Tsk. She had completely lost track of time. She had spent most of the afternoon in the library, and had been there after classes. It was one of her favorite places, after all. Quiet, out of the way and not many students frequented it. Those who did, were easy enough to ignore while she read or studied. Downside, was that she often lost track of time. Like now.
Livia sighed as she walked back to the dorm. It was close enough to midnight, and she should have probably been back hours ago. Hopefully she wouldn't run into any teachers or possibly get into trouble for being out so late. At least the library wasn't that far from her dorm, so she could get back within a few minutes.
She briefly wondered where Gall was. If he was sharing a room with that pervert from earlier, she had to wonder if that pervert...what was even his name?...anyways, if he even valued his life... Ah well, maybe she'd have Gall mess with him later. For now, she simply opened the door to her dorm, expecting to find the other occupants sound asleep.
Eli had just just teleported back to the dorms and arrived at her room and was now laying on her bed with a smile on her face. My first real friend... However that thought vanished once she thought about how she would enjoy some sweets at the moment. What the fuck. Why do you eat sweets so much yet you can't even finish a delicious dinner? I was still fucking hungry... Elise was bored and didn't feel like being trapped inside of Eli at the moment.
She tried to take over her body she felt a thin wall of some sort attempting to block her from taking control of her body but it wasn't much of a problem since she could easily get past it and do it anyways. Her eyes flickered and turned into a brighter red while her black hair glistened as she flipped it over her shoulders. Smiling she took out a bag that had an assortment of plastic bags inside of it. Mostly filled with people and creatures that she had ended up killing. Taking out her dagger collection, she smiles and lays them out on her bed. After that, she went ahead and took out some of her herbs as well, since they were an essential part of her potions. Belladona's and Castor plants were her favorite. Belladona's being known as Devil's Berries and Castor plants because of the way that people looked when they ate about 4 and are about to die. Wanting to scream in pain but they can't and end up dying of dehydration. She squeals and lays them down with the rest of the herbs, making a mess of her bed.
As Livia entered the dorm, she was a bit surprised to find the others still awake. Well, Emi was still awake at least, doing...what was she even doing? Honestly, she was a bit afraid to ask, but her morbid curiosity got the best of her.
"What...are you doing?" She asked, walking over to the desk and placing the book she was carrying on it - a different book from earlier. It looked like she was trying to torture some plants or something. "If you want to torture something...that pervert from earlier might be a better target."
Elise looked up once she heard someone come inside of the room and saw that it was.... Ummm... Liver? After a while she realized that she still thought that she was Eli. What an idiot. She chuckles quietly without her realizing and turns around with a bright smile. "My collections!!! Look, look!!!!" She grabs Livia's arm and pulls her over to the bed "This knife can literally cut a cow in half with one slice, as long as you put the appropriate amount of power in it!!!" Of course, she didn't specifically use it on a cow since she personally liked animals... "This one is pretty much for choking people but it has poisonous spikes that cause them to start bleeding internally~!!!" With a smile, her eyes shine but at the same time she fully understands that this should make her feel uncomfortable.
Livia was a bit surprised when Emi...or was that Elise?...whoever it was, grabbed her arm and pulled her towrads the bed to show her...her collection. An assortment of knives and other things. One that could apparently cut a cow in half, and another that was poisonous. The girl almost seemed a bit too happy explaining about them.
"Uhm, that's nice." She replied, pulling her arm away from the other girl. It was a bit...well, creepy. And just a tiny bit disturbing...Okay, really disturbing, but she held her tongue for now. She'd just ignore it, and go to bed. Well, maybe not. She didn't feel like sleeping anywhere near this girl at the moment.
So she moved back to the desk, sat down and picked up her book, intending to read. Until she was interrupted.
"Damn runt, least she could do is return to her room." Charlotte, or rather, Belphegor, walked into the dorm while scratching the back of Charlotte's head and grumbling.
"Oh, hello hottie number one, hottie number two." He said as a manner of greeting for Charlotte's roommates. "Err, scratch that. Hottie and psycho." He corrected himself after seeing what Emi was doing.
Then there was a sudden change in tone, accompanied by a yawn, "*yawn* Hm? Is everyone still awake? You shouldn't do that. Good kids go to bed at 10." Charlotte said, before yawning again. "Good night."
She closed her eyes and when she opened them again, well, Belphegor had already changed places with her again.
"Well, that's that girls. You have me to deal with for the rest of the night. I am not available every night, so try to enjoy me while I'm here." He smirked.
Elise smiled, liking her uncomfortable reaction and let go of her arm easily and spun back around but had to turn around since someone had just come in. Ughhh I swear, if it's another boring ass gir- "Oh, hello hottie number one, hottie number two." She squealed internally. "Wh-what? I get to room with such adorableness??? So cute!!" Elise may be a psycho but she had a soft spot for children. The fact that her tone was so different and had a bratty ness to it was even more cute. She quickly went up to the girl and began hugging her which most likely didn't work out for her since her head was only around the height of her chest. Letting her go, she put on a smile. She had been asleep or rather, bored and wasn't paying attention when Charlotte had been introduced. "Oops, sorry adorableness, what's your name??"
"He's a perverted demon who likes little girls, obviously." Livia replied to her question. Ugh, now the little kid and the other pervert showed up.
Belphegor was surprised by the sudden hug. But he could take advantage of this.
If she didn't know who he was, then it was better for him.
"T-That's not true." Belphegor looked up at Elise with teary eyes, her tone soft and tender. He seemed to be about to cry. "L-Livia is just a meanie. She's been bullying me since this morning. Please, help me," what was that word, what was that word.... "E-Emi-oneechan!"
He clung tightly to her.
"T-that little bastard is lying!" Livia shouted upon hearing this, standing up at the desk. "He's the one who grabbed my boobs earlier for no reason!"
Gall suddenly became angry, but didn't know why. Was his mistress in danger? He was still waiting for her outside the classroom, wondering if she'd ever call on her familiar. It had been a depressing few hours, sitting outside and having no one to talk to. Not that people were unavaible. Many actually passed by. But they stared and walked briskly away, fearing for their souls.
The little girls cuteness was powerful, extremely powerful. Powerful enough to block out any logic in Elise's brain and just make her... stupidly naive. "Awww... What?" wiping tears off of Charlotte's eyes and afterwards, jerking her head torwards Livia "How can you bully this cuteness? There is no way that something this cute is a pervert. Stop being so self-consious you b-" She cut herself off, not wanting to curse in front of someone younger. Sighing she hugged her again and released her to bend over a bit to look Charlotte straight in the eyes "It's okay, okay? Just tell me if she does it again and I'll stop her using... necessary methods." She smiled sweetly. "I'm sorry you have to sleep with her. You're welcome to sleep with me whenever, ok?" Glad that she had her sheets and herbs covering up most of her weapons at the moment except for a small pocket knife that was laid out there but she could just say it was for self-defense.
"Tonight. Please let me sleep with you tonight. And every other night afterwards." The spirit got kind of excited, so he cleared his throat and continued in the same cutesy yet sad tone, "I mean, I don't wanchu sleep with meanie Livia."
This little bastard. Ugh. She almost wanted to slap him silly, or maybe have one of her spirits do something. In the end though, she decided against it, only sighing in response. Fine, if she wasn't wanted here then she'd just leave. She didn't want to be around them anyways. She'd go find Gall and...well, she'd just go find him.
"Fine. I can see I am not wanted here, so I'll just leave." So she picked up her book once again, and made for the door.
Just when she was about to leave she felt a pang of guilt, most likely Eli's and was about to stop her when an... adorable creature came in and began to create a mess in the room. Elise automatically let go of Charlotte and summoned her shadow sword to appear in her hand. "What the fuck." She smiled as her shadow creatures were also summoned in the form of some sort of wolf. Her catalyst began to turn red and burn, making it seem as if it was on fire. Her roses appeared, creating a barrier around her and blocked herself off from some of the dark energy. Elise began to suck some of Eli's energy from her soul, making the sword stronger and more stable.
Livia was almost to the door when the intruder crashed through the window, shouting something about being Erased. Ah fuck it. The erasers decided they'd make good targets. She hoenstly had half a mind to just let these two deal with it themselves, but...ah goddamn it. As much as she wanted too, she really couldn't. Fine, she'd help here. Or rather, she'd have Gall help.
"Oh...erasing us?" Livia giggled, a small smirk forming on her lips. "Go ahead and try, jackass." She adjusted the gloves on her hands. "I think I'll just have my friend steal your soul instead. Answer my summons, Gall, reaper of souls! Teach this pathetic waste of human flesh a lesson."
Whenver the reaper appeared, she simply gave him one order.
"Kill him."
Gall answered his master's summon loyally. Not that he had a choice in the matter, but as one of the few people who had ever treated him like an existing being, he had chosen to protect her.
Objects in the room countinued to fly towards the ball of energy created by the eraser. Well, this will be easy. The Reaper summoned a barrier in front of his advesary in order to block more objects from flying into the ball of energy. He didn't know why the mortal fool would do such a thing, but the undead doubted that it was an action committed in an attempt to give his mistress flowers.
Skrull smiled, though the others couldn't see it.
"THAT WON'T WORK, UNDEAD FUCK-O!" He shouted, before dashing forward and striking the ball of dark energy against Gall's barrier.
It was strong enough to shatter rock walls, so it most probably could go through the barrier.
The barrier shattered, Gall using one hand to grab his skull as a response to the lost concentration.
Belphegor jumped back after the man dashed forward. He was certain that this person was indeed dangerous, and those balls even more so.
"Tsk. And I thought the only dangerous balls here were mine. Err, if I had them on me."
"I swear demon, if you ever think about touching my master again, I will shear your soul." He realized though that the fight should be what he was focusing on, not the perverted spirit.
Elise picked up one of her swords which was made with scrith and filled with mana, cutting her wrist just in case she needed something extra later. She ran forward quickly, jumping into the air and aiming for the top of his head. This wasn't to kill him, just to slow him down a bit. The weapon was strong but she had taken out some of the mana so that it wouldn't kill anyone.
The incoming attack was nothing for Skrull, or so it seemed.
"Har! You guys amuse me to no end!" He simply put his hand forward, and caught the sword in his hand, before turning on his heel and throwing the girl unto the ground.
It didn't seem that his magic had negated the damage to his hand, he was bleeding all right, but it was more like a deep scratch rather than a big slash across his hand.
Well, the girl was probably out of the way now, so he dashed forward and moved the reaper out of the way after taking his head with his left hand and pushing him aside. If poor Gall still had some kind of sense of pain, he'd sense the area where Skrull had touched him started burning.
Gall noticed a smoke in the room, and after a moment realized that the place wasn't burning down. "Mortal, you think that will harm me?"
Elise smiled, feeling the pain throughout her body. So he didn't know about her, huh. She began to transfer most of it to the skrull and got back up, a little dissapointed that she didn't feel much pain anymore since, well, the feeling of suffering isn't something that she hated. Her wrist had also began to heal because of the process she had just went through.
There was pain in his body. Skrull turned back to Eli.
"What did you do to me, bitch?" He said to her, before he started walking towards her. "Answer the fucking question. What. Did. You. Do. To. Me?"
When he was near enough, he took the girl by her face, his magic still active (and burning) and then slammed her against the wall.
She smiled, continuing to transfer her pain to him "Ehhh? You don't get it? Haha what a fucking idiot... Oops, sorry, I don't mean to be rude." She summoned her shadow sword quickly, stabing his stomach as he was grabbing her. She was having a hard time holding in a laugh. honestly though, getting killed like this wouldn't be all that bad. Not that she was expecting that to happen.
The sword quickly approached his stomach, but the man again took the blade before it could go into his body.
"Oopsies." She turned the sword around and stabbed her right arm, the one he was grabbing her with and twisted it while it was still inside of her and began to transfer the pain. Damn, that feels refreshing as fuck! She smiles
"ARGH! What the fuck is this curse shit?!" Even the thickheaded skrull knew what was going on. "Maybe I should just kill you and be done with it?" The red eyes of his mask lit up.
"So rough..." Smiling, she looks at him. She had her roses appear in front of her and aimed them torward his eyes which were just below her. The sharp thorns shouldn't feel too good... But just then she felt something begin to come out of her soul. A force that didn't feel enjoyable whatsoever. It quickly vanished but she couldn't help but wonder what it was. The first violent force that didn't arouse her one bit.
Gall had approached behind the pair during the fight, and swiped with his scythe, ripping the head off their advesary. "That was easy."
The instant his head flew into the air, his body seemingly went limp, letting go of the girl.
However, instead of falling down, his body became surrounded by the same black energy he had in his hands before.
Comically, his head popped out from the collar of his coat.
He turned on his heel and punched Gall, sending his head flying out of the window. "Starting with you fucker."
And then he turned to the small girl and the one that had pretty much done nothing but to summon that cumbersome reaper.
"Come on... Right now, there is nothing I can't erase as I am now." He taunted Livia.
Belphegor turned to Livia, "Hey, ya got a plan to deal with this? Far as I see it, nothing can survive inside that energy of his. Probably not even himself, so if we just run he might do himself in..."
Livia had simply been watching for the moment, trying to gauge her opponents abilities instead of blindly rushing in like the others. She had intended to do nothing, but it seemed like she couldn't remain passive any longer. Especially not after what he did to Gall. That fucker was dead if she got her hands around his scrawny neck.
"If we do run, he'll simply run after us." She grumbled quietly in response. Unfortuantely, though she saw no other means of beating this guy at the moment. If they could somehow use his power against him or render him unconscious. That could deactivate his magic, but it'd be incredibly risky. Her spirits would probably get sucked in as well, and getting close enough to knock him upside the head...
Eli began to realize more of what was going on around her and saw a person that seemed to be in an excruciating amount of pain. She began to go near her even though Elise didn't exactly want to. Eli began to try and take his pain but Elise quickly realized what she was trying to do and switched it around, giving him her pain. What the fuck is this bitch doing??!?!? Ever since she was fucking small all she thought about was how to fucking kill herself for other, god damn it!! The pain was transfering into him and just as she was about to use the shadow sword, something happened and it began to act up... What the fuck? Not the god damn time! The sword flew out of her hand and out came a... demon? But he was passed out so she quickly turned back and pulled the sword back to her and broke through the barriar. Transfering her pain to him but not necessarily Eli's pain.
Ugh, goddamn it. This was a pain in the goddamn ass. She just wanted some peace and quiet! Was that too much to ask!? This guy was really fucking annoying her, but unless she did something soon he'd probably win - the three of them were already starting to get sucked in towards him. That shitty, stupid magic of his...Fine, he wanted to fight? She'd give him a goddamn fight.
She sighed, pulling her gloves tightly over her arms, a dark red energy crackled across them.
"That may be true...but I wonder how fast you can 'erase' things?" If he could erase anything, then she'd simply overpower him with sheer numbers. "Try not to get overwhelemed...I'd hate for this to be boring."
Soon, several skeletal specters formed in the room in front of Livia. Some, were simple disembodied skulls. Others had working arms connected to a fully formed ribcage. They required quite a bit more mana to manifest, but it worked.
"HAHA! YOU THINK THOSE SHITTY SKELOTONS ARE GONNA STOP ME?!" Skrull laughed. Indeed, they were already starting to be pulled towards the other mage. Livia simply remained calm, her face not betraying any emotion other than mild boredom. His fate had already been sealed as far as she was concerned.
It may have looked to some, like she was indeed losing. She oredered the spirits to attack him, going right for him in a frontal assault and attempting to hold him down. Every time one spirit was sucked in, she simply summoned another. Honestly, it was quite taxing on her mana to summon and control so many. By her count, she had already lost quite a few, almost nearing twenty.
and then, she simply stopped, letting the last of her spirits be sucked in. Ugh, she was tired The skeletons that had been attempting a frontal assault, had failed miserably.
Just as she had expected. The idiot brute was much too focused on what was in front of him.
"HAHAHA" He began to laugh maniacly, as if he was beating them. "YOU SHOULD JUST FUCKING GIVE UP YOU BITCH"
Belphegor could feel his fellow spirits rounding up behind the guy. Truly, he was an idiot who could see no more than what was in front of him.
"Dude, you ARE evil. You got to teach this runt how to do that." He smirked, before seeing what happened to Skrull.
His laughing was short lived, however. Two cold, skeletal hands soon wrapped around his neck from behind him. Livia simply smirked as his laughing soon turned to the sounds of someone choking.
I'm fucking done with this idiot. Elise took full control over Eli's body once again and practically put Eli's soul inside of the sword and quickly began to stab him multiple times. She was going extremely fast and even if one didn't successfully attack him, the next would. Lastly, since she's a bitch, she took something out of the demon that was laying emotionless beside her. He wasn't in any pain whatsoever... It appeared and she took advantage of that, adding part of his soul to the sword and attacking him again. This shouldn't have worked but since he had been part of it before, there was no reason for it not to.
She grabbed his arms and twisted them around his head, grabbing some rope.
It seemed, however, Elise was going to put a kink in her plans to make this fucker utterly regret angering her.
"That's enough, Elise, Eli, whoever the fuck you are." She summoned another specter, with the remaining mana, and simply gave it the command to stop her from doing anything to him.
Just as she was going to begin to turture him, she turned to her. "Its Elise, got it? The one that just want to play a bit... maybe torturing?"
"Torture? him? Don't waste your time on this waste of human flesh." She scoffed. "I'm going to put him out of his misery." By now, Skrull was grabbing at the skeletal fingers around his neck. His magic was gone, but even if he hadn't the skeleton was firmly latched onto him.
She easily released herself from the restraint. She's a fucking level 4. I've dealt with worse before in my life. "Fine." She muttered, under her breath.
"Har har. You two girls are fucking evil. I like yer styles." Belphegor laughed again. It seemed he had no part in this today. Shame, or maybe not. Charlotte's body would be in tatters if he went apeshit on Skrull.
Without regard for Elise's response, she walked over to Skrull. The skeleton was slowly forcing the man to his knees as he still struggled for breath. She grabbed his head, holding it up and forcing the possibly psychotic man to look at her as he struggled for breath.
"What was that about erasing everything?" She laughed. "You sure to talk big, but look at you, cretin." She smirked at him, eyes filled with pure hatred and malice towards the man. "You fell for such a simple trick. You hardly even qualify for an eraser."
Skrull simply stared up at her, eyes fileld with almost psychotic malice.
"You weren't even a challenge. You're nothing but a pathetic, worthless piece of trash." She let go of his head, only to kick him right...where no guy ever wanted to be kicked. If he was capable of crying out in pain, it was lost and all he was capable of was a garbled yelp as the skeleton continued to slowly crush his windpipe.
"But that's okay, I'll take care of that problem. A worthless creature like you won't be missed by anyone." With a single motion of her hand, the skeleton twisted his neck. A sickening snapping noise could be heard as his head was practically turned 180 degrees. Right after, the skeleton released him, Skrulls now limp body falling to the floor.
"Take out the trash, please." She gave one more motion to the specter, who picked up his body, and did just that - tossing it out the window for the birds to feed on.
Afterwards, she released the spirit. She felt completely drained, but she couldn't sleep just yet. Instead, she left the room and headed outside of the dorm. She wasn't about to let Gall go around and become a headless reaper.
Of course, Livia could not hear that the useless lump of meat that Skrull was now never really did hit the floor.
"These ones were quite more cruel than I thought. Three survivors of the Erasals." Rollanda said, holding Skrull in her arms. "And one Eraser out of commision. You again Skrull? You seriously need to stop doing this, or I'll grow tired of re-constructing your body."
She sighed, and then turned her head upwards to the other mages.
"Hey, is everyone all right there? Do you need some healing or anything?" She shouted.
Belphegor did hear what the Head Nurse had to say, and then shouted, "I'm fucking dandy over here and we've got a suicide and a headless skeleton over here. Take your pick, miss nurse." He shouted back.
Elise felt alive but something continued to pull her back. It was Eli, who was barely holding on to herself "Ugh, what a pain..." she muttered, scratching the back of her arm and returning Eli back to her body. She immediately collapsed but Elise made sure that she wouldn't hit her head on the ground. It took a while for her to see where she was and she began to feel pain in her body. At first it was a simple tingle, arousing for Elise but after a while, Eli began to feel extreme pain. Looking down at her catalyst and seeing that it was bleeding and glowing bright red. My goodness... This won't go away for about 1 week... Elise's powers mostly only work for herself and she also sucked a lot of energy out of Eli, not that Elise cared much. It felt like when her father had tied her up and had a guy that she didn't know start hitting her with some sort of rod. She sighed, clawing at her arms as she stood up. Elise had made that guy hurt her quite a bit so that she could use her powers and Eli wasn't as strong as Elise health wise. She attempted to plaster a smile on her face but it quickly vanished once she saw a man laying on the floor, unconsious. Ohhhh yeah... That guy was still there. She went over to her, her legs seeming to not want to cooperate with her much. "A-are you okay? Wh-what happened to you?"
Verid (new character that I will make a CS for later) instantly opened his eyes, hearing Eli's voice and turned over to look at her. She looked so different now. Well, of course she did I suppose. She has aged after all. Whait... Why am I in physical form? Ah, I guess it doesn't matter now. He took her hand and looked into Eli's eyes "I'm glad you didn't die, Kurosawa Emi." as he smiled and let go gently, beginning to stand up. Once he stood up, he quickly looked around to put together the situation. I am guessing that this is a school and this must be her dorm room. "Will I be rooming with you?" he questioned her quite seriously.
Eli looked down at her hand, surprised at the fact that this stranger had touched her without even knowing her. "Wh-what are you talking about...?" she asked, feigning innocence and acting like she had no idea what he was talking about. There is no way he would know about father... She let her hand be released and looked up at him as he stood up. "Wh-wha?" room with me? There are already 3 people though... "Umm... You w-will have to speak w-with the director." Eli... He wants to fucking room with you and that's your reaction? Oh, why don't you just get raped already.