Meruin did not really like being followed, she didn't dislike it either; it would be best to say she didn't really so much as care if she was being followed. She wasn't doing anything important at the moment, and girl had proven to be tolerable company so far, at least. Still, why was she following her in the first place? She did recall her saying something along the lines of being confused, but that still did not give Meruin a reason as to why she was being followed. Did this girl think that she could dispel that confusion? If so, she certainly hasn't acted like it. If Meruin was confused, she'd do some research or ask questions, but this girl was not asking questions and was just following her.

Speaking of which, what was this girls name? It was getting tiring to think of her as "this girl" all the time. Should she ask? Probably. Maybe later, once she'd found a nice place to sleep.

She really had to find a place to sleep. Or her dorm. Her dorm would be preferable.

Meruin had been walking for a while, with no real destination. It was a habit of hers: Unless she was looking for something specifically, and knew where to find it, she would walk around randomly until she found what she wanted - or what she felt was adequate enough to suit her needs. As it was, she just found a place where she could sleep comfortably.

Looking at the stairs leading to the academy's rooftop, Meruin turned to Charlotte. "If you're going to follow me, be sure to keep quiet please," said Meruin dully. Without another word, she climb up the steps and opened the door to the roof. A quick look about and it was evident that no one was here, and Meruin gave a small nod of satisfaction.

"Hm . . . the breeze is nice today," she muttered to herself. Hm, she didn't have a pillow. Well, no helping it then.

Meruin took of her skirt, stockings, blouse, and camisole, throwing the pile of clothes on the floor of the roof. Then she lay down, using the pile as a pillow. Closing her eyes, Meruin silently enjoyed the breeze, before remembering Charlotte was still there.

She decided to do the polite thing.

"You're welcome to join, if you wish," she said through sleepy, half-lidded eyes, "but find your own pillow."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


High above the schoolground flew one of the strangest things to grace the academy, though not THE strangest it was certain to be peculiar on its own. It's red and gold cloak robe billowed in the wind as it soared in an endless circle above the dormitory, the same as it had done thousands of times for hours on end, just circling the grounds lost in the oddity that was Adrians mind and existence. Confined was not a word that could be used to describe the situation as he was given free reign to fly and wander but neither was he allowed to simply fly away into the world. On one such occasion he had done so following a flock of birds and was subsequently shot down. Ironically, by another student who had wandered off and was even then being caught red handed for leaving.
Adrians nature got him off without punishment and had agreed that the other student was only 'trying to help' by retrieving the elusive Moth man from his inquisitive desires to follow and observe. Interestingly the two had never bonded after and remain as simple classmates. Not that Adrian had a true need for companionship. As a familiar it was his duty to serve a master but none could possess the skills and personality to captivate him, so there he remained unbound by gravity, the school, and the demands of a master. A quick flap of his hairy wings brought the flight to an end as he dived for the dormitory and landed without so much as a whisper, draping the wings over his body and wrapping the golden stitched cloak about him like a hooded robe. Glowing crimson eyes shone from the darkness.
Scuttling on all fours the Mothman found his way down the wall and in through an open window, peering intently to be sure he was alone. Satisfied that none were about the Mothman darted through the window and to a nearby wardrobe.
Inside were prizes he alone understood the value of. A green sweater, hand stitched with care and embroidered, hung from the wrack beautifully. Adrian reached out with tender hands slowly inching to his meal in anticipation till the door slammed open.
"GET AWAY FROM THAT, FREAKSHOW" The sound barely registered, so caught in his hunger that even the intrusion of others would not deter him. A large shoe to the face promptly dropped him back to reality, and the floor, in an undignified heap. "GO! SHOO!" The woman screeched and Adrian was off, leaping through the window with a hiss to climb back to the ceiling. "Another good meal wasted on 'fashion'" He scoffed, laying flat on the tiles with a sigh. Of course the thought to take it had come to mind (He wanted it more than her, so it should be his, right?) but as always the fear of hurting others stopped him. To gaze into his eyes was to know a fear so deep it stopped the body dead in its tracks. Rarely, if ever, did someone resist the intensity of his gaze when he willed it. But such power had a price..
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alistair Kuruz

Alistair watched the reactions to his little performance from behind thin wisps of smoke that curled gently out of his mouth. He dragged in on the cigarette deeply, as one of his students who was rune marked himself called out. Another criticized his life choice of chain smoking and alchol abuse. A teacher who he hadn't cared enough to get on even a formal second name basis also gave him a stern talking to. Alistair just didn't care at the moment. His mind was too caught up with what A had pronounced.

He had forgotten about the Magus Games. Or he had tried to. He rubbed at the scar again and was immediately thrown back in time to how he had gotten it. A searing pain. Flames. Blades. Poison and magic. All roiled up into one unpleasant memory.

His unpleasant revelry was brought to a halt as the new instructor began talking. He crushed out the cigarette and stood back up. He kind of just needed that to calm down.

I'll take it from here” he said to the other teachers and shooed them out of his class, light gusts of winds emphasising his gestures. He turned back to the class and smiled politely “my apologies for that little...thing…” he rubbed his fingers through his hair “the Director is a powerful but infinitely infuriating man” his voice was still at a magical volume but it was more contained. Less deafening wall and more calm teaching loud “ so...I will be your instructor on all things the theory behind the various schools of magic as set forth by Baphel himself, Combat magic and the use of all schools inside a combat situation and psychology” he smiled once more “ so as this is our first day...a brief overview of the schools

---------Teaching Happens--------

Alistair had forgotten that not all of these students were out of their first year. His passion for magic and it's theory had gotten to him and each sentence ran into each other. He began writing and speaking in shorthand and by the time the lecture had finished, the man had just been able to squeeze the last things he wanted in. He looked sheepishly at the gathered students, some furiously writing notes and others with dull glazed over faces.

oh...my apologies” he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. The door opened to his class and he motioned and gave them the chance to leave. He looked up in to the crowd and searched for Iravis, catching her eyes in an effort to bring attention to their need to talk.
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