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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

☆ Helena ☆
Lyn's Hunt

There was a breath of relief when the knife found its home not in the leg of one of people she was trying to help. Her father would be proud that she'd done so well. And she'd been right that it wouldn't kill anything, but she'd hurt and distracted something successfully. Even if the distraction had brought attention directly to her now. And now what was she to do? She should have really thought this through a bit better. Because now she was going to get hurt.

Glancing at the others to make sure that things were balanced at the very least. Or ideally tilted in their favor. But nothing ever went ideally easily, it took work to get there.

She drew the slightly bigger blade from its home on her belt. She held it in her hands with a practiced ease. Fire was the newer thing for her. Her father had been teaching her how to fight and use a blade since she was a very young girl. She'd never taken on something like this, so she hoped she could handle this. There was one coming right at her. But he flickered out of sight and she lost it for a moment. Well great, she thought with a panic growing in her chest. Taking a deep breath again she closed her eyes for just a moment to slow down the panic. When she opened them again a minute later she noticed the shifting grass.

“Got you,” She said with a quietly barked laugh. Perhaps she'd not die at the very least. Crouching lower, she shifted her bag slowly down until it war on the ground, she kicked it back towards the trees stop she hopefully wouldn't trip over it in the fight. Gripping the blade tighter she went for the spot where she thought the cosh would be, hopefully going for the flank of the thing and avoiding the teeth as much as possible. But without being able to see it, she was almost sure that she'd be clenched down on at some point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose - Catacombs


Though his wing gusts did exactly what Ssarak intended them to do, they were nevertheless ineffective at keeping the shapeshifter in place. Grey, being that he had to protect the Naga from the bone shards, was not in a position to immediately follow up to attack, and even if he had been, the shapeshifter could change forms far faster than even Lidda. It seemed as if it was the most powerful vitamancer Ssarak had ever encountered. It briefly made him wonder how they had managed to have any success against it, but his attention was quickly taken by an even greater threat: Tyrael.

The master Demonmancer had arrived far sooner than Ssarak had hoped. The ridge hounds and shapeshifter had delayed them for too long. Fighting was, of course, not an option, and if they could not find a way to talk him down, they would need help. Ssarak had intended to use Colette’s bat to send a message to Khan quickly, but even that would not be fast enough now. It would have to be able to fly straight to him…which was a thought that provoked an idea within Ssarak’s mind. The catacombs were beneath the college, so the straight-line distance between them was not terribly far. One would have to pass straight through the ground, and the college’s stonework, but that was only an issue for corporeal beings. An illusion, if it was not attempting to be convincing, did not have to obey any natural laws. Ssarak recalled that his friend Annabeth had instructed her doppelgangers to attend classes in her stead on a few occasions. They could work at range, and he could instruct it to speak, so it could deliver a message.

Making no attempt to hide which version of himself was genuine, Ssarak had his doppelganger fly up in the direction of the college, straight through the catacombs. It was going to warn Khan, to tell him that the students, and Naga survivors, were in danger from Tyrael. As long as Ssarak was alive and conscious, his messenger would not be stopped.

Meanwhile, Ssarak and the others had to do what they could to calm Tyrael, or at least delay him. Telepathically, Ssarak sent a message to each of the Naga. We have to persuade him to let you live. He is a master demonmancer and could kill us all with ease; fighting is not an option. Lower your weapons; they will not be useful anyway.

Ssarak did not bother to raise his weapon against Tyrael, though he did stay in a position where he could protect the Naga. ”Why do this, Tyrael? Why kill the Naga? Baulder…he needs healing. We need to get him back to the college, instead of fighting over what to do with the Naga. If you believe they are a threat, then we can detain them. Lock them away, let Khan, or the Archmage judge them. They could not stand against us if they wanted to, especially with one as powerful as you among us. There would be no danger in capturing them.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After Grey had cleaved the Naga's head off, the axe had evidently thrown a fit... Perhaps it didn't know what a maliced naga was. -That Naga was in malice, it was a rage-fueled zombie. The Naga it used to be was already dead...- He said to it, grimacing at the flaky, weak appearance it had taken... He had looked back to the shapeshifter quickly enough to see it devour the Naga's corpse and throw itself in the middle, pulsing... That wasn't a good sign. "Move!" He shouted, shoving past Ssarak as he leapt onto the creature, holding his shield to protect his face... And then, it exploded into sharp, piercing spikes... Spikes that could not pierce his armor, breaking as they slammed against the steel. That did not mean he was unharmed, for it felt as if he'd just suffered over a dozen pike blows at once, sending him back a short ways and slamming his shield into his head...

He groaned, dazed by the blows as he rose... He may have blacked out, he couldn't be sure. While the impact would have rendered a normal man unconscious for far longer, he was far from normal... He looked around, ears ringing... He saw... no hounds. -T-tyrfing?- he 'asked', wondering if the weapon could hear him. He had woken just in time to see... demons, and something that could only be Tyrael... He was telling them to leave so he could 'deal' with the Naga... As the ground around them shifted into some kind of hellscape he simply stepped forward, putting him ahead of the others, between them and Tyrael. He was very obviously exhausted, his face bruised... He reached up, grabbing at his eyepatch and tearing the sweat-soaked thing off his face. He looked up to Tyrael, his good eye a bright contrast to the dark glass orb that acted as a space filler on the other side of his face.

"He's right, Tyrael." He said, looking down and then up again. "Would you murder helpless civilians? What may very well be the last of the Naga?" He said, grimacing as he remembered the diplomat's words... He looked him straight in... where his eyes would be. "We will take them back, and ask Satori to talk to them, understand? And if you disagree, well..." He raised his shield, axe remaining lowered to make it clear he had no intent of going on the attack. "You'll have to go through me first." Internally, he was a lot less sure... emotions running wild, fear prevalent... -Tyrfing, if you're there... Look, I know I'm not the 'champion' you wanted but... Please, I need your help. I can't defeat him on my own power, I need your strength if it comes to that...-
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf Lyn’s Hunt

"This...might not be better." Athlalus’ voice faded in her ears as another took its place.

”Looks like you finally get what you wanted. Keep in mind you're going against everything dad taught you.” the vampire noticed her brother’s voice sounded disappointed.”I'm not going against it. He taught us family is the most important thing in this world. I don't think you have noticed but you’re dead and buried along with everyone else.” she waited for a response to this fact.” Family isn't always blood or the people you lost. It's what's important to you and what your willing to die protecting. These people are willing to die for each other. The question is are you willing to die for each of them?” the girl thought for a moment as she looked around. The pale man was being helped by a wood elf, the girl that used the plants earlier was on the ground, Althalus was about to take on the masked man again, and Annabeth and Lyn were safe.”Yeah, I would die for each of them. They’ve shown me kindness and trust even when I have not.”she responded truthfully.” Now that's the sister I know and love.”

"A-am I here at a- a good ti-me?" The new voice asked.

This caused Keri to jump in surprise. If the elf hadn't spoke out loud she would have most likely swung thinking he was an enemy.” How did you get over here so fast?” the girl asked as she glanced around again. It dawned on the vampire she had spaced out during the fight, which if she didn't have help, could have gotten herself killed.” Actually that was perfect timing. I assume you can handle that mutt.” the question passed her lips as the man run towards the Cosh. The vampire watching him when she received the unaware claw, slashing her back. She made sure to move away quickly by running towards Athlalus stopping once again at his side.

”I don't know about that Athlalus. I would rather we drain him just in case. Besides the moron made his last mistake in this lifetime. I take it personally when my family is being attacked.” Keri said as her eyes shifted to blood. This time she eased into her mode, making sure to study his attacks. The vampire grabbed the torn piece of tunic from Athlalus then ran towards the masked man. The plan was to make the cloth stick to him. Keri threw the cloth up.” Athalus aim for the cloth!” as she screamed this she slashed at his leg. If this was unsuccessful she would then roll diagonally, escaping most of the damage, if not all of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Meirin analyzed the knight. It was obvious that he was no normal man, though perhaps his armor enhances his ability. A heavy man like him shouldn't be so agile at least not as agile as Meirin. She wasn't going to underestimate this man so Meirin backed away and started a new weaving form. Fortunately she could do this one with her spear, though it was a bit awkward since the paich body made it heavy. She started by raising her hand high into the air as if grasping at the sky. Then she pulled her hand down slowly, her fingers curling into a fist right as it was brought to her face. Once it reached her face Meirin grasped her spear once again jumped to the side, spinning around and putting both her arms forward, holding the spear perfectly perpendicular to the ground. She spun around towards the opposite direction holding her spear near the end of the shaft and sweeping it close to the ground, but not quite hitting it. By the time she stopped she stood up, her hands raised higher than before, her spear pointing towards the sky. All the while it seemed like Meirin was focused more on her weaving but she was still watching the knight, making sure that he didn't catch her off guard. But Meirin was only half-way finished with her weaving and needed a few more seconds before she could pull off her magic attack.

Myrn Vaan'Atisha

As if her luck couldn't be any worse Tyrael showed up. Myrn was in no condition to fight him but she barely had enough strength to stand on her own. Her arm was in great pain and if she was by herself she'd be crying. But for now all she could do was breath heavily and try to stand up, barely holding onto her Dar'missan. Everyone was scared, but they couldn't leave the nagas behind. Myrn didn't know the nagas well herself and had no reason to care for them, but there was no way she was going to leave everyone else to Tyrael's "mercy". Unfortunately Myrn's body was too weak right now to even walk, forcing her to lean against her sword. "Master Tyrael please listen to your students. The naga aren't going to be a threat to anyone at the college, not right now and surely no to you!" As Myrn tried to find the strength to stand on her own she did remember something important. Tyrael was friends with another naga in the college, Mar. And while Myrn didn't know Mar at all, Myrn did know emotions and feelings. She knew that Tyrael was very close to Mar and her daughter. Myrn also knew that Mar valued her family and not just Lyn and Athalus. If Myrn knew anything about the naga it was that they trusted no one but their family. And these nagas wouldn't be here if they didn't know someone they trust. Putting two-and-two together Myrn figured that these nagas were family members of Mar.

"Please, think about Mar! She wouldn't want this, would she? Everyone says the nagas were killed off, but for her it was more than that. She thought she lost her entire family. But now they're back, you can't kill her family!" Myrn looked over towards the nagas but her sight was getting dizzy from her injuries. She didn't realize it, but she was making the wound on her shoulder even worse by moving around, causing her to bleed profusely. She also didn't notice that she was in the Inferno right now. Myrn looked over to the nagas and called them out. "It's true right? You're Mar's family? That's why you're here, to be with her, ask her for help, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cosh, Lyn’s hunt


The Cosh that was attacking Keri was ceased, then promptly felt the blade of Sinys’ dagger wedge into his ribs. The flesh gave away to the weapon easily as something wet, and sticky matted the fur. The creature let out a whiffled grunt before he edged backwards but instead fell to his side, his breath labored and wheezing. He wasn’t dead, but he was down for the moment. Sinys would hear the loud thump rattle in his senses and easily note the condition with the beast.

When the blade sank in, but didn’t come out as easily or clean. Sinys would note his hands become wet and slightly sticky, the substance giving off a watery, copperish ting in its scent. Blood. Even those with a less powerful scent ability would notice and identify it on smell. Through being this close, the blood overwhelmed the other scents mixing in the air because of its proximity (not because there was anything special about it). It coated his blade and his hand side well, allowing him to feel its dying warmth on his skin.

"A-am I here at a- a good ti-me?" Sinyus asked Keri, who in turn jumped in surprise.

” How did you get over here so fast?” The girl asked, then added before she darted off toward Althalus. ” Actually that was perfect timing. I assume you can handle that mutt.”

She easily felt the other cosh she had ignored claw into her back, spraying dust into the air instead of blood. The Cosh thumping the ground just while she shot forward toward Althalus, putting a bit of distance between her and him.

By this time, the broken jawed beast was up again. Through the creature was struggling to continue the fight as he rushed forward to attack Sinys, hoping to knock the blinded Elf into the ground. Determined not to go down until his alpha ordered it or he was killed. Sinys’ hands reacted, the bow crashing down near the neck while the arrow head followed with it. It caught the Cosh’s neck side, slipping more crimson blood that flooded everything and likely stirred his instincts that death was visiting the fight. The Cosh collapsed when his throat was ripped out, ending his life.

The mutt gave one last shudder then the heat all escaped its body.


”I don't know about that Athlalus. I would rather we drain him just in case. Besides the moron made his last mistake in this lifetime. I take it personally when my family is being attacked.” Keri, the Cosh noted her eyes shifting color, then rushed forward to snatch the rag that Althalus held and dart toward the masked man. She then darted lower and tossed the rag upward, floating it just in front of MacKendrick.

She screamed while she slashed at the man’s foot,” Athalus aim for the cloth!”

When she ended up getting out of the man’s reach, the Alpha abruptly materialize from his camouflage then sank his teeth into her foot. He snagged on the boot before his head jerked about, his feet propelling her laying body around where she was tossed against the nearest tree. The impact wasn’t enough to shatter, fracture or break bone but it would several bruises that would hinder her ability to move effectively.Every movement would hurt like hell.


The Cosh intent on hurting the red headed woman drew closer, her glittered with violence and promise of blood. Her teeth flickered in the reddish light of the Twilight the moment she flickered out of sight. Her hairs rose on end and paws treaded lightly, her long limbs easily cut down the distance. She was fully confident her camouflage would hold, making her prey, like many others, unaware of her presence. The woman crouched lower then she tossed her bag to the side. The leather satchel flinged to the side and smacked into a tree base, settling there for a moment.

“Got you,” Helena stated in a quiet, barking chuckle.

The Cosh ignored it.

Her mind was set on doing what the alpha wanted and lunged into the blade. Pain flared across the animal’s jaw when the blade embedded into the creature's neck side as her fangs twisted to clamp down on Helena’s forearm. The woman was right in her judgement of where the beast was, but not in how close she was, allowing the blade to miss vital organs and nail into the thick muscle in the neck. It was enough to hold the creature in place through the teeth would likely start to clamp down and crush the woman’s bones unless she was able to stop it. Much like a dog that had a hold of the prey’s leg, she would tear deep into muscle and start to jerk back the shove forward to get her hand like paws to pin the woman down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

E'nasha Williams Lyn's Hunt

“I apologize in advance for this but I want you to be able to keep up with me.”

E'nasha managed to get a confused sound out before she was pulled into Keri's arms as the Vampire carried her, running up the trees she had just grown to trap one of the creatures and jumping off the tops. Well, that's one way to get a head start, and scare the hell out of the poor girl you're carrying. E'nasha held onto Keri as she kept running, a little dizzied by the speed they were going so that when Keri finally stopped and put her down she couldn't stay standing, ploping down onto the ground as Keri spoke.

E'nasha watched as Keri turned back and yelled into the forest, taunting the creatures before running off, leaving her alone. She picked herself up off the ground and looked off in the direction Keri had gone for a moment, pondering whether or not to try and folow her to help and shaking her head as she decided against it. "Ok, you go deal with ninja-monsters. I'll just..." E'nasha spoke out loud to herself, ending the thought in a sigh. Keri'd said to go left, but was that her left or E'nasha's? Picking a direction, E'nasha cautiously walked forward.

She walked for while, and after a little bit decided that she'd probably gone the wrong way. Vampire senses weren't so strong that they could smell something that far away, right? Turning around, she hurried back in the direction she came, and kept going once she'd passed the place where Keri'd left her. Continuing on, she found what Keri must have been talking about, because there were at least three people on the ground and- oh look Keri's been thrown into a tree.

Of the people on the ground, the girl closest to where she was seemed like she was dead from afar. Going over to her, E'nasha recognised her from her herbamancy classes as she checked for signs of life. This girl's name was... Summer? E'nasha didn't know she'd been holding her breath until she let it out in relief at finding a faint pulse in the girl's neck. She should be fine with some sleep, hopefully.

Looking around, E'nasha started towards the next closest person, watching the fight on the other side of the clearing carefully in case someone noticed her and decided to pull her into the chaos as well.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Colette watched her teacher sadly and knew she couldn't let the last of the nagas get killed by him. She needed to save them and him at the same time. Seeing as no one else was willing to go against him she decided she would since she knew him the ‘best’ out of all the students. She prepared her anger and got closer to Tyrael.

“Mr. Tyrael...please stop this. The nagas aren't a threat to us.” Colette said in a brave tone that didn't waver. It wasn't a shock to her anymore since this wasn't the first time she stood up against him. Her mind went back to the time Tyrael and Lucillia were pointing swords at one another in the tavern when Keri first showed up at the college and how she basically went against her two mentors not caring if she hurt them with her words. If her mother taught her anything when she was still human, it's that it's best to be honest and stand up for what you think is right instead of hiding away in the shadows. Colette winced mentally, feeling a bit guilty it took her years, centuries to figure that out on her own. Shaking her head she got her mind back on the task at hand.

“If anyone is a threat to the college it is you right now and I am not afraid to fight you if I have to!” The words hurt her when they came out of her mouth, but she had to say it to get his attention. She recalled one of his lessons. “You always taught us to fight demons if they were a threat...” she said. She pulled out her dagger and pointed it at them ough it was pretty obvious that she was shaking a little bit, from fear or trying to keep herself together no one but herself knew. Colette looked into his eyes for any sign of the Tyrael she knew of.

“You are the demon everyone is fearing right now Mr. Tyrael...please just stop and be more rational.” She said pleadingly.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 day ago

Tyrael Marcrosias

Every word was just a drop of water against Tyrael's stone wall of a conscience. One or two meant nothing to him. But to hear the flood of students who were trying to stop him, defy him even, even put Tyrael in quite a pickle. The first was Baulder. He was grievously wounded and delirious; Tyrael intended to use him as an example of students who desperately needed medical attention that all the students should quickly get for him. Tyrael was initially going to dismiss him beyond that, feeling that his current state was brought upon himself. If he could not work alongside the demons or students to protect himself, then this was his fate... At least until he tried to explain to Tyrael, who understandably looked like some different demon right now, that he was apologetic about failing Tyrael. This caught him off-guard because frankly, Tyrael was abusive of Baulder. He was the only student fool enough to actually follow Tyrael into the Inferno for "Field trips" when in truth it was just Tyrael wanting an excuse to vent his anger on a student, a symbol of frustration that his typical methods of violence were not allowed. Being his personal student or not, Tyrael had at least figured Baulder held some feelings of hatred for the demonomancy teacher, perhaps even with aspirations to surpass Tyrael just to spite him. But not this. Not... Loyalty.

As Baulder fell, Tyrael reached out and grabbed him. His body was indeed weak; despite being one of the biggest students here, Baulder's body was light and almost lifeless. Before Tyrael could speak up, Ssarak spoke. He pointed out that quite obviously that Baulder needed healing, and that the nagas could be detained instead of just brought into the college. For a moment, Tyrael considered this. Thanks to Baulder's unexpected words, the demons in Tyrael's mind were not present, gloating over Baulder's foolish devotion to the monster of a teacher. To detain the naga would prevent them from sneaking into the college, from harming anyone. But could Tyrael trust the students to actually hold to their word? Was this just a bluff to get them to safety, once more out of Tyrael's reach? He wasn't sure what to think. Once more his demons spoke words to put doubt in Ssarak's statement.

Grey stood between Tyrael and the nagas, his shield up and ready for his attack. His words, predictably, agreed with what Ssarak had said. But he also noted that he'd bring Satori to speak with them. To this Tyrael was somewhat agreeing with; Satori was a cruel mistress. She would easily be able to discern the motives of the nagas, even past their near legendary Stoicism. At the very least he was pretty damn sure that the Nagas lacked wards to stop her. Grey however showed that he was willing to fight Tyrael should he still chose to harm the naga, which did make Tyrael go into a somewhat hostile stance. He mentioned that these nagas could very well be the last of them, which is when Myrn spoke up.

While her wounds did not seem has sever as Baulder's, Myrn was struggling to stand. All things considered, Tyrael was surprised a non-mage like her survived (Though he knew very little of Myrn's sword skills). At first she begged him to listen to his students and to believe that the nagas were not a threat. He snorted at this thought, because he knew that much. Tyrael didn't worry about the naga threatening the college. He worried about them threatening Mar and Lyn. But as if she read his mind, that's also the next thing Myrn brought up. Her words held weight; at this point it's fairly well known that the Yarosmere army wiped out the nagas at Mesa Gaan. Truth be told Tyrael almost felt glad; he always feared the nagas, and that never ended after he became a Master Demonomancer and bringing Mar to the college. If anything, he felt like as long as they were alive, they could always come back to haunt her. But for once, Tyrael actually considered how mar might have felt about all of this. All the problems she had at the college could be linked back to her missing the nagas, her family. Even though they exiled her, which was essentially an execution in the Ravine of Demons, they were still her family. She had loved ones there, just as Tyrael loved her. And to hear that they may have all been killed off... While Tyrael may have not liked them as much as she did, Myrn was right. Mar wouldn't want this. No one wants to hear that their family has died.

The last one to defy Tyrael was the most unexpected. Out of all people, from the strong-willed Darius to the fiery Aramir, the one who actually dared to challenge Tyrael was none other than Colette. The demure vampire girl who treats her own demons as pets, who ever since she was saved by Lucilia was more harmless than puppy. Colette rarely caused trouble or even fell prey to her own vampiric hunger. And now here she was, weapon drawn. She was trained to fight demons. And Tyrael was the demon here.

Hearing all his students speak out against him made the demonomancer snarl. The demons in his head demanded that he set his authority. "Kill them. Start with the vampire. Release your protection from her and show her what happens to your enemies!" Tyrael raised his hand, pointing it towards Colette. But there was hesitation. "You cannot show weakness. Do not hesitate. Kill her." Tyrael then looked down at Baulder. Was this how he was going to repay his loyalty? Slaughter everyone, let him bleed out from his wounds? He looked at Ssarak. As much as he hated him, Ssarak was also Mar's friend. Lyn's friend. If he were to die, what would they think of Tyrael? Was he not suppose to protect him? Grey was one of Lucilia's most loyal soldiers. Despite lacking any magical talent whatsoever and practically the poster boy for dumb muscle (In Tyrael's eyes), he willingly fought against Heus during the demonic invasion, alone. Even Tyrael wouldn't do that without at least a retinue of demons at his back. Myrn... Tyrael sent Myrn on an arbitrary quest to get lobsters for him. That reminded him that he still needed to make those sandwiches.

"Waaaargh!" Tyrael slashed his hand through the air, violently sundering the Inferno around him, bringing everyone back to the physical realm. The shock of the plane shift was minor, all things considered, and at worse would cause some to trip or stumble. Tyrael looked at Colette with his eyeless face, yet his mouth was all that was needed to convey a sense of rage. And respect. He handed her Baulder's limp body and turned around. The demons menacing the nagas were dismissed back into the Inferno as Tyrael turned back. "We will return to the surface... But the nagas will wait in the catacombs. We shall see what their fate will be. Understood!?"

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth kept riding. She kept riding towards the college, slowing down only so she could toss her spear away and move Lyn. "Stupid, stupid! How could you let this happen! Lyn, please, hold on..." Even as the college walls came into view, Annabeth didn't let her guard down. She cut off her illusion magic and rode up to the gates, shouting at the guards to open it. "It's me! Annabeth Gulch! Open the gates, hurry!" The guards initially seemed confused, but fortunately by the time Annabeth got to the gates it was already opened. Annabeth rode Samson into the courtyard, shouting for students to get out of her way.

She needed to take Lyn somewhere safe. Annabeth didn't think she was strong enough to protect Lyn on her own. But who would she go to? The first person Annabeth thought to take Lyn was Satori, but Annabeth didn't know where she would be at right now. If she had arrived an hour earlier than Annabeth could find Satori teaching class, but right now she could be anywhere. She thought maybe she could find Tyrael since he always seems to either be at the forge or his classes, but then she remembered that he was leading a group into the catacombs. "Goddammit, of all times he of all people can't watch over Lyn!" In her panic Annabeth wracked her brain trying to think of who to take Lyn to. She had to take her to someone who would be able to protect her, the strongest person in the college.

Leaving Samson in the courtyard, Annabeth carried Lyn in her arms. Despite being a fairly large child now, Annabeth's strength and adrenaline allowed her to carry Lyn as if she was a doll. But all this energy, combined with using so much mageblood not too long ago, was putting considerable strain on Annabeth. She was only minutes away from collapsing. But a few minutes was all she needed as she reached Khan's office, beating her hand against the door to the point that she was making dents. "Khan! Khan, open up, please! I have Lyn, we need your help!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lyamis (Naga), Catacomb

"Move!" Grey shouted, his body tossed upon the shapeshifter and covered the spiky creature. He was like a thick wall of flesh, metal and cloth when the spike ejected from the mage and into his vestings with his shield sparing his face. On impact he was sent wheeling back by the force, the shield busting into his head and likely creating a large bruise where it hit, sending the pieces of bone to litter the floor. A few stuck within his armor though they didn’t hit any vital organs or were possibly as deep as they seemed.

Lyamis was about speak when another voice interrupted.

"This mission has been a disaster. Take the students back to the surface. Now."

Lyamis knew that voice, at least he believed he did from a long time ago. Though the calmness in the tone had stirred the Naga’s instincts, mainly because compared to the memories he had there was never a time where it was spoken with such calmness. It was eerie and unsettling enough that his mind seemed to associate it with danger, stirring his desire to recoil into a defensive position in front of the Matriarch. His eyes raised to view the demonomancer displaying a fearsome form of himself. A large, rumbling sound started from behind the Naga’s group causing his head to dart around and spot the behemoth wall of a demon approach with blades raised to eagerly slaughter them all. Reflexively Lyamis’ eyes narrowed and his fangs reared, letting out a warning hiss that made all the Naga tighten into a smaller group and retreat from the beast. The creature’s dragging feet started to crush the dead ridge hounds underneath while it rolled over them without so much as pause.

Lyamis had thought, when the ridge hounds had died, the fight might’ve ended. He was dead wrong it seemed. His head turned back to Karnage standing before them, his message finished out. At least, he suspected it was the fallen orc but as he studied the individual more deeply, it seemed he was mistaken. His knuckles tightened upon his spear while he shifted himself in front of the matriarch and the wounded, followed by the support of those Naga still alive and well. His tongue flickered out in irritation and fear, through he clamped down on his rising emotions when facing the threat.

Nearest Tyrael, the demonomancer known as Karnage to the Naga, the catacombs twisted and shifted creating a hellish scene none of them could ever imagine. Lyamis’ eyes glared quietly at the orc, his thoughts wondering what Marya ever saw in the monster before him. He wasn’t understanding this very threat and display was hurting his sister’s future, denying her the possibly return back to their clan and forever break what he had been striving for. Namely her return and re-instatement of her status through now, any chance was lost now.

"I will deal with the naga, and this new threat. Take the wounded and leave this place." Karnage spoke again, a warning and likely a promise of violence.

The human, or so Lyamis thought until his scent caught the scent of something similar but not the same, had fallen to his knees nearest the new arriving demon. He coughed out his reply, his reddened eyes turned up to face the towering giant in front of him.

"Demon..I do not know if you are of the masters brood or... maybe you are him. Find Tyrael, tell him.... I failed... there were so many of them.... we killed so many of them.... couldn't..... get to them. We tried Tyrael, we could not accomplish your orders. We are..... sorry for that." At the end of his sentence, Baulder started to fall only to be caught by the demon’s outstretched arm. The thick coiled muscles held the semi-human from planting face first into a ridge hound corpse, unable to continue past his terrible wounds. For a moment, the Naga felt a hint of pity for the creature. Loyalty to a brute who knew nothing but how to abuse or destroy, a fact he had failed to see in the past, and part of him wondered if this Tyrael had done anything to hurt Marya. The thought rippled anger within him through it never surfaced to his expression.

During that moment, his eye had caught the movements in his peripheral vision, his head tilted to spot Ssarak’s doppelganger vanish into the roof. It might’ve been awe inspiring under other conditions but at the moment, they were about to be killed. The student Esyire’s thoughts penetrated his, among the other Naga’s minds, with a simple warning. We have to persuade him to let you live. He is a master demonmancer and could kill us all with ease; fighting is not an option. Lower your weapons; they will not be useful anyway.

Slowly, Lyamis followed their allies’ lead. His eyes looked to the others with a harsh and demanding glare causing them to copy, the series of weapons clattered to the ground and were left untouched. This didn’t stop the nervousness movements from passing through their number as they started to cluster even tightly together, their eyes fixed on the creature that stood before them and decided their fate. Many questioned the possibility of death and at least they would die as Naga-their lives given to defend their matriarch at all costs. Ssarak was the first to pipe up against Karnage, placing himself between the threat and Naga group. ”Why do this, Tyrael? Why kill the Naga? Baulder…he needs healing. We need to get him back to the college, instead of fighting over what to do with the Naga. If you believe they are a threat, then we can detain them. Lock them away, let Khan, or the Archmage judge them. They could not stand against us if they wanted to, especially with one as powerful as you among us. There would be no danger in capturing them.”

"He's right, Tyrael." Grey added in agreement, his figure raised upright and eyepatch ripped off to reveal an odd eye. He seemed to study the fallen orc for a moment, his head shifted down and then up again. "Would you murder helpless civilians? What may very well be the last of the Naga? We will take them back, and ask Satori to talk to them, understand? And if you disagree, well..." At these words, Lyamis tensed when he saw Grey raise his shield, axe remaining lowered in defense. "You'll have to go through me first."

A wood elf, barely standing, was next to address their current aggressor with her hands barely holding her weapon. Myrn’s voice started with reason, calling him by a name other than Karnage, while also appealing to his pride in his strength. "Master Tyrael please listen to your students. The naga aren't going to be a threat to anyone at the college, not right now and surely no to you!"

The next words caused Lyamis’ head to snap to the woman when she used Mar’s name, the one strictly for outsiders to common use when addressing them. "Please, think about Mar! She wouldn't want this, would she? Everyone says the nagas were killed off, but for her it was more than that. She thought she lost her entire family. But now they're back, you can't kill her family!"

Desperate at the moment, he found her looking at them, his eyes the only ones meeting her. She looked on the verge of collapse causing the male to cut the distance between them as the wound grew, his arms reached out instinctive to steady her. Seeming too weak to acknowledge Lyamis’ touch, she then asked about his relation to the only Naga within the College. "It's true right? You're Mar's family? That's why you're here, to be with her, ask her for help, right?"

The vampire, Colette, had now walked toward him with sorrow in her expression through her voice wasn’t wavering when she tried her own hand to sooth over his inner demons. “Mr. Tyrael...please stop this. The nagas aren't a threat to us. If anyone is a threat to the college it is you right now and I am not afraid to fight you if I have to!”

“You always taught us to fight demons if they were a threat...” Visibly the words she uttered seemed to have sliced her, her lips pushing more out despite her pain. Lyamis noted the dagger when she drew it, the way her hand trembled through it seemed like she tried to keep a firm grip on it and looked him at with pleading eyes. “You are the demon everyone is fearing right now Mr. Tyrael...please just stop and be more rational.”

"Waaaargh!" Came Tyrael’s answer as Lyamis’ grip on Myrn tightened on impulse, his tail moved to coil about the two since he was too far from the matriarch to aid her. In a few brief moments the air rippled in unnatural display and the earth rumble, shaking to keep those on two legs struggling to keep upright. Thankfully for the Naga, their tails enabled them to stay up through just barely and a good thing because Lyamis was the only thing preventing Myrn from crumbling to the floor. When the rumbling stopped and everything settled, Tyrael stared at Colette with bared teeth before passed her Baulder then started to shift back down the corridor. However he made a bone chilling comment that gave Lyamis a slight foreboding for their future, his mind realizing they were being left to tend to their wounds alone."We will return to the surface... But the nagas will wait in the catacombs. We shall see what their fate will be. Understood!?"

Pulling his gaze from the teacher’s retreating back, Lyamis answered Myrn’s earlier question as he set her upright and released his grip. “Yes, Mar is my sister, we were raised together among Mesa Gaan. She has as much right to know what has happened to the Naga, her people,” he emphasized the phrase when he looked at Tyrael, his words continuing in a calm tone, “We came here because your...Tyrael was the one that said Mar would be safe here. We are the last survivors of that city and possibly, the last of our kind. I can only imagine what type of affect being the last of her kind will have on Mar.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey watched the man unfaltering, his gaze hard as he grit his teeth... His eye widened in shock when he saw him raise a hand toward his own student and the girl he was currently tasked with defending. He took a step, planning to roll over and block a possible attempt on Colette's life, but he was more than a little surprised to find that Tyrael had... listened to them. There was no attack. He simply returned them to the real world, Grey's own formidable self not so much as stumbling in the process. He sighed, looking down to his axe as this crisis was at least resolved... Though he did not let his guard down, not fully.

"Understood, Sir. I shall keep an eye on them" He said, nodding before looking around. "Though I'm not sure it's over yet. There's still the matter of your impostor, and it seems to want me very, very dead." He said, looking back to Ssarak. "Ssarak, did you see where it ran off to?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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The masked assassin didn't even try to block the sword strike against his leg, merely lashing out with his daggers as she lashed out with her own sword. Her sword tore through the cloth on his leg only to bounce back at her with a clang, as if it had just hit steel, while his two daggers left shallow red furrows down her shoulder. Before he could do much more, she was yanked away by the Cosh. A crossbow bolt slammed into Mackendrick's chest, to much the same effect. His clothing was torn, but not much more damage than that. The piece of cloth the crossbow bolt had taken with it falling to the ground with it.

He looked at the man who had fired at him. "That, was ill-advised."


He sighed as the woman refused to run away. "All I wanted to do was kill the vampire." Then he bulled forward as she began to do more of her magic. He wasn't about to give her another chance.


"Fuck me." Althalus cursed as not only did Keri suddenly get yanked away and thrown into a tree, he was also left alone to fight the man who had just dismissively looked at a crossbow bolt to the chest. Just what I always wanted to do! Die horribly so that the Cosh can eat on my corpse later! Althalus drew his own knives, cautiously waiting for the man to begin his attack. It didn't take long. Mackendrick rushed him like a man who didn't fear pain or death. Which, Althalus supposed, he didn't. His first attack came from the side, and when Althalus raised his own blades to meet it, his blades shattered and he was sent flying backwards by the hit.

]"Gods above!" He spat, rolling across the ground and to his feet. He was certain there were some shards of dagger in his body, but he had more important problems. Like how Mackendrick was still coming after him. At least Lyn is gone! He thought with a slightly desperate grin as the daggers whistled through the air again.

Grey's Axe

If you need me, just hit whoever you need injured with me. I'll gain an advantage and kill them! Simple!

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lyn, College

Lyn bounced and bobbed, every part of heavy from the blood sickness spreading through her body. She was lucky at least. The case was mild and treatable, something she would live past to see another day. Through it likely frightened Annabeth than the girl at the moment as she tried to weakly hang onto the older student’s waist, her arms feeling more numb and on the verge of breaking then she would’ve liked. Her ears caught the dull thumps when Annabeth discarded the spear letting it crumble to the ground and felt Annabeth’s arm reach behind to steady her, pulling the thin girl toward the horse’s front where she was barred in by those same arms reining in the horse.

Samson just rode on rapidly, ignorant, the animal’s hooves kicking up dirt plops in his wake toward the college. His nostrils flared from the relentless pace and his breath became laboured with the endless activity that his flank started to become coated in sticky sweat. Still, his heart and legs were strong and he rode on with a heart of champion against the ach rising in his wearisome muscles. His board body easily navigating the wood until the collage castle came into view.

Lyn, weak and tired, was helpless as she leaned against Annabeth who was mumbled about her stupidity. "Stupid, stupid! How could you let this happen! Lyn, please, hold on..."

The guards didn’t notice them at first, their eyes stared ahead when Samson immediately popped into view several meters from the gates. His ruthless dash slowed to a lighter gallop in order to ease the stress but kept moving them along toward their goal, making it impossible to be caught. Annabeth’s loud roar nearly made Lyn jump in her seat when the brunette addressed the guards. "It's me! Annabeth Gulch! Open the gates, hurry!"

By the time they reached the gate, their welcoming and huge doors were wide open allowing them through. Still drowsy and weak, Lyn barely registered the rest of the scene as Annabeth scattered the students within the courtyard and push to the main castle.

"Goddammit, of all times he of all people can't watch over Lyn!" Annabeth curse, the first time the girl actually ever heard from the woman, causing her to frown then tilt her head to look at the dark haired woman with a surprised expression. The woman hadn’t seemed to notice while she pulled Samson to halt and hopped down. She raised her hands to catch Lyn who gingerly followed with outstretched hands. Unable to walk, Annabeth cradled the child in her feminine arms into the main part of the college. Navigating the winding corridors and pathways, she didn’t realize exactly where they were heading until they reached their destination. Propped Lyn up into one hand, Annabeth hastily pounded the door in her panic and shouting like a mad woman. "Khan! Khan, open up, please! I have Lyn, we need your help!"

Khan, College in his Office

Khan had been doing paperwork, his figure hunched over his desk and hand writing his signature to several forms Lucilia had delivered to him. His dual colored eyes looking over each detail with care and focus that the pounding on the made him jump with a start. Immediately, his braided head jerked back to the source as it seemed to get louder and louder with the length of time. The headmaster’s arm reached from his desk to his side then hauled himself up quickly, his feet moving to the door in a matter of second and jerked it open. On the other side was Annabeth holding a very weakened Lyn who was cradled in her arms.

Eyes widened quickly at the unexpected sight, his mind summoned Rathel in an instant as vines sprouted from around the pair and supported the teenage youth in their gentle embrace before pulling her into a nearby cot, made of the very same vines. Slowly, the plant like demon appeared from the Inferno and started to check over the child carefully. His mouth tendrils flickered in relief when he turned to the demonomancer with the positive news. “She’ll be alright, merely a mild case of blood sickness is all.”

Manipulating the vines, Rathel pulled the herb kit from Annabeth’s waist and pulled out two arcanite salves and a cup of tea which he then poured in quickly. The herbs dissolved as he then pressed the liquid to the teenager’s lips with his clawed hands, letting Lyn take small sips that quickly eased her symptoms. “Drink, little. There you go. That should help”

His eyes shifted to Khan, noting the small wooden carving held in Lyn’s hand, one depicting a rabbit. Both were wondering the same thing as the headmaster carefully took Annabeth’s arm and pulled her, supporting her weight for when she collapsed (a fact that seemed to have happened any moment) with his cane arm. Not the wisest option because the weight would’ve made him grit his teeth in pain as it strained his leg. Determined not to let the pain slow him down, he started to lower her into the nearest chair when he asked the question on his mind. “What happened, why is Lyn so weak? Where’s the others and what’s happened?”

It was clear he wasn’t informed about Mar’s condition in the medical wing or anything else that had happened within the College grounds. However, before Annabeth could utter a word… Ssarak’s doppelganger arrived. Standing in the middle of the room, his wings tucked in and immaterial body strolled toward the Eysire quickly. His words were ethereal sounding and echoed in all their heads with each ‘breath’ it spoke. He delivered the message about the students’ condition in the catacombs Naga survivors they discovered, and the dangers. Namely from a mysterious source and the most surprising one of all, Tyrael.

Khan’s fingers gripped his cane tightly making his knuckles pure, unmistakable white in their grasp. His figure grew very, very still as if the life was drained out of his image and evaporated into the scene. There was a cold chill in the air when Zaad emerged, his sand like appearance suddenly coming from the very wood works itself and collected in the center. His red eyes looked at the Demonomancer with his four, red eyes cautiously for even he knew the rage pulsing under the surface. Even now, he was partly expecting the headmaster’s arm to crush the very cane within his grasp while it creaked slightly against the pressure. It was all adrenaline from his emotions but they still were dangerous never the least.

“We have some bimbo pill messing around in the Nox around the college. Never seen anything like him. It’s taking all my wits just to keep a hold of the weasel but he keeps slipping out of my grasp. When I get ahold of the slimball, I’m going to beat him off good.” Zaad snarled quietly, his head studying the headmaster who said nothing out loud but relayed orders within his head. He smirked then added. “Ab-so-lute-ly, Boss. I’ll keep at it. Ducky with Tyrael and hope it ends well…well, maybe not.”

With those words he vanished. Khan looked toward Rathel, then made an order that surprisingly was made in a sharp, cold tone. “Stay here, Rathel. Keep both Lyn and Annabeth within this. Anyone tries to get in, student or otherwise, seal the doors. They get past them… you know what to do.”

Rathel nodded solemnly, his vines creating another smaller batch of tea then passed it to Annabeth. “Drink that and be still.”

His tendrils flickered in worry, his hairs feeling toward where Khan’s heat faded, his figure waltzing out the door and closed them behind him with a loud, echoing thump. It made the demon flinch at the force used in the action as he then added. “Tyrael, you fool. He held nothing but respect and trust for you...and now, you’ve broken that. What have you done?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose - Catacombs


Towards Grey, Ssarak shook his head. "Not specifically, unfortunately. I tried to stop it, but that shapeshifter could transform far faster than even Lidda. It would have to be beyond the skill of even a master to accomplish such a feat. With the presence of that...demon blocking that path, the rodent it transformed into would had to have scurried past Tyrael. It would have to be down that pathway, but with the range of forms it seems to be able to take on, it would be difficult to catch even if we could find it. But, you are correct that it had an extreme fixation on you. I could read into its mind during the fight, and I could tell that it was almost obsessed with you, as if you had history with it."

Ssarak was keeping his blade at the ready, though at this point, it was more just to be ready for any unexpected threats than to defend against Tyrael. "Regardless, I would suggest we wait near the entrance of the catacombs. I expect that Khan will be here shortly. We can inform him that the fighting has ended, and ask him about the Naga. I can remain to help stand guard, in the event the shapeshifter arrives again."

Meanwhile, Ssarak continued to attempt to give the Naga reassurance with telepathic messages. "I would not be afraid of Khan. Unlike Tyrael, he is not a fallen demonmancer, and as our headmaster, is far more rational. I do not expect you will be detained. Actually, I would expect him to give you aid, once the situation with Tyrael has been concluded. As long as you abide by the rules of the college, of course. We need only keep Tyrael from becoming violent until he arrives."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

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☆ Helena ☆
Lyn's Hunt

It took a long moment for her to feel the teeth in her arm. She had been elated that she'd managed to have found the cosh in the first place. She had hoped that she would, she thought that she could, but it was still a surprise that she had actually managed to do it. Even if she'd missed where she thought she might, she had sunk the knife into flesh.

So when the jaws closed around her arm, and she realized it, she yelped loudly. Her first reaction was to pull her arm back, but as she did she felt her flesh starting to tear. Hot blood started to run down her arm and she felt a hint of panic start to rise up in her chest. This was not going well at all. She had lost the tight grip she'd had on the handle of the knife when she'd finally felt the pain, so now she took it back, even as the cosh’s jaws clamped down more. Teeth went into muscle more as the seconds ticked by. If she didn't do something soon, she likely wouldn't be able to do anything.

The cosh was starting to push her back, push her over to the ground, but she wouldn't be pushed down so easily. She shoved back as best she could, but the forest floor was not the best for getting a grip with her boots and she struggled to find purchase for a moment, but that seemed to be all the beast needed and Helena felt herself beginning to lose her footing as the cosh began to clamp down more and shake her head. Through gritted teeth and another yelp of pain she twisted the blade that she had finally gotten a better grip on, hoping and praying that that would be enough to free her arm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf Lyn's Hunt

The vampire thought it would work. The original plan was so simple, use the Cosh to attack the assassin. Yet the masked man didn't seem to be worried. He didn't move to block or move. The man had just moved to attack. Keri heard the tearing of clothes, followed by a clang making the weapon bouncing back, which was when she had rolled. The knives had scratched her enough to leave a shallow red furrows on her shoulder in her escape.

At the end of the roll was when the Cosh reappeared. The girl was about to react just before the bugger grasped her boot with its mouth. This made Keri unable to move away as he jerked his head. She was propelled into a tree a few feet away. Nothing seemed break as the girl slammed horizontally into the tree. She tried scrambled to her feet only to let out a pained cry. There was something wrong. The pain of movement was lingering stabs as she moved unlike the experience with the broken bones.

Keri gritted her teeth as she forced herself up. If anyone was paying attention they could clearly see tears forming in her eyes. The girl leaned onto the tree for support as she cursed. She noticed it was the bigger one from before. The vampire held a breath, hopping to help muffled the scream, as she ran towards the Cosh's left side. The slash was towards the head as Keri positioned herself sideways for an easier block afterwards. If the Cosh didn't attack or block the girl during the attack then there would be another wound to piss it off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith Calder Lyn's Hunt

Leith's stomach churned at the sound the Naga's head made when his sword punched through it. It was not a pleasant sound in the least, but it succeeded in killing the Naga. As he shrunk his sword back to the trinket, he heard two more thumps. Then an arrow went whizzing by his face. He hardly noticed the arrow nearly hit him. He was in a stupor. A lot had happened and he was trying to process it all. After a few moments, he felt the tail of the Naga being loosened. He was then helped to the ground. The person talked to him, but Leith didn't hear what they said. He sat there as the person left.

Leith sat there unmoving until he heard footsteps. He looked up and saw another student making her way towards Summer. He stared at Summer for a few moments before it clicked. Leith gasped loudly as his thoughts came back to him. He looked around and noticed that he was sitting on the ground. It smelled of blood and waste and again his stomach churned and threatened to show him his last meal. He moved to try and get away from the dead Naga, but a flare of pain in his leg made him stop. Leith tore his tattered left pant leg off and examined his leg. There was nothing sticking out of his leg but it was definitely broken. The bruising let him know that.

He looked back at Summer and saw the other student checking if the girl was alive, and the small sigh of relief and the lack of horror, told Leith that Summer was still alive. As the other student made her way towards him, Leith smiled weakly. ”Hey. Could you help me-" A chill went up Leith's spine as he remembered that the Herbamancer had only retreated a short distance when the Naga attacked. Leith looked towards the man who had fallen back and watched the fight with Naga. Leith frowned. Is there anything that can be done that could give me an advantage against the Herbamancer? Leith asked the ring mentally before looking at the girl that he was talking to. ”Keep an eye on the man over there. It would be safe to assume that he is a highly skilled Herbamancer."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

His hand slick with blood and the stench of it clustered Sinys's nose thickly. A portion of his world went dark where no rich scents perturbed him deeply. Such things had happened before, but not with this much blood. Not yet at least, his stomach churned inside of him violently threatening to make him hurl. Steeling himself against giving an oppertunity, all the while the thought pestered him that he had finally killed a living thinking thing.

This passed after a moment and then he assessed the situation through the area he understood. In the time passing a girl had been thrown, and from the sound of it she smacked the three pretty hard. He counted her out for the time being and focus on the other that he figured he could help. A sounding thump made Sinys assume that she had been thrown on her back or pushed down. His mind put regrouping as a priority and bound to Helena that he had not met yet.

Upon getting there his right foot had slid to the same distance of her head vertically, though the two were not very close. The angle of the Cosh's tail was the first indicator of direction since Sinys became familiar with the basic appearance of the cosh. As his left hand grew close enough he yanked on the said tail before his foot was fully extended to slow himself down. The resulting force should give a large amount of shock to the beast. Hopefully even giving him the strength to throw it away in a slinging motion.

However if nothing really happened the head of the mammal and rest of its body was within his field and every bit of his focus would be placed on the image he was receiving. Not for defending but countering, he would take the arrow that he still carried and shoved it into the neck of the beast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Meirin Kurenai

Meirin didn't need to see the knight charge at her; he was as subtle a falling shelf full of glass bottles. But Meirin wasn't finished with her spell yet. She needed just a few more seconds, seconds that if she didn't time right, would only result in a bigger, heavier man stomping all over her. Which is why she actually went just a bit slower instead of speeding up. She knew that there were still movements with her weaving that she needed to complete, and she wouldn't finish them in time before the knight would run into her. So she needed to time it just right.

Right as the man would be within arm's reach, Meirin used her staff to propel herself into the air. This was actually part of the movement, albeit she made herself jump higher than usual. That exact moment called for a front flip, so Meirin bide her time until she could use said flip to avoid the knight's charge. She continued to put distance between herself and the knight as she was almost finished with her spell now. "This is your final chance to surrender! Leave and never come back, and we'll trouble you no more."

Myrn Vaan'Atisha

Glad that Tyrael wasn't going to kill them all Myrn was hoping to chat with the naga. As inappropriate as it may seem right now she was very interested in the naga culture. It wasn't often that you'd see nagas out on the surface. Myrn never really got close to Mar simply because Mar didn't seem the type who'd appreciate a stranger's company, and Myrn respects her distance. Hopefully her family were more welcoming. She had so many questions she'd like to ask the naga, and with any luck she can use this information to have a conversation with Mar. Myrn especially wanted to know if the naga had any songs, poems, or even dances. Unfortunately before Myrn could start talking she collapsed into Lyamis and began to bleed out. "Medic."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lyamis (Naga), Catacomb

Lyamis heard Ssarak and Grey talk, relaying their information, both making it clear they would remain behind with the Naga. A fact he had mixed feelings about. His pride stirred and tried to deny they didn’t need the aid when in reality he knew better. Their numbers had already dwindle past safe levels and another attack was impossible to withstand against. Instead of hiss or stiffen, as was the normal, he merely casted away the thought then focused on his allies. Thinking Myrn could stand, he had completely released until her body gave out and leaned against him.

Impulsively his tail jerked up and was the first to slow her fall, preventing her body from slamming down on him or the floor. His hands clasped around her and gently lowered her into his coils. Wet, warm liquid started to ooze across his darker scales as she spoke one word. "Medic."

The male Naga noticed the medic kit at her waist and reached for it, his fingers delicately unbuckling the leather then removing it. Feeling her wounds still bleeding, he grabbed a large wad of cloth then stuffed it into her side in order to stifle the bleeding. Unfamiliar with the kit, his tongue flickered out and scented the dried components. He knew one, a desert flower used to increase blood clotting, as he gripped the single sack then started to gently grind it into her wound. The woman would likely flinch in pain which swelled in her body causing her stir briefly and slouch back down.

Ssarak’s words penetrated into his mind in an attempt to soothe and pacify him. "I would not be afraid of Khan. Unlike Tyrael, he is not a fallen demonmancer, and as our headmaster, is far more rational. I do not expect you will be detained. Actually, I would expect him to give you aid, once the situation with Tyrael has been concluded. As long as you abide by the rules of the college, of course. We need only keep Tyrael from becoming violent until he arrives."

Lyamis’ simple reply wasn’t a kind one. ’We shall see… currently, I’ve had enough demons and demonomancers.’

Grey, the guardsman, had lowered his weapons into a slightly more relaxed posture. However it was clear he would start up again if the man felt his efforts to calm the monster ahead weren’t as effective as they all suspected. "Understood, Sir. I shall keep an eye on them" A simple reply to the order, and it seemed he would follow through with it. The brutish man’s attitude turned upon the earlier mention of the shapeshifter and curious where it had gone. Lyamis wasn’t, despite it attacking it his people and nearly killing them all. At the present he was far more interested in keeping the very wood elf at his tail from bleeding to death. Survival, however, was another matter altogether.

“The wood elf is bleeding, and her wounds need sealed, and packed. Then she needs to rest, through not sure if she will live past today.” He stated calmly with his hands trying to stop the bleeding.

Cosh, Lyn’s hunt

Helena & Sinys

The woman yelped, her voice escaped and filled the female with excitement. Her teeth crunched down harder and threatened to break bone. It seemed like the Cosh was winning, her weight overwhelming and pushing the plump woman downward. Her paw like hands pushed up then scratched on the woman’s tunic. Loud shredding sounds came when her nails ripping into the tunic until Helena twisted the blade, pushing it deeper. There was muffled whine at the pain flooding through the Cosh causing her to still completely.

A fresh, thicker stream of blood flooded from her throat. Helena was unknowingly slicing the Cosh’s throat open. Survival instinct jumped in causing the feline like monster causing her to growl as she tightened her hold briefly, then released. Her tongue stained with red while her eyes glowed in anger. Her body abruptly leaned back on her hind legs, bring her slightly upright with a hunched posture until she just a few inches shy of Helena’s height.

However, the Cosh hadn’t counted on her tail being tugged. When Sinys tugged it, her left hind paw jerked about to snap at him while her left hand like paw swing at Helena’s head from the left side. If it hit, she would’ve been tossed to the ground with a pounding headache and slight dae, through no serious head trauma or damage. Meanwhile Sinys would’ve felt the sharp, harsh breath of the beast’s teeth nearly clamping down on the base of his neck with her angle. Her legs were already adjusting to prevent her fall through when she either hit or missed Helena, it forced her back upon all four with her attention intending on ripping the wood elf to pieces.


The Alpha stood there and waited. His pads dug into the ground as he growled low and threateningly. His eyes narrowed on her weak form rising to her feet, his nose smelling nothing but the cherry blossom scent still lingering on her person. Immediately she dove for his side causing the Cosh to snarl in challenge. Her blade went for his head as he hopped just out of reach, pulling back and to the right putting a little distance from Keri. She had sidestepped where he was originally positioned, his black lips curled into a greedy smile. He didn’t waste much time in cutting down the distance when he coiled down his hunches and pushed forward. His feet left the ground as he made to leap upon her with his hand like paws outward and claws glistening in the reddish light.
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