Full NameCasper Phelix Fawn
Nickname'Caspy' or 'Cas'
Casper has had the nicknames for as long as he can remember, and he doesn't object to the use of them. Rather - he encourages it, for he has always taken a liking to the soft-sounding nature of the nicknames, feeling it makes him sound a more approachable, and generally friendly individual.
Birth DateJanuary 24th 1998
Relationship StatusSingle
Sexually ActiveYes
Team ColorTeam Blue
Team RoleTeam Member
Years At CampFour Years
In Depth AppearanceCasper stands relatively short, for a man at least, at 5'8. His less-than-average height is matched by his lithe body, for while he is certainly toned, he does not have particularly bulky muscles or anything that would indicate a dedication to physical activity and exercise. His skin is entirely youthful, looking soft to the touch and most of all, making him appear less than 18. He insists, however, that he is simply a 'late-springer' and will eventually look as manly as the best of them. Adding to his youthful appearance is the pale tone of his skin, with any attempt at getting a tan being met by strong sunburn.
His face lacks masculinity, again contributing to his 'baby boy' look, and is something he is often teased over. Perhaps the most memorable feature of his face is his dark brown eyes, which sparkle with warmth and create a generally friendly demeanor surrounding him. No matter how hard he tried, or how long he stared, it would be near-impossible for him to appear imposing or threatening in any way, a direct result of his baby-ish features, and naturally welcoming eyes.
Knitted jumpers, tucked-in shirts, corduroy trousers and slim-fit jeans are the norm for Casper, who rarely deviates from his fashion style. He is a particularly vain dresser, and has a great enthusiasm for planning outfits for his week. As such, every piece of clothing is valuable, with something as mundane as a dirt-stain on his trousers likely to become the most stressful event of his day.
His hair is a dark shade of blonde, bordering on brown. It is often roughly styled.

Habits & Quirks♦ Always tucks in his shirts and tops.
♦ Prefers to eat with cutlery where possible (When forced to eat with his hands, he must have a handkerchief in order to clean his fingers after every mouthful)
♦ Tends to avoid eye-contact during confrontations, or when being scolded.
♦ He is a surprisingly competent dancer.
♦ Casper carries hand-sanitizer with him at all times and applies it generously whenever he touches something he deems to be 'dirty'.
Likes & Dislikes♦ Dressing to impress
♦ Appeasing others
♦ Baking
♦ Warm weather
♦ Parties
♦ Remaining positive and upbeat
♦ Making friends & maintaining friendships
♦ Cheesy romance
♦ Arguments
♦ Impulsivity (though, at the same time, he dislikes his indecisive nature)
♦ Heated rivalries
♦ Intense exercise
♦ Violence
♦ Being mocked over his youthful appearance
♦ Shouting
♦ Letting people down
Fears & Phobias♦ Insects.
While he can tolerate the occasional ant, anything beyond that will fill Casper with dread. While most may be able to sleep without a worry if, for example, a moth or fly was in their room, Casper would rather sleep on the floor in the hallway. The thought of insects crawling over him in his sleep is quite literally the stuff of his nightmares. When outdoors, Casper will commonly be found scanning the ground and himself in equal measure, reassuring himself that no creepy crawlies have managed to climb onto him.
♦ Getting into a fight.
Casper has never been in one, and never wants to be. He doesn't believe he would fare particularly well, frankly. Rather, civil discussion is his chosen method of conflict resolution.
Good Personality Traits♦ Caring
♦ Gentle
♦ Gregarious
♦ Patient
♦ Soft-hearted
Bad Personality Traits♦ Pushover
♦ Cowardly
♦ Pessimistic
♦ Indecisive
♦ Passive
PersonalityCasper is an appeaser, first and foremost. A man of words, and compromise. He loathes getting into confrontations with others, no matter their view, and has a deeply-rooted desire to please everybody. Naturally, this has led to him becoming a rather large pushover and he rarely voices his own opinions with any great vigor or determination, being scared to incite further argument and discontent. Despite this, Casper is intrinsically 'good' and knows right from wrong, or at least he likes to think so, and this only further inspires his desire to please everybody around him.
When not trying to mediate a conflict or resolve some sort of drama, Casper is an amiable and cordial figure. Making friends is perhaps one of his favourite 'past-times', if it could be called that. Yet this resolve to make friends and see the best in those around him is also one of his most glaring flaws. Casper is very slow to realise the 'true' personality of those around him, and takes almost everything at face value. Yet even when he has been slighted, he is quick to forgive and forget, in the hopes that further grievances can be avoided. Ultimately, this makes him perhaps one of the most vulnerable and easily-manipulated figures at Camp Liberty, with his kindness and foolhardy wish to get along with everybody leaving him blind to those who would use him.
To those Casper would consider to be his 'enemies', he adopts a passive stance. Whether a result of his cowardly nature and inclination to avoid confrontations, or simply a lack of willpower, he will never go out of his way to cause physical trouble. Certainly, this has been interpreted some as evidence of his nature as a pushover, though Casper maintains that he simply tries to remain above such childish behaviour. Quite the contrary, however, Casper will hold a grudge similar to that of a four-year old against those he dislikes. Indeed, friends of Casper will know who these individuals are, as he will not refrain from gossiping about them behind their back. When push comes to shove, though, Casper will always back down in the face of a physical fight.
After his rather tremendous failure as a Team Leader, Casper has become increasingly pessimistic and reserved, keeping to himself where possible. Likely a combination of embarassment, a feeling of failure and shame, he has become especially closed-off to other Team Blue members, preferring to spend his time around others outwith his own team. They are less likely to judge him, he believes.

Place Of OriginHunting Valley, Cleveland, Ohio.
BackgroundBorn in the particularly affluent area of Hunting Valley, Casper has been babied for most, if not all, of his life. Being a 'mummy's boy', as opposed to his elder brother who was certainly the dominant child, Casper never demonstrated the traits typical of his family. His father, a high-flying business executive, expected his children to show decisiveness, a cold and calculating mindset, and most of all, a natural talent for leadership. While it was certainly the case that Casper's senior brother of two years, Elliot, was everything his father wanted, Casper could not have been more at odds with the expectations their father had for the two of them. Where his father sought immediate, firm action to resolve a conflict, Casper preferred sitting around a table, talking it out, and reaching a compromise that would benefit all involved. Indeed, purposefully acting against certain individuals to further your own standing or personal ambition seemed an almost alien concept to Casper, much to the annoyance of his father.
Casper was privately educated, alongside his brother, and was more-or-less forced to be a 'lesser version of his brother'. Attending the same clubs and sporting events, but never particularly feeling as though he belonged, and pursuing the same subject choices despite enjoying others were among but a few of the sacrifices he made in an attempt to impress his father and live up to his expectations, though his efforts were ultimately made in vain. Determined to sculpt Casper into the second son he so desperately desired, he sent him to Camp Liberty on his thirteenth birthday, with Elliot having also been sent two years prior when it was his own thirteenth.
It was fair to say that Casper enjoyed the initial summers spent at Camp Liberty. Being placed on the same team as his brother, who also happened to be the leader for Team Blue, Casper always knew that he had somebody at his back, and that even if he could not get his opinion across to others, he would always be able to rely on his brother to hear him out. It was this 'safety net' that allowed Casper to relax, not having to worry about the responsibility of settling disputes and keeping team members in line, instead being allowed to simply enjoy the experience of Camp Liberty (again, much to the chagrin of his father)
Two years ago, however, Elliot left the camp and Casper felt the pressure more than ever to volunteer himself as a replacement for his elder brother. Elliot had, after all, led Team Blue through several years of consecutive victories and Casper had finally resolved that now was his chance to 'discover himself' and live up to what was expected after him. Indeed, his father had an entire year to drill this very idea into his head before the next summer of camp. Upon returning to Camp Liberty last year, Casper put his name forward for the position of Team Leader, against several others. He was appointed Team Leader, and led his team to a near defeat and loss of their winning streak. His leadership was frought with indecisiveness, poor planning during the activities and an inability to control his own team members, with Richard King having undermined his authority and leadership throughout the duration of the camp. While it was the case that Team Blue did reign victorious at the end of the summer, it was widely recognised through the team that this was by-and-large a result of King's efforts toward the end of the summer to ensure Team Blue won the competition.
As the summer drew to a close and the winning team had been announced, Casper informed the camp councillors that he would like to stand down as the leader of Team Blue, recommending that King be his replacement in recognition for his efforts to keep their team at the top of the pile. Having witnessed the disastrous leadership of Casper along with every other camper, the councillors were more than happy to oblige, for both Casper's sake (he certainly hadn't been enjoying the summer, that much was clear) and that of the team. Needless to say, this was Casper's worst summer at Camp Liberty.
ExtraDefinitely binging Netflix!
This sheet was constructed by @HushedWhispers, herself. Any plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. And if need permission to borrow, please just ask.