Oh, damn. I had it all slapped into the field and ready to go. I'll hit send when I get home from work.
Name: "The Overlord" Avary Muse
Age: 13
Birthday: He doesn't know
Magic: Ice Make
Magic Level: A
History: Avary was raised by his father, who was in a dark guild. He grew up believing that what his father was doing was right. It wasn't until he was abandoned on the front steps of Fairy Tail that he learned what was good and what wasn't.
Personality: Dark and secluded due to his parentage.
Guild and guild mark location: Fairy Tail, light blue, inner right forearm.
Three Strengths: (Not just combat)
1. Writing
2. Hand to hand
3. Stealth
Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable)
1. His past
2. People
3. Heat
Greatest Love: No one
Motivation: Stopping evil guilds
Additional Details: He rarely talks to people, and if he does, he never talks about his past.
Name: "The Overlord" Avary Muse
Age: 13
Birthday: He doesn't know
Magic: Ice Make
Magic Level: A
History: Avary was raised by his father, who was in a dark guild. He grew up believing that what his father was doing was right. It wasn't until he was abandoned on the front steps of Fairy Tail that he learned what was good and what wasn't.
Personality: Dark and secluded due to his parentage.
Guild and guild mark location: Fairy Tail, light blue, inner right forearm.
Three Strengths: (Not just combat)
1. Writing
2. Hand to hand
3. Stealth
Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable)
1. His past
2. People
3. Heat
Greatest Love: No one
Motivation: Stopping evil guilds
Additional Details: He rarely talks to people, and if he does, he never talks about his past.
Name: "The Overlord" Avary Muse
Age: 13
Birthday: He doesn't know
Magic: Ice Make
Magic Level: A
History: Avary was raised by his father, who was in a dark guild. He grew up believing that what his father was doing was right. It wasn't until he was abandoned on the front steps of Fairy Tail that he learned what was good and what wasn't.
Personality: Dark and secluded due to his parentage.
Guild and guild mark location: Fairy Tail, light blue, inner right forearm.
Three Strengths: (Not just combat)
1. Writing
2. Hand to hand
3. Stealth
Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable)
1. His past
2. People
3. Heat
Greatest Love: No one
Motivation: Stopping evil guilds
Additional Details: He rarely talks to people, and if he does, he never talks about his past.
@Zarkun@Expolar@CaitsName: Sora Kaze
Age: 27
Birthday: 17/01
Magic: Wind Mastery (Sora named it himself)
In his country it was known as fu-jutsu, however Sora had mastered the magic to the point which he changed how it could be uses. Sora's powers are quite extensive and range from being able to launch blasts of wind that act as blades, manipulate the wind to create a barrier, protecting his body from physical harm or reflecting light in order to camouflage himself, fly while carrying multiple people and even generate electricity and manipulate it to an extent using the friction using high speed wind.
In short he can just manipulate the wind to his every whim.
Contract Magic: Wind Contract
In Sora's country, everyone makes a contract with an elemental spirit. Sora's family were all wind mages, and thus he made a contract with a wind spirit. However this was no ordinary wind spirit, it was the Kaze no Seirei-Ou, or Wind Spirit Lord.
Due to his his contract is by far the most powerful, and when he enacts on it his eyes turn an azure blue and his abilities are multiplied tenfold. However the strain of his contract form on his body is enough that even being in it for five minutes means he won't be able to move for about two days.
Any longer than ten minutes and his life is in grave danger. He is also given the ability to heal his own wounds when in this state, however they will reopen once he leaves it (except instantly fatal wounds of course ;) )
Sealing Magic: Sora has been shown to use sealing magic to an extent, however his seals are never permanent and can be easily broken by even a B rank mage.
Magic Level: SS
Sora doesn't go into great detail about his own history, going to great lengths to keep it hidden from all. All he gives away is that he is another continent where he was considered one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, mage(s) around till he moved to Fiore at the age of 20 as he seeked stronger foes to fight, and thus become stronger himself.
He met Mai and Jess soon after landing in Fiore during one of their mercenary missions and forced them to become his....well subordinates I suppose fits it best and dubbed their little group Team Wind Blades much to Mai's disgust.
Shortly after that he found Ethel and helped seal her out of control magic after her father abandoned her. He was reluctant to help her search for her family at first, but after being assured of a suitable payment once they were found he agreed, adding on the condition she must be his apprentice during this as well.
Since then he has taken on a lot of side jobs while searching for her family, some shadier than others, and fights powerful foes whenever he has the chance.
Personality: Arrogant is probably the best way to describe Sora, generally belittling his opponents and showing very little effort when he fights and has a habit of simply standing still while lazily deflecting attacks while fighting. He has also shown to be a tightwad when it comes to money, preferring to horde his own treasure and money rather than spend it even on essentials such as food. This has made him collapse from starvation more than once, and he is generally forced by Mai to buy food for himself. He also tends to pick out missions with a high payload.
Sora however doesn't accept missions, no matter how high the pay might be, which involves killing innocent civilians, claiming that it is a waste of his abilities to cull the weak. In reality he simply believes it is his duty as one with power to defend the weak.
He is generally indifferent to his own surroundings and anti-social, generally avoiding people unless it involves a mission or business, and despite her arrogant attitude is rarely taunted into fights as he can usually sum up a persons strength simply by looking at them, and usually deems fighting them a waste of his energy. He however has shown next to no regard for his own safety, never hesitating to jump straight into the fray and even laughs off attacks or just breaks into laughter for no reason during a fight.
He has also shown a softer side from time to time, such as taking on less pay than he should to help protect a village from bandits (or something like that), and when he talks with Jess and Ethel. He butts heads with Mai, due to them both being stubborn and having rather different personalities.
Guild and guild mark location: N/A
Team Members: Ethel Storm, Jess and Mai Butcher
Three Strengths:
1. Having the strange ability to not eat or sleep for five days before collapsing
2. He makes a damn good cookie
3. Immense magical power
Three Weaknesses:
1. He has a soft spot for his team mates which can be exploited
2. He has a fear of, strangely enough, cats. Just the sight of them sends him packing, and he usually faints if he touches one.
3. A vacuum. There is no wind in a vacuum, this his magic will cease to work (luckily you don't run into many of those XD)
Greatest Love: Hanging out with his team mates
Motivation: To become the greatest mage who has ever lived
Additional Details:
Theme song:
Name: Ethel Storm
Age: 16
Birthday: 13/02
Magic: Requip
Ethel has shown the ability to be able to requip daggers, bows (including crossbows) and shortswords and she seems to show some level of skill with each, however she seems to be better with the bow.
Other than stock standard weapons she does have two unique magical weapons. A bow that uses magical power for its arrows and a dagger that has a magical gem attached to ward off evil spirits, cure most poisons. She also owns a magical cloak which is enchanted to withstand powerful magical attacks and helps hide her presence from others to the point that without a slayers enhanced senses or a wizard trained in magical tracking you cannot sense her.
Magic Level: B-
Magic: Forbidden Magic Constitution Change
Due to a cursed grimoire, Ethel's body itself is made almost entirely of magic. Due to this she is able to change her body's composition to whatever she pleases. From iron to ice to fire or back to human flesh, her body is also capable of moving similar to Cody's Absolute Shield. Her arms can become a crystal-like, semi-liquid which is just compressed magic power and is quite flexible. She can use it to whip her opponents, ensnare them and stuff like that. Her body also heals itself, as long as she has the magic required to heal the wound.
However the drawback is that once she exceeds a certain limit, she begins to fade. If she keeps using magic after that, her fading will get worse till she is entirely gone.
Magic Level: A+
Overall Ability: A
Ethel is the youngest of three siblings, one older sister and older half-brother whom had been conceived during a night of heavily drinking at a party with friends.
Her mother was a wealthy merchant, her father a soldier in the military.
Soon after she was born, her mother found out about the 'affair', and thus the half brother, and filed for divorce with her father. However during the process her mother and older sister feel deathly ill.
Still madly devoted to his soon to be ex-wife, her father pleaded with several medical wizards and doctors to help cure her. None could help, and with nowhere else to turn to he went to the nearby church for help. After being told that to leave his wife and sick daughter at the church since their healer wasn't going to be back till the next day and this would allow him to see them as soon as he got back, he returned the next day to the heartbreaking news they had passed away during the night shortly before the church healer returned.
Grief stricken her father took the three year old Ethel and travelled Fiore in search of her half brother and his mother. He searched fruitlessly for years only to find out that the mother had passed away years ago and her son had been put into a nearby orphanage.
However when he got there, he was too late. The son had already been adopted and the orphanage, with the father having no proof to the claim that he was the boy's real father, refused to tell him who adopted him.
This was when Ethel was nine and soon after her father began to train her to use weapons using his military training, because at this stage he was rather crazy and decided that the best way to protect Ethel was to train her to protect herself. And the soon she started, the better right?
After being put through a few years of vigorous training she eventually became somewhat skilled with daggers and short bows, due to her petite frame her father had only been training her light weapons. When she was fourteen her father brought her a book from a rather shady merchant only to soon find out it was cursed. This was the grimoire which gave Ethel her the forbidden Constitution Change magic.
It would seem that his mistake was the last straw on his mentality as he finally lost it, freaking out and leaving Ethel by herself despite the young girl crying out for her father as her body began morphing without her consent.
Soon after Sora found Ethel with her constantly changing body composition and helped calm her down and temporary seal the curse till she could properly control it. After Ethel explained what happened Sora offered to help her find her father, however once they returned back to the camp Ethel and her father had made her father was nowhere to be seen. All they could find was a box of important papers with leads on her brother, and a letter from an old friend of her father.
The contents of the letter stated that the church they had gone to for help seemed to have lied about her sister's death as he had seen a girl the spitting image of her mother when she was young on a wanted poster, under the name Shiro Hime.
Upon learning this new information she went out to search for her brother, sister and father. Not wanting to leave the young girl by herself Sora appointed himself her guardian and introduced her to Mai and Jess. The four of them decided to search for her family on the agreement she would become Sora's apprentice.
Personality: Ethel has a cold, machine-like personality. She often speaks in a somewhat soft voice and her sentences are very succinct as she believes being concise and to the point is a far more efficient manner of speaking. Ethel has shown to be rather naive as well, almost ignorant of the world and as such is rather easy to manipulate or confuse with 'non-logical' topics.
Under her cold exterior, Ethel harbours a strong desire to reunite with her lost siblings and find her father so they can live together. She has also shown to like being petted, praised, spoiled, etc. Ethel also refers to herself in the third person for some reason.
Guild and guild mark location: None
Team Members: Sora Kaze, Mai and Jess Butcher
Three Strengths:
1. Versatility
2. Is shown to have a rather flexible body
3. Is able to make decisions without her emotions getting in the way most of the time
Three Weaknesses:
1. Cookies. She absolutely loves cookies, and as such can be used to bribe and distract her.
2. Her magic power is very slow to recharge by itself
3. Is rather naive and actually easily tricked
Greatest Love: Being Praised (Well she likes cookies more I suppose)
Motivation: To find her siblings
Additional Details:
As stated she's Shiro's younger sister.
Being the same age as Jess, the two are rather close
Name: Mai Butcher
Age: 23
Birthday: 11/08
Magic: Requip-Handgun
She has shown the ability to requip various handguns. Her favourite one however is the one in her image, the electric gun.
It fires concentrated magic bullets laced with electricity that can stun or paralyse her opponents if it makes contact. She has been shown to be a very good shot, able to hit targets up to a kilometre away with her handguns (assuming no large obstacle such as a building is in the way and she has a clear line of sight). Unlike her sister she has shown little potential for magic
Magic Level: B-
Having lost their parents at a young age, Mai and her younger sister grew up on the streets before they joined a dark guild for a short time where Jess learned her magic before the guild was disbanded after the leader was captured by the council.
After that Mai and Jess used their new found magic to become mercenaries for hire, and generally trained against thugs or bandits.
However that all changed when they met Sora. It had been a fairly straight forward defeat bandits mission, the girls however had gotten in over their head and were losing badly. It turned out these bandits were friends of some bandits they had defeated earlier and wanted vengance.
With Jess badly hurt, Mai attempted to fend off the bandits as best she could before a strong gust of wind blew past her and badly cut up the bandits in front of her.
Sora appeared soon after, claiming that he was after these bandits as well and wouldn't be willing to split the reward since he did technically defeat them. An argument broke out, one thing lead to another and next thing Mai knows it she's more or less agreed to be his lackey.
Sora soon realised how inept the two sisters were with their magic and tried his best to help them hone his skills, however they soon found out that Mai had little potential with magic while Jess seemed to take to it like a duck to water. So instead he trained Jess in magic, and spared with Mai (while holding back a lot) to improve her fighting skills.
The group hadn't been together for long when they found Ethel, Mai immediately becoming smitten with Ethel and treating her more like a pet than a person. Suffice to say, she was definitely wanting Ethel to join their group and managed to talk Jess into agreeing with her as well.
Personality: Mai is very stubborn, sarcastic, a little bossy and a little rude. Despite this she seems to be the mother of the group, making sure that they're eating, not having any problems and all that. She doesn't like showing her true, caring self to the outside world, for others might consider her weak. Close friends are the only ones who know about her true nature. She and Sora clash often, however she seems to respect his strength and enjoys arguing with him.
Guild and guild mark location: N/A
Team Members: Sora Kaze, Ethel Storm and Jess Butcher
Three Strengths:
1. She is very accurate with her guns
2. Is shown to be rather agile
3. Is actually rather skilled with swords and daggers, and can requip them, but chooses not to use them as she prefers to not be that close
Three Weaknesses:
1. Her guns don't pack much of a punch despite her accuracy
2. Her sister
3. Relies on her team mates way too much
Greatest Love: Her sister
Motivation: Protecting her sister
Additional Details: She is rather skilled at hand to hand combat
Name: Jess Butcher
Age: 16
Birthday: 31/12
Magic: Ice Queen (Named by Sora)
Jess learned ice magic from a member of the dark guild she and her sister Mai had joined briefly, however she hadn't gotten far before the guild was disbanded. After that she became to experiment and soon enough she made it her own, unique magic which really developed after she received training from Sora.
Using her magic, Jess not only commands ice but manipulates it to her will, creating shapes, weapons and even animals and can use weaker mages ice against them. She read a lot about Gray Fullbuster and idolises him, as such she adopted a lot of his spells into her own due to her vast ability to manipulate ice into shapes.
She has a high degree of control over her magic, to the point where she can make detailed ice sculptures and even freeze over entire towns.
Magic Level: A
History: Read Mai's history for the gist of it, too lazy to type it out again
Personality: Jess, much like Ethel, is generally seen as serious and rational. However, she does enjoy having conversations and being social (unlike the rest of her team) and is a lot more emotive than Ethel. When excited she becomes a little bundle of never ending chatter and energy.
Guild and guild mark location: N/A
Team Members: Ethel Storm, Mai Butcher and Sora Kaze
Three Strengths:
1. Eye for detail
2. Good team work
3. Knows (almost) everything about Gray Fullbuster, and thus can ace any quiz on him?
Three Weaknesses:
1. She is susceptible to heat
2. She is blind in her left eye due to the incident with the bandits, and thus has a blind spot to her left
3. Due to inexperience she is prone to making mistakes
Greatest Love: Reading books
Motivation: To be with sister forever
Additional Details: She has a magic pistol similar to her sisters electric gun, however this one shoots beams of ice which freezes on contact.
Wanted to say...
Hello people.
<Snipped quote by Burthstone>
From the other side?
<Snipped quote by hatakekuro>
Other side of what?
Wanted to say...
Hello people.
<Snipped quote by Burthstone>
I've come to a decision. I'm holding a Slayers convention for all the slayers in the RP XD