Cannon Characters:
Noah Bennet: No Abilities (Nallore)
Claire Bennet: Ability Regeneration
Hiro Nakamura: Ability Space-Time Nanipulation
Sylar: Ability Intuitive Aptitude (Multiple Abilities) (Reserved)
Peter Petrelli: Empathic Mimicry (Multiple Abilities) (Chulance)
Matt Parkman: Ability Telepathy (Hushed Whispers)
Angela Petrelli: Ability Precognitive Dreaming
Mohinder Suresh: Ability Enhanced strength and senses
Molly Walker Ability Clairvoyance (Nallore)
List Of Current Original Characters

Laugh at Yesterday, Dream of Tomorrow
Name: Vanessa Summervile
Age: 22 ( Often is mistaken for much younger as she is pretty small )
Gender: Female
Height: 5.2 feet
Weight: 132 lb
Ethnicity: The Netherlands
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Ghosts?
Occupation: She is a model and a self-learned photographer.
Ability: teleportation on sight. ( She can move from street to street but can't think of a place and poof, she is there. She has to see her new destination )
Vanessa is a pretty happy girl, she is often described as pretty crazy too. That last part is mostly because she keeps changing her hair and never has two weeks the same hair style, length or color. She is a easy going girl and a real friend when you need one. Though she can be a bitch too when you bug her too much.
She will never ask for anything back, giving is what she loves to do. A lot people have taken advantage of that but she doesn't change.
Vanessa lost her parents in a huge fire when she was 20. It was that day that she learned about her ability as she tried to escape, saw the outside and suddenly was there. She didn't know how but when she tried it again, it didn't work anymore. She had wanted to save her parents but they died in the fire and she has blamed herself for it for a long time.
Ever since she had learned she had this power, she had tried to figure out how it worked. She now knows for two years that she is 'special' but never has found someone that could help her. She wants to know more about her ability / special power so she can use it when she needs it and not just when it accidentally happens ( Which does happen so now and then, once she was stuck on the roof of a hotel for three days )

Quote: "Don't let others get you down, stand up for yourself."
Name: Elena Reese
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 126lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Lesbian
Religion: Agnostic (Formally Catholic.)
Occupation: Full time college student/part-time cashier. (Hopes to be a singer someday.)
Ability: Electrokinesis.
Personality: Elena is usually seen to be a very friendly person, she is always very kind and caring towards others even for those she doesn't know and expects the same in return. She is rarely ever seen mad, but when she does she will stand up for herself when the time comes she likes making new friends and getting to know newer people when she gets the chance to. Elena is always the friend to have your back she can always be the friend to have a shoulder to lean on. Elena is always enthusiastic, in her spare time Elena enjoys music and likes to sing as one of her hobbies and hopes to actually be famous someday.
Background: Elena was born into a very strict Catholic family near the city of Pittsburgh, her father was pastor while her mother was a nurse. Growing up Elena was very close to her parents at the time she was even the lead for her church's quire which was where her interest in music. In school Elena always got very good grades, when Elena got into high school she started to find herself more and more attracted towards women. At the time she knew that it was wrong and kept it a secret from both her friends and family up until her final year of high school, at first she told her friends who were all very supportive of her. Though when Elena came to her parents they were instantly furious and ended up kicking her out of the house. Having no where else to go she moved in with one of her friends until she finally graduated from high school and even got herself a scholarship.
When Elena tried to mend things with her family they all got into a very heated argument one night which was then her ability emerged. Elena became furious with her family eventually all of the light bulbs in her parents house exploded and everything electronic overloaded causing power to her parents whole house to shut off. Scared at what happened Elena quickly left the house, using her money from working Elena moved up to LA. Her scholarship only able to pay some of the tuition costs Elena got a part-time job at a grocery store to pay some of the bills as well as singing in bars as well for some extra money. When Elena has free time she focused on her ability having some control over it, though still at times when her emotions get the better of her, the lights or anything electronic will short circuit.

"Don't mess with me, and I won't mess you up."
Name: Kimberly Juno
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 152 lbs
Ethnicity: American
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Barista / Aspiring Writer
Ability: Fire Manipulation. Kimberly can generate and manipulate flames, and use them for varying purposes. With varying degrees of success, Kimberly can also fly using her ability.
Personality: Short-tempered and prideful, Kimberly is your typical tomboy. She is adventurous and daring, sometimes to the point of recklessness. However, she does think and act quickly during times of stress. That being said, Kimberly can be quite friendly with other people, easily striking up conversations with other people. She also displays a strong sense of justice, usually seeing issues as black-and-white.
Background: (Please see Flare)

"Have an eye for detail."
Name: Conner Flynnigan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 159 lbs
Ethnicity: Asian
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: Graphic Designer / Programmer
Ability: Tune: Conner is able to fuse, or 'tune', with another superhuman to increase their supernatural and physical capabilities. The two must both be willing participants and act in unison, else the 'tuning' fails. Also, the stronger the bond between the two, the stronger the abilities the 'tuned' being gets. Currently, it has only been attempted with Kimberly (see Flare for more details).
Personality: Conner isn't exactly social with others. He tends to just listen to others talk, only occasionally speaking his mind on matters. However, he is quite intelligent, and will make the effort to learn about anything that seems or is important in some way, even the smallest details.
Background: (Please see Flare)

Name: Erin Marie Chase.
Nick-Names: Mari, Chase, Persephone.
Gender: Female.
Occupation: College Student; Majoring in Ancient World History.
Place Of Origin: Victoria, Australia.
Age: Nineteen Years Old.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Religion: Though Erin doesn't actually believe in God, or put much stock into the religions of modern day society; she has both a fascination and a vast knowledge of the Gods of Ancient Greece.
Appearance - Nineteen Years Old:

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Straight.
Partner: None.
Father: Damien Chase.
Mother: Claudia Jade Chase.
Siblings: Jaidyn Matthew Chase.
Pet/s: Erin both owns and adores her black pet cat, Skyler.
Other: None.
Power/ Ability: Season Manipulation.
Brief Description: Erin has the unique ability that allows her to help bring on the changing of the seasons; however the amount of power she puts behind the action determines how big/ far of an area the change effects.
Seasonal Descriptions:
Spring Solstice - When focusing upon the particular season of Spring, Erin is able to help both the seeds to take root and the vegetation to grow; she is also able to bring in the warmer and slightly wetter weather when she feels as though her garden is in need of a water. As a side effect of bringing along the Spring weather and climate, it tends to confuse some animals, forcing them to awaken or return due to the rise in temperature, oftentimes with newborns; it also can bring along with it increased rainfall, and may cause flooding within waterways close to where she uses her powers.
Summer Equinox - When focusing upon the particular season of Summer, Erin is able to increase the temperatures to their hottest settings, bringing on not only some of the most perfect days to hit the waves at the beach, but also some of the most scorching days of the year to those around her. However, bringing the hot Summer weather can lead to extremely dangerous side effects; if the temperatures spike too high, both heat waves and droughts may cause trouble for not only people, but also animals and vegetation as well; and while it might increase rainfall in some areas, others may receive less resulting in the increased likely-hood of wildfires.
Fall/ Autumn Solstice - When focusing upon the particular season of Autumn, also known as Fall, Erin is able to bring the temperatures back to a reasonable setting, allowing the cooler change to come through and make the days more comfortable for those around her; she is also able help her family and friends bring in bountiful harvests from their gardens. However, as a side effect of focusing upon the Autumn weather, some plants tend to grow dormant, and animals begin to prepare themselves for the cold and harsh winter weather by storing foods or traveling to warmer regions.
Winter Equinox - When focusing upon the particular season of Winter, Erin is able to decrease the temperature down to their lowest settings, not only bringing on the frosty Winter chill of the strong winds, but also some of the coldest days of the year to everyone around her; and while some areas could experience things such as snow and ice, others might only get as much as a cold Winter rainfall. As a side effect of focusing too much upon the Winter weather, animals tend to do whatever they can to warm themselves up, and tend to change their appearance in order to adapt to the colder weather.
Other: Perhaps the most notable and interesting aspect however of Erin’s ability is its dependence upon her emotional state at the time- whenever she is exceedingly calm, happy, or feels a sense of love within herself and those surrounding her, she seems to have a complete control over her abilities, and is capable of producing feats of beautiful magic; however, whenever she is feeling exceptionally nervous, sad, agitated or feels a sense of fear, her powers grow considerably unstable, and in turn can become extremely dangerous to those who are around her. Despite her instability; Erin’s ability is especially potent whenever she feels fear, causing her to act and use her powers almost on pure survival instinct- her abilities seeming to rage so far out of control that, even when restrained, she has the capability of not only changing the season within the area around her, but also effecting that of a much larger area; however, when calmed down, and once more feeling the love that those who care about her give her, she is strong enough to completely reverse the effects of her outburst, bringing back the proper seasonal weather in mere moments alone.
Personality: Seen by all those who know her to be a very sweet, charming and exceedingly graceful young woman; Erin is shown to be a quietly confident, kind-hearted and well-presented young woman, able to speak eloquently and pleasantly with all those who wish to hold a conversation with her or who wish to get to know her- helping her to create strong bonds with people that she cares about, that are tremendously hard to break. The beautiful young lady demonstrating great grace and poise when handling potentially awkward situations, doing her best to avoid ways in which might embarrass those she cares about; the girl able to hold herself in a way in which she is able to hide both her nerves and uncomfortableness, especially when in difficult circumstances that may impact both her, or anyone else that she holds dear to her heart.
Trying her very best and doing all it is that she can to make her family proud of her; Erin is often seen to be within the company of her excessively protective older brother, the two of them seeming to share such a strong sibling bond with one another that it oftentimes leaves others questioning the secrets to their parent’s success in creating a harmonious family environment. Nowhere near a stereotypical quiet, retiring girl; the young woman is more times than not found out on the beach behind her family's home with her brother and friends- or sitting upon the stairs of the porch, seeming to lose herself in her thoughts as she takes her time watching the beautiful flowers and other plants in her garden grow.
On occasion showing an absolute sweet sense of sensitivity when in social situations, Erin does all that she can to include everyone around her, trying her best to make sure that they are all at ease in situations that may arise around them; the young woman unafraid to show her disapproval to those who treat others unkindly, showing that she is both reasonable and fair, and that she believes that everyone should be treated equal, no matter what their title might be. Also known to demonstrate an intensely fierce intelligence, and a high degree of personal insight; she is able to recognize when another person’s opinions and thoughts are valued more than anyone else’s, even when the person themselves is unwilling to admit it- her own apparent wish to find someone to truly love her kept locked within her heart as she put everyone else that she cared about first, and before herself.
Known on the rare occasion to show a more timid and cautious side whenever her nerves seem to get the better of her, Erin does seem to become quite frightened and upset at times, causing for her emotions to boil over and slip out from her control, leaving her quite vulnerable and finding it hard, and sometimes almost impossible for her to express any of her true feelings to those she would normally seek out for comfort. However, an extremely resourceful and brave young woman, Erin continuously shows that she is both quick-witted and clever, able to gain a laugh from those she holds dear to her heart while still managing to maintain the warm glow that seems to surround her very being; the young lady's strong sense of compassion and thoughtfulness towards others shown clear within her actions, exceedingly so when it seems that her own guilt towards a situation has taken over her mind- the teenager appearing to have grown to be both a kind and gracious young woman, making her older brother and parents proud of who she has become.
Brief Biography: Bringing their one and only baby girl into the world; Damien and Claudia Chase both worked hard to raise their son and daughter as best as they possibly could, while also being sure to provide them with not only a comfortable lifestyle, but also with the best things that they could afford to buy them. Growing up in Australia with her older brother and his friends surrounding her, Erin learnt from a young age how to both look after and defend herself; her habit of hanging out with the guys in her life helping her to grow into not only a beautiful, but also a confident young lady. Wanting to do her very best and to out help her family in anyway that she possibly could; Erin threw herself deep into her studies, raising her grades as much as she could, and eventually managing to graduate high school with the highest marks of her year level. Managing to get herself accepted into the exact course that she wanted at one of the best universities in Melbourne, Erin continues to push herself as far as she can in hopes of making her family proud of her.
Other: Erin owns a beautiful and seasonal necklace with switchable pendants which she is rarely ever seen without it hanging around her neck; this necklace was given to her by her brother on the day that she finally graduated from high school- the necklace itself a representation of her abilities, and the bond in which she and her brother share with one another.
Note: Erin always wears the pendant of the season that is supposed to be around her at that point of the year, and only ever switches them out on the date of each Solstice or Equinox.

Whatever doesn't kill me, should start running
Name: Harri Van Helle
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 220 lb
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Welder
Ability: Enchanced Strength.
When Harri's powers awakened it affected his whole body. His muscles, skin and even bones started to slowly grow stronger and more durable, so his power started slowly increasing after the initial awakening and over the years his body has kept slowly becoming stronger and he has no idea when or if it will stop.
Another side effect was his appearance. During the first two years he started slowly changing from overweight into a bulky, muscular build.
Personality: Harri likes to think of himself as a simple man. He is bluntly honest and goes straight to the point, without too much thought of the consequences or reactions. If he doesn't like you, he will not hesitate to let you know, but if he does, he will be loyal to a fault. Even the people he generally spends time with are described as mere acquintances, by himself rather than friends. Over the course of his life he has only considered one person as a real friend.
Harri lives by a code of his own, that just can't be written down. It's not a set of rules and regulations, it's 23 years of life, experiences, hardships, happiness and everything inbetween. That code determines his every action and there is nothing he fears more, than him losing that integrity.
Background: At the age of 6 Harri migrated from northern europe to the US with his parents, leaving behind his 3 older siblings who were already old enough to be independant and had decided to stay. His parents had decided to leave their past behind them, where it belonged, but over the years Harri's siblings would remind them of the it on a regular basis. The blame and suffering got the best of his parents eventually and Harri had to move away from them, at the age of 17, in order to save himself.
Going at it on his own before even finishing high school had proven to be utmost difficult, but luckily after only a few weeks he crossed paths with Tom. Tom was the godfather of Harri, but they had not seen each other since Harri had moved to the states, but Harri's mom had sent pictures of him every year so Tom recognised him. As luck would have it Tom had come to the states a year before, to expand his business and he was heading over to the opening ceremony. Harri explained his situation as he accompanied Tom to the ceremony. Of course Tom felt obligated to help him out and so Harri got introduced to the proffesion of welding.
Harri first learned about his abilities one night at the docks when he was staying late to finish some urgent repairs that had to be done before morning. He had worked late into the evening and gotten careless in the process. A steel beam fell off the crane he was using and standing right beneath, which was a major safety violation, he was going to get hit, but luckily managed to dodge it at the last second. Adrenaline pumping through his veins and the frustration of being tired and careless got the best of him and he grabbed the steel beam in anger and accidentally threw it at least a hundred feet away. He figured it had to be the adrenaline doing the work, but tried to lift the steel beam and it was easy. After that day he had to take time away from work to learn how to keep his strength in check and not brake every glass he drank from.

I know that I shall meet my fate, Somewhere among the clouds above; Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love - William Butler Yeats - 'An Irish Airman Forsees his death'
(It's a link)
Name: Ronald 'Ronnie' McKenna
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 5 foot 8
Weight: 10 stone
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Catholicism
Occupation: Former member of the Irish Guard/Former one-time hitman/Author of multiple history books
Ability: Ronnie has the ability of intangibility. He is able to 'phase' through just about any solid object at will.

Personality: (How does your character act)
Background: (Their story)
Name: Jason Voque
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 156lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: Homeless.
Ability: Liquid Metal - Jason's body, on the day of the Eclipse, experienced a sudden change. Having been on the absolute verge of starvation and death, he was only brought back to life by the sudden mutation of his DNA - his DNA being shifted into such an array, where his body contained vast amounts of an unknown, liquid-like material that he could seamlessly control and shift to his will - liquid metal, as he has started to mentally label it. With the steel-like material, Jason can turn any part of his body into the liquid metal, shaping it into whatever he pleases. The metal itself, when hardened, is extremely durable and heat-resistant, although Jason hasn't tested it to it's full potential. He doesn't know what the liquid metal has done to the inside of his body, but he doesn't feel pain as much as he used to. He feels pain, but it seems dulled, although he still bleeds red like everyone else. He can even shift into the forms of others due to the liquid metal, but he only does this rarely, as it leaves him slightly nauseated.

Quote: "There's nothing for me to do but to walk straight, walk right.”
Name: Jack Harper
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1”
Weight: 175 lbs
Ethnicity: White
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: animal rehabilitator
Ability: Biological Manipulation - Jack has the capability to control life on a cellular level, including but not limited to, genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions. He also has the capability to cause cells to augment to induce advanced or declined biological healing, induce diseases like cancer, induce appearance alteration, manipulate pheromones, and even increase physiological maturity.
Personality: Jack is a happy character and tries to see the good in everybody. He's very patient and understanding. He's also very care free and lives day to day. Lover of the earth and animals, and avid smoker of the chronic. Jack doesn't get angered very easily, but when he does he's a force to be reckoned with. He is either peaceful or furious there is no middle ground.
Background: Growing up, Jack and his family were not well of in terms of money. His mother got by but just barely. In school he would always have low grades until the very end of the school year, then he would always finish with a GPA of 3.5 or better. Nothing special ever happened in Jacks life, it was a very average life to live. He had a few close friends he would spend time with, he would occasionally drink, but often smoked. Nothing out of the ordinary happened to him until his 21st birthday. Being his 21st birthday he had a big birthday bash, plenty of weed and alcohol for all. After having many drinks he decided it was time to play five finger fillet. He grabbed a kitchen knife and gathered people around and began while singing the new song that had become all the craze. Once things started speeding up he lost control and stabbed one of his fingers. There was a small panic at first but Jack quickly reassured every one that it was just a cut and everything was fine. He bandaged himself up and went on as though nothing had happened, the party continued. The next morning he woke up to find that there was no wound from the previous night. This is when Jacks normal life became interesting. Knowing full well he should have had a gash from that knife he immediately went to google for help. At first he thought he just was able to heal incredibly fast. Super human in fact. Jack tested himself to see if this was the case. He would cut himself on his upper arms to see how fast he could heal. As time passed he learned he could do so much more than heal. He figured out that he could change his body in a way that nobody else could. He could change features of his face, colors of his hair and eyes. It was then that he figured out he could manipulate his own biology. Once he figured this out he really started to progress. Being a fan of video games he knew of someone who could do the same thing as he could. He used this for reference when testing his powers for manipulating his body. This power gave him the mind set that he could finally make a difference in this world. And that's what he was going to do.

I think I'm a pretty decent guy... And usually what I think is true.
Name: Norman Carter
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 137 pounds
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Accountant
Ability: Norman can control the molecules in the air, which basically means he can create tornadoes and other similar things. Usually he can create a dust devil in a matter of seconds, a small tornado in a few minutes, an average tornado in a few hours, and a full-on hurricane in a day.
Personality: Norman could be described as socially awkward. He prefers not to talk to people, and if forced into a conversation will often stutter, stammer, and generally be awkward, similar to his namesake. Unlike his namesake, however, he isn't a murderous psychopath, so that's good. Anyhow, Norman loves to do math problems and also likes to think things over, which of course led him to his job as an accountant. In his free time, Norman programs sites for a few extra bucks and will occasionally hack into user accounts on social media and forums 'for shits and giggles' as he puts it. His interests include math, programming, hacking, and classic rock.
Background: Norman was born into a family of cinematography fans, and was named after Norman Bates from the Alfred Hitchcock movie 'Psycho'. He was the youngest of four children: his eldest brother, Stanley (named after the director Stanley Kubrick), who was four years older than him, his eldest sister, Rachael (named after the female lead in Blade Runner), who was two years older than him, and his brother Luke (named after Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars trilogy), who a year older than him. He preferred to play alone and isolate himself from his family, only talking to them and being near them during dinner, holidays, and on family movie night. Because of his constant isolation, Norman never really developed social skills, and went to school barely able to speak, and, of course, was insulted and beat up.
It seemed that every day, Norman came home with a new bruise or a new scab, until one day; after a boy who was much larger than him buried his toy truck in sand, Norman pulled the toy out and wailed on the larger boy with it, hitting him HARD in various places and leaving him with a broken wrist and quite a few bruises. After that, no one picked on Norman all the way through elementary school, and even through some of middle school, until one day he was stuffed into a locker for his small frame by the same larger boy and the insults resumed. Of course, Norman didn't really care, and continued to isolate himself. The insults increased when it was found out that he had straight A's in all his classes and all the teachers started to like him, and it remained this way all the way through high school.
After he graduated, Norman went to college and graduated with a bachelor's degree in engineering. So what was the perfect job for him? Sitting in front of a desk all day, pressing buttons and keeping track of finances. Strangely, Norman enjoys his job and the people there, but of course kept his isolated attitude and only speaks when spoken to.
Noah Bennet: No Abilities (Nallore)
Claire Bennet: Ability Regeneration
Hiro Nakamura: Ability Space-Time Nanipulation
Sylar: Ability Intuitive Aptitude (Multiple Abilities) (Reserved)
Peter Petrelli: Empathic Mimicry (Multiple Abilities) (Chulance)
Matt Parkman: Ability Telepathy (Hushed Whispers)
Angela Petrelli: Ability Precognitive Dreaming
Mohinder Suresh: Ability Enhanced strength and senses
Molly Walker Ability Clairvoyance (Nallore)
List Of Current Original Characters

Laugh at Yesterday, Dream of Tomorrow
Name: Vanessa Summervile
Age: 22 ( Often is mistaken for much younger as she is pretty small )
Gender: Female
Height: 5.2 feet
Weight: 132 lb
Ethnicity: The Netherlands
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Ghosts?
Occupation: She is a model and a self-learned photographer.
Ability: teleportation on sight. ( She can move from street to street but can't think of a place and poof, she is there. She has to see her new destination )
Vanessa is a pretty happy girl, she is often described as pretty crazy too. That last part is mostly because she keeps changing her hair and never has two weeks the same hair style, length or color. She is a easy going girl and a real friend when you need one. Though she can be a bitch too when you bug her too much.
She will never ask for anything back, giving is what she loves to do. A lot people have taken advantage of that but she doesn't change.
Vanessa lost her parents in a huge fire when she was 20. It was that day that she learned about her ability as she tried to escape, saw the outside and suddenly was there. She didn't know how but when she tried it again, it didn't work anymore. She had wanted to save her parents but they died in the fire and she has blamed herself for it for a long time.
Ever since she had learned she had this power, she had tried to figure out how it worked. She now knows for two years that she is 'special' but never has found someone that could help her. She wants to know more about her ability / special power so she can use it when she needs it and not just when it accidentally happens ( Which does happen so now and then, once she was stuck on the roof of a hotel for three days )

Quote: "Don't let others get you down, stand up for yourself."
Name: Elena Reese
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 126lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Lesbian
Religion: Agnostic (Formally Catholic.)
Occupation: Full time college student/part-time cashier. (Hopes to be a singer someday.)
Ability: Electrokinesis.
Personality: Elena is usually seen to be a very friendly person, she is always very kind and caring towards others even for those she doesn't know and expects the same in return. She is rarely ever seen mad, but when she does she will stand up for herself when the time comes she likes making new friends and getting to know newer people when she gets the chance to. Elena is always the friend to have your back she can always be the friend to have a shoulder to lean on. Elena is always enthusiastic, in her spare time Elena enjoys music and likes to sing as one of her hobbies and hopes to actually be famous someday.
Background: Elena was born into a very strict Catholic family near the city of Pittsburgh, her father was pastor while her mother was a nurse. Growing up Elena was very close to her parents at the time she was even the lead for her church's quire which was where her interest in music. In school Elena always got very good grades, when Elena got into high school she started to find herself more and more attracted towards women. At the time she knew that it was wrong and kept it a secret from both her friends and family up until her final year of high school, at first she told her friends who were all very supportive of her. Though when Elena came to her parents they were instantly furious and ended up kicking her out of the house. Having no where else to go she moved in with one of her friends until she finally graduated from high school and even got herself a scholarship.
When Elena tried to mend things with her family they all got into a very heated argument one night which was then her ability emerged. Elena became furious with her family eventually all of the light bulbs in her parents house exploded and everything electronic overloaded causing power to her parents whole house to shut off. Scared at what happened Elena quickly left the house, using her money from working Elena moved up to LA. Her scholarship only able to pay some of the tuition costs Elena got a part-time job at a grocery store to pay some of the bills as well as singing in bars as well for some extra money. When Elena has free time she focused on her ability having some control over it, though still at times when her emotions get the better of her, the lights or anything electronic will short circuit.

"Don't mess with me, and I won't mess you up."
Name: Kimberly Juno
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 152 lbs
Ethnicity: American
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Barista / Aspiring Writer
Ability: Fire Manipulation. Kimberly can generate and manipulate flames, and use them for varying purposes. With varying degrees of success, Kimberly can also fly using her ability.
Personality: Short-tempered and prideful, Kimberly is your typical tomboy. She is adventurous and daring, sometimes to the point of recklessness. However, she does think and act quickly during times of stress. That being said, Kimberly can be quite friendly with other people, easily striking up conversations with other people. She also displays a strong sense of justice, usually seeing issues as black-and-white.
Background: (Please see Flare)

"Have an eye for detail."
Name: Conner Flynnigan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 159 lbs
Ethnicity: Asian
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: Graphic Designer / Programmer
Ability: Tune: Conner is able to fuse, or 'tune', with another superhuman to increase their supernatural and physical capabilities. The two must both be willing participants and act in unison, else the 'tuning' fails. Also, the stronger the bond between the two, the stronger the abilities the 'tuned' being gets. Currently, it has only been attempted with Kimberly (see Flare for more details).
Personality: Conner isn't exactly social with others. He tends to just listen to others talk, only occasionally speaking his mind on matters. However, he is quite intelligent, and will make the effort to learn about anything that seems or is important in some way, even the smallest details.
Background: (Please see Flare)
*NOTE: Not a third cs, merely an extension of Conner's ability.

"We won't lose."
Name: Flare
Age: Estimated to be 21
Gender: Identifies as female
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 157 lbs
Ethnicity: Unknown
Sexuality: Asexual
Ability: All the abilities Kimberly has, only much stronger. Flare can manipulate her flames to the point that they become solid and become flame constructs. Flare also has much better control over her flight.
Personality: Flare usually displays a cool head during most situations. She analyzes situations carefully and determines the best possible solution she can think of, although it not unheard of for her to lose her cool and display a fiery temper. Flare is also quite friendly with others, although she will not say much more than what is needed in conversations.
Background: Kimberly and Conner are childhood friends, having been with each other for as long as they could remember. Kimberly discovered her powers early, around the age of 6, when she had accidentally set her bed on fire. As the two met up afterwards, Conner reveals that he had been instinctively aware of his ability for as long as he could remember, although he had no idea how to use it. Kimberly began practicing her new found ability in secret, only allowing Conner to see what she was doing.
One day, Kimberly moved away due to her father's job. Conner, of course, was saddened by this development, but they did their best to keep in touch while continuing with their lives. Kimberly moved on to be a writer, while Conner explored the world of computers and their inner workings. Naturally, they both became very good at what they did as they worked over time.
Once Conner reached the age of 18, there came a surprise visit from Kimberly, whom Conner had not seen for a long time. The two embraced, enjoyed to see each other again. Suddenly, the two glowed, Conner glowing green and Kimberly glowing orange, and their bodies melded together to form a new being. Shocked, the two just as quickly unfused, and Conner realized what had happened. His ability finally began to work. Naturally, Conner was cautious as to what this would mmean, but Kimberly was too curious and convinced Conner to try it out and see what would happen. Over time, Conner learned how to control his ability, and thus Flare was born.

"We won't lose."
Name: Flare
Age: Estimated to be 21
Gender: Identifies as female
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 157 lbs
Ethnicity: Unknown
Sexuality: Asexual
Ability: All the abilities Kimberly has, only much stronger. Flare can manipulate her flames to the point that they become solid and become flame constructs. Flare also has much better control over her flight.
Personality: Flare usually displays a cool head during most situations. She analyzes situations carefully and determines the best possible solution she can think of, although it not unheard of for her to lose her cool and display a fiery temper. Flare is also quite friendly with others, although she will not say much more than what is needed in conversations.
Background: Kimberly and Conner are childhood friends, having been with each other for as long as they could remember. Kimberly discovered her powers early, around the age of 6, when she had accidentally set her bed on fire. As the two met up afterwards, Conner reveals that he had been instinctively aware of his ability for as long as he could remember, although he had no idea how to use it. Kimberly began practicing her new found ability in secret, only allowing Conner to see what she was doing.
One day, Kimberly moved away due to her father's job. Conner, of course, was saddened by this development, but they did their best to keep in touch while continuing with their lives. Kimberly moved on to be a writer, while Conner explored the world of computers and their inner workings. Naturally, they both became very good at what they did as they worked over time.
Once Conner reached the age of 18, there came a surprise visit from Kimberly, whom Conner had not seen for a long time. The two embraced, enjoyed to see each other again. Suddenly, the two glowed, Conner glowing green and Kimberly glowing orange, and their bodies melded together to form a new being. Shocked, the two just as quickly unfused, and Conner realized what had happened. His ability finally began to work. Naturally, Conner was cautious as to what this would mmean, but Kimberly was too curious and convinced Conner to try it out and see what would happen. Over time, Conner learned how to control his ability, and thus Flare was born.
~Erin Marie Chase~

"You may wanna grab a coat... it's time for the seasons to change."
~ Erin Marie Chase.
~ Erin Marie Chase.
~General Information~
Name: Erin Marie Chase.
Nick-Names: Mari, Chase, Persephone.
Gender: Female.
Occupation: College Student; Majoring in Ancient World History.
Place Of Origin: Victoria, Australia.
Age: Nineteen Years Old.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Religion: Though Erin doesn't actually believe in God, or put much stock into the religions of modern day society; she has both a fascination and a vast knowledge of the Gods of Ancient Greece.
Appearance - Nineteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~
Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Straight.
Partner: None.
Father: Damien Chase.
Mother: Claudia Jade Chase.
Siblings: Jaidyn Matthew Chase.
Pet/s: Erin both owns and adores her black pet cat, Skyler.
Other: None.
~Ability Information~
Power/ Ability: Season Manipulation.
Brief Description: Erin has the unique ability that allows her to help bring on the changing of the seasons; however the amount of power she puts behind the action determines how big/ far of an area the change effects.
Seasonal Descriptions:
Spring Solstice - When focusing upon the particular season of Spring, Erin is able to help both the seeds to take root and the vegetation to grow; she is also able to bring in the warmer and slightly wetter weather when she feels as though her garden is in need of a water. As a side effect of bringing along the Spring weather and climate, it tends to confuse some animals, forcing them to awaken or return due to the rise in temperature, oftentimes with newborns; it also can bring along with it increased rainfall, and may cause flooding within waterways close to where she uses her powers.
Summer Equinox - When focusing upon the particular season of Summer, Erin is able to increase the temperatures to their hottest settings, bringing on not only some of the most perfect days to hit the waves at the beach, but also some of the most scorching days of the year to those around her. However, bringing the hot Summer weather can lead to extremely dangerous side effects; if the temperatures spike too high, both heat waves and droughts may cause trouble for not only people, but also animals and vegetation as well; and while it might increase rainfall in some areas, others may receive less resulting in the increased likely-hood of wildfires.
Fall/ Autumn Solstice - When focusing upon the particular season of Autumn, also known as Fall, Erin is able to bring the temperatures back to a reasonable setting, allowing the cooler change to come through and make the days more comfortable for those around her; she is also able help her family and friends bring in bountiful harvests from their gardens. However, as a side effect of focusing upon the Autumn weather, some plants tend to grow dormant, and animals begin to prepare themselves for the cold and harsh winter weather by storing foods or traveling to warmer regions.
Winter Equinox - When focusing upon the particular season of Winter, Erin is able to decrease the temperature down to their lowest settings, not only bringing on the frosty Winter chill of the strong winds, but also some of the coldest days of the year to everyone around her; and while some areas could experience things such as snow and ice, others might only get as much as a cold Winter rainfall. As a side effect of focusing too much upon the Winter weather, animals tend to do whatever they can to warm themselves up, and tend to change their appearance in order to adapt to the colder weather.
Other: Perhaps the most notable and interesting aspect however of Erin’s ability is its dependence upon her emotional state at the time- whenever she is exceedingly calm, happy, or feels a sense of love within herself and those surrounding her, she seems to have a complete control over her abilities, and is capable of producing feats of beautiful magic; however, whenever she is feeling exceptionally nervous, sad, agitated or feels a sense of fear, her powers grow considerably unstable, and in turn can become extremely dangerous to those who are around her. Despite her instability; Erin’s ability is especially potent whenever she feels fear, causing her to act and use her powers almost on pure survival instinct- her abilities seeming to rage so far out of control that, even when restrained, she has the capability of not only changing the season within the area around her, but also effecting that of a much larger area; however, when calmed down, and once more feeling the love that those who care about her give her, she is strong enough to completely reverse the effects of her outburst, bringing back the proper seasonal weather in mere moments alone.
~Personal Information~
Personality: Seen by all those who know her to be a very sweet, charming and exceedingly graceful young woman; Erin is shown to be a quietly confident, kind-hearted and well-presented young woman, able to speak eloquently and pleasantly with all those who wish to hold a conversation with her or who wish to get to know her- helping her to create strong bonds with people that she cares about, that are tremendously hard to break. The beautiful young lady demonstrating great grace and poise when handling potentially awkward situations, doing her best to avoid ways in which might embarrass those she cares about; the girl able to hold herself in a way in which she is able to hide both her nerves and uncomfortableness, especially when in difficult circumstances that may impact both her, or anyone else that she holds dear to her heart.
Trying her very best and doing all it is that she can to make her family proud of her; Erin is often seen to be within the company of her excessively protective older brother, the two of them seeming to share such a strong sibling bond with one another that it oftentimes leaves others questioning the secrets to their parent’s success in creating a harmonious family environment. Nowhere near a stereotypical quiet, retiring girl; the young woman is more times than not found out on the beach behind her family's home with her brother and friends- or sitting upon the stairs of the porch, seeming to lose herself in her thoughts as she takes her time watching the beautiful flowers and other plants in her garden grow.
On occasion showing an absolute sweet sense of sensitivity when in social situations, Erin does all that she can to include everyone around her, trying her best to make sure that they are all at ease in situations that may arise around them; the young woman unafraid to show her disapproval to those who treat others unkindly, showing that she is both reasonable and fair, and that she believes that everyone should be treated equal, no matter what their title might be. Also known to demonstrate an intensely fierce intelligence, and a high degree of personal insight; she is able to recognize when another person’s opinions and thoughts are valued more than anyone else’s, even when the person themselves is unwilling to admit it- her own apparent wish to find someone to truly love her kept locked within her heart as she put everyone else that she cared about first, and before herself.
Known on the rare occasion to show a more timid and cautious side whenever her nerves seem to get the better of her, Erin does seem to become quite frightened and upset at times, causing for her emotions to boil over and slip out from her control, leaving her quite vulnerable and finding it hard, and sometimes almost impossible for her to express any of her true feelings to those she would normally seek out for comfort. However, an extremely resourceful and brave young woman, Erin continuously shows that she is both quick-witted and clever, able to gain a laugh from those she holds dear to her heart while still managing to maintain the warm glow that seems to surround her very being; the young lady's strong sense of compassion and thoughtfulness towards others shown clear within her actions, exceedingly so when it seems that her own guilt towards a situation has taken over her mind- the teenager appearing to have grown to be both a kind and gracious young woman, making her older brother and parents proud of who she has become.
Brief Biography: Bringing their one and only baby girl into the world; Damien and Claudia Chase both worked hard to raise their son and daughter as best as they possibly could, while also being sure to provide them with not only a comfortable lifestyle, but also with the best things that they could afford to buy them. Growing up in Australia with her older brother and his friends surrounding her, Erin learnt from a young age how to both look after and defend herself; her habit of hanging out with the guys in her life helping her to grow into not only a beautiful, but also a confident young lady. Wanting to do her very best and to out help her family in anyway that she possibly could; Erin threw herself deep into her studies, raising her grades as much as she could, and eventually managing to graduate high school with the highest marks of her year level. Managing to get herself accepted into the exact course that she wanted at one of the best universities in Melbourne, Erin continues to push herself as far as she can in hopes of making her family proud of her.
~Other Information~
Other: Erin owns a beautiful and seasonal necklace with switchable pendants which she is rarely ever seen without it hanging around her neck; this necklace was given to her by her brother on the day that she finally graduated from high school- the necklace itself a representation of her abilities, and the bond in which she and her brother share with one another.
Note: Erin always wears the pendant of the season that is supposed to be around her at that point of the year, and only ever switches them out on the date of each Solstice or Equinox.


(Best one I could find).
Quote: "You never really know what a person is like, until you know who they are when they think no one is looking."
Name: Aidan Summers
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 150 Pounds
Ethnicity: White
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Nominally Presbyterian
Occupation: Student
Ability: Astral Projection
Aidan can project his consciousness outside of his body, like a ghost. His body remains behind while he projects, and doesn't have any awareness of anything near his actual body. While he is projecting he cannot interact with the world, and is invisible to the outside observer. He can be detected by those with supernatural vision, mindreading abilities, or expensive instruments.
Personality: Aidan is withdrawn and is socially incompetent. He is judgmental, and assumes the worst of anyone he meets. Aidan uses his ability often in an attempt to confirm his suspicions about people, and to avoid his own awkwardness when it comes to other people. After Claire revealed her ability on live TV he began to use his ability to look for people like himself in a desperate hope to find someone he can talk to, and will "understand" him. Even though he is frustratingly obtuse to anyone attempting to figure out what his deal is. He is very secretive when it comes to his thoughts or feelings.
Background: Aidan was born to a family in a small town without the patience or time to raise a child after a long day's work. His parents used to work at the local Steel Mill until it shut down. With no employable skills they have resorted to several minimum wage jobs in town. When they get home they are always exhausted, and watch TV while getting drunk.
He was raised by his grandmother more than his actual parents in his early years, and by the time he had reached kindergarten his Grandmother passed away. His Grandmother was kind to everyone she met, and was very religious. She unlike most people was very patient with him, and he openly yearns for the days when she was still alive. Even though he barely remembers anything from that time, he believes it to be a better time.
All boys in small towns make friends through sports, and Aidan had no interest in sports. From an early age he was ostracized by his classmates. This exclusion would lead to Aidan becoming socially awkward, and would lead to more exclusion from his classmates. This pattern would continue throughout Aidan's time at school. He attempted to reach out to the school's guidance councilor, but she was no help. In small towns like these, no one grows out of the cliques of Middle School. The guidance councilor was apart of the local PTA, and was close friends with the parents of Aidan's classmates. She dismissed the bullying as typical boy roughhousing. While most children eventually find a few people who share their interests, in 3rd Grade Aidan discovered his ability.
Aidan tried to tell everyone about what he could do, but this was before Claire revealed her abilities to the world. This outburst cemented Aidan into the label of a crazy freak. He was put into the "special" classes by his guidance councilor, and his parents didn't care so long as he passed that year. The Agency believed him, and injected a tracking device into him without his knowledge.
Aidan began to withdraw further and further into his power, he believed no one could understand how he "flies over this shithole town". He was wrong. A year ago Claire revealed her gift to the world, and it changed Aidan's life forever. As he entered high school, his class began to take his earlier claims much more seriously. He was pulled out of the special classes. His classmates don't know what to make of Aidan's gifts, and have begun to give him a wide berth rather than harass him as much. But now he knows for sure that there are others like him, and he has began to look throughout his podunk town and beyond.

(Best one I could find).
Quote: "You never really know what a person is like, until you know who they are when they think no one is looking."
Name: Aidan Summers
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 150 Pounds
Ethnicity: White
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Nominally Presbyterian
Occupation: Student
Ability: Astral Projection
Aidan can project his consciousness outside of his body, like a ghost. His body remains behind while he projects, and doesn't have any awareness of anything near his actual body. While he is projecting he cannot interact with the world, and is invisible to the outside observer. He can be detected by those with supernatural vision, mindreading abilities, or expensive instruments.
Personality: Aidan is withdrawn and is socially incompetent. He is judgmental, and assumes the worst of anyone he meets. Aidan uses his ability often in an attempt to confirm his suspicions about people, and to avoid his own awkwardness when it comes to other people. After Claire revealed her ability on live TV he began to use his ability to look for people like himself in a desperate hope to find someone he can talk to, and will "understand" him. Even though he is frustratingly obtuse to anyone attempting to figure out what his deal is. He is very secretive when it comes to his thoughts or feelings.
Background: Aidan was born to a family in a small town without the patience or time to raise a child after a long day's work. His parents used to work at the local Steel Mill until it shut down. With no employable skills they have resorted to several minimum wage jobs in town. When they get home they are always exhausted, and watch TV while getting drunk.
He was raised by his grandmother more than his actual parents in his early years, and by the time he had reached kindergarten his Grandmother passed away. His Grandmother was kind to everyone she met, and was very religious. She unlike most people was very patient with him, and he openly yearns for the days when she was still alive. Even though he barely remembers anything from that time, he believes it to be a better time.
All boys in small towns make friends through sports, and Aidan had no interest in sports. From an early age he was ostracized by his classmates. This exclusion would lead to Aidan becoming socially awkward, and would lead to more exclusion from his classmates. This pattern would continue throughout Aidan's time at school. He attempted to reach out to the school's guidance councilor, but she was no help. In small towns like these, no one grows out of the cliques of Middle School. The guidance councilor was apart of the local PTA, and was close friends with the parents of Aidan's classmates. She dismissed the bullying as typical boy roughhousing. While most children eventually find a few people who share their interests, in 3rd Grade Aidan discovered his ability.
Aidan tried to tell everyone about what he could do, but this was before Claire revealed her abilities to the world. This outburst cemented Aidan into the label of a crazy freak. He was put into the "special" classes by his guidance councilor, and his parents didn't care so long as he passed that year. The Agency believed him, and injected a tracking device into him without his knowledge.
Aidan began to withdraw further and further into his power, he believed no one could understand how he "flies over this shithole town". He was wrong. A year ago Claire revealed her gift to the world, and it changed Aidan's life forever. As he entered high school, his class began to take his earlier claims much more seriously. He was pulled out of the special classes. His classmates don't know what to make of Aidan's gifts, and have begun to give him a wide berth rather than harass him as much. But now he knows for sure that there are others like him, and he has began to look throughout his podunk town and beyond.

Whatever doesn't kill me, should start running
Name: Harri Van Helle
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 220 lb
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Welder
Ability: Enchanced Strength.
When Harri's powers awakened it affected his whole body. His muscles, skin and even bones started to slowly grow stronger and more durable, so his power started slowly increasing after the initial awakening and over the years his body has kept slowly becoming stronger and he has no idea when or if it will stop.
Another side effect was his appearance. During the first two years he started slowly changing from overweight into a bulky, muscular build.
Personality: Harri likes to think of himself as a simple man. He is bluntly honest and goes straight to the point, without too much thought of the consequences or reactions. If he doesn't like you, he will not hesitate to let you know, but if he does, he will be loyal to a fault. Even the people he generally spends time with are described as mere acquintances, by himself rather than friends. Over the course of his life he has only considered one person as a real friend.
Harri lives by a code of his own, that just can't be written down. It's not a set of rules and regulations, it's 23 years of life, experiences, hardships, happiness and everything inbetween. That code determines his every action and there is nothing he fears more, than him losing that integrity.
Background: At the age of 6 Harri migrated from northern europe to the US with his parents, leaving behind his 3 older siblings who were already old enough to be independant and had decided to stay. His parents had decided to leave their past behind them, where it belonged, but over the years Harri's siblings would remind them of the it on a regular basis. The blame and suffering got the best of his parents eventually and Harri had to move away from them, at the age of 17, in order to save himself.
Going at it on his own before even finishing high school had proven to be utmost difficult, but luckily after only a few weeks he crossed paths with Tom. Tom was the godfather of Harri, but they had not seen each other since Harri had moved to the states, but Harri's mom had sent pictures of him every year so Tom recognised him. As luck would have it Tom had come to the states a year before, to expand his business and he was heading over to the opening ceremony. Harri explained his situation as he accompanied Tom to the ceremony. Of course Tom felt obligated to help him out and so Harri got introduced to the proffesion of welding.
Harri first learned about his abilities one night at the docks when he was staying late to finish some urgent repairs that had to be done before morning. He had worked late into the evening and gotten careless in the process. A steel beam fell off the crane he was using and standing right beneath, which was a major safety violation, he was going to get hit, but luckily managed to dodge it at the last second. Adrenaline pumping through his veins and the frustration of being tired and careless got the best of him and he grabbed the steel beam in anger and accidentally threw it at least a hundred feet away. He figured it had to be the adrenaline doing the work, but tried to lift the steel beam and it was easy. After that day he had to take time away from work to learn how to keep his strength in check and not brake every glass he drank from.

I know that I shall meet my fate, Somewhere among the clouds above; Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love - William Butler Yeats - 'An Irish Airman Forsees his death'
(It's a link)
Name: Ronald 'Ronnie' McKenna
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 5 foot 8
Weight: 10 stone
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Catholicism
Occupation: Former member of the Irish Guard/Former one-time hitman/Author of multiple history books
Ability: Ronnie has the ability of intangibility. He is able to 'phase' through just about any solid object at will.

Personality: (How does your character act)
Background: (Their story)
Name: Jason Voque
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 156lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: Homeless.
Ability: Liquid Metal - Jason's body, on the day of the Eclipse, experienced a sudden change. Having been on the absolute verge of starvation and death, he was only brought back to life by the sudden mutation of his DNA - his DNA being shifted into such an array, where his body contained vast amounts of an unknown, liquid-like material that he could seamlessly control and shift to his will - liquid metal, as he has started to mentally label it. With the steel-like material, Jason can turn any part of his body into the liquid metal, shaping it into whatever he pleases. The metal itself, when hardened, is extremely durable and heat-resistant, although Jason hasn't tested it to it's full potential. He doesn't know what the liquid metal has done to the inside of his body, but he doesn't feel pain as much as he used to. He feels pain, but it seems dulled, although he still bleeds red like everyone else. He can even shift into the forms of others due to the liquid metal, but he only does this rarely, as it leaves him slightly nauseated.

Quote: "There's nothing for me to do but to walk straight, walk right.”
Name: Jack Harper
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1”
Weight: 175 lbs
Ethnicity: White
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: animal rehabilitator
Ability: Biological Manipulation - Jack has the capability to control life on a cellular level, including but not limited to, genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions. He also has the capability to cause cells to augment to induce advanced or declined biological healing, induce diseases like cancer, induce appearance alteration, manipulate pheromones, and even increase physiological maturity.
Personality: Jack is a happy character and tries to see the good in everybody. He's very patient and understanding. He's also very care free and lives day to day. Lover of the earth and animals, and avid smoker of the chronic. Jack doesn't get angered very easily, but when he does he's a force to be reckoned with. He is either peaceful or furious there is no middle ground.
Background: Growing up, Jack and his family were not well of in terms of money. His mother got by but just barely. In school he would always have low grades until the very end of the school year, then he would always finish with a GPA of 3.5 or better. Nothing special ever happened in Jacks life, it was a very average life to live. He had a few close friends he would spend time with, he would occasionally drink, but often smoked. Nothing out of the ordinary happened to him until his 21st birthday. Being his 21st birthday he had a big birthday bash, plenty of weed and alcohol for all. After having many drinks he decided it was time to play five finger fillet. He grabbed a kitchen knife and gathered people around and began while singing the new song that had become all the craze. Once things started speeding up he lost control and stabbed one of his fingers. There was a small panic at first but Jack quickly reassured every one that it was just a cut and everything was fine. He bandaged himself up and went on as though nothing had happened, the party continued. The next morning he woke up to find that there was no wound from the previous night. This is when Jacks normal life became interesting. Knowing full well he should have had a gash from that knife he immediately went to google for help. At first he thought he just was able to heal incredibly fast. Super human in fact. Jack tested himself to see if this was the case. He would cut himself on his upper arms to see how fast he could heal. As time passed he learned he could do so much more than heal. He figured out that he could change his body in a way that nobody else could. He could change features of his face, colors of his hair and eyes. It was then that he figured out he could manipulate his own biology. Once he figured this out he really started to progress. Being a fan of video games he knew of someone who could do the same thing as he could. He used this for reference when testing his powers for manipulating his body. This power gave him the mind set that he could finally make a difference in this world. And that's what he was going to do.

I think I'm a pretty decent guy... And usually what I think is true.
Name: Norman Carter
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 137 pounds
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Accountant
Ability: Norman can control the molecules in the air, which basically means he can create tornadoes and other similar things. Usually he can create a dust devil in a matter of seconds, a small tornado in a few minutes, an average tornado in a few hours, and a full-on hurricane in a day.
Personality: Norman could be described as socially awkward. He prefers not to talk to people, and if forced into a conversation will often stutter, stammer, and generally be awkward, similar to his namesake. Unlike his namesake, however, he isn't a murderous psychopath, so that's good. Anyhow, Norman loves to do math problems and also likes to think things over, which of course led him to his job as an accountant. In his free time, Norman programs sites for a few extra bucks and will occasionally hack into user accounts on social media and forums 'for shits and giggles' as he puts it. His interests include math, programming, hacking, and classic rock.
Background: Norman was born into a family of cinematography fans, and was named after Norman Bates from the Alfred Hitchcock movie 'Psycho'. He was the youngest of four children: his eldest brother, Stanley (named after the director Stanley Kubrick), who was four years older than him, his eldest sister, Rachael (named after the female lead in Blade Runner), who was two years older than him, and his brother Luke (named after Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars trilogy), who a year older than him. He preferred to play alone and isolate himself from his family, only talking to them and being near them during dinner, holidays, and on family movie night. Because of his constant isolation, Norman never really developed social skills, and went to school barely able to speak, and, of course, was insulted and beat up.
It seemed that every day, Norman came home with a new bruise or a new scab, until one day; after a boy who was much larger than him buried his toy truck in sand, Norman pulled the toy out and wailed on the larger boy with it, hitting him HARD in various places and leaving him with a broken wrist and quite a few bruises. After that, no one picked on Norman all the way through elementary school, and even through some of middle school, until one day he was stuffed into a locker for his small frame by the same larger boy and the insults resumed. Of course, Norman didn't really care, and continued to isolate himself. The insults increased when it was found out that he had straight A's in all his classes and all the teachers started to like him, and it remained this way all the way through high school.
After he graduated, Norman went to college and graduated with a bachelor's degree in engineering. So what was the perfect job for him? Sitting in front of a desk all day, pressing buttons and keeping track of finances. Strangely, Norman enjoys his job and the people there, but of course kept his isolated attitude and only speaks when spoken to.
Appearance: Alytra has short, spiky black hair and an attitude to match. Her eyes are a dark grey color, that she swears sometimes seem to glow a faint purple when she is concentrating on something really intently. She has pale skin and a few freckles here and there, and her lips are a soft pink. She usually wears dark make up around her eyes (eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, all in shades of black and grey) and her clothes are pretty much a goth-punk combination style that’s all her own. She has some scars on her arms and legs, but there is no telling where they came from.
Quote: “I need more dreams/And less life/And I need that dark/In a little more light/I cried tears you'll never see/So fuck you, you can go cry me an ocean/And leave me be/You are what you love/Not who loves you”
Name: Alytra May Wood
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 130 lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: None, she is agnostic
Occupation: She works at a skate shop
Ability: Moderate Telekinesis (obviously won’t OP/God mod, still honing her abilities)
Personality: Alytra is a fiery one. She is extremely stubborn and arrogant, and she can be rash at times when it comes to making decisions. With this said, she is a bit of a daredevil and will take risks, typically making her the life of the party - if you can stand to be around her long enough to actually invite her to a party. A bit self-absorbed and cocky, Alytra thinks she knows what’s what and isn’t one to be easily frightened. She lives for a decent thrill.
Background: Alytra grew up just like most other young girls; talkative, adventurous, and rebellious. It wasn’t until she was about 7 or 8 that she began to notice that she was different from other kids, but she still didn’t really know what to make of it, so she didn’t mention it to anyone. She didn’t want anyone to think that she was crazy. When she was 13 years old, she finally questioned her mother about her abilities, hoping that this would be the right choice. Instead of a kind confidant, Alytra’s mom was horrified, and assumed, indeed, that she was losing it. She sent her daughter away to a mental health facility for a brief period, until Alytra was old enough to try and claim emancipation. So , at age 17, she moved out on her own and took the world by force. She currently lives in an apartment in the city with her best friend and co-worker, Greyson, and is saving up her money for the future. She is also taking a few classes in her free time at a local community college, including art and physics. She doesn’t have many friends other than Greyson, who she has known for a few years now, and she tries her best to hide her abilities, for fear of being sent back to the mental hospital. She is, however, always on the lookout for someone else like her.
Quote: “I need more dreams/And less life/And I need that dark/In a little more light/I cried tears you'll never see/So fuck you, you can go cry me an ocean/And leave me be/You are what you love/Not who loves you”
Name: Alytra May Wood
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 130 lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: None, she is agnostic
Occupation: She works at a skate shop
Ability: Moderate Telekinesis (obviously won’t OP/God mod, still honing her abilities)
Personality: Alytra is a fiery one. She is extremely stubborn and arrogant, and she can be rash at times when it comes to making decisions. With this said, she is a bit of a daredevil and will take risks, typically making her the life of the party - if you can stand to be around her long enough to actually invite her to a party. A bit self-absorbed and cocky, Alytra thinks she knows what’s what and isn’t one to be easily frightened. She lives for a decent thrill.
Background: Alytra grew up just like most other young girls; talkative, adventurous, and rebellious. It wasn’t until she was about 7 or 8 that she began to notice that she was different from other kids, but she still didn’t really know what to make of it, so she didn’t mention it to anyone. She didn’t want anyone to think that she was crazy. When she was 13 years old, she finally questioned her mother about her abilities, hoping that this would be the right choice. Instead of a kind confidant, Alytra’s mom was horrified, and assumed, indeed, that she was losing it. She sent her daughter away to a mental health facility for a brief period, until Alytra was old enough to try and claim emancipation. So , at age 17, she moved out on her own and took the world by force. She currently lives in an apartment in the city with her best friend and co-worker, Greyson, and is saving up her money for the future. She is also taking a few classes in her free time at a local community college, including art and physics. She doesn’t have many friends other than Greyson, who she has known for a few years now, and she tries her best to hide her abilities, for fear of being sent back to the mental hospital. She is, however, always on the lookout for someone else like her.
Quote: Better than a poke in tha eye with a sharp stick.
Name: Derrick McManus
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 220
Ethnicity: Irish
Sexuality: Yes please
Religion: Life's a bitch and then you die
Occupation: motorcycle Mechanic/fabricator
Ability: Solid light projection. Derrick can create constructs out of light in any shape or design that he can imagine. He can project an aura of light around him to use as a shield but a really solid blow will break it, and it only works when he's concentrating on it. A sneak attack or one just too fast for him to react to will slip right through his defenses.
He had also used his aura to fly, but it's flashy and he tries not to draw attention to himself when possible. He also can't fly exceptionally fast, 50 or 60mph at most.
Personality: Derrick is a cynical, pessimistic sort for the most part. He's got a short temper and a tendency to break out into singing Irish folk songs at any random moment. For a hard man he's got a soft spot for kids and people in need of help and doesn't mind sticking his neck out for the few people he considers a friend.
Background: Derrick and his parents lived in Ireland until he was 15. His powers had developed the year before and his dad had been carefully fending off recruiting efforts by the IRA. His father worked in construction and had an intimate knowledge of explosives used in demolition. When a recruiter accidentally discovered Derrick power the family was forced to flee before the information was used against them.
Derrick finished high school in the states and has since moved from place to place. His family never verbally blamed him for uprooting their lives but he could always tell that they weren't happy in the states. As soon as he was legally old enough he left to remove the burden and give them the opportunity to return home if they wanted.

Quote: Better than a poke in tha eye with a sharp stick.
Name: Derrick McManus
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 220
Ethnicity: Irish
Sexuality: Yes please
Religion: Life's a bitch and then you die
Occupation: motorcycle Mechanic/fabricator
Ability: Solid light projection. Derrick can create constructs out of light in any shape or design that he can imagine. He can project an aura of light around him to use as a shield but a really solid blow will break it, and it only works when he's concentrating on it. A sneak attack or one just too fast for him to react to will slip right through his defenses.
He had also used his aura to fly, but it's flashy and he tries not to draw attention to himself when possible. He also can't fly exceptionally fast, 50 or 60mph at most.
Personality: Derrick is a cynical, pessimistic sort for the most part. He's got a short temper and a tendency to break out into singing Irish folk songs at any random moment. For a hard man he's got a soft spot for kids and people in need of help and doesn't mind sticking his neck out for the few people he considers a friend.
Background: Derrick and his parents lived in Ireland until he was 15. His powers had developed the year before and his dad had been carefully fending off recruiting efforts by the IRA. His father worked in construction and had an intimate knowledge of explosives used in demolition. When a recruiter accidentally discovered Derrick power the family was forced to flee before the information was used against them.
Derrick finished high school in the states and has since moved from place to place. His family never verbally blamed him for uprooting their lives but he could always tell that they weren't happy in the states. As soon as he was legally old enough he left to remove the burden and give them the opportunity to return home if they wanted.