Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location - The Hospital
Interacting With - His Momma

Charlie's surgery had been somewhat of an anomaly, as when the surgeons actually got in, there was very little for them to do. He'd lost quite a lot of blood, but not enough for them to really worry, and his wounds had turned out to not be nearly as bad as previous reports had said. The EMT's nerves must have gotten the best of him.

So it was that Charlie awoke in a hospital room, groggy and slightly pissed off. He'd been attacked by a wolf. A fucking wolf. No one gets attacked by a wolf that's just not a thing. While he was wallowing in his own self pity, his mom walked in the door, a cup of frozen yogurt from the hospital cafe in her hand. She shrieked at the sight of her son, sitting up. "Oh my God! Honey! Are you good? Do you need anything? Do you want my fro-yo? Despite the situation, Charlie chuckled. "Mom, I'm good. Except for the whole wolf attack thing, but I think I'm going to make it," he said.

His mom looked at him for a moment, a concerned look in her eye. "Mom I swear, if you start crying right now, I'm going to have them slice me open! I mean it!," The pair laughed, although Charlie had to stop quickly due to the pain. He leaned his head back onto the pillow and grinned. He'd survived a fucking wolf attack. That was pretty badass.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Interacting with: mostly no one

The twins seemed to be unconscious in their room. No one was there to check up on them family wise and it was doubtful those two people would take time to come see them. So they remained alone. Slowly, Aron opened his eyes.

With a grumble he reaches for his leg, which for some reason hurts...it was odd. His groan woke Gage up, who groaned as well. Both his leg and his shoulder were killing him. The twins looked at each other.

Within minutes they were out of their beds and dressed in the clothes they could find. They walked out of the room and headed to find their friends...though slowly as they both limped.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: The Hospital.
Interacting through text With: @Ace of flames01

Billy was about to walk away when he heard Sophie's tired voice call to him. Right as he walked in Charlie got wheeled past him but Billy didn't notice him, not yet at least. He walked in quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace and walked over to her bed. He wondered what was wrong with her, and hoped she would be okay.

"So, care to explain what that was all about? You had me really worried there for a moment, I thought your heart was giving out on you or something when you collapsed."

Not really wanting to stand, he pulled up a spare chair and sat next to the bed, staring at her waiting for a response. It was funny actually, if he hadn't been there then she could have been in a worse situation. But why was she trying to leave if she was so... well.. like this?

Sheriff Colton

Location: The Campsite
Interacting With:@BeautifulSnow@Maria 127

The sheriff was highly suspicious of this Vanessa person, but why? Her story just didn't seem to add up in the slightest and her accusations about the wolf never attacking again couldn't really be proved or believed at the time. What gave him small comfort was Jamaal believed the same thing. His eyes narrowed when he saw the bite mark on her leg, and when the dog began to lick it.

"Gnarly cut there on your leg, Vanessa. Perhaps we should take you to the hospital as well." The sheriff said with a heavy undertone of suspicion in his voice. He didn't like any of this, it was all to strange to him.

"As for everyone's personal belongings, yes, this is now an official crime scene and all items need to be documented before they can be given back. Sorry about that. You can ride with me back to the hospital though. Need to check up on those kids and make sure their parents are properly informed on the situation."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alyssa Paige

Location: The Hospital
Interacting with: Her sister, @Nallore's Riley

How many times can a nightmare repeat itself in the same night? How many times did Alyssa need to see her friends torn to shreds, powerless to help them, before she woke? Kimmy pleaded for her help countless times, and no matter how hard Alyssa struggled impotently the distance between them was too great. Riley fixed her with an accusatory glare in death, one that asked why she'd try so hard to save Kimmy if she couldn't even save her.

Alyssa tossed lightly in her sedated sleep. Fortunately surgery revealed that her wounds were not nearly as severe as the EMT's had feared, and that she was recovering nicely. It was suspicous, but after the horror the night had shown each of the doctors no one was ready to question the small miracle.

Emily sat in the small chair in her recovery room, her delicate features contorted in worry and fatigue. She'd poked her head in to her sister's friend's rooms, just long enough to confirm they'd be ok. Emily hoped to offer Alyssa at least some good new when she woke. She stood and moved to her sister's bedside, wiping away the small amount of sweat that had gathered on the girl's brow. It had been a long time since Emily had seen her sister like this, and it was an unwelcome reminder that Alyssa was flesh and blood just like the everyone else.

Alyssa's eyes fluttered open. "Kimmy? Riley?" she coughed. Her eyes slowly gained focus, finally settling on Emily. Her hand came up to weakly stroke her sister's cheek. "What are you doing here Em? I'm fine... probably."

Emily glared at Alyssa as she pulled herself into a sitting position. "You don't get to get mauled half to death in the woods, then play it off like it was nothing!" She handed her sister the glass of water the doctors had left for her. "Asshole. Riley and Kimmy are right here."

"Sure I do, perks of being the big sister." Alyssa looked around the room, suddenly realizing it wasn't just the two of them. Riley seemed ok for the most part, she let out a sigh of relief at that revelation. Kimmy and Miranda still looked unconcious however, but seemed stable.

A small knot of guilt sank into her stomach as she turned to Riley. "Glad to see you're ok Ri-Ri. How's everyone else doing?" she smiled weakly. "Guess I better work on my apparent lack of wolf killing ability... Sorry Ri."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location - The Hospital
Interacting With - The Twins @BlackPanther

Avalon had a saying. "Crying is for bathrooms." Well it seems she'd have to add empty hallways to that list. Because here she was, sitting on the ground bawling her eyes out. She was allowed that she guessed. She'd just been witness to a brutal attack by a wolf. But was it really a wolf? She'd seen that woman, Vanessa do something that seemed reserved for the pages of storybooks. But that was just a dream. Right?

Avalon didn't want to focus on the attack though. She was focused more on how she just couldn't stop crying. God, she hated crying so much. It was weak and Avalon wasn't a pretty crier. Her makeup was smudged now, and her throat was sore. And she was still crying. Then she heard footsteps, two of them. She quickly wiped away the tears, stemming the stream that had been steadily coming from her eyes, wiping her nose, and taking a deep breath. The people were just around the corner now, and she rounded it just in time to see them. Gage and Aron. Well this is great. Twin #1 is definitely not going to want any of this now, she thought, a look of shock on her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

interacting with: @smarty0114

When the twins rounded the corner it was clear that while they were restless, they are not 100 percent better. Both were limping and Aron was shirtless with his shoulder wrapped. It was also clear that neither twin had noticed Avalon.

When they did spot her, both twins heads swivel up at her at the exact same time before they looked at each other. Gage recieved an eye roll from Aron before Aron moved to lean against a wall with a rather tired expression on his face.

Gage limped his way to Avalon before giving a sheepish smile. "H-Hey Avalon...are...are you okay?" it was clear from his voice that he is weak, but he still tried to give comfort...even though he got brutally attacked by a wolf. He winced as his weight accidentally shifted to his wounded leg which also caused Aron to wince and hold his leg for a second before leaning back once more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: Forest, then Hospital

Interacting with: Sheriff Colton @Lord Zee, Jamaal @Maria 127 and Riley @Nallore


She was in trouble! She knew when she walked onto the camp ground it would be difficult, Jamaal wasn't the problem. He was on her side and if not yet, she would get him on her side.. But the Sheriff was a other story. He was suspicious and she could hear it, not just because he made sure any human being could hear it, she also heard his heartbeat go faster.

Vanessa looked at Jamaal and then at the white wolfdog. "Stop it" she said to the animal and with a little whine, flat ears and a tail low the dog laid down. She then looked at the sheriff. "Sheriff.. All I ask you now is a big favour.. Look at my 'wound'.. It's almost healed" she said and showed the bite that Victoria had given her.

Only a mark of it was still there. Any normal human would have lost his or her leg from a bite like that. "Sheriff Colton.. I know that it is a big thing to ask but... Let this rest, I will take the responsibility of the teens that where attacked. Things are gonna change around Red Lake and nothing will be as it once was.. Some might be my fault because I returned here. But.. All I can say now is that walking back will be faster for me that driving with you" she said and then started to walk away.

Once out of the crime scene zone, Vanessa started to run. At first Jamaal his wolf-dogs ran after her but as she ran at a inhuman speed, they went back to their owner. It was a half hour run and the first thing Vanessa did was change at her own place once she was back at her apartment.

Some jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket together with black white all star sneakers. She then walked towards the hospital and without asking around she walked towards the room where Riley laid, together with Miranda and two others. She saw the family from the teens look up and Vanessa walked straight for Riley. She vent towards the girl and whispered unbearable for the others: "Don't worry Riri.. I failed to protect you once but I will guide you and the others trough what happened.. A lot will change but don't be afraid.. wait until all the parents are gone and then tell the girls here what I said.. I will stay close and find a way back inside tonight". She then gave Riley a kiss on her cheek and looked at the other girls.

She didn't know how fast their change in their senses would happen but if that was happening already, they could have heard what she had whispered to Riley and maybe even smell that Vanessa was different from the other grown ups in the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Location: Red Lake Cafe & Hospital
Interacting With: @Nallore's Anastasia & @Caits's Cassandra
Date: August 2nd, 6:17 PM

Gloria smiled to Ana's approval of her preference, which was a bit of a surprise, but it made her happy. It was definitely strange to feel such a strong interest in both of them so early - so it was nice to hear that from Ana. As she offered up the idea of a Sundae, Gloria perked up slightly with a soft smile on her face. "A sundae would be gr-" She cut herself off as her gaze snapped to the ambulance hurrying by them, concentrating on them so much that she hardly heard Ana's next question. "Hm? Oh, my place?" The thought made her blush a little before shaking her head. "Um... normally, yes, but... I have a bad feeling - like Cassandra might be in those ambulances..."

Holding up a finger, she took out her phone and quickly texted something to Ana and pursed her lips, giving the woman a knowing look. "I don't want to cut this short, but... I really want to see if she's okay. You can come, if you want?" She offer, though unsure. However it seemed her date was willing to do and before long, Gloria had hopped into her car and made her way to the hospital.
The Hospital

After waiting for Cassandra to get out of surgery and placed in a room, apparently by herself, Gloria was given permission to see her. Slowly, she poked her head in, waving as soon as she locked eyes with the teenager. She smiled softly and slowly crept into the room, giving Cassandra an empathic look of concern. "Hey Cassandra.." she said softly, going to her bed side and gently digging through her purse. "I hope you're holding up okay? You'll be fine, though it might still sting for a bit..." Again, she gave Cass a reassuring, sweet smile while pulling out some seemingly random powders from her bag.

After a few moments, she had mixed in the assortment of dusts into one of the hospital cups and filled it with a little water. "If you want to trust me," she started, giving Cassandra another gentle smile, "take this. It'll sting a tiny bit, but within a couple minutes you should feel better - less pain and more relaxed." Slowly, she offered the concoction over to the teenager, feeling a bit giddy she could see her again but also worry about what she was going through.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: hospital
Interacting with: @lydyn Gloria

Cassandra had only just convinced her aunt, who had come to the hospital, to go home, that she was okay, and that she'd wriggle away from the hospital in the morning, when Gloria came in.

A little surprised that she was there, Cassie wondered if the news of them surviving a wolf attack had spread through the town, given the high profile wolf attacks had at the moment. But why would Gloria come see her, they'd only met the once.

"oh. I'm okay. It doesn't hurt so much anymore, they gave me drugs, and that took the pain away" she said, simply for something to say, so she wasn't just be sitting there like an idiot watching Gloria. She wanted to ask why Gloria was there, but didn't have the courage for that right then.

She took the drink, thinking it couldn't hurt worse then the burning and stinging she already had, and downed the contents. Falling silent, she looked away from Gloria, to her heavily bandaged arm. "I guess you won't be able to hear me play for a while, not with this hand..." that thought was out before she'd had time to process it, and stricken, Cassie wondered if she'd ever be able to play her guitar again. What if her fingers didn't work anymore?

Was her whole future ruined, because if this trip? Cassie didn't know she was crying, until the blankets showed little wet spots of the tears falling. Wiping quickly at her eyes with her uninjured hand, Cassie tried to compose herself, and failed miserably. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying. Thank you for coming, it means a lot to me" she managed to bring herself under control, just barely, looking to Gloria shyly, "I'm glad you're okay. I worried you were in the woods too, that you'd got attacked as well"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: The Hospital
Interacting with: @Lord Zee Billy

Multiple wires and machines wrapped around her body, recording every heartbeat, every breath she took. She even had to wear a mask over her face that forced air into her lungs and fogged up every time she exhaled. She must have looked like she was about to die or something, and her physical appearance didn't help her either. She looked absolutely exhausted and her complexion was considerably pale, even for her, and her chest was mutilated with severely grotesque bruises and bumps from broken cartilage protruding from her chest.

Sophie sighed and looked away. "Thank you for worrying about me, really, but we both know that I can't tell you why I am here. All I can tell you is that nobody else must know that I am here. You weren't even supposed to know that I am here... now... now things have gotten complicated." She replied then paused and looked back at Billy with a desperate expression. "Please... Please don't tell anyone what you saw... that I am even here... just forget everything that happened here tonight, ok? This must remain our little secret, ok?" She grinned weakly and nervously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Walker

Location: The Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Meiyuki @Anima @BeautifulSnow

Riley looked over her shoulder seeing Alyssa and her sister arguing with one another which was cute, she lightly shook her head and smiled to her best friend letting out a soft sigh. "No need to be sorry Alys something we didn't even expect to happen.." Riley said quietly as she looked towards her bandage for a second seeing just a small bloodstain from the wolf attack surprisingly it healed pretty quickly but it still scared her dearly because it was something unnatural and Vanessa knew way more then anyone else.

And speak of the devil Vanessa had come into the room, she bit her lower lip and nodded she wanted to know more right then and there but there were to many other people around the room that would probably think that she was crazy. "Okay Vanessa, thank you.." Riley said quietly as she bit her lower lip and looked towards Kim she was worried for her best friend she hadnt woken up yet.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Café then hospital
Interacting With: @Caits@lydyn

Anastasia looked towards Gloria for a moment and then felt her phone vibrate and looked at the text Gloria had sent her, before seeing her friend getting up she was concerned for the girl that she might be from the lake that the wolf attack had happened. "Sure i'll come with you." Ana said as she quickly stood up and watched Gloria running to her car and drove towards the hospital. Anastasia quickly started to make a run towards the hospital as well.

Once Ana was there she quietly found out where Gloria had gone and was leaning herself up against the frame of the door looking between Gloria and the girl on the bed, seeing the girl's bandaged arm she felt bad for her as she just leaned outside and watched she didn't want to intrude on anything.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

Location: The Hospital

@Nallore Riley
@BeautifulSnow Vanessa

Pat was lost for what to do. After Riley had been taken by the ambulance people her mind had went numb. She looked at Vanessa as she spoke to the officer. She did not trust her one bit. Something was very much off about her. She had endangered her lovely Riley by keeping secrets and hiding things. And Riley had been bitten as well.

She but on her lips as she was driving back home. She had already decided to visit the hospital at the first moment she was allowed to. She visited her parents and collected some more clothes for Riley. She knew where the extra key was kept so it was easy to gain entrance.

Her mood was dark as she picked up the clothes. For the first time in her life, or second rather, she wanted to kill someone. Pat tried to shake the thoughts out of her mind as she made her way over to the hospital.

Tonight had already been a long one, and now it was probably only going to become even harder. She'd have to talk to Riley's parents about it. She'd have to see her precious students torn up and confused. It was now she hoped that she could be the teacher to look up to.

She made her way in and asked for Riley's room and was given directions and she walked up there. She saw the parents of tr teens in the room along with their children. She sighed deeply and walked inside, glaring a bit at Vanessa as she did.

"Here Riley. Some clothes," she said and placed them next to the bed before grabbing onto Vanessa's hand and dragged her out from the room and into a nearby storage area.

"Now tell me what the hell is happening. I know you're involved in all of this. I saw it happen. It's your fault that they're lying there dying, or changing into whatever the hell you are."

Pat spoke with an angry voice, something quite uncommon for her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Ravi King

Location: The Hospital
Interacting with: each other

A breath hitched in Ravi's throat as fear over took him, did they notice him? No, they were to focused on one another to pay any attention to him. Without hesitation, Ravi leapt to his feet and sprinted away, darting deeper in to the forest. He weaved through the trees with little more than his memory to guide him. Cresting a hill, he broke free of a dense patch of needle leafs and rolled freely down the embankment, a natural landslide that served his purposes more effectively now that it was covered in an unusual moss and sped his escape from the hungry gaze of the wolves. As the canopy overhead thickened, his steps grew muffled by the pine needles that blanketed the forest floor; the ground warm beneath his soles.

He paused in a clearing, in the distance he could see the dirt road on which his car lay idle. With a grin of relief plastered on his face, Ravi ran once again, fumbling with the key along the way. In his adrenaline infused state, he threw open the door and smashed the key into ignition and slide into reverse, hitting 35 before smashing it into drive. The sound of metal on metal grinding rung loudly, but Ravi still sped off.

He didn't look back until he was back in town. Parking on the curb, he let out a breath, the nights events weighting down on his shoulders. On the floor under his feet, the light of his phone caught his eye, it was a text, one from Sophie.

"Shit." he mumbled to himself before texting back furiously, only to find himself at a lost of words.

"Ya, I was there, does this happen often in this damn town?

Sophie noticed her phone buzz on the night stand then picked it up and read the text. It was from Ravi. Her expression turned to that of confusion and concern as she wasn't too sure as to what he was talking about besides the wolf attack.

"What happened? I only heard that a wolf attack happened and that's it. Are you ok? Where are you now?"

Though it was only through text, it was obvious that she was worried about Ravi.

Ravi leaned back onte headrest, the adrenaline draining away from his body, replaced with an unusal calm. For once since this day started, he was able to think clearly. This city was wack, atleast thats what he came to. First a seizure, then a bloody attack a bunch of teens that he witnessed the aftermath of, not to mention shapeshifting freaks. Lastly, he was pretty sure he blew out his transmission on the way here.

Ravi, quite literally slamed his face into his hands, that transmission cost him almost six-hundred dollars tops. With a sigh he once again picked up his phone, noticing that Sophie had replied.

After I left I ended up back at the campsite only to witness the aftermath of a damn wolf attack. I knew you guys had a wolf problem, but shapeshifting ones is a whole different story."

Ravi breathed out again, Red Lake was not a peaceful as he thought.

Sophie only got more confused and concerned by Ravi's texts.

"Shape shifting? what are you talking about? Did you hit your head or something? I'm getting worried about you... Maybe you should go to the hospital after all... where are you right now?"

What was Ravi talking about when he said shape shifting wolves? This was getting a little weird for Sophie and it made her worry a bit more about Ravi than she probably should have.

Ravi frowned at Sophie' reply. She was at the hospital, didn't any of her friends tell her about what was happening, or what happened. No, most must of been recovering from the attack. But that meant that if the inhabitants of Red Lake were shapeshifters, who could he trust to actually be human, was Sophie even human? The world that Ravi had been opened up to weighted on his mind, humans becoming wolves, maybe he did need the hospital. Despite his doubts, Ravi wasn't crazy, he knew what he saw out there.

Look, I'm on the outskirts of town, I'll be there in a few minutes, but you have to belive me, I saw it with my own eyes, ask your so called friends.

Ravi typed the last few words in on his phone before throwing it in the passenger seat and sliding into second gear and driving off, headed towards the hospital.

Sophie sighed softly, causing the mask over her nose and mouth to fog up a bit. He sounded insane, to put it bluntly, but she wanted to trust him anyway. He knew her secret and believed her, now it was her turn to do the same and trust her no matter how crazy it sounded.

"ok... why don't we talk about this more when you arrive at the hospital? I'm in room 13B. I'll try to trust you on this and understand it as best as I can, alright? But you still sound crazy lol"

She sighed again then groaned. What did she just get herself into?

Within seconds, Ravi sped into the parking lot of the hospital. In the back of his mind, his carelessness nagged him, but he ignored it, he watched a human transform into a wolf tonight. Without much thought, Ravi slamed his car door and walked briskly inside. The lobby was buzzing with activity, it seemed that victims of the wolve attack had made it to the hospital. Doctors and nurses yelled at one.another, parents demanding to see thier children, only to be told that they were in critical condition and couldn't he bothered.

Ravi's face remained deadpan ashe walked through the chaos like zombie, searching for the room labled 13B. Nurses ignored him, surprisingly, with the influx of patients, she was defiantly going to earn her pay tonight.

Soon Ravi stumbled upon room 13B, sticking his head in to find Sophie with a smokey mask on her face.

"Sophie?" Ravi called from the door.

Sophie sent Billy out of room as soon as she heard Ravi speak then turned her head slightly to look at Ravi with tired eyes. She smiled gently at him. "Hey... Thank goodness... you are alright... please... come in. We have a lot to talk about. But for now why don't you relax a bit? You look like the living dead. I should know." She laughed softly and her voice was hoarse and just as soft as her laughter. She looked horrible and she knew it, but she was more concerned as to how Ravi was. He had just went through hell and for all she knew, Ravi could be seriously injured.

Ravi frowned at Sophie as he got closer to her bedside, ignoring the guy he she dismissed. He really did not understand the extent of her illness, he had never seen a seizure in his life before, but this was bad. She looked like a train wreck, although he kept his mouth shut about it. Ravi rarely dealt with situations like this, he was at loss of words.

He raked his hands through his hair and gazed at her once again, his eyes hard for reasons he didn't know. With a sigh, Ravi began to speak.

"Sophie, how are you feeling?" he said, a frown now plastered on his face.

Sophie's smile never faded, even as Ravi approached her with such a hardened expression. "I'm fine... But what about you? Such a hardened expression... it doesn't suit you... I much prefer it when you smile... you look more handsome when you smile." She reached out and touched Ravi's hand. There was period of silence. "You want to know, don't you? About my illness? I haven't told anyone else about it but... I feel like I can trust you not to tell anyone else." She gestured to Ravi. " Come here I think it is better that I showed you rather than just tell you."

Before Ravi could protest or ask anymore questions, Sophie pulled Ravi close to her. With one hand, she gently place Ravi's head on her chest, and with the other she placed Ravi's hand on her neck to feel her pulse. "Don't speak. Just listen." She told him. Sophie took a deep breath in then exhaled. She continued this pattern of breathing and let Ravi listen to her heartbeat. It changed dramatically from one near extreme to the other, yet never remained constant. "I was born like this, Ravi. This wasn't your fault."

Ravi reamained silent as Sophie spoke to him, a feeling of calm and sernity came over him as she spoke, despite her situation. He watched her as she spoke, his eyes softened, the ordeal that he had gone through seemed to melt into the back of his mind. Without much of a choice in the matter, watched quietly as she grabbed his head and hand on her chest and neck. A thin line was set on face, he didn't know what to feel about her illness, in reality, all his problems seemed to pale in comparison to hers in the long run. Ravi sighed, shakeing his head mentally before gazing at her once again, taking his hand and head off her body and returning them to his side.

"I understand that Sophie, but it weird, anytime something like this happens you can help but feel that way." Ravi said raking his had through his hair.

"Its alot to take in addition to what happened today." Ravi said with a smile.

Sophie released Ravi and allowed him to stand, she smiled at him again. "Yeah... sorry. It's a lot to take in... I don't mean to make things worse for you... especially when you came to this town for a more peaceful lifestyle... but I hope that gives you some clarity on what you are trying to befriend... Ravi... I'm a ticking time bomb... and my time is almost up. Ravi...? What's it like to be an adult and to go where you want?" She asked curiously. "Is it fun? What's the outside world like? I've only seen places out of town on TV and in pictures."

Ravi shook his head. "Make things hard for me? Of course not, your gonna be fine Sophie, this is just a small bump." Ravi said as he grabbed her small hand in both of his.

"Travel...travel is hard to explain. The freedom of being an adult is unprecedented and superficial. At times it’s confusing as you don’t feel like you belong anywhere. But, its because you don’t have to. You just have to belong in the now and then you are home. It’s a constant reference point of love, growth and joy.
A simple song, or smell, or random passing conversation will rush forth memories of love and joy.
That stirring arrives in the present – even when it looks bleak – and turns the frown upside down. It reminds you to be grateful and helps you connect to the love that bursts out of your chest."
Ravi explained, the words literally tumbling out of his mouth. He usually wasn't so heart felt.

Sophie smiled as Ravi spoke. "I see. You sound so passionate about it. You must love it a lot and have many stories. Perhaps you could tell me about some of the places you have been sometime?" She looked down at Ravi's large hands that encased hers. She gently held Ravi's hand in her own and opened his hand to see his callused skin then ran her fingers across his palms. "You must have worked hard to get this far. I hope you are successful and find a place you can call home... even if it is not in Red Lake. I will be rooting for you, ok?" She grinned then released his hand.

Ravi grinned at Sophie, and unusual feeling of giddiness and nervousness rushing through his veins. It was wierd, he had just met this girl today, yet she seemed to have warmed up to him nicely, he could say the same for himself also.

"It would take alot of getting used to, but maybe I could deal with the whole shapeshifting humans thing going on." Ravi said shaking his head, frowning slightly as he took his head back.

Ravi stood, straightening his clothes out of habit. "I'll leave you to rest." he said looking down at her.

"Alright. Good night, Ravi. be safe. You can visit me anytime, since I'll be here for a while. I'll see you soon, right? After you settle in?" Sophie asked curiously as she looked up at him.

"Ya don't worry, I'll be around." Ravi said with a smile as he left the room. Walking through the hallways of the hospital, he found it funny that not once did they talk about the incident. Funny, but it was probably for the best, he would clear it up on his own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

interacting with:
@BeautifulSnow ~ Vanessa Von Strong
@Lord Zee ~ Sheriff Colton
*Jamaal Kirk Maddison*

Jamaal watched and listened to the sheriff closely he knew that he was suspicious of Vanessa and normally he would be highly suspicious too but the extra information that he had learned from Vanessa lessened his suspicions a bit. He was still doubting the whole werewolf situation but he could not deny what he saw with his own eyes. He scans the area once more while Vanessa and sheriff talk all while he kept a close eye on his dogs through the corner of his eye.

He knew that the area was now a crime scene but he felt sorry for that girl who seemed to panic at losing her guitar. He sighs softly as he hopes that he can pull some strings in order to return the guitar to the girl.

"sheriff.." he began slowly, " I know that this area is a crime scene now but there was a girl that was a little distraught at having lost her guitar. All I ask is that when you find it that any tests that need to be done on it are quick so that the guitar can be returned to its owner."

When Vanessa had left he looked at the sheriff. "let her go, if we need to question here about anything I'm sure she would be happy to answer your questions." he sighs softly before he whistled a sound that caught his dogs attention and as a result his dogs soon came running back to him but before getting close to him they both howled in unison almost as if the were calling out to Vanessa."So will I have to be questioned about this considering I was the first to arrive on the scene and call for emergency services?" he asks seriously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location - The Hospital
Interacting With - Billy(@Lord Zee)

Against his mother's protests, Charlie had taken to wandering around the hospital,insisting that he felt fine. They'd compromised on him sitting in a wheelchair. In truth, he felt surprisingly well, considering he'd been attacked by a wolf. It was strange in fact, how fine he felt. God damn, look at me. Complaining that I'm recovering well he thought as he wheeled himself through the hospital.

As he was coming down one hallway, he saw Billy standing outside a door. His face lit up, and he wheeled towards him. "Billy! he shouted, grinning. "So I'm assuming you heard about the, you know. Wolf attack, he said with a chuckle, gesturing down at his hospital gown clad self. He noticed another guy exit a room but didn't pay him too much attention.

Location - The Hospital
Interacting With - The Twins(@BlackPanther)

Avalon sniffed and chuckled. "Me? What about you two? You got attacked by a god damn wolf? she exclaimed, her facing breaking out into a grin, despite the situation. She couldn't help but smile. This boy was worried about her, when he'd just nearly died. Sure, she wasn't doing too hot, but she wasn't anywhere near death. This guy really had a thing for her. I would chew him up and spit him back out. He's just too sweet

"Speaking of wolf attacks, what in the hell are you two doing out of bed? You guys shouldn't be up on your feet, that's just not safe! she shouted in disbelief. She strutted past them, down the hall before turning around to stare them both straight in the eyes. Hands on her hips, she cocked her head and asked, "Well? Aren't you coming? There's no way you guys are roaming this hospital for the rest of the night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[insert header here (will tomorrow)]

Gage shrugged and leaned somewhat against the wall. "Well yea....but...you were crying.." very observant this one. He cracked a smile when she did, rather glad that he managed to cheer her up. He looked over at Aron who looked...miserable to put it lightly. His focus went back to Avalon as she proceeded to scald them.

"safe? We are perfectly safe. Totally safe" not very convincing when he isn't pushing off the wall or moving that much. Aron pushed off of the wall a bit and looked at his brother before flashing a smile avalon's way. "we are fine...honest....just...room gets kinda lonely...and-" Aron is cut off by a glare from gage who pushed off of the wall.

Both sighed before they started limping after Avalon. They did feel tired...but they didn't like the room. Reminded them how alone they are...not that either twin would admit it though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: Hospital

Interacting with: Patricia @Zhaliora, Riely @Nallore, The twins @BlackPanther.


Vanessa looked at Pat when she walked in the room. 'Let the trouble begin' she thought seeing the look on the teachers face. When she was grabbed by her hand and dragged out of the room she decided to act nice though she totally didn't like the touch of this women.

She looked at the women and listened to her talking. Vanessa leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. "I do take the blame yes, so quit the finger pointing and be happy Victoria didn't bit you" she said. Vanessa's voice, who was normally a soft and warm one, now almost sounded cold.

"You demand me to explain? I will, but not on your demand. I might be a wolf but I'm not listening to commands and I sure as hell am not a lap dog" she said and looked at the women. "You better watch your tone, Patricia. I am in control and I will never hurt a human but don't think that this whole happening doesn't affect me. You might be Riley her teacher but I'm like a big sister to her. So if you think that I don't want to protect her, you are really wrong." she said. She now stood straight again and walked towards the door of the storage room. "I have other stuff to do now" she said and without further waiting Vanessa walked out of the storage room.

She walked trough the halls, towards Riley her room and from the door step she nodded to her little sister and gave a soft smile like she wanted to say: ' Don't be afraid, everyone will be okay '.

Vanessa then saw the twins and Avalon in the hallway and raised her eyebrow. "Boys, get back to your rooms.. Walking is not a good idea right now..." she said and saw them limping.

She took from both a arm and started to help them walk back. Complaining wouldnt work. She looked at Avalon with a smile. "You are not attacked right? Could you show me the way to their room?" she asked. She could feel that both didn't want to be in the room but they had too. She had to know their rooms, or their scents and that was hard with that anti-bacterial scent everywhere in the hospital.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Octavia Wolstenholme

Location: Kim's house - the gunshop
Interacting with:Kim @Zhaliora

Kim Hansson

Location:Gunshop/house then hospital

Interactions:@Anima Octavia @BlackPanther The twins @smarty0114 Avalon @BeautifulSnow Vanessa

Kim smiled at Octavia before walking out the back door. She tilted her head slightly and leaned up against the wall and took out her pack. She smiled sadly at herself. She didn't really know why she smoked. It had just happened. She took one from the pack and placed in her mouth before lighting it. Kim looked through the window at Octavia and waved before walking round the back, further away from the house. If it was something she would not do, it was smoke in or too close to the house. She walked down to a small stream and sat down on a rock. There was a ashtray next to the rock already set up with a few butts sticking out. She took a deep breath and sighed. It was just so relaxing sitting down by the stream and smoking.

Still tinkering around with the coding, Octavia's eyes shifted towards Kim. Leaving her to her own devices with the computer, Octavia took a whiff of the air. While her scent was no where near canine sensitive, she could still smell something tainting the air around her. It was a disgusting habit that she herself tried many centuries ago. In a different form however. It tainted the source. That was her belief. She couldn't stand being around the tobacco or nicotine. It ... didn't sit well with her.

After finishing another line of code, Octavia got to her feet after inputting another semicolon. Going back to her room, she retrieved another small vial from her bag. Unscrewing the cap, she downed the dark contents before capping it again and placing it back in its respective box. Taking her sunglasses after applying some sunscreen, she donned a long sleeve and pants. She applied sunscreen to the exposed parts of her skin and allowed it time to soak in.

Heading back downstairs, she retraced Kim's steps out the backdoor. It wasn't hard finding her. Octavia simply followed the smell of nicotine.

Minding the silence of her footsteps whilst being masked by the stream, Octavia lingered at the spot the nicotine smoke wasn't vaping to. She looked at the stream then to the ashtray. "You're killing yourself. Slowly. You won't feel it now. Perhaps later."

Kim smiled and took one final drag before putting out the butt in the ashtray. "I know. But you never know when you're going to die anyway." Kim sighed and laid back on the ground, looking up at the sky and then to Octavia. "I'm surprised that you found me here. This has always been my secret little spot." Her eyes went to Octavia's attire. Quite much on her for such a warm summer day. In comparison to Kim who was still wearing her nightgown. She shrugged and lit another cigarette.

Sitting down next to Kim, Octavia nodded to the ash tray. "You'd be surprised how far that smell travels," she said. "I've been told I've got quite the nose."

"The only good thing about it is that I roll them myself. Cheaper and less danger." She looked out across the land in front of her. "This used to be a tobacco plantation back in the days. Had been nice to grow a bit for my own use," Kim took a deep breath and held it before exhaling. "I prefer pipes though, but cigarettes are much easier when you're on the move."

Octavia contemplated what this place would've looked like in past. Untouched by human hands she surmised. Compared to the cities, Red Lake still retained much of its natural beauty. If there was a way to preserve this beauty forever, she'd certainly help in the effort. Maybe buy some favors to make this a natural preserve. Even that was temporary. When humanity wanted to take and use, there were seldom powers to stop them. Whimsical musings of an old woman she supposed.

"I've tried the addiction. It impaired my sense though. I wasn't really keen on continuing it," she said. "But I'm an oddity perhaps. Many take to the habit. I just don't see the fascination in it. But, there are some excellently crafted pipes. I can respect the artistic effort."

"I think it all started for me when I stole my grandfather's pipe. I had a fascination with the thing and knew what it was, and how to use it. He had prepared it one evening and I snuck in and took a smoke." Kim shrugged her shoulders and kept smoking slowly. "I like that pipe still," she said and smiled softly. "It's an old ivory pipe from Africa. It's in the house on my nightstand." She put the butt in the ashtray and stretched before she lay down again. "Before you asked why out here. Well, mostly because this shop here, this workshop, has been the only place that I felt at home. Do you have such a place as well? Somewhere that feels home?"

Home. What a temporary yet comforting notion. She had estates all over the world, but she wasn't exactly at home in any of them. There was something missing wherever she went. There was a time she thought she found. It was with someone she let in, but was soon betrayed for her compassion. No she didn't have a home.

"My occupation keeps me moving. Home's wherever my job takes me," she said. "This is place is ... unique. I can understand why you'd want to stay here. No city traffic, pollution, any of that."

"I see.." Kim said and smiles softly. "I never felt too comfortable in the city. Too crowded, and you can't make a lot of noise or run machinery how you want to either." She laughed quietly as she looked up at the sky before a shiver ran down her spine. "I just get this feeling...that something bad is going to happen today." She jumped to her feet. "It's probably nothing though, but just in case I think we should remain indoors for most of the day."

She started walking back towards the shop. It was rare that her feelings were wrong about something and she trusted them deeply. Kim walked back inside of the shop and turned on the cameras again before heading upstairs and changed her clothes into her work attire and headed out into the town.

The feeling kept bugging her though as she drove down into the town in her work van. The only good thing about it though was that she was going to be working indoors all day long. The hospital had contacted her yesterday evening about checking up on their security system.

At least this would keep her occupied for the moment as she drove up and parked outside. She looked through the back of the van and grabbed her paddie and a ladder from the side of the van.

Kim placed the ladder to the side of the wall before she started walking around the entire hospital, taking plenty of pictures of everything around and on the buildings. There were a few outdated cameras which she waved at while she took pictures. "There are too many flaws here to even point them out," she said to herself and sighed loudly before climbing up the ladder and resumed her patrol on the first flat roof, pulling the ladder up after her before climbing onto the next roof.

She waved at a few people that were passing by, most looked quite surprised to see her. Even a security guard rushed out and started shouting at her before he recognized who she was and told the gathering people that everything was in order and Kim went about her business.

A few hours later she was done with everything on the outside and inside of the hospital. Even done looking through their security system and computer safety. It was getting dark now. Kim had gotten distracted quite a few times and updated a random flaw instead of just writing them down so she could give a cost estimate to the hospital.

Suddenly she heard people rushing around and on the security feed she saw ambulance after ambulance leaving the hospital. "What the hell happened this time?" She tuned her radio onto the hospital frequency and listened in to the panicked calls that a wolf had attacked a group of teens. "I knew today was going to end shitty..." she said and sighed and got up from the desk.

She left the office and walked into the main office and left a note on the chairman's desk, detailing the cost estimates for the job and started walking back out when she noticed a loose cable. An eye twitched and she walked over to it and studied it intently. "Not only security that needs a checkup..."

Kim cursed under her breath as she started mending the cable. If the place burned down due to faulty cables, her job would go up in smoke, literally. She could hear the rushing of ambulances returning while she was working. She paid them little mind as scores of teens on stretchers were rushed into different rooms and medical personnel following suit.

She groaned and walked into a storage area and started collecting lightbulbs and other items that needed replacing when the door was hastily opened and two women entered, one dragging the other along. They started talking about the attack, one of them saying she was a wolf.

Kim raised an eyebrow in the darkness before following after the older lady before turning the corridor and almost walked into three teens, and the girl from the diner. "Oh, excuse me," she said and looked up before her eyes locked on their wounds, surveying them.

Patricia Isaac

Location: The Hospital

@Nallore Riley
@BeautifulSnow Vanessa

Pat was furious about the reply she got from Vanessa. It only confirmed her desire to slap the bitch even more. She wanted to scream out that she and Riley were lovers, but that would probably end quite badly. She bit her lips and held her tongue as Vanessa exited the storage room.

She wanted to punch things, get her anger out somehow. She suddenly felt a chill down her spine as she realised what she was doing. It was so unlike herself. She was, let's face it, a coward. Yet she had acted this way. She had yelled; and she wanted to hit things?

Pat shook her head and slowly started walking back to the room Riley was staying in. She took a few deep breaths before entering and smiled softly. "Sorry about that.." She looked towards Riley's parents before her eyes went around the room and looked at the others. This was one big mess all right.

She had no real way either of knowing what to say to Riley's parents, or the other parents for that matter. She wanted to rat Vanessa out; but who would believe her if she did? No one. Riley knew, but Riley would not betray her friend she figured. Even if she did; would the parents believe someone who was attacked by a wolf?

The situation was almost too much for Pat to handle and she was struggling with finding anything to say that would not sound crazy. She sighed and sat down next to Riley's bed. Since she was the only one awake she figured that would be the best option as she looked out across the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Location: Hospital
Interacting With: @Nallore's Anastasia & @Caits's Cassandra
Date: August 2nd, 6:21 PM

Gloria smiled softly, glancing behind her at Ana. Normally, she might introduce her companion, but right now it seemed Cassandra just needed some comfort. She could only hope that Ana understood, but there was nothing stopping the woman from entering either way. Her eyes went back to Cass as she bit her lip, wishing she could just pull the poor thing into a hug, but felt a bit too shy for that so soon. "It's okay," she said reassuringly, smiling more. "I wanted to come and make sure you were doing okay and had some company... and yeah, I had left a bit early. I didn't see you, so I thought maybe you hadn't joined the trip after all. Guess I was wrong." Gloria smiled and relaxed on the bed next to Cass.

Then slowly, her expression got a bit more serious, but never lost it's sweet, gentle nature. "I wouldn't worry about playing again - your arm will heal back just fine." It was strange, but she spoke in this tone as if she understood something that Cassandra could not. "There's a few things you'll probably start going through now... just remember... no matter what it is - I'm here and I won't judge and I will always believe you." It was an unusual thing to say, but as she finished the sentence, Gloria gently patted Cass' hand comfortingly with a sweet smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: hospital
Interacting with: @lydyn@Nallore

When Gloria sat on the bed, Cassandra breathed in deeply, and for a moment was overwhelmed with rosemary and sage, an interesting combination that seemed to bring about wet, green days, and campfires. Both things Cassie loved. Another scent, somehow full of blossoms and the sea, fainter then the sage and Rosemary, came to Cassie, and she couldn't help but think what a pleasant combination the two different scents gave.

Looking passed Gloria, she spied another girl. She blinked, but didn't say anything, looking back to Gloria as she spoke, in a way that seemed to be knowing. Perhaps she did know something. Cassandra didn't know much about the Wiccan faith truly, but there was a lot of strange things out there. Why not premonition?

She looked down as Gloria patted her hand. That made her feel slightly reassured. She felt...safe. Something she didn't feel often. She looked back to Gloria once more, and smiled slightly, finding herself weary, which probably wasn't surprising, but...

"I guess we got to the grounds a bit late and then there was..ah, just normal stuff. And then the wolf attack...will...will you stay? I don't want to be alone, and I sent my aunt home because I didn't want her sleeping in a chair, and hurting her back or something...your friend can stay too if she wants...please" Cassie knew she was asking a lot, and it seemed likely that Gloria had plans with the other girl. But knowing her friends were okay, or at least not going to die, she just knew she didn't want to be alone.

She looked to the other girl, and said "if you'd like to come in, you can. I'm sorry for being the cause of any plans disturbed...I'm Cassandra"
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