
"Ohayou Gozaimasu!"
Full Name:Patrick Fuchizawa
Code Name: Numbah 103
Grade Level: 5th
Personality: Pat is a bit cocky for someone of his nonthreat like appearance. His intellect often leads him to bragging about his abilities and how he is superior compared to whoever he's talking to. His mouth constantly puts him into situations were he has to run away or negotiate his way out of a beating. It may seem like it but he isn't a complete jerk, now and then he'd poke at someone for knowing something they didn't. Though he seems like the person to never follow orders; He's the complete opposite. When given an order he follows them to perfection doing nothing else until his task is complete. Pat's thought pattern is strange and is motivated by the anime he's beginning to watch. Sometimes he likes to see himself as a mad scientist and ends up locking himself within his room working on something science related. The scientist persona is the main personality type you'll see Pat act out. He's super friendly and sometimes ask people do they go by a nick name, but sometimes he'll give them on himself using "-kun" or "-San" after his created nick name for them.
Biography: Pat is a half American and half Japanese kid who lived back and forth between Kyoto Japan and alot of the states in the southern parts of America. His mother being a translator for his father until he learned English but the two quickly feel in loved. Around the age of 6 Pat was becoming well rounded with machines since his father was an engineer. Due to his curiousness and first time exposure to anime he was motivated to build a mech which birth a unstable and poor functioning version of Hippie Hop. Though it was a failure the KND seen the potential help he'd be and soon recruited him.
Position: Scientist/2x4 Technology Officer
Skills:•Is great at running away
•Can speak a little bit of Japanese
•Is really smart for his age(basically on par with Hoagie Gilligan)
•Good at negotiating
•Sucks at Hand to Hand(He can still do it but will most likely not turn out as the victor)
Weapon of Choice:T.H.U.M.P.E.R.
Teddy Hurling Ultra Microwave Powered Ejection Rifle.
Rainbow Monkeys