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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

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@Zobozun Sent it...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Actually, while she is very skilled at Hoho, her incredible weight slows her down considerably. So it's physically impossible for her to create afterimages. And her Zanpaktou can create a light, and shoot Heat Beams, but she rarely, if ever, actually uses it because it doesn't feel natural to her. It was more, what her Shikai can do, rather than what it does do. And she also has Zero Reiatsu, due to the total inability to extrude in any way. So let's break it down.

'Can't use the many powers related to sheer reiatsu volume' Yes, she has zero Reiatsu. 'lacks the wide scale applications and highly destructive abilities of many other zanpakuto' yes, her bubble of darkness is only about eleven foot, and her most destructive technique is basically heat beam cross, which has a very limited hitbox and is pretty dam overt. 'can't do Hakuda barrages' She's pretty slow compared to most Lieutenants. 'can't spam Hoho afterimages or engage in a long distance shupo chase' yes. She's skilled with Hoho's usage, but physically can't built up much speed. 'and who is armed with one of the most basic of weapons' Fists are one of the most basic of weapons. So yes.

I removed the part about being outmuscled, because yea, Mirja has a hell of a lot of muscles. But that's her trick. One trick pony. Punch things.

Your character sacrifices reiatsu release for the benefit of being stronger and tougher than average, both things that are already affected by higher levels of reiryoku/reiatsu so it's stacking that buff on top of being naturally stronger. Your abilities, limited as they are, still cover more ways to atack than what I'd given mine. Nowhere on your character sheet does it say your character is limited by slowness. Your listings are just regular expertise over hakuda, typically portrayed as Fist of the North Star barrages outside of specific techniques, and mastery of hoho with no given caveats, which means teleport spam. I'll give you that your character is also defined by a limited scope but their scope and survivability are greater than mine would be.

I do like your character, it's a type I enjoy playing very much, but after talking it feels like you've put more thought into it than the CS itself lets others see.

If I wanted that, I'd describe his reiatsu as average, but state it was spread out over a larger distance. Not only would this actually make his presence more faint, but it would also allow him to better detect the movement of other people through the reiatsu allowing him to better track people's actions even without being able to see them. It gives you your 360 degree field of perception (not vision), and something akin to "danger sense," without making it a zanpakuto ability, or sounding more powerful than it is.

Moving on. So you want to not get one shot/totally wrecked by people's various abilities? This is a slightly more difficult issue, as you've brought up, but making yourself basically immune to those abilities, while it does make people have to fight Toshiro with less ranged/elemental/energy-based means, also happens to take away a lot of agency in regards to everyone else's characters--which is why (If I understand Axel properly) you got called out for it by a GM.

What I would do is make his zanpakuto a melee/physical type, with a focus on defense. Maybe it doesn't ramp up the amount of damage he can take, or even create a shield around him, but perhaps it amplifies his sensory abilities, allowing him to better evade such attacks--though doing so will still require exceptional skill and positioning--which is his focus anyways. Conversely, you could say that it makes his body an extension of his blade, rather than his blade an extension of his body. By this I mean he might be able to deflect, parry, and block attacks as if he were a sword. It could also reduce his body's weight and/or allow him to redistribute his center of gravity.

Someone fires Byakurai at him, for example, and he could choose either to slap the flat of his blade against it, deflecting it to the side, or he might use his hand and forearm to strike it and it would cause the same effect that his blade would. Plus, a zanpakuto is typically pretty goddamn durable, so it might not make his own body as durable as someone like Mirja, or Kenpachi Zaraki, for example, but it would very well give him a better chance of defending himself against, not to mention countering, various forms of attack. You could also give him exceptional control over what "little," reiatsu/reiryoku he has, allowing him to perhaps exhale small amounts of spirtual energy or refresh his body with his internal reiryoku, to purge poisons over a set amount of time depending on the effect of the poison and its strength (how fast acting it is).

All of these, while they could be considered exceptional skills, do fall into the realm of the "average shinigami," who happens to be able to use what they have cleverly.

Hopefully some of this helps.

Thank you for offering actual help. Trust me, I know what Toshiro's style will be like so that's a non-issue. But no seriously, you do see how a couple of the skills you've given me are just another way of describing things I already had but were shot down, right? Beyond the fusing the Zanpakuto with the body, which is something I love but avoided because we already have two lieutenants who operate like that so I didn't want to add another to the mix. I'd like to talk about this a bit more, over application and theme and whatnot, but I need to leave for several hours, just letting you know I've seen it and it's helpful.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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-edit, suddenly found self restraint-
7x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Doesn't sound much like helping.
Sounds more like an attempt to make him to play a different guy entirely. Let the man talk with the GM on his own.

How so? If we were telling to change the history, alter his personality and such, that would be asking him to play a different character. We're asking him to restructure his zanpakutou. No one's saying he can't have his char be purely a swordsman or that the degree to which he's honed his skills is out of line, excluding the ones that literally shut down/negate the effects of other's powers. And as I pointed out the degree to which those other skills have been honed just needs context or else it sounds like he's untouchable. I'm sure all of us here have a good amount of experiencing RPing and we all have the maturity to understand the problems that are being addressed here. No one's attacking him as a writer and no one's trying to remold the entire character from a "peasant becomes samurai" to "squad 12 freaky monster man" (seriously what was up with those guys in squad 12, did kurostuchi create them or what...?) Like I said the GM gave their points about the char and now we're trying to help him work on those points and get accepted. You're free to do so as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Never did the GMs state to immediately take it to PMs, I prefer it when things are reasonably settled here in the OOC. I only said to take it to PMs when things are beginning to get out of hand and things begin to grow more personal. It is just as Hasayo says, a GM gave their verdict and now fellow RPers are attempting to help out, which Zerohex is paying no heed to. However, we are not telling Zerohex to completely rewrite his character or masteries, all we are asking is for him to simply change his Zanpakuto to anything that he pleases but it is apparent that he does not wish to change any detail to his character.

Now the reason I am being involved isn't because of the CS, I completely agree with Axel and gave him the final verdict over it. I'm being involved because time and time again, a small group has continuously caused problems with their passive-aggressive posting. The GMs have let it slide numerous of times for the sake of the RP but we are seeing that these problems are hindering the RP and perhaps even pushing other people who are interested in joining away. Because of that, we the GMs are asking for Zerohex to redo his Zanpakuto. If you do not wish to change your Zanpakuto, then we'll have to ask for you to leave the roleplay. And for Zobozun, please leave the roleplay as its apparent that you cannot get along with the majority of the RP with arguments tend to center around you.

To the other RPers, we apologize for this and hope the RP will run smoothly from here on.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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*Drops mic* Shoske out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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@ProProDid...Did you just call me Kenny... *Sad Face*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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*Drops mic* Shoske out.

*Picks up mic*These are expensive you know!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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<Snipped quote by yoshua171>
Thank you for offering actual help. Trust me, I know what Toshiro's style will be like so that's a non-issue. But no seriously, you do see how a couple of the skills you've given me are just another way of describing things I already had but were shot down, right? Beyond the fusing the Zanpakuto with the body, which is something I love but avoided because we already have two lieutenants who operate like that so I didn't want to add another to the mix. I'd like to talk about this a bit more, over application and theme and whatnot, but I need to leave for several hours, just letting you know I've seen it and it's helpful.

No problem, I actually really enjoy helping with zanpakuto abilities and figuring out unique skills to go along with it. Also yes, you're right in that they are fully explained/remixed versions of what your character has, give or take absolute immunity and a few traits, but that's the thing, because they're explained fully, they're balanced and have their own very apparent limitations. As Vongola mentioned, that was the main issue, is that you described the various abilities without saying how any of it happened.

In my personal opinion (take with a grain of salt as you would anyone's), if you're just using a relatively simple melee-type ability, or an elemental thing that people see often enough to understand, you only have to do minimal explaining, but when you have an ability that is either more complex, or more broad/powerful in its scope, then you are, in my opinion, obligated to explain. By defining HOW something works, you also define how and where it DOESN'T WORK, and thus where it can be circumvented and countered. While you don't have to necessarily state someone's explicit weaknesses, you do have to make it possible for people to figure out those weaknesses. Not explaining something that is potentially going to limit practically everyone's abilities and put them at an extreme disadvantage so that its abilities can be understood, as you've seen, ends up with people calling it unreasonable.

I know. I had to learn to be able to explain my abilities because on the surface level people tend to get really intimidated by stuff I do. In the past they were right to be weary of my characters, but now I've learned the mechanics of the verses I RP in, so that I can adequately explain exactly how their abilities work, thus revealing the limitations and weaknesses therein, or allowing me to build them into the character intentionally--usually a mixture of the two.

Anywho, I'm sure I could think of something else. Just maybe give me a few other themes or ideas you're willing to pursue and I can help you put a unique spin on it, balance it out, or explain its mechanics. It's what I do.

After all, my user title ain't "Loremaster," for nothin' :P

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ProProDid...Did you just call me Kenny... *Sad Face*

Kenny is what all Kenpachis are called.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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No, I gotta agree with Zobozun in that much of this feels like trying to add limits to my character or change the general thematic I described that is, really, a common staple of shonen when others have not been made to similarly limit their abilities, even considering I've written in limitations to the two other shinigami skills my character can perform while others have not. I still, overall, feel like I'm being treated unfairly on some (not all) of my character's abilities. Especially when an accepted player's proposal for new abilities feels like just re-detailing them different.

I am, however, all for open discussion and trying to get this figured out. You say I'm not listening, but I am and I'm presenting argument over keeping the essence of the character rather than the powers, while pointing out the many ways my character is disadvantaged over others as a balancer. I am actively pointing out how other characters are superior to mine from a baseline level. I'll take talking things out and figuring out how to fit them in and over someone going "lolnope" while presenting no arguments nor offering any help, and others thinking that really should be the end of it when I'm taking the time to try and work things out. So, thanks to Joshua in particular for at least offering solutions. I'd like to know what the GMs think of them.

And now I gotta head out for real, so I'll explain more in some 5 or 6 hours or so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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@ProProDid...Did you just call me Kenny... *Sad Face*

Yup! Both Kenpachi and Kenshin could be nicknamed in such a way. I could call you KKK if that makes you feel any better. ;D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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Kenshin is fine...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

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Whatever you say, Kenny.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Bleh, posted my Squad 4 Captain in the CS tab. I'm not very creative when it comes to fighting skills since I focus more on character development and personality o3o Soooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm going to just add as I go and get my skills looked at by the other GMs and approved first before using them, not like I'm going to be fighting often anyway xD

Just saying this so you know that I'm not going to abuse anything xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just saying this so you know that I'm not going to abuse anything xD

q.q. Here I thought we had something going, darling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

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<Snipped quote by AbigailTenshi>

q.q. Here I thought we had something going, darling.

And what do you mean by that? xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by KabenSaal>

And what do you mean by that? xD

Obviously it's flirting to abuse me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 10 days ago

<Snipped quote by AbigailTenshi>

Obviously it's flirting to abuse me.

And then things got real uncomfortable real quick.
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