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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tsk. She had completely lost track of time. She had spent most of the afternoon in the library, and had been there after classes. It was one of her favorite places, after all. Quiet, out of the way and not many students frequented it. Those who did, were easy enough to ignore while she read or studied. Downside, was that she often lost track of time. Like now.

Livia sighed as she walked back to the dorm. It was close enough to midnight, and she should have probably been back hours ago. Hopefully she wouldn't run into any teachers or possibly get into trouble for being out so late. At least the library wasn't that far from her dorm, so she could get back within a few minutes.

She briefly wondered where Gall was. If he was sharing a room with that pervert from earlier, she had to wonder if that pervert...what was even his name?...anyways, if he even valued his life... Ah well, maybe she'd have Gall mess with him later. For now, she simply opened the door to her dorm, expecting to find the other occupants sound asleep.

Eli had just just teleported back to the dorms and arrived at her room and was now laying on her bed with a smile on her face. My first real friend... However that thought vanished once she thought about how she would enjoy some sweets at the moment. What the fuck. Why do you eat sweets so much yet you can't even finish a delicious dinner? I was still fucking hungry... Elise was bored and didn't feel like being trapped inside of Eli at the moment.

She tried to take over her body she felt a thin wall of some sort attempting to block her from taking control of her body but it wasn't much of a problem since she could easily get past it and do it anyways. Her eyes flickered and turned into a brighter red while her black hair glistened as she flipped it over her shoulders. Smiling she took out a bag that had an assortment of plastic bags inside of it. Mostly filled with people and creatures that she had ended up killing. Taking out her dagger collection, she smiles and lays them out on her bed. After that, she went ahead and took out some of her herbs as well, since they were an essential part of her potions. Belladona's and Castor plants were her favorite. Belladona's being known as Devil's Berries and Castor plants because of the way that people looked when they ate about 4 and are about to die. Wanting to scream in pain but they can't and end up dying of dehydration. She squeals and lays them down with the rest of the herbs, making a mess of her bed.

As Livia entered the dorm, she was a bit surprised to find the others still awake. Well, Emi was still awake at least, doing...what was she even doing? Honestly, she was a bit afraid to ask, but her morbid curiosity got the best of her.

"What...are you doing?" She asked, walking over to the desk and placing the book she was carrying on it - a different book from earlier. It looked like she was trying to torture some plants or something. "If you want to torture something...that pervert from earlier might be a better target."

Elise looked up once she heard someone come inside of the room and saw that it was.... Ummm... Liver? After a while she realized that she still thought that she was Eli. What an idiot. She chuckles quietly without her realizing and turns around with a bright smile. "My collections!!! Look, look!!!!" She grabs Livia's arm and pulls her over to the bed "This knife can literally cut a cow in half with one slice, as long as you put the appropriate amount of power in it!!!" Of course, she didn't specifically use it on a cow since she personally liked animals... "This one is pretty much for choking people but it has poisonous spikes that cause them to start bleeding internally~!!!" With a smile, her eyes shine but at the same time she fully understands that this should make her feel uncomfortable.

Livia was a bit surprised when Emi...or was that Elise?...whoever it was, grabbed her arm and pulled her towrads the bed to show her...her collection. An assortment of knives and other things. One that could apparently cut a cow in half, and another that was poisonous. The girl almost seemed a bit too happy explaining about them.

"Uhm, that's nice." She replied, pulling her arm away from the other girl. It was a bit...well, creepy. And just a tiny bit disturbing...Okay, really disturbing, but she held her tongue for now. She'd just ignore it, and go to bed. Well, maybe not. She didn't feel like sleeping anywhere near this girl at the moment.

So she moved back to the desk, sat down and picked up her book, intending to read. Until she was interrupted.

"Damn runt, least she could do is return to her room." Charlotte, or rather, Belphegor, walked into the dorm while scratching the back of Charlotte's head and grumbling.

"Oh, hello hottie number one, hottie number two." He said as a manner of greeting for Charlotte's roommates. "Err, scratch that. Hottie and psycho." He corrected himself after seeing what Emi was doing.

Then there was a sudden change in tone, accompanied by a yawn, "*yawn* Hm? Is everyone still awake? You shouldn't do that. Good kids go to bed at 10." Charlotte said, before yawning again. "Good night."

She closed her eyes and when she opened them again, well, Belphegor had already changed places with her again.

"Well, that's that girls. You have me to deal with for the rest of the night. I am not available every night, so try to enjoy me while I'm here." He smirked.

Elise smiled, liking her uncomfortable reaction and let go of her arm easily and spun back around but had to turn around since someone had just come in. Ughhh I swear, if it's another boring ass gir- "Oh, hello hottie number one, hottie number two." She squealed internally. "Wh-what? I get to room with such adorableness??? So cute!!" Elise may be a psycho but she had a soft spot for children. The fact that her tone was so different and had a bratty ness to it was even more cute. She quickly went up to the girl and began hugging her which most likely didn't work out for her since her head was only around the height of her chest. Letting her go, she put on a smile. She had been asleep or rather, bored and wasn't paying attention when Charlotte had been introduced. "Oops, sorry adorableness, what's your name??"

"He's a perverted demon who likes little girls, obviously." Livia replied to her question. Ugh, now the little kid and the other pervert showed up.

Belphegor was surprised by the sudden hug. But he could take advantage of this.

If she didn't know who he was, then it was better for him.

"T-That's not true." Belphegor looked up at Elise with teary eyes, her tone soft and tender. He seemed to be about to cry. "L-Livia is just a meanie. She's been bullying me since this morning. Please, help me," what was that word, what was that word.... "E-Emi-oneechan!"

He clung tightly to her.

"T-that little bastard is lying!" Livia shouted upon hearing this, standing up at the desk. "He's the one who grabbed my boobs earlier for no reason!"

Gall suddenly became angry, but didn't know why. Was his mistress in danger? He was still waiting for her outside the classroom, wondering if she'd ever call on her familiar. It had been a depressing few hours, sitting outside and having no one to talk to. Not that people were unavaible. Many actually passed by. But they stared and walked briskly away, fearing for their souls.

The little girls cuteness was powerful, extremely powerful. Powerful enough to block out any logic in Elise's brain and just make her... stupidly naive. "Awww... What?" wiping tears off of Charlotte's eyes and afterwards, jerking her head torwards Livia "How can you bully this cuteness? There is no way that something this cute is a pervert. Stop being so self-consious you b-" She cut herself off, not wanting to curse in front of someone younger. Sighing she hugged her again and released her to bend over a bit to look Charlotte straight in the eyes "It's okay, okay? Just tell me if she does it again and I'll stop her using... necessary methods." She smiled sweetly. "I'm sorry you have to sleep with her. You're welcome to sleep with me whenever, ok?" Glad that she had her sheets and herbs covering up most of her weapons at the moment except for a small pocket knife that was laid out there but she could just say it was for self-defense.

"Tonight. Please let me sleep with you tonight. And every other night afterwards." The spirit got kind of excited, so he cleared his throat and continued in the same cutesy yet sad tone, "I mean, I don't wanchu sleep with meanie Livia."

This little bastard. Ugh. She almost wanted to slap him silly, or maybe have one of her spirits do something. In the end though, she decided against it, only sighing in response. Fine, if she wasn't wanted here then she'd just leave. She didn't want to be around them anyways. She'd go find Gall and...well, she'd just go find him.

"Fine. I can see I am not wanted here, so I'll just leave." So she picked up her book once again, and made for the door.

Just when she was about to leave she felt a pang of guilt, most likely Eli's and was about to stop her when an... adorable creature came in and began to create a mess in the room. Elise automatically let go of Charlotte and summoned her shadow sword to appear in her hand. "What the fuck." She smiled as her shadow creatures were also summoned in the form of some sort of wolf. Her catalyst began to turn red and burn, making it seem as if it was on fire. Her roses appeared, creating a barrier around her and blocked herself off from some of the dark energy. Elise began to suck some of Eli's energy from her soul, making the sword stronger and more stable.

Livia was almost to the door when the intruder crashed through the window, shouting something about being Erased. Ah fuck it. The erasers decided they'd make good targets. She hoenstly had half a mind to just let these two deal with it themselves, but...ah goddamn it. As much as she wanted too, she really couldn't. Fine, she'd help here. Or rather, she'd have Gall help.

"Oh...erasing us?" Livia giggled, a small smirk forming on her lips. "Go ahead and try, jackass." She adjusted the gloves on her hands. "I think I'll just have my friend steal your soul instead. Answer my summons, Gall, reaper of souls! Teach this pathetic waste of human flesh a lesson."

Whenver the reaper appeared, she simply gave him one order.

"Kill him."

Gall answered his master's summon loyally. Not that he had a choice in the matter, but as one of the few people who had ever treated him like an existing being, he had chosen to protect her.

Objects in the room countinued to fly towards the ball of energy created by the eraser. Well, this will be easy. The Reaper summoned a barrier in front of his advesary in order to block more objects from flying into the ball of energy. He didn't know why the mortal fool would do such a thing, but the undead doubted that it was an action committed in an attempt to give his mistress flowers.

Skrull smiled, though the others couldn't see it.

"THAT WON'T WORK, UNDEAD FUCK-O!" He shouted, before dashing forward and striking the ball of dark energy against Gall's barrier.

It was strong enough to shatter rock walls, so it most probably could go through the barrier.

The barrier shattered, Gall using one hand to grab his skull as a response to the lost concentration.

Belphegor jumped back after the man dashed forward. He was certain that this person was indeed dangerous, and those balls even more so.

"Tsk. And I thought the only dangerous balls here were mine. Err, if I had them on me."

"I swear demon, if you ever think about touching my master again, I will shear your soul." He realized though that the fight should be what he was focusing on, not the perverted spirit.

Elise picked up one of her swords which was made with scrith and filled with mana, cutting her wrist just in case she needed something extra later. She ran forward quickly, jumping into the air and aiming for the top of his head. This wasn't to kill him, just to slow him down a bit. The weapon was strong but she had taken out some of the mana so that it wouldn't kill anyone.

The incoming attack was nothing for Skrull, or so it seemed.

"Har! You guys amuse me to no end!" He simply put his hand forward, and caught the sword in his hand, before turning on his heel and throwing the girl unto the ground.

It didn't seem that his magic had negated the damage to his hand, he was bleeding all right, but it was more like a deep scratch rather than a big slash across his hand.

Well, the girl was probably out of the way now, so he dashed forward and moved the reaper out of the way after taking his head with his left hand and pushing him aside. If poor Gall still had some kind of sense of pain, he'd sense the area where Skrull had touched him started burning.

Gall noticed a smoke in the room, and after a moment realized that the place wasn't burning down. "Mortal, you think that will harm me?"

Elise smiled, feeling the pain throughout her body. So he didn't know about her, huh. She began to transfer most of it to the skrull and got back up, a little dissapointed that she didn't feel much pain anymore since, well, the feeling of suffering isn't something that she hated. Her wrist had also began to heal because of the process she had just went through.

There was pain in his body. Skrull turned back to Eli.

"What did you do to me, bitch?" He said to her, before he started walking towards her. "Answer the fucking question. What. Did. You. Do. To. Me?"

When he was near enough, he took the girl by her face, his magic still active (and burning) and then slammed her against the wall.

She smiled, continuing to transfer her pain to him "Ehhh? You don't get it? Haha what a fucking idiot... Oops, sorry, I don't mean to be rude." She summoned her shadow sword quickly, stabing his stomach as he was grabbing her. She was having a hard time holding in a laugh. honestly though, getting killed like this wouldn't be all that bad. Not that she was expecting that to happen.

The sword quickly approached his stomach, but the man again took the blade before it could go into his body.

"Oopsies." She turned the sword around and stabbed her right arm, the one he was grabbing her with and twisted it while it was still inside of her and began to transfer the pain. Damn, that feels refreshing as fuck! She smiles

"ARGH! What the fuck is this curse shit?!" Even the thickheaded skrull knew what was going on. "Maybe I should just kill you and be done with it?" The red eyes of his mask lit up.

"So rough..." Smiling, she looks at him. She had her roses appear in front of her and aimed them torward his eyes which were just below her. The sharp thorns shouldn't feel too good... But just then she felt something begin to come out of her soul. A force that didn't feel enjoyable whatsoever. It quickly vanished but she couldn't help but wonder what it was. The first violent force that didn't arouse her one bit.

Gall had approached behind the pair during the fight, and swiped with his scythe, ripping the head off their advesary. "That was easy."

The instant his head flew into the air, his body seemingly went limp, letting go of the girl.

However, instead of falling down, his body became surrounded by the same black energy he had in his hands before.


Comically, his head popped out from the collar of his coat.


He turned on his heel and punched Gall, sending his head flying out of the window. "Starting with you fucker."

And then he turned to the small girl and the one that had pretty much done nothing but to summon that cumbersome reaper.

"Come on... Right now, there is nothing I can't erase as I am now." He taunted Livia.

Belphegor turned to Livia, "Hey, ya got a plan to deal with this? Far as I see it, nothing can survive inside that energy of his. Probably not even himself, so if we just run he might do himself in..."

Livia had simply been watching for the moment, trying to gauge her opponents abilities instead of blindly rushing in like the others. She had intended to do nothing, but it seemed like she couldn't remain passive any longer. Especially not after what he did to Gall. That fucker was dead if she got her hands around his scrawny neck.

"If we do run, he'll simply run after us." She grumbled quietly in response. Unfortuantely, though she saw no other means of beating this guy at the moment. If they could somehow use his power against him or render him unconscious. That could deactivate his magic, but it'd be incredibly risky. Her spirits would probably get sucked in as well, and getting close enough to knock him upside the head...

Eli began to realize more of what was going on around her and saw a person that seemed to be in an excruciating amount of pain. She began to go near her even though Elise didn't exactly want to. Eli began to try and take his pain but Elise quickly realized what she was trying to do and switched it around, giving him her pain. What the fuck is this bitch doing??!?!? Ever since she was fucking small all she thought about was how to fucking kill herself for other, god damn it!! The pain was transfering into him and just as she was about to use the shadow sword, something happened and it began to act up... What the fuck? Not the god damn time! The sword flew out of her hand and out came a... demon? But he was passed out so she quickly turned back and pulled the sword back to her and broke through the barriar. Transfering her pain to him but not necessarily Eli's pain.

Ugh, goddamn it. This was a pain in the goddamn ass. She just wanted some peace and quiet! Was that too much to ask!? This guy was really fucking annoying her, but unless she did something soon he'd probably win - the three of them were already starting to get sucked in towards him. That shitty, stupid magic of his...Fine, he wanted to fight? She'd give him a goddamn fight.

She sighed, pulling her gloves tightly over her arms, a dark red energy crackled across them.

"That may be true...but I wonder how fast you can 'erase' things?" If he could erase anything, then she'd simply overpower him with sheer numbers. "Try not to get overwhelemed...I'd hate for this to be boring."

Soon, several skeletal specters formed in the room in front of Livia. Some, were simple disembodied skulls. Others had working arms connected to a fully formed ribcage. They required quite a bit more mana to manifest, but it worked.

"HAHA! YOU THINK THOSE SHITTY SKELOTONS ARE GONNA STOP ME?!" Skrull laughed. Indeed, they were already starting to be pulled towards the other mage. Livia simply remained calm, her face not betraying any emotion other than mild boredom. His fate had already been sealed as far as she was concerned.

It may have looked to some, like she was indeed losing. She oredered the spirits to attack him, going right for him in a frontal assault and attempting to hold him down. Every time one spirit was sucked in, she simply summoned another. Honestly, it was quite taxing on her mana to summon and control so many. By her count, she had already lost quite a few, almost nearing twenty.

and then, she simply stopped, letting the last of her spirits be sucked in. Ugh, she was tired The skeletons that had been attempting a frontal assault, had failed miserably.

Just as she had expected. The idiot brute was much too focused on what was in front of him.

"HAHAHA" He began to laugh maniacly, as if he was beating them. "YOU SHOULD JUST FUCKING GIVE UP YOU BITCH"

Belphegor could feel his fellow spirits rounding up behind the guy. Truly, he was an idiot who could see no more than what was in front of him.

"Dude, you ARE evil. You got to teach this runt how to do that." He smirked, before seeing what happened to Skrull.

His laughing was short lived, however. Two cold, skeletal hands soon wrapped around his neck from behind him. Livia simply smirked as his laughing soon turned to the sounds of someone choking.

I'm fucking done with this idiot. Elise took full control over Eli's body once again and practically put Eli's soul inside of the sword and quickly began to stab him multiple times. She was going extremely fast and even if one didn't successfully attack him, the next would. Lastly, since she's a bitch, she took something out of the demon that was laying emotionless beside her. He wasn't in any pain whatsoever... It appeared and she took advantage of that, adding part of his soul to the sword and attacking him again. This shouldn't have worked but since he had been part of it before, there was no reason for it not to.
She grabbed his arms and twisted them around his head, grabbing some rope.

It seemed, however, Elise was going to put a kink in her plans to make this fucker utterly regret angering her.

"That's enough, Elise, Eli, whoever the fuck you are." She summoned another specter, with the remaining mana, and simply gave it the command to stop her from doing anything to him.

Just as she was going to begin to turture him, she turned to her. "Its Elise, got it? The one that just want to play a bit... maybe torturing?"

"Torture? him? Don't waste your time on this waste of human flesh." She scoffed. "I'm going to put him out of his misery." By now, Skrull was grabbing at the skeletal fingers around his neck. His magic was gone, but even if he hadn't the skeleton was firmly latched onto him.

She easily released herself from the restraint. She's a fucking level 4. I've dealt with worse before in my life. "Fine." She muttered, under her breath.

"Har har. You two girls are fucking evil. I like yer styles." Belphegor laughed again. It seemed he had no part in this today. Shame, or maybe not. Charlotte's body would be in tatters if he went apeshit on Skrull.

Without regard for Elise's response, she walked over to Skrull. The skeleton was slowly forcing the man to his knees as he still struggled for breath. She grabbed his head, holding it up and forcing the possibly psychotic man to look at her as he struggled for breath.

"What was that about erasing everything?" She laughed. "You sure to talk big, but look at you, cretin." She smirked at him, eyes filled with pure hatred and malice towards the man. "You fell for such a simple trick. You hardly even qualify for an eraser."

Skrull simply stared up at her, eyes fileld with almost psychotic malice.

"You weren't even a challenge. You're nothing but a pathetic, worthless piece of trash." She let go of his head, only to kick him right...where no guy ever wanted to be kicked. If he was capable of crying out in pain, it was lost and all he was capable of was a garbled yelp as the skeleton continued to slowly crush his windpipe.

"But that's okay, I'll take care of that problem. A worthless creature like you won't be missed by anyone." With a single motion of her hand, the skeleton twisted his neck. A sickening snapping noise could be heard as his head was practically turned 180 degrees. Right after, the skeleton released him, Skrulls now limp body falling to the floor.

"Take out the trash, please." She gave one more motion to the specter, who picked up his body, and did just that - tossing it out the window for the birds to feed on.

Afterwards, she released the spirit. She felt completely drained, but she couldn't sleep just yet. Instead, she left the room and headed outside of the dorm. She wasn't about to let Gall go around and become a headless reaper.

Of course, Livia could not hear that the useless lump of meat that Skrull was now never really did hit the floor.

"These ones were quite more cruel than I thought. Three survivors of the Erasals." Rollanda said, holding Skrull in her arms. "And one Eraser out of commision. You again Skrull? You seriously need to stop doing this, or I'll grow tired of re-constructing your body."

She sighed, and then turned her head upwards to the other mages.

"Hey, is everyone all right there? Do you need some healing or anything?" She shouted.

Belphegor did hear what the Head Nurse had to say, and then shouted, "I'm fucking dandy over here and we've got a suicide and a headless skeleton over here. Take your pick, miss nurse." He shouted back.

Elise felt alive but something continued to pull her back. It was Eli, who was barely holding on to herself "Ugh, what a pain..." she muttered, scratching the back of her arm and returning Eli back to her body. She immediately collapsed but Elise made sure that she wouldn't hit her head on the ground. It took a while for her to see where she was and she began to feel pain in her body. At first it was a simple tingle, arousing for Elise but after a while, Eli began to feel extreme pain. Looking down at her catalyst and seeing that it was bleeding and glowing bright red. My goodness... This won't go away for about 1 week... Elise's powers mostly only work for herself and she also sucked a lot of energy out of Eli, not that Elise cared much. It felt like when her father had tied her up and had a guy that she didn't know start hitting her with some sort of rod. She sighed, clawing at her arms as she stood up. Elise had made that guy hurt her quite a bit so that she could use her powers and Eli wasn't as strong as Elise health wise. She attempted to plaster a smile on her face but it quickly vanished once she saw a man laying on the floor, unconsious. Ohhhh yeah... That guy was still there. She went over to her, her legs seeming to not want to cooperate with her much. "A-are you okay? Wh-what happened to you?"

Verid (new character that I will make a CS for later) instantly opened his eyes, hearing Eli's voice and turned over to look at her. She looked so different now. Well, of course she did I suppose. She has aged after all. Whait... Why am I in physical form? Ah, I guess it doesn't matter now. He took her hand and looked into Eli's eyes "I'm glad you didn't die, Kurosawa Emi." as he smiled and let go gently, beginning to stand up. Once he stood up, he quickly looked around to put together the situation. I am guessing that this is a school and this must be her dorm room. "Will I be rooming with you?" he questioned her quite seriously.

Eli looked down at her hand, surprised at the fact that this stranger had touched her without even knowing her. "Wh-what are you talking about...?" she asked, feigning innocence and acting like she had no idea what he was talking about. There is no way he would know about father... She let her hand be released and looked up at him as he stood up. "Wh-wha?" room with me? There are already 3 people though... "Umm... You w-will have to speak w-with the director." Eli... He wants to fucking room with you and that's your reaction? Oh, why don't you just get raped already.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phangirl1012
Avatar of Phangirl1012

Phangirl1012 A Shy Phan

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[Hi! I would like to join! However, seeing that your in the middle of your story, I am not sure yet how to join in. I don't want to disrupt anyone. How would you like me to start?]
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

'And' her master Lin~

As Shikio had finished her meal that Lin had bought for her she was quite satisfied. And yet as she followed him around for the reminder of the day the evening would soon settle in. As they were appoaching Lin's dorm Shikio were pondering about staying by his side or not, she wanted to be close to him yet realix she haden't checked out her own supoosed room yet.

Uncertainty settled in her and a bit of curiosity crept over. Eventually she decided that she would give him a chance to miss her rather than just counting on her being there. Sighing slightly she looked to Lin "Lin... Wait" she said a bit uncertainty at first.

Yet she approached him slowly at first. " There's... Something i need to tell you" she said as she drew closer, her tail slightly raised and wagged as she closed the distance between them and eventually she quickly snuggled up towards him gaving him a glomp. "Good night... Master... she said as she leaned in and gave his left cheek s big lick as she hugged him tightly.

She then let go and backed off again.""I'm... Going to my room than..." she said as she somewhat jogged of with a curious spring to her steps and tail still slightly raised.

Lin raised an eyebrow to Shikio's suddenly being so calm and kind of submissive. It was odd to see the self-proclaimed alpha female acting like this.

"W-What the hell?! D-Don't just suddenly lick my cheek, you...!" What, it was kind of a goodbye kiss? Well, she's a dog, so Lin couldn't really blame her. "You don't need to be all gloomy and odd like that. One woman sleeping in the same room as me is enough for me, thank you. I really really did not expect for you to sleep in the same room as me."

Lin scratched the back of his head.

"Keep an eye on your roommates. Someone among them might have that Eye." He warned Shikio, before turning on his heel and walking towards his own dorm, while lazily waving goodbye at Shikio.

Shikio glanced back slightly to see if he followed her or not, but as she noticed him waving to her and having heard his complaints she but smiled to him. She raised her tail fully shot it out slight while leaning over to give him a rather full good pose while licking her lips. "Well excuse me for not asking permission to show master my love~" she called back to him before retreating again at a light jog far beyond full speed.

It seemed she at the moment was giving him quite the show just for a chance that he could chase after her... Or call her over, or even possibly make him angry. It didn't change the fact that she felt it were unfair that he simply could summon her from wherever, but she couldn't do the opposite... Not that he seemed to do that, as he always made her come find him.

As Lin were out of sight her tail dropped again and she slowly kicked the ground as she made it back towards her dorm knowing full and well it was very unlikely that he would try something that was out of his way.

After a heart breaking departure from her master, Shikio had slowly sat out towards her room after settling down from the spring she had in her steps when she left. Perhaps now she just took it slow because she wanted Lin to be able to catch up to her on the off chance he actually would want to spend the night with her. The other reason was simply because it took a while for her to read on each door, and to compare it to her note. Yet after a bit of trouble she would eventually find the room she was supposed to stay in.

As she looked at the door from outside she felt a tad more anger than before, the room was way too far away from her pack member Lin, and had the scent of at least two others she didn't know... In other words she had been stuffes into a kennel of some kind and that fact annoyed her. Frustrated she paced around in a circle before eventually calming down. Sighing she reached for the handle and opened the door before stepping inside.

At that point she simply decided to try to play nice and in worst case run back to Lin with her tail tucked between her legs.

"Hello?... I'm Shikio... I'm... Supposed to stay here" she said as she looked around the room for signs of life.

Lyssa had been content. Sitting cross legged on the bed, noisily slurping down the last of the milkshake and trying to get every last bit of delicious goodness she could out of it. 'Twas a vain, effort, however, for she had already drunk just about all of it she could. Wasn't going to stop her from trying to squeeze a few more out, though.

...mostly because she was actually getting kind of bored. The room had absolutely nothing here that she could play with. Not a video game console in sight. Not even a laptop or something. Seriously, what kind of school was this to deny someone their basic necessities? A laptop with a decent internet connection should be standard! Standard!

Finally deciding she had gotten all out of it she could, she smacked her lips. Damn, that was actually a pretty good milkshake. She tossed the now empty Styrofoam cup onto the desk. With a stretch, she sighed, leaning back down on her bed with a dull thump as her body hit the covers. Blegh, how was she supposed to entertain herself? Practicing her magic was a no-no indoors. She might lose focus and accidentally the floor. Or all. Or everything. That'd be bad.

Suppose she'd have to go outside then, if she wanted to practice. She was a bit concerned she'd miss her pillow, but well, if she got back before she did and was asleep?...well, then she couldn't say no, hehe~

However, just before she set off to find a quiet, secluded place to go train her arts, the handle turned. Was Iravis back already? Darn, her perfect plan to get a cuddly pillow had been foiled!

...at least that was her thought until she eyed the fluffy, impossibly adorable creature before her. Dear gods...could something be so cute?! And fluffy! Just look at that tail! And those ears! The demon couldn't resist. Wait no. She should introduce herself first. That was the polite and friendly thing to do. Impulse control Lys, impulse control.

"Uhm, Hihi. I'm Lyssa." She said walking up to Shiko. "But uhm...last name's not important...."

Yep, impulse control failed. Without another word, she grabbed Shiko's tail, quickly kneeling down and burying her face in it.

Shikio soon noticed the other girl in the room and felt slightly more relaxed on the notion that at least she was not staying with a male, however it didn't mean it wouldn't be any fighting... on that notion she knew that some females were a lot more to deal with than simple minded males. The other female spent little time minding her own business and seemed to quickly approach Shikio, an act that first made her wary of the female's intentions. She introduced herself as Lyssa with her last name not being important which it of course weren't, however she still approached Shikio and even if Shikio didn't sense any hostility from Lyssa she was still somewhat on her guard... however Lyssa walked slightly past Shikio making her ears fold back as she wondered if the girl was about to sniff her butt or something which would be a bit odd as she only knew that pack members usually did that... But no... like a pup Lyssa grabbed and started rubbing towards her tail.

"Aaaah, it's so fluffy!" The demon loudly, and definitely happily exclaimed. "It's so soft and warm!"

Shikio flinched slightly as she glanced to the other female who called her tail fluffy, calling it soft and warm... Shikio was to say the least surprised over the other female's actions, she haden't taken her for a kid at first but now she seemed to be so all over her tail that she considered that fact. She stood watching the other girl for quite a few moments before taking action, after all it took her a while to decide what to do as many thoughts about how to react floated to her mind. She didn't want to start a fight over someone who didn't seem to try to hurt her, quite frankly it was a bit odd but a good kind of odd to be recognized in such fashion. However the fact remained that she couldn't just 'let' the other female touch her without permission either, because that meant she allowed her to walk all over her which weren't a good thing at all.

Thus she decided to slowly turn around towards the girl, stepping over her own tail as a slight twist to it didn't bother her so much. Then she would gently lean forward towards the other female and place her own hands on the girls shoulders.

"Excuse me Miss Lyssa... but that's my tail..." she said before pushing the other girl down on the floor and settling above her in a quite dominant fashion, like a canine lecturing their pup or at least a pup of their pack. At this time she paid notice to the other female having horns and wings making her first think that she was a creature connected to some kind of cattle animal, but at the same time cattle didn't have wings... perhaps that was just a miss transformation.

"Yes it is your tail and it's so warm and fluffy and adorable." She stated, still rubbing her face into Shiko's tail, until she found herself being pushed towards the ground. The demon let out a disappointed whine. That tail had been fluffier than Iravis could ever possibly be. Not quite as warm, but that felt like it'd make a very good pillow. She looked up at Shiko, giving her the best adorable pout she could possibly muster.

Wolf and cattle in the same room, who would have thought?... it sounded like a bad idea to Shikio as she might end up trying to eat the other girl if she grew hungry. However as the other female so rudely had touched Shikio's tail without permission she decided to grab the bull by the horns... or so to speak, as she grabbed the other girls horns and touched them in return even while sitting over her.

"now we're even..." she said actually laughing slightly as she found this 'game' to be quite fun, it had been too long since she had played with anyone and it was a fun change. And in that moment she decided to look a lot more nicely at their actively, to be friendly was a good idea and she didn't mind playing around a bit.

"Even? My horns aren't cute and fluffy." She harrumphed, giving the other girl a small pout as though that made perfect since.

Thus she let the other girl go and got off her after freeing her own tail, she then brushed it of and turned to help the other female up on her feet if she wanted too. Smiling quite playfully as she looked to her

"I'm a Fenrir just so you know... are you some kind of winged Bison?. Do you know that Fenrir eat cattle?... I mean I'm not gona try to eat you... unless I get really hungry I guess, but I think master would be sad if I ate my room mates" she said as she pondered about the possibilities. This time however she was more prepared if the girl would try to go for her tail again, or simply touch her. She would leap to the side and start to giggle as she would playfully keep her distance in case it would turn into a fun game of chase.

"I'm not a bison! I'm a demon!" She replied, giving Shiko a friendly smile. A fenrir, though? wasn't that some sort of dog person? So...Shiko was a puppy! A cute little puppy that would probably like some ear scratches! "Alchimia mage, too!" But that, that was unimportant. That fluffy tail demanded to be used as a pillow, and damn it if she wasn't going to use it as one! First, distract Shiko.

"They are kinda cute..." she mumbled as she listened to what the girl said, so she weren't a Bison but a Demon?... whatever a Demon was it apperently had both horns and wings and was still cattle. So it didn't really matter at all if she weren't a Bison in the end. "OH... I don't think I ever eaten Demon before... are you tasty?..."

"Lyssa...uh, yeah, my last name is a mouthful. Not even gonna try. Don't think I'm tasty though, silly." She giggled with a small smile. "So you're our roommate right? And you know what roommates do? Let them pet that fluffy tail!" Instead of going right for the tail this time, she instead tackled Shiko. "Come oooon, it's so fluffy! let me pet iiiiiit!"

"Yeah... I'm Room mate I guess... and... oh!" She replied as she quickly realized this was her que to evade The Cattle girl who tried to bull charge her and instead leaped skipped to the side while laughing.

"Olé" she cheered as she swished with her tail like a matador playing with a bull. she then held it like a red cape except it was still blue and laughed even further.

"Aww, get back here! Let me pet iiit!~" Lyssa giggled quite loudly as she missed. If she was being serious, she definitely could have gotten the other girl considering her martial training, buuut....where would the fun in that be?

"Only if you catch me~"she replied in turn as she backed off to create some distance from the girl even if she certainly were having a blast. However she changed her mind about running from the bull, she felt slightly predatorial about it and instead quickly dashed closer to her and attempted to pounce on the Cattle girl in return, that sounded even more fun in her head, and that way she could bite her horns or something.

Lyssa stood up, turning around and intending to make another leap at the girl, but it seemed Shiko was just a tiny bit quicker.

"My turn~" the fernir said mid-leap as she would tried to pin the girl on her back so that she would have the advantage. Shikio moved swiftly eager to play with this girl, and as she had the chance to pin her to the ground again she took it with a briliant smirk. Lyssa didn't have much time to react at all as Shikio tackled her, sending her to the ground with a small yelp. The wolf was on top of her, pinning her to the ground, and unless she got clever, she had just lost this little brawl. Tsk. Well, she couldn't say she found the situation entirely unfavorable.

"Owie." She giggled. "Looks like I lost. So, I guess you get to use me as a pillow if you want."

"He-he... Giving up already?... very well as you offer I might as well do that then~"She did think it was a bit too easy so far however, the wolves back home offered a bit more of a struggle than giving up and not wrestling like this girl did. She looked around the room, it looked like there was but one bed in it and even if that mattered little to her she glanced back to the cattle girl whom had to pick their bedding then... after all it seemed it might be high time for them to sleep. "So... you want to sleep right here on the floor?... back there in that corner or do you actually want to use the bed?" she asked as she didn't really know what to think about it, she thought she would just curl up here and lay down on the girl if she picked this spot anyway.

"We~ll."Lyssa replied with a happy hum. "I don't really mind being used as a pillow. Or having you on top of me, so win win, I'd say!~" She giggled. She could have very well put up a better fight if she wanted too, but she didn't want too. She was honestly a bit tired, and as fluffy as that tail was...she'd get it another night. Still, she wasn't exactly done yet. She reached up towards one of Shiko's ears, and began to playfully scratch the back of it.

Shikio let out a heart warming laughter once more as the female replied that she didn't mind having her on top of her... what an odd thing to say, but Shikio figured that dominance didn't matter as much to this girl as it did to her, which was a good thing as that way it was easy to establish. Nodding her head as the cattle girl submitted she were just about to reply to her when her mouth suddenly fell shut and her ear flicked to the touch of it, at first she were surprised... but soon a grin crept across her face once more as she leaned into the ear scratching and her tail started wagging. Shifting slightly Shikio got down closer to the Cattle girl so that she could reach better, loving each second of it even if she said nothing to admit it.

Lyssa had to refrain from asking who a good puppy was. As funny as it might have been, she wasn't sure Shiko would have liked it. So instead, she simply continued the motion as a languid grin formed on her lips. It was rather obvious the other girl liked that at least. Honestly, she wouldn't have minded falling asleep like this. Shiko certainly was comfortable, and well...Iravis wasn't here, so she couldn't use her as a pillow. So might as well make the best of it!~

As if on cue, Iravis walked in the room, looking quite a bit flustered. This of course, only earned a small giggle from Lyssa.

The Phoenix had finished up her walk back to the dorm from her visit with Sir Alistar at the library. The legendary bird yawned as she entered the dorm building, ready to get some sleep. Used to living alone, she opened the first door on the left without knocking and stepped into the dorm room.

The bed was empty, but it was easy enough to find the demon, considering how loud they were. The Phoenixes eyes drifted towards the floor, where she saw Lyssa beneath another woman.

This other woman was probably their roommate. She had some features of a wild beast, with large wolf ears and a luxurious tail. Holo's pack? Fernir? I'm guessing she's from a region further north than I. But what she was didn't really matter to Iravis at that moment. What mattered was how she was on top of Lyssa, pinning her to the ground. It looked like they had just finished wrestling, and were getting 'comfortable'. The Phoenix's cheeks turned to the color of fire. The embarrassed girl turned away, left hand checking that the door was closed behind her.

Shikio rubbed her head towards Lyssa's chest as she half laid down on her, just about finding some really soft pillows for herself as the door opened and another female stepped in.

"Did I intrude on you two greeting eachother?" The goddess tried to sound aristocratic, but her tone couldn't manage it and her voice cracked a little. Startled again, Shikio put her hands in front of her ready to leap not kinda thinking where those hands/paws would end up.

"....Errr... Hi... I'm Shikio, Room mate... we're deciding on sleeping arrangements... you can join if you like" she said smiling to the other female even if it was in a rather awkward position. By now, the Phoenix had recovered mentally for the most part. The Goddess decided she would just try an ignore the pair's antics and sat down on the bed's edge, leaving Shiko on top of her newest pillow.

"Hehe, hey Iravis." She replied, not exactly minding that Shiko was getting quite a handful of her chest. "I found our other roommate!" She continued from under Shiko.

"A bed is more suitable for a goddess than the ground. I'll sleep here then, and leave the floor as your domain."Iravis kicked off her shoes, and realized that she was simply too exhausted to care about the newest bedroom dynamics. A lot of new things had happened that day. Sweets, roomates, classes, and seeing Mr. Wick collapse. I'll introduce myself tomorrow. And probably invest in some earplugs. She hit the light switch and buried herself beneath the sheets, closing her eyes. At least the bed was of high quality and comfortable, that much was for certain. And Warm.

"Aww, are we going to bed? I wanted to play with Shiko more." She whined, quite disappointed at the turn of events though only momentrily. "Ah well, guess I'm sleeping here tonight." She looked back up, giving Shiko an oddly mischievous grin. "Hehe, so what else are we gonna do?~ I don't wanna keep Iravis up but I'm not all that tired."

And at that moment, the door slammed open, not giving Shikio much time to answer that question.

Iravis remembered that there wasn't a lock on it. The Phoenix sat up, flicking the light switch on. Maybe Sir Alistar was coming to-

A man with the metal mask simply walked into the room, opening the door as if it hadn't been locked to begin with. Largely because it wasn't.

"Wake up." His voice, husky but loud, was meant to wake everyone up. "I've come to erase you. However, fighting against women is already hurting my pride. Felling you as you sleep would simply be humiliating, for the both of us." He extended his hand to the side and, on his chest, something beneath his dark clothes started glowing in a yellow color. "Behold, Tyrfing!" In his hand, a sword made out of pure steel formed. An Alchimia mage.

Lyssa, even though she was still under Shiko could see his magic quite clearly. An alchimia mage. And honestly, she should have been a bit more alarmed by this intrusion, but...

"Silly, you can't erase people." She giggled, still under Shiko.

The Alchemist stepped forward again, but the Fernir's icicles distracted him for a moment. It only took a single swing to destroy the summoned ice, but the wolf had successfully gotten behind her target.

In front, he had the fireball summoning girl. Behind, he had this strange ice wielding woman. There was also the demon on the ground, but she wasn't doing much yet despite the Fernir's call for her to get up.

The Alchemist summoned a knife his his other hand, and lunged with both weapons towards the cattlegirl.

Iravis grabbed Lyssa and pulled her out of the way, but her irritation was obvious as she shouted at the horned woman. "Destroy his armament, now!"

“W-wha? Why are we fighting!?” Lyssa asked, completely confused at the turn of events. One moment she had been just about to fall asleep with the most comfortable pillow on top of her, and now they were throwing icicles and fireballs at each other! Just what was going on?

Still, she knew enough that standing here was going to be bad, though she didn't get much time to react. Iravis grabbed her, pulling her safely out of harms way.

Unfortuantely, she was much slower in taking Iravis' advice and destroying his armament. She could destroy it. Easy enough. It was either steel or Iron from the look of it. That wasn't the problem. The problem here, was that she looked absolutely terrified of something.

"I don't...I don't want....I mean I can." She replied, though she sounded unsure. Honestly, she knew she should be helping here. She did want to help Iravis and Shikio, two people that she considered to be her friends, but it seemed that something was bothering the demon so she was a little slow to act.

"F-fine, I guess I have too...don't I?" She mumbled, taking a deep breath, and getting into an offensive fighting stance. She'd let the sword guy make the first move here, and despite her earlier hesitation, something changed...just a bit. "Well come on, sword guy. Let's get this over with, alrighty?~" She giggled, a somewhat....odd grin, forming on her lips.'

Seeing cattlegirl hesitate Shikio were worried about her team mate, her instincts told her full and well that she needed to cover for a pack member in danger and that meant even assisting their escape if they needed to withdraw. She were about to rush over to cover for her when something about her changed... If it was that she finally got serious or that her survival instincts triggered was something Shikio did not know.

However it she didn't seem afraid any longer meaning that she would try to fight and that meant it was best for Shikio to stay where she was and strike any opening she could. Quickly closing in on the opponent still down on all four she used a wolves nimbleness to attempt a strike and retreat move to either draw his attention, catch an opening or give the others one. "Fatal Fury" she called as she used her claws to swipe towards the opponents back while being equaly ready for a swift retreat.

Unfortuantly for the wolf, this alchemist summoned melee weapons for a reason: he excelled at fencing. He rotated, using the knife in his left hand to block while using the sword in his right to swipe down at Lyssa again.

Lyssa avoided the blow easily enough, sidestepping to the right. In one swift motion, she caught the alchemists wrist, making sure he wouldn't be able to use it for the moment. Considering her martial training, she was pretty sure she could do it. That sword of his was either steel or Iron from the looks of it, and if she got lucky she could temporarily disarm him.

With her free hand, she grabbed the blade, some might have said that was a really stupid move, but there was a breif flash of magic...and the blade compltely crumbled. So steel it was.

Without giving him a chance to recover from what probably was a surprise, she made her next move. Letting go of his wrist as the pieces of useless steel fell to the floor, she aimed a swift kick right to his chest.

Fortuantly for metal mask, most martial arts had similar principles. The alchemist dodged out of the way, sliding into the table. In a bid to distract the wolf for a moment, he threw the knife at her and summoned a great axe in it's place. "Catch this you demon!" The great axe cleaved the air, aiming straight for Lyssa's skull. Iravis was behind Lyssa, chanting something in a foreign tounge.

Shikio quickly sprung backwards as a dagger were swiped in her direction, back-flipping she let her icy spikes shoot up from the floor towars the attacker and then Shikio landed a few steps back as she prowled from a distance. The Enemy slided to the side into a table and threw a dagger her way which she evaded. She then quickly closed the distance seeing the man giving her a big opening by focusing a great-axe to use towards Lyssa.

Shikio pounced towards the man and went for the throat of course from behind. If she could sink her fangs and claws around him she wouldn't hesitate to tear him appart.

The axe was easy enough for Lyssa to avoid. She ducked under the weapon, lunging forward intending to tackle the man from the front.

Unfortuantly for Iravis, she was behind Lyssa at this time. After disinigrating the weapon the previous time, Iravis was expecting a similar performance for the great axe. But no, the hellion dodged and Iravis could only manage to raise her arm as an instinctive block as it was lopped off. Blood sprayed everywhere.

The girl's attacks both landed, but the alchemist was talented enough in armor to be able to summon a gorget for his neck The wolves attacks were an incredibly uncomfortable experience, but he lived. The demon's tackle then forced the three into a dogpile, with the wolf crushed on the bottom and Lyssa on top.

Only a moment later the Alchemist summoned two razor sharp blades, sending them beneath Lyssa's arms and aiming for the thighs.

Well the sudden frontal collision and the rough armor was enough to ward off Shikio's vicious attacks and soon threw them all to the ground. Falling to the ground and getting pummeled by the weight of two others was not especially comfortable and knocked some air out of her causing her to whine quite a bit. Yet she tore with her claws at any parts she could reach before realizing the mans attack on Lyssa.

This made Shikio try to grapple and hold the enemy's arms and keep them away from Lyssa. "Freeze!" she called as she tried to hold him still for Lyssa to act while adding a bit if chill to the moment.

Lyssa ignored the blades. In fact, she almost didn't even seem to ackdnowledge their presence. If they struck her, then fine. She was going to end this right now, even if she got hurt herself. She reached for the mans mask, ripping it off and tossing it aside, out of reach. Now that his face was exposed...well...99% of the elements in a human body was oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. The rest was potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium.

"Soo...looks like you've lost~" She giggled, that unsettling grin never leaving her face. "So I'll give you just oooone. chance to surrender." She placed a hand on the side of his face. If he so happened to make a single move she didn't like...well, he could say goodbye to his insides.

The knives landed, but before he could stab again his arms were frozen and his body was tied up from beneath. Metal mask knew when his game was up. "I yield! You win! Congradulations, you can stay here!"

Iravis had curled up in a ball, face pale as she went into shock. She was holding her dismembered arm against the bleeding stump, tears landing on the wound. It healed with visible speed, the dismembered part reataching itself flawlessly as time bassed. Less than thirty seconds had passed since the wound had occured, and the skin was halfway reatached.

"Demon, your thighs ... Wounded ... My tears.. heal." The Phoenix's voice was punctuated by heavy breathing, and was obviously spoken through a great deal of pain. 40 seconds after the wound, the bone had started to reconnect. Muscles pulled themselves together again, reforming broken their broken bonds.

For a few seconds, it almost looked like Lyssa was going to do whatever she was going to do anyways. It wasn't until Iravis spoke up, did she finally let go of the man, breathing heavily, though not from exertion. What? Injured? Was she hurt? She...couldn't feel anything but...she looked back, to where Iravis had mentioned, and sure enough she was. Ah...she should...probably get that looked at.

She rolled off of the man, laying on her back on the floor, simply breathing and trying to recollect herself. Ugh, she felt terrible, and not from the wound, or the fact she was probably losing quite a bit of blood. For now, she would just lay here, and try not to think about what had almost just happened.

She had almost...just killed someone...again.

"LYSSA! NOW!" The demon's wound was very, very deep. Whie it was small, Iravis wouldn't have been surprised if it had struck the bone.

Lyssa turned her head and looked to Iravis. Was she...upset about something? Oh right, she was injured...probably quiet badly. But what exactly could Iravis do about it? She was pretty sure she wasn't any sort of healer, but...ugh.

With a small grunt, Lyssa forced herself to her feet. She could walk well enough, since it wasn't really the injury bothering her, so she limped over to Iravis without a word.

As the man yielded Shikio's grip remained firm long after, even if it was uncomfortable to have him on top of her the weight dropped considerably when Lyssa got off him. Yet Shikio hadn't failed to noticed her friends injury, the stench of blood hanging thickly in the air drove her mad with rage. She spun around without letting go slammed him to the ground as she came out on top.

Iravis used her functional arm to grab Lyssa's thigh, forcing one of the demon's wounds beneath her face. A few tears fell, and the wound would quickly vanish and the pain was probably going away. "Your other one." When the demon turned around, Iravis used her tears to heal that wound as well.

Then it was but a move for the wolf to rip his neck protector clean off and settle her paws right around his neck tightly. She weren't going to just let go, this enemy had hurt her friends and he were dangerous. She bluntly thought that removing his head would make him much less of a threat to them.

"You hurt my friends... You wounded my pack... There's no mercy for scum like you" she growled, a moment after she without hesitation went for the kill once more...

"Don't kill him!" If this man died, then they would lose a valuable source of information. But the Phoenix was in no condition to stop the fernir.

Soon the wounds Lyssa had recieved had been taken care of. If she still wasn't in a state of shock, she might have questioned it just a little bit. Iravis' tears could heal? She'd probably find that a little sad, but for now she barely acknowledged it. She was thankful for it, though right now she should probably stop Shikio from killing this guy.

She walked over to the wolf, grabbing her shoulder with a firm grip.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't kill him, alrighty?~" It was definitely more of a command than a suggestion.

Shikio heeded not as the Phoenix somewhat in the distant called for her to stop, because at that point she were already consumed in enough blood thirst for this enemy's neck that words were beyond stopping her. At the time when Lyssa's hand fell on Shikio's shoulder the floor was already turning red with this enemy's blood as she had gouged his neck open, ripping flesh from bone and given him a new entance to breathe through as he was both drowning in his own blood and experiencing the pain of his flesh getting ripped off.

When Lyssa's words finally reached Shikio, the enemy had likely already stopped moving. And at that time she would gaze up at Lyssa with blood that was not her own floowing from her fangs and mouth. To this notion Shikio mearly licked her lips as she smirked to Lyssa "Hush little baby do not cry, all in this world will one day die~" she sang slightly as she pulled away from the corpse. "Well its a waste of a good meal, but I suppose I won't eat him... maybe" she said as she looked to her room mates, they seemed surprisingly fine now making her nod to them. " how are you feeling?... you still reek blood" she asked them in a rather firm tone compared to her playful pre-battle attitude.

Lyssa had been hoping that Shikio wouldn't. She had already had enough fighting for tonight, and she wasn't feeling so well. She would have given Shikio all the cuddles she could have given the fluffy dog if she had. Instead, she had to watch a man get ripped apart right in front of her. She was looking a lot less cute and fluffy now. The demon would have tried to pry the other girl off of him, but she was too slow and by the time she even realized what had happened, it was too late.

When Shikio was done, she could only do one thing.

The demon summoned all of the physical strength she possessed...and slammed her fist right into Shikios face.

"Are you crazy?" she quietly spoke. "Y-you didn't have to...what did that even do?! He had surrendered!" she shook her head, dear gods there was so much blood. She almost felt like she was going to puke.

Shikio didn't get much time to listen to any replies, only a moment to realize that Lyssa balled a fist in anger, before there was intense pain... stars and she soon found herself on the floor with a broken nose and her cute face bloodied by someone she had trusted's fist. She didn't give any reply, nor a whine... at most a gasp as she were knocked out from the hard blow straight to the face. The one straight punch hurting her more severely than the entirety of the battle...

Some would believe that the racket produced by the fights would attract more than one teacher, or in this case, a nurse.

Still, Rollanda walked into the room as if it were nobody's business and took the Eraser in her arms.

"You really went wild here, didn't you?" She simply said, and moved the man's hair out of the way to take a good look at his face. .

"Yes, nothing I can't fix. The demon over there." She turned to Lyssa. "Help me carry your roommate. It is your fault she is in that sorry state, after all. You are also pretty sensible to these kinds of things... I guess that's what happens when someone's new in the school. Don't worry, he's, well, dead, but he won't be for much longer."

She then turned on her heel and turned around, "And that's an order, so hurry up and bring the wolf girl over."

Iravis' arm was mostly reatached by this point, with some blood still spilling out of it. She remained curled up on the floor, blood pooling around her, skin deathly white She was barely concious by this point, so she didn't notice the confrontation between her roomates or the staff as they entered the room.

Okay, maybe punching Shikio was just a bit much. Lyssa hadn't meant to knock her out. Ugh, this night just kept getting worse. She wasn't sure she was going to be staying in the room the rest of the night after this. She wasn't sure she could.

"H-huh?" She sounded a bit startled when she replied to Rollanda. The demon hadn't even heard her come in, but what she said seemed to improve her mood quite a bit. "Y-you can heal him? But..." He looked pretty dead to her. Could this woman fix dead people? Still, she wasn't going to argue. If she said she could, she'd let her do whatever she was going to.

Lyssa walked over to where Shikio was laying, though still moving a bit slowly. She lifted Shikio as best she could, and brought her over to Rollanda.

Rushing into the room with quite the concerned frown on her face, Hanako rushed to Iravis' side.

"Hrm, how inconsiderate of Mistress Rollanda. To just leave you here..." She put a single hand on Iravis' forehead. "Poor thing. But don't worry, I'm here for you! Kubinashi!"

With a puff, Hanako's familiar appeared again and between the two of them they carried Iravis over to the infirmary.

"Wait for us, Mistress! She needs treatment too!"

"You can handle that."

"Eh? C'mon! She looks really pale!"

"I believe your treatment would be better this time than mine. So handle it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 14 days ago

Edgar Quantus, Synth Kane, Richard Dowel Vs Masked Eraser

The talk with Rollanda had gone well, and she had given him some information he hadn't known about before. He was a bit reluctant to tell her about it at first, but she had told him she already knew, which took a load off his chest. The conversation took a bit longer than expected, though, and when he left Reina was no where to be found. So, instead of bothering with his other classes, he returned to his dorm room.

Richard had been so happy before the intruder showed up. He was reading up on the Eye under the covers of his bed. Upon the sudden vibrations, he stuck his head out and quickly went into crisis mode, "Edgar, Wake up and do your time shit NOW." He hollered down to to him, before thinking quickly on his feet, and casting his blanket off of him and onto the assailant He then drew himself into a defensive stance. He could afford to be hit by this guy, in fact at this point he really, really wanted to be, but he needed to protect his vital points. He wouldn't be able to reverse a shot to his own head, after all.

Somehow Synth had found himself sharing a room with Juliann, the hot teacher he had had a small disagreement with earlier. He had decided, though, he wouldn't go back to the dorm - at least not for a while. He, instead, decided to nap out in the courtyard, surrounded by the beautiful, if a little repetative, futuristic and bland, school.

A while afterwards, he began feeling sick. Extremely sick in fact, to the point where he almost wanted to throw up. And then, in the same moment, he felt a sudden spike in energy - negative energy - coming straight from inefwh87eth dorm room. The Eye had most certainly been activated, but why? And, more or importantley, how? The child had little to no idea about what the Eye did, how it worked, or even the side effects that could be caused from it. The kid was going to be the next prodigy of the school, and to top it all off he had badass runes, a lot like Synth himself, but fewer in number. The amount the boy had was marginally impressive, but the way they had been etched onto his body was amazing. Whoever did it knew exactly what they were doing to produce them.

Synth rose, and ran. Straight to the boys dorm, in fact, where the Erasers had already begun their attack. As he ran, he saw Juliann running out of their dorm wearing nothing but her underwear and a camisole, a sight which very much pleased him. Of course, she was heading to the dorms as well, but how could she have known? It wasn't as if the erasers were making much of
a racket at that point, so how? It didn't matter, though, as it was clear the battles had already begun and the sounds of fighting
sprung to life. He grabbed his revolver from his back pocket, and formed a blade of solid darkness in his right hand.

Edgar had been sleeping, rather happily in fact, until Richard had started shouting. It was a good thing he was a bit of a light sleeper, because as he rose from sleep to shout at his room-mate, he also went into crisis mode - but in a bit of a different fashion.

"Richard I'm trying t-" he went to shout, before averting his eyes to the masked man wearing a blanket. The blanket was slightly vibrating though, and soon it fell off the guy and onto the floor. He soon stood, and grabbed his best daggers from under the pillow, the blades glowing a white light in responce to the night. The three runes along his face began to glow, and Edgar began to chant his first incantation. But, before he did, a loud, resounding bang resonated from the doorway, and the beak masked man disappeared in a blur, only to reappear a few meters away from where he had been stood. In the gap between the room and hallway, Synth stood with his revolver aimed at where the eraser stood.

From behind Synth, his shadow split into multiple parts, and rose from the ground in jagged blades underneath the eraser, and the runes across his body all lit up simultaneously with a black light, casting shadows all across the room. The negative energy was strong in the building, but where it was coming from was pretty much a mystery; almost as if it were covering the entire dorm. Edgar was already in action, and grabbed Richard by the shoulder, and shattered a nearby window. As the glass fell, he pulled Richard out of the window and jumped with him, slowing down everything around them for a slower fall that wouldn't break their legs.

In response to the slow fall Edgar and Richard were experiencing, the beaked mask casted his magic.

A series of magic circles started appearing right in front of the pair of students, that started to speed them up with each one they passed. The fall would be at at least 200 km/h, enough to kill the both of them, if they were not able to slow themselves down somehow.

He then turned his attention towards Synth, pointing one of his silver guns at the teacher.

He fired, but the bullet that came out was incredibly slow. The initial surprise he aimed for would be enough to speed himself up and jump through the window to continue his erasal of Edgar and Richard.

The flury of events that happened before Richard's eyes left him dizzy, only for him to need to refind his bearings as he found himself falling out of the window. He rubbed his eyes as some kind of Magical Ring began to appear around him and Edgar. Notcing he had a bit of time on his hands, due to an apparent slow that had been put upon them, though that was deteriorating rather quickly, as they accelerated with each ring.

Thinking on his feet, Richard grabbed onto Edgar, and said, "Trust me," As he kicked them off of the wall, and out of their time bubble. They quickly began accelerating at the normal rate of 9.81 M/S, before stopping to a lovely 0 M/S upon hitting the ground. Upon hitting the ground, there was a deafining cracking noise, followed by a scream of agony emanating from Richard. He saved his own life, but now he was in the worst pain of his life.

Trembling, he lay face down on the grass, before exhaling and reaching to lay his hand on his leg. Tears streamed down his face as he waited for his assailent to return to him, and send this back. He coughed and then gritted his teeth together, before choaking out, "Sorry man, it was this or die. You feeling alright?" He asked, really wishing he didn't like the guy as much as he did, as then he'd at least have some place to pass this off to.

The green circles of Naturalis magic were the first signs that Edgar and Richard were fucked. The time alteration field Edgar had created around himself was being negated by the increase in speed, and richard had just moved away from the field and broke his legs. The scream was very, very loud, and Edgar had to cover his ears upon the impact of his room-mate with the cold, hard, grassy floor. And, not to mention, his eye had begun hurting once again.
"Damnit, you idiot!" the floor was coming up to meet him faster and faster. All the runes across his body began to glow a pale, white-green light, and but he didn't slow. Instead, the ground slowed, and everything around the area he would land in crawled to a stand still upon landing. The speed at which he fell dropped to 0, and he rolled harmlessly across the grass next to Richard, who was still in pain.

Synth, on the other hand, was having less of a fun time. It was clear the eraser was using Naturalis, and speed magic at that. The slowed bullet was clear and true to that, and so was the way the masked man moved. He moved out of the path of the bullet, and saw the enemy make what looked to be a dash towards the window to continue his assault. But, before he could, a black wall rose up in front of it, blocking him off.
"Negative Abyss..." was the last thing the eraser would hear for a while, as the shadow spikes that were once where he stood shifted and grew, covering the entire room in a black void. Around them, the room collapsed as the other battle continued, but nothing else happened in the shadow prison.
"This is where we fight, eraser. You cannot leave here, and neither can I. The only way out, is to kill me." with the last remark, all 15000 runes on Synth's body began glowing an ominous purple light, and cast dancing light all around the void. He could already feel the strain on his body from the negative energy he had been using, and had continued to use to keep the spell up.
"Negative Phantasm" from under the void, a black, nightmare creature rose up, and bore down on the eraser.

The eraser simply tilted his head. The beast and the shadowy prison... and the only way out to kill a teacher.

Yeah, he could do that.

He trained his gun on the shadowy creature and pulled the trigger once again. Different to what happened last time, the bullet came out at an astonishing speed, and that's not mentioning the shots that followed behind the first.

They were all done at an incredible speed, so much that they seemed to be shot at the same time.

All 6 bullets from his first gun sped up and went towards the creature, while he crossed his other arm and shot 7 times at the teacher beside him.

Again, the bullets were shot so fast that they seemed to have been shot at the same time.

The shadow creature simply stood, hulking over both the eraser and Synth. When the shots fired, it was completely ready, as if it knew the masked man would fire. As the first bullet began to move, the creature lifted its arm up as if to stop it, but instead a giant solid black wall rose from the floor of the void and blocked the bullets. The second set were stopped just as easily, as Synth raised his sword towards the bullets. Instead of being stopped by a wall, though, a single pillar rose from the void and blocked them all in their tracks.

The creature stepped forwards and brought its claws down where the eraser stood, and walls appeared all around him, but they rose like a maze. The only place the guy could move to was right in the line of Synth's revolver, where he was already positioned. As soon as the guy appeared, he would pull the trigger.

Edgar lay, facing the sky, next to Richard, watching as the dorm collapsed. There was some other fighting, some fire, some ice. And a large black cube.
"Yeah... I'm okay... How about you?"

Richard pounded his fist on the ground, and exhaled before placing his hands on his broken leg, and saying, "About to be a lot better." He said, as his hands began to gain a blue glow, and a loud snap echoed through the empty field. He winced as he leg began to heal, and his pain started to dissapate. He turned to look over at Edgar as he did this and said, " Thank god I'm not a one trick pony. " as he gave a ragged exhale, and coughed a bit.

Richard glanced up at the tower and said, "Wish I could've given it to that asshat. but I'd rather walk than have revenge." He said as his leg audiably crackled and popped. He began to flex his leg, checking to see if he could at least get moving. It wasn't good that he treated he body like a punching bag, and he has a brief flashback to class earlier today, where he told off the professor for engaging in the same type of reckless behaivior he did. He frowed, ans shook his head, knowing that what he did was at least justified in that he needed to to this to protect himself. After a minute or two, he began to rise. His leg still ached, but he could at least walk on it at this point. "Shall we go find a teacher, or lay around here like a pair of invalids?" He asked, shooting a smile over to Edgar.

The eraser brought both arms to his sides, before they both started moving at an extremely fast speed. There was the sound of his weapons reloading, but it could not be seen.

Afterwards, he took a side step, stepping right into Synth's range.

He would, however, slow down the bullet, so much as to be able to catch it with his bare hands. And again, he wouldn't.

He turned to his side, another green magic circle appearing. He jumped and then landed a knee right on the face of the shadow creature. He had the speed of a plane in the middle of flying, it should be enough to crack the skull of just about anything... as well as his knee.

The first thing Synth saw was the eraser move into his line of fire, and so fire he did. The bullet crawled to a slow though, and kept moving. as if it had been slowed in time. So he can do it in an area he though, still watching him as he lept and tried to take down the shadow with physical combat. By the looks of things, the kid should have at least broken a bone or two, so the fight would be easier and quicker.

The shadow monster, however, didn't die, or shatter, or cease existing. It, did though, fade away from the attack, only to reform a short distance away with a completely new form. The void prison wavered slightly at the creation of the creature, but continued to keep stability under the strain.
"You aren't doing so well, child. Perhaps you should take a rest." adding a slight difference in tone to the word rest, the runes on his body began to glow brighter. Much brighter, in fact, so that the shadow creature cast a shadow on the void.

"Negative Abyssal Seal." the runes from his face stopped glowing, and vanished all together. 784 runes, all inhabited by spirits, left Synth's body, and instead manifested around the eraser. It was time to gather the 15001st rune.

The Eraser stop right in the middle of the air, a magic circle appearing behind him and then in front of him.

Even with a broken knee, he could still move fairly fast thanks to his magic.

This time, though, he aimed to take Synth's head off with a hit from his gun.

Of course, the spirits that started manifesting around him were most definitely worrisome.

But he couldn't second guess his decision right now. He dangerously approached Synth, ready to take his head and then....

"Contritio, Sword Art..... Tsubamegaeshi!" It echoed outside the shadowy prison.

There were three slashes at the same time, but it was most definitely not speed magic. The Contritio at the start of the spell made that much obvious.

The shadowy cube most probably wouldn't be able to withstand the sheer force of the slashing attacks, as the woman behind this attack intended to break it all off at once.

Before it fell apart, though, it would probably start shaking like crazy.

"What kind of teacher tries to kill his own student, mister Synth." She said with a slightly sad expression in her face.

The eraser came in for the kill, but as he did the shadow being rushed to restrain him. before it did, there was a presence; a dark presence, from outside the barrier. It wavered, and then pretty much turned to ribbons. At first, it shook, very slightly. Then it began to shake more and more, until it collapsed in on itself from its own instability.

It was Juliann, the hot teacher from before. She stood there, acting as if killing was... new, new to the whole punishment thing. It was true, the spirit was nigh impossible to heal, and that the student would be completely erased, if you were. But the way she said it, actually made Synth slightly angry; something that hadn't happened in quite a while.

"I'm sorry, Juliann, but I have business to attend to. Business that, if you interfere in, will get. you. killed." the way he said it, and the look he gave her, showed he meant it, "I will not have these people attempting to kill nje8b7hwfs. If they do, we will have problems. Big. problems."

The void collpased, and so did the remainig part of the boys' dorm. Everything else that was once a part of it broke and collpased, leaving only three people standing on a small piece of framework; Synth, Juliann, and the eraser. Edgar and Richard had already begun heading off, but as they did, a loud bang resonated across the school - a gunshot. Synth had taken a shot at the startled eraser point blank, and was confronting the woman.
"lets just get out of here and leave the two to their domestic dispute, shall we?" Edgar said, turning to face Richard.

The sudden point blank shot was not only cut in two, but in a million pieces, all before Synth could even look at Juliann's blade.

"It seems you know some of this subject, hm? Well, whatever it is you need to protect, there are several ways better to do things than to just-!"

She did not expect, however, for the Eraser to point his own gun at his head and then pulling the trigger.


The woman reached for her sword, before turning a glare to Synth.

"Is this your doing? Are you so much of a coward that you'd rather see a student kill himself instead of dirtying your hands!?"

Her eyes seemed to have a kind of fire to them.

The bullet, before it had even moved a couple centimeters from the barrel, was cut into a million pieces. Not that it surprised Synth, but it did help to gauge her abilities.

And then, out of nowhere, the student blew his own brains out, all across what remained of the boys dorm framework. He sighed, as Juliann blew a gasket at the kids suicide, claiming him to be a coward. And then, Synth's eyes lit up with a dark, emotionless flame.
"An Eraser. Heard of them? They have come to kill the students, and I can only guess the reason you came is to help. Or, has it to do with the Eye?" he glared at her, looking her over with a curiosity into her body language. She managed to know the fighting would begin even before it had broken out, but how?

He turned to the corpse and looked it over, picking up his gun and examining it.
"My guess is it was a suicide mission, or at least near to one. Do or die as you might say." he kept looking at the catalyst, before dropping it off the building framework. At least this way the kid wouldn't be dead for good.

Synth stepped around Juliann and began walking away, before motioning for her to follow.
"He is dead, but Rollanda will sort him out. So come on, and you can tell me what you know about the Eye. You didn't want to talk about it before, but now you don't have a choice." and then he continued walking away.

Richard smiled in relief when Edgar said he was fine with not going back up to fight the gun totting maniacs. He gave a sigh of relief as the pain in his leg disappeared completely, happy that he could walk again. He stretched his arms above his head and said, "We better find some way to get to bed." He shook his head, "Even with this, I doubt the teachers will give us much slack when it comes to getting in on time." He bitched, really just wanting to sleep and be done with this by now.

The Erasers. Yes, she had been warned about something of the sort.

Her instinct, and perhaps also the spirit residing inside of her, told her that the man was not guilty of the death of this man.

She sighed and relaxed her stance. "I see. Forgive me, I just..." She turned to the corpse of the Eraser. She was unsure of whether he was strong or not, for being able to pull the trigger with no qualms whatsoever.

"I might consider talking... if you tell me what you know about the Eye yourself. If you cannot do that, well, we won't really get anywhere. I just have to assure you, I mean no harm to whoever has it."

She did not move. It was obvious that Synth's threats did not intimidate her, since she had completely ignored all of them since he told her she could die. As if she weren't already prepared to die anyway.

There was something off about her, something different. Something... Dangerous, maybe, but more... He couldn't put the words to it. The way she talked about the heir and the Eye, it was as if she had some kind of connection with it. But then again, it was clear she didn't know who actually had it to begin with.

"Right, thats fine. I'll tell you what I know, and you will tell me what you know. Though, be expected to speak first. I can gather you want the Heir's identity, and that will not come without a price from you." he said, dispelling the last remaining parts of his magic and reingaging all the spirits back into his body. From what he could gather, the erasers had come to kill everyone, and not just the heir. It was like they were picking targets at random, but they couldn't have. Because one of the very people they attacked was the heir. Surely it wasn't just a coincidence.

"Come, now. Unless you want to talk here."

"No, let's go. I shall follow behind you." Juliann simply nodded. In exchange for the identity of the heir, it was a steep price to pay.

Revealing the secrets of her order... yes, for the identity, it was worth it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Outside of the room known as 'hungry and sleepy', music played. And bullets silently started flying through the air. Not individually, but as a continuous stream of death. They pierced through the sheetrock, flew through couches, furniture, and even the freezer. But they tore through those things silently, their noise somehow canceled.

After about thirty seconds the shooting stopped and the door opened. If someone was looking, they would see a masked figure walking in, cane periodically tapping the ground while spinning forward. Top hat on head. And singing.

"Hello, my baby

hello, my honey,

hello. my ragtime gal!

send me a kiss by wire.

baby my heart's on fire!

if you refuse me,

honey you'll lose me,

then you'll be left alone,

oh, baby, telephone,

and tell me i'm your own."

He stopped singing, bowing in his red clothes. He raised his arms and started conducting an invisible orchestra with his cane. 9mm to .50 cal rounds started to fly through the walls to the tune of The Imperial March. More powerful beats would send in bigger shots, whereas the lighter ones sent in 9mm or even a 22.

"Rex Delens, at your service."

Meruin woke up from her nap, opening her bleary eyes slowly. It was her 33rd consecutive one since she met that girl this morning, with each occuring nap coming after intervals as short as qn hour before she was asleep again at a different area. She frowned deeply. Even for her that was unusual. She slept often, but she was never sloth-like until now anyway. Her initial thoughts were that she had skimmed out on sleep a lot later than usual, but she dismissed those ideas; she slept no later than usual for her, no, her instincts told her it was something else, something to do with that girl . . .

She cut her line of thought abruptly as she looked up at the skies. The deep, cloudless, starry skies. She blinked back the sleepiness in her eyes and stared with an expression that was almost disbelief.

Oh. I've been asleep longer than I thought.

The tiny waif of a mage got up from her spot on top of a bookshelf. Hm, so she had fallen asleep inside the Library. Which also meant she was close enough to the accounting department. She could ask for her dorm number there and save herself the trouble of sleeping outdoors for the night.

With a light hop, Meruin descended from the bookshelf. It was a good distance from the floor, and Meruin wasn't confident in her physical prowess to take the fall, but a quick transmutation of a table directly beneath her turned it into an elevated platform rendered the problem moot.

Without further preamble, Meruin proceeded to the students accounting.

It turned out that the accounting lady was less than pleased to be disturbed this late in the evening, and delayed giving Meruin her room number with an articulate yet vulgar rank. Meruin scarcely paid attention to it, though she did not that she was warned to be careful. So there was something afoot this night that she had to be careful of. Who's fault was it this time, she wondered. A good number of students were capable of causing widespread chaos, especially if they were a Pythones mage. A summoning gone wrong was a common occurrence at the academy, and it was usually the fault of some overconfident mage.

Of course, it was also entirely possible for this to be the Directors fault. Meruin wouldn't put it past him to create some nonsensical scheme.

No matter the danger, however, Meruin needed to get to her dorm, and more importantly, her bed.

So she walked through the night, through empty hallways, looking for her room.

She had been walking for an hour or so, when she heard the sound. It sounded like singing. The singing was coming from near her room, and moreover, it was a males voice. Unusual, as this was the female's dorm. Perhaps it was a pervert? Or else it could be a visiting lover. Either way, whoever he was, he should not have been here. Meruin frowned as she considered something else - this could be the Director's doing. Perhaps this was the danger she was warned of earlier? Did the Director finally give in to his demented urges and sent out his legions of summoned demonic perverts?

Meruin was half-sure that he did, but best to see for herself what was going on.

She stepped into view of her room, and what she saw made her raise a brow.

"I see. It seems my assumption was correct."

In front of her, standing at the threshold of her room, was a pervert. He had all the trappings of one: The mask, the top hat, the suits and tight pants. He stood conducting an unseen orchestra directing . . .

Narrowing her eyes, Meruin reassessed her situation. This was not a pervert. This was a threat, and it was ripping through her room. That could only mean that he was a threat. Backing up, she put a large amount of space between them; hopefully he hadn't noticed her. Meruin was unprepared for battle, which was the worst possible situation. She thrived on preparation. Still, she had to make solidify her position and assess the situation. That meant stalling for time.

Meruin transfigured the floor in front of her to form a thick wall, and on the floor in front of it, she drew her mark. Afterwards, she ran as fast as she could, stopping occasionally to write runes on the walls, as much as she could. She had to set up her territory before she began any kind of engagement. In the unlikely occasion that the man was not hostile, then she would need total control over their meeting.

This was not what she expected on her first day back to the Academy.

Reina had been peacefully sound asleep like any good girl should have. She slightly squinted her eyes even closer than they already were in annoyance at the sound of the bullets piercing through various objects. Luckily for her nothing had hit her yet when you clearly would have suspected for it to happen. Reina opened her eyes a little to see what the weird sounds were, her mouth was slightly agape as she turned around to look at the whole room. She didn't see anything off in particular but that might have been the haziness in her eyes but that must had been from her sleep just now. The room looked rather destroyed by the bullet rain and mostly everything seemed to have been hit by it.

A man with a mask had entered the room of the sleeping beauties and caused quite a ruckus already. When he began singing Reina drowsily rubbed one of her eyes as she supported herself up with the other hand. Her eyes were still half closed and her hair only looked a little messy from the rolling in her sleep but it wasn't her morning hair either. The light from the hallway blinded her half and made it a little more difficult to look at the man with the mask. The darkness from the room made his mask almost black with the creepy smile still visible. It made it hard to determine who it was.

"Who's there?"

She tiredly and shyly said. The man stopped singing as he introduced himself. Reina started realizing what was happening right now. She properly sat up on her bed as she raised the sheets in front of her sweet pink pyjamas that had small white frilly ends to every limb. A red blush had appeared onto her face from the embarrassment of a boy seeing her like this.

"H-how dare you!"

It suddenly came to mind that the wall behind the man was pierced with holes in various sizes and that it kept continuing. Every hole in the wall lighted the room with more light from the hallway. When Reina noticed they were bullets that had been piercing the walls she ducked under the sheets and curled up in a tiny ball so the chance would become smaller that the bullets would hit her. She had no chance against this man. How would she be able to defeat this man in this small of a room without making herself look like cheese. Reina bit her lip and closed her eyes tightly as the bullet rain continued and even passed close by her from time to time.

Wrapped up in her blanket, little Jo gazed up at the blank ceiling. It had been a pretty eventful day and the best probable thing to do was to get some proper sleep. The problem was, Jocelyn could hardly sleep. At all. For some odd reason.

Rolling around under her blanket, Jocelyn thought back to the moments she had spent talking with her new 'friend' Vera. At least little Jo actually knew what this 'Eye of Baphel' was now. And at least she'd made a new acquaintance today too.

An eye that grants the user extreme magic power… It really is quite scary…

On the topic of her new acquaintance, the Vera girl seemed normal enough. Surprisingly, she was a bit similar to Jocelyn herself, both being from the same country and both being only children to a rich household. Someone to relate to and someone who was neither annoying nor silent; pretty much the perfect acquaintance according to Jocelyn's standards. Now she had less of a chance of possibly being trampled over like an ant for the rest of this Magnus Games event.

Jocelyn would keep friends with this girl. For now, anyways.

Shutting her eyes, the little girl tried forcing herself to sleep. The least she wanted was to end up being late for her very first lessons and make a fool of herself on her very first day. Well, technically second. Thankfully, after a few minutes passed the girl had drifted off to sleep.

Only about two minutes later the girl's eyes snapped open. She stared at the wall her bed was propped up against, putting a hand to her stomach.

This unsettling feeling… Could it be…?

Jocelyn shot out of bed, scampering out of her blanket. She held onto her stomach, staring towards the door. Not exactly the door to the hallway, though.

I need to pee.

After she'd finished with her business, Jocelyn rinsed her hands before exiting the toilet. Damn, it had been such a busy day she had even forgot to pee.

Then, a blast of music shot through Jo's ears.

She froze in her spot, her hand ready to grab the doorknob. Jocelyn wasn't going to lay a finger on it, though. Her eyes widened, small beads of sweat trailing down the sides of her face.

What… What on earth is this? Circus music?

A bullet came out nowhere and pierced through the bathroom door, just inches above Jocelyn's head. Holding her breath, the young girl backed away from the door, viewing the hole the bullet had made on it and the ones appearing after it. Her eyes were so wide they looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets.

This singing… Someone's out there! But it's not just anyone normal person… If it were just a random intruder with a gun he would have just shot us and ran, not start up his own carnival concert in our dorm room. It has to be a mage! I know it!

Jocelyn took in deep breaths as she continued to think, her back pressed against the wall. At least the shooting had stopped now. This was her chance to think of a proper plan.

Then, an idea sparked in her head. Crouching down, Jocelyn whispered a few words:

"I call you, Patricia, Octavia."

In the blink of an eye, two women appeared on the bathroom floor, just beginning to stir from their sleep. The smaller blonde woman raised her head, completely oblivious to what had just happened outside. The white haired woman on the other hand just blinked, swiveling her head around to check her surroundings.

"Hu-Huh? Where… am I?" the blonde muttered.

"Is this... Wait, L-Lady Jocelyn? What are you-"

The little girl clamped her two hands over the women's mouths to hush them. Before Jocelyn spoke she span her head around towards the door again, stared back with a slightly panicked look on her face.

"I don't have time to say anything irrelevant so I'll take questions any other type of questions later," Jocelyn said, almost too fast for Octavia and Patricia to understand. "There's a mage outside and he's shooting bullets all around our dorm room. I don't know who it is, or what it is, but it's a threat to us and we must act quickly and get rid of it. I sincerely apologise that I've woken you two up at such a late time, but there's a zero percent chance that I'll be able to defeat this person with just my Pythones magic alone. Soundless bullets against my water-made kingfishers isn't exactly the best battle strategy."

"Judging by this blaring music and these flying bullets this person is most likely a Praestigiae and Contritio mage. I honestly don't mean to offend you Patricia, but why summon the two of us, Lady Jocelyn? He's able to use two schools yet you didn't summon someone stronger like Sabrina or Hannah?"

"I was fully aware that you would find my plan to be flawed, Octavia, so I'll explain my plan to the both of you as fast as possible. There's still someone out there who could be hurt, so summoning you was a must. If I was to get hurt then your magic would come in handy as well. Patricia on the other hand should be fast enough to evade the mage's bullets, so that would be very useful too. And, well… you know Hannah. Waking her up at this time is like writing my own death sentence."

"But… But Milady, you could've summoned someone like Sabrina or Hannah, just like what Octavia said. Those two are much stronger than the two of us combined-"

"That's not the point, Patricia," Jocelyn interrupted. "If I were to summon Sabrina or Hannah then that's 3/4 of my mana already gone. Yes, any of those two would be able to beat the opponent much easier, but if I got hurt then I won't have enough mana left to summon Octavia. If I were to pass out during this chaotic situation then Sabrina would have to drag me around so I don't get a bullet to the head. Who knows how many of those bullet-wielding mages there are causing a commotion in the other dorm rooms? Sabrina's strong, yes, but the risks are just too great."

Patricia looked down, a bit hurt by Jocelyn's words. The little girl smiled, placing her hand on the woman's.

"I-I'm sorry Milady, I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's absolutely fine. You were worried and I can understand that. But if we're going to make it out of this room alive then this plan must succeed. I trust and believe in the both of you, Octavia, Patricia. I know two you won't fail."

Standing up, Jocelyn looked towards the door. "There's a wall that should block the mage's view so hopefully we won't be spotted. Now, it's about time I put my plan into action."


"Are you sure about this, Milady?"

The short blonde woman glanced around the wall, watching as the man conducted his bullets around the room. The white-haired Octavia stooped down and whispered to Patricia.

"Lady Jocelyn knows what she's doing. You can trust her, Patricia. I can guarantee that this plan won't fail. It's a very good plan if I do say so myself~"

"All you have to do is try and grab his mask, hat and that wand thing in his hand one at a time. You'll be able to put your speed to use here so he won't see you. If he's without a catalyst then he can't use his magic anymore. It's got to be one of those three items I just listed. It has to be."

Again, Patricia looked on, trembling. Jocelyn placed a hand on her shoulder, sending her a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, Patricia. You can do this. You know where to hide. Good luck."

Swallowing her fear, Patricia crouched. With a burst of speed, she sprinted past the masked man, swiping his hat away in a flash. No, that didn't stop it. She then went in for the mask, ripping it off his face. It was at this time that the mage was getting rather pissed. He gazed around the room, searching for… well, anything unusual. The girl he had introduced himself to before was still shaking in bed and he had no idea where the other two girls were at. Someone -no, something- had just swiped the mask off his face. What was it? Where was it?


His conducting stick was gone.

"Do it, Patricia!"

Too shocked to act, the unmasked man was met with a lightning fast lunch to the stomach. The suited mage doubled over, but he managed to keep himself from falling to his knees.

Jocelyn ran across to one of her dorm mate's bed, shaking large lump under the blanket. Her face was written over entirely with concern.

"Hello? Are you hurt? Please, answer me!"

Rex Delends noticed the girl escaping behind him, and was prepared to start a new tune just for her. That was until he was slammed in the chest by some terrible force. He recovered, but his mask was gone. And his hat. And his conducting stick. An enraged face appeared where the mask had been.

Anger flowed through him, as he teleported behind Patricia and pulled out a smaller conducting stick than his cane. Rocket propelled grenades flew through the air to the tone of mozart, at Patricia and the wall constructed behind her. He whisked the stick through the air in the opposite direction, sending a hailstorm of bullets through the hallway Meruin was running in and to the other side of Patricia, trying to cut off her escape.

For now, Jocelyn and Reina were safe, with only a few bullets flying by them.

Everything was happening faster than the speed Patricia was going at. The time between the punch she had thrown at the suited psycho and her almost getting blown up by a grenade was a literal millisecond. In an attempt to run back to Octavia the little woman stopped and ducked, shrieking as the grenades exploded behind her.

Meruin "tsk'ed" in response to the hail of bullets flying at her. So he had noticed her after all. How troublesome. Well, at least this confirmed his intent - he was definitely a hostile. Seeing the hailstorm of bullets come at her, Meruin slid her hand across the floor, filling it with mana.

The problem with bullet swarms was their inefficieny, she thought. So many bullets, so little chance that all of them would actually hit the target. She understood the concept. It was from way back when arrows were still the norm - if you flooded the sky with arrows, then no doubt that someone in the opposing army would get hit. Against a single person, however, it was a waste of arrows - or bullets, as the case maybe. No matter how many projectiles came, there were only a certain few that were gauranteed to hit her, and it was against those few that Meruin would concentrate her defense,

As she turned around, she activated the latent mana she had injected into the floor, transmuting it into a line of walls that continuouslt sprung up behind her. It covered her back - the only actual spot that could be hit, and she kept running, slapping sheets of paper left and right. She frowned. She was getting tired already; in the first place, she was not fond of physical activity, and it showed. Meruin was probably below average when it came to fitness. She considered working out once, but decided against it - ultimately, it was simply not her thing.

. . . and she was also going off tangent again.

In any case, she turned around, ready to face this not-so-masked foe. Her territory was small, but it would do for now. It seemed that she was not his only target for the night, which was good. She could make use of that.

Meruin began forming the parameters for her spell in her head.

Targets: four

Include: male, females

Inferential disparity in relation to perception set at 100%

Spell set timed at approximately three minutes

Meruin frowned. Three minutes . . . she was slower than than intended. Strange, strange and also dangerous. Something had definitely affected her earlier, and she had a sneaking suspicion it had to do with that little girl she met earlier today. That requires more investigation . . .

She began the chant for her spell, her eyes trained to where her opponent was, eye intently drinking in every detail.

The marching music suddenly stopped by the actions of the familiar from Jocelyn. Reina blinked a few times under the sheets pondering to herself what was happening in the room around her. She wanted to go and look but was still to afraid that the man in the room would still be there to hurt Reina and her room mates. It was a weird thing, thinking on why he would attack this particulair room. Another bullet flew close past Reina making her realise that the magic of the masked man hadn't completely stopped yet. She squinted her eyes close again hoping it was just a bad dream. Out of nowhere someone had touched her. Her eyes immediatly sprung to panic mode as screamed internally. Maybe if she pretended that she was dead the man would leave her alone but when she suddenly heard the concerned girl her voice her head sprung up. Reina immedialy seemed to have calmed down by the soothing voice of the girl. Her expression brightened up a little as she raised the sheets from her small frame. A small blush was shown on her face as she sat upright and faced the girl. She gave a reasuring nod that she was fine at the girl and gave a small smile towards her that it wasn't a lie.

"N-no, not in the least, I'm fine... I think we maybe should get out of here before we really do get hurt."

She gave an awkard smile at the girl and stood up from her bed. It was a little awkward for someone else to see her in her pyjamas like that but it was a girl atleast so it wasn't as terrible as it seemed to be. Yet the bullets kept passing close by the two. It was a miracle they hadn't been hit yet but you didn't hear her complain about it in the least. Reina spotted the not so masked man. He seemed to have lost some of the items he had at first, mostly his mask of course. He only seemed focussed on Meruin and Patricia at the moment so Reina and Jocelyn had time to think up a plan.

"I see," Jocelyn replied, nodding. Good. At least this girl wasn't one of the things in the room with bullet holes indented into their surface.

Little Jo's eyes widened as she spotted the grenades flying past the blonde familiar and into the wall, exploding upon contact. A blizzard of bullets was bad enough, but come on, grenades?

"If this person isn't going to hold back with his extravagant attacks, then I won't either!"

Jocelyn raised her arms, concentrating her mana into them. Around her scrawny arms appeared four birds of water, two on each side.

"Patricia, stay down!"

Even if I can't hit him, the least I can do is distract him with these birds!

And with that said, the birds flew off, hurtling towards the suited psycho.

Rex countinued to peacefully conduct his orchestra, welcoming Meriun upon her return. "Welcome home sweetheart. Glad you returned for your treats!" The madman began launching Rocket propelled grenades at Meriun as well, making sure each one had their fair share of explosive death. If the fast woman headed towards him again, he would try to teleport out of the way.

Meruin kept chanting, even as the rockets approached her. The rockets headed in for the collision, about to touch her body. Meruin opened her eyes, and broke down the rockets into their base parts - in a sense, they were still "rockets" but "disassembled"; so long as it could be transmuted, she would break it down once it was close enough to approach her.

She looked at the disassembled rocket parts then back at the masked man. With a crack of light, the rocket reassmbled itself, and a fuse was lit - now the rockets were headed towards him instead.

This apparently surprised him. He forced himself to teleport again, this time behind the woman. "You are skilled, my lady! Seems to be a reason boss sent me for you!" A New Song started playing, and the man sung along as flames began to fly from the walls, as if shot by ten flamethrowers.



Trogdor was a man

I mean, he was a dragon man

Or maybe he was just a dragon

But he was still TROGDOR!


Burninating the countryside,

Burninating the peasants

Burninating all the peoples

And their thatched-roof COTTAGES!


Woah, this has wicked dueling guitar solos!

It's like, Squeedly versus Meedley over here.

Go Squeedly!

Go Squeedly!


When all the land is in ruin,

And burnination has forsaken the countryside,

Only one guy will remain.

My money's on TROGDOR!


And theTrogdor comes in the NIIIGHT..."

Smoke filled the room, which was surprisingly fireproofed.

Reina noted that the not so masked man was talking to somebody else that appeared to be in the hallway area. She looked at hallway and indeed saw another girl she had never seen before running around dodging the attacks that the man was trowing at her. Suddenly the sound of a lot more explosion being shot erupted from the hallway and somewhat startled Reina. She hoped the girl could handle herself and looked quite concerend about it if she was still alright.

"I'm going to help that girl."

Reina starting running towards the hallway with both her hands bundeld up in front of her chest. Her hair swung from left to right as her feet pattered on the floor. As soon as she wanted to walk out of the room rockets flew past her and exploded further into the hallway. Reina stammered back balancing herself with both her hands. It was a close call, if she had been out there she would likely have been duplicated serveral times in tinier bits across the hallway.

Reina got herself together again and stepped outside the room the man began singing again but this time a very strange and terrible song. Flames erupted out of the wall like flamethrowers had been there all this time. Reina knew what she had to do.

"Get back in the room! Now!"

Reina gave the girl only a few seconds time before she deeply exhaled one last time with her hands still bundled up on her chest. She started inhaling all the air around her, her mouth grew in width and soon a small red/purple tornado started forming from her mouth it grew in size and had taken occupied part of the hallway. All the flames and smoke that were being made from the magic flame throwers were sucked up into her mouth. The chants that Meruin had placed close by the area were Reina was at were being sucked up too just like the mana from anyone that was still in the hallway.

As soon as her roommate's mouth expanded to the size of Australia, Jocelyn scampered off somewhere else to shelter herself from, well, being sucked in. She didn't know the capabilities of this girl's black hole for a mouth, but it was best to play it safe. Zooming across the floor, Patricia managed to make it to Jocelyn's side when the girl called for her to escape.

At this point, Rex was starting to worry. The girls could reverse his rockets, steal his mask, and eat his fire.

Time for his final move.

He simply decided to teleport behind Jocelyn and whack her upside the head with his conducting stick.

Of course, little Jocelyn wasn't exactly the strongest of people. Well, in a physical sense anyway. One harsh blow from the mage's conducting stick knocking her out.

Rex gave the girls a harsh smile. "I hope you choose to take care of your friend. I'll have another date with you later, princesses." A wave of his conductor's wand, a few bullets, and a teleport later he was gone.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
Avatar of GrafRoy Zeppeli

GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Logarius VS Eyepatch Girl

Collab by RabidAnubis & Cinderella Man

The woman with an eyepatch approached Logarius, and then pointed a single finger at him.

"You are Logarius aren't you?"

Regardless of the answer, the girl would follow up, "Well, prepare to be erased. I will shuffle your insides like this deck of cards."

She produced a deck of cards from seemingly nowhere and started shuffling them in her hands, and then turned around and the edges of the cards became red.

After that, she extended her arm and started throwing the cards at Logarius.

The cards were now extremely sharp, able to cut cleanly even through bones. Something Logarius would learn first hand if he did not dodge.

Having spent a good portion of his time out of class sitting out in the courtyard molding little statues with the rare metal equivalent of Play-Doh, Logarius was entirely surprised by the approaching woman.

He convinced himself that she was just going to tell him off for some reason, which lead to further surprise when he found out that she was here to.. erase him?

Logarius' surprise wasn't able to properly settle, as nearly immediately after the threat was lobbed at him a deck of cards began to fly at him one by one. Figuring that he would likely get more than just a papercut if those cards hit him, Logarius did some admittedly frantic rolling so as to avoid the volleys of razor sharp gambling tools.

Reaching into the bag at his side and throwing the remaining chunks of metal on the ground to create a line, Logarius' teeth began to glow as he used both hands to cleave through the ground absorbing the ground of the courtyard into the pieces of various metals to create liquid gold which bubbled in his hands, glowing brilliantly as it formed from the other materials.

Logarius took a hot second to form the gold into a blade, a pretty lopsided blade, but a blade all the same.

The magician giggled, laughing at the blade. "Can't even do that right? I think I'll win this one!" Eyepatch pulled out another deck, and smiled mischeviously.

She fired 10 cards again, this time being sure to spread them out in such a way to make them harder to dodge. Her job was to erase, and she sure wasn't going to make it easy on him.

Deciding to forgo the blade entirely, Logarius returned the blade to liquid form and quickly manipulated the mass of gooey gold back and forth using lithe, sweeping hand movements to capture the cards within the blob.

After capturing the cards headed directly at him, he dropped them to the ground and began to fire tiny, thin spikes of gold at Eyepatch while strafing to her left.

Eyepatch tried to maintain distance, running rightwards and dodging the golden spikes with desperation. She called upon five cards that had passed Logarius up, and fired five from where she was now. He would be caught between them if he didn't do anything.

His eyes shot back and forth, taking note of the cards closing in on him from both sides. Logarius stopped firing off the spikes and decided instead to coat either side of both arms with the thickest layer of gold he could muster with what he had. Then he attempted to either catch or deflect the cards flying towards him using the makeshift 'gauntlets.'

The cards buried themselves deep into the gold, but simply were not sharp enough to penetrate the gold he had summoned. "You'll have to fight back eventually!" Eyepatch spun, firing further shots straight for her newest target. She hoped that the gold would slow him down, and that he couldn't keep the gauntlets moving forever. She aimed for the harder to protect areas: the eyes and the feet.

Without much of a second thought, Logarius held his arms up over his face in a protecive manner so as to avoid being struck with the incoming cards but quckly realized that he had left his lower body open to attack.

The cards collided with his golden arms, failing to penetrate the thick shell. But his unprotected feet were a different story. The five cards aimed at his lower body easily tore through the tops of his feet and his calves. Blood sprayed. "See? Now you can't run anymore!" She said this with a cheerful tone that suggested she was having a genuinely good time.

Logarius dropped his arms and let the gold drip off of him, reduced to a liquid form again as he began to process the pain sprouting in his lower body. Worse than the teeth? Probably. Probably worse than the teeth. He set his sights on the golden spikes that were lodged into the ground, and lightly gestured to resume manipulation of them.

He grinned weakly as he attempted to glob as much liquid gold as he could onto the girl's arm as he said, in more meek of a tone than he'd have liked: "Who said I was trying to run?"

She screeched, running away from her own golden arm. "GET THIS OFF OF ME!" She stopped her assault, instead sending her cards desperately in an attempt to cut the gold goo off

Taking care to not get hit by the frantic card spray, Logarius charged a large globule of liquid gold at her feet, trying to catch her off guard.

Considering her panic, she failed to dodge, now acquiring more golden goo. "ICKY ICKY ICKY! GET IT OFF ME!" She tossed her entire deck in front of her, summoning 10 card squads flying at her advesary in a desperate attempt to cut him down.

He assumed a lowered pose, and swept his hands across the ground in front of him, frantically creating a small wall of gold out of the material below him so as to avoid being diced up.

The cards were stopped, and the girl was starting to realize this was hopeless. Her feet were trapped, and one of her arms was wieghed down. She fired a few more cards, but eventually fell backwards. "Owch! How could you hurt a lady!" She decided to changed tactics, firing cards around the wall in an arc in order to reach behind it.

"I mean it's not particularly my choice when you try to kill MEEEeeE!" Logarius' response was cut off by the realization that she was applying basic arcs to her strategy, ruining his plan entirely. He lifted the tiny wall of gold off of the ground and over his head, spinning it around in his hands to deflect/drop the cards to the ground.

"Still not the chivalrous thing to do!" Eyepatch started gigling manically, summoning cards on the other side of him and sending them for his back.

Logarius attempted to roll out of the path of the cards, but winced almost as soon as he began to lower his body, and instead opted to return the wall to a liquidous form and catch them within it's gooey form. Looking at Eyepatch from his position, he decided that it wasn't worth it to extend it longer than it needed to be.

He charged more liquid gold onto her, casing her other arm as well as the rest of her uncovered body, leaving just her face uncovered as he hardened the gold back into solid form.

"GET THIS STUFF OFF ME YOU~" Several words followed this statement. However, Longarius had to figure out what he was going to do with her. After a few moments of panic, she winked at him with her remaining eye. "You know ... I am a little into this ..." If magic wouldn't win her the duel, there were other methods. "Your magic could work wonders if you wanted to play ..."

"..u..uuuuuuuuh.." Logarius' jaw hung slightly, as his previously perfectly functioning brain decided to turn it in for the day. This wasn't real right? He was actually in his room, sleeping, and having a weird nightmare about someone that he'd seen in passing. Of course, then he tried to walk forward and found himself falling to a knee, and wincing as his skinny, sliced up legs slapped some sense back into him.

She realized her plan was failing. "I wonder if something else around here is as hard as gold" More was neccessary. She spoke this in an adorably innocent manner.

He looked up at her, with his head tilted to its side. "Well, actually, some things around here are much heavier. Alchemy is an odd thing because sometimes you try to make something and end up with a completely unrelated side-product!" Logarius gestured to the ground. "Takes a good bit of this, to make a bit of gold. Luckily there's a lot of it here. There's also the chunks of iron, and other various transitional metals- ...wait. That's not what you meant, is it?"

"How about you come over here and turn something on besides by education with that mouth of yours." Another wink.

"...er, well. I..I dont' think these should be in any part of your body." He nervously gestured to his gold teeth, trying to shut down the situation.

"Kiss me you fool!" If she could get him distracted, she could still win this ... her face was flushed red with embarrasement. She planned to bite his golden teeth out if she could.

"AAAAAaaaaaaaa-!" Through a combination of exhaustion, embarassment, and the pain consistently shooting through Logarius' feet, after hearing that exclaimation, he essentially passed out. If one stared hard enough, they'd swear they saw steam coming from his now reddened ears.

"....." As with every other battle, Rollanda had been nearby watching everything.

None other battle, not even the one with the girls way too attached to each other, had gone quite as spectacularly as this one. Or as funny.

"H-Hey! Don't leave me hanging, idiot!" The girl struggled.

Rollanda shook her head and headed over to where the Eraser and Logarius were.

Now, she could fix even a dead person, but she most definitely was not suited to take golden apart.

She readied her phone and turned around for a bit, "Hello, Yuri? Yuri Volkov? Ah, yes. You see, I'm in a bit of a pinch... Great. I'm in the courtyard with a girl encased in golden. I'll take the other guy to the infirmary in the meanwhile. Much appreciated."

Then she hung up and took Logarius between her arms.

"I'll keep an eye on him during the Magus Games. Something tells me he will be a lot of fun."

She then started walking away.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
Avatar of Zombehs

Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Runik Brandt Incinerates Clown Mask

It would have been nice to say that he awoke to an unfamiliar sight, but the infirmary’s ceiling was quite the opposite. His gaze drifted to familiar marks above him, tracing them slowly as he tested each of his limbs. Content that everything was in working order, he swiftly sat up and sighed in relief when nothing adverse occurred. His vision didn’t swim, his head didn’t feel light headed, and there most certainly wasn’t any pain or soreness that lingered. Really, he might have been used to it by now but there was still the sense of amazement at Rollanda’s skill that he doubt he would ever shake off. Speaking of the Head Nurse, it seemed like she was out of the room at the moment. ‘Probably picking up anot-'

His thoughts were interrupted by a sharp cough that called for his attention and he quickly glanced at the sound’s origin. Recognition flashed through his expression at the neckless yokai that served as Hanako-chan’s familiar and he nodded in greeting. A quick look around revealed that he was far from the only patient in the infirmary at the moment; they were likely the victim of other Erasal attempts that had occurred alongside his. He turned his attention back towards the Kubinashi, but the yokai raised a finger to his lips in a motion for silence. Though he raised an eyebrow questioningly, Runik acquiesced and the yokai seemed pleased.

“Hopefully this answers most of your questions. No you have not been asleep for very long, less than 15 minutes. Yes, Mistress Rollanda has cleared you to leave once you’ve awaken.” The Kubinashi grinned at the frown the Head Nurse’s title invoked from Runik, but continued without mentioning it. “She did however mention that there is an Eraser who has yet to be taken care of in your dormitory. Do what you wish, but try not to overdo it alright?” Runik’s eyes had narrowed at that piece of information though the yokai didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. The intensity of his eyes faded somewhat when he turned to look around the infirmary before he looked back at the yokai. “Do not fret, the only casualties tonight have been from the Erasers’ ranks. Everyone will be quite alright come tomorrow.”

A relief-tinged sigh escaped his lungs at that and he sat down on the bed’s edge for a moment to collect himself. Rollanda could and regularly did bring back students from the dead, but the experience was not something he would wish onto others. Not even the Erasers… Then again they seemed to have adjusted and adapted to the sensations well enough, so his concern was likely wasted. The moment passed quickly enough though and he stood up resolutely, intending to take another life tonight. The Kubinashi seemed to sense that intent and graced Runik with a smile. The door swung open with a slight tug of a finger, the strings too fine for Runik to make out. “Thank you.” With those words and a respectful nod, he left the infirmary behind to give the Head Nurse a bit more work.

Jogging back to the dormitory at a brisk pace, he passed the time with a diagnosis of his magic circuits. Mana flowed through the pathways of his body without any issue, flame and ice formed easily enough, and it wasn’t until he tried to speed things up that his body let him know it was a bad idea. Almost face planting and certainly hissing in pain, Runik stumbled to a stop as his magic circuits burned. ‘Ok, so spell slinging is a no-go.’ It limited his capabilities a fair amount, but with how he planned to engage this Eraser it wouldn’t be a problem.

The dormitory came into sight a bit later as Runik had slowed to a walk to test his limits at the moment. A path of frost followed behind him, the surrounding energy pulled to fuel the inferno that raged within his cupped hands. While rapid casting seemed beyond his circuits, it seemed that the gradual build-up and sustaining of magic was unhindered. He paused a few hundred feet from the dormitory and sighed at the sight of his ruined room, a gaping hole in the dorm’s walls. His eyes drifted down to the room beneath and Runik remembered that Richard was one of the students that lived there… Judging by the shattered windows, they had also been paid a visit by an Eraser tonight.

It seemed that he had also found the location of the remaining Eraser. A palpable sense of unease quickly settled as he observed the damage, and felt his lips curl in distaste. His eyes weren’t good enough to see any real detail at this distance, but his gut screamed there was magic present and it was unpleasant. The flames burned brighter and hotter within his cupped hands as he stared at the darkened room. ‘Yeah… something’s definitely there.’ He had no way of pinpointing the Eraser’s location, but his magic was far from precise at this point. Most of the other residents should have evacuated at this point anyways unless they were deaf and slept like the dead..

With a slow sigh he uncupped his hands and revealed the small orb of roiling flames. Driving back the night like a new dawn, the fire burned white hot and Runik didn’t hesitate to hurl the projectile forth. Bright as a shining star, it streaked past the shattered windows in the blink of an eye. There was no detonation to shake the dormitory to its foundation, but the sound of shattering glass rang out. It took considerable effort to control the area affected by his spell, and even then nearly half a dozen rooms were still affected. Anything and everything that could combust did so, and gouts of flames raced into the night sky briefly before their fuel sources vanished.

It took a few minutes to bring the temperatures back to normal in the area, and Runik finally let his hands down with a sigh. If it weren’t for the fact that the building was magically enhanced he might have been worried about the rooms’ structural integrity. It took pretty powerful hits to collapse one of the rooms like he had done earlier, so his biggest concern was probably the belongings of any students that lived in those rooms. Well… hopefully they wouldn’t find out who was to blame?

A familiar voice snapped Runik from his thoughts as he looked up to see the Head Nurse, already on the ground and approaching with a charred corpse in hand. “Didn’t hold back this time, huh?” Not bothering to wait for an answer, Rollanda approached and gave him a quick look over before she waved dismissively. “At least you don’t need my help again. Though considering the state of your room, you can take one of the beds in the infirmary. Your roommate’s also recovering there.” With that said the Head Nurse walked past Runik without regard for what he chose to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
Avatar of TheHangedMan

TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Meruin stared on as the fight concluded - rather undramatically in her opinion. It appeared her roommates had come to her assistance; Meruin pointedly ignored the other girls call to return to the room - it was a bit difficult, what with her opponent in front of her and the room behind him - in favor of transmuting the concrete below her into a dome for protection. From a tiny hole she fashioned on the surface, she observed the outcome.

She frowned. It seemed her roommate was rather . . . starved. The fire and even her seals were somehow sucked into the gaping black-hole that was her mouth. As awe-inspiring as it was, however, it left her open, or more appropriately, in left the other girl she assumed was also her roommate open.

The un-masked man moved-

"No, teleported," noted Meruin with narrowed eyes. So that was how he got behind her.

behind the other girl, promptly wacking upside the head with his conducting stick. It was a blow that instantly sent her to the floor, and Meruin fully expected him to do the same to her companion. With a repulsive smile and dark parting words, the man disappeared, leaving the girls alone. The small mage wondered what this was all about. Apparently, someone had sent him after her, for whatever reason, and he would be back to finish the job. Meruin hoped that he would return soon. She was actually rather curious about who sent him and why, and really wouldn't mind him stopping over again so she could ask him.

Well, that was something for another day. For now, there something more important for her to deal with, something she was on her way to deal with before that masked man appeared:

Her bed.

Meruin waited until she was totally sure he was gone before breaking down her concrete dome. Shaking of the dust from her skirt, the short mage approached her roommates. Now that she looked at them, there was rather a lot of people here to be sharing such as small room, which, admittedly, had become nigh uninhabitable because of its new sources of ventilation.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor."

Nonchalantly brushing off the attack, Meruin speed-walked to the one bed that was miraculously untouched by the destruction that had occurred, and jumped into it, savoring its softness.

"Also, it's nice to meet you. Good night."

And with that, Meruin fell asleep.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reina Izumi

The unmasked man decided to take cover from Reina her attack by teleporting himself away from the chaos. The speed of Reina's black hole slowed down and it shrunk in size again. Slowly the portal faded away again inside her mouth as her mouth shrunk to the normal size again. Her head bounced back a tiny bit when the portal verted back inside her mouth again by the sudden force of the last few things being pulled in. She swallowed and had a somewhat small blush on her cheeks as she tried finding out where the man was this time. Her hands were still bundled up on her chest as she heard the sound of a small stick being swung against something quite hard. Her head turned about as she heard the sound and saw one of the girls falling to the ground. She would suspect that he would hit her, the other girl and the summon of Jocelyn would be knocked out too but apparently he had his fair share with only knocking out Joycelyn. The unmasked man left the room quite suddenly, she didn't know why but she didn't take it he only wanted to stir the girls up or knock out Jocelyn.

Well anyway Reina did not mind for the man to leave them alone. If he would have been there much longer they would certainly get hurt badly. He himself would have probably dodged a lot more of attacks, he didn't seem that hurt yet apart from some of the objects they still had from him. Reina hurriedly made her way over toward Joycelyn to help the knocked out girl. She checked if she was still breathing and shook her around a few times but no response yet.

"Are you alright?... Helloooo"

Reina looked a little troubled that the girl got hurt just like that but didn't mind to take care of her at the moment. Meruin didn't even seem bothered by the fact their room looked like a dog shed. Reina was speechless by the fact the girl could just go to sleep like that.

"Eh... yea good... night I think?..."

Well she definitely knew who her roommates were now. Perhaps the girl was just used to these kind of circumstances or did they happen often at the academy, she didn't know. Reina did indeed look puzzled on how to handle such a girl but let it slip for tonight. With some struggling Reina was able to lift the unconscious girl up for a short amount of time and place her in her own bed.

She laid her on her side so she wouldn't choke and went over to the now broken fridge to get some ice in a towel. She returned to the girl and placed the bag of ice on her head. She didn't know how long it would take for the girl to wake up so she continued doing some other tasks while the girl would recover. She knew one obvious thing and that was that this girl definitely looked cute. She poked in her cheeks a few more times before cleaning up the room, covering the broken window and filling the holes in the wall with various objects like towels.

"What am I supposed to do with this mess"

She gave a sigh as the room was only cleaned enough so they could live here again. She waited for the Jocelyn to wake up before she started sleeping herself again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
Avatar of GrafRoy Zeppeli

GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And Time Passed...

The Morning After

Lin, Charlotte & Juliann

The day after the attempt to Erase the newcomers, Lin was somewhat sore. The fight had not been too much for him(lie) but he did use some mana to be able to take down the fallen angel from the sky. In the end, however, they managed.

He didn't even have to visit the infirmary, unlike the other dude.

Unfortunately for him, his family wouldn't share their 'Magician Assassin Fist', mainly because they didn't have one, but Lin was sure they were just hiding it.

In any case, leaving the merry little self-important Chinese noble, the afternnoon was fairly nnormal, if you don't count the several students with bruises and whatnot.

The first period of classes was just done. The teachers themselves were taking a well deserved rest in the teacher's room, while the students were wandering around the gigantic island.

The cafeteria was incredibly crowded. Well, that much was to be expected. The food here was known for being not only delicious, but also incredibly expensive. Most nobles that had never even cooked before in their lives preferred to spend their allowance eating something here rather than going down to the city or to the mall to buy ingredients.

The mall and city were just as crowded, though. The more recluse and shy ones preferred to stay in the almost endless library of Liseranna.

Also, the dorms were mostly repaired. Of course, it was thanks to the magic of someone... though you'll never know for now.

Everything seemed the same as before, as if nothing had ever happened. It was a bit unbelievable, seeing someone repair and reconstruct everything to perfection like this.

Someone with an expert eye would be able to see that it, in fact, seemed to be actually new.

Charlotte decided to go take a stroll in the city, even if she had to go alone, maybe also buy something to make food with. Despite not looking like it, Charlotte was an aspiring chef.

Juliann herself was drinking some coffee in the teacher's lounge, wondering of what she had been talking with Synth. It was definitely important info... she just wondered if the info she gave back was enough.

Lin was visiting the cafeteria. He oddly hoped to find Shikio in here. He still felt odd about what happened yesterday.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Runik Brandt

More had probably been done thanks to the Erasal attempts from last night, but Runik appreciated the expedited opening of the arenas and training grounds most. It was certainly more convenient for practice than a trip to the waterfront that was his other option. As he waited for the system to read his ID and grant authorization, he slipped out of his vest and set it aside. Whoever had gone through the remains of his room and belongings had been rather thorough and definitely skilled. He had found all his belongings in one piece and untouched when he returned in the morning and it was as if nothing had ever happened to the dormitory.

A slight chime called for his attention and Runik pulled his ID from the machine as the process finished. The open wall shimmered for a moment as various targets popped up at differing ranges. A soft glow spread from the hidden tattoos on his chest to the sleeves that wrapped his arms and his body warmed comfortably. Spheres of flame blossomed around him rapidly and he smiled when it didn’t cause him any discomfort. Icicles the size of his forearm grew as the fires lowered the ambient temperature, and he loosed the dozen projectiles with a thought.

The icicles hit their targets with enough force to pierce deep and knock them down, while each sphere of flame detonated and wrapped the target in a brief storm of fire. Targets popped up to replace those destroyed, but newly formed projectiles met them just as quickly. It took him a few moments to ascertain that this level of spell flinging was no longer a problem.

The air seemed to shake before a much larger target materialized about a dozen meters ahead of Runik to his surprise. Rolling with the challenge, what projectiles were already formed slammed into the target to much less effect. The icicles slowed its momentum and portions were blackened by flames, but it continued to move towards him. The glow intensified as mana surged through his circuits and his expression twisted in pain as he planted his palms to the ground. A pillar of flame burst skywards and completely enveloped the reinforced target. At the same time the ground beneath his hands froze solid before a wave of frost raced forward and impaled the ignited target, stopping it cold.

“H-halt!” While loud, pain tinged Runik’s voice as he struggled to his feet with a heavy sigh as the range stilled and began to reset itself. ‘At least I found my limits for now… Probably need a good night’s sleep...’ After everything that had happened, even sleeping in later than usual, he had only gotten a few hours of rest. Rolling his shoulders he walked over, grabbed his vest, and threw it over a shoulder before he left the building.

The soft glow had faded almost completely by the time he stepped outside and a soft breeze helped him relax as it carried away that fleeting sensations of pain. A hand dropped to his stomach as it rumbled quietly and Runik cocked his head thoughtfully. The cafeteria was definitely one of the better eats on the island, but quite expensive for every meal. Maybe when he was treating others like Eli yesterday, but for only him? Well one of the various shops and restaurants at the mall or in the surrounding city would do just fine. Reaching into a pocket for his phone to check the time, he saw there was enough time to grab a meal before the next period.

After a few stretches to warm up, Runik broke out into a swift jog that carried him out of the academy’s grounds in just over a minute. The main streets were, unsurprisingly crowded by students, and he didn’t feel like getting swept up in a crowd. With that in mind, and several years to familiarize himself with the city, Runik ducked into the closest alleyway without breaking his stride. It was a winding maze of twists, turns, and walls that were hidden away from the sight of the streets, but a bounty of shortcuts with the right knowledge and a bit of physical conditioning.

A foot planted itself only to kick off from the wall as hands grabbed at the rooftop's edge. With a grunt he pulled himself upwards, got his hands beneath him, and swung his legs over. A few steps and he dropped back onto the ground, tucking into a roll. He came to a stop this time and turned on his heels to look up at the sign that hung above the shop's entrance. Nekoa, a small cafe that laid at the end of an alley. While visible from the main road a dozen meters or so behind him, most people didn't bother to glance down this way. A pity considering the people that worked here were fantastic at what they did, even if their passion was questionable. His gaze dropped down at the sound of bell chimes when the door swung open.

"Why am I not surprised it's you Runik?" He didn't get a chance to answer before the owner of Nekoa continued. "Oh right, because we heard you on the roof as usual. Seriously one day you're going to break through." Runik at least had the decency to look sheepish as he scratched the back of his head, eliciting a sigh from the old man. "Well, it's not very busy, so just find a seat. You'll have the usual?" Runik nodded and the old man returned inside afterwards. He was quick to follow, trying to catch the door before it clicked shut on him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Livia Fiore-

Livia kept a brisk pace as she moved through the school towards the Cafeteria, Gall by her side making quite a few people give her some space. Having a living avatar of death in the vicinity tended to make people do that. Normally, during classes she'd simply go to the library and do some reading. Now though, she was feeling a bit hungry and while she didn't really want to eat in a place with so many people...eating in the library was not something she particularly liked.

She didn't want to risk damaging the books, after all.

She could always return to her room, but...she didn't want to be in the same room as that bratty kid. Emi would be tolerable, though, but she wasn't going to go out of her way to find her.

"Ugh, crowded as usual." Livia sighed, moving carefully through the people until she reached a table close to one of the windows. She sat down, before turning to Gall. "If you're feeling well enough after last night, mind getting something for me?" She asked her reaper. She was, of course, referring to the fact he had literally lost his head. She had spent the better part of ten minutes helping the headless reaper find his head. It would probably have appeared quite funny if someone had stumbled on them last night. "You know what I like, I'm not that picky. Just make sure you get tea if they have it."

Sorcha Ó Maoilriain

Ahh....how long had it been since she was able to fly so freely like this? Soaring through the air without a care in the world for this long? Centuries, almost. Ugh, her wings were so stiff though, even with all the practicing she'd been doing, so she hoped she found this little island soon. As much as she loved flying, she was feeling a bit tired. She could even go for some food, actually. Maybe a whole cow. Possibly a horse. Hopefully she could con receive tribute from a human soon after landing.

As soon as she found this accursed island.

She had been flying for hours, sweeping the area for any sign of the Liseranna academy. She, of course, figured it'd be somewhat difficult to find, but she didn't think it'd take her anywhere near an hour. She liked to think her navigation skills were top notch, after all. Besides, one such as her didn't get lost obviously. She was a being of the sky! A goddess! Such a thing was impossible. Which meant either two things. Her directions were wrong, or the island was somehow magically moving. She had heard of this infamous director, and she wouldn't be surprised if he had devised such a contraption.

Realistically, that probably wasn't likely, so she blamed shoddy directions since of course, it couldn't be a total lack of a sense of direction.

"Ah...I hope these mages don't disappoint me when I arrive." She mused silently to herself. Indeed, she hoped they didn't. It was a bit odd for her to actively seek out mages, considering she disliked most of them ever since the first time she became a familiar. Now, though, she had a reason for wanting to seek them out and become the familiar of one. She wasn't keen on taking a student as a familiar, but it was the best way to accomplish her plans.

What better way to recover her own strength, then with a human who was also learning? Perhaps it was a bit odd for a proud creature like her, but she felt that would offer her more of an opportunity to return to her former strength, and possibly even beyond that. Besides, if she was with that human...she was confident she could push them in the direction of 'greatness'.

That was her ultimate goal here, after all. Once, she was a force to be reckoned with. People trembled when they spoke her name, fearing that even mentioning it would bring her storms to their doorsteps. Now, she was little more than a myth forgotten to time, thanks to that war. She frowned, a slight snarl forming on her lips as she thought back to that time and the events that transpired.

She, however didn't get much of a chance to ponder the events. As she was flying, she suddenly slammed full speed into a barrier of sorts, earning an ungodly like curse from the dragon.

"Fucking-who puts a barrier in the middle of the ocean!?" It indeed, almost sounded like a roar and was likely heard by anyone with keen ears below. It did not take her long to put two and two together though. This was probably a barrier protecting Liseranna. Ugh, her ungraceful discovery of the place aside, she was glad she finally found it. At least no one saw that little blunder.

...well, those were her thoughts before the barrier suddenly vanished before she could start flying again, sending her spiraling towards the ground. Well, nothing a little creative acrobatics couldn't fix. Ooh, she should take this opportunity to make an impression on the little humans too.


To the people in and just outside of the cafeteria, it was probably a normal day for most. They were clamoring for food, and were probably eager to finally eat and socialize after their classes. It was a pleasant day, bright sunny sky, not a cloud in the sky. Most were definitely not expecting the bright flash of lightning, the appearance of a fabled dragon; A creature of myth and immeasurable power, descending from the heavens.

Sorcha allowed herself to fall, lightning arcing across her body as she scanned the ground for a suitable crowded place she could land. She was quite high up, so she could correct her course if she had too, but she was going mostly on the path she wanted too anyways. While the city looked like it was indeed crowded, she wanted to land near the bulk of students, after all. She wanted them to revel in awe of her magnificence.

She quickly approached the ground, doing a flip in the air to angle her feet towards it, and giving her wings a powerful flap, slowing her descent just enough so that she could take the landing without messing up.

At least, that was her aim.

To the humans below, it would appear as though a large, brilliant flash of lightning struck the ground - coming straight from the heavens on this storm less, cloudless day. The force was large enough to send a few tables flying, even charring them a little from being too close. Indeed, it was probably even temporarily blinding to the students who had been looking in that direction, which worked greatly to her advantage to cover up her blunder.

Her feet hit the ground, to be sure, but she was still going much too fast. She was greatly over-estimating her recovered strength here. Instead of the graceful landing she wanted, she fell flat on her face. The dragon quickly recovered, though, and only the most keen of eyes would have seen the blunder. Or those who would notice the dirt smudge on her forehead could maybe put two and two together.

But to the rest, as the flash of lightning dispersed and their vision returned to normal, she would simply have appeared from the flash of lightning, a calm, expression on her face as she observed those who were outside, and those who were still gathering to gawk at the display. Her wings flapped idly once, sending a fairly strong gust of wind through the crowd as she reached for her glaive, holding it in her right hand, still arcing with electricity.

"Greetings, humans." She said. Her voice was soft, yet still carried a heavy and regal, and commanding weight behind it. "I, am Sorcha, Radiant King of the heavens and the Wandering Tempest of the North."

The greeting was followed by a rather loud rumble of her stomach, causing her to turn every so slightly red, but only chuckle in response. Really, it probably sounded like the roaring of some large animal, and was quite obvious where it came from.

"Yes yes, I know you are all hungry. I interrupted you at your lunch time, but your sustenance can wait. I simply require an answer to my question, then you may all be sent on your way. Is this perhaps Liseranna?" She scanned the crowd that had gathered in front of her, waiting for a response to her rather, spectacular entrance if she did say so herself. This was partly a test. She knew very well this was her destination, but she simply wished to see how the student body in general reacted to her presence, and her question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

]Gall The Reaper[

Gall nodded in the direction of his master and her throne as he left. After taking a quick note of the location, he headed off to look at the options.

Fetching food for her would be a problem, considering the fact that he hadn't tasted anything for at least a few hundred years. The reaper had forgotten the sensation of taste among others, and was hesitant to make a decision based on his complete lack of ability.

Over the years though, he had heard mentions that this cuisine known as 'Italian' was rather impressive. The Mediterranean cultures always seemed to have a powerful grasp of artistic wealth.

Normally this line was busy, but the line mystically disappeared upon Gall's approach. No one desired a conversation with a reaper. And fortunately, no one seemed to too eager to charge him either. The reaper usually managed to get the food for his master free of charge, which was extremely convenient and time saving.

He returned soundlessly with a plate for her, hoping it was to her satisfaction.

It took him a while to realize he hadn't hoped for something in a long time.

Is a roaring flame reduced to a surviving ember still the same fire?
The ember starting a new blaze of the same burning soul?
Does wisdom acknowledge shifts of time or origins of history before the other?

They still called themselves Romans. The Goddess felt that calling this state after an Empire blessed by Pantheons was an insult, and those outside felt the same.

Others called it the Greek Empire, but that name had already passed with Iskandar. Some referred to the state by the prize gem of Constantinople, to the exclusion of it's jagged edges. Some called it the Orthodox Empire, but Rus had many Orthodox as well.

The Turks had been encroaching on the empire for years, gradually pressuring the border. Today was intended to fix that, and perhaps reverse it. The Ecimunal Patriarch under the Emperor called upon the Papacy for some 300 knights to defend the borders of combined Christandom.

Forty Thousand arrived, answering the call of their mutual God. The red haired woman saw the Baslius shower gifts on some, resulting in many a Catholic swearing some degree of fealty in return for this support. Others looked away, unwilling to accept bribes but who lacked the heart to scold those who would journey with them to the holiest of cities.

Tancred de Hautville was one of those who refused, but he did so loudly. He said they had a lack of faith, and critised the lack of Christ's fire in their hearts. For many this was a source of discomfort.

But the Goddess liked the brave. When the dancing started that night, the Phoenix accepted his offered hand. The musicians increased speed until all others were forced off the floor.

Ten further times they moved their fingers faster, trying to blow out the flames of this match.

But these two passionate fires stayed on until the player's fingers bled, feet moving with divine grace. When they were forced to leave the floor, they visited each other until the next day.

Forgoing a Basileus weak enough to call rivals for aid and embracing the hands of one who's soul burned as brightly as her own, Iravis set off the next day on a Crusade against those who still defiled her homeland.

Iravis' eyes opened as she returned to the present day, in what appeared to be an infirmary. The Phoenix remembered the fight from the previous day, and after looking at her arm realized it was completely healed.

A look to her right and she noticed the hellion, who seemed to wear exhaustion as if it was a mask. "Lyssa, what brings you here and what tires you so?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Edgar Quantus


Edgar was pretty impressed by the way the dorm had been rebuilt, as if someone had pulled a previous copy straight out of the past. And it was even more impressive considering that after the fights there was hardly anything left of the boys dorms. The madman slinging fire and ice, coupled with the void prison pretty much tore it down, so it seeking it back up with quite the spectacle.

Of course, Edgar didn't exactly dwell on the architecture nor the magic used to rebuild it. He, instead, had some errands to run. First on the list was to grab some food from the cafeteria, because he was pretty much ravenous since the pervious night, despite not actually fighting. Second of all was to go thank that Synth teacher who took care of the eraser. And then he would have to drop by the mall to get some bits for an experiment he was planning. This time using a small amount of contritio, or at least what he could use after reading up and practising a little the previous night. But of course, it was food first. Never work on an empty stomach, as people used to say... Or was it something else?

The cafeteria was only a bit of a walk away from where he had been before, so he was there in no time. As expected of the time of morning, it was pretty crowded in there. People were already fighting, even in the early hours, and Edgar found it hard to wrap his head around. Normally people were civilised, and considering how expensive the food was, mist of them should have been nobles of some kind. It baffled him at how they could have so much energy, but most didn't apply it in their studies, or at least not the ones for studying the theory behind magic. They were surprisingly useful lessons, but to Edgar there was one that indeed stood out.

Runic Language.

Learning the meanings of runes, and how to read them. It had always been a bit of an aspiration of his to be able to read someone's runes to figure out what magic they used, instead of observing a physical catalyst. Being able to see and predict how a persons magic works had always jumped out at Edgar as something that could be invaluable in a fight, and so he pursued it.

He stood around in the queue, or at least something that vaguely resembled one, and waited to get to the front; something he honestly thought might never happen. However, it did, and in a decent amount of time. Upon arrival, Edgar got himself a nice, rich, meaty sandwhich, at least 5 inches long. With it in hand, he stepped outside to eat and enjoy the scenery of the school.

However, as he took his third bite of the sandwhich - quite a big one at that - he began feeling a negative presence. At least, it had a negative feel to it, but it didn't feel evil. Almost like it was charged with electricity, and it was coming straight to the cafeteria.

He saw the dragon first, and then the Lightning. It was bright, extremely bright, and struck the yard outside of the cafeteria, followed by a descending dragon, electricity arcing over her body. From what Edgar could tell, the dragon-kin was just showing off, as was proved by her landing. The backflip was mildly impressive, but the gust of wind that followed the beating of her wings was too much. The sandwhich, a food item he was enjoying quite a lot, blew straight out of his hands and behind him, hitting a wall. He tried to grab it, but missed, and ended up catching the dragon-kin slip and fall on the grass.

My sandwhich... Nobody messes with my fucking sandwhich.

A dark expression crossed Edgar's face, and an ominous presence washed over him, causing people around him to step away. His pupils narrowed, and a dull pain spread over his infected eye. He lifted his head, and began walking towards the dragon-kin with an eerie look, all of his runes glowing dim whitish green. Upon reaching her, he realised what she was... A massive bitch.

"Greetings, humans."

He was going to end up in a fight, wasn't he?

"I, am Sorcha, Radiant King of the heavens and the Wandering Tempest of the North."

Almost definitely. There was to be no avoiding it after what he was going to say.

"Yes yes, I know you are all hungry. I interrupted you at your lunch time, but your sustenance can wait. I simply require an answer to my question, then you may all be sent on your way. Is this perhaps Liseranna?"

He was going to kill her, or she would kill him. Unlikely.

"No one gives a shit who you are, dragon-kin. You made to Liseranna, well done. Now take you tempest bullshit and leave. Because you don't want to know what I'm going to do to you," he looked up, his pupils now pinpricks against the rest of his eye, "After you ruined my sandwhich."

Well, he had done it. He had officially started a brawl with a mythical beast that pretty much claimed to be a God.

It was at that moment, as realisation washed over Edgar, that he realised...

He fucked up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Sorcha, Radiant King of the Heavens-

The students were understandably silent. After all, what was supposed to be the reaction to a dragon, claiming to be a god, appearing almost from nowhere in a flash of lightning? It seems her little...heh, 'shock and awe' tactic, worked quite well. She gained a small bit of smug satisfaction from watching the mostly confused students, although she was a tad bit disappointed that none of them spoke to her. Such a cowardly lot, these mages. Were these the famous ones of Liseranna? She almost had to stifle a laugh at how cowardly they looked.

But...perhaps she had that thought a bit too soon.

"No one gives a shit who you are, dragon-kin. You made to Liseranna, well done. Now take you tempest bullshit and leave. Because you don't want to know what I'm going to do to you, After you ruined my sandwhich."

Well, this was certainly an amusing development. So not all of the mages here were completely spineless. That said...this mage had also just insulted her. He seemed to think that he could possibly harm her in some manner. How utterly laughable. Certainly she wasn't at her best - she hadn't been for awhile, thanks to a little chicken she was going to flay if she ever found her, but that didn't mean she couldn't handle some upstart mage like him.

"Well, well," She chuckled, obviously amused. "Aren't you adorable." She mused, giving Edgar a critical look, studying him and possibly gauging how strong she thought he was going to be. "You don't seem scared of me at all, do you?" In the next instant, there was a flash of lightning followed by the sound of booming thunder. As quick as a flash of lightning, her Glaive found a resting spot on his shoulder, just inches from his neck and still crackling with electrical energy. Behind him, the wall of the building had been charred from where a bolt of lightning had hit.

Now, she was of the opinion she could have easily killed him in that instant. However, he did answer her question, albeit in a way she hadn't been expecting. That was probably what had saved him for the moment, the simple fact he had amused her ever so slightly. That didn't mean she was letting him off, however. Not at all.

"I will give you one chance to apologize for your insolence, before I turn your charred corpse into my sandwich." Her voice, despite it's calmness indicated she was obviously quite serious about the threat to kill him should he not.

-Livia Fiore-

Gall had been with her long enough to probably know what she would like. Not that she had many dislikes to begin with. She wasn't particularly picky when it came to food, despite being a so called 'noble'. She had never really liked the so called 'fancy foods' anyways. So she simply waited, watching some students outside of the cafeteria through the window.

Thankfully, it didn't take Gall long to return with some food so her boredom was short lived.

"Ah, thank you Gall." She replied, giving him one of her rare smiles. "Are you feeling well from last night?" She questioned. "I'm sorry for letting that Eraser do that. I should have been a bit more...attentive."

Gall didn't get much of a chance to answer though, before there was a ruckus outside of the cafeteria. She only cast a somewhat annoyed glance out the window, wondering who could be causing such a ruckus, and turned her head just in time to see a student almost get killed by some dragon or something. A fight, then? She only sighed.

People here liked fighting too much, and she wasn't having any of it, so she turned back to Gall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thanatos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The peacefulness of the crowded city was crushed by a deafening alarm going off. It was so loud even the heaviest of sleepers would be awoken by it. It went on for two minute or so. The alarm was followed by a monotone male voice. “Everyone evacuate from the city. Except for students. Special training will be taking place in the city. The lucky students in the city are required to participate, any student who tries to leave or doesn’t participate will be punished. I repeat everyone with the exception of students evacuate from the city. In this special training, students will be fighting a creature that was let through. You have roughly ten minutes to prepare or however long it takes to get here.” Then the voice became quite cheerful, “This message is brought to you by the Director himself. Have a wonderful day. Try not to die.”

During this time the students could prepare whatever they wanted, or they could just do nothing.

Zan stepped onto land for the first time in a month or so. He had swam all the way from France to get here. ’Hopefully this is Liseranna,’ thought Zan as he removed an octopus from his rib cage. He looked at his hands to see all of his flesh gone, just like the rest of his body was. ’Why did this happen to me, and how?’ His hands curled into fists so tightly that his knuckles would have turned white. Which caused him to get even more pissed off at his situation. Zan was snapped out of his thoughts and anger by a loud alarm. ’At least this island isn’t uninhabited,’ he thought while walking towards where it came from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lin Hua

Lin was the next in line and he was able to obtain one of the specialty items for the day. It was... some kind of steak with lots of salad and whatnot by the sides. Broiled Entrecôte or something was the name in the menu.

He had to pay 70 dollars to get his hands on it. It better be good.

As he sat down to enjoy this finely cooked piece of meat that you could probably buy for half the price anywhere else, something or someone crashed down right in front of the cafeteria. There were some sparks too.

Lin decided to start with his vegetables and hear to what the girl had to say.

Well, this was a surprise. A person more arrogant and egocentrical than Lin had suddenly arrived to the academy. Well, not exactly a person and this one probably had more of a reason to feel as dignified.

Still, what had been her introductory speech and the following fool that tried to challenge her gave Lin enough time to finish his plate. It was indeed good, despite his hurry.

Well, it had been a boring morning after what happened yesterday, so this was right up his alley. He decided to approach the scene but not quite poke his nose into it yet. This woman was obviously a dragon of some kind, and dragons, despite not being the familiar of anyone, still had some tricks up their sleeves.

Besides, his family name basically meant dragon, so a dragon against a dragon just wouldn't do.

He approached Livia and the reaper to get a better sight at what was just about to go down.

"What, not fond of fighting? I guess there are all kinds of mages out there." Having eavesdropped some of their early conversation, Lin arrived with a smug smile in his face. "Still, I'm surprised you seem so calm even after having a dragon kind of crash-land right in front of the cafeteria. I can see why that guy over there lost it."

Lin still felt uneasy, though, with that kind of bugging sensation at the back of his head. Maybe he should summon Shikio over and be done with it?


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

@GrafRoy Zeppeli

]Gall The Reaper[

Gall ignored the crash landing, although he raised his non-existant eyebrows at Sorcha. Her soul, or rather what was left of it, was clearly not mortal in orgin. This however wasn't his first time seeing this, so the reaper decided to attend to his master instead.

"Do not fear master. Having my head removed is merely disorienting, nothing more or less."

Another approached however and seemed to join their conversation. "Her soul has diminished, although you couldn't tell by her skin. The dragon is a mere shadow of her former self." The scythe wielder didn't know why he was telling this entitled nobleman this information. Perhaps the fact he didn't sprint away was just one small reason.

Lyssa hadn't been able to sleep at all that night, not after the fight. Every time she tried, the only thing that greeted her was an unpleasant sight she'd never forget as long as she lived not matter how hard she tried.

And thanks to Shikio, she had another one she'd never forget.

It wasn't her fault of course, and she'd never blame Shikio for something like that. Certainly he had surrendered, and attacking him further after that wasn't needed, but she wasn't going to blame Shikio for it. She couldn't say she was entirely wrong, after all; he may have been lying about surrenering, and if he was she wasn't sure she could stop herself from harming him with her own hands...and unless Rollanda could return someone to life from a puddle of goop after she had deconstructed their entire human form, she'd have definitely killed him.

That, was something that terrified her more than anything. The thought of doing that to someone...it wasn't a pretty sight in the least.

At least all of them had come out mostly unscathed...well, she had come out mostly unscathed. Iravis had taken a blow that was meant for her, and Shikio well...was knocked out by her own hand. She felt guilty about both of the incidents, and had decided she'd spend most of the day in the infirmary so she was certain Iravis was alright.

"Ah? Iravis!" Lyssa rather happily shouted when she woke."I was...ehe, a bit worried about you is all." She replied somewhat sheepishly. "You, uhm, kinda took a blow that was meant for me...and I'm w-well, sorry about that."

She apparently didn't hear the question about her exhaustion, or simply decided to avoid it.

The goddess raised an inquisitive eyebrow and spoke aristocratically. "You insult me with that worry. Wounds are meaningless to me." The girl did seem very entusiastic about Iravis being alive, so the flame headed girl avoided pressing the issue further.

"Anyways, you offered me tribute. I always bless those who help me given time." That strawberry cake was very, very delicious. She'd have to ask the Oracle whether or not it had been worth the pain. "I didn't see what occured at the end. Were you awake for that?"

"Oh, uh, Shikio and I beat the guy." She replied, nervously playing with her tail. Well, it was true, they had, she was just well...glossing things over a bit. It was probably a bit obvious she wasn't telling the full story though, leaving out the part about her knocking out Shikio and what she did.

"Rollanda, the nurse found us after and I helped bring ya here. I've kinda been hanging around here since then." Yeah, she had skipped classes. Nothing really new there though, considering she did that quite a lot.

Iravis nodded and smiled at her roomate as she played with her tail. A woman playing with their wings, tail, or hair was a nervous one. Which meant that Lyssa was either lying or that she had a serious crush on her scarlet haired roomate. The Phoenix chose the first option. "Then I am indebted to you." The goddess considered asking for more details, but decided against it. The reincarnating woman understood secrets more than most.

The Phoenix spoke as she rose from the bed, standing in front of Lyssa. "Even the most hard working saint must have rest though. Go find a bed and lay down."

"Hmm? But I'm not tired!" That was a rather painfully obvious lie."Besides, there's stuff I wanna do. I didn't get to buy some stuff I wanted to yesterday at the mall. Like a TV! We seriously need one of those. I mean, how can someone even live without one? Ooh, can't forget a computer either...hmm wait...I don't have that much money..." She went quiet for a moment, pondering how she could fix that money problem.

"Hehe, doesn't matter I guess. I'll just ask mom and dad maybe to send over my stuff. You wanna come with me, though? I'll buy you some more of that cake~"

The Goddess was just about prepared to become mother hen at that moment and order the Hellion to bed. If she collapsed from worry, it would embarrass the Phoenix.

But Cake.

Promised cake again.

The sweet, tasty, volcano.

An offering worthy of Olympus itself.

She had dreamed of adventure that morning.

This adventure would be dedicated to defeating brainfreeze.

Iravis nodded. "I gave you my advice, your downfall will be your own." The Phoenix had fire in her heart as saliva collected on her tounge. "And you have mentioned these things before, but I know not what they are. Care to explain?" Books, scrolls, and letters were the medium Iravis had communicated and learned through for the vast majority of her existence. Songs and Dance were her entertainment.

But after experiencing the cake from the previous day, Iravis was willing to give the modern age a shot.

Lyssa fixed Iravis with a serious, somewhat disbelieving stare. How could she not know what a those were? Was she living under a rock her entire life? If so, that was a sad, sad, existence and Lyssa couldn't help but to feel a little sad. So, she simply placed both hands on Iravis' shoulders once again, and gave her another hug.

"You have my sympathies." Now though, she was more motivated than ever to get Iravis out there and show her the wonders of video games and the internet! She quickly released the other girl, deciding it'd be best not to ask how she could possibly not know what those were.

"But it'd be better to show you!~" She chuckled, somewhat mischeviously, once again grabbing her hand, and leading her towards the door. "Come oooon, it'll be fun!~"

And once again, Iravis was litterally dragged on one of Lyssa's quests. Eventually the pair were passing by a small cofee shop at the end of the alley, where the Phoenix noticed a runed man inside and broke Lyssa's grip. Synthian in orgin? Maybe Gaulic? Celtic perhaps? Her bird eyes could tell they were more than for simple asthetic purposes however.

"I'm going to go in for a moment. I need to look at something." Iravis briskly walked down the alley approaching the student near Nekoa, the red hair girl stood in front of him, as if observing. The scholar in her wanted to ask where they were from, but her train of thought was interupted by a screeching noise.

The goddess fell foward in pain, unprepared for the loud noises. Once again, enhanced hearing played against the Phoenix. When the alarm stopped she opened her eyes and realized she was leaning on the runed man's chest for support. A slight blush filled her cheeks as she bounced away. "I..." The speech saved her from having to explain, and choas errupted again.

And once again, the Goddess found herself searching for the annoying girl in order to recieve tribute once more. "Lyssa, to me! Were you told about this after the attack last night?" She spoke loud enough that Runik would be easily able to hear their conversation.

Lyssa was definitely not prepared for Iravis running off on her own, but that was the least of their problems at the moment. That anouncement...said something about another fight?

Oh how wonderful.

"I...I have no idea." She replied to Iravis, after walking over to her. "But I'd really...I really don't want to fight anything..." Her cheery demeanor was compeltely absent from her voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Alucard boxed up the last of his supplies from his shopping trip and hefted the heavy box on his shoulders. It consisted of his tribute and was about as tall as he was. Alucard himself was dressed in a butler suit, as fitting of his role today. Now all that remained was to find his master for the day. Alucard easily hefted the box in one hand above his head and began walking back from the mall he'd finished up in towards the school.

Then a nasty blaring noise ruined his thoughts and nearly caused him to drop his gift. Alucard listened to the announcement irritated, how was he supposed to offer tribute while they were training against whatever this nonsense was? Whats more his gift now stood a chance of being ruined depending on exactly what they were fighting. They consisting of whatever other students had been trapped here.

Sighing, Alucard had resigned himself to his fate when he heard a loud yell that could only come from the flame-headed girl, calling out to someone named Lyssa. The demon girl perhaps? Regardless it meant Alucard had located his quarry and he quickly turned down the alley he'd heard it from, quickly locating her inside a small coffee shop.

He was about to announce his presence when he remembered rather distinctively that she'd ordered that she would appear before him, not the other way around. Hm, he couldn't earn her ire by disobeying her. Play it subtle then. Alucard casually walked into the coffee shop, not even looking at her, his box seemingly obscuring her from his view, and ordered a Latte Macchiato. Of course he would be unmistakable in his butler suit, his large box of tribute, and distinctively alluring voice, the only question was his lady's reaction.
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