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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


As the light shone through the clouds, Xoxi wiped her tears from her face.

I have an idea. A very horrible idea. One that may save Cia and keep Claire from going completely nuts.


Xoxi said that in a teasing manner, one to hopefully draw Claire's attention and keep her off Cia for the time being, that is until Cia was ready to do what she was doing. It was clear at this point Xoxi didn't care at all for what was about to happen. All she knew was that she's probably going to become a quadriplegic by the end of it. The Shadoxi vanished to the 2-D plane, and slowly turned into a far more muscular figure, and grew in height. This figure appeared to be wearing a gasmask, and wielded a very strange weapon. A mix between a buzzsaw and an axe. Xoxi meanwhile ran into a building and activated Shadowcloak, then climbed to the roof of the building. A very faint voice rang through her head while this was happening.

"Kill her. Save your love."

This voice was unrecognizable, and Xoxi shrugged it off as the insanity. She arrived at the top of the building, and returned the new shadow to the 3-D plane.


Xoxi was giggling to herself as the sound of a chainsaw rang through the area. The area where the right eye of the shadow started to glow purple, and at that point it was clear...

Xoxi was batshit crazy, and was filled with determination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"I'm the monster...?" Reese questioned for a bit but ignored it when Cythlla complimented him about it. It didn't take him too long to notice the tear in the dimension and an egg being released from it by an unusual amount of tentacles. Reese walked to the the egg keeping an eye on Cythlla as he made his way to the egg. Yes, he did take advantage of her but he was caution he couldn't let her get away no matter what. "Why was an egg released from a random dimension just now?" He asked looking at Cythlla maybe she'd know since the egg was companied by tentacles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


The outside influence kept trying to force itself onto Claire. Though it had worked to an extent in the beginning, it only served to annoy her further. She just wanted to take Cia down. Xoxi, though proving to be powerful, was not her target. As such, Claire only viewed the demigod as an obstacle. An obstacle that also increased her frustration.

Claire shot Cia with a venomous glare as she watched the goddess raise her hand to the sky. Claire was aware of what she was doing. The goddess was showing who she was in Claire's eyes. A dirty sister-killer who was about to claim her life as well. If she thought Claire would just stand there and take it, she had another thing comi-

If Xoxi was trying distract Claire, then she had done a good job, as the loud sound of a buzzsaw pierced through the air and caught her attention. Immediately, the goddess-form used its essence to craft a shield as the buzzsaw attempted to hit her.

"Why?" said Claire to the Demi-goddess. "Why are you siding with her? Don't you know what she did? Via was the one who almost wiped out the human race!!!!"

Claire's goddess-form began to glow eerily. Because of the distraction, Claire realized that she had no time to get out of the way, so she had decided to force one more attack. Still, she was unsure if the attack would charge in time...

...The winds are howling...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As Cia heard what was spouted by Claire the light in the sky started to fade. "She's right.." Cia said looking down, there wasn't a day that she didn't regret what she did. But at the same time she knew that she had no choice. It was a selfish choice yes, she could have let the humans destroy the gods, and allow the humans to live peaceful lives. But instead she chose the lives of the gods.

"I destroyed the human race. I admit it, but I didn't kill your sister." Cia said as she looked up at Claire. Tears could be seen coming from Cia's eyes. Cia turned her attention towards Xoxi then. "Your just trying to save the villain that committed the genocide of the human race." Cia said looking over at Xoxi. "I'm sure that I will pay for my crimes one day, but not today. I have too much I have to live for." Cia sad as her eyes started to give off the green smoke again. The sky started brighten again but this time it was with something else.

During all of this the red light above Claire glowed brighter then disappeared, the sin of Wrath had been fulfilled.


Cythlla looked over at the egg with with a bit of a look of surprise. "So that's where babies come from." Cythlla said looking over at the egg. "I always wondered how that worked. I guess it makes sense. And what a child of destruction this will be." Cythlla added with a grin to her face as she approached the egg. As she did this a small orb of orange light appeared above Reese before disappearing. The Sin of greed had been fulfilled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi's eye stopped glowing momentarily, as she stared at the two goddesses in front of her. To be honest, she didn't know who she was mad at more right now. Her feelings quickly turned from insanity straight to resentment. She was mad at Claire for telling her that Cia killed the humans, but she was mad at Cia for actually killing all the humans.

"... so that's how they all died... how the rest of humanity fell into anarchy... how my mentor died..."

The Shadow Krieg failed to fade away. Rather he started to turn into a solid deep purple figure, and shrunk down to where he was a bit bigger than Landon.

"... I-I used to think you two were cool, and how I wanted to be like you... but now..."

Xoxi looked up at the two goddesses, as Krieg became a physical entity made of shadows, fueled by Xoxi's resentment and insanity, and he was standing right next to both of them.

"There's a special place in hell for you two, but you will not be put there today."

Xoxi's eye flashed on with a bright purple light, as Cia's shield was cracked by Krieg with one swift blow.

"I feel like I'm going to leave, get really goddamn high off of weed, and try to forgive you two shitbirds. But before I leave how about I attempt to even the stakes here? Considering you both are complete assholes, hm?"

With another swift blow from Krieg, Claire's Goddess form was hit, damaging it harshly. Krieg faded afterwards, due to Xoxi's energy loss at that point.

"There. Now I highly suggest you two go fuck yourselves... and have a nice day. Find me when you're ready to... make amends."

Xoxi used whatever energy she had left at that point to attempt a shadow teleport, but made it down to the ground on her face and slept there.


Tlevran laughed to himself as he warped back to the house in nowhere.

"There's Claire's wrath. Now to just wait until Marie gives me more orders."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese eyes became a bit wider at Cythlla's statement. "So, that's....our baby...?" He questioned. It was in an egg which he's never seen before. Though he did accept it since he knew there had to be a catch with having a cold with a creature of the sea. "That's... Right! Destruction!" Reese repeated after her with a smile on his face. He made his way to the egg. "I'll train her and everything.... But there is one thing I'm a bit worried about. How insane will she be...?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Claire growled in reaction to the attack. It had dissipated a good chunk of her goddess form. She was slightly heartbroken that Xoxi had lost faith in her, and almost stopped her wrath altogether, but Cia...Just looking at her right now was keeping the inferno going. She had every intention of ending this. The winds continued to howl.

"Fine then!", said Claire, preparing to strike at Cia once more. The winds were becoming more and more harsh. "It doesn't matter if she hates me! I just want YOU dead anyway, Cia!"

The winds became violent to the point where it couldn't have gone unnoticed. It was so loud that it could be heard moving as it swept around the area. In an instant, someone new appeared. Letting curiosity take hold for a moment, Claire looked towards them. She froze. It was Yuki...and she was dancing.


That was all Claire managed to say before the winds sent her on the wildest ride she had ever experienced. Yuki's wind dance had brought her from one place to another by requesting the aid of the winds. Her dance had also communicated another request once she saw what was happening. They had sent Claire to several places, ranging from the random spots across the Earth, to previously visited dimensions such as the Nexus, Underworld, and Claire's own place. What made this ride wild? It didn't allow Claire anything more than a second to pick up on where she was. She was being sent from one place to another too quickly for even her own senses to perceive. After half-a-minute of this, Yuki, ended her dance. Claire was returned to the ruins of San Francisco.

The music goddess' eyes were swirls, and she let out a groan before passing out. Her goddess-form, what was left of it anyway, crumbled back into their natural state, while the unconscious body of Claire was face-down on the ground.

After taking a moment to sigh at what had happened, Yuki then stretched out. She looked at Cia and smiled.

"H-Hello, Cia! It is nice to see you up and about once more!"

Unlike Claire's, Yuki's smile was genuine. She held no hatred of her for her actions. Though she was initially disappointed in the outcome, she had long since accepted that they had no other options to pick and choose from. Cia was good, but her and everyone else's hands were tied.

Yuki looked at Claire, but continued to speak to Cia.

"I-I felt that something was wrong, so I asked the winds to bring me to Claire so I could check up on her...I-I guess something happened?"

Yuki felt another presence in the area, although it seemed a bit faint. She looked around and spotted Xoxi, also unconscious and on the ground. She walked over to her and said,

"Who's this? She's spent a lot of her energy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The green light in the sky faded when Cia was knocked off her feet by the violent winds. Cia got up again and started to look around a bit confused. Xoxi had collapsed after trying to stop the fighting and getting angry at both Claire and Cia. Though Cia had no idea why she would be mad at Claire. All Claire had done was state a fact, it wasn't anything terrible that was for sure. Cia on the other hand was the one that Xoxi should have been the most angry at as Cia had destroyed the human race.

Cia turned when she heard a familiar voice though, it was that of Yuki. "Thank you Yuki." Cia said as she noticed Claire on the ground and in a daze. "I-I'm glad you aren't as angry about what happened as your sister." Cia said with a nervous smile.

"As for the one your asking about, this is Xoxi. A foolish demigod that thought she could stop the battle between gods." Cia said. In truth Cia was not too fond of Xoxi in the first place. She did nothing but get in the way believing herself to be far more powerful than she actually was. It seemed that her pride had gotten in the way believing that she could have stopped the whole thing herself.

A strange purple orb glowed above Xoxi in the meantime. The Sin of Pride had been fulfilled for her foolish actions of believing she was as powerful as a full blown god.

Cythlla looked at the egg and smiled. "Who knows, I have enough of my own insanity that the child could end up just the same as me. It depend on how much sanity you have I guess." Cythlla said picking up the egg in one hand. For one thing this showing of her handling the egg only showed that Cythlla was not fit to be taking care of the egg. "Oh, remember that deal we had earlier? For each child I have, you have to kill one of your people, one of them close to you. Prove to me that you love me, or this egg may never crack properly." Cythlla said with a wicked smile. The egg was now leverage for Cythlla to have over Reese.

Marie appeared to Tlrevan with a bit of a confused look on her face. "That worked... but I'm afraid we have run into a problem. It's the sin of Gluttony and Sloth. These two have always been a problem in every legend and I can't figure out a way to work either of them. You wouldn't happen to have an idea would you?" Marie asked with a puzzled look on her face. "Oh and I forgot to ask. What do you think of the goddess that destroyed humanity? Just out of curiosity." Marie asked with interest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"I'm surprised it took the demigod long enough too figure out it was her, points to the demigod's determination though. As for the goddess herself, she's alright. Not too bad, not too amazing."

Tlevran did some stupid tricks with his cleaver, and slammed it into the wall for the time being.

"As for the sins of Sloth and Gluttony, I have two ideas for them. Sloth could be provoked by just making the god give up and stop trying to succeed in their actions, and for Gluttony... well... that one's a bit interesting."

"Have you heard of the saying 'glutton for punishment'? Gluttony doesn't pertain to just eating, it's basically a different form of Greed. Is there a god or goddess that will partake in something for the hell of it? Like fighting, adrenaline, or hell maybe even procreation or masochism? Again being asleep for several thousand years makes you pretty blind to the other gods that were created in that time."

Tlevran grabbed his cleaver again and held out the blade to Marie.

"You also never shook the end of my blade. I don't do handshakes."


Xoxi slept, thinking about the events prior to her going unconscious, and still listening to what's being said nearby.

I can hear everything they're saying. I can't see it nor can I respond to it, but I can hear it. Why do they look down upon me for being a demigod? I'm just as capable of greater tasks as them, but I just have a more difficult time with them. I probably was foolish for trying to break up their fight, but I still wanted to help. I don't like the idea of people fighting, and seeing two gods conflict - two greater beings at that - made me really mad. I'd imagine they'd have the logic and knowledge to see that violence is a pointless thing when it comes to settling arguments, but apparently not today.

To be honest, Cia was probably right for doing what she did though... the world was filled with corruption and general madmen, me probably included, but her causing a mass genocide of the humans wiped away most of those people, making the world... I dunno... cleaner. It's like one of those myths I read about way back in high school... flood myths? Even though this one doesn't have a flood in it, there are similarities.

As for Claire... she was probably right for telling me. It would've eaten Cia and Claire both up if I didn't know about it. Telling me was probably the right thing to do, and I won't forget that, but when she told me all I wanted to do was kill both of them. I was foolish into thinking I could do so, and the better half of my mind said 'no don't do it', which eventually led me to trying to even the odds of the fight so I could leave, but energy got the better of me, and here I am. The new voice sounds kind though... maybe they'll be the better half of Claire.

I'm still mad at the both of them, and won't forgive them for a while, but they're both not horrible people, Cia and Claire. Maybe they'll learn to be okay with one-another's presence and everything will turn out alright.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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A few meters away, Shone-Lee sat ontop of a pile of rubble, legs crossed and smiling slyly. "Tell me. How does it feel to be the destroyer of an entire race?" She called then laughed. "Also, while I'm at it, how does it feel to have the man you love betray you?" She smirked then continued. "I just thought I'd tell you that he just fucked 3 Dej women senseless and enjoyed it. It hurts doesn't it? Especially since it's your fault." For once, Shone-Lee was telling the truth and knowing Cia, she was going to be pissed.

"If you don't believe me then go to Saudi Arabia and see for yourself! He's probably completely insane by now!" Was the last thing she said before she disappeared.


After countless hours of searching, the twins finally had a lead as to where Prometheus might be. They wasted no time on teleporting to the opening of a large cave. Cautiously, the two entered to face the titan.

"Ah, Rhona, Leon, I welcome you. What brings you to my domain? " The titan's voice booms as it sits atop it's giant stone throne.

" We come seeking your help Prometheus! We would like for you to create a body for a god so that my friend may separate and I am able to save both of them!" She replied.

"And by 'them' I assume you mean Axis and Alex?"

"Yes Prometheus! Can you make a body for Axis?"

The titan fell silent for what felt like an eternity. "Very well. However. You must give this body some of your life force in return. Is that clear?"

"Yes! Thank you so very much!"

With that said, a bright light luminated throughout the cave. Once the light subsided, a body, identical to Axis' appearance in every way, appeared on the ground a few feet away from the twins. Rhona glanced at Leon, and he understood what must be done, before she kneeled beside the body, cut the palms of her hands with her dagger, and placed her hands on the body's chest, pouring her life energy into it.

Leon, on the other hand, teleported to Iceland, where he had met Valentine. It was time he payed that debt to Rhona.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis has been shooting up a tree, its marks perfect. His bow is a pink compound titanium hunting bow the arrows tipped with lethal pink blades. Some how he rules the color. His quiver is on his hip and seems to be low on arrows. With a smile ha puts down the bow and flexes his hands in front go him. He started teleporting in rapid succession getting all the arrows and then he starts using his dagger. When he stops the tree has several slash marks in it..most are deep. He grins, he has become quite lethal in every way. If only he could develop more abilities...meh those would have to wait. With another smile he nods the the tree then lightly flicks it. It gives out a groan as it falls. Axis grins again and sits upon a large rock, taking a break. Not realizing that a certain twin is nearby. See I really am the better half aren't i Alec glares from the depths of his mind. His wings fold neatly as he relaxes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon's orgy ended and he woke up in the morning amongst a few Dej women spread bare around him. He helped himself out of the bed around them, as they continued to sleep. Well, that didn't help as much as I'd hoped, or maybe it did. His sexual desire felt stronger, but he just wanted sex in general, not necessarily just with Shone-Lee. He put his clothes back on and left the room. He made his way downstairs and asked the receptionist about Reese. He obviously didn't join last night, so Landon wanted to see what fun he did have.

The receptionist directed him to Reese's room, but when he got there, he saw no Reese. 'That dumb god. We're going to have words if he didn't get any tonight.' Little did he know Reese went ahead and got what he really wanted.

'Well, last night was great. I wonder what a goddess would be able to do. The problem is they don't seem to be as loose as mortals.' Landon tried to think of the goddesses he knew and which one would be the best target. Cia seemed to enveloped in her own affairs. He didn't know the twins of dawn and dusk that well. Even though they weren't twins, Landon thought of them together a lot. Xoxi was just weird. He decided to try and search for a target and take what may come. He stepped through a shadow into his realm, and began scanning the world and various realms through the shadows and darkness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"A-A battle?! Between you and Claire?!"

Yuki looked to her half-sister before shaking her head.

"Oh, Claire..." sighed Yuki

She returned her attention to Cia with an apologetic look on her face. Yuki had felt that something big was happening, which was why she arrived in the first place. However, Yuki had assumed that the fight was only just starting, since Claire hadn't even finished her goddess-form. But now Yuki took a moment to look around. The further damage to the ruined city, Cia's words, and the state of the demigoddess now known as Xoxi have allowed her to realize that she had arrived late into the battle. It could have been entirely possible that Cia could have ended Claire had she not arrived in time.

Still, with that in mind. It was also entirely possible that it was started because of what had happened in the past. They must have been thrown onto an emotional ride of dangerous proportions, without safety belts. As such, Yuki had made a decision.

"You must be tired. Allow me to offer you rest in my own realm. I will provide anything you need. It'll give everyone a chance to calm down."

Yuki smiled innocently at Cia. She hoped the goddess would accept her offer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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@otomosthecrazy@ace of flames01@rechonq
Cia was too distracted by shone-lee to even pay attention to Yuki. "I-I have to go." Cia said opening a portals and walking through it. Once in her room within a house in the nexus Cia opened another portal to see the Dej woman that had just come out of an orgy. They were starting to wake up when Cia widened a the portal. On her way out of the room though Cia grabbed an axe and appeared before the dej women.

Cia gave them an angered look. "So your the women who seduced Landon huh?" Cia said looking at them with wide eyes, the kind that you would see on someone who was surprised, however this look stayed instead of going away. "We didn't seduce him." One of the women said before Cia interrupted them. "LIES!" Cia said slamming her axe into a nearby table. "Women who seduce those that don't belong to them belong in the underworld." Cia said walking towards the woman.

When Cia left the room all three women were slaughtered. Their bodies dismembered and being nothing but a torso, and a bloody mess. As Cia commited her act a green orb appeared above her before disappearing. The goddess of Jealousy had given birth to the sin of Envy.


Marie looked at the sword pointed at her and simply pushed it away with her finger. "And I don't do sword shakes. So how about we do neither. Anyways, there is a young battle goddess who may be just perfect for gluttony. Her name was Miriam I believe, no idea on where to find her but those two sisters would know. Give her a try, but see if you can't have some fun with it. She's a goddess of blood, maybe try to trick her into eating one of her own people." Marie said with a smirk. "I'll have to try to figure out something for Sloth." Marie added as she disappeared in pile of spiders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi woke up while Cia was leaving in a rush. Of course she had no energy to move or anything, but still she saw.

"Bitch get back here so I can... do... nothing because I'm tired as shit."

Xoxi looked around and saw a face-down Claire in the ground, and another goddess standing above her. Even though she didn't recognize the goddess, she figured it was this "Yuki" person, and noted she had a nice voice, one that reminded her of a sweet nanny... or maybe an elderly-carer. Either way, Xoxi scooted slowly to the wall as she spoke.

"Hello... I was introduced, correct?"

Her attention was then taken to Claire, as she kind of giggled softly.

"Glad to see Claire is down for the count. There was no way I could've taken on the both of those chicks at once. Probably would've been creamed from the get-go."

A small sound of monkey feet on pavement was heard echoing through the city, as a cowboy hat fell onto Xoxi's head.

"Anyway... who are you?"


"Again with the whole 'no idea where to go' thing? What were you doing all that time, Marie."

Tlevran decided to go through the portal again, and wound up back in San-Francisco. He made his way back to where Claire was face down on the ground, and did telepathy through to her head after killing some large animals for fuel.

"You did well my young goddess, even though you did fail in the end, the demigod knows not your true strength, making her a vulnerable target for killing if need be. If you require my services, the name is..."

Tlevran had to think for a moment while he created his persona for "helping" Claire. He didn't know what to call it yet.

"... Helsing. You simply need to rub the golden emblem on your hand to summon me in desperate aid, and I will appear for your defense. My exchange for this is one question, however... where can I find someone named 'Miriam'? It is crucial to something I must do."

There was a golden emblem burning into the palm of Claire's hand, as this was happening.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese was silent for a few minutes before displaying a nonchalant like attitude. "Was that a threat...?" He asked taking a step towards her, his facial expression still calm. "We create life but all you can think about is killing, I thought resurrecting you and Emma's death was enough but it seems that can't even fulfill the desires of the insane..." Reese took another step and for a moment he disappeared. Before Cythlla knew it Reese was behind her. His back leaning against hers and the egg now in his hands. He felt more accomplished then he's ever had once he had the egg in his grasp. "I guess I'm insane too. My love for you is what's basically stopping me from snapping your neck like a twig." Reese smiled and looked at the egg. "Instead of being greedy why not help me. We can raise this child together and you'd have a god or goddess as a pawn. Doesn't that sound intriguing?" Reese didn't enjoy calling his offspring a pawn but in order to win Cythlla over without anymore villainess acts he had to do what was necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"Oh! You should be careful."

Yuki was surprised that the demigoddess had awoken and gotten up. In all honesty, she should have been resting. With all the energy she had spent, Yuki was surprised that Xoxi was able to get up at all. Her energy still seemed to be low. Yuki thought that she must be exhausted after everything that seemed to have happened.

Yuki tried to avoid eye contact. Without Claire being awake, Yuki might as well have been on her own talking to the girl. That meant that she wasn't as...social now. Claire was the only one that could help her open up, so when she spoke in response, she spoke in a whisper.



Claire dreamed in her unconscious state...no, not dreamed. Claire's dreams involved her music and her sister. This was no dream. It was a void. An empty space crafted by her mind to allow her to think on what had happened. Here, she could calm down and figure out what where and why.

Yuki had appeared. Yuki had appeared and stopped her. Yuki was still alive...which meant that everything Claire had done was out of some stupid misguidance. She had been foolish...no. Beyond that. She had been outright stupid. Claire had done exactly what she had been trying not to do, and that was go on a rampage out of anger and trickery. The mistakes of the old gods seemed to persist into the new generation. Even into Claire, who openly despised it.

She had to apologize to Cia. She just had to. She attacked out of misguided anger and selective sight. She threw insults at a goddess that had just spent 30 years recovering from her own mistakes. Claire screeched out the tragedy of Cia's action in an attempt to make her feel horrible as the music goddess attempted to MURDER her. She even caused her first new friend in who knows how long to hate her...Oh no. Claire had to apologize t

Despite that...Claire felt that a simple apology would not be enough. A thousand apologies would never be enough...

As she continued to think of some other way to make it up to them, she heard a voice. It sounded...familiar. She thought and thought, and then came to a memory. Yes, this voice was the one that kept urging her to kill. To kill harder, to kill quickly, to kill more than just Cia. The thought of someone trying to influence her left her miffed about things. She knew that it was initially herself that brought about the anger, but it was this voice that fanned and fueled the flames.

So you're the one who kept pushing me, huh? responded Claire to 'Helsing.' I guess that means you're the one that made me go way overboard. I can't really say I appreciate that.

Helsing offered to help her in times of need. The way he said it felt disgusting to Claire. She didn't want his help, but it seemed as if the guy wasn't going to give her a chance to say anything. Claire could already feel something foreign on her hand. It was beginning to annoy her.

Not even giving me a choice, huh? Sorry, dude, but I don't want your help. I have to face this stuff myself. If you don't know how to find Miriam, then you don't know her that well, and if that's the case you must live under some rock, 'cause everyone knows how she's like. Now get your mark off my hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon was searching the world and realms over for an available goddess. They all seemed preoccupied or were characters he knew swung different ways. He kept an eye on his three Dej he had last night. His first conquest in his new sexual endeavors. His last sight they were still sprawled out sleeping. He went back to looking at other views in the world and saw Claire, Yuki, and doesn't care doing something. He watched for a bit, but realized he couldn't really tell what was going on. He looked back to his women again, but found a new scene instead. They had been completely massacred. It didn't take him long to find the culprit. He found Cia still in the tavern.

Oh Cia, envy really is an ugly flavor on you. Lets see if we can fix that. Landon stepped through a shadow and emerged into the hallway of the rooms. "Cia, what are you doing?" He walked over to her as she backed up to a wall. He placed a hand next to her head and another gently on her shoulder. He moved his face within inches of hers. "I'm sorry if I didn't hear you before, but if you wanted me so bad you can have me now. All I ask is that you share yourself as well. We can be each other's forever." He moved his hand down her arm and was holding her hand as he finished talking.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"...ok sweetheart. Shyness is a completely fine thing, but it's just us. I'm gonna hug you and hope that makes you less shy."

Xoxi stood up, and hugged Yuki softly. Unfortunately some of her weight was put onto Yuki, making the hug slightly awkward.

"You have a nice name. I might as well tell you a bit about myself, considering there's no danger right now. The name is Xoxi, I'm the daughter of Selene, and I am the world's best thief. My hobbies include stealing, pacifism, and hugging. I haven't slept for more than 1 hour at a time within the past 16 years, and I was into Cia for about 3 weeks before your sister told me she killed all the human race and indirectly led to the death of my mentor and father, which inevitably led me into hating them both. You seem cool though, so I won't judge you."

The moon slowly peeked out from the horizon as Xoxi's eye finally stopped glowing.


"Clever girl. Also I lied to you. Tlevran's the name, killing gods and genocide is my game. I'm nearby and communicating via the blood you spilled on the ground from your recent episode of pointless aggression. 'tis a shame you didn't kill the goddesses in front of you. I need to locate your sister, and you must help me. If you must know I was recently dug up from the ground after a couple thousand years of slumber because I slayed both my mother and father and watched them bleed out at the hands of my meat cleaver, and you will be no different unless you comply with my terms. The emblem bestowed upon your hand is a sign that unless you comply I can come down there and finish both you and your sister off within a few fell slashes, and I can take the demigod with you both, now how about you tell me where your sister is before I do said actions."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cythlla thought for a moment on the idea of making the child a pawn. Though even Cythlla found the idea of a pawn too degrading for her own child. "I would rather refer to it as a soldier. I quite like the idea personally." Cythlla said with a smile as she looked at the egg. "Fine, you don't have to kill one of your people for me. However if any of mine ever gets attacked by another nation I expect you and your people to be their allies." Cythlla said looking at the egg with a smile on her face again. "So what now?" Cythlla said with a smile walking close to Reese.

Cia turned to see Landon and she smiled despite still having a drop of blood on her face. When he said that he would be her's forever however Cia gave a gentle smile then promptly kissed him on the mouth. As she did so she opened a portal that led back to the nexus behind her. She dragged him in with her. It led to her room within the nexus. "Those girls were the ones who seduced you. I feel bad for you. But I'll make it better." Cia said as she allowed him to take her.
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