
There was a large smile on Eva's face, her arms wrapped around Connor's shoulder so she could pull herself close to him as possible. It was a bit of a stretch, she didn't mind. She could barely hear the music end, someone climbing up the stage and begin the next song. It was only until Eva pulled away for air, turning her head slightly towards the stage as she breathed in the oxygen she needed, did she realise that it was Jeje and Echo up on the stage, in the middle of an emotional duet.
Her cheeks were still flushed, and she slowly moved her arm off his shoulder, returning back to the soles of her feet instead as she was barely able to look Connor in the eye. "I'm sorry for being so... forward," The girl said, "you probably didn't even want to..." Well, if he didn't want to kiss her, he wouldn't have pulled her back in for a passionate kiss, one that sent shivers down her spine and still left her knees shaking, but Eva couldn't help but feel unsure.
Connor again put his finger to Eva’s lips, again shushing her gently. “Shhh, Eva. It’s all I’ve wanted for a while now, okay? Don’t be such a dummy. And I say that in the most affectionate way possible. There’s no way I would have kissed you like I did if I didn’t want it.” Connor smiled down at her and pulled his fingers from her lips, his arms still lightly looped around her waist. “...so how’d I do, anyway? I thought it was kind of a pretty big longshot, but I guess the whole ‘serenading’ thing worked, huh?”
Eva's heart was pounding in her chest, listening as Connor explained everything. The girl's spirits soared, and a bright wide smile made it's way onto her face. "You did great- ha, it was amazing." Her cheeks were still flushed, but Eva was too happy to care. "I didn't know that you were such a great singer, you should sing more often."
Connor smiled as Eva complemented his singing, then rolled his eyes when she said he should sing more often. “Oh, no, let’s spare Claire and friends.” He said decisively, kissing her quickly, softly. He took his arms back from around her and looked around, frowning slightly as he looked around the room, where most of the people have dispersed. “...so Eva, wanna go back to my place? This party’s kinda… donezo, I think. We can go to my place and do whatever, instead. I’ll give you a ride there, too, if you want, huh?” He offered, smiling brightly as he looked into her eyes.
"Spare everyone? More like depriving everyone of your amazing voice." Eva quipped, unable to stop herself as she laughed. Her laugh slowly died down as she realised that the party was getting dull, sadly, the only source of entertainment being Tas' glorious singing up on stage. Eva took Connor's hand, linking their fingers together as she looked towards the door, contemplating whether or not to just leave with Connor.
Eva nodded finally, looking at Connor with a smile, ”sure, but please tell me you’ve come to the party in a car.” The girl winced, she wasn’t sure whether she would be able to ride on Connor’s bike, with her being in such a short dress and it being somewhat cold out, being on a bike would probably freeze the girl before she even arrived at Connor’s place.
Connor stared down at Eva and frowned. “Uh, no, no car… But, uh. Oh, I know!” Connor said, slipping his arms out of his jacket and draping it over Eva’s shoulders. The jacket is… huge on the girl, but it’s already warm from Connor wearing it all night. “That oughta keep you warm, right? It’s a little big, I know, but it should be pretty nice since I’ve been wearing it all day. It’ll keep you warm on the bike, babe.” Connor decides, nodding and sliding one of his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him, slowly guiding her out of the building.
“See ya later, nerds,” He says to everyone in the room, giving them a wave as he opens the door for Eva, a model gentleman.
Eva sighed, going on a bike was definitely not something she was looking forward to, even if she’d get a reason to cling onto him on the bike. ”Thank you,” Eva slipped her arms through the sleeves of the jacket, the ends flowing past her hands and making her look even shorter than usual. The ends of the jacket almost reached half-way past her thighs, the warm material brushing her skin every time she moved. It felt intimate, but the girl just smiled and held onto the lapels, covering herself as Connor led the way out.
Eva waved in Nat’s direction, ”I’ll text you later, Nat!” The girl promised. She felt bad for leaving Nat’s birthday party early, but things were going downhill since the Eddy business. She was sure that the party wasn’t going to last much longer anyway, the karaoke machine could only entertain a group for so long.
Once outside, the girl shivered. She was glad for the warm jacket around her, almost burrowing into the warmth as the cold wind bit at her skin. Eva looked at Connor, concerned. He was only wearing a shirt, his jacket now over her body. ”A-aren’t you feeling cold? Do you want your jacket back?” The cold made Eva’s teeth clench and chatter. If she was still freezing, she was sure that Connor should’ve been feeling at least somewhat cold.
Connor smiled at the girl and shook his head as she asked if he would like his jacket back, or if he was cold. “Sure, I’m a little cold, but you’re more important, ye?” Connor squeezed the girl’s hand and smiled again, leading her over to his bike. “Look, just hold on tight as you can to me, and we’ll be there faster than you can blink. You won’t even notice the cold, and the apartment’s all nice and warm anyway, okay?” He asked, swinging his leg over the bike and kicking the stand up. He hit the button to turn the bike on, and it roared to life as he looked over at her.
“The jacket’s pretty warm, right? I don’t usually let other people wear it, so… feel special, Eva.” Connor said with a grin, teasing the girl as he waited for her to climb on.
Eva hesitantly stepped towards the bike. ”Your place isn’t too far from here anyway, I think we should be good.” The girl said, more to reassure herself. She gave Connor a short smile, before climbing on the bike. She sat sideways, tucking the skirt of her dress carefully so she wouldn’t accidently flash any passing strangers while on the bike, tucking her arm around Connor’s waist and holding on tightly.
”I feel so special,” Eva rolled her eyes, grinning slightly as she pressed her body against Connor’s back. She couldn’t help but notice how warm Connor’s body was, subconsciously moving closer so she could lean her cheek against his back. ”I’m ready whenever you are. Just promise me you won’t go too fast.”
Connor frowned slightly when she requested that he not go too fast, and he took his hand and put it over hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Eva, don’t worry. I gotcha.” He said, though he had carefully made sure not to agree to the promise of not going too fast; what was the point of the bike if he wasn’t breaking the speed limit? He revved up the bike before he shifted it into gear, and away they went, expertly weaving through the curvy, zig-zagging roads of San Francisco.
In a matter of minutes, they arrived at the apartment complex, Connor slowing the bike to a stop, pulling into his spot and shutting the bike off. He put the stand down and got off, throwing his arms out and shaking his head slightly, jumping up and down once or twice before he helped Eva out. “That was a little colder than I thought it would be!” He grinned and laughed, smiling at her. “Hey, that wasn’t that bad, was it?”
Her cheeks were both hot and cold, the wind biting into her skin as she pressed her face into his back to hide from the cold winds. Eva used Connor like a shield against the wind, her fingers digging into Connor’s chest. She could only mumble out an apology, worried that her nails might be hurting him. Not too long into the journey back to Connor’s place, Eva slowly began to open her eyes, squinting slightly as she looked around.
The city streets looked much different at night on a bike, with students out drinking and all the lights flashing by fast. It was still too cold for the girl to fully enjoy the experience, plus with her heels and dress, she was nervous about accidentally revealing too much. She was glad for Connor’s jacket, the one item that was pretty much keeping her dignity intact. After finally reaching his place, Eva immediately got off, almost stumbling in her heels as she did so. The model’s hair was a mess and her cheeks and the tip of her nose were red from the cold. ”Colder? That was freezing!” the girl exclaimed. She then shook her head, her hands trying to fix her hair, as she smiled at Connor. ”Thank you for the ride anyway, it was fun even if it was really cold.”
“I’ll take you on a ride when it’s warmer and give you more of a warning next time, am I right?” Connor asked, rolling his eyes as she tweaked her hair. “Don’t worry about your hair too much. And… if it makes you feel any better, I think you look… so cute with your nose and cheeks all red like that. Seriously, I could just… eat you up.” Connor commented as she messed with her hair, smiling slyly at the girl, winking at her as he took her hand and pulled her into the red building and up the stairs, unlocking the door to the apartment he shared with Feliks. Well, step two was complete, get her into his apartment. “Ready to take the jacket off?”
Step three? Step three was getting all of her clothes off, and he figured he might as well start with the easiest article first. “Then I can toss it in the closet. Or you can if you want, either way. I can turn on some music, too, if you want. I dunno what you wanna do.” Connor explained as he kicked on the lights and his apartment came to life--as slightly messy as always.
Eva wrinkled her nose in response, pouting childishly as he commented on her cheeks. ”I’m not cute,” Eva said, as he took her hand and guided her up to his apartment. ”I’m… just… uh, hot. Well, cold actually but you know what I mean.” The girl wanted to call herself hot, but her embarrassment stopped her from continuing.
It definitely wasn’t the first time Eva was at Connor’s apartment. Being pretty close friends with Feliks pretty much ensured that she was there any and every night the two were ready to party. But this was a first that she was alone with Connor. The girl felt nervous, but excited at the same time. ”But your jacket is so waaaarm.” Eva tightened her hold on his jacket, as a joke of course, but she wasn’t lying about how warm it was. It wasn’t long before Eva slipped out of his jacket, sighing as the warm material left her skin, goosebumps raising as she did so. She handed him his jacket back, thanking him again as she rubbed her arm and looked around. ”Well, how about we watch some anime? I heard that you had some pretty cool collections.” The girl grinned, referencing to before when she had stupidly flirted back with Connor.
Connor rolled his eyes as she told him how warm the jacket was. “All good things must come to an end, Eva. Wearing my jacket is one of them.” He took the jacket and tossed it onto the couch nonchalantly, before turning his attention back to Eva. “Hey, if you wanna do anime… that’s alright. But you know, we didn’t stay long enough for me to get that dance you promised, he said with a smile, moving over to her. He reached up with one hand and brushed a lock of her hair back, hooking it behind her ear. “I’ll turn on some music,” he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone, pushing a few buttons to fire up its connection to the speakers throughout the apartment.
Another button press and the music came on. Connor looked down at Eva and furrowed his brow. “Oh."
Eva raised an eyebrow as Connor threw his jacket carelessly towards the sofa."That jacket could've gone to a good cause y'know." She teased him, a light-hearted laugh escaping her lips. Her laugh died down as Connor suggested dancing, and her cheeks flushed again - it was pretty much the norm for her cheeks to be inflamed in Connor's presence. The close proximity and his hand brushing her hair back behind her ear definitely did not help.
"W-well, I don't mind dancing and all if you really w-want to." What little confidence the girl had before was now gone, reducing Eva to a blushing, stuttering mess. She cleared her throat, and her brilliant mouth made the situation even better.
"I mean, if you really want to be stepped on that bad, I don't mind doing so. Once realising what she had said, she barely resisted the urge to slap her forehead. Thankfully, Connor was busy tinkering with his phone to play the music, so she could only hope that she didn't speak loud enough for him to hear.
'Mister boombastic'
Eva bit down at her lip, covering her mouth as she began laughing uncontrollably. The music was playing loudly through the speakers around the apartment, every passing second causing her laugh to grow louder. "Nice choice," The girl breathed out between laughs.
Connor grinned as she started to laugh. “Only the greatest of songs for you,” he stated, moving closer to Eva. He gently looped his arms around her waist, staring into her eyes as the incredibly inappropriate music played. Connor laughed and leaned down to her lips, stealing a quick kiss. “May I have this dance, Eva, my darling?” He asks softly as the lyrics continue around them.
‘She say I’m Mr Ro...mantic’
Eva definitely felt a lot more comfortable at this point. Her body was relaxed, and she was still between laughs as Connor wrapped his arms around her waist. Eva wrapped hers around his shoulders, holding on as she looked up at him with a lingering smile. "You really know how to choose 'em." The girl commented, before he leaned in for a kiss.
The girl's smile widened, and she nodded in response to his question "You may." She considered this moment to be one of the best in her life. Or at least in her romantic life, that is. Her heart was steady, surprisingly, but it was probably because of the laugh earlier. "So, is this how you woo all your dates?" The girl asked, curiously.
'I'm ro... Smooth just like silk.'
‘Soft and cuddle me up like a quilt’
Hearing Shaggy’s words, Connor smiled and pulled Eva closer to him, tighter against him as he started to move along in an exaggerated waltz-like dance to the beat of the song. “Yes, it is. And sixty percent of the time? It works all the time.” He laughed and lifted her hand above her head, twirling her gently as they speak. “So. Eva. What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time and why is it fantasizing about me?” He teased, the song playing around him.
‘I’m a lyrical lover no take me for no filth’
She laughed as they danced - quite horribly, but she wouldn't say that out loud - to the beat of the music. She should've felt jealous, or even hurt, but the fact that she was dancing with him just made her too happy to care. Eva grinned, "you have a very high opinion of yourself, don't you? What if I told you that I think about Feliks more than I think about you?" Eva couldn't help but tease.
'I'm just like a turtle crawling out of my shell'
Connor eyes rolled when she suggested that she think of Feliks more. Staring at her, he realized just how pretty Eva was… ‘I wonder what she looks like naked.’ He mused silently, twirling her again. The entire scene was wrong, the music wasn’t appropriate for their dancing, but for his thoughts… it was perfect. He rolled his eyes again, a huge smile plastered on his face.
‘Gal you captivate my body put me under a spell’
“Oh, please. No one thinks of Feliks over little ‘ol me. I’m purty” He teased, a chuckle following quickly afterward. “Thanks for coming with me. I didn’t think you’d want to, at first.”
"'Purty' huh?" Evalyn repeated, an amused grin on her face. "Fine, you're a very purty guy, but you're not the only purty guy here." Her every senses were just overwhelmed with Connor; his voice, the feel of his body pressed against her front, his smell.
'With your cus cus perfume I love your sweet smell'
"Why wouldn't I not want to hang out with you?" The girl asked, before she let out a laugh. "Where else am I going to get my anime fix?"
With every passing moment, it was somehow getting easier for Eva to actually hide her nervousness. The girl just hoped that she wasn't trying too hard and somehow push Connor away.
You are the only young girl that can ring my bell
“You’re right, I’m not the purtiest guy we know. That honor goes to your new roommate, after Dom and Jeje and crazy-leprechaun-bitch bashed his skull in. But you, Eva? You’re always the purtiest girl in the room.” He beamed down at the much shorter than him girl, thinking to himself. Eva was the most attractive girl in their group, and the one he was most interested in. Granted, he only wanted to bang her, which might have been more than a little rude… But she was a model, it just wasn’t fair! And now he was much, much closer to his goal.
And I can take rejection so you tell me go to hell
“So… Eva. Wanna go to my room after this? We can get comfy, lay down in the bed, and watch some anime.” He suggested with a sly ‘you-know-what-I-mean’ glint in his eyes.
Eva's eyes widened in surprise, blinking twice as her brain took a couple of moments to process the compliment. Her mind thankfully glossed over the jab at her roomie, but the fact that he thought she was pretty? It was a riot up in there.
"I- uh," She was blushing furiously, heart suddenly pounding against her chest. She was sure that he could hear it. Any witty comment - if they were even witty at all - was long gone, just leaving the model a stuttering mess in front of her crush.
Thankful for the change of subject, she nodded, an odd smile on her face. "T-that's the best way to end the night, so wh-why not?" Eva avoided his gaze, still embarrassed. "C'mon," she moved away from their dancing position, taking hold of his hand instead, leading him towards the sofa first so she could grab his jacket. "You should hang this to avoid any wrinkles." Was the only thing she said, blinking as an envelope fell to the ground.
Letting go of his hand to pick it up, the girl looked at Connor briefly before giving into her curiosity and peeking inside, an eyebrow raised. "Oh..."
Connor’s watched as Eva snatched his jacket. He was still smiling, silently stunned by how cute her nervousness and stammering was. He raised an eyebrow when she grabbed his jacket, shaking his head. “It’s not that big of a deal, I don’t usually hang it up till I go to bed.” He explained, then frowned when the envelope hit the ground. “Hey, don’t you know it’s a felony to open other people’s mail?” He asked, frowning slightly.
“Whatever. Just don’t tell anyone, that’s my surprise for Nat.” Without another word, he tugged her arm and led her into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him and flicking the lock.
'I'm Mr. Boombastic say me fantastic touch me in my back she says boom