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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago


The Goddesses omnipotence was proven wrong, as the girl discussed sleeping together and Iravis' softness.
"Ah! D-don't tell me you already let someone use you as a pillow!"

The question about the fire-haired girls virginity made the blush run deeper. The Phoenix waved her hands in a desperate gesture of denial, her voice rising in pitch uncharacteristically. "No! I'm a maiden! An unopened bottle of wine!" Iravis realized that made her sound proud of her status. "Drinking earlier is alright too! You support a figure many would be envious of! A succubus worthy of attention!" Iravis realized it sounded like she was hitting on Lyssa. "I..." This was completely outside this incarnation's experience. Luckily for the bird, Alistar set her free again by beginning the lecture.

Iravis paid attention throughout it. Despite having lived here, she hadn't learned all that much about how magic operated. Besides calling upon other divines, the Phoenix mostly just did. Fire was an inherent part of her, and healing literally fell from her eyes. While she didn't have anything to take notes with, it was clear she was attentive. The fire bird noted the teachers gaze and nodded.

The Phoenix looked over at Lyssa. "Sir Alistar requests my company. Do you mind waiting momentarily? If it drags on too much for you, I can seek you out at the dorm." She put on a smile for the demon, despite her returning feelings of guilt as she started towards the stage.

By the time she reached the teacher, her eyes were downcast again. Despite the intense conversation with Lyssa, she hadn't forgotten what had happened during the chaos. "I'm ... I'm sorry." Earlier in this life she had usually been beaten for stepping out of line. The red haired girl hadn't disappointed Alistar or Wick since arriving, so she wasn't sure what to expect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Lyssa simply tilted her head in a quizzical fashion once again at Iraivs' little outburst. She had no idea what she was on about, but she had to admit Iraivis was rather cute when she was flustered like that. So the demon simply giggled, and gave her a friendly smile. She wasn't sure what the other girl was on about, but she was certain it was something having to deal with, well, sexy times. Iravis seemed to have the wrong assumption there, she was most definitely an 'unopened bottle of wine' too. Her father would have murdered her if she had ever done such a thing. Now though? Weeeeelll....

She didn't get to ponder it for long, or to correct Iraivs' wrong assumption. Classes were starting. Ugh, boring. She did try to pay attention, though with little success. Most of the time her thoughts drifted from the class, to doodling absently in her notebook, to various sweets she could get Iravis to. Unfortunately, she couldn't even manage that for long. Within fifteen minutes into class Lyssa was out like a light, head face down on her desk, completely asleep.

"Sir Alistar requests my company. Do you mind waiting momentarily? If it drags on too much for you, I can seek you out at the dorm."

"Hmm...what?...is class over with?" She yawned, sitting up and attempting attempting to translate what Iraivs had just said into her still sleeping head. "Uhmm...yeah...go talk with the teacher and stuff. And hurry up! Someone else is eating all of the sweets while we do other stuff!"

For now, she'd wait around here. Maybe stick her nose into some classrooms it doesn't belong in while she waited.

-Livia Fiore-


Livia simply gave a bored sigh at the girls declaration this was like a party. She hated parties. Loud, obnoxious events full of loud, obnoxious people doing loud and obnoxious things. Her parents often threw them whenever it was some holiday or something. Not that she ever was allowed to attend such a party. Oh no, couldn't have her stealing the spotlight from her oh-so important sister. It seemed however, she wasn't going to get to talk much more with either Emi or Elise, here. She had apparently wondered off somewhere else, and going to talk to another person.

"Well, gee. Thanks for leaving in the middle of a conversation." She muttered quietly, though did nothing to stop her from leaving. Class seemed to be starting anyways, so that was good. She wasn't sure how much more of this chaos and chatting she could take before she had Gall throw someone out of the class room.

Speaking of the friendly neighborhood reaper...where was he?

Meh, she'd find him later. He was probably goofing off somewhere.

Class was over before she knew it, unfortunately. It was some basic stuff. Things she had already knew about, just a little. Boring but it did feel good to cover the basics every now and then. Now...what should she do, she wondered? Hmm...the library seemed like a good place to spend her afternoon, so she might as well head there. So as class ended, she was one of the first students to leave and head out. Maybe she'd call gall and have a bit of practice with him later?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lin Hua

Some times, Lin forgot how much of an idiot this girl could be, with next to no knowledge about human customs.

Though her saying that she loved him did throw him off, when she clarified that it was more of a 'familial' kind of love Lin calmed back down with yet another sigh.

"You know what? Forget it. I... kind of like you too, so let's leave it that, all right?" A slight blush appeared in his face as he dismissed Shikio's odd questions.

Afterwards, Shikio started trying to process his explanation about Baphel. As he expected, she got it all wrong.

"No, even more powerful than me or your father. Pretty intelligent too. He was so talented that kind of made it easier for everyone else to use magic. Certainly, when he did that, magic became more widespread, not to mention easier to use for novices. Cause, well, mages could die if it weren't for that guy."

He shook his head, "And they aren't related at all. It's cause Baphel did a special ritual and..."

No, trying to explain it would probably be more of a headache than what it was worth for.

However, her theory of who the heir was was.... incredibly accurate. Honestly, Lin was surprised that Shikio had it in her to formulate some solid theory like this.

"Well, you've got a point. Maybe he only wants to throw us off so we don't that he is indeed the guy with the Eye, inciting the rumors of 'an student has it' would also benefit him more. After all, no one can actually live for that long, can they?" What Shikio had said definitely made him think about it all.

Maybe Director A really wasn't immortal and just kind of made it seem like so with several children that have followed in the line to become Liseranna's headmaster? Nah, that too was far-fetched as it was.

Still, Lin believed he wasn't chasing after smoke and mirrors and that Shikio might actually be right.

"I know, I know, don't worry. I'll tell you all about it. If you see someone stumbling on nothing and falling, keep your eyes on him. If they seem to have real bad luck, they might be the Heir. Also, look at their eyes. If they ever change colors, then they surely are the Heir. If their eye is black with red, come tell me right away."

And afterwards, they finally reached the infirmary.

"Well, I continue explaining after you are patched up."



Meruin turned back to Charlotte and told her to keep quiet, despite the fact that the girl had not as much as peeped a single word since the very start.

Still, Charlotte nodded fervently and then brought a single finger to her mouth.

The girl lead Charlotte all the way to the roof, opened the door and then commented about how nice the breeze was.

Charlotte opened her mouth to agree with her, before remembering that she was asked to keep quiet. So, she only nodded as fervently as before and continued following after Meruin like a duckling follows after its mother.

Of course, if there was something that Charlotte really did not expect was for the girl to suddenly up and... strip. Down to her panties, of course, but stripping nonetheless.


Charlotte this time actually had to make an effort for Balphegor's voice not to leak through her mouth. The spirit was being so loud that it was starting to affect her real body.

"D-Don't shout like that, Belly." Charlotte whispered.

Still, it was Meruin's decision to do what she wanted with her clothes, but still... it really wasn't something that others should see. Even more so if they were like Belphegor.

So, instead of sleeping, Charlotte decided to sit beside her and stay on guard until the girl decided to wake up.

"Is sleeping like that really comfortable?" She turned to see the nude girl sleeping beside her.



Juliann felt the ghastly shadow hand pose itself over her sword. At the same time, the man also started threatening her, saying that it wouldn't do for the 'extremely hot teacher to be beaten in a duel with a 35 year old guy'.

Juliann sighed. The man truly needed a reality check.

"Do not mistake my words. I say this in the hopes that we will get along, and to do with these students what I came here to do. Educate them and teach them not only what it means to be a mage, but also how to have respect for their elders." Juliann also completely avoided anything in regards to the eye, despite the question from her fellow teacher.

What happened next was so fast that probably Synth couldn't see what had just happened, and would only see some strands of his hair falling to the floor.

Then, the sound of a sword sheathing and Juliann turning around.

"I shall leave it at that. For now, please go on with your class, proffesor Alistair." Juliann said as she headed for the door and exited the room.

Despite not being able to see, Juliann had just cut Synth's hair with a single stroke of her sword, that was going at an astonishing speed and that the shadowy hand could not keep in place.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Alucard had to resist the urge to break into peals of laughter above the awkward pair of girls. They were both dancing around the subject so much that neither of them was quite sure what was which. Compliments were thrown out like shotgun shells and taken back like dropped money. The whole thing was rather amusing, unfortunately the teacher felt the strange need to teach something and cut off the conversation. Alucard listened intently, he had little to no experience with such things so anything and everything he found out was helpful, he even took a few notes in case he forgot something, which was very unlikely. Feeling rather enlightened Alucard almost got ready to leave before he remembered the shiny spear the teacher had taken. It seemed the teacher wanted to talk to Alucard's favorite redhead anyway and Alucard did so enjoy listening to things he wasn't supposed to. He wondered what they were going to discuss. Maybe the teacher was asking her to stay for a "special assignment". The grin on Alucard's face grew at the thought of it. D was for diploma after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Runik Brandt & Kurosawa Emi/Elise

It wasn’t easy to miss when someone made a beeline towards him and he shifted his attention towards the girl, welcoming the prospect of something happening. An eyebrow climbed slightly when he didn’t recognize her and for a moment Runik wondered what he could have done to warrant her attention, but he simply smiled in his seat when she planted a hand onto his desk. Was this supposed to intimidate him? The thought vanished quickly enough when she actually spoke given the stuttering and nervousness. She seemed a bit strange, unused to conversation, and he was never the best judge of character, but he’d give her a chance at the least.

His reply died on his lips when he noticed that she seemed to be lost in her thoughts and no longer focused on him. Definitely odd, but he was still on his feet in an instant to grab her and help keep her steady. “Whoa there, don’t go fainting on me now,” he remarked as he tilted his head curiously. It was hard to tell if she was nervous, simply confused, or both, but she certainly seemed a bit different than but a few moments ago. Combined with what she said earlier, and Runik was fairly confident that he had drawn the right conclusion. “Eli right? Would you like to take a seat?” He nodded towards the empty space on either side of him for emphasis.
She was surprised when he grabbed her arm, she smiled lightly as she gently pulled her arm away and postured herself. “T-thank you” after he said her name, she couldn’t help but feel surprised at the fact that he knew it. I wonder if I told him..? The invitation to sit made her feel a bit happy as she nodded her head and sat down. “Ah.. Umm.. Y-your name?” Feeling a bit rude since he already knew her name, she tilted her head as she waited for a response.
He let go of her readily, content that she seemed to have found her footing. Reaching behind him, he pulled the seat that had slid back closer and slumped back into it as she took hers beside him. “Runik Brandt,” he offered, reaching over for a handshake afterwards. “Now, sorry if this is rude, but I don’t suppose you’re a Pythones user or otherwise have some reason to be possessed?”
Taking her hand to return the handshake, she looked up as he began to speak. A Phythones user? What did he mean by possessed? Oh. Akito had told her that when she blacked out weird things happened but nothing about being possessed. “N-no.” Her power wasn't something that she was extremely comfortable talking about but she knew she would have to tell him “I-I am a Veranidia u-user. Torture…” Making him feel uncomfortable had been something she didn't wanted to happen.
Humming in thought at her reply, Runik didn’t see any need to continue the line of questioning. It would just have to be something he kept in mind around Eli. “Veranidia?” He scratched his head with an expression of confusion since he couldn’t recall anything with that name. From the spell title it seemed to be either a sub-school of Praestigiae or Contritio though. “Interesting, not something I’ve heard of before. Personally I just use Contritio and Naturalis. Lot simpler for someone like me.” He knocked against the side of his head with a grin, miming an empty container. “That aside, you said something about becoming friends? Not that I mind, just curious why.”
She felt a bit relieved that he did not know what it was. “Just simple magic.” She said lightly as she laughed a bit at his remark. Her eyes opened a bit wider, stunned at his next words. I couldn't do that… Now, she was getting a bit worried about the fact that she may be possessed. Not that she wasn't happy at the mention of being friends. “W-well… I-I only have one ch-childhood friend here and a r-roommate that I doubt l-likes me…A-awa a sorry…” not knowing quite why she apologized but knew that it was a habit of hers.
Well it might very well have been, but Runik thought otherwise. It wasn’t a big loss if she didn’t want to elaborate since waving it off seemed to help her rel- Well so much for that. There was definitely something up with Eli, and he couldn't deny he was curious. “A childhood friend does sound nice, and come on. Don’t go making others’ opinions for them. You can’t have known them for more than a few ho-” His little pep talk was interrupted by the sound of Mr. Kuruz’s magically enhanced voice echoing through the room and he paused to listen. With a frown, he looked at Eli and then nodded at the door. “Alright, seems like it’s going to be boring. Want to skip?”
I am just the fucking nicest person ever. I got Eli a friend who maybe isn't a dick but I don't really know. Elise felt proud of her accomplishment. “S-sure!” Eli smiled, going out with friends was something she never got to do. Well, Aki was someone but the only “going out” they did was on the rare occasions that she went to the park and even then it was more bodyguard than friend. Plus, the real danger was at home. “L-let me just tell A-Aki.”

She stood up abruptly and walked over to where he seems to be simply examining everyone. “Aki~ I made a new friend. I'm going to go skip with him since class does not seem to be progressing much...OK?” Looking at him with sad eyes and hoping that he wouldn't complain.

Who the hell was he? He hadn't seem him yet and automatically disliked him. Giving him a harsh glare before he turned back to Eli he exhaled deeply. “I-I can't really oppose… Just be careful and don't get hurt.” He never really liked any guys around Eli, almost like a little lamb being sent out to get killed, for him. Sighing, he watched her leave and turned back to his desk and got out a book.

She walked away happily and went back over to Runik. “Sh-should we go? I-I told him.” With a light smile, she looked into his eyes and waited for him.
Well it was good to see her cheer up at the idea and Runik nodded, guessing Aki was the childhood friend she had mentioned before. He watched her approach the raven haired bespectacled boy and recognized him as a fellow 6th year, but not much more than that. A raised eyebrow met the boy’s harsh glare and he wondered what the problem was. Was the other boy jealous or something? The amusing thought brought a grin to his face and he nodded at Eli once she’d returned, giving Mr. Kuruz one last look before he quietly stood and slipped up the steps towards the doors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@GrafRoy Zeppeli
Meruin Hazy

Meruin blearily opened a single eye to look at Charlotte. So she was still here. How unexpected. And also still asking questions. "Comfortable is relative. If I can sleep, then I am comfortable. If I can't then I am not. Simple as that," said Meruin succinctly. Honestly, sleep was sleep. If she could have it, what did it matter if she was "comfortable"? It was a waste of time to think about it.

"In any case - yawn - good night. Or morning. Whichever."

Still, this girl. She gave Meruin a strange vibe. A moment ago, right when she was removing her clothes, she felt the urge to put her guard up, as though she had changed from a herbivore to a carnivore, and she was the prey. Meruin was not in the habit of disregarding her instincts, so just in case, Meruin carved a rune into the ground behind her, away from the girls eyes. A useful barrier that redirects the thoughts of attackers to go elsewhere. Not very strong, but Meruin figured it was enough for someone like Charlotte.

Then she fell asleep for half an hour, enjoying the morning breeze on her bare skin. Her last thoughts while falling asleep were of her dorm and finding it, because as nice as it was to find a nice, cool, spot to sleep, she was sure that sleeping on her bed would be an infinitely nicer experience.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The doors swung shut without so much as a squeak behind him and he took a moment to take a deep breath. “Ah… air was a bit stuffy back in there don’t you think?” He glanced towards Eli for a moment before approaching a window and taking a glance outside. “So, I was thinking the cafeteria might be nice. Haven’t had a chance to eat since arriving. My treat.”

She exhaled when she left the room, looking around the halls. “Y-yes, a bit. I-I’m not used to that much people.” Not that it felt bad to be in a room filled with so many noises. “I-I used to j-just spend my time in a ca-” She stopped herself, wondering what she was thinking to almost say the word cage in front of someone she had just met and become friends with. “Th-the cafeteria?” Yesssssssss! Ok, I like this guy! He understands the feeling of hunger unlike you, Eli, who would have gone without eating if no one told her anything. “Oh, that’s right. I-I haven’t eaten anything yet. E-eh? D-don’t worry about that. I-I do have a bit of money…” The thought of someone treating her never passed through her head. Was it normal for people to buy food for others?

“Is this your first year here then?” Assemblies like that weren’t exactly common, but generally there was at least a few per year to announce any events or the like. His eyebrows climbed again when she cut herself off, but he nodded in response to her questioning tone before he motioned for her to follow as he made to leave the building.
A quick glance to make sure she followed him and he waved dismissively. “That’s my line. Just enjoy the free food.” It wasn’t a five star restaurant or anything and the entire cafeteria’s menu probably wouldn’t have made too much of a dent on his savings. A free meal for a new friend was nothing to care about, and he held the building’s door open for her and gestured to the cafeteria just a few hundred meters away.

“A-ah, yes… I suppose y-you are a second o-or maybe third year?” she spoke as she walked behind him, making sure not to stand next to him. She wasn’t used to walking beside people and didn’t know weather he would find it unpleasant or not. Her face clearly felt unsure at the mention of free food. “W-well, thank you then. M-my parents usually have me p-pay.” smiling, she looked back at him thinking about what an unusual person he was. Or maybe that’s just the way it is over here. Back in her hometown she had a job near her home that she usually went to 5 times a week. Her daily meal from her parents would usually be 10-30 dollars but she simply thought it was something normal.

“Fifth year here actually,” he replied while slowing his pace to fall in step with her, thinking it was only thanks to the difference in height. His face clearly displayed disbelief as he turned to look at her. “Wait, what? Your parents made you pay for food? Damn, did they charge you rent as well?” He wasn’t sure if it was the sort of light-hearted matter to joke about, but he didn’t want to get hung up on it either. Hopefully he hadn’t just shoved his foot into his mouth, but it was pushed aside for the moment as aromas filled the air thanks to them drawing close enough to the cafeteria.

“Y-yes?” She said softly when he asked, with a puzzled expression, not understanding why it seemed abnormal to him but her face turned lively when she got to the cafeteria. “Uwaaaaa~” there were people there talking cheerfully and she couldn’t help but put on a larger than normal smile when she stepped in. Finallllllly!! My god, Eli, you talk too much!!

“Jeez,” he muttered as he rubbed at the back of his head. That was pretty shitty of her parents huh, but he didn’t say that as her expression changed when he pushed the doors open to the dining hall. Ushering her in in her moment of awe, he grinned as he motioned for her to continue following him. Several monitors displayed menus with cuisine from multiple parts of the world listed, but there were also simpler dishes available for the less adventurous students. A sandwich, salad, pasta bar could also be seen along with various drink dispensers.“See anything you want?” Runik asked her as he stepped into line.

She followed without looking in front of her. What should I get? Hmmm… She looked over and saw a menu that presented sushi that looked very good. Her parents could always be seen eating sushi on special occasions but she had yet to try it. Right when she was about to say sushi, she bumped into his back as he stopped to get into a line. “Wa? Showwy. I-I didn’t mean to.” she said this as she rubbed her nose and looked up at him a bit. His shoulders were broad and bumping into his back was not like hitting a cushion but more like a hard rock. Her words always came out a bit more childish when she bumped into things. Blushing lightly at the embarrassing way she said that, she lifted her finger to point at the sushi. “I-I think I’ll try that.”

‘Huh.’ She was definitely lighter than he expected given he barely even flinched when she bumped into his back. He tried not to look too amused given her embarrassment, but the smile sort of gave things away even if he managed not to laugh. Turning to look at what she had chosen he nodded and then turned around, raising a hand to ruffle her hair teasingly. “Milking this for what it’s worth, huh?”

Giving things a bit of thought as the line moved forward, he motioned for Eli to follow him out afterwards as he approached the sushi station. There were still a few students around, but he managed to place the order in a few moments and they got to watch as their sushi platter was assembled.

She flinched when his hand moved suddenly before opening one eye when he began to ruffle her hair. Hm? She realized afterwards that he was not going to hurt her. Was this another thing that they did here? Not that it feels bad I suppose. It made her feel like a child again but not in a bad way. Looking up she began to speak, “E-eh? Have you had it before? D-does it taste good?” She tilted her head as she asked the question. Noticing that her stuttering was beginning to go away, she felt a little proud of herself. Just a little more and she could probably speak full sentances to him without stuttering. Once she saw the sushi being made, she peered over to see it being made, her eyes twinkling. The only time she saw people making food was when she sneaked into the kitchen and watched the chefs cook but they never looked like they were having any fun. She looked over at him smiling, almost as if she was watching an entertaining TV show.

Her reaction didn’t escape notice, but it wasn’t a big deal seeing as she seemed to accept it. He tilted his head in thought for a moment before a shrug was ultimately his response. “Your mileage may vary. I enjoy it, some people can’t handle the texture or taste of raw fish. There’s some like sweet tofu, egg, and other types so you can try a bit of everything.”

The chef smiled as he noticed the childish glee that Eli seemed to take from his work and Runik was content to pat her head again. The platter was finished soon enough, dozens of colors arranged finely in rings, and he held it out for her to take while he went to pay for it. “Want to go ahead and find a seat?”

“G-got it.”
Nodding, she turned around to see what seats were open. Seeing a somewhat lonely corner, she went over to the booth to sit down. Setting down the food and taking her bag off her shoulder and sighing, having not realized how heavy the weight was. Rummaging through her bag, she found her book and carefully lifted it out of the bag, setting it on her lap gently. Just as she was about to begin to read, she looked back at him, admiring his personality and began to wonder how she could become more like him. Just then, she decided to put a new bandage on her wound and carefully undid the bandage that was already placed on the wound. Gently peeling it off and replacing it with a new one. Getting out the shadow sword would be a horrible choice since she was finally making a new friend. Smiling, she put her bandages up and put hand sanitizer on herself. Exhaling, she plopped a piece of candy in her mouth and began to read, immersing herself in another world for the time being. You could tell she was in her own world and quite happy as she read with a light smile that had a look of pure bliss.

(Yup, we know it's long)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Interactions: @GrafRoy Zeppeli Lin

Hearing Lin speak of her in his onw way of saying how much he liked her made her smile more widly and wag her tail even further. That he had added Kind of to the sentance didn't seem to bother her in the least as it was obvious to her that he did like her. Otherwise it was rather simple that he wouldn't hang around her if he didn't... that's basically how simple the world was to her, if you liked someone much you spent time with them, and if you didn't you avoided doing so. There was also the silver lining in between but that was not of importance right now anyway... [color=purple]"Good~ then we agree~"[color] she said and laughed slightly.

Listening in on his explanation she nodded slightly as it made the picture a bit clearer for her, even if she didn't fully understand it even after his explanation it at least cleared up the confusion about it. In the end it weren't really her fault that she had lived in a different part of the world with really no human connections before she formed her contract with Lin, and that was during the time she had just sat out to see the world for herself... which was probably why she had ended up forming an contract in the first place... but it was kind of too late to change her mind about it now as they already had formed it. On the other hand it weren't that bad to have a contract either, in thanks to it she could learn the knowledge that Lin taught her and gained the oppertunity to do just what she wanted from the beginning... namely to learn about the world.

"Oh... so He was the Great leader of Magic" she summarized as it made it simple for her to understand. A leader in her world was someone who made it easier for others to live and do stuff even if it was the same as before. It was someone who taught others if needed and led them on the path to success. In that manner, you could say that Shikio saw Lin as her leader in Human relation things. Even if he told her that there was things more powerful than himself and her father she could somewhat only pain an image of what it meant in hear head, however that fact when it occured to her made her slightly intimitated and in the end she realized that it actually made sense for them to now seek out more power.

"Then lets become much better than Lin, so we can stand up if those with more power becomes hostile to us" she said balling her fists with great determination as if the path to power was a rather straight line. However she wouldn't so easily be discouraged or persuaded to change her path, as rising to strength to meet strength was a rather straight forward answer to her. It meant the same as learning to fight to defend yourself and your family, rather than to learn to fight to hurt others.

As she thought about her own ideas of whom could be the heir of Baphel, she came to another curious conclusion when Lin spoke to her about who it could be. "Well... if that's the case then him asking us to bring the Heir in front of him would be impossible... Because if he's the heir then he can't stand in front of himself... unless its a reflection. So the only way for us to show him himself would be to show him his mirror image. That could mean he actually don't want to share his power after all, in a way to make us believe its possible while its kind of not... kinda like making a huge game where you promise a reward that you can keep for yourself. Kinda like father does... So the leader of this place could make it impossible to complete to keep the power himself" she concluded thinking nothing about generations or how long he had lived, because she didn't know how long it could be.

However it did give birth to a new question in her mind. "If you got magic and the power to use it... it could possibly grant you a very long life if you know how to stop yourself from getting older. It comes down to what type of magic you can use right?..." she said as she thought about it.

Once her wounds had been treated and healed, a task that probably was very simple for someone knowledgeable in healing magic as all her wounds had been external ones and not so deep. Shikio bowed to thank the doctor as deeply as she could before looking to Lin again as he had told her that he would teach her further after she had been healed. Eyes that changed colors confused her slightly, it was likely that many had eyes that could change colors when they did magic... her owns being one of them as they changed from an Icy blue to Golden when she used her Fenrir powers. However it made her quite the oppisite from clumsy.

Shikio didn't say anything thought before they left the building again, but once they did she suddenly stopped letting Lin pass ahead of her slightly. In that moment her eyes did flash from its normal Icy blue to yellow as she let out a deep breath that in its newly chilled appeal came out as white smoke towards the natural warmth. Her stance changed frow her rather upright standing to one leaning forward, her previous smile faded to one of more contents and soon she sank down at all fours on the ground. Ears on their peak she seemed to listen to each sound with equally much thought as to where they came from and exactly how far away it was, scents around her would swarm her nose and from them she could tell things around her had moved... how their trails had gone as they moved around their business and how they were feeling at that time. Shikio sniffed around like a hound on the hunt her head following each change before she glanced up at Lin.

"I cannot tell if any scent have fallen over here... but it dosen't seem so. Nor can I smell any magic that's stranger than any other... " she said as she caught up to Lin again walking on all four at that time as it was second nature to her. But yet again after a short while she eventually stood back up beside him brushing of her hands before smiling again to Lin. "Okay, If I see anyone like that I tell you aright away" she said even if she doubted that she would.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Collab between Edgar Quantus "Vocab" and Reina Izumi "liferusher"

Why did she look so surprised at him calling her by her first name? Was that not a normal thing, or did people have to, like, ask for permission in Japan? Whatever it was, she lit up like a pink lightbulb and stood agape, staring. THAT, wasn't a normal thing, that was for sure. People didn't normally look like that, so what was her deal?

"Eeehhh!? Is that something that happens often? It sounds dangerous if teachers would be brawling each other or the students if that were to happen."

How long had this girl actually been in school? She didn't look that young, so she must have been... what, Year 3, Year 4? How could she have not known some of the teachers more... volatile nature, if a little few and far between. Everything more or less flashed through his head as he stood, and suddenly Reina was in his face, staring him right in the eye. Why the hell was she so curious, seriously?!

"Is your eye alright? You seem quite bothered by it for a while now. Shall I give it a look when we're outside?"

Did it? Did he really look that worried or bothered by it? Actually, as he thought more about it, Edgar realised his eye was hurting more and more as time went by, and that the pain had only started when Reina appeared. What was she, some magical torture device sent by the Director to find people and discover their stress limits? In instinct, he moved his hand up and began rubbing it somemore, making the area slightly red but nothing more.

"Uh... I-I dont know, I t-think its okay..." he said as he followed her through the crowd. They approached the back of the classroom, and promptly left the room before the bastards lecture began. Edgar really hated that guy, primarily because of how much of an arse he was. His magic wasn't even that strong compared to others, like Rollanda or the Director, or even Edgar himself.

"Looks like we're out of that mess at least. I'll just take a quick look at your eye if you don't mind. It will take the concern off my heart at least just to know nothing is wrong. Please sit on your knees so I can get a better look."

"H-Huh, what?" he said slightly confused, but in a sort of "Did you actually mean that?" kind of way. His eye really wasn't that bad, it was just... Really hurting. Like, really sore now. For some reason it had just kept getting worse and worse every second he was around Reina, which was something that had never happened before. Come on, snap the hell out of it. Who do you actually think she is, anyway? bf7ywet732fw never acted like this before, so its something to do with either the situation... Or her he thought, looking at her with observant eyes. Was it the whole "never talked to a girl" thing that was throwing him off, but if so, why was it hurting his eye? In fact, why was it hurting at all?!

"U-Uh, I guess..." he said, crouching down so he was sat on his knees, "Tell me if you see anything off..."

When Reina mentioned his eyes acting weird he immediately started rubbing it. Reina tilted her head confusingly looking at him. Didn't he want Reina to mentioned it? Or was it something else. Reina tried stopping him from doing that or else he would only make it worse. But when his hand was already in his eyes she simply let him go do his own thing. Edgar said his eye was okay but she didn't believe him. He must have been one of those people that ignored their small pains but no one would be getting past Reina with that. They moved towards the back of the classroom and left before a new teacher gave a lecture to the children. She was happy she wasn't in there any longer. The magic that was being cast around her was close enough already. She wouldn't want to be electrocuted on her first day already.

When Reina mentioned him to sit on his knees he looked kind of surprised by the fact she really wanted to look in his eye. Well of course she was dead serious about it, she wanted to help him feel better. It might have been a bit awkward for a girl you just first met to get a better look in your eyes but Reina did not care in any way. Edgar got onto his knees and Reina immediately stepped a bit closer to him. Reina started to look a bit more serious when she was in front of his face.

"Pardon my intrusion"

Reina gently placed her thumbs on his eyelids and forced them open just a little. She inspected the eye well while she still could but she didn't see anything off or anything. It was just a little red that was all, no dust and nothing else either. She did not understand a single thing to why it hurted so much.

"Quantus-san? I can't find anything in your eye. Are you sure it's not an allergy or something."

Reina trembled a little from standing too long on her toes but still continued on. She herself didn't notice her balance was getting a little off. She accidently bumped into Edgar but didn't act like anything happened and let herself drop down on her whole feet again letting go off his eye in the progress.

"Sorry but I can't seem to find the problem, you should go to a doctor or something when you have some free time."

From a disappointed expression out of knowledge that her own ability wasn't enough she immediately cheered up and gave him a kind smile.

Now that he was on his knees, he suddenly felt... Nervous? Yeah, he felt nervous. Very nervous at the fact some random japanese girl was about to stare into his eye. She stepped forward, and all of a sudden looked very serious, like she was generally concerned. Which baffled Edgar completely. She pried open his eye lids and looked straight into his eye, apparently still on her toes. He could feel his cheeks getting warmer by the second, but tried to force the feeling back down. Though, the one thing he couldn't ignore was that the pain in his eye was increasing at a very alarming rate. Then she lost balance and bumped into him, and that was that. His eye burnt, like someone had stabbed it or something.

"Quantus-san? I can't find anything in your eye. Are you sure it's not an allergy or something."

He looked up at her, now that she had stepped away, and cluched his eye, his face slightly turned into that of pain. Whatever the hell was happening, it wasn't good. Maybe he had been cursed or something like that teacher. That had to be it, because hy2fgebytev87 never acted like it was now. It was like someone was slowly pushing a needle or something similar slowly into his eye, and being nearer to Reina only made it that much worse. Closing the eye didn't seem to do much, and anything else he tried didn't work either. Maybe it was worth visiting Rollanda at some point for her imput.

"I-Its really not an allergy... I dunno whats wrong with it..." he said, coping with the pain as best he could. He stood from the ground, but as he did he wobbled and fell against a wall, quickly steadying himself so he didn't look... What, weak? He already looked it, even though he felt fine save his eye.

Shut it. What the hell is wrong with you today? You know what, you're an idiot. This is because, deep down, you expect something, right? Well let it go, dumbass, cause acting like you are aint going to solve anything

Moping around thanks to a bit of pain, no matter how excruciating, wasn't going to do him any good.

"Listen, I-I think I'm gonna go see Rollanda... I d-don't know whats wrong, so seeing a m-medic is probably for the best..." he said, pushing himself from the wall and steadying himself. "Y-You don't have to come if you don't want to. I'll p-probably be fine on my own." he stood, and took his hand away from his eye. It still hurt like a bitch, but he was sort of getting used to its increase in pain at a steadying interval. As long as Reina didn't get too close it was fine, apparently.

When Reina stepped back from him he even seemed to be more pained by his eye. What was happening to him. This didn't look like 'something is stuck in my eye' thing anymore. Reina her face shot up in concern. She wanted to help him get rid of his pain but she knew that nothing she could do would fix it. Maybe it was a bug or a bacteria that had gotten behind his eye. Now that would be really bad, she didn't even wanna think about what would happen if they weren't quick about it.

He didn't have any allergies either. Most people who would be allergic to something their eyes would turn up a little red from the contact of animals or the likes. The same thing with dangerous chemicals, they could hurt your eyes really bad. But she knew it was none of that. Edgar tried standing but didn't seem to be able too by the massive amount of pain he experienced. Reina immediately shot towards him when he was lying helplessly on the ground.

"Aaaahhh... Umm, sorry I should have caught you before you fell. Are you alright? Take it slow please..."

Reina looked in concern at him and tried helping him up as much as she could feeling somewhat guilty that she couldn't stop him from falling. It was her fault after all that she made him sit on his knees. He was already up before you knew it. She gazed up at him and soon stood up herself. He said he would be going to Rollanda for his eye now but he wasn't completely planning to take Reina with him. Her face became a little irritated. By the fact he wanted to face this problem alone without the help of her.

"I'll be coming too. If something happens I would be the one feeling guilty. So I won't leave your side Quantus-san!"

Reina sweetly smiled at Edgar with her head a little tilted and placed both hands joined together in front of her lap again.

"So please be so kind to lead the way Quantus-san"

Reina seemed very concerned when Edgar stumbled. It was as if she genuinely cared, which was a bit odd to him. When she came over the help, though, his eye flared up a bit, causing him to instinctively push her hands away slightly. When he stood up properly, he realised what he had done and his cheeks went red again.

"S-Sorry about that... I... I think my eye hurts when people g-get too close. I d-dont know why, though..." he said, looking sorry for the way he pushed her. Then she acted as if it were her fault that he had a little trouble standing, and he went to immediately rectify her.

"N-No, it isn't your fault. R-Really, its just my eye. I'm alright, if a bit... U-Unsteady." and he was still stuttering every so often. She was still concerned, and it actually made Edgar a little disheartened at the fact she was looking upset at his pain. No one had actually paid much mind to him, being a noble - sort of - people just left him to his devices, mostly on his parents orders. Ever since his 12th birthday his magic had been a little hit and miss. Sometimes it was quite powerful, and others it was weak. He trained constantly, and was sent to Liseranna. Not for his magic capability, but nf87bfewby.

"I'll be coming too. If something happens I would be the one feeling guilty. So I won't leave your side Quantus-san!"

Wait, what? That almost flew over his head, but then it hit him. She really was feeling guilty after all, even though she must have known it wasn't her fault. And it was still going to take some time for him to get used to being called "Quantus-san". All of a sudden, though, Reina brightened up and started looking cute again.

"So please be so kind to lead the way Quantus-san"

"U-Uh, yeah, sure." he said, turning around and walking towards the infirmary with Reina in tow.

A short walk later, Reina and Edgar arrived at the infirmary. There, two others were around, one looking like a familiar. Approaching, he went to ask the closest person who looked as it if they were meant to be here.

"Hey, do you know if Rollanda is here? I need to have a word with her." he said, and the person went away to look. Then he turned towards Reina.

"If she is here, you'll h-have to wait out here. I-I need a private word with her... S-Sorry."


When Reina tried to help Edgar up from his fall her hand was pushed away. It didn't look like it hurted much or that it was done with a lot of force but Reina did not really expect something like this to happen. By the sudden push she was thrown of balance and accidentally fell backwards onto her butt. It did not hurt or anything but she was a bit flabbergasted by the sudden push. Reina blinked a few times while looking at Edgar and grabbed hold of her hand that was pushed away by her other hand. Reina slowly got herself back on her feet but didn't look hurt in the least. She didn't even say anything about what just happened but rather smiled like her usual self as if totally nothing happened. Reina slowly shook her head with her head tilted a little downwards.

"No no, don't worry. I was just a little surprised by it. I didn't realise you had pain because of others, Sorry I should have been more carefull."

Reina made a small bow out of apology and returned to her usual self again. When everything seemed partly resolved again Edgar turned around and started to lead the way towards the infirmary. She happily tagged along paying attention to anything off at the back of him. She didn't dare to come close anymore or else something like just happened would happen again.

When they arrived Edgar asked for a specific person that Reina didn't really know that well. She had heard the name of the person at the second announcement of the headmaster and possibly in between speaker announcements on the background. Edgar gave her a short briefing on what would happen in a few moments. Reina gave a confirming nod at him and placed her hands in front of her lap again while making another small bow.

"That's fine, I just wanted to make sure you didn't pass out or anything on your own. I hope your eye will get well soon and it was a pleasure to meet you Quantus-san."

Reina stopped with bowing and gave a small little wave at Edgar till she was about 3 meters away from him so she could get back to her own business.

Synth Kane

The woman sighed, looking rather unamused at his comment. Did she not think of herself as beautiful? That was not something that could go unnoticed, at least not in Synth's eyes.

"Do not mistake my words. I say this in the hopes that we will get along, and to do with these students what I came here to do. Educate them and teach them not only what it means to be a mage, but also how to have respect for their elders."

As she said that, all Synth could hear was a load of shit. Everything she sad was directly avoiding his questions and comments about the Eye, but that meant what? Was she hiding the real identity of the Heir, or did she know something that no one else did? Maybe the Director was deflecting the suspicion of the Eye away from her and onto the pupils... But, that couldn't have been the case. She was too collected to be the heir; too steadfast. Someone like her couldn't possibly have had the Eye, right? But if not, then what was it that made her so... Passively protective over it?

He pondered this for a short while after she said it, but was then interrupted by a sight and a sound. In an instant, she had drawn her blade and cut off a few hairs from his head, but he didn't move. If fact, he didn't even flinch. When Synth reached up and touched his head, he could feel some of them missing. She was fast; very fast. Faster than humanly possible. Could she have actually had the Eye? But then if so, was her magic Speed magic? Probably Naturalis of Neutral is that was the case, because that speed should have been unobtainable by anyone without something to enhance it, even with magic. But, why would the Director set up a man hunt for the teacher?

"I like her..." he said under his breath, walking behind her and out of the door. But, instead of following her like he felt he should, Synth instead walked the the opposite direction; away from her. She didn't have the Eye. It was obvious who did, though. The question was: are any of them smart enough to figure out who they are, even without the slightest clue?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Roy looked at the monster that was half in and out of the wall. The creature looked as confused as Roy did right now.The two looked at each other as if asking why this had happened. Roy looked back at the book and the incantation to summon the shadow-men. Usually one of them would pop out of a wall leaving only a strange looking stain on the wall. This shadow-man did not get the memo about popping out. It kept looking at Roy with a look of 'Get me out of this wall.' The spell was important since it allowed his minions to come forth. The other shadow-man with Roy looked at it's trapped friend trying to help.

Roy sighed and waved his hand to let the being go free. It vanished with a happy look or as happy as the thing could look. Roy sighed and walked off with the other being following him like a giant evil looking puppy. Roy looked up at the sky and saw the Mothman or Adrian flying around the school. Roy pulled a sweater out of his bag and walked up towards the being. He held the sweater up as if he was offering to some ancient god an offering.

"I figured you were hungry, Adrian." He said holding up the sweater for him to eat. It was an old ugly sweater that Roy had never had the heart to burn. So he figured that feeding it to someone who would like to eat it. Roy looked interested in him more than he was frightened. Roy was used to even more scary things that Adrian. "I promise that I don't have any Raid on me." He added as a joke. He figured he did not need to be serious right now.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Alistair shook his head at the response from the Phoenix as she walked down and uttered a sorry. He couldn't help but smile at the girl, remembering fondly the day she had come to academy. The Phoenix was the subject of his study, that was true...phoenix’s had mostly been long lost to and he endeavored to change that...to write down all he could observe about the girl. But he couldn't help but feel close to her.

Hey….hey” he said softly, the affection he had for her way to obvious in his voice. He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face up “ what are you sorry for?

The red haired girl felt her chin being lifted by her mentor, but the eyes remained downcast. Unlike with her roommate however, she didn't pull away. "My focus was more on receiving tribute than learning..." Of course, the thought hadn't been leave class, but instead to make sure Lyssa wasn't swallowed up in the chaos after the director's announcement. Surely Alistar remembered how his student had tried to leave?

The phoenix continued, now meeting his eyes with her own. "...which is unfair to you. Everything I know about myself and my powers was taught by either you or Sir Wick."

You were protecting your new friends huh?” his finger moved from under her chin and he placed it atop her head, ruffling the firebirds hair “ that's not why I wanted to talk to you, nor is it about what occured to Wick...it's more about your friends” he said, his eyes flicking to the demon and to the roof where the other friend perched “more worshippers huh?” he smiled “did Wick speak to you this morning?!

The fire haired girl closed her eyes from the sudden change in pressure, the face giving off a playful expression of irritation. While she trusted Sir Alistar with her life, she sincerely hoped Lyssa wasn't watching and lowered her voice enough that the hellion couldn't hear. "Friends?" How could a Goddess be friends with a mere mortals? Luckily, Alistar adjusted his statement quickly "Yes, Worshippers. The Succubus is interested in..." The bird quieted herself before she started describing the conversation between herself and Lyssa, but a slight blush ran across her cheeks.

The phoenix's mind drifted back to where Lyssa had grabbed her roommate from behind. "Sir Wick stopped by this morning to say hello." On the subject of Mr. Wick though, worry ran across the Phoenix's face. The goddess remembered the blaze she felt inside Sir Wick when everything went wrong. "That wasn't an accident earlier. Do you know what happened Mr. Alistar?"

The fire goddess didn't realize that Alucard was still there silently peering at them.

Alistair moved his hand at the look of playful irritation that flashed across the red heads face. It was the same look that came up when ever he would attempt to pry into personal details, such as if her size changed with each reincarnation. He had earned a well deserved slap across the cheek with that one. But the blush that crawled over her cheeks told him enough about that little fact. She continued speaking about the demon and He allowed another small laugh at the blush that creeped across her cheeks at a trailed off sentence.

and here I was thinking your charming Teacher was your first decision on that front” his smile curled into his usual sarcastic half smile “I think it was A though...Wick will be fine” he continued,addressing her question “ so the usual time tonight? ” he asked, referring to their little sessions of him asking a million questions and getting next to no answers.

Iravis starting running her hands through her hair, fixing the damage as they continued to converse. "Of course you are my first pick Mr. Alistar!" The red haired girl thought her teacher was referring to their previous conversation about friends. The fact that the Prodigy had said something suggestive went completely over the Goddesses head.

"The Director damages his own vassals?" That bothered the Goddess on a personal level. Why hurt those who support you?

When asked about their usualy nightly session, this time Iravis didn't know the exact answer. She gestured over her shoulder at Lyssa. "If the demon doesn't teach me too much in 'Choclate & Sweets 101' I should be ready for it!" The flame haired girl curtsied slightly at him as a form of mild apology.

At the bob of her small apologetic curtsy, Alistair nodded and gestured back to her demon friend. A gesture that held with it a direct stare at the demon. An almost warning towards the demon. He did care for the naive little phoenix that stood before him. That much was far too true for Alistair to be comfortable with. But he still felt like he had some way to protect the literal embodiment of natures fire. But that might be some grandiose idea in his head. He wasn't too sure. The runed teacher returned to his desk, grabbing Wicks spear and hat and turned on his heel. He headed out back towards where he had began his day. Back to the library.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Alucard frowned, yet it had a questioning look to it. The teacher knew he was there yet didn't reveal his position. It would be easy to ruin any standing he had with the girl, yet he refrained. Heck, even pointing Alucard out probably would've been enough to drive the girl into a rage. Yet he'd also been warned off. And people called him strange. Finally they left and, as Alucard had known, the teacher took the spear and ugly hat with him. Ah well, it'd been worth a shot. Alucard dropped to the floor, dusting himself off, and walked out the door, heading to around to explore the island some more. He had little need for sleep, and he needed to arrange his tribute for tomorrow. This place was more curious then he'd thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
Avatar of Zelosse

Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Adrians voice (Use your imagination)

Adrian crouched defensively and backed away from Roy, generally the plan with people talking to him was gain space and wait to see what they wanted. The man ahead of him was a summoner with a mean looking shadow creature but in the mans hand was.. Adrian took an involuntary step towards the tantalizing wool snack hovering just a few feet away, his mouth watered in the shade of his hood as the intense red glow of his eyes shone out unhindered. Though not physically strong, Adrian was still one of the quicker students and displayed that uncanny ability with a bolting sprint forward to grab the sweater before going full reverse and leaping back to slide on the tiles to a stop as both of his patterned wings spread out fully to stop him sliding.
The mothman laughed as a splash of his acidic saliva, harmless to people but a strong corrosive to most silk or wool garments, landed on the coat with the slightest hiss. Adrian brought the sweater to his mouth and tore a solid chunk with a loud ripping noise, hastily gobbling the treat. The rejuvenating power of a good meal brought the moth man to his knees hugging the sweater over his hunched body as he shuddered involuntarily. "Thank you for the meal.." Adrian regained composure and placed the garment beneath his robes for later, private, consumption. Standing up to his full height he brought his wings back under the robes with smooth practiced efficiency. The hood was tucked lower to prevent eye contact, though he doubted it would effect Roy it was still a chance his gaze could cause paralysis regardless of preparation against it.
"Now," Both arms crossed over his chest as the mothman came to crouch on the tile, sated and willing to listen, fully intent upon the provider of such a delicacy. "What can I do for you, friend?" His tone was friendly but the posture was unquestionably cautious. Such was Adrians nature.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Iravis turned around after Alistar left, walking briskly back towards Lyssa. "You are very patient. Are you ready to depart?" The Phoenix was more excited about these sweets than she cared to admit to. She wasn't sure if Lyssa overheard any of the conversation between herself and the teacher, but Iravis had been careful to keep the discussion at a reasonable volume.

As Iravis spoke to the teacher, she kept herself busy by taking a look around the classroom. As odd as it might sound, the demon found wondering what the chemical and elemental components of an item could possibly be. She often was subconsciously doing it without even realizing it. It was good, that she could do such things subconsciously and without a thought. Bad that if she accidentally used her magic on something, she might end up doing a bit more than she realized.

She really needed to focus on not letting her mind wander so much when she was bored.

Thankfully, it didn't seem to take Iravis very long.

"Hehe, well I'm not just gonna run off and leave you." She smiled, waving back at the teacher, Alistar either oblivious to the warning or just not caring. "That'd be mean! Anyways, let's go! The mall can't be too hard to find." She quickly got out of her seat...and then promptly grabbed Iraivs' hand, pulling the other girl out of the room.

"Chocolate ice cream cake, here we come!~"

The hellion enthusiastically hopped out of the chair and started dragging her roommate along immediately. Remembering the previous conversation, the Fire Bird couldn't help but wonder if the hand holding was part of Lyssa's affection or if it was purely practical. The red hair girls cheeks started to turn pink as she was dragged out of the room.

"I can travel unaided you know!" Hopefully the demon would catch the hint, but the Phoenix had little faith remaining in her roomate. She is offering me tribute though... A goddess does reward her followers... Perhaps after dinner she could talk to her roommate about it. The Phoenix wasn't keen on being used as a pillow.

The roomates quickly found the mall after a little shopping around. The building was simply absurdly large, and contained almost every good and service in the modern world. Iravis found herself scouting all the stores, containing so many items the Goddess had never experienced before. "Are malls always this expansive?"

Lyssa seemed to either not hear or care for Iraivis' complaints about being able to find the mall herself. She practically dragged the goddess around as they left the school. Thankfully for her, after they left the building Lyssa let go, leading the way towards the city and staying at least constantly ten steps in front of Iraivs. As they searched for the Mall, Lyssa contented herself to constantly look at everything she could possibly see. She took a special interest in buying a new handheld game console from a store that was offering a sale.

Specifically, a Vita and a 3DS. Something she could possibly get away with playing in class, obviously. Unfortunately, she didn't have the money for that on her at the moment, and she didn't want to keep Iraivis waiting.

And soon enough, they found the mall. Wasn't hard to miss at all. It seemed like Iravis was content in taking the lead now, and quickly began scouring the stores. Lyssa simply giggled quietly to herself and let Iravis look around. They'd get to the sweets eventually. She could already smell them anyways - third floor. Smelled like a bakery. She really did hope they had an ice-cream cake or something similar here.

"Yep, though I've only ever been to one once." She replied. "Living in the middle of nowhere for most of your life means you don't really get to go to many big cities. Also means if you accidentally do something, you kinda get labeled as a troublemaker, hehe. Why? Never been to one either?"

The Goddess shook her head at Lyssa's question, her eyes on some scented candles. She had heard rumors that open flames weren't allowed in the dorms, but if that was true then the Phoenix wouldn't be allowed in there either. But even if she was set on breaking the rules, the Goddess lacked money. She'd have to ask the director about it later. The fire haired girl returned the candles to the shelf, a slight frown on her face.

"So where are these 'sweets' that you speak of?"

Ultimately, the pair headed up to the store and Iravis found herself looking at the menu. The smell was overwhelmingly satisfying. The Goddesses stomach let out a small purr in anticipation as the Phoenix knew the time to feast was fast approaching.

"So what are you offering me today?" The Goddess looked at her roommate with a smile in anticipation.

"OOh, so this a like a first for both of us! Well, my second. So that makes me more experienced!~" She grinned in response to her shaking her head. It was oddly fun, being the more experienced one in something for once, even if it probably wasn't that big of a deal. In any case, the two quickly departed the scented candles. The one Lyssa sniffed smelled more like a pie someone left sitting out too long instead of the delicious pumpkin scent she was promised, so she was grateful to leave quickly and get right to the sweets.

Lyssa looked right up at the menu as the pair arrived. Iraivs was asking what she was offering, but honestly she was having a difficult time deciding.

"Gah, it all sounds so delicious!" She sighed. "Ah, and the smell too! I think I might decide to live here." The demon looked like she might just be a bit too excited about this. "But uhm, right....Ah...I'd say all of it, but I don't have that kind of money~" She giggled, idly twirling her tail in her hand. "But...hmmm..." She looked back up at the menu, then back at Iravis. Then back to the menu. Then back to Iravis. This continued for several times, until a switch finally seemed to flip for the demon.

"Ooh, you're gonna love this, I know it!~" She hurried over to the counter, not giving Iraivs a say in the matter. "I'll take one of those small strawberry cakes. And uhm...you guys have ice cream? Oh, goody. Vanilla icecream drowned in chocolate syrup and with chocolate chips in it."

With that done, she found a seat next to a window, and waved Iraivs to come sit.

The Phoenix placed herself in the chair across from Lyssa, curious about what the combination of sweets would taste like. The Goddesses curiosity was short lived however, as the cake was placed between the girls with a set of silverware for each.

To Iravis, it was comparable to a small volcano. A wide forest of red on the bottom, a change to white stone towards the top, and black magma running down the sides with some small obsidian chunks dotting the landscape. The phoenix held a strand of her hair next to the strawberry cake for comparison. The Phoenix formed her lips into a small grin. "So you resolve indecision with the color coding method?"

Such an elementary method would surely have lackluster results. Feeling adventurous, hungry, and not wanting to reject her follower's loyal offering though, Iravis tested a spoonful containing all three elements.

Eyes lit up, fire appearing behind whites of the Phoenix's eyes. The mouth closed, Iravis savoring every moment. The spoon already prepared to take another scoop.

A dessert dish second only to ambrosia, nectar of the Gods. In this modern world the Goddess wasn't sure if anything could compare to what she just tasted. Sweet fruity flavors, the powerful taste of chocolate, and a form of frozen milk that just invited the tongue to consume more. Three textures so different from one another and yet cooperating on a fundamental level.

Before Lyssa could comment, the Pheonix had already placed two more scoops in her mouth. She soon discovered her newest rival: an artic wind that chilled the mind. Iravis placed the spoon back into the Choclate volcano, grasping her head with a single hand. "It attacks me!" She summoned fire in the other, wary of her newest enemy.

"N-no!" Lyssa replied, a look of shock and surprised on her face. No matter how true it may have been, she'd never admit to using such a primitive method. She folded her arms, feeling somewhat annoyed that Iravis accused her of it. "Like I'd ever stoop to such a low method." However, it was unlikely Iravis had heard her. When she looked back over to her friend, she was quickly devouring the treat with the reckless abandon of a wild beast.

"H-hey! Slow down you're gonna get a brain freeze!" No sooner did the words leave her mouth, it indeed happened. Well, aside from how cute she was being in such distress...she should probably help, though there wasn't much she could do. Aside from giggle at the other girl. "Silly, you ate it too fast." She replied with a somewhat-sly seeming smile. "It's called a brain freeze. You eat ice cream too fast, it happens. Don't tell me you don't even know that." She giggled, half jokingly. She didn't mention how all of it hadn't been for Iravis. She had gotten the cake for her, and the ice cream for herself. She was intending on sharing anyways, so she hoped Iravis wasn't going to mind her getting some.

"So so, how'd you like it?" She asking, reaching over with a fork and taking some of the cake and stuffing it in her mouth. Yep, delicious.

The Phoenix extinguished her flame as Lyssa explained how to avoid the mind chill and teased Iravis. The fire haired woman decided from that day forth that her new rival would be the brain freeze. A goddess was able to conquer anything, and a fire goddess could surely defeat the power of ice.

"I think Prometheus has given more gifts to the world recently, and didn't tell his fellow gods about it." The Phoenix tried to avoid sounding too enthusiastic about the offering, but the childlike wonder on her face was all too obvious. This time the Phoenix proceeded at a more cautious pace, savoring the flavor but avoiding the brain freeze. Today, the freeze would win. But someday, Iravis would be able to eat the ice cream without his cruel interruptions.

Soon enough, the pair had devoured the small cake, and there were no further signs of the brain freeze during their conquest. Iravis finished licking her spoon, then smiled at Lyssa. "Night is approaching and Sir Alistar will want to talk to me. We should probably start to head back towards campus. And there's been no sign of our other roommate."

With the two of them, it didn't take them long to finish devouring the sweets laid out in front of them. Honestly, it was pretty fun to hang out with Iravis like this. She had no idea who Prometheus was or whatever, but well, she sounded like she enjoyed it too. Which was a win in her book. She was a little disappointed she wanted to head back so soon after they finished, however. She wanted to stay well into the night, but...well, she had of yet to meet their other roommate as well, and that could be fun.

"Ah, alright." She sighed, swallowing the last piece of the cake. "Ah, one thing I wanna get."

She walked over to the counter again, ordering a large milkshake, with whipped cream and a cherry on it. To go, of course, and within a few minutes it was done and she was ready to go just as much as Iravis was.

"Alright, we can go this'll last me for...another hour." She giggled, taking a rather long drink from the drink as she walked just a bit in front of the other girl. "Hey, we should do this again sometime. Maybe with our roommate if they show up!"

"I would enjoy venturing out again with you as my companion." If the demon was willing to feed her, then hell, Iravis would spend time with the annoying girl if she had to. Internally though, the Phoenix knew she had a good time.

They headed back in silence for the most part and Iravis let Lyssa go when she returned. The Phoenix had a quick visit with Sir Alistar, which went as expected. Alistar asked Iravis questions she didn't know the answers to and they generally ended up discussing some other subjects as well.

Done Reading? Go here in the OOC
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roy had not expected the other man or whatever he was to react like that. Roy had wanted to help him and he acted like he had given him the best meal of his life. Roy was happy to know that he had helped the other person. Jack pulled out his sunglasses so he would not be as affected by the glare. He had heard rumors of Adrian's glare. He had no idea if it would work but he liked looking stylish.

"A guy can't give a Mothman a tasty sweater?" He asked with a smile on his face. "I figured you could use something to eat and I wanted to get rid of my horrible sweater collection. Everybody wins." He said looking at the robe so that he would not look at his eyes. Roy smiled before he continued. "I figured that I should learn more about my roommate! You are never in the room and I want to learn more about you. So uhh what is your favorite kind of sweater?" Roy asked clearly not good at small talk but trying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Timeskip Post!

Nighttime. The exact time? Around midnight. I am gonna be as vague as I want

Today was an oddly eventful day for more than one student in Liseranna.

With heavy steps, most of them dragged themselves back to their dormitories. Others decided to take a quick night stroll now that they thought that the all-seeing eyes of the Director were finally off of them.

In the dorms, some people were unable to sleep, and others were sleeping like logs.

It was a quiet night, surely, but quiet is not always synonimous of safe.

10 shadowy figures looked at the dorms from a building across from them. Their sole presence was eerie, but the fact that 8 of them were wearing masks made them look even more intimidating.

"....Is everyone ready." It was not a question. The man basically demanded them to BE ready.

He was the one with the mask with two pointy horns sprouting from his cheeks and outwards. Though most of his face was covered in the black leather and plastic of the mask, his wild white hair was still visible.

The other masked figures simply nodded in unison.

"Good. After this, there is no going back. Either you kill them... or they kill you. Rollanda will take care of everything else after that, so fear not, friends."

"I will be around the courtyards, see if there is anyone else still out there. I'm taking them out." The girl with the eyepatch said.

"I'll check inside the school, then." The smallest girl left her mask on her head. It was too small to fit her face anyway.

Besides, these two had confidence that their own Erasals would be a success. There was no need to conceal their faces.

"Then, on my mark..."

All of them bent down, preparing to jump off the roof of the building they were currently at.

Green magical circles appeared below all of them.

"Sequence... START!" The leader shouted, before all of them jumped off the roof and towards their respective objectives.

"Depression 101"
Emi's@sakurasan, Charlotte's and Livia's@Rune_Alchemist Dorm

The man with the skull mask broke right through the window of the room, and landed right in the middle of the room.

"WAKE UP GIRLS! MISTER SKRULL'S COME TO PLAY WITH YA!" The man shouted, before both of his glove-clad hands started accumulating a dark energy.

Things started being pulled towards that ball of energy, making a mess out of the room.


"The Closet"
Iravis'@RabidAnubis, Shikio's@Iatos and Lyssa's@Rune_Alchemist dorm

The man with the metal mask simply walked into the room, opening the door as if it hadn't been locked to begin with.

"Wake up." His voice, husky but loud, was meant to wake everyone up. "I've come to erase you. However, fighting against women is already hurting my pride. Felling you as you sleep would simply be humilliating, for the both of us."

He extended his hand to the side and, on his chest, something beneath his dark clothes started glowing in a yellow color.

"Behold, Tyrfing!" In his hand, a sword made out of pure steel formed. An Alchimia mage.

"Sexy Arrengement"
Lin & Vera@Jay Kalton

The one with the most malleable mask, of black and white colors, payed a visit to Lin's and Vera's dorm, his objective the same as those before him.

However, he stayed outside the dorm, floating right outside their window, the image of an angel shining into the room.

"Better be swift with this... Please, don't think this is personal. It is only business."

The man whispered, before all of his feathers stood on end.

They started shooting, and piercing, through the walls, razor sharp and jamming themselves into the floor and the beds.

It would take rather swift action to be able to dodge all of the feathers, which, if one were to look closely, were jet-black.

"Pervert's Inc"
Gall's & Alucard's@Eklispe dorm

The one with the mask that only had a mouth on it decided to be a bit more extreme with his own erasal.

There was a knock on the window, and an extremely creepy, "Wakey wakey... or you won't ever again."

And at that same moment, the whole room was consumed whole and Alucard and Gall would find themselves in a rather extense desert, where they would come face to face with the masked man.

"Now... shall we? I will show you that a mage shouldn't only rely on their magic prowess." He then chuckled and took an stance with his right hand forward and his open left hand by his hip.

"Creepy Crawlies"
Adrian's@Zelosse and Roy's@Avanhelsing dorm

The clown masked mage appeared in Adrian's and Roy's room.

"Why don't we start this party, everyone....?!"

He took out a single wand, and started moving it in the air. Suddenly, in the ears of the inhabitants present would start sounding the music of a circus.

Next, they would start seeing the sceneary of a circus. Lions, clowns, the occasional freak, elephants, even a midget or two.

"This carnival is about to start!"

And then, their bodies would start moving on their own, and the clown started laughing.

Of course, if there was no one there... well, the man would certainly feel dumb, but would continue his carnival until someone came around.

"The Diplomats"
Richard's@Natsu and Edgar's@Vocab dorm

The man with the creepiest mask, the one with the beak, just suddenly poofed into Edgar's and Richard's room.

He was completely silent, but perhaps that's because his actions would speak louder than anything he could say.

He extended both hands to his sides and a green magical circle appeared below him. If any of the two were to focus their eyes on him, they would see he was vibrating slightly.

They would also see that he was holding a pair of silver clad guns.

"Noisy and Proud"
Runik's@Zombehs and Logarius' room

Lastly, the one that seemed to be the boss infiltrated the room of Runik, though he only found that same man in there.

It would make him an easier pray that way, anyway.

He prepared two pieces of paper that started glowing.

"Sorry, but I am the boss of these guys... meaning I am also the most powerful. I will be disposing of you, Runik."

He then threw both pieces of paper to the ground, and a pair of black magic circles appeared around them, before two imposing figures with horns came out.

They growled a bit, before they both threw themselves at Runik.

They were corporeal, yes, but once Runik tried to hit them, his hands would be swallowed by the two demons he had summoned.

Meanwhile, Juliann found herself sharing a room with Synth, the man that she had had an spat with before.

However, call it her sixth sense or her spider sense, but she sensed the impeding danger... the impeding danger that was about to befall on the Eye of Baphel.

She hurried out of her room, wearing only a camisole and a pair of panties, and her sword tightly strapped to her hip.

"Those fools! They do not know what they are about to do... if they succeed in erasing them, then it will all be for naught!"

The woman hurried for the students dorms.

The Courtyard
Logarius is roaming about this late?!@Cinderella Man

The woman with an eyepatch approached Logarius, and then pointed a single finger at him.

"You are Logarius aren't you?"

Regardless of the answer, the girl would follow up, "Well, prepare to be erased. I will shuffle your insides like this deck of cards."

She produced a deck of cards from seemingly nowhere and started shuffling them in her hands, and then turned around and the edges of the cards became red.

After that, she extended her arm and started throwing the cards at Logarius.

The cards were now extremely sharp, able to cut cleanly even through bones. Something Logarius would learn first hand if he did not dodge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Alucard looked up from his notes at the sound of knocking. At this hour? Perhaps someone after his own heart? "Tapping, rapping at my chamber door?" Alucard murmured in a questioning as he got to his feet to answer the knocking, wondering where the phrase had come from, he didn't remember it from anywhere, yet was positive he hadn't come up with it. His rising was summarily met with the incredibly sudden appearance of a desert and a newcomer. Alucard examined the man in the strange mask with interest. "Praestigiae magic perhaps? Probably not Aclehmia." Alucard looked down at his paper again, "Hm, could be Naturalis or Neutra as well. Well I guess it doesn't really matter, hand-to-hand to kick things off eh?" Alucard tucked the small yellow note into his pants pocket and he faced the man in the mask once again. He took a stance similar to the man's own, only Alucard's left hand was forward and his right hand was formally tucked behind his back, as though he was about to execute a bow. His red eyes glinted with anticipation, though he held his ground, seemingly waiting for his opponent to make the first move. His first duel with another magic user. He'd been in plenty of fights before, both before and after his realization of his powers, but mostly brawls. It would be interesting to see how this played out. "Guests first."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Runik Brandt vs. Boss Masked

Considering everything that had happened earlier, the rest of the day was practically a bore. A few classes after lunch with Eli where he had paid just enough attention to realize he didn’t really need to pay any, and then Runik had been free to do as he pleased. There wasn’t much to do on the first day either sadly. The training grounds and arenas were practically empty, missions had yet to be posted, and people were getting settled in. He caught up with a few friends and acquaintances here and there and went to town for dinner with a few of them. Pleasant and enjoyable, but not very exciting…

As a result he had retired to his room shortly after sunset and got his things in order for the next day. He hadn’t seen much of Logarius aside from the morning, and it was getting late enough that he was curious as to where his roommate was. Eyes flicked towards the clock on his nightstand and he set his phone down for the moment as he swung his legs off the bed. While a bit concerned, Runik was also confident that it wasn’t anything worth losing sleep over. He had just stood when the door opened with a slight noise. “He-” The words died on his lips when he saw the individual in the doorway, clearly not his roommate.

There was probably something to be said about how easily he slipped into a kill or be killed mindset, but for another time. His tattoos didn't just glow but flared to life, red light filling the room and pulsing out of the windows. While the masked man wasted his breath, Runik mustered his mana, converted it into magic, and replied with fire and ice.

The summoned creatures didn’t get to do much more than growl before their half of the room spontaneously combusted into a raging inferno. At the same time the intruder and his summoned creatures were surrounded by a prison of ice. A wall of ice cut them off from Runik while hoarfrost covered every surface around them. The flames flickered and licked at the smooth surface, light dancing within the ice, but it didn’t melt in the slightest. On the contrary, the ice seemed to thicken in response to the fire's insatiable appetite.

Well, the masked man certainly did not hope that erasing Runik would be easy, he was there personally because he was certain the others couldn't handle it, after all.

"Hmph. Fine. I was planning on letting you off easily with the small fries, but if you are asking so harshly for it."

The man produced more pieces of paper from one of his sleeves.

"Answer thy covenant. Kappa!" A stream of water started shooting from that single piece of paper.

It was going at a really high speed, and it easily cut through the ice. It also did its job of appeasing the flames surrounding him, if nothing more.

After the paper was way too wet to be of any use anymore, the masked man discarded it and then lifted his hand with 5 papers on it.

"Heed my call, Tengu, Kyubi, Nura, Gashadokuro, Oni!"

The papers shined and in the next instant, his summoned creatures started appearing.

Naturally he hadn't stayed in the same position, and Runik's eyes narrowed in annoyance as the water stream cut a clean line through the ice and then his room. His opponent clearly wasn't down for the count, and the small confined room was disadvantageous for him. Glass shattered as he slammed through the windows and abandoned the building. 'Think that's the fastest I've ruined a room,' he thought idly as he shielded his face from the shards and fragments.

Twisting around mid-air, the air around him seemed to twist and swirl before half a dozen spears of ice materialized. Fires flickered within each of the projectiles and he whipped his hands towards his room as gravity began to take hold. It didn't matter that he couldn't see his masked opponent. The projectiles slammed into the room with enough force to rock the building, and shattered to fill the room with bursts of shrapnel in the form of ice shards.

Shooting his hands backwards, gouts of flame bellowed out and washed over the ground to slow his descent. It still wasn't a soft landing by any means, but bruises were better than cracked or broken bones. As he climbed back to his feet, a groan and rumble came from above before he saw a cloud of ash and dust rush out from the building's side as his room collapsed on itself.

He was quick on the uptake. After all, he was correct.

Coming himself to erase him was the right decision.

The masked man could not finish all of his summons, but a fox spirit of 9 tails had covered him from Runik's sudden attack.

Its breathing was ragged and it seemed about to die.

"I did not expect this to go so easily that I wouldn't need to sacrifice one or two of you guys. Sorry, but your contract is released." He swept the air with his hand and the fox spirit disappeared with a poof.

Of course, he hadn't forgot of Runik. And he hoped he didn't forget either that the fox spirit was his 2nd summon.

A tengu rushed out of the room, spear on hand and rushed towards Runik, aiming to stab him right through his stomach.

'Well so much for boring...' Movement from within the cloud that lingered outside the ruined room caught his attention, and Runik quickly began to backpedal to open up some distance. His eyes widened when the tengu came into sight, but his lips curled into a grin at the sight of its weapon. There wasn't a hope to outrun the youkai, but he didn't need to now.

Here under the open sky with the creature holding such a convenient lightning rod? A bright tendril snaked from the heavens to its spear, faster than even the creature could move. No rumble of thunder accompanied the bolt for it wasn't true lightning that would have left the creature a smoldering corpse, but it was enough to numb and stun the tengu. A blast of razor sharp icicles flew from a hand, peppering and skewering it almost immediately, as a sphere of flame grew around his other hand.

The tengu was done for. Of course, the masked man knew that.

Soon enough, though, the man was standing right in front of Runik.

"Skilled in magic, yes. How are you with fists?" He said, but if Runik turned to see his hands, he'd see them both inside the pockets of his coat. "Not mine though."

From his flank, another youkai, the gashadokuro, aimed to hit the mage with its gigantic skeletal fist.

If the masked man wanted a reply from Runik, he would be rather disappointed. His eyes did widen slightly at how easily the distance had been closed, but the surprise didn't hinder his reaction. What did however was his instinct for self-preservation.

Catching the massive fist at the edge of his vision, he knew his feet would not be enough to carry him out of range. The sphere of flame at his side roiled intensely before it blossomed into a powerful explosion. The heat washed over him harmlessly, but he was still thrown sideaways. A hiss of pain escaped as he hit the ground and tumbled several times, shredding his clothes.

He had worse though; the pain and soreness only heightened his focus and the urge to fight and survive. He'd managed to deal with the first two, but this one was literally a massive skeleton that apparently did live up to its legend since it slipped in and out of his notice. Testing its invulnerability was not on the list tonight. Ice and fire shrouded his hands once more and when he brought them together steam bellowed forth, quickly concealing him from sight.

A smoke screen. He should be able to see just fine through this, then.

The masked man decided to not take any chances and instead sent into the steam another one of his summons, one better suited to fighting somewhere like that.

"Heed my call, Kappa!" He threw the paper forth and into the steam. He couldn't see what was going on inside, but the Gashadokuro would strike once the Kappa was done for. He was better used as a quick invocation technique just like before instead of physically summoning him.

By the time he separated his hands the steam was thick enough that he could feel the moisture on his eyes. Confident he was hidden from his attacker, he raised a hand and let the magic flow freely. The area he could manipulate spread quicky and he was about to act when another presence manifested nearby. Unbothered by the heavy blanket of fog for whatever reason, it seemed to hone in on him with uncanny accuracy.

With a snarl of annoyance, Runik shifted his attention to this newly summoned creature. The steam cleared away violently as the temperature plummeted sharply around the Kappa, frost forming on its body. It didn't take long for frost to build up into a tomb of ice, but he was forced to move as the rest of the fog quickly disippated.

The masked man quickly matched Runik's pace as he ran behind him.

He took another piece of paper and chanted again, "Answer thy covenant, Kamaitachi!"

He put the paper forward and a whirlwind came out of it, leaving the paper in tatters as if it had just been cut. Something that would happen to Runik too if he did not avoid the attack.

It didn't matter how quickly he backpedalled, but he was able to keep an eye on the attacker at the least. Where the hell were his other summons though. His eyes flicked side to side to try and catch a glimpse of any creatures before he was forced to focus.

Sliding to a halt, he dropped to a knee quickly and slammed his right hand into the cobblestone path. A shockwave of pure ice exploded forward in a cone, spikes of shimmering white bursting from the ground. The tips vanished, carved into dozens of pieces, but the thicker bases endured the flurry of cuts well enough to shield him.

His left hand slammed into the ground not a moment later and a nova of flame blossomed with him at the center. A blanket of fire rushed outwards, shattering the ice spikes and turning them into dozens of deadly shards instead. Runik stood easily enough afterwards and continued to back away, but the steam that rolled from his body showed the battle was taking its toll.

Just like Runik was exhausting himself, so was the masked man. His breathing was becoming ragged and his summons were half a second slower.

So many rapid summons and invocations were definitely bad for him. Probably, Runik should've also noticed that his magic was in fact Pythones, similar to an Onmyouji but summoning youkais.

The more powerful the youkai, the harder it was to keep it in this plane. He was already half out of mana, so the gashadokuro, oni and nurarihyon were retired, at least for this battle.

He would have to settle this quickly, or the Erasal would be a grand fail.

He readied his next paper, it was slightly bigger in size than the others, "Heed my call, Bakeneko!" He slammed the paper on the ground.

A gasp escaped his mouth. That last one had depleted his mana reserves and it would take all he had inside of him to keep the gigantic cat out. It was now or in the Magus Games, and he certainly preferred now.

He hopped unto the cat's back and made it dash forward with a slight kick to its side.

It would leap towards Runik and hold him down, so that the masked man could seal him away.

The sight of yet another paper was his sign to stop the retreat. His tattoos pulsed furiously with the hammering of his heart and his magic circuits burned as mana flushed through them.

The massive two-tailed cat wasn't enough to give him a moment's pause, and he steeled his expression as he stared his enemy down. It was too agile for him to try and hit at a range; he'd have to let it close the distance, and close it did with a light kick from its master.

Even as it bore down on him, the shards of ice and balls of flame continued to swirl around his arms. The massive creature slammed him into the ground, and forced a strangled cry of pain free when it shattered his right shoulder. His left hand still worked though and it clenched into a fist determinedly.

Fire and ice disappeared for a moment before a shaped charge of ice stabbed into the beast's gut. The flame within glowed bright, blindingly so, before the enhanced projectile detonated and drove shards even deeper into and clean through the summoned beast.

The bakeneko too was done for. The masked man had no other but to retreat.

The bakeneko was thrown back after the slight explosion from Runik's magic, sending its master flying back with it as well.

He clicked his tongue. A shard of his mask had fallen over, revealing one of his golden eyes.

He prepared another piece of paper. It was then. Do or die.

One of them would die after this, and even if one of them could be revived after that, the psychological trauma wouldn't go away.

"Heed my call, Gyuki!" A sharp slash attack came out from the paper.

It could cut through Runik's ice, but too many layers of it might stop it. If that happened, it was the end for him. He had no more energy to move out of the way.

'Fuck.' Pain, but thankfully not enough to cloud his thoughts as he struggled to sit back up. This wasn't the worst condition he had been in, but it was pushing pretty damn close and his silence was finally broken when he realized that it wasn't over yet.

"Are you fucki-" The curse was cut off by a bloody cough that doubled him over and when he looked up, even if his eyes were watery, the slip of paper was impossible to miss. 'I'm not dying here, fuck you.'

'Could Rollan- No time for doubts.' Even if his right arm was completely devoid of sensation the magic circuits were still quite active. In fact the numbness was actually a plus, otherwise he might not have been able to stomach the pain this would have caused. Manuevering the limp limb with the arm that did work, he slapped the palm against the floor and flooded mana through it.

The limb began to smoke and Runik felt his limb actually burn, but the result was a shockwave of ice even more powerful than what he had used earlier. A wave of spikes, so large he couldn't even wrap his arms around, burst forward, and as the excess energy was shunted elsewhere the surroundings literally burst into flames.

"What!?" The masked man shouted, before his stomach was impaled by the spikes. "H-How...?"

His mask started falling to pieces, reavealing his true face.

"T-This is not the last you see of me, Runik..." He weakly turned towards him, blood rolling down his chin from his mouth. "I-I'll honor you with my name, for we shall meet again. I," he coughed, painting the floor red with blood. "I am Amatsuhara Atara. Onmyouji and Pythones magician... just let me tell you I've more tricks up my sleeve. You'll see them next time we meet."

Despite that, the man then lost consciousness.

It might have been scenic in a gruesome sort of way with how the light flickered through the spikes of ice. Shadow and light danced across both their blood-stained visages, and he fought to focus on his opponent. The heat that spread from his right arm threatened to overwhelm his ability to think, but he managed to at least engrave the Eraser's, for what else could he be, face and name into his memories.

Bitterly he wondered if Rollanda was capable of healing someone whose ashes had been scattered to the winds... The thought wasn't entertained for long for various reasons, but mostly because he couldn't hold onto a coherent thought for any amount of time at the moment. Runik knew he had to stand, make his way to the infirmary otherwise he might just die here, but his body refused to co-operate.

"First survivor of the Erasals, found." Rollanda seemed to appear from out of nowhere and supported Runik. "It's all right, you can fall asleep now. And you should know better. I can heal anything, even ashes scattered through the air."

After that, she started carrying him all the way to the infirmary. She could heal him there and leave him resting. Others would need her help today.

Surprise was fleeting at the Head Nurse's sudden appearance, though it returned quickly when she commented on the rather dark thought. As much as he wanted to protest since it was practically guarateed he had not been the only target, her suggestion was impossible to resist. His eyelids grew heavier with each step she helped him with and within a dozen she was carrying him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Adrians voice (Use your imagination)


Adrian smiled in the shadows, the light glinting off his white fangs, as the mothman chuckled quietly. Did others think him so odd that he was a complete fool too? "You brought a gift to me, going out of your way to track me down, just to exchange pleasantries?" Adrian chuckled again as he reached into his robes to pull out the sweater, tearing off a good chunk of sleeve and offering it to Roy. "Oh but where are my manners.." He spat a glob of greenish liquid, stomach acids, that began to dissolve the thick strands of wool about the shirt for easier digestion. "If you have come to learn, then eat with me." When Roy expectadly did not share a meal with him it was all to clear. "You are here for a familiar." Adrian stood to his full height and curled the wings across his body, wrapping the red robe about him once more but leaving the hood up. Still careful not to gaze into his eyes he offered a hand. Roys grasp was firm as he nodded. "I expect good things.. Master."



Adrian flew cautiously in the sky, hidden by the darkness from prying eyes who might gaze upon the heavens and see a devil instead. His wingbeats were soundless as his gaze focused on the, what he had recently learned to be, female dormitories. Women always had the best things to eat, and most were quite a sight to behold he admitted to himself. As part moth he was always awake during the late hours of the night before the sun rose and he retreated to a dark spot to rest for a few hours, though that was rarely his own living quarters. Many times he had been told to return to his own dwellings but never had bothered. The sky was his home and all these houses were his dwelling. On multiple occassions people had awoken to the sight of Adrian clinging to their ceiling like a cacoon, dug in by his talons in a corner relaxing.
More than a few had attacked and subsequently seen his eyes.
Caution had changed his attitude and now made his visits much quicker, if still quite startling.

The winds changed as Adrian began to dive but movement and noise from the rooftops caught his attention. Masked figures were moving about the courtyard, rapidly and into other peoples rooms. Not soon after the violence started and already a fire had occurred, from on high he could taste the smoke. His instincts told him to flee but his curiosity got the best of him. Gently he glided down onto a nearby roof, all but unnoticed, and watched as a number of women were confronted by a man holding a sword. Adrian scuttled down the wall and poked his masked head over the threshold ever so lightly for a better look and scuttled back the way he had come. If they brought the fight outside, Adrian might yet get a good meal. He licked his lips in anticipation. Oblivious to the very real threat.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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