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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Zhaliora Patricia, @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @Anima Kimberly & @Meiyuki Alyssa

Riley looked up at her parents for a moment as they were talking with one of the doctors and one of her mother's coworkers, she could see that her mother was already in her regular clothes she must have been getting ready to leave for the night she felt bad that everything happened which would have easily been postponed for a few more days. Riley watched when Patricia quickly grabbed Vanessa's hand and led her out of the room, the supply closet was just on the other side of the room. Riley could easily hear every word that was being spoken hearing Patricia's voice pointing the finger at her friend Vanessa and blaming her for everything. Riley still had to clue what to think at the moment or what was actually going to happen to her. Then the two of them left the room Patricia had come back into the room and sat down next to her. "Mom dad, i'll be fine you can go home.." Riley said softly as her parents looked at one another for a moment. "Are you sure?" Riley gave her mom and dad a quick nod. "Vanessa and Patricia are here." Riley said then both of Riley's parents nodded and went over to kiss their only daughter on the head. "See you tomorrow." Riley's mother had said.

Once her parents had left Riley turned her attention towards Pat and shook her head slowly. "Please don't blame Vanessa for what happened, I should have canceled or postponed the trip then maybe none of this would have happened.." Riley said quietly as she reached over to hold Pat's hand and blushed deeply for a moment, though Pat was older Riley felt happy to be with Patricia. Riley then took out her phone and decided to text Vanessa seeing her friend had left she heard her calling out to the twins and Avalon from down the hall. 'Heya Van, my parents are gone, could you explain whats going on and see if Cassandra is alright as well?' Riley hit send as she turned to look over towards Alyssa and Kimberly her two closest friends and called out to them. "Hey you two awake?" Riley asked as she reached for one of her pillows and tossed it over towards Alyssa to see if she was awake or not.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Café
Interacting With: @lydyn Gloria & @Caits Cassandra

Anastasia looked towards Cassandra and smiled softly at the young girl she seemed friendly enough as she headed into the room and pulled up a chair from the corner of the room and looked at the two of them before introducing herself to Cassandra. "I'm Anastasia, Gloria and I just met earlier today and I decided to come over. And don't be sorry at all, I came here on my own choice anyway and I didn't have any plans really. I just moved into town today." Ana told the young girl.

Anastasia sat in the chair looking at the two cute girls in the room, she thought for a moment that she was intruding on their moment together and thought about getting up to give the two some space. But she decided to stay a bit longer and talk more with both Gloria and Cassandra. "So uh what happened anyway?" Ana asked Cassandra.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins

color codes: yellow=the mom (Sheryl) red=the dad (Phil) orange=when both are talking pink=Gage green=Aron
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow@Zhaliora@smarty0114

Both twins could tell complaining would not work, but that does not mean they did not try. "Were fine""Honest" They mostly just really did not want to be in that room. They weakly tried to struggle, but that did not work either. After a few moments, they gave in and let Vanessa help them walk back. Their heads hung down a bit with defeat ad they limped.

Then, their path was blocked as they were bumped into. They locked eyes with the woman and realized she was staring at Aron's wrapped shoulder. Both look at each other before looking back at her. "Can we help you?" This was said in unison with the same amount of mixed emotions. It was clear they were not comfortable..and they really did not like having someone stare at either of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: Hallway of hospital / Riley room with ALL THE TEENS

Interacting with: Riley @Nallore, The twins @BlackPanther, Kim and Pat @Zhaliora, Cassandra @Caits, Alyssa @Meiyuki.. Let's just say EVERYONE that got bitten!


Vanessa hadn't noticed the other person in the storage room. Not until she was standing face to face with the person in front of her, she directly smelled the nicotine she had smelled in the storage room. She looked at the boys and gave them a soft smile. "Don't worry boys.. you're not going to your own rooms" she whispered to the boys and then looked at the female. "Good evening.." she said and felt her phone buzz. She took her phone. She read the text and smiled. With one hand she wrote back quickly: 'I am gonna bring everyone together so I won't have to explain a thousand times what happened... Oh and can you keep that teacher away from me? I can't take any more judging looks from her. Xxx your big sis.

She then slipped the phone back and wrapped her arm under Gage his arms and behind his back again. "Seeing the light bulbs she had there I think you guys can't help her very much.. Plus you need to get to Riley her room" she said and then walked away with the boys. She first let Aaron pass Kim, then she passed herself and then Gage would pass by.

In a few minutes she brought the boys to Riley her room and placed them both on a chair each. "Stay.. Chat or something.. But stay" she said and looked at Alyssa, Miranda and Riley with a smile. She then walked out and went on a search for Cassandra and Charlie. She found the boy in the wheel and smiled. "Do me a favor and go to room 356.. And stay there... I'm gonna do some explaining about tonight" she said and gave a smile.

She then smelled the air.. Damn this air is way to clean to get a good sniff of a certain person Vanessa thought and on good fortune she searched. Lucky her, the nurses and doctors had placed the teens close to each other and in a few minutes she had found the girls room. Visitor's, that she could hear and so she knocked firwt. Not that she waited before she walked in and with a smile she said: "We are going for a walk". It was then that she smelled.. Death. She laid a hand before her mouth and looked around. It wasn't long before she looked straight in the eyes of the female that smelled like death. She sighed and almost unnoticeable she shook her head, like she wanted to say: Not now. She looked at the other person and smiled. "I really need Cassandra.. Something about the items on the Campside and I don't like to explain things a hundred times" she said and then walked to the bed.

She picked Cassandra from the bed and carried the girl to the room of Riley and there she placed her down on a chair. She looked at Pat and sighed. "You wanted explaining right? Well... If you can shut your mouth long enough and stop with those looks like you wanna punch the crap of me, I will let you stay. But if you think I will be nice.. Then you've got it wrong, and this is a last warning. As said before: I ain't a lap dog" she said and everyone in the room could sense that Vanessa was very serious. She then looked around and smiled, she locked the door and leaned against it. She relaxed and then spoke again. "As for the rest of you pups... Yes.. Pups, You are bitten by a werewolf" she said it like she just told them they would get pancakes for dinner. Her voice was calm and she scanned their faces.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Location: Hospital, Riley's Room
Interacting With: @Nallore's Anastasia, @Caits's Cassandra, @BeautifulSnow's Vanessa, & Everyone in the Room
Date: August 2nd, 6:23 PM

"Of course I'll stay," she responds in a kind voice, smiling at Cassandra warmly. She even seemed happy that she was asked to stay before looking back to Ana as she was invited in. Watching Ana walk with an almost haunting grace, Gloria really thought of how beautiful the woman was as she sat down. "A wolf had attacked the camp grounds," she had started to explain until a stranger suddenly burst into the room. Gloria recognized her from the camp earlier, pursing her lips lightly. Before she knew it, the woman had picked up Cassandra and started taking her out of the room. 'Hey.. I wanted to carry her..' she thought to herself as she gave Ana a look.

With a light sigh, Gloria followed right behind Vanessa - walking in such a way that telling her not to wasn't much of an option. She was quiet and calm though and didn't bother to argue with the blunt woman, instead simply choosing to stand next to Cassandra as all the teenagers were gathered. Though only Cassandra, Ana, and Riley even knew who she was for the most part. The strangest part of it though, assuming anyone could get past their disbelief and shock, was that Gloria seemed utterly unphased by the new development. In fact, all she did was place a comforting hand on Cass' shoulder in the calmest manner possible.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: hospital
Interacting with: @lydyn@Nallore@BeautifulSnow and whoever else is in the room

A little pleased that Anastasia approached, and relieved that she hadn't broken any plans, Cassandra managed a smile. As she asked about what happened, Cassie looked away and was silent a moment.

"I don't really know. One minute I was with Reily and Patrica the next...the next we heard screams from the camp and ran back...the wolf was there...it attacked and...and I must have got my hand up in time, it tore that to pieces, and I guess mauled my chest as well. I saw it go after someone else but I couldn't do anything, I couldn't do anything and...and...I don't know"

She swallowed and closed her eyes tight but soon they opened almost with a snap, looking to the door at the approach of footsteps, and sighing softly when Vanessa entered. "Can't it wait? I..." but it was too late, Vanessa already picked her up like she was nothing but a sack of feathers and Cassandra have a surprised yelp. She was relieved to see everyone, and even more so that Gloria followed.

As Vanessa spoke, Cassie couldn't help but feel like it was some sort of sick practical joke. She was about to say that it wasn't funny and that she was going to go back to her room Gloria laid a hand on her shoulder. And there was something...half heard...half remembered..."No offense, but you suck at telling people news." she flinched as a wolf howl seemed to echo across the hospital, almost sounding...frustrated. "life...life is meant to be lived, not spent wondering. I survived what she have been two fatal incidents. So I suppose I'm meant to be here and if that means I have to believe what you are saying...then it's a small price to pay for being alive and for being given the chance to experience everythin life has to offer"

She looked to Gloria, who just always seemed to know things, who didn't feel at all freaked about what had been said, who seemed to be standing there quite calmly. Just a pillar of acceptance. She hadn't run away. Why was she here? Maybe Cassie should stop wondering that. The world was a strange and wonderful place. With strange and wonderful people.

She looked back to Vanessa. "I suppose that's why it feels like my injuries are on fire. And the uncomfortable sensation of the wounds healing."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Location: The Hospital.
Interacting through text With: @Ace of flames01@smarty0114

Billy nodded at Sophie. He failed to understand why she couldn't tell him a damn thing but realized that it was probably pretty serious and complicated. Who was he to judge her? Who was he to tell everyone that he saw her? He had his own secrets, those that no one would know, not right now anyways. He said nothing to her as she beckoned him to leave at the sound of another voice at the door. He walked past the guy, who didn't look so good himself but said nothing to him. Whoever he was, Sophie obviously cared about him a lot more, which wasn't too hard to believe.

Feeling better, Billy was about to make his way home but was met with another familiar face, but why in the hell was Charlie in the hospital?

"Charlie!" he rushed over to his friend and looked him up and down, "The wolf attack? What the hell are you on about? I came here... well... because I tripped and hit my head on a walk. Now that I think about it, that sounds really lame. I was just about to leave actually but what the hell happened out there?"

Sheriff Colton

Location: The Campsite
Interacting With:@BeautifulSnow@Maria 127

The sheriff had know idea what the fuck was going on. Here was a gal that had a leg wound healing before his eyes and also telling him that everything was fine but at the same time everything would change? What was this lady on to believe such a thing? He had half a mind to arrest her right there but was completely dumbfounded to actually utter words before she took off.

He just shook his head, whatever she was on was seriously messing with her head. He'd have to get to the bottom of it soon but for right now he had other problems to deal with.

The sheriff listened to Officer Maddison but had his doubts.

"Even if I did ask her questions I probably wouldn't get anything out of it. She's a whack job if you ask me. Anyways, go ahead and take the girl her guitar, I'm not sure it would be of much use to us in this investigation. And Maddison, I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning at the station. Make sure to bring some coffee, its going to be a long day."

With that said, David walked over to his other police officers and began to get his bearing on the overall situation.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @smarty0114 Charlie & Avalon @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Caits Cassandra @Anima Kimberly & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa[/center]

Riley sat there in her bed looking around as everyone was gathered into their room, she was happy to see that everyone was still alive she was really happy everyone was okay though shaken up but they were all okay. Riley looked over towards Patricia and reached out to hold out her hand, just as Vanessa came into the room. Then Vanessa finally started to explain what had actually happened to them, the wolf that attacked them was an actual werewolf she always thought that they were myths but after seeing the bite on her shoulder healing quickly as it did sort of confirmed that and the really good hearing.

Though Riley wasn't even sure what to think about the whole thing now she was actually going to turn into one of those things the next month was actually going to be scaring her, she was nervous as to what was going to happen the only people who now knew were Avalon and Patricia , and Gloria who happened to be the lucky ones who weren't attacked by the wolf that Vanessa apparently had knew who she was. Riley bit her lower lip she looked between Gloria and Cassandra for a moment.

"I have to say that it was completely my fault, I should have just canceled the trip after the news of the wolf attacks on the farms outside of town.. please forgive me everyone." Riley said softly feeling that she was the one who was actually responsible for what had happened to all of her friends, she felt bad for Avalon to actually witness everything happened. "But I think Vanessa is telling the truth." Riley said as she stood up and slowly pulled the sleeve down slightly to reveal the bandage and removed it revealing just a scar now. "It healed like really quick." Riley looked over her shoulder seeing a woman she had never seen before standing just outside of the door and wondered who this person was she didn't see her at the lake before.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @lydyn Gloria Winter

Anastasia sat there for a moment and then she started to get another scent of a wolf and turned around seeing Vanessa coming into the room, she had lifted up Cassandra and carried her out of the room. Ana looked towards Gloria for a moment and bit her lower lip she knew that the woman was a werewolf but she wasn't sure if Vanessa would actually find her out as well. Ana slowly stood up and turned around and followed quietly behind Gloria and stood outside of the door where she actually started to get a much larger scent of wolves within that room alone noticing that they were all young teens.

She couldn't help but feel sad for them knowing what they all will deal with once a month every year from now on until the rest of their lives. Anastasia decided to stay outside of the room just so that she didn't feel like that she was intruding on any of them, Ana then decided to just simply lean herself up against the wall until their little wolf meeting was over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alyssa Paige

Location: The Hospital
Interacting with: Her sister, @Caits's Cassandra, @BeautifulSnow's Vanessa, @Anima's Kimberly, @BlackPanther's Twins @Nallore's Riley, and likely more I've missed.

"What?" Alyssa glared in disbelief at Vanessa first, then turned to Cassandra and Riley. "Wait... you really believe this shit?"

"Listen Vanessa. You and Riley are close, and that's great and all, but now's a real bad time for jokes alright?" Alyssa narrowed her eyes at the woman. She looked around the room at all of her friends and aquaintences, and realized she was still in a hospital gown. Still bound to several machines by damnable tubes in her arms and legs. Her breathing increased in pace as she suddenly felt claustrophobic.

"Lyss..." Emily stood and grabbed her sister's arm, as if she could limit the damage the girl would cause if she lashed out.

Alyssa calmed slightly, nodding. "I'm alright, I'm alright." She turned to Riley with a pained smile. "Ri-Ri, babe, you know I love you, but sometimes your popularity can be a real drag. Don't worry about the trip, shit happens, but if you could get me a little space? I'd love you even more."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

interacting with:
@BeautifulSnow ~ Vanessa Von Strong
@Lord Zee ~ Sheriff Colton
@Damo021 ~ Miranda & Cleo
@Meiyuki ~ Alyssa
@Zhaliora ~ Patricia
@Smarty0114 ~ Charlie & Avalon
[@BlackPantha] ~ Aron & Gage
@Caits ~ Cassandra
@Anima ~ Kimberley
@ anyone else in the room
*Jamaal Kirk Maddison*

Jamaal nodded his head to acknowledge what sheriff Colton had said. "thank you I'm sure the girl will appreciate it" he then walked around the camp site as he looked around for the guitar. He put some clear gloves on so as not to put his own fingerprints on the items. When he found the guitar, he believed it to be in quiet good condition but he knew nothing about guitars.

When he found it, he took off his gloves and inspects the instrument. It was a fine looking instrument he would like to hear it be played one day.

He would then proceed to make his way to the hospital where he hoped to find the girl who owned this guitar. If he remembered correctly the girls name cassandra. He would ask the receptionist who wouldn't allow him in until he showed his police badge. They soon found a room filled with the people from the camp site accident. He knocks on the door politly before opening it and saying. "I came to return this." he says as he reveals the guitar. He would hand over the instrument and would then proceed to leave.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: Red lake clinic / room from Riley

Interacting with: @Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @smarty0114 Charlie & Avalon @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Caits Cassandra @Anima Kimberly @Nallore Riley & Ana & @Maria 127 Jamaal


Vanessa leaned against the wall and looked at everybody in the room. When Riley spoke up she raised a eyebrow at her 'sister' and with a smile she shook her head. ''Okay Riley-deer.. Quit the idea of this thing being your fault. You didn't know that I am a werewolf.. Oh crap, yeah didn't tell you guys that yet, but I guess you did understand that part already'' she said. ''Okay.. Story time'' she said but then noticed the same death smell she had smelled when she entered Cassandra's room and looked around.

With a sigh Vanessa opened the door and looked at Ana. ''Spying on this pack of pups? Believe me, they are harmless and I will keep them in line.. So please, leave and take the smell of rotting body's with you... I don't mean it rude but I need to focus on this as the full moon is still up and I must admit, I would prefer to run trough the woods, hunt on some deer and such but this is a priority'' she said, then she closed the door again and looked around in the room. ''Vampire..'' she said like it was the most normal thing around. Vanessa grabbed a chair and sat on it, backwards, so she could lean on the back with her arms. ''Like I said.. Story time'' she said right when Jamaal walked in.

''Jezus! What must it take for a women to have some alone time with her teenage friends'' Vanessa said, a little bit irritated now. She saw Jamaal and shook her head. ''You do know how to time things, don't you? Take a seat, this way I don't have to keep you on my promise by explaining you stuff tomorrow.'' she said and then closed the door. This time she locked it and would not let anyone in anymore.

''As a lot.. pretty much everyone here might know is that my roots lay in Red Lake.. I kinda grew up here during my spring, summer, authum and even winter breaks of school and college.. After college I went on a world wide journey'' She said. ''Let's skip it a little.. I am now three years blessed with the curse of the moon, as what it is called in most cultures. Four years ago, I arrived in China. My idea was to stay there six months.. It became three years. After two months I got robbed in a back street alley, bad timing they had because the full moon raised and the one that wasn't under control yet.. Bit me in my arm'' Vanessa said and shook her head by the memory.

''I was in shock by seeing people change in wolf and getting bitten.. They knocked me down and took me to their hiding place. There they kept me, until the first moon.. There is a chance that you die during the first change.. When I didn't die, but became a solid black wolf, they told me they were my new family.. That gang joke earlier this day was pretty close to the truth Alyssa'' she said as she looked to the girl who actually was one of them that had reacted like Vanessa was making a joke. ''The hard way, I learned to control myself.. During that process I have killed a few pack members. I was a pretty wild one you can say... The biggest kill I did.. Was killing my changer, which got me free and I could finally leave..'' she said.

She got up from the chair and walked to the window. There she looked at the moon and smiled. ''Sometimes you fall in love with your changer.. It isn't a real love like humans feel but more a kind of submission you give to him or her and you will do whatever he or she says.. The wolf that attacked the campsite today had been in a search for me ever since I left China.. Victoria, origin also a American girl, had that kind of bond with our changer.. And because I killed him, she swore to hurt me the way I had hurt her... That's is also why she first attacked Riley.. She would have killed Riley if it had been just me and Riley there..'' she said and turned back. ''So Riley.. It wasn't your fault, it was mine. I should not have returned to Red Lake, now I got you all in this shit and the only way to get you out of it... Is by making you all control this new thing in your life... But that will only work if you accept me as your.. Alpha'' Vanessa said.

She now stood in the middle of the room and looked at everyone. For those bitten, they would feel something changing inside them. It wasn't just Vanessa that they saw standing there, they would feel that she was speaking the truth. It just was their choice if they would follow her or not. While she stood there, she said one more thing: "If you don't believe me yet.. Take a very deep breath and you will find new smells in the air.. Like anti-bacterial soap but also Alyssa's scent of fresh clean sweat and fallen leaves... Or the twins Cinnamon Roll and Pine trees.. My own scent .. the one of a rainy forest.. It works if you say what you smell, and which smell you like and which not... It sounds weird but see this as a first lesson in werewolf 101.. The smell or others will affect a lot on the fact if you like them or not.. Personally I love the smell of Cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven, so I will easily like Aaron.. While Pine trees are not my favorites, so having Gage around me might annoy me faster" she explained and smiled.

She looked at Riley and winked at her. "Don't worry about your coffee scent Honey-pie. I sure do still like to have you around" she said and knew very well that Pat wouldn't like this. But she didn't care at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @smarty0114 Charlie & Avalon @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Caits Cassandra @Anima Kimberly & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa


Riley looked towards Alyssa and looked down for a moment maybe she was losing her mind or something, but the healing was pretty much real and they all should have been dead that wolf that Vanessa had called Victoria she shuddered seeing that white wolf pouncing onto her she was terrified. Then Vanessa said it wasn't her fault but Vanessa's though Vanessa maybe right or not Riley still truly deep down felt that it had actually been her fault because she didn't cancel the trip. "It is still my fault regardless still." Riley said softly and then looked towards her friends and smiled slightly for a moment and then sat back down on the bed letting out a soft sigh.

Riley looked over towards Patricia for a moment and smiled slightly until she turned her attention towards the door seeing a woman she didn't recognize before just as Vanessa had closed the door. She could easily smell the blood coming off of her and shivered she didn't believe in this stuff before but now she did after seeing things that had happened tonight. Riley turned her attention back towards Vanessa as she started to explain what they would soon be going through.

She wasn't going to be looking forward to experiencing the changes especially experiencing changing every month, and the first change she was terrified of dying she looked towards Vanessa she was the closest person that she trusted with this and knew what she was actually talking about and knew more then she did.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: No One

Anastasia looked into the room full of werewolf pups her senses getting overwhelmed with their dog scent when Vanessa the one talking to all of them glared at her and pointed out she was a vampire she glared at the wolf but didn't say anything. She turned around and would let out a rather loud sigh she wanted to talk to Cassandra some more, but felt like she was not even welcome in the room. She felt her stomach grumble and started to head further down the hallway and looked around as she found the blood bank in the small clinic.

Anastasia looked around no one was in the area and started to pick the lock slowly until finally she managed to open it and quickly grabbed a few bags of blood. She was one of those vampires that rarely ever fed off of a living being and preferred to take them from blood banks such as these it wasn't fresh or warm, it was enough to keep her satisfied. Anastasia stuffed the blood bags into her purse and quickly headed out of the room and left the clinic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

Location: The Hospital

@Nallore Riley
@BeautifulSnow Vanessa
@BlackPanther The twins
Passively with the rest.

Pat could barely believe her ears when Riley spoke to her. How could she not be blaming Vanessa for everything that happened? She was about to object when Riley gently grasped her hand and Pat's frown softened and slowly turned into a blushing smile. She gently patted Riley's head and sighed deeply once to regain her calm. It wasn't often she got angry with anything. Only when it concerned those around her, it had mostly been her students during her life though. Now as she looked over Riley as she lay there, wounded. Something inside of her just snapped. She could not put a finger on it.

She was just getting back to her calm and happy self when Vanessa came back into the room with the boys. She gave her the evil eye before her eyes went to the boys. They looked quite badly off. Perhaps it had just been Riley who healed that quickly? She did not know, but it did worry her. Had one of Riley's ancestors been werewolfs perhaps? Not that it mattered too much. She was mostly afraid for Riley's sake.

Pat got up from her seat and walked over to the boys. "Here...let me help you.." she said gently and smiled softly towards them and pulled out two seats and helped them sit down. Her eyes said what her lips did not. She would not take any objections to her helping them. They were precious to her after all.

She looked around the room after helping the twins sit down and Charlie rolled in. She had seen most of them grow up from a young age. It pained her greatly to see them in this condition, and kept fuling her rage towards Vanessa.

Speaking of the devil the criminal entered the room and she stared at her. Her fists twitched. When Vanessa spoke she said what Pat wished for and she muttered under her breath before walking back to Riley's side and sat down. She was not going to stop with her contempt, and she would not leave the room.

She gently grasped the silver hanging around her neck before turning her gaze towards Vanessa again. Pat wondered if the legends were true. She caught herself thinking of how to get rid of Vanessa and it scared her.

Pat breathed deeply and grasped Riley's hand once again as Vanessa started talking once again. Not too long after Cassandra started speaking as well. It was...shocking to say the least. Was she not scared of the fact that she was now a werewolf? That she could go on a rampage during the moon or kill people with what she almost seemed to think was a gift?

Riley spoke a few words about it being her fault and Pat wanted to quiet her there and then. There was no way that was her fault. Wolves don't attack groups unless you threaten them. Her eyes went to Vanessa. Or was one of her kind.

Alyssa spoke up next and Emily as well. Pat shook her head and wanted to laugh. The whole situation was just....insane. It did not help when Jamaal, the young officer opened a door Pat thought was locked and dropped off a guitar before exiting again before Vanessa stopped him for leaving. "This...is just insane...!"

She listened to Vanessa's story without too much care. She had known her since before. This shed new light on things though, and it did nothing to diminish her contempt and rage. She had KNOWINGLY returned knowing that she was chased.

Her fury started to boil the more she spoke. "What kind of moron are you really!?" Pat opened her mouth and resisted the urge to stand up and slap Vanessa, Riley's hand the only thing keeping her calm enough. "Knowingly you returned here. Knowingly you put everyone in danger. Not just these teens, but everyone in the town. For what? Your own amusement? Your selfish wants or needs? After almost killing them you've got the nerve to borderline demand that you become their alpha. Demanding that they obey the person that almost got them killed? Because of your lust for control?"

Kim Hansson

Location:Hospital then gunshop

@BlackPanther The twins
@smarty0114 Avalon
@BeautifulSnow Vanessa

"No...nothing much...I just expected someone to have been attacked by a wolf to have deeper wounds. Perhaps they're healing quickly," Kim said and eyed Vanessa. Her mind was adding things together. With the previous argument between the older lady and this woman. Wolf bites, healing, whatever you are. It almost seemed amusing to her. Creatures of myth. They surely could not be real. She had seen plenty of messed up things in her days though. And it was....interesting...in a sense. She could not wait to experiment and test things if it was the case.

No matter though. If there were now a bunch of werewolves running around she guessed she would have to make a few silver bullets. Unconsciously her hand went towards her pistol at her hip before it got placed on her hip instead. She was craving a cigarette right now. But at least she had enough sense not to smoke inside, inside a hospital of all things as well.

Kim smiled towards them as they passed her. She did indeed have a job to do. This whole thing gave her a new boost of energy. Something she had seen in the movie Underworld. She wondered if she could make proper silver and UV light bullets. Because if werewolves were real, then she assumed the other was as well. Along with perhaps other beings as well.

She also had the military contract standing if she wanted to accept it. "Sentry turrets huh?" she said quietly to herself as she walked towards the entrance to the hospital and started making her way home. Now was the time for hard work. Kim opened up the old basement and brought a few things with her down. One thing that had never escaped her mind. Her grandfather's stories about the myths. She started to wonder if some of them had some merit to them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @smarty0114 Charlie & Avalon @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Anima Kimberly & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @Nallore

Cassandra looked at Alyss and nodded. "we are alive when we shouldn't be. We are here. Things...aren't what they should be. If you are faced with a small aquatic animal that waddles and goes quack, then you have to conclude the obvious, don't you? Well there's no denying that there's something...unnatural happening here. Given an explanation well...if it's not true we find out in a month. And no harm done. If it is...at least we can be prepared"

She looked to Riley as the girl still thought this was her fault, and sighed. "Riley, it isn't. We all thought we would be safe. We are all old enough to make our own decisions. We all chose to go willingly. It's not your fault."

Cassandra was tired. She was scared. She was freaked, despite her outward manor, and perhaps that's why she lashed out at Patrica. "if yo bothered to pick up a newspaper, or even look online, you'd see that wolf attacks have been on the increase everywhere. What, just because of what she is, Vanessa can't live where she wants, do what she wants? It's not her fault. It's no ones fault but the person who attacked us. She can't tell the future, she didn't know we would be attacked. After what she has been through, she doesn't deserve you lashing out at her. So I ask, what kind of moron are you, to think that any of this is Vanessa's fault? She didn't ask to be changed, and I'd rather follow her then stumble along trying to figure out what I am suppose to be doing, rather do that then potentially kill someone. We are alive because of Vanessa. We would have bled out, if she hadn't been there, no matter what we are now. You can't replace blood in an instant after all. So maybe you should take that judgemental attitude and think before you speak!"

She turned on Vanessa next, not caring what anyone thought of her right then, "I don't care what you think of Ana, you had no right to speak to her like that and send her away. Do I have to deal with racist crap as well?" Grateful for the return of her guitar, She rose and picked it up. "I'm going to see if I can find her, I'd hate to think I could lose a potential friend because of the rudeness you showed. We're not going to change tonight, so I assume we can be free to go for now. I don't smell rotting bodies on her, and even if I did, we are more then our scents"

Cassandra quickly left, wanting to be gone with an urgency that surprised her. While she was glad her friends were okay, it had started to get overwhelming. Checking herself out would be a process, and one she didn't want to bother with. It was surprisingly easy to follow the path Anastatia had taken, which curiously led to the blood bank. Not wanting to linger, she hurried on out, following the scent still.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins remained quiet during the entirety of the event unfolding before them. They looked at each other every once in awhile with gage looking away with a clenched jaw. He started tapping his fingers until he slowly stood up...the look on his face making him quite intimidating. "even if I believed you...which I'm still on the fence about why the hell would I willingly subject myself to yet another person taking over my every action. I get enough of that crap at home" he glanced at aron. "we both do..." he closed his eyes before he inhaled and re opened them. "I'm not interested in being controlled more by someone who almost got my brother killed" emotions flicked through Gage's eyes before he pushed past Vanessa and stormed outside. He found a tree and paced in front of it.

Aron's jaw opened slightly as the anger contained by gage poured out. He watched him storm out before looking at Vanessa. "uh...rain check? I'll go....figure something out." he paused by Vanessa. "uh....so...what happens if a werewolf is upset....actually rain check on questions...just...don't worry about us. We survive...we always have. But ill talk to him. I think he's just upset about a lot of things and this was the last straw you know?@ he gave her a small hug before chasing after his brother.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Caits Cassandra & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa

Riley looked towards Patricia seeing her teacher's face and got the sense that she was holding back her anger towards Vanessa and then finally she lashed out towards her best friend and knew that things would be turning really sour between her best friend, and her possible girlfriend causing Riley to bite her lower lip. She didn't want to see the two people that she cared the most about to argue because of her, Riley gripped her hand tighter around Patricia's not enough to hurt her but to try and make her stop Riley turned to look at Pat. "Please stop...?" Riley asked they all had been through enough this evening and already there was fighting and arguing.

Then Riley looked towards Cassandra as she snapped at Patricia Cassandra was right though and knew that none of this was under any of their control. And Riley needed Vanessa more then ever now as she was now the same as Vanessa was, then Riley looked towards the two brothers as they stormed out of the room, and Cassandra eventually doing the same to talk to the other girl that was standing outside of the room near them overhearing their conversation so her name was Ana.

"I'll give you some space then Alyssa." Riley said softly as she stood up from her bed and looked towards Vanessa as well as Patricia. "Please this isn't any of her fault and just point the finger at me.." Riley said as she quickly headed out of the room, Riley closed her eyes as she started to get the twin's scent and Cassandra's she was still shocked and surprised at how much it has heightened now.

Eventually Riley caught up with Aaron and Gage outside of the hospital near a tree. "Hey listen Gage I know you are angry, and I get it but it wasn't Vanessa's fault at all, please just listen to her and if you want blame me I was the one who set up the trip knowing that there were still wolf attacks recently.."

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Caits Cassandra

Anastasia closed her eyes as she slowly looked over her shoulder as she quietly pulled out one of the blood bags and started to bring it up to her mouth and slowly sink her fangs into the plastic bag to drain the blood. That's when she picked up one of the pup's scents and looked to see that it was Cassandra who had followed her out of the clinic and raised an eyebrow. Anastasia closed her eyes as she enjoyed the taste before pulling it away from her mouth and quickly went to hide the bag behind her bed.

"Uhm hi there.." Anastasia said softly looking at the young teen as she slowly wiped away some of the blood from her lips and licked it off of her wrist. Anastasia blushed awkwardly not to many people would have seen her drink blood off of a blood bag before as she leaned herself up against the wall. "Why aren't you with the rest of your pack hmm?" Anastasia asked she wasn't sure why this girl had suddenly followed her.

@Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Caits Cassandra & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa


It had been a very long week for every who had survived the wolf attack, everyone had made a full recovery since the attacked and everyone was released early the next day of the attack. Of course this had become wide spread news around Red Lake and the surrounding areas and even the whole state about the wolf attack. It had been a full week as the week went on for everyone however the teens had started to notice changes within their body if they truly noticed.

Everyone's senses were heightened considerably from, sight, hearing, scent, and taste another gift that they were given were increased strength and stamina as well. However the teens had also felt a slight increase of rage and anger, most likely getting into heated arguments between themselves or family members or anyone that that was affected by them. It is an early morning 8AM as the teens started to go about their day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: The woods

Interacting with: Before Timeskip: Riley @Nallore, Patricia @Zhaliora, Cassandra @Caits and the twins @BlackPanther

After timeskip: Connor @Caits


Vanessa listened to Patricia and felt her anger grow, she was now getting in a state that would make this whole situation very bloody but she was surprised when Cassandra spoke up. Everyone could see that Vanessa was surprised and she gave the girl a little smile. Even when Cassandra turned to Vanessa to say that she should not be acting like that to any person she nodded and let the girl go.

After all, maybe she was right and maybe not every vampire was bad. True story is that Vanessa never really met one, and just heard story's of them. When Cassandra had left, someone else stood up told her right in her face he didn't need anyone lecturing him. She couldn't blame him. She had sensed some real emotion problems and she nodded to Aaron when he apologized.when everyone, almost everyone was gone, she turned to Patricia.

"You better be grateful that Riley is one of the most important people to me, that there is a cop here I this room, who already hides two secrets for me and that Cassandra was first. But if I was you, I would quit the Damon attitude. I didn't know she had followed me, if I had known I would have taken care of it before I returned. I did wanna return because there isn't a place I this damned world where I feel more at home that here. A wolf, werewolves including, is a pack animal. We are stronger when in a pack, and young werewolf, like everyone I this room need a teacher. I dont want power, I hate being in charge. Vanessa said and took a deep breath. She had to keep her cool, she had to.

But if I dont do it, you will soon find a town that is destroyed when you Google for Red Lake. Do you want to live in a war zone? Believe me, you don't want that. I personally hated my alpha from the beginning, and killing him was the best thing I've ever done. The first thing I did then was getting out of China. Most of you here thing I traveled back by plane.. I ran most of the journey" Vanessa said. She then sighed and shook her head. "I don't even know why I even try to explain. After al, I owe you nothing. You are after all, nothing more than a mere human " Vanessa said and then walked out of the room.

One week later

Vanessa walked trough the woods. She wasn't far from the 'crime scene', but she wasn't on her way there. She was searching for someone else. She saw that he had moved on, his car was gone and the wood that he had gathered that night a week ago, was still laying there. She shook her head, he wouldn't be far. She knew, because she knew that he wanted answers. She took a deep breath and looked around.

Nobody was at the campsite, a little further away, at this hour as it was only 7 am. "Connor?!" Vanessa called out. She took a few deep breaths and then was about to howl. Yet the idea of waking the pups in town stopped her from it. She let out a sigh and went on a run. She followed the tracks that were pretty fresh.

When she found him, she giggled. "Wake up silly boy" she said and squatted down next to the sleeping boy. "Wake up!!!" She said and then got up quickly. She took a few steps back and then sat down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: The woods
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow Vanessa

People might consider it crazy to stay in a wood, after everything that had happened to Connor in them, but right then it seemed better to do so, then to stay in town where questions would be asked. Connors truck was parked nearby, but he had acquired a air mattress, and was currently curled slightly on it, his tall frame would otherwise overhang the small air filled mattress. The remains of a fire were nearby, and he was in a sleeping bag, a blanket thrown aside.

He seemed to sleep like the dead, not even aware of Vanessa's footsteps, and only woke when she shook him. He blinked blearily, sitting up, he ran a hand through his messy hair, and rubbed sleep out of his eyes, looking to Vanessa he cleared his throat. "uh. Good morning" he glanced up to the sky as if to assure himself it was morning, before looking back to Vanessa.

Connor had had a lot of time to consider things. It seemed that he couldn't deny that what happened as real, now that Vanessa was in front of him. He had considered all that had happened that night, thinking it through as he tried to figure out hope shape shifting was possible. The simple physics of it all denied it was possible, and yet obviously it was. Using logic, you could then think that perhaps there was some magic to it. If werewolves existed, didn't that mean things like magic did too? But then that seemed even more implausible. He had gone round and round like that for the last week, and had not reached a conclusion beyond the fact that it was real.

He breathed in deeply, the forests sent, somehow life, dirt, trees and the animals that made it, was for a moment overwhelmed by a similar sent, that seemed deeply earth, after a rain. It was oddly comforting to Connor, and he traced it Vanessa. It hasn't taken Connor long to figure out that he was experiencing heightened senses, but he had grown use to it over the weeks since his attack, his fathers death that he hadn't noticed it, until he began to contemplate what he now was. "I was beginning to think it was all a grief stricken nightmare, but obviously not. How are the teens? It's not easy getting over a wolf attack, even if they did heal amazingly fast. And then everything else" Connor didn't come right out to ask for an explanation, but it was there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins & Riley

Pre time skip

Aron was still walking when he heard Riley start to catch up. He started walking a bit quicker and gently pulled Rikey back as Gage's arm shot forward punching a tree. The tree groaned and splintered before falling backwards. Luckily the tree wasn't a giant, but with that size if it had fallen onto Riley or aron it would be rather painful.

Aron winced as the tree fell and looked at Riley. "It is not your fault. We knew about the wolf attacks and still went." He lightly continued to hold Riley back as Gage paced, anger in most of his features. Aron watched his brother and knew most of this was pent up anger from home.

Riley felt Aron grabbing onto her as he pulled her back, she looked towards Gage seeing the angry look in his eyes as he punched the tree. She watched the tree splinter and then fall, she looked towards Aron and nodded slightly she still should have cancled the trip. "Thanks, and it's not Vanessa's fault either.. she didn't know that she would have been followed." Riley said as she looked towards Gage once more. "Is he going to be okay?" Riley asked gesturing towards his twin.

Aron nodded as he watched his brother pace. "again...I don't blame either of you. We didn't have to go." he tilted his head and slowly let go of Riley. "honestly...this is probably healthy. He hasn't let out his anger in awhile. Though...he is a lot stronger then before so the forest might hate it." he studied Riley a bit. "Tonight probably won't help...." he looked away, but for a second a bit of fear and sadness was present in his eyes. He was not looking forward to going home.

Riley nodded slowly as she leaned herself up against the wall of the hosptial as she watched Gage pacing around. She looked back towards Aron noticing him studying her for a moment but remained quiet as she ran a hand through her hair. "I think we all went through a rough night." Riley could see some fear and sadness in Aron's eyes. "Whats wrong Aron?" Riley asked as she stood up a bit.

Aron forced himself to perk up and shook his head. His hands went into his pockets as he watched his brother, avoiding eye contact with Riley. "Nothing. A bit worried about everything, but I'm sure it'll work out. When he calms down I'll talk to him about the whole pack thing" he chuckled. "that sounds so weird. Pack thing....this whole thing is bizarre." he looked at her. "How are you?" He changed the subject and managed to be nice. Aron seemed to be living up to his scent already.

Gage slowly stopped pacing and stopped. His head tilted back as he stared at the sky. He was working through his thoughts, but he wasn't quite ready to talk to his brother yet.

"I know i'm worried about everything as well, the trip was going alright for the most part." Riley said softly leaving out what happened between her two best friends, she awkwardly rubbed the back of her head and laughed softly. "Yeah pack thing does sound pretty weird, guess that makes us brother and sister now or something?" Riley said with a slight smile. She watched Gage stop his pacing around and saw him staring up at the night sky. "I'll be fine, are you sure he will be alright?" Riley asked gesturing towards him.

Aron chuckled. "I guess. Or just better friends" he shrugged as he laughed a bit. He tilted his head as he watched his brother and nodded. "Yea. In a few more seconds he will kneel. He goes through stages....outright rage slowly to calmness. He bottles up his anger a lot, so I guess this is how he copes. as if in cue, Gage seemed to crumple to his knees and rubbed his face before inhaling slowly. "see? now we should prep for talking to him"

"That to." Riley laughed softly as she watched Gage and just as he had said that Gage got down onto his knees, she looked towards Aron for a moment she wasnt sure if he would come up and punch her or not. "Sounds good, but i'll let you do the talking i'd rather he not punch a whole in me like he did with that tree."

Aron shook his head. "He won't punch you...more likely the wall or he'd just storm off." Aron shrugged and watched as Gage slowly got up and slowly made his way to Riley. Aron inhaled and studied his brother. "I feel the pack thing is a good idea. We could be a part of something." Gage ran a hand through his hair and looked between the two. "I don't know....it could go bad. We don't need that...and Riley...." it was clear Gage wasn't quite sure what to say as his sentence trailed off. Instead he ended up giving her a small hug before backing off. He looked at Aron who sighed. "We could at least try it" Gage gave an obvious fine face and nodded.

"I'll hold you to that then." Riley said as she watched Gage getting up and approaching her, she felt slightly intimidated as he approached her, and looked in between the twins. Riley bit her lower lip for a moment she was about to say something until she was pulled into a slight hug. "I know you don't like having to follow someone, but we dont know what we are capable of." Riley said gesturing towards the tree that Gage had punched. "And i've known Vanessa for years since I was little, she wouldnt let anything happen to all of us." Riley said looking at Gage.

Gage studied Riley and sighed. "I'll try....but no promises" the second part had him staring at Aron. He would try, but he had no idea if he was capable of doing a pack situation. Mostly it was a fear of another group controlling his brother and himself in a negative way. However, he had to admit there was the possible positive outcome. With another sigh he moved around them and went back inside. Aron smiled at Riley. "well...looks like we're in the pack thing. That's the best answer he could give"

Post time skip

The twins had a rather uneventful week. Somehow, they had only recieved the silent treatment and lost a bit more money. Which, while rather anger inspiring, was better then any thing they were thinking would happen. Thy felt different, but figured that was the werewolf side rearing its head.

As as the morning came about, the twins made their way to their work. It was early, but they wanted to get out of the house. It even took less time for them to make it there...and so far They were in a pretty good mood. Aron grabbed his apron when he went into the place and Gage made his way to the back. As he passed his brother he nudged Aron a bit. "You notice both of the people occupying the house smell rotten" Aron chuckled and went to work. Gage grabbed some food supplies and went to work on making various food things. One of which was bread.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: The Hospital
Interacting with: Nobody

A week had passed and Sophie could just barely sit up in her hospital bed. She had been informed that she would not be released for another month even then she would still have to take it easy for another week or two, thus, she called into work and let her manager know of her absence but kept her reasons anonymous. She had also overheard of the release of the patients from the wolf incident, which relieved something of the stress lying on her mind.

However, Sophie was bothered by what Ravi had said to her on the night of the attack, something that had lingered in her mind ever since. She was worried about him and she wanted to believe he was telling the truth, as he had no real reason to lie to her.

Sophie sighed softly and opened her eyes ever so slowly, then groaned. Another quiet, painful, lonely day in her hospital bed. Slowly, she tried to sit up but a stab on pain prevented her from doing so caused her to flop back down with a groan. "Back to bed I guess..." She closed her eyes tried to fall back asleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

Location: The Hospital then home

@Nallore Riley
@BeautifulSnow Vanessa
Passively with the rest.

Pat almost, just almost regretted lashing out at Vanessa. In her book Vanessa was guilty of it all. Deserving the hate and distrust she now had for her. Knowing that someone was after her. Or at least that an obsessive turnee was still alive after killing the turner.

Riley grabbing tighter on her hand slowly pulled her back down. She turned her face towards her love as Riley spoke quietly to her. A tiny smile appeared on her stern and flushed face before Cassandra spoke up.

She wanted to argue back. Point out the contradictions and flaws in her logic. Sure, her own was not flawless, but from what Vanessa had said during the 'storytime' she had known quite a bit before. Instead she turned her face towards Riley once again and gently kissed her forehead right before the twins spoke, and soon thereafter left, Riley soon after.

Pat was left alone with her, currently, most hated person in the world, and a few of the teens. "Then act the teacher. Don't say that you're their alpha. Saying that's the only way forwards. As a teacher myself, I know that does not work. You said that you hated your own alpha and killed him. What's stopping them from killing you? Would you be strong enough to kill one of them if they went out of control? Even Riley? I don't think you're strong enough to be an alpha, not with what's required at least."

She stayed quiet until Vanessa left before soon leaving herself. There was way too much going on right now for her. Way too much..

7 days....

Well...she was not dead yet at least. Despite the threat Vanessa posed. And what Pat was afraid of herself. She had visited Riley as often as she had been able to. Even if that was not too often. She had been around to everyone's parents and talked to them in the aftermath of the attack.

They had wanted to know more; perhaps something that their kids would not say. Pat had done what she had been able to suppress their fears and ease their minds. She had done the same for herself...even if in another manner.

She had ordered and searched for things said to weaken or cure werewolfs. Wolfsbane, and even looking into exorcism for a cure. She had even tried some of the nicer ones since they were easy to do. She had scolded Riley for something small. That had not worked. She had tried saying her full name three times in succession to Riley...but that had not worked either.

And today her order at the gunsmith in town was due, and she was there bright and early before leaving shortly after, returning home and unpacked her pistol and bullets with a few grams silver in them....

Kim Hansson

Location:Gunshop and varies places in town

Interactions: The twins @blackpanther

Kim had been working most of the week. It was almost as if someone knew. For shortly after she had started to experiment with silver bullets an order came for a pack with a little bit of silver in them. It was puzzling to her. Adding that to that it was that teacher lady from before which had ordered them.

It was not her place to question though. But it had delayed her project a little bit. UV light bullets seemed impossible though. But you could always attach an UV light lamp to any gun, so that was a plus at least.

The silver bullets were progressing better. Until she ran out of silver. Oh well, at least her other project were coming along much better. The sentries. Something that would pay her good for years to come if she finished it. There was just one problem of IIF. Sure, in a simulation or a shoot anything situation they worked just fine! But when you had civilians around, not so much. Or animals for that matter.

She had been able to make them shoot at anything in front of them. And not to shoot at targets with an IFF tag. The problem was everything else. Programming was easy enough, but not the IFF system. She guessed this was why the military had asked about it after all.

Kim had made plenty of progress though during the week. Despite her coffee place had been closed for most of it..she had been wandering around town. Doing something unusual for her. Talking to people. Asking questions about how Red Lake was now in comparison to how it was when she was younger and much more. Even caught up with a few people from back then.

Currently, her butt was firmly placed in a seat in that one shop the twin boys worked at. She had stared at them every now and then. Still surprised that they were all right and seemingly not having any pains. She waved her hand towards one of them. "Excuse me! Can I get some coffee and whatever sandwich you feel like making!?" she half-shouted into the kitchen.
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