Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Axle wandered through the hallway around cafeteria. It was early morning, so the place was almost deserted, with only a few nocturnal people littering the quiet halls. Everyone else was either asleep or in their dorms, preparing for the day ahead.
He had earphones in his ears, and was listening to music. It was something he had discovered only recently, and one of the few things he genuinely loved. He felt the sounds move through him like a wave, washing him in a feeling of familiarity and interest.
He was heading outside to go for a run, he liked to exercise just before the dawn, it meant he could get to a good spot to watch the sunrise alone. It was the best part of his day.
He stopped short of the door and looked around. Something felt slightly different than usual, but he wasn't sure exactly what...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by carla6677
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carla6677 The fandom queen forever

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Violet was up really early and was sat in the cafeteria, reading a book. She was hoping that no one else was up at this time as she liked getting peace and quiet as she read. She heard someone near the cafeteria but she ignored them, hoping they wouldn't come their way. She kept flicking through her book. She liked early morning as she loved sunrise. Her tail swished behind her as she quietly read through a romance book. Her violet eyes were moving quickly through the book and she turned the page quite often so she looked like she was skimming the book when she was reading properly.

Lola woke up in her dorm, in her yellow nightdress. She got changed before walking through the corridors to go for her early morning run around the grounds a few times. She had a stopwatch to test her time and she tried to beat her personal best. She saw someone else near the door. "Hello" Lola smiled towards him, her hair bouncing in its normal ponytail. "I am just going for my run as I always do in the morning as I always have too much energy when I wake up, what are you doing up" She smiled, bouncing on the balls of her feet, ready to run to get rid of all of her extra energy.

Charlotte was already outside, flying around in the sky. She was smiling as her eyes glistened. She loved the morning breeze as it was great to fly on. She was singing as she flew. It was a song from her childhood. She stared down at the school for any signs of life this early in the morning. It was really early and most people weren't up yet because of the time. She was usually up early because she loved the sunrise and just to be away from everyone else and so she could relax on her own. She knew a few other people got up early like Lola for her run and Axle and the book girl who always puts her hand up in class. She wondered if they were up early for the same reason as she was, to be alone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Axle watched as a blonde girl walked towards him and greeted him. He tried to remember her name, he knew he recognised her from somewhere.
"I like exercising when it's crisp and there's no one around." He said simply, opening the door, then gesturing for her to go first. It was a social convention to hold a door for other people, though he never did understand why. It seemed impractical to him to open a door and then let other people go before you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by carla6677
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carla6677 The fandom queen forever

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

(I have nothing to post for Violet or Charlotte)
Lola skipped through the door. "I have too much energy so I run early in the morning, Your name is Axle right, I am Lola, I do a lot of sport" She smiled. Her brown eyes glistened slightly. Her smile was bright and her voice was loud. Her hair was bright blonde as it bounced around. "Well I think your name is Axle, that is what I heard, am I right, If not then what is your name, I already said mine" She giggled, still bouncing, her extra energy is super obvious because she never stopped bouncing and she didn't get tired of it as she beamed towards Axle, waiting to run.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Axle stopped himself from sighing. This girl was far too energetic for his liking.

"Yes, my name is Axle. Nice to meet you." He smiled at her as he walked through the door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I prefer to run alone." He said turning towards the woods just to the east of the school. He preferred to be alone, especially in the mornings, so the energetic girl beside him was doing nothing to improve his morning grumpiness. He was trying his best to hide his irritation, but he knew if he stayed with her for too long, he'd end up saying something hurtful or offensive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Greg kept his laughter to a dull snicker as he dangled a fake spider on a string towards a female student. He was hidden in a tree while she sat under the tree reading. The spider gently landed on her shoulder she turned her head towards it and screamed before running off. Greg laughed as he floated down from the tree.

“OK, I’ll agree, what was kind of funny,” Severus said as he slithered down the tree.

“What do you think Charlie? Wasn’t that funny?” Greg asked. Charlie shrugged as he sat on a tree branch and yawned.

“You’re right, we should up our game,” Greg said as he looked for his next victim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Axle, having not received a response from Lola, turned and started jogging toward the tree line. Once he got there he broke into a run, heading straight for his favourite spot. He was running late because of that interaction, he just hoped that he could still get there before sunrise.
As he approached, he could almost taste the dawn, and so he put on a burst speed, stopping just before he arrived at the edge of a cliff. He slowly moved toward the edge and sat down, his legs dangling high above a rocky river. This was a remote spot, no one ever seemed to come here, it was always quiet... Peaceful. But he didn't come here during the day time, for fear of someone seeing him and following him.
As he sat, the sun slowly peeked over the horizon, rising up and bathing the picturesque scene before him in orange-golden light. He watched as the light played off the morning dew, inhaling the scent of nature and listening to the calls of newly roused birds and the buzzing of insects starting their daily routines.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Conner had his ears plugged up with some loud music as he entered the school building. He tough looking gijinka decided it would be best if he was to go to his locker first then head towards the cafeteria. once he was there, Conner had grabbed some text books from his locker, placing them in his back. Finally, he went to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast, everyone avoided as he did. Well, there where alot of people at the school spreading rumors that he send a student to hospital. This was suppose to be "close to death." Although Conner was hot headed, he knew how to control his anger and not pummel a guy. However, he really didn't care..although it was starting to get slightly annoying to him.

The shy girl tried her best to avoid people that was wondering the hall. She wanted to do private school,but her parents wouldn't let her. Aurelia inched slowly out the corner of the hallway and scrambled towards the cafeteria. Oh no..those group of guys who always harassed her was in there. She had to dodge them, maybe coming in another way?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by carla6677
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carla6677 The fandom queen forever

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As people came into the cafeteria, Violet looked up from her book and saw the others. She stood up and looked to the ground, holding her book to her chest. She was very shy and she didn't like talking. She hated when people approached her. She walked past a few people she didn't know and they stared at her (these are just random students) before she ran out into the corridor, staring at the ground, running outside to her special place, a small crystal clear lake which she loved to read by. It was surrounded by trees so no one usually came there and she started reading there.

Lola starting running around the school when the sun was rising. She was quite fast and bouncy as she kept running and timing herself and she was getting faster at each lap. She saw the sun rising as she ran but she didn't stay in one place. She saw Charlotte flying in the sky as she always did and she giggled. She kept running. Charlotte and Lola were good friends as they were both sporty people but Charlotte had a worse temper than Lola and was more of a daydreamer while Lola was more down to earth and very talkative to everyone. She waved up to Charlotte before she continued running.

Charlotte was flying around some more, in a daydream before seeing Lola waving to her and waved back down. She had seen Axle earlier as well as Violet but they disappeared. She had also seen Greg, Charlie and Severus (love the name @Rex) play a trick on people and she kept flying around and around as fast as possible. She was smiling as she flow as she loved the sky and found it amazing that the sunrise could be so peaceful and she had an even better view from the sky as she smiled as brightly as the morning sun as her green eyes gleamed in the light of the sun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once the sun had risen around half way Axle decided he had better head back. He stood up, moved away from the cliff edge and then started jogging back the way he had came, through the woods and toward the school. He thought about how much time he had. He still needed to get back, shower and have breakfast before the mornings classes started, so he made sure he was running at a quick pace. He didn't want to be late for anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago


Miles walked into the cafeteria, as some girl ran out, with a smile on his face. He looked around at the other students walking around mingling and getting breakfast. Morning was his favorite time of day, other than having to see the dull lives of all the boring kids that got to his school, he liked the food that came in the morning and how good he looked so early in the day. To Miles there was just something about the beauty of the morning. He sat down with his food and started to eat slowly as he checked his phone.

Tommy & Shawn

Tommy walked down a path with his best friend Shawn at his side. As usual he got annoyed because some girls were snickering about his height. He he had a bit of a complex when it came to his height and he hated it when people looked at him funny or called him out on it.

"Ugh! Shawn why do people have to be stupid? Why can't everyone be short like me then the world would spin round all nice and perfect". He said with a sigh.

Shawn was one of his only friends simply because he did not judge and even if he did, Shawn did not talk enough to share his thoughts.

Shawn felt the same about Tommy. His loud mouth and aggressive nature attracted Shawn like a moth to a flame. He loves being around Tommy and getting in the fights and trouble that they did. As they walked they saw the infamous three: Charlie, Greg, Severus pulling some prank on a girl. Tommy despised the three, simply because of how they treated others and the mischief they caused.

When Shawn saw them he knew that this quiet morning was about to get more livelier. Tommy got red in the face when he saw the fake spider and the girl.

"Hey!! Watch doin Greg!? Messing with some innocent girl."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Axle arrived back at the dorms in record time. He jogged through the halls, up the stairs and arrived in his room. He pulled out some clothes from his wardrobe, ready to change into, then went into the bathroom to shower.

Once he was showered and dressed he headed back downstairs and into the cafeteria. As he looked around he shrugged. It was relatively quiet but that was okay. He preferred it quiet. He got his food and sat down at an empty table before taking out the book he had been reading the night before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by carla6677
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carla6677 The fandom queen forever

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Violet was already ready so kept reading. Tears rolled down her cheeks, glistening in her violet eyes. She hated the people who would point and laugh. She stood up and wiped away her tears roughly before going to get breakfast. She sat at her usual table. She got out her book and read, ignoring her food as she kept reading. She stayed quiet as she read. She was reading quickly and she already was near the end so she was on the last chapter as her eyes moved quickly over the pages as she turned the pages every minute or so, it made it look like she was just skimming the book when she was reading intensely.

Lola ran back to her dorm and quickly showered before putting on similar clothes. She went to the cafeteria and sat at a table with loads of people there as she started chatting and laughing around with them like she would usually do. She was smiling and bouncy just like usual, her eyes darting around as she kept on talking constantly. She was a bit of a chatterbox and you could tell that as well as that she had way too much energy still. She fiddled with her hair and her hands while still talking and smiling and she was someone who would never get tired because of the amount of energy she has.

Charlotte went back to her dorm and sorted herself out quickly before slowly walking towards the cafeteria. She sat at a table with a few people but not many as she talked to them quietly but she often stopped paying attention because she zoned out quite quickly and often enough she will not be paying attention to her friends as much as she should and didn't listen to half of what they were saying too often and her friends usually tried to get her attention but that was hard enough because she was too easily distracted by other things or by her own daydreams.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bec
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vee woke up slowly before checking the time. They jumped out of bed, if they didn't go fast, they where gonna be late! They knew they shouldn't have stayed up so late last night. They quickly threw some clothes on before grabbing their things and got going. Jogging to the cafeteria, they waved at the people they passed. Once they got there they took there they took there place at the back at the line for food. As they waited they made idle chatter with the other waiting students. Vee was exited for a new day to begin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Axle looked up and glanced around the room again. More people were arriving. He put a bookmark on the page he was reading. He put the book in his backpack and focused on eating so he could get out of there quicker. He had never been overly social, and didn't want to stick around with so many people...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alpha the Typhlosion
Alpha was still deep in sleep, when was time to wake and go to school. Alarm goes off probably for the millionth time, but Alpha only punched it with his fist so that it slowed down "Oh thank you..." he muttered to himself rolling over. A moment went and he was in a deep sleep again.
10 minutes later the alarm goes off again. Opening his eyes ALpha looked at the alarm "come on..." he muttered angrily, punching the alarm to stop. Sighing he got up and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Rowan the Raichu
Rowan came from the shower and walked to his closet to get some clothes. Thinking for a moment he taked his most usual shirt and dressed it. After brushing his hair he walkeou to his room and make his way toward the cafeteria. Looking aroung he saw some others there as well. but didn't really care about them. He just taked some bread and coffee, then sit down to a empty seat which he was founded.
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