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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Cherry looked at one of the exiles with a weirded out expression. That exile replied by shrugging at what in the world these people were talking about...or more specifically what the laughing girl was talking about. She was right, though. The entire team hasn't been around each other long. Hell, Cherry actually expected to be betrayed soon after joining and hitting a few targets. However, he knew that the exiles didn't really hold any want for valuables, and only sought to follow, and the Duskician was still a Duskician at heart, only he's centralized the cultural view to only those he works with. He'd probably follow up on his word of giving everyone a fair cut. Really, the only one that Cherry didn't trust was Resin, but that was because he just showed up one day and appointed himself as part of the group.

"Listen, talking shit isn't going to help your friend here, so just give us what we want, okay? Listen, hand over anything that's valuable. Money, gems, weapons...clothes, and whatever else you got. Of course, if you don't want to, that's fine. I always did wonder how long I could crawl through a person's innards before needing to cut my way out.""

Claire...was actually siding with whatever Cia was doing right now. Knowing what Cia was, Claire knew that she had something planned. Xoxi's plan of killing everything in sight, though helpful in its own way, was more of a plan that Miriam would come up with. And any plan that Miriam came up with usually ended with someone ending up in pieces all around a damaged battlefield. Claire did not like plans like those. She did not like having to kill for any reason that had nothing to do with Yuki. And, despite being one of the world's deities, she did not like the feeling of a blade's edge sliding across her disguise. It just felt weird.

"H-Hey guys..." said Claire in feigned fear. "Maybe you should listen to their demands? I REALLY don't like the feeling of a blade cutting my throat, y'know."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia gave Xoxi a sharp glare. "Just drop it, give them what they want." Cia said as she went into a small satchel and took out what seemed to be a bag of coins and bottle caps. There were also ordinary stones in the bag as well, though these stones were just geodes with pretty crystals inside of them when opened. Geode was actually useless other than just a pretty inside. It would only weigh the Exiles down. "That girl is not quite right, so please disregard her." Cia said speaking of Xoxi. She didn't want to go spouting any names. For now she only hoped that Xoxi would calm the crud down.

@ace of flames01
In the corner of the archieves a spiderweb could be seen, it was doing nothing else but watching and eating a moth.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


I stopped laughing, stared at the bandits, and spoke.

"S-sorry... I didn't mean to come off as rude or anything... but you were holding a knife to my friend's throat, if that justified anything."

I knew better though.

These were bandits, and I've dealt with them before. They'll always try to find a way to make the deal sweeter, then they'll lose their end of the bargain and kill as they please. I've seen it before. It's why I went lone wolf 16 years ago, my friends died that day. Shadowcloak or not it was a tricky situation to try and get out of there without missing an arm or an ear. I did lose something though, but that's a whole different story.

These guys aren't any better than the ones I dealt with long ago, and from the looks of it, the first one to crack is the Myceling one. He also deserves a good punting I would say. Let's see if any of my powers can do the trick here... maybe it's time to try out a new one.

They won't hurt Cia or Claire. I can assure myself that.

And I can also assure myself that that purple masked guy holding Claire shouldn't have that shadow... it looks like my own at that.


Tlevran stood up finally, after hearing an argument within the nearby zoo.

"... well now I know where to go."

Tlevran quickly made his way to the conflict, and saw 3 girls held up by savages. One of them was a hostage, another was trading items, probably for the hostage's freedom, and the last one was... laughing...?

No... she just stopped. Tlevran thought it was weird but then saw the laughing female quickly cowered and apologized.

"One of those girls is probably Claire... they're not mortal, that's for damn sure."

Until he knew which was Claire he sat behind the building he was watching the conflict from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Cherry stared at the bag. It seemed to be filled with something, but he wasn't sure. He motioned for one of the other Exiles to check it out. They wouldn't do anything stupid unless they wanted their friend to die. Of course, the bandits have been in plenty of situations where idiots just let the hostage die, so they had a few ideas for how to go about things if such an occasion occurred. Though the Exiles seemed passive at the current state of things, Cherry and Resin were suspicious of the girl that spoke out. They had a feeling that something was about to happen, but since they knew nothing of them yet, they could only stay at the ready.

The Exile walked up to them, and took the bag, opening it to examine its contents. There were coins and what seemed to be bottle caps from one of the cities. There were also some stones in there as well, but the Exile inspected it. He placed it on the ground and tapped on it with some force behind its clawed foot. Inside the stone were precious gems, which would be of some use. The Exile turned and nodded to ensure the others that it was good. He then picked the item up and placed it back into the bag before returning to his companions.

"Alright", said Cherry in slight disappointment. "Thanks for your cooperation, we'll leave you alone for now. Let's get out of here."

Resin kept his eyes on the two girls. He had a feeling that things were about to get violent.

It didn't help when the Exile holding Claire hostage forced her to move along with them. They had every intention on keeping their word and not killing her, but they also had no intention of returning her to her friends. Claire was really beginning to think on what she would say to her sister about the bad eggs in the tribes of the Mirifakino. Still, she moved with them, noticing the shadow of the exile changed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia gave a sigh as they started to walk away with Claire. "If you not going to let her ago, then I'm afraid I will have to stop you." Cia said with a sigh as she looked towards Xoxi. "Go ahead, I know your itching for a fight." Cia said putting her hands down. "I'll protect you and Claire with a shield, but free Claire first." Cia said in an almost monotone voice.

A small shimmer of light could be seen emanating off of both Xoxi and Claire. It was a small shield that would stop most attacks, but only in the way of making their skin thicker. The shield would go away after a few hits, but it would give Claire a chance to escape atleast.

As the wind blew.... really!?! I just repaired that! Sheogorath stood watching the action from above. He had appeared through a portal that came out of a torn apart couch. As always his entrances made no sense. None of the ones below would notice him from where he was. He was only there to observe as something had recent caught his attention. Though for all anyone knew it could have been the cloth of the bag that Cia had given over that had gotten his attention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Time to save the day, like I did with Landon!

The shadows of the exiles all turned into a mirror image of Xoxi, outlined in purple, then rose out of the ground and grabbed Claire while morphing to fit her body. A small suit of purple glowing armor encompassed Claire, as it seeped into the ground, taking Claire with them. Claire reformed in the purple glow behind Xoxi, as her eye was flashing from purple to pink in a fast pattern.

Now that Claire is safe, let's see if we can do something about these guys.

"Alrighty boys, now that she's safe, let's see about getting back what you took from us, and I assure you that it will be a fun time for one of us~!"

First off, that mouse is getting punted. Secondly, these exiles know not the power of the world's best thief! I'll do some stealing back of the loot and see if anything else good arises.

One of the shadows ran up and kicked Cherry as far as he could fly, landing him directly into a pile of trash about a block away. Then another clone did the phase thing and landed the bag of cool stuff next to Cia. Xoxi's eye was a strobe light of very rapid proportions.

Looking at the numbers here, we've got 7 of us and 6 of them. Squidkid probably wouldn't fight if I talked to him one on one, and the cloaked guy is weak, so one good blow to the head should knock him out. 7 to 4, with the mask guys being the last ones. They seem like grunts, maybe if I took the two bigger guys out of the picture they'll back down and stop fighting.

With a very quick flash, two of the shadows quickly ran up to the cloaked man and jabbed him in the head, knocking him cold. Xoxi began slowly walking to the Inkling as the two knock-out shadows were slain. The other two, however, mimicked what Xoxi did against the Kree and rode two of the exiles like they were dummies.

"I can tell you really don't give a shit. Wanna call back the masked guys and leave us be? I mean I can take you down too and I really don't wanna do that, as I want to remain physically pacifistic, but I will pull out my paci-fist if you fight back."

This guy seems cool, and I'm reading at least a 75% chance of backing off from him. Hopefully it will work out in the long run.

Xoxi's eye was starting to waver slightly, as the strobe appeared to stop entirely and a shade of red-violet appeared, signaling the flashing is too fast for the human eye to track anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese exhaled and thought it through for a bit. "Why the fuck not!" He shouted grabbing a large mug filled to the brim with beer and running to the dance floor downing his beer and danced really close on the Dej women that happened to benewr him. Landon was right sleeping or doing whatever h wanted with the women of Dej wasn't a problem. He was a god plus he wasn't even married to Cythlla yet so this could be considered a bachelor party. Well a bachelor party that's able to allow the guy getting married to sleep with whoever he wanted. This wasn't greedy of him. He was a god. That was starting to become the answer to most of his decisions now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Though the twins had not been in the archives much longer than a few minutes, hours had passed back on Earth. However, they may have already found someone could help them separate Axis and Alec without hurting either of them. Prometheus, the titan who created humanity. Perhaps he new how to separate them. They only problem now was finding him. After he assisted Zeus during the clash between the gods and Cronus, he disappeared. The twins had found a few vague hints about where his location may be but no exact clues or names that could help pinpoint Prometheus's location. They had found someone who could help them, now all they had to do was find him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Landon was glad that Reese could come and enjoy himself. The night continued for a few more hours with drinks and dancing abundant. As the night began to wane, Landon realized this would probably be the best time to convince the women to spend the night with him. The music was beiginning to slow a bit and a few Dej had begun to get tired and left. Landon headed over to Reese and quietly spoke to him. "Hey, I'm gonna go ahead and take my winnings in for the night. If you want a bigger party you can come join us or get your own room. Whatever you prefer. Tomorrow doesn't exist yet, so whatever you do, have fun tonight."

With that Landon returned his attention to some of the girls and told them, they should spend the night with him. They looked at each other with smiles and agreed to his proposition. Fortunately the place he turned into a veritable club, was a tavern and had rooms upstairs. He decided to take advantage of this and got a key. He went upstairs to his room with his three women and began the real fun he had been looking for from the beginning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia watched the battle however she was starting to let down her own guard as one of the masked beings rushed at Cia. Cia was bashed back from it's charge attack. She got up slowly and took out her own shield. She charged right back at the exile and smashed them, this time though she was pushing back against the creature. It was more of a pushing battle, and in truth Cia was holding back. She had always held back after all, ever since she was little she was holding back something.

Cia found herself pushed back to the ground again as the masked one tried to jump ontop of her. That was when Cia had a moment of panic. Two spikes shot up from the earth, one of them pierced the masked one in it's sholder while another just barely missed it's head knocking off it's mask.

As Landon was distracted by his intense moments of pleasure a small pink orb appeared above him, it was a very feint light that one would easily mistake for a firefly. The Light seemed to disappear after that though. The Sin of Lust had been fulfilled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Claire wasn't very appreciative of the kick that launched Cherry into the sky, but that was mainly because the Myceling had been sitting on top of her head when the shadow decided to go for the punt. She was hit as well. Still, it wasn't much of a bother, as she was okay, in any case, she started to look around to see where to go. She spotted the real Xoxi walking toward the weird Squidkid, who was grinning while taking out what looked to be a knife in one hand and a supersoaker...okay...in the other. She continued to look around, and found the shadows piggyback riding some of the Mirifakino bandits. Ignoring them, she looked to where she thought Cia might have been.

Her eyes widened with horror.

Claire expected to see Cia standing back, or fighting one of the bandits in some way. Instead, she saw something she didn't want to see. Though it was merely an illusion crafted by her own grudge against Cia and the fact that the female Mirifakino bandit had a face that looked a LOT like Yuki's, Claire didn't know that. What she saw was her sister being impaled through the shoulder by the one and only Cia herself. Something snapped in Claire's mind, and though she tried to hold herself back, the scene she saw was releasing the anger within her.

This was reflected by the music that started emanating from her body.

The shadows of Xoxi began to shudder and jolt about to the ghastly beginning. For a moment, it seemed as if they were being tortured by the way they twitched about. Then, suddenly a stream of darkness began to be visibly siphoned out of them, as Claire sent a shadow serpent to lunge at Cia. As the music continued to play, visible streams of light began to appear and circle around in a twister with streams of darkness from the idle shadows of ruins. They began to merge into one, creating the form of some giant deity. Her form was tall and towering, her features shrouded and unseen, save for her eyes that held no pupils, but a single color. The light around her became like that of an aurora, flowing around and from her.

For a moment, the Duskician's eyes bolted open. He stared at the Twilit body, and weakly spoke,


He passed out again, as his body only allowed him that much after the exhausted energy and the jab to his head.

The moment he did, Claire connected herself with her creation, and screeched out in fury and wrath. From her form came a multitude of dark and light arms that began to destroy the ruins of San Francisco. The monkeys from the zoo could be seen fleeing from the place.

Then one final moment of soft, ghastly music was heard at the end, and both Claire and her creation looked to Cia, who undoubtedly had enough power to stop her shadow snake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Axis is now among a makeshift archery range. A bright pink hunting bow in his hands and arrows with pink blades in a hip quiver. His eyes are blindfolded as he shoots, his aim perfected. After a few shots he pulls down the blindfold and collects his arrows. Then with a smile he re blindfolds himself and starts throwing daggers. It would seem he is perfecting ranged fighting....next will be close range.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


... aaaaand now I've lost interest in the squid. Honestly I'm skeptical of his grin and how mischievous he looks.

Xoxi slammed her hand into the squid's ear, knocking him cold, and seeing the knife in his hand.

In other news, Claire should probably be stopped before she kills all the monkeys and possibly Cia or myself.

Xoxi's eye glowed a very bright purple, as she looked towards the giant death snake, and saw it casting a shadow of it's own. That shadow very promptly became a Shadoxi, and stood in front of Cia, blocking her from harm.

I should probably hide while this is going on, I don't need to take a knuckle sandwich to the dome and possibly die.

Xoxi bolted to an alley and stared at the conflict arising in front of her.

Never have I seen power this large... is this what a real god is capable of? Then what am I fully capable of in that case...? Girl you actually need to stop talking to yourself and protect Cia before domes are cracked and hell breaks loose.

"H-hey Claire? Can we take a moment and calm down? Words can talk this through... a-and I don't really know w-whats going on here..."

The very large Shadoxi raised her guard and prepared for combat, in the event that it started.


"Ooooooooo that's a nice god. Pretty sure she's Claire. Now is there a way to provoke wrath in her...?"

Tlevran saw the blood of dead monkeys and figured that would work as fuel for his powers. He ran down and used it to influence Claire's thoughts. When he linked his mind to hers, he understood her rage and started to speak.

"She has slain your sister, and the demigod is insignificant. Take the demigod down, then you'll have all the time afterwards to capture her and slowly torture her."

Tlevran was rooting for Claire's side in this conflict.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia looked up at the now giant Claire with a look of fear in here eyes. "P-Please, I don't want to hurt anyone else! I've done enough damage, don't make me hurt more people!" Cia said looking up at Claire with tears going down her face. Cia was still steadily walking backwards. Cia's breath was becoming ragged as she took a few more steps backwards.

Cia was starting to really panic which could only mean bad things would happen. For now though Cia tried to focus on her defense and putting up a barrier around herself. She was thankful that Xoxi had stopped the shadow snake but Cia was still in danger. "Xoxi, t-this isn't something you should get involved in. This is between me and her." Cia said looking towards Xoxi. No doubt that big shadow she made would be hit destroyed within about two hits. After all Xoxi was only a demigod, and Claire was a full god. Demigods had their limits, though once Claire spoke of what Cia had done, she wouldn't be suprised if Xoxi decided to go after Cia as well.

Meanwhile above the now giant Claire was a red orb faintly glowing it was still storing the sin of wrath after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese thought for a few minutes about joining Landon but it didn't seem right. He didn't want just an average mortal he wanted Cythlla. Sneaking away from the drunken women that paraded him he made his way to what looked like a receptionist's desk and told the mortal to get him a room near the guy that came up here with a couple of chicks earlier. The mortal managed to get Reese a few doors down from Landon. He also told the mortal to send Landon to this room if he ever starts looking for him. That was probably less likely to happen but Reese had to plan for everything. Once he reached the room he didn't waste anytime and vanished reappearing in Toronto quickly making his way to New York. The smell of ink grew more intense in certain directions which he followed as a guide. This deal of his was gonna have to be cut short. He couldn't wait any longer, the days that were passing by could be days he could be spending raising his offspring. Once he's found Cythlla the only responses he'll be looking for is 'yes' or his answer will not be in her favor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


A small light the color of orange appeared above Cythlla. She had not noticed this light at all as she thought it was the result of one of the inklings. She had been helping them tinker with a new sort of weapon. It was nothing more than a paint missile and needed alot of tweaks. It was actually powered by a basic air pump and was very simple in design. It didn't do much and it would be a few years before they had perfected the weapon.

Cythlla was busy and kept to herself for the most part. She had made her way to her 'castle' of sorts. It was basically just what was left of the rockafeller building. The former ice rink at the center of the plaza was now a war zone for the inklings battles. Once the Inklings got wiff of Reese coming however she quickly hid in their ink. They weren't willing to deal with them as their weaponry was no where near enough to combat a god. They all knew it would be suicide and didn't want to get involved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


An outside influence on her mind would usually have been noticed and dealt with by Claire by now. However, since she was in a state of high emotional stress, the influence managed to slip through unnoticed. It managed to amplify her rage to more extreme levels, and caused a hallucination where the Exile that Cia had impaled was truly Yuki's corpse. Unfortunately for the influence, she didn't care much for its ideas. Xoxi and her shadoxi that she had stand in her way was a nuisance, but Claire didn't want to be rid of them. She just wanted Cia dead...though it would be a lie, if she didn't admit that she wanted her to feel her sins crawling down her back first.

Such an opportunity arose when Cia tried to keep Xoxi out of this. Claire turned her head to the demigoddess, and spoke to her in a chillingly calm, grave voice that held a subtle, rage-filled tone.

"No. Stay, Xoxi. You're just as much a part of this as Cia and I are."

Claire returned her gaze to Cia, and looked at her with an angry expression. Claire's Goddess-form was fine, but her disguise was visibly shaking.

"I hate you, Cia. You know that, the others know that, almost everyone knows that. But since Yuki trusted you I was willing to give you two more chances. After seeing this, though? You butchering my sister? I'm throwing all of that away!"

Claire recalled her many arms back into her goddess-form's body. As they returned, the two surviving Mirifakino Exiles retrieved the unconscious bodies of Resin, Cherry, and the Duskician. They spared only a single moment to gaze upon the conflict, but then fled the ruins of the city without looking back.

Not wasting a moment, the goddess-form lifted the shadoxi, and tossed it out of her way, before looking again at Cia and raising her arm.

"I was willing to forgive you for making stupid decisions!"

The Goddess-form slammed one of its giant main arms down onto Cia's barrier.

"I was willing to forgive you for throwing all of us into two all-out battles against the older deities!"

Claire followed up by pounding down on the barrier several more times with both of her goddess-form's main arms.

"I was even willing to forgive you for killing my human friends!"

As Claire sped up her assault, several clawed arms of light and darkness shot out from the goddess-form join in.


Claire stopped the assault on the barrier, and had her arms pick it up with Cia in it, and proceed to attempt crushing it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago



The thrown aside Shadoxi rammed into Claire's goddess form, knocking it aside, and Cia to the ground.

I was mad. That was all I could feel at that point. I was high off adrenaline and anger at this point, and I couldn't feel anything other than what I initially felt towards combat. Someone had to do something, or Cia was going to get destroyed at the hands of a goddess. It had to be me to stop Claire at that moment.

"CLAIRE STOP! I know you must be upset, but if you would FUCKING THINK ABOUT SHIT, why would your sister be a bandit? I figure you would both be GODS, and why would she want you to DIE? YOU NEED TO CALM YOUR SHIT BEFORE I TRY TO KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO YOU!"

I had a plan B, and there was the largest chance that I would have to fall back on it. I'd probably be knocked out cold, but Cia would be safe. I was never fit for this world anyway, even if I was the world's best thief. I always knew I'd be put in a hole in the ground, and I accepted that long ago, but now that I see the thing that's going to end my life...

The world's best thief is not afraid, nor will she ever be. I've handled countlessly harder things than facing my own death, and I will steal my own soul before and innocent life is harmed in my presence, be it god or mortal.

"I will fight you if I must, but please come to reason! She's not worth it, nor will she ever be! If she is... please... at least explain to me why you hate her so!"

Tears ran down the sides of Xoxi's face, she was in physical pain from maintaining the giant Shadoxi in front of her. Her glowing eye cried tears dyed pink, either from the glow of her eye, or from blood. It was hard to tell at this point.


Tlevran continued to influence Claire's thoughts, provoking further wrath in her.

"The demigod blocks your path of slaying your target. You can kill her, and keep her from intervening with you killing the one you want to. I suggest granting her last wish if you do, however. It's the least you can do for the demigod, who was doomed from the start."

Tlevran was smiling as he watched this battle, and more importantly, the futile attempts of the demigod to stop this fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


As Reese quickly closed the distance between himself and Cythlla his desires and fantasies were becoming more of a reality by the second. Clouding his thoughts of right and wrong and replacing it with what is right by the heart. Which in some cases isn't the best choice for certain course of actions. Before he knew it he was already within a castle like structure closing in on Cythlla's position. Once he reached her he didn't waste anytime to interrupt what she was doing and force her up against the nearest wall. If she couldn't tell why he was here she'd soon find out. Reese wasn't gonna come all this way and not get what he wants with or without Cythlla's consent he forced himself onto her making sure that she wasn't able to fight back or escape.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia hit the ground as her dome shield was shoved to the ground as it was about to be crushed by Claire. "I didn't kill Yuki." Cia said looking up at Claire from her dome shield. Cia's eyes started to give off a feint green smoke now though. The true Cia was starting to come out. It was as if she could sense something was off with Landon. But for now she was too focused on the matter at hand. "Xoxi, this isn't something you want to know." Cia said turning to Xoxi before going back to Claire. "Everyone says that I should stop being defensive. Atleast that's what they said before I performed the ultimate sin. They all wished that I had disappeared, and that wish was granted." Cia said as she started to walk towards Claire her dome shield now only showing up to defend herself from attacks.

"But there isn't any pleasing in anyone anymore is there?" Cia was still scared but she wasn't showing it anymore. Though truth was, Cia had actually wet herself earlier, but thanks to her wearing a dress people would only notice that the ground below her was wet earlier. "If I can't make other people happy then maybe I should just start to focus on myself instead huh?" Cia said as she approached Claire to the point that she was at the foot now. Cia had a hand to the sky now as a light could be seen in the clouds starting to shine through.

As the act happened Cythlla could only scream. When it was down however a portal seemed to open up to a dimension full of tentacles. Out of it came an egg. It was large enough to hold a baby in it, but nothing else. "Your a monster you know that? Worse than me... and I kinda like it." Cythlla said. She was a goddess of insanity and to everyone else this would make no sense. But Cythlla saw Reese as something to be afraid of, something that had power over her. And She liked it.
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