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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The moment Sayaka grabbed her arm, Rachel whipped around aggressively and pulled her knife on the cybernetic girl, its blade just a hair's breadth away from her jugular. "Don't touch me." She hissed, before shoving the girl away and putting her knife away. "Just stay away from me, bitch!" Shadow cursed before she left for the hangar where her bike was and began preparing it for departure. Her hands were shaking badly from the adrenaline and the panic attack she was fighting back. She really hated being touched and it seemed the rest of the team hadn't gotten that note. To be frank, the last thing she wanted was to go on a mission with them right now, but her protests were silenced by her desire to hurt some people, and better some robbers than the first idiot to piss her off again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Cloaked teen looked at his fellow members as they all introduced themselves. " It's nice to meet you all... It'll be interesting to see what you all can do." said the masked individual before taking out his pure gold pocket watch and opening it to look at the time. It wasn't like many normal pocket watches, there was no ticking and on it there were 7 rings, each ring with a strange rune-like marking that would symbolize time, outer ring was for years, then months, then days, then hours, then minutes, then seconds, and finally ending in milliseconds... In the center of the Rings there was a dragon that would have it's wings spread out and it's head pointing upwards towards the current time and it's tail curled within it's inner circle. The first two inner rings spun very quickly though the others weren't moving quite as fast. every symbol on the rings glowed just like his mask. On the side of the pocket watch was two buttons and with one quick press of one of them the time popped out, being held by the two gold metal bars on each side of the silver circle and with one tap of his finger on the edge closest to him and turned it over before snapping the other plate back into it's socket, showing it's other side. It now held a completely different appearance. Three circles made of three rings each and in each circle was a legless dragon and around the three circles was a strange triangle that wrapped itself around the three. This layer was moving relatively quickly but every 3 seconds it acted as if it was jammed for a few seconds and each ring spun in the opposite direction to the one on top of it but they all moved at random speeds and each glowed different rune like markings.

When he was finished looking at the pocket watch only a single minute passed and soon he looked at KF, slightly annoyed that he gave off such a stupid command as "get ready before the mission" when everyone should have been ready beforehand. Still looking at the teen the masked individual began to speak in a serious tone, " We really don't have time for this. We need to get there NOW. Lives are in danger and we're still here, sitting around and doing nothing. How are we even supposed to get there in time anyways?"

As he spoke he then noticed the two "assassins" of the group arguing. He still felt uncomfortable about that one girl, though the other also seemed to be rather pushy and demanding towards her. It was everyone's first mission together and the team was already splitting up and the such before any of them could even get to the mission. In his mind this was a huge disgrace and a major failure on everyone's part and as the other girl left the masked teen placed his thumb and first finger on the "brows" of his mask. Soon he looked back up to the speedster in a very annoyed fashion. " Some leader alright... Five seconds in the job and he already made this team completely broken with no way of fixing it. I bet that the humans were already dead in the building..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Sayaka caught back up with Rachel and before she could get on her bike, Sayaka got in front of it, " Listen to me, your not the only person here with trauma, I am too, I've been through too. I've had two of my limbs blown off and the last one sawed off due to it being to mangled. I was trapped under rubble for almost three hours, my skull cracked and my ribs broken, legs gone, you think I don't know trauma well, I've had it both mentally and physically. I may not feel much emotion but I know what trauma felt like before. Also I doubt that your bike can ride over water." Sayaka said to Rachel hoping she would know they are a little a like.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"The people are alive. Criminals aren't stupid. They wouldn't kill anyone. That is their only leverage right now." Kid Flash said speaking logically. And it's only been a few minutes. The security footage is showing that so far civilians are fine." He then glanced at Amani. "She's how we're getting there." He then said with a smirk. "Under normal circumstances we'd take one of the jets but right now we don't have time to set it up." He said calmly. "Now Djinn. You did it before so I'm sure you can do it again." He said with compete faith in her. "After the mission we can signal for one of the jets to pick up up by remote control." He further explained.

"Now if you're frustrated about us taking an extra minute keep in mind that it is our job to protect the civvies, but we can't just recklessly rush in and let ourselves die." Kid Flash further stated before looking at Amani. "I wish the team was teleported to the roof top of the building adjacent to the building being robbed." He said as he braced himself for the transportation. Some might not be ready. Some might have problems. But they were needed and he wasn't about to stop doing his job as a hero to coddle a few disgruntled team mates.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Congratulations." Rachel replied sarcastically, waving her hands about for effect. "You want a medal?" At that moment, they were al transported to the rooftop facing their target location and Rachel used it as an excuse to stop talking to Sayaka, She scanned the area for a good vantage point that gave her a wide field of fire over the robbers, "I'll take the northern sector."

With that, she revved up her bike and floored the accelerator, jumping from roof to roof with on her ride until she arrived at her desired spot. Parking her bike, she left the roof top and used one of the top floor windows to set up instead. No point leaving herself more vulnerable than necessary. Shadow set up her rifle and made sure she had a good view of the rooftop and top levels of the building. "Shadow in position." She spoke through the comms, doing it more for formality than anything.

Loading her first trick bullet into her rifle, she aimed for the rooftop access door and fired, locking it in place with an adhesive gel over the frame. That would keep the robbers from escape via the roof for the most part. "Rooftop door locked down."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(We gotta wait for Flowers to actually transport us there, we aren't there yet Reap)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Druid had very little conversation with the wolves since she was so surprised that they had talked to her directly. Sure, she could communicate with animals but she would be the one to take the initiative. The wolf had just talked to her directly and she hadn't even said anything to them. She instead just left and went to her room, playing with her flowers, letting them bloom and grow beyond what they would on their own but still felt natural, as if all limits were gone for them. She was in her room until called to discuss a sudden mission.

She hurried there and listened to the plans. She wasn't sure why she was surprised to be in a team but she somehow was. She was a part of those who would take care of the hostages and any bystanders. She thought that could be easy but a little voice in her said that it might be the hardest part of the mission. Keeping the hostages safe AND keep the rabble at bay. She wasn't sure if she was ready.


Mindjack had been hit by the spider guy's kick so hard that it actually made him tumble off the roof, his helmet actually cracked. He just managed to use his tk powers to hover just a few inches from the ground but when he went back up to face the two, they were both gone, nowhere to be found. He cursed and went back for his clothes. It wasn't all lost however. He had a taste of their psyche ad could possibly search for either of them if they were close by using his telepathy. With that in mind he put on his clothes and left the park, his path leading him to a certain hostage situation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Amani listened to Kid Flash when he fired some hard facts at the team to get everyone back on track. Their heads needed to be in the game right now. Though when he suddenly directed all of the attention to her she got a little flustered. Teleporting all of them to a place she hadn't seen. I don't know if I can do that. What if they landed miles above the building, somewhere up in the clouds? "I.....I don't" She started to stutter feeling overwhelmed by the sudden responsibility. Really there were a lot of things she'd never tried before. Making a wish was simple but making sure it came true well that was a whole different story. It was the confidence in Kid Flash's voice and the look of trust in his eyes that finally made her feel like she could at least try. It always worked better if she was calm and focused and she felt reassured by Kid Flash his confidence in her and her powers.

"Alright I....I can do this" She said unsure of herself. She breathed in deeply waiting for the command. The fact that it was Kid Flash who made the wish did help, strange enough. There was no feeling of dread or impending failure. This would actually work! "Volo Dari" She whispered quietly. Her whole body started to glow brightly until there was an explosion of blinding light. The team arrived on the rooftop dazed and slightly disorientated, but they were there. Dark flecks and spots were floating in front of her emerald eyes. It was like she had been staring into the sun too long. She was dizzy too.......real dizzy. She didn't even feel herself stumble to the concrete rooftop, sitting cross legged on the floor. I'm so out of it.

"I think I need a bit to catch up, I feel weird" Amani said holding onto her head which was spinning. It looked like there were three times as many people on the rooftop.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Unfortunately, as soon as Ember watched the people in his squad, he realized they were arguing. Arguing wasn't good, but maybe they'd work it out themselves. Yeah, Ember was going to hope for that. So, hoping they'd work through their issues and maybe the argument would actually help, Ember just backed away. He'd find another place in the tower to hang out until Nathaniel made another announcement. He just really, really hoped they'd work it out before the mission. Their mission was to be stealthy and shoot down any bad guys trying to make a getaway. It was kinda impossible to be stealthy if two-out-of-three of them were bickering at each other. Ember slide down the wall, dug a book out of his bag, and started to read.

But, before Ember could really dissolve his mind back into the book, he was outside. On a roof actually. He folded the corner of his book, slipping it back into his pack before looking around at his surroundings. The whole team was here, but Amani really stuck out. She looked pretty unstable. Ember didn't really want to vocalize any weaknesses they might have with the team with who-know-who listening, but... "You okay?" Ember asked. He couldn't offer her anything like water, but at least he could make sure she wouldn't pass out as soon as she stood up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayaka was slightly angered by Rachel's actions, she wanted her to listen to her fully, but she knew that would have to wait till later when they weren't doing a mission at the moment. Sayaka gotten a running start and jumped across to another roof top, she was doing this to get a better position of where of the area, when she found a good position on top of a water tower, on the water tower she could see the team and had sights on some of the baddies, she could also see Rachel from where she was.

Sayaka started to set up her gear first she took out the rifle and started to put it together, when she was finished putting it together she loaded in a clip that was attached to another clip, she took out the blanket she had folded earlier and out in her pack, she laid down on the cold metal like flooring of the water tower and covered her self in the colorless blanket, and grabbed her rifle and looked down the scope of it, she looked over to the team to see them then looked over to the baddies.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The featureless statue that was once Geb grew what could only be taken as a smile when his greeting was accepted, most people were put off when he grew more appendages or when turned into 'non-form', what he called the mannequin like being he shifted into when he went heroing. He was more than excited to be placed on alpha team, he always preferred protecting people than actually attacking criminals so the position fit him like a glove. Geb then turned his attention to the masked teen that he was partnered with, he was the only one on his team that he had yet to talk to. But the thing that caught his eye, or rather lack of eye, was the watch the teen was holding, the complex and extravagant design of it nearly hypnotized Geb. "Dude... that's pretty wicked!" He stammered out from his unmoving lips as he leaned forward slightly to get a better look at the golden trinket. But before he could continue or the masked teen could answer Kid Flash broke in with a wish. "Wait wish what?-" Geb bumbled out before the flash of gold whisked the team away.

When they arrived Geb's head was spinning, quite literally. After he snapped his head forward he took in the fact they were just teleported from the island to the back robbery with the simple words 'I wish' The small crack on the statue's face bent into a smile as he turned to the group. "Guys that was Aweso-" Geb quickly clapped his hands over what was working as his mouth to stop his out burst. "S-sorry.." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, that was when he noticed Amani. He quickly made his way over to her when she sat to the floor. "Uh... maybe she should sit this one out guys." Geb said in a concerned voice as he kneeled next to his dazed teammate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lewis helped carry the now bloody lawman behind their car once they entered the garage. Behind it he came across a group of hiding bystanders who were struck with fear. When he set down his injured comrade one of the civilians took out a handkerchief and tried to wipe away the blood, trying to keep him comfortable and stable. "Thank you.." Gerard whispered before putting the radio in the wounded man's hands proceeding to reload his gun with trembling hands.

"Look.. Tell dispatch you're hurt. I gotta make sure they dont push inside here alright?" Lewis said, glancing over the hood of the car before emerging from behind, proceeding back inside the building.

The female figure upstairs seemed to be intent on the.computer she was tampering with. Everything seemed to be going according to plan as she pulled the device out of the server and proceeded towards the staircase, joining the pair on the floor below her.

On the first floor only two men were in the lobby while two reinforced the back offices with weapons at the ready. One of the two in the lobby was looking down at his watch, keeping the count down until police arrival in check. "We gotta hurry up here.." He muttered before shouting across the lobby at those who they had successfully rounded up. "Alright! Everyone is to take out all electronics they have on their person! If you don't comply, you will be shot!"

((Police chatter))

"K117 to d-dispatch.."

"K117 , go."

"I-Ive been shot at the 10-33... My partner went back inside but we are hurtin' bad over here. Need a 10-67 over here whenever possible.."

".... Uhh 10-4 K117 all units have been notified along with multiple SWAT units. Hang in there."
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