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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@kishin asura@supertinyking

The drifter lay still against the boards, lifeless while the world moved around him, his flesh seeming to decay to black rather than the putrid green of a human's before coming off in flakes similar to ash only for him to sit up mid way through, the black of death gone and instead replaced with a strange vigor. He simply looks at his surroundings, confused at first before noting something in the distance and just shrugging before standing and booting the knight over onto his stomach, reaching forwards to dig into his flesh with one hand before removing the second spinal cord with a strong tug, leaving his true spine without a cover as he gets out a small pda and goes over to the remaining knight, texting out a small message and showing it to him "what is this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Asura silently regurgitates vajra as he silently makes his way towards shang. Keeping himself hidden as well as possible
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Tyki @kishin asura
As the drifter started to yank on the spine, he found that simply, Shang rose with it. and then stood up, leaving the drifter to comically hang from the spine, it still firmly in place, despite the Drifter's best efforts. "...That was a low blow. Attacking my mind, just so your friend could get in a cheap hit....I'll admit though, that hurt like hell." Shang says, rubbing his stomach. He then looks back at the drifter. "...However, you didn't do that did you...no...that strange dog had someth-" He starts, before Issac would lung forth blade at the ready.
"Hitting you in the stomach was a mistake, my next attack will take off your head!" Issac declares, before Shang casually grabs his blade in one hand. Issac makes a noise of surprise. He tries to pull his blade from Shang's grasp, but fails. Shang sighs, loudly.
"Don't you know it's rude to interupt someone? Please, wait to try to kill me after I'm done talking to your friend.....and you." He says, pointing with his free hand at Asura. "You cannot hide from my eyes. Come, join us. Sulking in the distance is unfitting of someone of your power. That's right. I can see that intense magical power deep within you....I'd say you're strong enough to kill all three of us with little effort....." He says, smiling. "It's honestly a treat, to meet so many powerful people in one moment. Two, with nearly overwhelming power....one...with not so much..." He says, his eyes shifting over towards Issac. He then punches Issac in the stomach with enough force to cause him to drop to the ground, holding his stomach, coughing up blood. Shang then snaps his blade in two, using simply two fingers to do so. He then looks back at the Drifter. "..Oh, yes. So, I'm guessing you didn't cause that pain....it was that strange dog....Am I correct? Nod if so." He says. He seems to be entirely different, after the Drifter had some vitality put into him. It's as if Shang saw him as a new being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


the drifter kinda nods, still hanging onto his second spine and comedically flopping around like a flag at this point for teh lulz. He then takes out a fine point pen and half writes-half carves "while i have my senses; your guy threatened us, challenged me to a fight, and then used some kids as a shield when i busted his armor. his fault, just saying... also, mute if you couldn't tell" complete with elipses, the carving part being more due to the actual nature of fine point pens
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Asura said nothing. But he did fly at shang. Ready to stab him with vajra
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Tyki@kishin asura
"......." Even with the drifter still holding onto him, Shang took a stance, ready for his approaching foe. "Bring it, this will be a fight to remember...." He says, before he seems to remember the drifter hanging onto him, and quickly grabs him, and tosses him out of the way, not in a manner denoting an attack. Rather, to keep him out of it, as Asura would most likely slam into him, stabbing into the side of his chest with Varja, blood leaking down from Shang's mask, a lung punctured. However, the monster of a man doesn't collapse. Not yet. Collecting his strength, he braces against the attack, tightening the muscles around the wound, trapping Varja in the wound.
"I'll not give you a chance.....to use that weapon again..." He says, coughing blood between some of the words. He'd then begin to swing a fist downwards, intending to smash Asura's head, him ignorant of Varja's abilities.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Asura's mouth curls up into a faint smile as he fires a series of blasts from vajra
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Z3r0fr33z3


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Ginza District Gate Post 253A, Tokyo, Japan

An average day in Tokyo, crowds of people moved to and fro, some on their way to their respective jobs, others shopping, or already working. People walked along the sidewalk, merely feet away from a still-new chainlink fence that surrounded a huge area. It had been months since the Gate had opened, and still little was known about it; the Japanese and American governments knew only that both it needs to be carefully contained, and that it functions as a sort of two-way transportation between the Earth and the so called "Special Region," but very little is actually known about how it functions. The gate itself is a huge stone archway that seems to lead only into pure darkness, around this building are countless military units and fortifications as a precautionary measure. The gate also has a checkpoint guardpost in front of the structure, where at least two soldiers are to be on duty at all times to monitor all incoming or outgoing military traffic.
The site also held a barracks, a vehicle depot, and an assigned Regimental Headquarters that military higher-ups tended to call home.

Inside Regimental HQ

"Sargent Masunune, reporting in sir." the young man spoke in a quiet tone, not hushed but at a lower decibel. The man he was required to report to was higher ranking than any he had met so far in his military career. Only two stars adorned his cap, but his rank demanded respect either way. He was a short, stocky Japanese man with graying hair, though the way he held himself was like a man who has seen war, that would make Kaygo think twice of striking him in a dark alley.
"Sargent, I'm sure you're curious why I've called you here today, and I can assure you that your presence here, on our own side of the gate, is vital." Lieutenant General Kouichirou Hazama stated in a flat tone as he held a finger atop his cap.
"I cannot share every detail as of yet, but as an attached part of the third recon unit I have authority to assign special duties to you and I must exercise this authority at this moment. A regular convoy of goods being transported from the Special Region to Japan has mysteriously disappeared while on it's regular route. There was no sign of them on the route and there was no radio contact except a brief check-in, an hour later when our radio operators attempted to reach them after they failed to return a hailing for their estimated ETA, there was no response. A brief time passed and a search & rescue group was sent to look for them but came back with no trace of their presence anywhere. Given your history with both Special Forces training and extensive first-hand experience in the Special Region, you are the most viable candidate at the moment to perform a stealth reconnaissance operation of the nearest city of Italica and make sure that the locals aren't holding our people captive behind our backs." General Hazama spoke in a quick, harsh tone, something that Kaygo had experienced many times before from countless teachers and commanding officers, whether directly or indirectly.
"Any questions Sargent?"
Kaygo remained silent, standing at attention and standing so perfectly still, a show of discipline that had been dug so deep into him it was more akin to instinct now.
"Good. You'll move out in the morning, see the quartermaster and give him this," General Hazama grabbed a pen and scrawled a quick note, he signed it, stamped it, and folded it neatly before passing it to Kaygo.
"Dismissed." Kaygo saluted, then left the room.

The Next Morning

Kaygo awoke as he would any other day; a quick shower, breakfast at the mess area that consisted of vegetable ramen, rice, and sugared coffee. He preferred tea, but sometimes he needed a jolt in the morning to stay awake. The day did not unfold as others though. He brought the note General Hazama had given him to the Quartermaster Sargent Ichiwa, who read it and took a strange look at Kaygo. He crumpled the note in hand and hobbled towards the back of the armory, grabbing several small items and one rather large one.
"Grab a pack from the wall and pass it here, I'll fill it up for you." the quartermaster stated as he set down a long metal cylinder on the counter. A Barrett .50 caliber anti-materiel rifle with a long range scope, a bipod attachment towards the tip of the barrel, and a carrying strap. A few minutes passed while Kaygo waited for the quartermaster to get all the equipment he needed for his field kit. He finally was able to put it together, and was set on his way to the gate.

There it was, the threshold. He showed his Military Identification to the men in the guard station, they pointed him on his way after confirmation. Crossing the gate had never seemed like much to Kaygo, in his mind the Special Region was virtually identical to the Japanese countryside, minus the fire breathing dragons and other mythical creatures. Here it was, once again. He would have ridden a tank or an armored troop transport into the region most crossings, but today he decided he would go on foot, the same he did his very first time crossing the gate.
But something was different, something was off...
The darkness of crossing that once seemed fantastical and enlightening, now seemed dreadful and wrong. He shrugged it off, and kept walking through the pitch black.
Minutes passed, and finally, he could see light ahead of him. A feeling of ease washed over him as he grew closer and closer to the other side. He increased his pace to cross the threshold, and after a moment, he broke through it, the light fading into regularity as his eyes adjusted and he saw...
An empty field. Immediately, any feeling of ease was replaced with a powerful sense of dread. This was not the other side of the gate, this was not Alnus, it was empty and undeveloped, while Japan's foothold in the Special Region was well constructed and expansive, it was a small city at this point, and this field, obviously, was anything but Alnus.
Kaygo whipped his body around, but the gate was gone. Never before had anything like this happened, no one had ever crossed through the gate and ended up anywhere but the other side, and with the gate still standing behind them. Internal panic began to set in, but Kaygo took a breath and remembered his training. He immediately reached for his radio and called in, but there was not a reply, only static.
After several moments of struggling to no avail, Kaygo began to give in to the stress. He looked around for anything familiar. To the east of him, perhaps a half a kilometer from his location, he could see a city. And almost as soon as he laid his eyes upon it, several buildings within the city collapsed. Kaygo followed his first instinct; whether he knew where he was or not, this was a place where something troubling was happening, he began to move towards the city.
After a while of running, he stopped and began to observe from a safe distance, he could see through his binoculars that a small group of strange beings and large men were duking it out in the middle of town, much to the dismay of the local governance. Kaygo would not interfere unless he was dragged into the incessant violence, though he could not help but feel for the locals whom must play host to these dangerous characters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Z3r0fr33z3@kishin asura@supertinyking

The drifter, after being tossed aside like a small towel got an interesting sight as he was tossed into the surroudning trees; a face to face meeting with a man from an outdated time. while the drifter himself might look like a blast from the past with his strange attire, the unfamiliar weaponry at his hip and the neon blue skin might belay something different all together as the drifter merely stares, not saying anything for he could not. At such a close range, anyone could see the scar tissue and dried, neon pink blood between and on the scarf covereing the lower half of his face, his eye a dark green in surprising contrast, the solid nature of the color being odd against such a vibrant person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Z3r0fr33z3 @Tyki @kishin asura
As the great blast of Soular energy ripped into Shang, his fist collided with the top of Asura's head, cracking the skull, smashing the brain, but that would be little done to the Kishin. Shang would be ripped in two, his torso landing behind his lower half, it falling forwards. No blood leaked from the wound, it cauterized by the sheer intensity of the blast. He would look over at Asura, and slowly remove his face plate, revealing a scarred face, one of a warrior who had seen many battles, and won many battle.
".....I feel...robbed........." He says, coughing up blood. "......I wanted an actual fight...not to just be severed in two....damn it all...." With that, he would go limp as his soul leaves his body, heading to the afterlife. He would die....if his soul managed to leave for long, would be up to Asura.
Issac would stumble forth, and look at Asura as no doubt his body would simply rebuild itself. "...thanks stranger....What's your name? I cannot properly thank you, without knowing your name..." Issac says, holding his stomach, which would be leaking green.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Z3r0fr33z3


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It all descended into insanity very quickly to Kaygo.
He sat there quietly observing the violence occur before him. He attempted to focus the lenses of his binoculars in order to get a clearer picture of the action happening in the town. As he crouched in the shrubbery, he zoomed in slowly, and just as he finally was able to properly focus the spectacles, his vision was obstructed by a blue-gray blur of motion heading directly towards him. His training served him well as he was able to react in time, tearing the binoculars away safely, and smoothly diving back and into a roll, resuming position in a snap.
The first thing he noticed was a pair of eyes staring directly back into his own.
His eyes widened, shocked, as he analyzed the being in front of him; it was humanoid, perhaps even human, though not any kind of race known to him. It was one of the beings that had been engaged in dire combat only moments before. The thought clicked in Kaygo's head, and hoping to keep his existence quiet for at least a brief moment longer, he held a finger up to his lips, making a quiet "shush" sound, while very, very carefully and slowly backing away into the bush, and shouldering his rifle in the least threatening way he could imagine possible. He would defend his life, but had no wish to put himself in danger without some decent reason.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The drifter just kind of raises an eye brow, a green and black, tablet-like object appearing in his hand, similar in nature to a smart phone as he seems to simply text something before the screen expands and flips, the text reading simply "mute. your weapon will do nothing, best to ditch it"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Z3r0fr33z3


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Unsure quite how to react to an unknown being presenting a message in his native language, Kaygo cringed inside, the implications being beyond understanding.
He attempted to keep quiet, but such a thing drove him past anything his training had taught him.
"A soldier never abandons his weapon." he stated just loud enough for the being to hear. He peered through the scope of his rifle, his sights filled with a gory sight once properly focused. He could barely make it out, but it seemed the largest attacker in the previous group had ripped another completely in half. Kaygo felt sick, sure, he had served his fair share of violent missions, but something so brutal was not a thing he could ever be properly prepared for. Gulping deeply, he lowered his rifle and spoke again to the mysterious being that was so close to him;
"I don't know if you really understand me, but I'd really prefer not to start any hostilities, or at least not right away..." Sargent Masunune trailed off, hoping deeply that perhaps this being was not as violent as the thing that had hurled it into him in the first place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


As he fell to the ground, asura had finally figured out how his body would handle the destruction of his own head

Quite frankly, it would have been a lot better if it had just killed him. If the pain wasn't bad enough, he wasn't gonna be doing a whole lot anytime soon. After isaac spoke, asura clumsily sat up, fell back down a few times due to his now limited motor functions, and managed a gurgle in response once he steadied himself. His head slowly but surely repairing itself. Even then, asura did not seem like a happy camper
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@kishin asura @Z3r0fr33z3 @Tyki
Seeing Asura gurgle on his own brain matter, Issac quickly figured it'd be best to save pleasantries for later. He quickly helps Asura up, using himself to help sturdy Asura. "Damn, he really did a number on us..." Issac says, still holding his bleeding stomach. "Damn...how are you still at all alive?" He asks, surprised Asura's not totally dead at the moment. He notices the blue stranger in the distance, and slowly tries to work his way over there, Asura in tow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Asura shrugs. Though he could have said something with his gradually reforming mouth, he didn't think it would be coherent enough to understand
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@kishin asura
As Issac began to drag Asura, suddenly, he'd find his head almost entire reconstructed, an unseen force rapidly moving the shards of bone back into their correct places, allowing Asura's regenerative factor to work much faster. From the top of one of the houses, sat a figure, hidden from sight, although to Asura, he'd be sticking out like a soar thumb. He simply observed the others as they went about their business, waiting for a good time to swoop in and introduce himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"And now my head is back together." Asura remarks "....what was I doing here again?" Even as he tried to remember, but the damage had done quite a number on his memory
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Out from in between the buildings, a child came running at the group like she was running for her life. She looked like she was wearing a white dress with long flowey... sleeves? No, behind her were two white wings, small as was her whole frame. She tried to jump and flap those wings, but it was clear she was too tired to take to the air. Stumbling on her feet she kept running again, looking to anyone to help her. "Help me! Please! Take me away from them. Don't let them get me again!" She ran up to them out of the warzone, dead bloodknights behind her. Tears sparkled in her cyan blue eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Z3r0fr33z3 @Tyki @kishin asura @Wraithblade6

The mysterious man decided now, would be a good time to appear. Moving thought the air like a bullet, he would slam down beside the fleeing magical girl, the impact sending shards of stone into her skin, etching their way in, drawing a small amount of blood, splinters. His hand quickly found its way to the back of her head, as he picks her up off of her feet, bringing her to look him in the eyes. In his eyes, a raging maelstrom of anger, shatter hopes, and broken dreams rage. It was if she was staring into an abyss, one that looked right back.
"....whatever you're doin, that's giving me a headache....you've three seconds to turn it off, before I tear off one of your limbs...." He growls. His voice carries, like a gunshot, everyone hearing his words as if they held actual weight. Issac saw this man, and made a move to stop him, but quickly realized he could do little, the small exertion of force making him cough up green blood, violently.
It fell to the others to act...
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