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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
Avatar of BogeyDope


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Location; Rear Parking Lot
Interacting With; Kevante and Sukaina
Mood; A bit anxious → A little sassy → Badass

Quite a few minutes after she dropped Eliana and Benny off at the Mayweather building, Carmen had invited a few uninvited guests to... chaperone the party in a sense, from a silent and shadowed distance. It was when the second car arrived that things were being discussed.

"Are you for real?" Kevante asked, sitting at the helm of their black Dodge Charger. "Now you're calling in favors?"

"It shouldn't be that difficult for you guys." Carmen said, prepping herself up in the backseat, alongside Sukaina. She was dressed up in a nice manner that still allowed her to kick ass. Black tactical shoes, dress trousers and a revealing black dress shirt, she's got it down. "This is just a surveillance job. No guns, no shooting, no infiltration... not that I think that's needed, anyway." She turned her back to Sukaina, who is now helping to braid the back of her hair.

Sukaina nodded. "Yeah, we've done this a million times before. It's my specialty, in fact." Sukaina said softly, braiding Carmen's hair as she spoke.

"What? Stalking people? For you that would actually kinda make sense." Kevante said, rolling his eyes and turning around. "So Carmen... what kind of shit do you want us to be looking out for? Confessions? Intel?"

Carmen nodded. "All of it. Though these people are Mayweather, they might not give us much. See... I really want to go the good guy paragon route on this one, but... if I can't befriend them and earn their trust, I gotta have some sort of leverage over them so they don't fuck around with me or my friends." Carmen said.

Kevante nodded. "So Blackmail material then? Alrighty, I'll leave that one up to Suk (Sook)."

"I also need you guys to look out for any Delphina assholes. I know they'll be coming to crash the party, I just need to know when. You guys are my early warning radar network right now, so I'm counting on you two dumbasses to get the job done." Carmen said, taking her Walther P99, chambering it with rubber rounds before holstering it in a concealed area under her black dress pants. Due to the FNX-45 tactical being too big to conceal when dressed up, she resorted to her smaller 9mm backup pistol.

"Alright, so what do these fucktards look like?" Kevante asked.

"Well, half of them are kids that Suk would draw fanart of and post on GIFs of on her Tumblr page." Carmen said with a teasing smirk.

"Hey!" Sukaina playfully punched Carmen on her shoulder. "I don't do that anymore!"

"Or so you say." Carmen chuckled. "The other half of them are an emo kid, a fucking Nazi, a few ice queen bitches, an angry white boy and a guy in a badass trench coat and top hat. Shouldn't be too hard to spot."

Kevante nodded. "Got it."

Sukaina then finished up Carmen's hair. "Alright... finished up here." She said softly, allowing Carmen to turn around and face her. "You look nice. Not... cocktail party 007 Quantum of Solace nice, but... still fuckable." Sukaina said casually.

Carmen raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

"Yeah. I'd totally bang you in that outfit, but... that shirt makes you look like you're posing for some shitty second-rate mall store clothing line." Sukaina chuckled.

Carmen, having worn a (somewhat revealing) black dress shirt, looked to herself and sighed. "Yeah... fair point." She looked back up to Sukaina. "So... how are you guys gonna go about doing this?"

"Well... Steel Pheonix..." Sukaina said mockingly. "...since we all got that unlimited Talk and Text plan from Verizon Wireless, I'm gonna call you on your cell, and you're never gonna hang up, leaving all of the background noise to be picked up in recorded, including conversations nearby. I couldn't find any working wired mics in time, you kinda sprung this one on us."

Carmen shook her head. "Hey, Suk, it's cool. How are you gonna record the others?"

"Well, I got this military-grade listening equipment..." She said, pointing to the laptop, headphones and long-ranged scanners. "... with that, I'll be listening in to whatever's going on outside. I can also gain access to the security cameras if need be." She explained.

"As for the Delphinas, I got this." Kevante said, pulling out a night-vision scope. "Our windows are tinted, so if we keep the interior lights off, no one would even know we're even here."

Carmen nodded. "Good. I need you guys to remember one thing though. Never, under any circumstances, draw your fucking guns. I want to prevent a bloodbath, not start one, so if you're compromised, tell the appropriate half of the truth to whoever spotted you. If Mayweather spotted you, say that you're looking out for Delphinas for me. If Delphina spotted you, tell them you're looking for blackmail material for the Mayweathers and offer to sell some. Give them bullshit though if they actually want to buy any." Carmen chuckled. "You guys got it?"

"Yeah boss, read ya loud and clear." Kevante said.

Sukaina nodded. "Yep, I gotchya."

Carmen smiled. "Alrighty then. Keep an eye on me, I'll be heading in when the party starts. Text me whatever for whenever you need me to bring the phone to ear." She said. "Peace out bitches... I got a party to attend!" She said before gloriously exiting the backseat of the Charger, playing hip-hop music in her head as she activated her reflexes, making her look like she's walking out in slow-mo. Damn, that felt good every time.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hippocamp
Avatar of Hippocamp

Hippocamp the Steel Whirlwind

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Allen Hops

Scene of the crime, then on the warpath.
Interacting With; Scum of the earth.
Mood;Mortified ← Furious ← Vengeful...


It had been four minutes. Four minutes of the two Mayweather sophomores pressing on the stall door, talking on and on about the party and how they liked getting laid and how much of a virgin Benny was for wearing a top hat. The sickly green of the plastic divider plus door of the stall had increasingly become Benny’s least favorite color. The lights had a distinct flicker in this room, with only the light near the door blinking twice every ten seconds. Every sink was disgustingly splattered in soap with lakes of puddles around them, and dribbling onto the earth-tone tile floor. It dimmed repeatedly and bounced light off of the liquid on the floor in the next stall over, a mess someone had made. Benny was ready to make a mess of these two. One Peter Malliger, and a Jan Stewards. Apparently Peter had the ability to read minds, and he had starting reading Benny’s thoughts aloud in a stupid high-pitched narrating voice as soon as he and his pal had followed him into the restroom. ”Did they just follow me in here snickering? Oh, shit… Is he? He is! Yes that’s right Mr. never-touched-a-girl, I can hear what you’re thinking! How are you liking that right now, in here, in your face you stupid Delphine freshie!” Peter had proceeded to get in his face, and he and Jan started to grapple with him. They grabbed at his shoulders but at first couldn’t move him. Then Peter reached into Benny’s lapels with both hands and gripped close to his nipples, twisting and pressing Benny backward into the far corner of the room. Benny yelled in pain, trying in vain to get Peter's hand off him and not be forced backward. Jan brushed off Benny’s hat with a quick swipe and into a toilet bowl it fell. As Benny slid on the floor and tried to avoid touching the toilet to catch himself, one of the sophomores slammed the door on his leg several times until he pulled it in out of sheer pain response, gasping and curling his body up. ”How very heroic, he’s thinking… This is how you make a villain. Oh that’s verrry deep mister. Aww he’s so cute, now he’s sitting in there trying to keep his mind blank. I know exactly what you’re up to you little dummy! As I was saying Jan, I bet this kid has never even jizzed...” They went on to talk about how gross he must be, sneaking around masturbating to pictures he probably took of the hot hero girls. They were fortunate enough to have been invited to party with Samantha and Avalon... "I actually have jizzed, a lot. On someone who wanted it too. But anyway, fuck you, both of you. Let me out. Now. You hurt my leg." Benny retorted briefly. It wouldn't sit right with him if he didn't argue that point. Peter and Jan laughed at him and started talking to each other again. "How long should we keep in there?"

He was through with this. It was a fight, and they had no idea what his cards were. The best part was, they couldn’t see what he was doing since they had shut him in his cell. He was sure his shin was badly bruised, and he intended to repay the pain twofold. This was a filthy place to be spending any more time than he had to… He stared briefly at a dark crack in the tile, finding it easier to think of nothing but unsanitary conditions as he kept his hands from touching any shiny and possibly wet surface. Then, he spoke. ”Careful fellas, the floor is wet. I wouldn’t want either of you to have a big stain on your pants before you showed up at the party.” His voice was loud and firm, and steady, as he drew from his coat two experimental grade tasers. ”I guess this weak permanent virgin isn’t good for nothing…” He knew that he much less likely to think while he spoke, so he picked the tasers out of nil space entirely out of angry emotion and not by a conscious decision. He promptly surprised his assailants by firing each of his weapons at their legs. They had conveniently moved away from any fluid on the floor, so when the slipped into jittering piles on the floor impaled by identical taser prongs, Benny was safe. Benny clambered closer to them quietly, the tap of his sneakers softer a sound the clacking of the taser charge pumping into the heroes. He wondered briefly how these two knew he was a freshman. They had known he was a Delphine since he had asked them about the party, and hadn’t gotten a text about it. When he heard them talking about a party on the way to restroom, he paused for just a moment to ask them about it. That was all it took for them to make a snap judgement… He hadn’t gotten any texts about it. He was Delphine, and a loser, bottom of the food chain, never got his dick wet, top hat wearing one at that. And Benny had quickly realized that whoever set this party up and made the guest list… Was fucking with him. This was THEIR fault. And he wasn’t going to let it end like that. This was going to be a party those fucks would remember, and he would thank them personally for cutting the school so neatly in half, just like the Headmaster of Delphine hadn’t wanted them to. As he saw it, violence in retaliation was in fair accordance with the rules. Time to set up some kind of extraordinary shitshow for two promising young hostesses, comic book villain style. Samantha and Avalon… He knew what those two looked like, or so he thought. They would surely be easy to find at the party if he went as Peter...

The fingerprints were gone from every surface. It was the best he could hope for that these two wouldn’t remember most of his features. Just in case, Benny was planning on wearing a fake nose and changing his haircut for the next several weeks. That would probably be all it would take for him to be in the clear. Benny wished briefly he had just stuck with Carmen for the remainder of the evening, but they had parted ways shortly after arriving back at Mayweather. She had other people to see, and he was alone. Right now, his mind was racing with the kind of thoughts one would expect from a future mastermind. He had made sure Peter and Jan were incapacitated with a little help from chloroform. Then he acquired a mask of Peter’s face. He had also apparently gotten extremely lucky after they accosted him, since no one else was going into this restroom, and Peter was about as tall as he was. It must be getting late… He had to get ready. He applied the mask and makeup over it, and put on clothes identical to what Peter was wearing, folding up his own into a bag. He put on a beanie to cover up his natural hair, checked his disguise one more time, then placed a towel and some Jack Daniels over his clothes in his pack. Peter had bitched a little bit about Danny Leoni being at the party, turning his “shitty white noise full blast”. Apparently it hurt Peters sensitive telepathy to be too close to that guy. It was convenient, since Benny could easily act that out to become a very convincing psychic douchebag. The scene of the crime was only complete once Benny duck taped the stall Peter and Jan were in shut, and spraypainted a large yellow graffiti scrawl of Freedom is a Privilege onto their new prison door. And a sense of morals is a joke, Benny thought to himself, as he stepped heavily into the crisp night air after almost an hour in the dank bathroom.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location; Lucas' Bedroom → Gia's Bedroom
Interacting With; With each other (@lovely complex) - second half affects all party goers
Mood; Playful → Cheers! → Attentive → Forthright → Pensive → Encouraging → Badass
Mood; Angry → Curious → Shocked → Grateful → Manipulative → Fired up

For nearly the entire afternoon Lucas has been seething on this morning’s events. Wrecking her room was somewhat of a payback. But it was by far, not enough. Not even when Keats hung up her underwear out like some exhibit did he feel satisfied. But for now, there was nothing he could really do. Except beating the hell out of his modified boxing ball. The thing was far stronger and far harder than any boxing ball ought to be. It was a gift from his mother 3 years ago, and was specially modified to resist the punches of someone using the solar force. He kept beating the poor object for nearly an hour. Raising and lowering it, to emulate a head or someone’s guts. Eventually he felt spent, so he collapsed on his bed. Breathing hard while the loud rock music blasted through the room, he picked up his phone to check if anything came through. A text from Gia. Did Mayweathers really think the party would go un-crashed? Still, it would be a challenge. Lucas loathed the Dewey brothers. Mostly because Chaos Theory did teleport him away one time. The other one could apparently freeze a person. Those two would be trouble. Danny wasn’t really a problem. He was a pain for every mind controller, but one punch to the guts and the kid would be completely harmless.

After a quick, and refreshing cold shower he left to do some shopping. Lucas was not a person of refined taste. He held no quarrels with eating junk food, and the more meat he could eat, the better. But when it came to drinking, Lucas had a far deeper understanding that many others could have. He kept a hidden stash of a few bottles, some of them were European and did cost a lot. He kept them each with a very distinct reason. One bottle though, was the most important one. A bottle, left unlabeled, with a thick, gold colored liquid inside. He kept it for someone special, because it tasted so good that you’d get instantly addicted. But those kinds of drinks he wouldn’t drag about to a party. Oh no, Lucas had other plans. At the shop he bought a bottle of strawberry-flavored vodka, a bottle of honeyed Jack and finally a simple bottle of rum, with as little as taste as possible. No matter how awesome the party would be, Lucas would just make it better. He then returned to his dorm room, to prepare himself.

Lucas was an unrefined person. Even at a party, where everyone will probably look like the best version of themselves, he cared extremely little. But that was part of his appeal. When he wanted it, he would look like the bad boy everyone wanted. He dressed in normal jeans, with some unraveled borders. Giving it a slightly worn look. To top that off, he wore a rather tight fitting shirt. One that didn't restrict his movement too much but showed off his well-kept body. Lucas was a fighter above all, and thus had a lot of muscle to show off. Combine that with a confident but small smirk, and it was nearing completion. A leather jacket wrapped it all up very nicely. He didn't look beautiful, or ravishing, or refined like some girls in dresses would. But he looked sharp, slightly menacing and above all, as if he could careless about how he dressed.

He knocked twice on Gia's room, still with his backpack on, containing the three bottles and the diary. Since he had entered the building, his hatred for Elie washed over him in waves. He summoned it all up again, ready to explain it all to Gia. He then entered his friend's room. Immediately seeing her back, as she danced to the song she put up. For a moment, he was just overwhelmed by it all. He had a certain resistance to her sex appeal. But even his heart started beating harder at the sight of her. He slowly closed the door, hoping she didn't hear him enter. Getting closer and closer, until he was right behind her. "As ravishing as ever. Mayweather boys will go apeshit over you." he whispered in her ear, teasingly. This was the best way to resist her. Indulge in it all to a certain point. But be resolute where the line is.

Gia’s melting chocolate eyes softened when she heard her playful puppy indulge in her guilty pleasure. The fastest way to gain her respect was by entering her field willingly. Since his First Year, he wormed his way into her heart and unlike other pawns on her chessboard, she wasn’t going to break their friendship by having sex with him (even if it was tempting). In a sense, one can say their relationship consisted of them meeting each other halfway. He teases her to feed her sexual hunger and she builds his resistance and wits toward dangerous people like her. She protects his morals, while he boosts up her ego. Their relationship was a win-win scenario since they both filled each other’s growing void.

Picking up the shot glasses, she turned around and handed him one, bringing out her chest as her bottom pushed against her desk. Her nude color lips curled up, giving him a sight that most definitely was engraved on his mind, her signature grin. Meeting his gaze, with her enticing orbs that always felt like she was undressing him, Gia chuckled, “And yet I’m still working on driving you insane.” Winking after her playful remark, she lifted her shot glass high in the air, “Cheers to the downfall of Mayweather!” and waited for him to *clink* his glass with her’s before she chugged down the alcoholic poison.

“To the downfall of Mayweather.” He joined her. But added in his mind: And to the fall of the dreamcatcher. Lucas hoisted the glass and *clinked* with her. After which he downed the glass completely. He stared at the glass for a moment. Rather unsure where to begin. His face went from playfully teasing to bothered. As he kept remembering Eliana that very morning. Especially the dream that felt very disturbing. “I’m afraid someone managed to get me insane before you.” He smirked a little, trying to lighten himself up ever so slightly. But the memory felt like it demanded another shot. So he walked around her and poured himself another. Gulping it down immediately. As if drowning his emotions would help a little.

Placing her glass down, she grabbed the bottle and took a quick swig before offering it to him. As she gave him the bottle, he gave her his glass. If there was one thing Gia could notice when it came to Lucas, it was when he needed a drink, he needed a damn drink. Keeping her own thoughts on the matter to herself, knowing very well he was talking about Ellie, she softly said, “A confrontation gone wrong?” She knew Eliana went rushing to Milo’s aid. If it wasn’t for Gianna, the hero would have been off somewhere else in her solitude bliss, not knowing her dear friend was getting his occasional treatment from his tormentor. Why did Psyche do that? Well, there were some things even Lucas did not know.

It all came crashing down on him now. It was all too much to pretend as if it was nothing. Twice she dropped him. He felt humiliated. If he could he would have thrown the damn glass against the wall. But it was Gia’s glass, and even when he wanted nothing but to destroy something, he kept that urge contained for now. “I hate her!” he yelled out loud. It was actually the first time he admitted it. “God I hate that bitch so much! I never even thought I could hate one person this much!” He went from calm to mad in a second. He pushed off the table, starting to walk around in Gia’s room. “I mean, twice now! Twice she dropped me! I want my revenge. Actually I got it.” He opened his phone, opened the gallery of pictures he made of Elie’s room and threw the thing to his friend. Gently, so she could easily catch it. “Me and Keats did that. Hell, I did something worse! But why can’t I stop feeling all this… Aaaaarghhh!” In pure frustration he slammed on the door. Not too hard, so there was nothing damaged but still, it was loud. He wanted to scream even more. But he gathered himself and turned around. “I need your help. I want to break her.” His voice was suddenly far too cold and far too serious.

As he went about his rage, Gia intriguingly observed him, catching the phone when it was tossed at her. His work was impressive and so was his anger. Her gaze looked through the pictures of all the rooms that he and his buddy left their mark in. Her eyebrows perked when he said his last line, with venom that every villain should have. Placing his phone down, she stood up straight and let her eyes capture his attention once more. This happened right after he turned around from slamming his fists on the door.

Tilting her head, she smirked, "Well that's good. I want to break her too." She let out a light giggle. Perhaps, Lucas was ready to know a little bit of Vince's unfinished work.

Gia did very little without her own, special reasons. Her dress was specially chosen. The shot glasses standing there had their meaning. Even her meeting him here had a special reason. So when she let out a giggle, he knew that she had a plan already. She knew something. Well, she always knew something. Lucas wasn’t stupid. But he did often accept the fact that she always knew more than he would. “What are you planning?” He asked, curious. As he walked back to her desk, taking his phone. But remaining next to her. He calmed down a bit, now that he knew that Gia had a plan.

Before I let you in on my ever changing plan… you must know a thing or two first...” After she said that, Gia sauntered away from him and went to her closet which had wooden floor, unlike her carpet bedroom. Pushing all the clothes aside she went inside and stomped hard on a plank with her heel causing it to move up a smudge, “Don’t you just love these dorms?” She took the next moment to remove the plank and pull out a black leather binder that looked like it had slight fire damage. Now sitting on the floor of her closet, she opened it and flipped through notes between her and Vincent. Stumbling on one page, with a picture of a bohemian blonde woman on it, she carefully took it out. Immediately afterwards, the constantly plotting villainess put the binder back underground, picked herself up, and made her way back to her puppy. Handing him the picture of the strange woman she knew he wouldn't know anything about until he was given a name, she asked, “How much do you know about Ellie?

He looked quite intense at the picture. As he answered: “Last name is Lovelace. Daughter of some teacher around here. Dream powers. Some strange illusion powers too.” suddenly he realized the dream-like vision he had. In which he met the Darkstar. He looked up at Gia. Should she know? She seemed far too busy for that though. He would have to tell her later. Clearly she had other plans in place and whatever she had planned took precedence now. “Or she has some animal summoning powers? I don’t know, she got a massive spider on me. I don’t know more. Oh and she’s a massive ‘heroic’ bitch that will get wrecked the second she actually becomes a hero.” The pure disdain in his voice was very clear. He fully expected her coming to save everyone she could. Making her predictable. She'd run into a trap within a year of graduating. “So who’s this?” he asked, holding up the picture.

Her soft yet undeniably intrigued stare watched him as he listed the things he came to conclude about his dear enemy. “She’s no hero. You just attacked one of the few people she cares about.” That sentence alone subtly hinted that she knew about the incident and that she knew Milo was subjected to his bullying, “I know for one, Ellie has no control over animals. Even if she did, her alone time would be ruined." Pushing her hair over her shoulders briefly, Gia cooed on, “She’s walked these grounds since she was fifteen. The campus, I mean. I’ve seen enough of her to have an idea of what she can do.” Bringing her attention to the photo, she shrugged, “Plus, let’s be honest. I’m a noisy bitch. I like to know things.

When he asked her about the woman in the picture, she looked up at the ceiling light wondering if Vince would be okay with her bringing Lucas in on their plan. Deciding to take a chance, Gia’s tone went low and solemn, which wasn’t something people often heard from her, “The Oracle. Female version of Hannibal Lecter. Sent to a mental institute prison two years ago.” She paused to let that settle in. The alias of this woman should be known in the Greater New York area since this was her home and she was quite the craze in media.

Eliana may be a first year, but thanks to my mentor, her mother, I’ve known her far longer than she’s ever cared to know me. I don’t remember how long it's been since I've overheard Mrs. Lovelace talking to her husband about ‘keeping it under wraps’ and paying someone whatever sum of money to make sure information about their daughter wouldn’t… leak out, but..” Taking the picture from him, she stared into the eyes of the Oracle and continued, “Rich people have their ways. That being said, they can’t keep an eye on everyone."

Laying the picture down on her desk, she walked in front of Lucas and revealed the relation between the Oracle and Ellie to him, “Lyla Darling use to go to Ellie’s grade school. It’s kinda sad really. That a murderer fears the girl that made her the way she is today.

The name Oracle was far too familiar to Lucas. His mom kept talking about her, even his dad graced her with the occasional comment at the dinner table. New York was in a pretty big upheaval about the whole thing and many heroes vowed to find the person who could commit such horrible deeds. He didn’t remember who captured the girl though. When all was done and over, there were some holes in the story. He never knew she went to a mental prison.

When Gia told her little story about her eavesdropping, he couldn’t help but look a little confused. What could possibly be the link between a cold-blooded serial killing cannibal and a rich girl? Until she said that Eliana and her went to the same grade school. Wide eyed, he looked at Gia, visibly shocked. “A-Are you kidding me now!? I-Is Eliana connected to.. that!?” he said in near disbelief. “Oracle.. Fears the person who made her like that… What did Eliana do?” He asked, rather confused. He never heard that a mind controller still in her grade school managed to destroy a person’s psyche that hard.

She was frigtened. Ellie has no idea..." Running her hand through her hair, Gia decided to take a seat on her bed. There was so much information and never enough time. “You'd think the people that were in her direct attack would have been the ones driven mad but accidents happen and she hurt the person that was going to save her. Her power clashing with Lyla's power... it's the one reason that makes sense. Someone who can see the future suddenly gets washed over by a montage of nightmares?" Taking a moment to pat her bed, she gestured for her puppy to take a seat - this was definitely a lot of information to take in. “I wouldn't have looked into Lovelace's relations with the Oracle, if it weren't for Vince. It was actually meeting her that made things more real. He had this crazy ambition I could never understand and was able to read in between the lines far better than anyone else I knew. That's what made me fall in love with him." Gia's voice trailed off as she remembered when her and Vince snuck into the prison to question the murderer. Absentmindely, she quoted something the Oracle had said to her, “I fear the Terror of the Night, who sees more than she should, yet has no idea of what she could... Curse her for she is the plague. She comes and she goes, leaving behind a piece of her shattered soul to those that she never had the chance to know."

Pausing, she gathered herself and came back to reality, "“That was only the beginning, Lucas. There's a reason why Mrs. Lovelace is extremely hard on her. There's a reason why Ellie doesn't try get close to people. Sure, she has no idea that her powers can drive someone insane but she knows if she lets her emotions get the best of her..." Her words stopped and Gia went completely silent. The room grew ominous when this information came to surface.

Not finishing her sentence, she let a sudden thought exit her lips, “I didn't know the key to start a war but now I do and that is you." It too took Gia some time to digest all this information.

Lucas was a very attentive listener. He kept his mouth shut and tried his best to understand everything. When she patted her bed for him to sit next to her, he first grabbed the two glasses and the bottle, filled the glasses, handed one to Gianna and drained it empty in one gulp. He tried to swallow all the info together with the Bacardi. A small smile appeared on Lucas when she talked about the late Vince. She didn’t talk much about him. He could only guess how much the memories must still hurt. His certainly did. Vince was, in the eyes of Lucas, a good person. A strong person. Lucas would have followed the man to the ends of the world if he had asked him to. The information felt far heavier than anything he could have expected. The biblical-like quoting from the deranged woman made it all just worse. Pieces began to fall in order. Eliana’s strange, somewhat detached behavior. Lying to herself as she said that she pitied him. Her emotionless exterior.

When Gia said that somehow he was the key, he fell back onto the puffy bed. Exhaling quite hard. It remained quiet for a moment, as he tried to understand the full extent of everything Gianna just said. “This… Terror of the Night. That’s Eliana losing control, isn’t it? That’s her going absolutely crazy. You want to direct that at Mayweather?” he asked. As he suddenly jumped up from the bed, he remembered something so vitally important that he couldn't believe he nearly forgot about it. He put his glass and bottle on Gia’s desk again, and began rummaging through his own backpack, while keeping his back toward Gia. “You said that I’m the key. That’s because she reacts to me, right? I'm one of the few she reacts to.” he slowly pulled the diary. Just now realizing how important it was. It actually made him shiver. What secrets did it contain? Would it tell about that fateful day? “I think I have something…” He turned around, holding the diary out so Gia could take it. “Remember when I said I did something worse? It’s the worst possible thing now.”

Holding her hand up, refusing the offering of the diary, Gia ordered, “Keep it. I want to see what you can think of, now that you have a piece of her heart." Her gaze trailed down to the journal, which for most women was a sacred book filled with secrets, “I don't just want to use her, Lucas. I want her. She's a far better villain than a hero, yet she has so many people that tell her otherwise. Do you really think she cares about being everyone's savoir?" Her question didn't require an answer, but if he wanted to, he could. “If we made her one of us, how do you think Samantha would react? Or any hero for that matter? It kinda shows that our little school system isn't perfect, you know?"

Standing up, finally feeling the world move from all the alcohol she drank, Cupid's Psyche smiled, “I don't want to share everything with you... not yet. That's far too much information for one night." Bringing her hands to his shoulders, she made sure he was clearly looking at her, “You are my righthand man. It's time for you to test... here." She brought one of her hands up and gently touched his forehead with her pointer finger, “You're a lot smarter than people take you for. Don't give Ellie a reason to forget you."

Turning Eliana. Now that was a thought Lucas wouldn’t have summoned on his own. It would make Mother Hurricane go mental. Maybe even literally!? Mayweather would feel the blow. It would be the ultimate strike Delphina could deliver. The daughter of an upfront teacher becoming a villain. Besides, even her powers would be a welcome addition to Delphina. Lucas could only mentally agree that she probably didn’t want to defend everyone. Not now that he heard that apparently going after Milo was just one of the ways to get to her. He wasn’t stupid. He knew what Gia said about the guy. He put the diary back in his backpack. His mind kept racing. Trying to find a way to turn oblivious Elliana into a villain.

Lucas smiled as she touched his forehead. “Thanks. That means a lot to me. It really does. And she won’t. Believe me. Give me a few weeks, and I’ll be constantly on her mind.” Making sure Gianna was standing steady, he picked up his backpack and threw it over his shoulder. He then walked next to her and put his hand on her hip. Holding her up, he knew they both were feeling the effects of the three shots in this instant. “Now. I think there is a certain party where we aren’t welcomed. How about we go teach those Mayweather pricks how Delphina parties?” he said, with his very teasing grin.

By now Lucas and Gia had made their way to the Third Floor of Old East and almost near immediately were stopped by the Dewey Brothers. Nearly everyone knew the Delphina Queen's face.

"Woah, woah, woah. Gia, you know out of everyone you are especially not welcomed." Lou said, trying to make sure his tone didn't sting. He didn't want to set off Psyche or her pup, Twilight. Sure, they had a decent chance on taking these well known villains down but it truly wasn't worth the effort.

"Yeah, sorry. It sucks the party is majorly exclusive, but you know how things go." Scratching his head, Jay looked up at his brother and then brought his attention toward Lucas, keeping an eye on that one. The smarter one of the Dewey brothers did not trust the Queen's dog one bit, but then again, they were kind of being the hounds for their own queen too - huh.

Boys, boys, boys. If you believe the party should be opened to more people, why are you doing this? Oh, wait, let me guess. You both have a thing for Sam. An obvious blush went over Chaos Theory's face, proving her assumptions, while Lou stared glaringly at the bronze skinned woman.

"Who told you that?" He barked.

Putting her hands up as if she were surrendering, she smiled, “I'm not trying to cause trouble but you two should know that word flies around campus pretty fast. Isn't that right, Lucas?"

“Even I know it guys.” He snickered, making it appear even more as if everyone already knew. While in fact, it was entirely new information. But he was used to Gia knowing things he didn’t, and he just rolled with it. Having no idea she had made a bluff. But now he dared to take it one step further: “But guys, if you win a person’s heart. This really isn’t the way to do it.” Lucas had, in fact, no idea if it was the way or not.

Nodding her head to Lucas' addition to her words, she continued to persuade them, “She'll go up there and have fun with some other guy, while you two... watch the door." The brothers looked at each other, both having seen Will and knowing well enough that there was a thing going on between their Sam and a hero they didn't necessarily like.

"But this makes Sam happy. She said it herself." Jay muttered, almost defeatingly.

Lucas, feeling a little more bold, gave a quick reply. "You know who's making her really happy? The guy she's going to the party with." He tried to hide his smirk. Though there was a really faint trace of it, in the corner of his lip.

Smiling in agreement, she stared at Lou, who seemed to be contemplating the situation. If they convinced him, Jay would follow suit, “Coming from personal experiences, I like the attention guys give me when they're interested. The harder they fight for me, the more likely I will respect them. I may be Sam's 'opposite', I guess, but she's still a woman and women love to feel loved." The taller Dewey glanced down at his younger brother and they both stepped to the side to discuss what they should do. They sure as hell didn't want to stand in the hallway all night while Will grinded on Sam, or whatever he planned to do with her. It was time for them to be major cockblocks. It was in their duty to protect Sam's heart and they would die before they allowed some unworthy hero like Will to have his way with her.

The Dewey Brothers had totally forgotten about the villains as they turned around and went to the door telling Danny they were hungry and would be back in five. That was a complete lie but it was enough for the aspiring journalist to let them both through, too busy reading an article on his phone to care. If he wasn't deeply invested in reading a story, he probably would have made one of them stay, but Lucas and Gia caught him at a good time. Looking up at her pup, she grinned, “Two down. One to go."

As if right on cue her phone beeped to signal that one of her Little Birdies had turned off the surveillance cameras for 25 seconds.

He returned Gia's grin, then followed up with: "Give me a few seconds and we're in." With a quick wink he began his work. Danny was near, and Lucas was ready. He let the golden energy of the Solar force envelop his fist, and launched the projectile square at Danny's gut. The sudden, unexpected force made him buckle over. Buying Lucas a vital few seconds to bridge the distance. When Danny looked up to see what was happening he was hit square in the jaw by Lucas' unpowered fist. The guy dropped down, unconscious, while Lucas waved with his fist. "God damn it! That hurts." After opening and closing his fist a few times, the pain ebbed away. "Okay but this guy gotta vanish. A lot of heroes will find it odd at the very least when they see one of their bouncers unconscious."

10 seconds left. Janitor's closet. Now." Gia's orbs gestured to the right of her.

Lucas did as he was told, dragging the guy as quickly as possible. Still, the unconscious body was far heavier than he thought. He reached the closet, rather unsure if he was intime. With no time to stop and ponder, he just dumped the guy in there. "Sweet dreams" he whispered to the closed door, with a wicked grin. "Okay, let's go." He then told Gia.

By the roof door, there was a brick to hold it open. Opening the door, Gia pushed the brick against it (of course, with some struggle), “Now that's better. An open door policy. Just how I like it!" When Lucas walked to her side, she grabbed his arm. They were ready.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomewhatAverage

SomewhatAverage No Longer Active. Sorry, Just Too Busy Right Now

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jackson Hunt

Location: Dorm Room -> Outside Gia's Room -> Old East, Third Floor
Interacting With: Lucas @Legion02 and Gia [@lovelycomplex]
Mood: Calm -> Mischievous -> Scared Shitless -> Ecstatic

Jackson had been laying in his bed for the past hour or so in his suit, not too sure whether or not he was even going to the party or not. Stuff like that honestly never impressed him much, and after everything that had happened today, he wasn't in much of a partying mood. On the one hand, it was expected to be one of the best parties of the year, something that couldn't be missed. On the other hand, he still thought that the guest list gave him some pause. "If Delphina and Mayweather students are kept separate, then that's all that they're ever gonna be," he muttered to himself. If he could, he would consider helping the Delphina students crash the party, but he didn't need a reason for the two hostesses to hate him.

Jack was brought out of his inner conundrum by Lucas entering the dorm room, staying silent. Jack knew when to stay out of Lucas' way by now, and this was one of those moments. Still, Lucas barely noticed him as he dressed into some nice clothes and left with his bag, which, Jack just realized, was from the liquor store. Hmm, well, I doubt Lucas would buy alcohol and get all dressed up to go and mope about not being invited to the party. If Jack was correct, then Lucas was definitely planning to crash the party. Suddenly making new plans, Jackson got up out of bed and followed Lucas from a distance, wanting to see what the man's plans were. Keeping a sharp eye on Lucas, and stopping time when he was about to lose him or be seen, he followed him to a dorm room, where Jack was able to hide behind a wall in an adjacent hallway and still somewhat see him. How is it that I just realized how awkward this is? I'm practically stalking the guy! he said to himself as Lucas knocked on the door to reveal-

Gianna. Oh shit. The hairs on the back of Jack's neck stood up for many obvious reasons. She was an anomaly, and he knew that if he was found, he couldn't take on both of them. Luckily, he was far enough away that he couldn't hear them, so he had to hope that they couldn't see him. For a short while, they headed back into Gianna's room, giving Jack a while to catch his breath. He honestly wasn't too sure if he wanted to keep on watching these two. Getting caught by them would lead to the beat down of his lifetime; getting caught by someone else would get him banned from all the parties along with the Delphina students. Before he could make a decision, the two left the dorm room and began heading towards him. No! he panicked as he looked for someplace to hide. He saw an open, empty dorm room and dashed into it, just as they passed, looking somewhat drunk. Hopefully, the alcohol would keep them from spotting him or caring. Either way, they made no move against him as they walked past the room that he was hiding in. He waited a full ten seconds before slowly opening the door, expecting an ambush, finding instead an empty hallway. Well, now I'm gonna lose them at this rate! he thought, suddenly deciding to keep up the chase. After careening past a corner, he saw the two heading towards the party's location and suppressed a grin. He could tell that things were about to get interesting, and quick.

Following behind them from a much larger distance, Jack watched Gianna and Lucas approach the Dewey brothers guarding the front door. He wondered what they could be talking about; he was still too far away to hear their conversation. Whatever they said, it obviously had some effect on the brothers, as they stepped away from the door and entered the party quickly. Rather than enter the party themselves, Jack watched as Danny walked towards them, only to be quickly knocked out by a lightning fast attack from Lucas. "Ouch, that definitely looked like it hurt," Jack muttered to himself as Lucas dragged Danny's unconscious body into a janitor's closet, hoping that neither of the two had some sort of super hearing. He watched as the two approached a door and kicked it open, essentially leaving the party open to all who saw the door. Screw it. If they haven't noticed me following them like a creep yet, then they wouldn't have been able to do something like that, he thought, stepping out to where Gianna and Lucas could easily see him. Hoping that they wouldn't try anything, he started speaking excitedly, "Well, I was going to ask if you needed some help getting in here, Lucas, but it seems like you've got yourselves well covered." Jack finally broke into a big smile and laughed. "Yeah, sorry for stalking you guys and crap, but I just wanted to say... that was awesome!" At this point, he didn't really care whether or not the two beat him up; at least he would be the only one who could say that he saw these two break into the party firsthand. And that's gotta count for something, right?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location; The Roof of Old East
Interacting With; Avalon Middleton, Will Blake (@smarty0114)
Mood; Protecting her own
Party Crashing Look

After sharing a short moment with Lucas and Jackson, the Delphina Queen strutted her way upstairs, knowing very well many eyes would be on her. She knew the moment she revealed herself, the hostesses would be infuriated and want to clash, but the "motherly" figure was ready. Gia was always ready. Opening the roof door, she looked around at who was here and the impressive "we have a lot of money" decorations. Without a doubt, the bronze skinned woman could feel the stares on her - oh how she relished the attention. Regardless, she was on a mission and that was: to get a fucking drink. Going to the food and drink area, her brown orbs glanced over at the DJ section where Will and Ava were talking, while Bailey was distracted with her passion. Looking at the selection of alcohol, she decided to try the punch. Oh no, this won't do. Gia grimaced at the weak alcohol content (da fuck is this?). Bending over, giving some of the heroes on the dance floor a nice display of her ass, she opened a cooler, scanning to see if they had... ooooooooh! She pulled out an unopened champagne bottle, probably meant for a toast for the year or some shit, and decided to add it to the punch. Now where is the corkscrew... Kneeling down, she looked under the table and rummaged through cloth shopping bags until finally she found it. With minor struggle, even if a freshman did offer to help her, Gia was able to make the bottle *pop*, champagne bursting in the air. If her presence wasn't known when she entered, well... HELLO WORLD.

Looking around, Psyche gave all the guests a blissful smile as she poured the entire bottle into the punch. After the bottle was completely empty, she mouthed to Louis Dewey, who was staring at her in amazement (or bewilderment - both basically the same), "This is going to be good!" Taking a plastic cup, she filled her drink to the brim and tried the punch again. With a loud cheer, she roared, "Now that's some good Peach punch!" It was only a matter of time that Ava would be storming toward her.

Taking it upon herself to meet the witch halfway, Gia strolled toward the DJ table, breathing in the beautiful air of the night. When they finally met face to face, with Will beside the pretentious Telsa, the playful woman stuck out her tongue. For a woman that was surrounded by mostly heroes, she wasn't scared at all. "Hey babe. Nice bash you got goin' on." Sipping the punch, Gia's expression was undoubtedly genuine. Too drunk to care about much of anything. She spent a moment or two finishing her entire cup, having her pointer finger up, which was a gesture that expressed for them to hold on a sec. The older woman chuckled, "Let's get straight to business. I don't want to fight and I'm sure you just want to have a bit of booze and maybe get laid tonight." She handed her empty cup to a random stranger, who oddly enough threw it away for her.

"You and Sam both knew this was coming. Impressive, I'll give you that. How well thought out everything was, I mean. But, did you honestly think I'd let this party pass me by?" Her question didn't warrant an answer, "I fucking love parties!" The entire roof was silent as she talked. Unmistakably, the temptress was filled with cheer and revelry, "Either way, getting back to the point, I don't want to fight. Why don't we put our little feud to rest for one night and actually enjoy ourselves, okay? I know if I threw a party, I'd invite you. As much as we all hate each other's guts, we're stuck together." Pausing for an instant to look at Will, who the Dewey Brothers were carefully watching (basically stalking), she brought her attention back to the redhead and gave an honest and carefree smile, "I don't know what some of the Delphina students have done to you guys and I don't care. It doesn't matter right now. You guys aren't perfect either. So all I'm asking is for one night of peace then we can commence on being childish tomorrow." Seeing Jay with more punch in his hand, she signaled for him to give her a sip with a slight nod of her head. Awkwardly, he obeyed, not knowing how to react in this kind of situation, "Even if you send me away, many more of us will be coming. So, I want to make this a violence free zone before then." Calmly inhaling in and exhaling out, she ended her rant with a question, "What's it gonna be, Avalon?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 27 days ago

Location; The Party
Interacting With; Gia @lovely complex
Mood; Happy -> Annoyed -> Scheming -> Vindictive

It had all been going so well. She had been talking to Will over by Bailey's booth, dancing with him and talking to him about Sam, who'd yet to arrive. "Don't look, but I'm pretty sure the Dewey's have been stalking me for the past fifteen minutes," he said, glancing in the direction of Jay and Lou. Avalon, ignoring his directions, turned to see them, but if they noticed that she had realized they'd joined the party, then they didn't seem to care. They were too focused on glaring at Will. That had been the first straw.

The second came when Gianna Daniels flounced her way over to her and Will, and offered up a bargain. She was right of course. Avalon and Samantha had been prepared for the eventual crashing of the party, although she hadn't expected it to happen so quickly. The Deweys and Danny definitely owed her one for being the worst bouncers in the history of bouncers. She scowled at Gianna's suggestion, but she wasn't in much of a position to say no. There was already at least one villain inside the party, and more were probably already on their way.

And so it was, the final straw, that she agreed to Gianna's deal. "I'll call off the bouncers, that's fine. They were pretty useless anyways. But prepare for war Daniels. Prepare for war," she said, before stalking off to find Danny and tell him he could join the party. She found him as he was climbing out of a janitor's closet, rubbing his head. He saw her and winced. "I'm really sorry Ava. They jumped me," he groaned. She shook her head. "You can go into the party now Danny. Go on," she said, motioning for him to enter.

She proceeded to lean up against the wall and think. She could have gotten Gia to agree to have any dorms that Keats had messed with fixed, she assumed. Sure, Avalon had had the disadvantage in the negotiation, but she figured it would have gone by. But Avalon didn't want an easy fix to it. She didn't want to hold hands with the Delphina's and sing Kumbaya. She didn't want insincere apologies. She wanted revenge. Tomorrow, she wanted to be justified when she got some Mayweathers together and brought the Delphina's hell. And she'd be damned if at the very least, she didn't get the satisfaction of bringing them the hell they deserved. With a new smile on her face, she walked back into the party, ready to enjoy herself, knowing that in twenty four hours, the Delphina's would be wishing that they'd never angered Avalon Middleton.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Samuel Keats

Location; Dorm Room → Outside → Rooftop
Interacting With; Anyone at the party
Mood; Tired → Determined → Smug → Annoyed

Was it too much to ask that a man get some sleep? The music was just loud enough that Keats just couldn't seem to manage. What did he do to deserve this? Okay, a lot of things, but none of them were completely his fault. Since he couldn't get to sleep no matter how hard he tried, it was time to go for plan B. Crash the party and piss off the Mayweathers.

It was a little strange, since Keats wasn't even planning to try and go to the party at first. They weren't really his thing. He wasn't a big drinker, but even the atmosphere at parties made him worried that he'd let his guard down and do something that'd end up ruining his image. People didn't need more reasons to laugh at him. It was bad enough now when at least some of them were scared of him. Who'd respect him if he showed that he was actually some kinda weakling? No-one.

So, he'd stayed in his room. Of course, he'd ignored Sparky's demands about tidying the room up as expected. Not like he was gonna play janitor for that stuck-up bitch. He had however, taken the time to write a little note telling her to where to stick her orders and placed it in the her dorm. You know, just to make his point absolutely clear. There'd been a particularly crude diagram to accompany it that Keats was actually quite proud of.

He hadn't spent long thinking about it to be honest, just laughed some more as she went back to her room. Thanked Brook for having his back too, even if he didn't really need the help - or at least would never admit to needing it - he still appreciated it. Sitting in the room was all he'd done for the past couple of hours, but he was finally sick of it.

So, after changing into some decent clothes, he grabbed a decent amount of the fabric he'd saved up and headed outside. He wasn't about to try and go through the front door, seeing as there wasn't much chance of him getting past the brothers unharmed, and he didn't feel like trying and landing himself with a ten-mile walk just to get back to his room. Luckily for him they'd decided to put the thing on the roof, so it really wouldn't be hard to get in.

He sauntered casually around to the back of the building. If it weren't for his outfit, most people would just assume he was out for a stroll. After taking a moment to make sure no-one was around, he placed his hand on the mass of fabric, splitting it into two strips and sending it snaking up the side of the building.

Brow furrowed in concentration, he started weaving it into a makeshift rope ladder. There wasn't anything to hold it in place as such, but he'd be in contact with the thing the whole way up. While it would be a pain in the ass, he could just about keep it still enough to climb up as long as it was tied well enough. And as long as nothing distracted him since it needed a lot of concentration.

Advancing towards the ladder, he tested the strength of the fabric, putting his weight on one of the rungs and lifting himself up. Okay, he could do it. It was giving him one hell of a headache, but he could keep it in place as long as he didn't take too long to get up there. At least he was a fast climber, probably.

With a grunt of exertion, Keats climbed up the ladder, his head pounding. This probably wasn't worth it, but he was two floors up at this point so it was a bit late to have second thoughts about his decision. Man, it felt like someone was pounding on a drum inside his head or something. If it would just stop for one second... He tried to think about something else, but in the process ended up daydreaming a little.

He was within arms reach of the rooftop, but as his focus drifted, the ladder began to slip away. Abandoning any semblance of stealth, he grabbed onto the edge of the half-wall with a panicked yell, pulling himself up and over it and ending up face down on the floor next to a very surprised looking girl.

He sighed in relief. "That was way too close. Knew I could get in though. Not invited my ass! Suck it, Mayweather."

Of course, it was at this moment that he heard Avalon agree to call off the bouncers. He stared for a moment, understanding the words but his brain just refusing to accept their meaning. After a minute or so, it finally clicked. They were just gonna be letting Delphina students in now.

Normally, that'd be a good thing, but right now it was really pissing him off. Staring for a moment, he couldn't help but mutter angrily in frustration. "You have got to be fucking kidding me. I could've just... Walked in?" So much for not looking like an idiot in front of everyone. Ugh. He should've stayed in bed.

Staring at the ground, Keats felt like he needed to reconsider his life choices. Or, he could just drink and try to pretend that this never happened. Yeah, that sounded like a good plan. See, this was why he didn't like parties.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes ...

Member Seen 24 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location; Rooftop → Her dorm → Rooftop
Interacting With; Avalon and Will -@smarty0114 | Gia -@lovely complex
Mood; Happy → Excited → Furious → Very Unhappy

Samantha and Avalon chatted while setting up for the party. Samantha told her about her day with Will and how everything went and it was so magical as they were at the gardens. After awhile, she still had a smile plastered upon her face and she looked at Avalon, laughing because of her usual stares. Once they had set up for the party and she placed her hands upon her hips and looked back towards Avalon. "Girl, I think we did a great job here." She flipped her hair then trailed off while calling out towards her. "See you later, girl!"

While walking from the rooftop and down to her room, which still wasn't cleaned but she'd get to that soon enough, she was genuinely happy about tonight and especially since there were no villains allowed. Samantha showered and got dressed, styling or at least she thought so. She reviewed herself over in the mirror with a pleasuring smile and a reassuring nod of approval before walking out of her room, seeing a few Delphina students walk by. 'Ugh. Filth' She thought while rolling her eyes and grabbing her clutch purse from underneath her arm while her heels clicked against the floor and finally the stairs.

She walked out onto the roof and absolutely loved the way everything looked. Her and Avalon really did an awesome job setting up for this No Villains Allowed party. Samantha smiled as she dazzled around for a bit then went over to where Avalon and Will was standing, seeing the evil bitch, Gia there, as well. Furious, she marched over there and stood before Will and Avalon, smiling. "There's not a problem here, is it?" She asked Gia with a raised brow though still smiling while looking her up and down.

Samantha turned back towards Avalon, whispering. "Where are the bouncers going?!" She even shrieked a little bit then turned to Will, waving with a flirty look then flipping her hair and turning her attention back towards Gia. "So, cat got your tongue?" She asked while still waiting for Gia to respond. Her eyes trailed behind her, seeing another Delphina walk in, making a slight comment. She'd deal with in a moment but right now, her main focus point is Gia. Her seemingly arch rival of the academy.

This was going to be a party to remember - That's for damn sure.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location; Jess' Bedroom → Lucas' (& Jackson's) bedroom → The Roof
Interacting With; Each other (@lovely complex); Lucas' and Jackson's Bedroom (@Legion02@SomewhatAverage), Sam (@HushedWhispers), Ava, Will (@smarty0114), Gia, and Lucas.

Uneasy → Calming → Mischievous → Adrenalized! → Lightbulb! → Daring → ...Hello again, Lucas;
Tired → Angry → Worried → Exhilerated → Worried Again → Disgruntled;
Ellie's Party Look

"Ugh. What assholes." Jessica Sterling groaned as she finished folding the last of her clothes she had found scattered around the dorm room. She strolled over to her wardrobe, dropping the item off into its predetermined place. Everything was back to where it was meant to be. As frustrating as it was fixing up all of her clothes, Jess had honestly been relieved. The voicemail Lovelace had left the senior was cryptic to say the least. If she didn't know better, she'd of thought Lucas ran over Ellie's dog or something. The brief phonecall the two girls shared had shed some light on the earlier message. Apparently, Eliana and Luke were at each other's throats again. From what information Jess had garnered from her friend, Lucas had ambushed Milo and the Dreamcatcher had swooped in to rescue him, as she always did. Things were far from ordinary, though. Something happened. Ellie wouldn't tell Sterling what, but whatever had happened had thrown Lucas over the edge. Raiding the Mayweather rooms was a new low for him; not at all a surprise, but low none the less. Invincible stumbled over to her bed and collapsed in it, letting a sigh of relief escape her lips.

Her bed promptly collapsed under the weight.

"FUCK!" Jessica screamed, more out of fright than pain. She let out a string of vulgarity so vile and enraged toward Lucas, his family and Delphina in general, that the editor has chosen to not include it in the dialogue. It was after that brief outburst that Jess heard a faint knock on her door. She ran her fingers through her hair, taking a short breath to compose herself before answering it. "Hey." She greeted simply. "Come on in. Don't sit on the funiture."

"You too? How did they hit you? I say 'they' because... I doubt Lucas can do all this by himself. Especially some of those impressive knots in my clothes." Eliana sighed at the amount of damage that was still in her room, too tired to care about it in this instant. Giving her friend a light wave, her uneasiness written all over her face, Ellie quietly walked in and observed the bedroom, "At least your underwear isn't being used as decorations." Not knowing if Jess had anything she held dear to her or not, Dream Catcher gave her friend a concerned look, "Nothing is missing of yours...?" Her tone was undoubtedly uncertain. She wondered how each room differed in terms of damage. In a way, Ellie hoped she wasn't the only one missing a diary or something of great value, then she wouldn't feel like this was a direct attack on her. The rest of the rooms could potentially be a cover up for Lucas' revenge. He was a spiteful prick, who didn't know when to call it quits. If he didn't think she would flush a dream or a nightmare over him for a third time, he better think again.

"Eh, nothing major. Just tossed our clothes around a bit. Oh, and dismantled the beds. Finding that out was fun." Jess emphasized, the venom in her voice quite clear. "Unless Lucas recently started to hang out with boy scouts, I can only think of one guy who could've helped him with those knots." Invincible gave her friend a sympathetic smile; Ellie was typically difficult to read when it came to emotions. But she was an open book now. Which meant that whatever was bothering her was really getting in her head. Jess moved to the side so Lovelace could come in. The two of them were forced to awkwardly stand in the middle of the room. Thanks, IKEA. It takes three hours to put a bed together but five minutes to take it apart. "Did they seriously do that?" Jess huffed. "He's got it out for you. No doubt." She answered the next question with a brief shrug. "No. Nothing for them to steal anyway. I keep all my important shit on my person. Did they...?" Sterling let the question hang in the air, unfinished. While she didn't officially know about the diary, Jessica had a pretty good idea it existed. And was very important to Ellie. Lucas was in for it if he touched something Lovelace cared about.

Holding onto one of her arms and avoiding eye contact with Jess, which wasn't normal for any Lovelace, she lied, "Oh no, no! I was just curious. I would be pissed if they took away anything that belonged to you." Ellie could see the building anger in the strongest woman on campus. She didn't want to worry her anymore than she probably already was. Mild anger was fine. Rage bigger than a campfire would be dangerous for a person like Jess. Whatever was going on between Ellie and Lucas was something she needed to deal with herself, especially since he now had in possession something that held far too many thoughts that no one knew about. Not Milo. Not Jess. Not Jenna. No one. Wanting to change the focus of the conversation, the small woman tried her best to push her anxiety aside, and asked, "You're going to the party... right?" Her green orbs gently scanned her friend's workout outfit before adding, "I'd give you an outfit but most of my clothes are... well, you already know. And the dresses that can be used look rather short on me."

Jessica glanced down at her clothes. "I probably have something..." She muttered. Jessica made her way over toward the closet she shared with Samantha, continuing to listen to her friend as she searched for something to wear.

While Jess looked through her clothes, Ellie proposed something devious, "Before we go to the party, would you like to take a trip to Lucas' room? The proper thing to do is show him our gratitude. We can be classy about it. Rather than throw his clothes on the floor, it can go out the window. Rather than display his briefs on the wall, they can be scattered in the hallway. Rather than his bed break, his mattress can go missing. What do you say?"

Invincible couldn't help but devilishly grin. "Brilliant plan, El." Jessica threw off everything she was wearing with reckless abandon, slipping into something a little more...fashionable. "Alright. I'm ready to go. Let's go kick some ass."

Hardly audible, Ellie muttered, "I plan on it."

Lucas' and Jackson's Bedroom

The first floor of the Mayweather Old West building was thankfully empty. That made it all the easier for Jessica to chuck a resonably sized rock into the back of the hallway's only security camera. The expensive piece of equipment fell to the floor, shattered and useless. "We can pay for that." Jessica whispered, making her way toward Lucas and Jaxson's dorm room door. "Knock knock." Sterling's black converse slammed into the door, snapping its metal hinging and sending the piece of wood flying into the wall. "We can pay for that too." She glanced around, scoping the room for her target. "I think this is Jackson's side. Let's leave his stuff alone." She said, waving a hand toward the slightly less despicable side of the room.

Never did Eliana expect to participate in school vandalism but there was always a first for everything. Her nerves were cleared away when pure excitement came rolling in. The thrill of sneaking into someone's room and paying her respects, especially someone she despised, felt unbelievably good. Ellie could only imagine how Lucas would react to his room being hit just as bad as her's, or even worse (truly, it depended on how he judged the damage done). Looking around to see that the hallway was still silent, Ellie tiptoed on the door that was now on the floor and entered the boys' room. "Maybe we should... eh, we'll make this quick." She was going to suggest putting the door up while they did their business, but if they truly focused, they could get this done in no time - ideally, with no witnesses. Goal: "Sophisticated" Destruction. Immediately, Ellie went to his desk and dragged his seat to his dresser, since his window was above it and she was short.

"I can do that." Jess said, standing behind the elevated Lovelace. She grabbed the top drawer and pulled it out. "Can you lift this?"

"The drawer?" Not waiting for a response, she took the drawer from her friend but the moment it was in her grasp, Ellie slumped downward. The struggle was real. Jess rolled her eyes, placing a single finger under the drawer to hold it up. "You need to hit the gym."

"I like to read... not lift." Jumping down the chair, she went to the pile of shirts on the floor and grabbed them, hoping to god they were clean, "What a pig." she muttered in disgust. Making her way toward Jess who was dealing with the clothes in the drawers, she gave her the offering of t-shirts.

Jessica took a step up onto the chair, pushing open the window with her free hand. It took a bit of elbow grease, but Sterling managed to fit the thing out of the tiny hole and tossed the drawer out the window and into the grass below. A few people looked her way, wondering what the hell was going on. She chose to ignore them; instead, Jess moved on to liberating the rest of Lucas's wardrobe and setting it free in the wild.

After Jess took the clothes from her, Ellie made her way to the closet, swinging it open, not trying to be quiet at all (it slammed against the wall). They were on a time crunch. Lucas' closet... was practically empty. He had a small amount of trousers, but for the most part his closet was filled with jeans and one fairly nice suit. Letting her hand touch the soft fabric of the suit, Dream Catcher's gaze softened, clearly taking a liking to it. That was short lived when she started to shake her head to focus. Stop being distracted. Grabbing the little briefs he had, Ellie scurried to the hallway and dropped them a good distance apart (she even hung a couple on other people's door knobs).

Coming back into the room, she took all his jeans, not questioning her deeds, and thought outloud, "Perhaps his pants should be harder to find..." Once again, Ellie took her leave and daringly went to the men's bathroom. *Knock* *Knock* Silence. Perfect. Entering cautiously, the tiny woman slipped into one of the stalls and put as many jeans she could fit in the bowl until it looked filled. Her stare went up to the flusher as she contemplated making the situation worse. She already went this far. Reaching toward the metal bar, she took a deep breath in and pushed on it. Once the toilet made a roar, Ellie jumped back, making sure her heels didn't get wet as water flooded out. The last batch of jeans she just threw in the air and exited the bathroom. The things they were doing were terrible but it felt kind of fun. Was it wrong that she enjoyed getting back at him?

The drawers were now successfully freed from their prison. Jessica looked around the room for something else to destroy. Her eyes lit up with mischief when they stopped on a peculiar boxing ball. "Looks like somebody has anger issues." She muttered to herself. She couldn't see any other reason to have this in his dorm. The Control Room had a perfectly working set of boxing training equipment. It was obviously for personal use. Sterling picked the thing up, stand and all. It was surprisingly well weighted, even for her. "Must use his powers on it.." The Mayweather hero exited the dorm room and jogged down the hall. She spotted a door marked 'Janitor's Closet' and stopped. "Perfect." Jessica proceeded to stuff the large workout equipment in the mess of a room. For added spice, she moved a bunch of stuff around to make getting at it all the more difficult. With all of that finished, Jess walked back to the dorm to see if Eliana had wrapped up with Lucas's jeans.

Both girls ended up going back to the dorm room at the same time, Ellie couldn't help but offer Jess a high five. Her mood was taking a turn for the better. After the girls slapped hands, she strutted into the room once more, no longer anxious or worried. Her and Jess were badass. She could only imagine how pissed Lucas would get when he realized everything that belonged to him was rearranged, "Let's keep his suit untouched. It's too nice." Her stare moved around the room once more, "I don't want to steal his laptop. Do you have any other ideas? I do want to leave him a small note..." Her voice trailed off as she went to his desk. After grabbing a blue pen, she wrote with clean, eloquent cursive on one of his homework assignments: I like your suit. and even added a sticking tongue face to tease him. Maybe he'll be forced to wear it tomorrow, that would be a sight to see, but knowing him he'd wear what he's wearing right now.

"Oooh. I'll get the battery out of his laptop." Jessica turned the computer over, placing her nigh invulnerable fingernail into each screw and slowly pulling them out. It took some time but eventually Invincible was rewarded with the sight of a small black object. "Boom." Sterling handed the device over to Eliana for safe keeping.

Holding onto the battery, Dream Catcher nodded in accomplisment, "I'd say the last thing that really matters is his mattress. Take it and go?" A smirk fell on her face. Ellie couldn't believe she just did all this - but she did and it felt great. "Mind if this..." She held up the battery, "Sits in your room? I know I'd be the first one he visits when he discovers all this."

Jessica took the battery back. "Better idea. If he wants it, he can come take it." She placed the object in her jacket pocket. Invincible moved over to Lucas's bed, grabbing a handful of material and lifting the material into the air. "After you." Wait till he gets a load of this.

Letting out a kid-like giggle, Eliana led the way as her friend followed suit. They didn't even bother to put the door back up. Sorry Jackson. You don't deserve the draft. Blame your roommate.

Arriving at the party...

Eliana and Jessica made their way to the third floor of the Mayweather Old East building after dropping off Lucas's mattress in the fountain. With the sabotage successfully completed, the two girls would finally have a chance to enjoy themselves. Not that smashing up Farweight's dorm wasn't fun; that was all business. The pair of heroes arrived at the stairway to the roof, where there were supposed to be a trio of bouncers keeping Delphina students out. Yet, the Dewey brothers and Danny were no where to be found. A worried frown inched its way onto Sterling's face. "This can't be good." She muttered. Jess led the way up the stairs, expecting the absolute worst when she reached the roof.

The party was already in full swing. People were gathered around in groups, chatting away. The dance floor was sparsely populated but there was just enough activity to make the party seem lively. Jessica recognized most of students from her earlier years. She had spent enough time at Mayweather Academy to get to know the party circuit regulars. Her worried frown transformed into a full on grimace when she spotted Gianna Daniels standing next to Will and Avalon. "Oh no. We've got trouble, two o' clock." Invincible warned her companion.

Bringing her attention to where Jess directed her, Eliana rolled her eyes at the clash of the Queens. They had just entered the building when Sam was making her way to Gianna and it seemed like a bitch fest was about to start. Looking up at her friend, Ellie proposed, "I know we're not the type to get involved... but maybe we should break it up? I doubt the school wants articles about a massive brawl between their students. Mayweather only likes good headliners, after all." She took the next minute to examine the people and the quickest way to stop whatever was going to go down. Her green orbs fell on the Dewey Brothers prowling around the group and Bailey contemplating what song to choose to bring people onto the dance floor. Lowering her voice, she explained her plan, "Can you try to convince the Dewey Brothers to grab a Queen and dance? I'll request a song from Bailey... unless you have a better plan."

"This won't end well." Despite her reservations, Jessica went through with Ellie's plan anyway. She trusted her friend and knew that if she wanted to intervene, it was probably a good idea. Lovelace only got involved when it was absolutely necessary. Sterling slowed her breathing. Relax... She put on her best smile and approached the powder keg of a group, standing between the two Dewey brothers. "Hey guys. Great party." She giggled. Ugh. I sound like an airhead. Whatever. You owe me, El. Jessica pushed on, intent on bringing the plan to fruition. "But there's barely anyone dancing. Nobody likes to be the first one on the floor, ya know?" Pretending that she just had an epiphany, Jess placed a tentative finger to her lips. "I'd bet that they would appreciate their hostesses taking the first dance. Ohhhh, just perfect! Why don't you boys help our queens out with that?" Jessica motioned toward the Dewey brothers. It was well known that they both were falling head over heels for Samantha. Getting one of them to dance with her wouldn't be difficult. Avalon and Gianna, on the other hand, were a different story. "Can I steal him for a second?" Jess scooted over toward Will and grabbed his arms. "Kay, thanks!" She said before Ava could answer. Sterling dragged the hero (perhaps a little too forcefully) to the side. Her demeanor darkened the instant they were out of earshot. "Get those two apart before they start World War Three."

The closer Ellie got to Bailey the more she realized how little she knew about 'club music'. Usually, she wouldn't interfere but the incident with Lucas this morning was enough for her to stop something between some of the more powerful people that walked these school grounds. For people that were older than her (referring to Sam, Ava, and Gia), they seemed like they enjoyed egging each other on a lot more than they should, hoping the other would make the first move so that they could unleash their fury. Why couldn't people just enjoy themselves? Honestly, they may have not led to a brawl, but Dream Catcher wasn't going to risk it. Approaching the girl who had purple headphones around her neck, Ellie timidly waved at her.

"Oh hey Lovelace! What's crackin'?" the DJ cheered, happy to have a visitor. Bringing her hand to her hair, Ellie nervously twirled the strands from the end of her bangs.

"I was wondering if you could play..." She scanned a binder beside her and blurted out, "#27! Uh yeah, that one." Pointing at the binder, she nodded as if she knew the song she had just chosen, "IIt seems like a good party starter, don't you think?"

"Woah! I didn't know you liked music like this. You got it girl. First song of the night goes to you." Bailey winked at the awkward girl as she grabbed a hold of her UPS mouse and went to the song that guest requested on her laptop.

"Make sure it's real loud! I want us to get everyone to the dance floor." Ellie added. The DJ grinned at her, conveying "That's the spirit" through her eyes. When the song Turn Down for What by DJ Snake and Lil Jon BLASTED on, the brunette stared at the DJ, a little intimidated with the song that was playing. What was this? Before Bailey could look up at Ellie, she made her escape, the music filling the entire area. Oddly enough, a bunch of people began rushing to the dance floor... seemed like she chose a popular song. While she walked away, she saw Lucas at the edge of the roof, sitting on the half wall. The fire inside her that had dissipated had risen once more. She needed to make this quick. Making her way to Jay, she shouted, "Get out there and dance with your lady!" She gently pushed him into Sam, a blush instantly falling on his face. Not losing this chance, the younger Dewey grabbed his Queen's hand and pulled her to the dance floor. Lou saw this and his face was in complete shock. He didn't even acknowlege Eliana as the culprit. His glare followed his brother like a hawk. As if the dominoes had fallen, Lou Dewey grabbed Ava's hand and pulled her to the dance floor to make sure his brother didn't get 'touchy feely' with Sam.

Gia locked eyes with Ellie and gave her a smirk, as if she understood what was going on. Handing her drink to the tiny girl that set things in motion, the sex goddess turned to where Jess was talking to Will. The Delphina Queen made her way to them.

First, Psyche glanced at Jess and grinned, "I'll take it from here." Bringing her attention to Will, with her capitivating eyes, Gia cooed, "Come on Hero-boy, show me what you're made of." Grabbing onto his arm, she giggled, giving him no choice in the matter, "Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?"

The closer they got to Sam, the more excited Gia became. She couldn't help but meet eyes with her, having an idea that perhaps the Dewey brothers were onto something - Sam must have a thing for Will.

With slightly widen eyes, Ellie realized what she did, not knowing if that was smart of her or not. Taking her doubts out of her mind by shaking her head, she absentmindely took a sip of the stranger's punch. No, she didn't sip. She chugged the rest down. "Time for me to deal with my problem. Go enjoy yourself and thanks for everything, Jess."

Inhaling in, Eliana gracefully made her way to the horrendous man, enjoying his own bliss. Passing a garbage can, she threw away the cup. Immediately afterwards, she grabbed onto the bottom of her dress as her body gradually became buzzed. You got this... just ask him to kindly... maybe that'll work. God, who am I kidding? This is fucking Lucas. He's no diplomat. Coming out of no where, she gently tapped his shoulder, "We need to talk."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beefydork
Avatar of Beefydork

Beefydork Sinmethod

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location; The garden → 3rd Floor Old East
Interacting With; Milo Ushkowitz (@Angel Eyes)
Mood; Bored → Awkward → "This is the dumbest idea." → Amused → Embarrassed
Part Outfit

The sound of a thick book shutting close thundered through the garden. Causing birds to fly away in different directions as one figure stayed perfectly still. Harold exhaled after watching them scatter into the night sky, "I really wish I had the ability to fly right now." He admitted blowing a strand of his golden locks out of his face. He slowly stood up from his trusty old chair-This poor thing will break any day now.- and gently laid his novel onto the chair. It is the same one he was reading this morning and he already finished it, don't worry no spoilers. The garden at this time of day was so tranquil, all the birds gathered around as if having a family reunion, the fire flies dashed and appeared in different corners while the sound of animals conversing sounded in the distance. Still, it can get boring as hell.

Knight walked over to a small stone wall that blocked the two flower beds from combining, lifting up his right foot he stepped onto the wall. His other foot joined in and he stood on top, only going up a couple inches in height but still felt like the king of the garden. He giggled, not a sly chuckle, a giggle that sound like a toddler girl would produce after playing tea party. He covered his mouth quickly and blushed lightly the childish giggle was unexpected and pretty embarrassing even if no one else was around. Removing his hands from his mouth he moved them down to his crotch bending them and pointing his finger tips towards each other and pointed both his feet outwards. First position. Shifting his right leg out on the stone resting his toes on top. Harold raised his left arm above his head and moved his other arm behind his back. His face is still pink pigmented, if someone just passed through and glanced over they would see him in this humiliating stance. I shouldn't be doing this. He dropped his arms and positioned his legs next to each other, God I'm an idiot. Laughing at his own stupidity he got off the wall and stood in silence.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the patch of lilies, Isn't there a party going on? Oh yeah... He knew that the party was going to bring strife and even more problems for everyone. Why in the world would he go to something so troublesome? 'La bohème, la bohème Ça voulait dire. On est heureux....' A raspy soothing voice sang from his pocket. Harold quickly reached into his faded gray jeans and pulled out his phone reading the text he received from Milo. He inhaled and let out a sigh that was very exaggerated and obnoxious, "Oh mon Dieu." He spoke in French before typing his reply.

To: Milo Ushkowitz
Sorry for not contacting you all day, I've run into a couple of interesting people this morning. Of course I wasn't going to that idiotic party, but I guess since you're alone I'll go. I wouldn't mind seeing you in a funny costume anyway, I'll be there in a few.

He sent the bland message over to him and read the last part over again. What does he have to give me? He's a weird boy. He chuckled and placed his phone back into his front pocket and walked over to retrieve the novel he's recently finished. Strolling over to the garden entrance he looked back at the aesthetically pleasing scenery and left the scene making his way to the Old East building. After strutting into the building and up the stairs he encountered a group of Delphina students, how could he tell? Because they were chanting "Delphina rules! Mayweather drools!" Harold couldn't help but burst out laughing. His loud laughter caught their attention and they all turned to glare at him, " No don't mind me! Go back to your clever chant, I almost wanted to join in." He teased still chuckling.

They ignored him and whispered to themselves, "Aww come on now." Shrugging then shoving through them he ignored their insults. Knight reached the third floor and grazed the floor, Wow Milo so now you're going to leave me? Nice. He grumbled and saw a beautiful Asian girl who surprisingly resembled to Milo. Confronting the woman and keeping a respectable distance Harold asked, "Milo? Milo is that you?" Starting to giggle softly he covered his mouth and glimpsed at his dress. "I'm sorry, you look beautiful. It's just this was unexpected." Calming himself down he exhaled away from Milo's face. He paused and his face turned pink "Y-You're Milo,right?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hippocamp
Avatar of Hippocamp

Hippocamp the Steel Whirlwind

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Allen Hops

Interacting With; Avalon @smarty0114 Samantha @HushedWhispers.
Mood;Furious ← Deceiving.

Ready to wreak havoc. This is what “Peter” thought to himself as he trotted into the party. I looked as though someone had set the guest list down on a table by the door, so he checked off Peter’s name and smiled at the nearby guests. ”Who’s ready to enjoy themselves??” Disguised Benny demanded in a shout. There were arms raised by Mayweather-faction students everywhere, many holding red cups of liquid. “Yeah Peter!” Someone said. ”My head isn’t all that right this evening… Can someone tell Danny to turn down the noise, please? Thanks, I don’t want to drink and end up puking early because of buzzing in my brain…” Someone went off to tell Danny to lessen the effect of his power on the surrounding area, possibly making mind-influencers able to use their abilities at the party now.

”So… Where are Samantha and Avalon?” “Peter” sauntered over to a male junior Mayweather sipping at his cup, and pushed him lightly on the left shoulder with his palm. The guy pointed out the two hostesses to Benny. Benny nodded in thanks and splayed his fingers in a star-shaped wave at the bro. ”Thanks brother… Hey, I hope you see something you like tonight.” Now, they haven’t seen me… Or have they? What can I do to these two. Benny contemplated the myriad objects he could conjure for this occasion. These horrible, rancid occasion. The music irked him a little, they certainly weren't listening to hard enough for his tastes... No one here was in his tastes. Besides perhaps Carmen, or Eliana... He spotted Carmen for a moment, but he couldn't approach her now no matter how badly he wanted to fistbumb-to-explosion. She wouldn't recognize him in this guise. Then it hit him, the right type of animal for humiliation, and how to deliver it...

Benny backed up against a wall, near the stairs leading to the rooftop. He acquired from the nil space behind himself a large gift with some holes poked into the top. Inside was a sedated and perfumed skunk, which had just enough tranquilizer in it’s system to be out of action for another ten minutes. The present was wrapped with a unique ribbon, slipped through a mechanical clip with a timer set to precisely ten minutes, at which point the clip would release the ribbon and allow the present to be easily opened. Finally, tied onto the sinister trick skunk box was a card. It read “For Avalon and Samantha… DIRE WARNING! Open exactly when the timer reaches zero or the Magic won’t happen, and it also won't happen unless YOU ARE BOTH TOUCHING THE BOX! Don't mind the holes poked in just enjoy what's about to grace your life. Don’t cut the ribbon! With lots of love for both of you, signed Peter. PS if you don't like it you can tell me after the party I'll get you something else." Magic Hat moved swiftly after starting the timer countdown with a single button press. He approached the ravishing Avalon and extended his arms toward her, presenting the box which was wrapped in a gorgeous gold with intricate leaf pattern, and contained with a striking emerald ribbon. He smiled his most sincere, flashing his teeth and hoping for the best with all his heart. ”Thanks for making all of this possible, my A girl! Tell Samantha she gets it too... You both totally get it.” Even his eyes smiled as he tried to butter her up, the opposite of what he truly felt since she had angered him so with the way this event was orchestrated. After ten minutes went by, he would be long gone and two ladies would have a lot of stink and claw marks for days to come.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location; Edge of the roof
Interacting With; Briefly with Gia (@lovely complex), With each other (@SomewhatAverage)
Mood; Impressed -> Mischievous-> Relaxed -> Confident -> Sick -> Unsure
Mood; Suprised -> Confused -> Chill -> Happy

Lucas turned around when he heard Jackson. He was rather surprised that his shadow of a roommate suddenly stood there. Was he so drunk already that he completely missed him? "Didn't expect to find you here." he simply said. Jackson was one of the few Lucas could get along with. To an extent.

Turning her attention toward the quiet fellow, Gianna let her gaze scan his face and down his figure like a lioness prowling around her dinner, “That's a mighty fine talent you have." She tilted her head as their eyes locked. His expression looked like it could be easily misunderstood, his posture and mannerism could be overlooked by many, and his aura had a mysterious allure to it. He was an intriguing specimen to say the least. As he smiled, she decided to approach him, removing nearly all space between them. Returning the smile, while being inches away, her gaze softened so that she wouldn't come across as overly intimidating, “I don't think we've formally met. You're Lucas' roommate, right? It's nice to finally meet you." Resting one of her hands on her hips, she chuckled, “As much as I want to stay here and chat, I'm thirsty. I'll leave you two to your own devices." Getting closer to Jackson's face, as if they weren't already close enough, she whispered, “I hope you do come find me later. I'd love to get to know you - one of the few heroes my best friend can tolerate." Leaning in closer, Gia gently kissed his right cheek, letting the touch linger for a moment. Dismissing herself with a kittenish giggle, she left behind her intoxicating scent (no, she wasn't using her powers). Obviously, the villainess was enjoying herself. Before she walked up the stairs, Gia touched Lucas' shoulder and gave him an expression that said: have fun.

"Well, she is certainly... interesting, to say the least," Jackson pondered as Gianna left the doorway and entered the party. She had what could be described as a confident swagger, as if she was able to take control of whatever situation she put herself in. She was definitely not what he had expected, but she was correct about one thing: he would like to go find her later. Turning to Lucas, he spoke with an excited air, "Alright, weird conversational gestures and totally-not-creepy stalking aside, I hope you're ready to party. I'd imagine that Avalon and Samantha will be far too busy dealing with Gianna to even notice us for a while, so I suggest that we make the most of it." He found the doorway and entered, suddenly feeling as though the party was about to become much more fun.

Lucas looked rather suprised at Jackson. Did he just suggest to pull some joke? He couldn't help but chuckle for a moment. "I got a plan." He grinned at Jackson, as he pulled the bottle of rum from his backpack. "That punch is going to be way too soft. How about we spice it up a little? But a Delphina near that punch table this early will rouse suspission. You think you're up for it?" he asked Jackson, handing him the bottle. Not knowing that Gianna already added some.

Jackson took the bottle tentatively, not having had much alcohol before. Still, he considered that if there was a time for a stunt like this, how could he possibly pass it up? With a plan quickly forming in his head, he replied, "Did you really just ask me that? Man, the rest of these guys won't even know I was here." Snapping his fingers for some extra effect, he proceeded to stop time once again and make his way over to the punch bowl. Weaving through the frozen crowd, he arrived at the table and opened Lucas' bottle. He tried to figure out how much he could pour in without anyone noticing the difference in taste until he finally muttered, "Screw it! This is a party, for crying out loud!" and dumping half of the bottle into the mixture. Finishing off his work, he sampled the creation and found that while the rum definitely was evident, the punch still tasted pretty good. With that done, he took two cups and filled them to the brim of the fruit punch that certainly contained more punch than fruit and made his way back to where Lucas had been standing. Starting time again, he held a cup out to his roommate in celebration. "Cheers!" he shouted and drank from his own cup, letting the atmosphere of the party absorb him.

He had no idea how the cup got in his hand. Did Jackson somehow teleport or something? He joined in the cheers, and took a gulp from the cup. Immediately feeling the burning sensation of the rum. "Holy hell!" he exclaimed, coughing a little in surprise. The rum certainly did its job, upping the alcohol concentration quite a bit. But the punch and fruit still kept it sweet. A dangerously addictive combination. He laughed when he realized just how unhinged the night could become. With a bit of luck, the DJ wouldn't even care just how loud she played the music. "C'mon, let's take a seat." he said, walking up the edge of the roof, sitting on the tiny wall. "Tell me man, which girl are you trying to get drunk on this party? Because obviously you got plans too." he joked. Taking a small sip from his cup.

"What? How could you possibly suggest something like that?" Jackson said with as much sarcasm as he could put into one sentence. Truthfully, he hadn't made plans regarding pursuing any romance tonight, but he kept himself open to the possibility. "I think I'm just gonna see where the night takes me. Whether I end up in someone else's bed or in a ditch on the side of the road, I doubt I'll regret it, he continued, taking another sip of the drink in his hand. "And what about you? I'd imagine that the ladies won't be able to get their hands off of you pretty soon. Anyone in particular you're hoping to spend the night with?" he joked, giving him a punch in the shoulder, as if conveying a message, saying, You better head out to the dance floor and get them!

"Don't lie to me. You want Gia." he joked, returning the punch. "Everyone wants Gia. That's her speciality." But he did ponder on Jackson's question. "Nah man, nobody special. At least not here." he looked calm for once. The question brought up memories. Some good, some bad. "Anywho." he shook his head, returning from his own mind. "Man, you live literally in the same building where the party is. If you end up in a ditch, it's because you want to end up there. And for me well. Instead of attracting ladies, I hope I can dodge a few." a sly smile formed on his lips as he brought up a few pics on his phone. Avalon's room, and the artwork that became her clothes. "Someone from Delphina did that." he smirked. "Of course they're going to blame me, though. They always blame me." his voice still sounded happy. Even when he talked about the blame. He was used to it after all. Besides, it was really him.

"Hmm... Well, that's a shame. Not sure why they would accuse you without any evidence or anything," Jackson replied. Still, whoever had pulled all of that off was someone Jack wanted to shake hands with. Or possibly avoid, considering whose room it looked like it was. Taking another sip of the punch, he stood up and stretched his legs before quickly sitting back down. He didn't think that he had added too much, but after a few sips, he was already feeling dizzy and lightheaded. Maybe someone had already spiked the punch? He hoped not, considering how the only thing worse than a prank not pulled is a prank pulled twice. He didn't say this to Lucas, instead asking a different question. "What you said earlier, about me wanting Gia... Was I making it that obvious?" Immediately feeling a bit of tension, he continued. "I mean, I'm not too sure whether I want to get to know her, um, platonically or not, I guess. But if I did, I know she's the sort of girl who's been with plenty of guys. Do you think she'd really go for someone like me?" Jack put his head in his hands for a few moments, either due to embarrassment or the headache he was starting to get from drinking so much punch. Still, he took another sip, if only to keep himself from talking anymore.

Is this guy really this gullible!? Of course they blamed him, they blamed him for everything because he really did do everything. The evidence they required was literally on his phone. No other Delphina student, with the exception of Keats, knew about the room trashing. Well, at least for now. This popped an idea in his head. Delphina, like many other groups, had a social media group. A sort of blog everyone could dump their stuff on. Be it juicy gossips, questions or even threats. It was completely anonymous. Which made the system so much more fun. He send a few pics through with a description. None of Eliana or Avalon's room. Most pictures were ofSamantha's rooms. Tomorrow morning those pics would be up for all Delphina to see. And to speculate over who did it. Lucas took a sip in victory.

"I have yet to find a person who doesn't want Gia. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are people who don't like her. Obviously. But secretly every guy wants to be with her. Ain't going to happen for longer than a night, though." He looked over at Jackson, who looked a bit flustered. "If you're thinking long term with her, forget it. Not going to happen. Don't even try it. But if you want a fling for the night, well then you just have to make yourself interesting. Chat with her. Flirt with her! But don't make yourself too easy. She loves the hunt too." The way he talked, he wasn't describing anything romantic. But that was the reality of Gia.

Jackson's face fell with Lucas' advice. He couldn't imagine having a fling with anyone, much less someone who he barely knew like Gianna. He wondered for a moment of he had any chance with actually taking her out, getting to know her better, but he doubted it. Perhaps her reputation preceded her, but he didn't think that Gianna's idea of a night out was much more of, well, a night in. Taking another sip of punch, he realized that he had drained the entire cup. Scowling, he set the cup on the floor and sat in silence for a moment. He had never slept with anyone before, and he wasn't entirely sure that it was a step that he wanted to take just yet. Maybe he could go after her regardless? Making a decision, he turned to Lucas and laughed, "You know what? I'm only young once, and if I'm gonna make a mistake in my love life, I might as well get it over with now." He stood with a new confidence and continued with a smile, "Maybe I don't have a chance with Gianna, but damn it, I'm gonna try!" Pumping a fist in the air, he turned to head off of the roof and into the party to see where she might have gone. A movement quickly interrupted by a sudden pain in his stomach. Starting to panic, he looked at Lucas and stammered, "I guess I never told you that I can't hold my liquor at all, did I?" Those were the only words that he was able to get out before he sped to the edge of the roof and emptied his stomach off of the balcony.

Lucas jumped aside. He knew he wasn't going t get hit by the puke, but never the less he did it. "Eww dude!" he yelled, out of surprise. But then he stood there, sort of numb for once. After that, he just descended into pure laughter. "Damn it man! Have you actually ever drunk rum before!?" he exclaimed, through his laughter. The situation would be far less funny for Lucas if he wasn't buzzed already. But the 3 shots and the few, tiny sips of the rummed punch took their toll. "Listen man." he began to say, trying to breathe normally again. "You want her now for sure." He pulled a tiny tin box from his pocket, took out a white pill and handed it over to Jackson. "Mint. Will make your breath fresh again." he smiled. Time to wingman his roommate.

He knew that he should have felt disgusted or ashamed after something like that, but he couldn't help but feel excited. It was almost like he was finally was part of the party! Jackson turned to Lucas and accepted the mint, already feeling better as he popped it into his mouth. "Thanks, man. Um, that was really weird, sorry, but I think I'm ready." Jackson pulled on a smile and turned once again to the party, hoping to actually work up the nerve to talk to her.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. A small one, but it was enough. Jack, you're drunk, you're sick; under no circumstances should you be going to seduce a girl. It was enough to stop him in his tracks and make him wonder. Should he really be trying to go after Gianna when he was in a state like this? Maybe she was used to it, but it almost felt... below him, somehow. He slowly turned back to Lucas, not sure what he wanted to say, but he started talking anyway. "Listen, Lucas, thanks for all the help, man, but I'm not feeling so sure about this. I'm not chickening out or anything, I just need a bit of time to think about it." And everything that he said was true. He might try and take a shot with Gianna, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to do it tonight, much less if at all. He walked back to the party to find somewhere to sit down and think on what the hell he should do.

"Take your time. You don't have to decide just yet. There will be plenty of shots int he future." Lucas assured his roommate.He then followed up with: "Well, I'm going to do something I intend to make a tradition of for as long as this school stays joined. I'll catch you up later!" And he walked off towards a shady corner of the roof.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
Avatar of BogeyDope


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Location; Rear Parking Lot
Interacting With; Kevante and Sukaina
Mood; A change of heart

Carmen then stopped dead in her tracks. She thought for a moment, and turned around to where the Dodge Charger was at. She sighed, walking back to the car. Walking up to it, Carmen got inside in the passenger side and sighed.

"Hey... what's up? You alright?" Kevante asked.

Carmen sighed. "I don't know... I... I just feel like this isn't gonna work out no matter what I do. I'm just... not in the mood to fight, or be alienated. I just... I feel so out of place, no matter where I go in this goddamn school. The Mayweathers cast me looks like... I don't belong here... and the Delphina's think I'm a fucking pussy for being on the side of the goddamn heroes." She sighed again. "I know I'm not the one to talk about shit like this, especially to you guys, but... I... I really just wanna go home now." Carmen said softly.

Kevante frowned. "Homegirl, what is it?" He asked. "Seriously? What's bothering you?"

Carmen shook her head. "Nothing, Kev... just... take me to the safehouse. I just want it to be... us three again. How it was before I got to this... hellhole clusterfuck they like to call Mayweather..." She sighed. "Wanna get some Cool Ranch Doritos on the way?" Carmen asked with a soft smile.

"You bet." Sukaina said.

And off they drove into the night, never to be seen again for a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex

LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location; Roof → Auditorium for Ellie → Bedroom for Lucas → Forest for Lucas → Outside of Auditorium for Lucas
Interacting With; Each other (@Legion02)
Mood; Annoyed → Angry → Seething → Burning hatred → Self-destructive → Painful joy → Surrender
Mood; Aggravated → Challenging and Persistent → Scared and depressed → Detached → Isolated, Alone, At Peace

Lucas was listening to a slightly buzzed bunch of Delphinas. Among them the bottle of strawberry vodka got passed on, assuring that the entire group would be merry. Lucas made it a point to know all the Freshmen. Because sooner, rather than later, they would have to keep Delphina's honor high. And he would be damned if they didn't know how. The Freshmen in this case already knew Lucas somewhat. His reputation preceded him after all. Especially as Gia's puppy. They also knew about his quarrel with Eliana. So when she tapped his shoulder, the entire group except for Lucas saw who it was and took a step away. Freshmen feared Eliana mostly because of her last name. Lucas, suspicious of why, on the exact moment he felt something on his shoulder his group of freshmen lost their tongues, turned around to see who it was. Ugh... No! I just wanted a good party. Why she, why now? When she said that they had to talk, he simply answered: "Do we?" hoping that she'd get the message that he wasn't in the mood. Behind him, the Delphina freshmen scattered like bugs.

Her green orbs darkened. Was he being serious right now? Was he deliberately playing dumb to piss her off? She didn’t drink nearly enough alcohol for this bullshit. Her gaze scanned the terrified freshmen as they watched the individuals known for the biggest feud on school grounds glare at each other. The amount of tension in one area was too much for them to handle so they silently tried to scurry off. Crossing her arms, with disdain written all over her face, Eliana tsked before retorting at his drunken arrogance, “You never fail to disappoint. Don’t play dumb, Lucas. You have something of mine." She paused to let that sink in his dense skull, before adding, "If you didn’t want to deal with me, you shouldn’t have taken it.

Stepping closer to him, making sure he got a good look at how serious she was and that she would never be afraid of some fool like him, which made the freshmen speed away, Ellie calmly continued, “If you think I’ll leave you alone to have a ‘good time’, you better think again. I do not want to fight but if I must, I will. So, I’ll repeat what I said, you have something of mine.

Fight? She would fight him? "You don't fight." he casually said. Taking a sip from his strong punch just to show how little he really cared. "You will just give me some sort of illusion. Or nightmares. But you won't fight me. I'm too strong for that." his tone changed slightly. He felt as if he was just stating the facts. In the most uninteresting way possible. "Besides, a truce has been called. No fighting for tonight. So why don't you go look up the darkest possible corner around here, sulk and read some book." He wanted to turn away, but he felt as if the jab came a little short to its mark. So he inched a little closer and whispered: "But don't worry. I haven't broken the lock...yet." That plastered a grin over his face. Thinking it would be a strong enough deterent, so she would just walk away angry.

The boiling anger was neverending when it came to Lucas. How could someone make her this infuriated? He truly wanted war. Without a doubt, he underestimated her. Ellie may not be someone who could take him down physically but she was fully capable of tearing his insides out - methaphorically speaking. When he inched closer to her, whispering in her ear about her journal, her teeth grinded - this fucking asshole. She took a moment to 'accidentally' push his drink into him, making it spill all over his shirt, "Oh, what a shame." Her feet were planted on the ground. She was not going anywhere. "The truce has nothing to do with this. This is between you and me. You really think you won, don't you? Having access to all my deepest, darkest secrets. It must help you sleep at night knowing you have that kind of power over someone." Rolling her eyes, she gently pushed some of her bangs behind her right ear, "Do your worst. But don't think for a second that you're safe. Whether your drunken self can believe it or not, I will ruin you." Her expression was stoic, unnervingly calm, but her words seethed with venom, "You can believe what you want about me but it's not over until I say it is."

That bitch. Lucas is a very peculiar person. He put a lot of time in dressing, just so he'd look as if he didn't put time in it at all. That meant that, while it may not look like much, the shirt he was wearing was one of his favorites. And she just spilled all over it. The fire that got extinguished after the talk with Gia flared back up like an inferno. She pushed the right button, but he wondered if she could live with the consequences. Eliana clearly didn't have much situational awareness. For starters, a lot of Delphinas were around them. While still keeping their distance. But Lucas didn't see a Mayweather. The Segregation, while not official, was still very much apparent. Eliana probably didn't realize what she awokened within him until it was too late. When he looked up from his cup and shirt, his eyes were on fire. Burning with something more than just distate. It was the very same hatred that had burned in Gia's room. With both his hands he pushed her. Causing Ellie to take a few steps back, while watching behind her so she wouldn't stumble. Her rear hit the wall when she looked up, seeing only a golden fist going straight at her. She closed her eyes near immediately.

It didn't hit her though. It hit the wall, inches away from the side of her face. His eyes were dangerously serious at the moment that her mysterious green orbs were staring straight at him once more. The fire burned bright within him, and it even manifested itself through the solar force. With golden electric-like arches forming over his right arm. It hadn't just hit the wall, it actually cracked the bricks. The effect on bone would have been horrible. "Listen here, you little, worthless, piece of crap." His breathing was deep and hard, as if he was actually preparing for a fight. "I've had it with your shitstain of an attitude. Let me explain it as clearly as possible, so that peanut fucking brain of yours gets it. You are nothing. You are less than nothing. You can't win against me." To make sure his point came across he pulled back his fist and ramed it next to her arm, once more using his force. Causing a second crack to form. As he talked, he spoke with the fires of hell itself. He stopped being his controlled, uncaring self. It was time to make it all clear. "The more you think you can, the deeper you're digging your own grave. I've been playing nice until now. But don't think I'll keep being nice. You're not the only who will suffer because of your choices."

The main trigger to Night Terror has always been her fear. Fear is what caused her to black out in the past… in grade school, in middle school, and in high school. Fear is what made her hurt far too many individuals at once. Fear is what caused her to curl up, keep to herself, and avoid human interaction. Avoiding her would be in everyone’s best interest. To say Eliana wasn’t afraid would be a lie, she could feel her life hanging by a thread, but by now she has trained herself to not show her fear on her face, even though she wanted to cry. Her emotionless expression could be read as she either didn’t know how to react to him or she was a fucking masochist at heart.

Unlike the past incidents, where her tormentors would corner her and get straight to business, Lucas… was holding back, but enough to show how much he truly hated her and… how strong he was, especially in comparison to her. Maybe, he wasn’t as insecure as she made him out to be. Maybe, he just hated her – it wouldn’t be unusual. Hate was something she was used to, or at least, she should be. Why… why is it she was always the one hated? Lucas was as honest as they came when he felt any sort of emotion. Sure, he was a terrible person but at least he was honest and accepted the hate he asked for.

This was silly, this feud they shared.

Even Brenna despised her though she was the one that ruined Ellie’s image… way back when. She was the one that made sure the rest of Ellie’s high school career was not something worth attending. All because they shared the same love interest. Lucas started the feud yet here Ellie was allowing him to get the best of her. How is it that she was the one who was hated yet all these people in her life have done far worst things to her? What made her so different than everyone else? It was like she was meant to be unloved and alone forever. If making her feel like shit was what Lucas intended to do, he succeeded, probably far more than he was aiming for.

Unlike her past incidents, Ellie felt a seeded sadness in her heart. He could kill her if he wanted to... would she fight back? Rather than trigger her dark nature, her eyes became distant and cold, as she stared at him, or well, through him. The more her thoughts rained over in her mind, the more she realized how worthless she was. He was right. She was worthless. As much as she would want to tell herself otherwise, it’s the only thing that made sense in her lonely life. Ellie wasn’t strong. No matter what she did, what would she accomplish? Nothing. She was nothing.

You’re right.” Those are the only words that escaped her lips. Her voice was monotone and low. She was done with this petty game. Eliana felt stupid, she was stupid. Only she would make herself believe she could compete with someone like Lucas. Most individuals in her mental state would care about the people they would endanger because of this feud, but she only cared about how insufficient and weak she was.

Excusing herself without saying a word, not even running, just walking, she made her leave. He had awoken her insecurities… she needed to be alone.

Lucas watched Eliana walk away. But his rage hadn’t cooled off yet. In fact, it flared even more. As if his subconscious was begging for a fight. Begging to punch and get punched. The pack of Delphinas looked at Lucas as if they were watching a wild animal. To their right, he did look like one. Breathing heavy, his face red and with a fist that very clearly just hit something. “What!?” he yelled, probably a little too loud, to the group. Who immediately turned towards each other as if they didn’t see him. But he knew they were peeking. He looked at the cup he dropped when he pushed her. The punch was gone. Looking around, he could almost start hearing the whispers. The party lost its appetite to him. It felt dull and far too happy. With force he pushed himself through the bunch and headed down. He had to cool off. He had to let the fire burn itself out. He wouldn’t be able to sleep until it was extinguished. But when he arrived at his hallway the flames got some oil thrown over it.

Not thinking straight, Ellie absentmindely left the party. She didn't say goodbye to Jess. She didn't drown herself with alcohol to numb her sadness. None of that would help her right now. Walking quietly, ignoring all the drunk and blissful college students that prowled in the hallways, and on school grounds, Dream Catcher could only think of one thing as the darkness of the night surrounded her and all noise that filled the air was droned out. The night was getting fairly chilly and she didn't have a sweater, but that's okay. A cool, cold brisk didn't hurt... there was far worst things in the world. Her heels resounded on the pavement as she passed the many buildings of the school until finally she reached the auditorium. Walking on the side of it, she made her way to the back and rummaged around in her purse. Within time, Ellie pulled out her mother's spare ID key card, which unlocked most of the rooms on campus, including the stimulation rooms in the Control Room. She pressed the card lightly on the scanner causing the back door to *click* open. Before she entered, Ellie turned to see if anyone was around. No one. Thankful and believing that no one was watching her, she entered the building.

His underwear was everywhere. Literally everywhere. For a moment he couldn’t comprehend what happened. It was his alright, but how did it get so thrown around? He rushed towards his room, and could only see the door. On the ground. The hinges were clearly broken. For a moment, he was actually afraid to enter. But Lucas was not a coward. He took the step in, and immediately noticed what was all missing. Almost everything. His room had been cleaned out alright. The drawer was in shambles downstairs. It was probably thrown through the window. And considering all the colorful spots, his clothes were still in it. To make matters worse he couldn’t find his jeans. Until he did find them. Somewhere stuck in the toilet and he decided to leave them there. Those just on the floor and wet he did grab. Together with his underwear. All the while his anger didn’t vanish. Where the hell was his mattress!? When he went downstairs for his shirts he found it. In the fountain. With the strength that could only come from pure, untainted anger he hauled the damn thing out of it, but he couldn’t find the strength to pull it up the stairs. So he settled for just taking his clothes with him and returning to his room. When he was done gathering the rest of his clothes, he grabbed one of his strongest bottles of his stash, which luckily was left untouched, and started drinking. Straight from the bottle. Trying to extinguish his fire with the liquid. But it made matters worse.

Oddly enough, entering the auditorium gave her a sense of peace and comfort. Ellie was alone and that's how things should be. Behind the stage, she used her mother's card to unlock the music classroom. After opening it, she made her way to the closet where her white cello was stored in a black case with stretch panne red velvet velour on the inside. Picking up her case, she made her way to the stage of the auditorium and placed it gently on the wooden ground. Quickly, she grabbed a chair and brought it to the center of the stage (no, she did not drag it). With no one around, Eliana could be herself and get lost in her music - something she loved doing. Bending over, she unlatched her case and took out her cello. For someone as tiny as her, her father was surprised she took an interest in a fairly big instrument. It's an odd feeling, when you watch someone play something so beautiful and just know that you want to be them. Her father had taken her to an orchestra concert in London and there she found one of her passions. She saw a beautiful woman with red curls, a black dress, and burning fire in her eyes. The kind of fire that showed she loved what she was doing, the fire that said: I'm happy and this is what I will do for the rest of my life.

After that day, when she was only six, Ellie decided she would learn the cello and so she did. For the most part, her father hired classical mentors and bought her song books galore of famous cellists like Emanuel Feuermann or Luigi Boccherini, but she did take it upon herself to explore her own capabilities. Finding one song in particular that truly touched her heart. This song was in a movie about being human and longing to connect, love, and feel loved. It created imaginatively stimulating inner landscapes. Well, that is... if you look deep into it. On the surface, it was a movie about fighting drug addiction.

The song she began to play was Lux Aeterna, from the film Requiem For A Dream.
Original version
Cello version
(OOC: Please listen to the song while reading the next couple of paragraphs, it truly sets the mood. Doesn't matter which version, though the actual song sets the tone better.)

His room was too bright, even with the lights off. There was something too confining about the walls. He felt like a beast in his cage. Trashing and growling. With the bottle still in his hand he walked out into the hallways. Of course, some Delphinas and Mayweathers would have seen it. Hiding what happened would be a lost cause. The feeling within him turned savage. Coherent thoughts were replaced by bare emotion. The drinks washed away years of civilization and exposed the animal within him. An animal that was untamable and made of flames. The bottle in his hand grew lighter as he strolled into the darkness. This was where he was supposed to be. Enveloped by the black. Nighttime would shelter him and his animalistic anger from the world. As well as it would allow him to burn and blaze like the cataclysm he slowly became. He strolled towards the nearby forest. Drinking far too much and far too fast. He decided that there was nothing that he could do but burn bright and hard and hope he would fade before he crumbled.

He put the half-empty bottle down next to a trunk, and without giving it much thought, he slammed his fist against it. With his power, and it broke some bark. Then his next fist came. Soon a flurry of golden hits came down upon the hard wood, which could clearly take it but would have a mark from it. His fists kept raining down, and while his powers could shelter his hands from some of the damage, after the repeating hits his skin started to show cuts. Lucas didn’t care, though. The adrenaline numbed his aching muscles. The endorphins blocked every signal that something was wrong. He kept going, as drops of blood flowed off his knuckles. When his hands began to tremble, it was time to switch it off some more. He started kicking the tree. With the flat of his foot, with the back of it, with his shinbone. Leaving nasty bruises and cuts there. But he kept at it. Until everything felt suspiciously numb. His brain, overridden by a myriad of chemicals and hormones, was breaking his body. This was his true side. His violent side.

Her chaurtese green orbs were lit under the faint stage light as the music enveloped the empty room. She was an angel lit in darkness. She was a caged bird trapped in her own head. Her blanket was the night and her cello was her song. Eliana's face grew soft as her mind let the music take over - washing away all her insecurities and poor sense of self worth. Her expression was focused on looking forward at the empty seats while her eyes glimmered under the light. As much as she wanted her constant internal battle to vanish, she knew that this would only be a temporary fix. Maybe... she needed this cage. At least behind her own mental bars, she couldn't get hurt.

No more thinking. All she wanted to do was seranade the night and that's exactly what she was going to do.

Eventually he had to stop. Not because he wanted though. There was only so much punishment that his body could take before it would start shutting him out. Blood dripped off his nails onto the ground. He just forgot his bottle. Too much was flooding him already. His muscles now actively trembled, and walking required actual effort. He didn’t have much time, that much he knew. It was the biggest speck of thought in his mind, among his shattered psyche. He had to find somewhere, someplace where it could all finish him off. In the distance, very faint, he could hear something. It wasn’t the party, it came from the wrong direction and was far too soft. With a body that started refusing its orders he dragged himself towards the building. It wouldn’t take long now. He stopped the violence, so his brain would cut off the adrenaline. His muscles would start to ache, then tremble and eventually feel as if they tore themselves to shreds. Soon after that his natural pain blockers would dissolve. Letting the signals through again. He felt the pain already, but it was a distant sensation. He knew it was there and he knew it was hurting. But he didn’t feel it yet. He soon would. Soon everything would be worse than before. But the music grew louder as he approached the auditorium. His blood and pain began to extinguish the flames within him, but the damage had been done.

Someone was inside the building that was for sure. Whoever it was, he or she played her instrument beautifully. Not able to push himself any further, he fell down next to the door. Using his final ounce of strength he sat himself up against the wall. From now on he could do but two things. Listen to the beautiful music and await the inevitable darkness to swallow him whole. As his body gave up on him completely, his senses began to return to him. The music became sharper, and he began to recognize the tune. “No..” he whimpered, but with a certain joy. The song, it was a song he loved since he was young. Throughout the turmoil of the past years, that song and his love for it remained. If he wasn’t drunk or broken, he may have questioned who played the one song that soothed him. A guardian angel? His sister? But he couldn’t think that clearly anymore. He could only feel a final spark of joy before the darkness crawled over his eyes, and finally took him away.

[Note: Please don't write that you stumbled upon Lucas - Legion will be gone for this upcoming week. BeastofDestiny and I plan to get his character to the infirmary. Thanks.]
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
Avatar of NarcissisticPotato

NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Emilia and Minako(@Thundercrash)
Location: Emilia and Minako’s dorm room -> Mayweather Old West -> Auditorium (Minako)
Interacting with: Each other, Eliana (@lovely complex) (observed by Minako)
Mood (Minako): Tranquil -> Surprised -> Awkward -> Surprised -> Panicked/Embarrassed -> Apologetic/solomn -> Relieved -> Nervous
Mood (Emilia): Confused -> Surprised -> Cautious -> Curious -> Demand -> Emotional/Needy -> Friendly -> Confused

Her head hurt. Nah, scratch that; a lot of her hurt. Her chest heaved with strain and her stomach felt like someone had made sure she'd never carry children in her life. Blinking her eyes open, she raised a lazy hand to hide the harsh sunlight beating down on her. Her other hand gripped wisps of grass and she reasoned that someone had laid her out on the grass.

Sitting up was a painful struggle but when she finally accomplished it, Emilia was well and truly alone. Whoever had RKOed the fuck out of her clearly didn't stick around to deal with the consequences. She'd get him sooner or later - her vengeance was that of a snapping turtle. She may take a while to get him but when she did, he'd be in trouble.. non

”You're a fucking idiot, you know that ya cunt?” Eliza suddenly piped up in her head, sounding just as weary as she was. ”Next time can you just listen to me and not approach the Nazi? You're lucky you're not rolling around on the ground shouting like some fuckwit! He would have kicked your mind into tiny bits with me included!”

Her groan at the voice of Eliza quickly changed to an interested mumble as she quickly recalled the events of only an hour previous. What had happened? She approached him and he went batshit and started fucking her up. She could barely even remember what it was that terrified her so much but she was petrified nevertheless. Something had happened when their minds made a connection, something very tangible and more powerful than she had ever felt before - his fear. It was everywhere inside of him and the memories which were engineering it were locked behinds thick walls of stubborn, Aryan pride. ”I nearly fucking had ‘em, Eliza! If I can get that bastard’s memories then he'll be easy to deal with!” Eliza simply unceremoniously snorted in answer.

The time was the last thing on her mind as she dusted herself off and made sure everything was in the right place but by the time she got around to finally checking it, her eyes went wide. ”Fucking hell… I've been out cold for three hours? Fucking Nazi cunts always like to ruin a perfectly good day!” Grumbling in annoyance, she ignored the seasoned response from Eliza and began wandering back to her dorm.

The way back was littered with whispers from both sides of campus. Some spoke of a party being organised and to keep it on the down-low while others spoke of a Heroes only party which would clearly have to be crashed. Parties were fairly interesting - they usually had a myriad of drunk people who were fine with a weird Austrailian girl snooping on her memories. Plus, she would be denying her heritage if she declined free alcohol!

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't even realise that she was currently unlocking the door to her dorm. Her mind was on other things such as the realisation that parties were usually full of hot girls with short skirts. And even if it was a Heroes party, she had never done anything wrong so they would be totally fine with letting her in.

”Eh… Emilia?” Emilia had already crashed onto her bed, butts and mini skirts the subject of her thoughts. Whatever it was, Eliza was confused.

”What do you fucking want now? Can't you see I'm busy?” She mumbled into her pillow.

”Eh… There's someone in the room.” Emilia raised an eyebrow and cautiously lifted her head to discover that she had somehow idly walked past a small Asian girl meditating in the middle of her room. Confused eyes flicked over to suitcases littered around the room and it suddenly snapped - this was her roommate.

Ducking behind her covers, she peeked at her for a second before questioning Eliza who had chosen to manifest herself in the room. ”Is it sentient…?” Eliza stared at the small girl for a while before shrugging.

”I don't know. Ask her?”

To all outward appearances, Minako sat in the middle of the bedroom, legs crossed and hands resting on her knees, eyes closed and taking breaths so shallow it almost seemed like she wasn’t breathing at all. Facing her bed, she gave no sign that she had even noticed Emilia’s entry. She might as well have been dead to the world.

However, her mind was anything but.

Inwardly, Minako was sitting on the same mountaintop that she had made Gianna see only a few hours before. Dealing with the senior’s intensity had left her in something of a bad way; brain going every which way at once, trembling with desire and very much needing a shower and a change of clothes. In fact, she had very nearly indulged herself in some of the more… personal narratives she had come up back home. Nearly. The only thing holding her back had been the thought of being interrupted by her as-yet unknown roommate. So, instead she took a shower, and settled into Plan B.

I am balanced. I am me. I am within, and without. I am peace.

Practice with her abilities meant that Minako had become very good at visualizing scenes, and so when Emilia had arrived she was deep in a trance of her own, simply letting all her concerns slip away down the sheer ice-covered mountainsides. Every so often a stray thought would intrude, but as she had been taught, she let it swirl around and through her like the wind, and then billow away. Unfortunately, there was one that was refusing to do so. Instead, it almost seemed to tease her, flicking around her like a sprite. As hard as she tried to ignore it, it insistently called to her.

Eventually, the thought occurred to her that perhaps this wasn’t in her own head, and gradually let herself come back to reality. Her chest began to rise and fall as she took deep breaths, and at last her eyes started to flutter.

Emilia blinked cautiously, hiding like a lion in the tall grass waiting for the small gazelle to take the wrong step. ”I think she is alive…” She whispered to the curious Eliza before quietly sitting up and kicking her feet out off the bed. Tip-toeing onto the cold floor, she approached her from behind, her footfalls barely even audible. When she was barely an inch apart from the small Asian girl, she leaned forward and over her, casually dipping her head down so she was face-to-face with her apparent roommate. ”I think it’s breathing. Should I be worried? I thought vampires didn’t breath. Or was it that they didn’t have a pulse?”

Eliza rolled her eyes. ”What’s the point of breathing if your blood doesn’t even carry oxygen around your body?” She pointed out, much to Emilia’s chagrin as she decided to take a few necessary steps. Reaching down, she cocked back her index fingers, tensing it behind her thumb before releasing it with a quick flick to her roommate’s forehead.

”Earth to cute asian girl… Wake up ya cunt, you’re ruining the decor!”

Minako’s eyes snapped open, her body rigid. Slowly, her head tilted up, violet eyes stopping just short of meeting blue ones before dropping back down to look at her bed. She wasn’t going to make the same mistake again.

Most people would be quite startled to find someone almost literally hanging over them. However, Minako coming out of a self-trance was a bit more… placid. In fact, it took a few seconds for her to say anything at all. ”Um, what did you call me?”

Emilia stared at her for a second, her upside-down face etched with a curious flick of her eyebrow. ”Fucking hell Eliza, the cunt can actually talk! Write this down somewhere!” Eliza seemed just as intrigued but mostly because this small Asian girl was adorable. ”So I guess you’re my roommate then, huh? Fuck… You know, I quite fucking enjoyed strutting around in the nude before you showed up but the world keeps on fucking spinning I guess.” Somehow managing not to fall onto the smaller girl, she meandered around and promptly slumped down into a sitting position on the bed in front of her. Staring at her for a good part of a minute, she finally frowned and nodded a little. ”Name’s Emilia Robinson. Don’t try hide anything from me, I’ll find out sooner or later.”

Minako blinked. This… Emilia person was certainly an active person. As her brain came back up to full speed and the girl’s full statement registered, so too did her face steadily redden. She likes to… For a brief moment, that image flashed through her mind, deepening her flush.

Then she realized that she was staring directly between the girl’s open legs. And it didn’t seem like there was anything under her very form-fitting shorts. Instantly her eyes dropped down to the floor, squeezing her knees. Yes, I think she does. “Um, I’m sorry, I think? It wasn’t my intention to intrude.” She bit her lip, then stood up and gave a short bow. “My name is Minako, Minako Ikeda. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Emilia fixed her with a curious glance, eyes perpetually scanning the smaller girl up and down, not caring that they lingered in certain spots. College had its very own circle of life and it was up to her to establish dominance at the head of that circle. This Minako girl clearly wasn't exactly Alpha material so it was up to Emilia to take the initiative and exert some control. Standing, she gave her a blank stare before a smile formed and she offered a hand to her new roommate. ”The pleasure’s all mine ya cunt!”

Blinking, Minako frowned as she accepted the handshake. She… swears a lot. “Did you… actually go naked?”

Shaking her hand with way too much vigour, Emilia beamed before the smaller Asian girl decided to ask another question. With a momentary frown slipping to a confused look, she absentmindedly tapped her chin with her index finger, thinking over the question. ”Yeah I guess... Didn’t really have a lot of people around here. Maybe except for Eliza but she’s a big lesbian anyways so it’s not like she cared!” Another indignant snort filled her head as she casually threw her weight onto one leg and cocked her head at Minako. ”Why?”

The sudden question and sharpness of the girl’s voice caught Minako off-guard, and she took a step back, holding up her hands. ”Oh, um, n-nothing. I didn’t mean to suggest… I mean… It’s just, unusual, that’s all.” Briefly she wondered if her mouth was ever going to work properly this day. ”Um, so Eliza is a friend of yours?”

The awkwardness of Minako’s words apparently flew over Emilia’s head as she smiled and shrugged. ”Friend would imply a voluntary acceptance on my side. Eliza’s a fucking cunt but she’s stuck in my head so she’s a cunt I have to deal with. Kinda like children!” Speaking with way too much seriousness on a conversation on imaginary friends, Emilia casually knocked her own head at the indiscernible curses of Eliza.

”Oh. I… see…” Eliza is… in her head? For a moment, Minako pursed her lips. ”In that case…” She gave a short bow again. ”It is a pleasure to meet you both, Eliza and Emilia. Please forgive my previous rudeness.” The sincerity in her voice was striking.

Emilia was confused. People typically didn’t respond well to her description of Eliza but this girl… She was strangely different. All of a sudden, as if someone had flicked a switch, Emilia was on the offensive. Closing the distance between them, her gaze turned almost predatory as she peered at the small girl. Picking her words apart, Emilia seemed to leer. ”Unusual? A very curious word choice. Unusual implying that it’s not a done thing but with no attached negativity to that pastime, correct?” Her eyebrow arched as her teeth slowly dragged along her bottom lip.

Minako stumbled backwards, landing on Emilia’s bed as her legs hit the edge. ”U-u-m, w-what?” How does she change moods so quickly! She could almost swear that she was doing it on purpose to mess with her.

She continued on her advance, cutting right into enemy territory as Minako fell backwards onto her bed. Stepping even closer, she leaned down until their faces were only inches apart. She peered at her for a second before raising her eyebrow once more. ”I am asking, Miss Ikeda, if you care that I walk around naked or not?”

Mouth dry, face flushed and breathing just a little deeper now from the close proximity, Minako’s eyes flicked every which way but straight ahead. W-what is she doing? Why is she getting so close? What is she going to do? Fuck fuck fuck, don’t look in her eyes, don’t look in her eyes, don’t look in her-

She looked up into Emilia’s eyes.

For the second time that day, a wave of warmth flooded through Minako’s body. Certainly not as intense as the previous time with Gianna Daniels, but still sufficient for Minako’s breath to catch in her throat and turning just about her entire face bright scarlet.

At first, it was like everything had crashed in her mind and the reboot was an awkward process. Her eyes flickered, eyelashes crashing together but not once did she look away; she couldn’t. Even when she tried to will her muscles to drag her face away from the smaller girl, it would not budge and after a few seconds, that will slowly died until she didn’t want it to budge. Her eyebrows furrowed, mouth opening in a small ‘o’ as if she wanted to whisper something but every time she found the correct words, they danced away like a scorned lover. The feeling was invasive. It spread to every part of her mind and for a moment, even Eliza fell victim to it. It was a feeling of someone else, someone taking what wasn’t theirs to take, someone warping her mind until she was an eager slave. Anger was her first response - how dare they take what she held dear, what she locked away in her mind. But they wasn’t the correct word; it was a she who was doing this. The small girl on the bed in front of her. She had such beautiful eyes. Emilia felt her breath slip away as she surrendered herself. It was order in the chaos, a light in the darkness, a beacon to guide her weary mind. And it was weary, it had seen so much more than it should have. It needed rest now. Her feet moved of their own accord, shuffling forward. The gap between them closed and just as she was about to make contact, her foot found a box under her bed and it all came crumbling down. Breaking the trance, she collapsed forward in a heap, right onto the girl in front of her.

To say that Minako didn’t move was an understatement; it was like she had been carved from stone. Her new roommate was already very close, and inching closer by the very frantic heartbeat that was trying to turn Minako’s ribs to gravel. For a very brief moment, she thought that the girl was going to kiss her.

Instead, Emilia seemed to stumble, and proceeded to collapse on top of her, her head crashing face-first into the mattress beside Minako. The impact, slight as it was, made Minako gasp, and she was hyperaware of every inch of contact between them. Slowly, her eyes drifted down from the ceiling, settling on the slight swell currently straddling her waist. ...Wow.

Emilia didn’t share Minako’s interest of their skin-on-skin contact. Her head felt dazed. Then empty. Then dazed again. Rolling over, she stared at the ceiling for a little bit, eyes squinting in confusion. ”So… That was your powers…?”

The sudden escape route provided the catalyst needed to galvanize Minako into action, and she immediately bolted to the other side of the room, her back slamming audibly into the wall beside her bed. Breathing hard and swallowing, she stared at the other girl. ”Whu...Iah...whu...why…”

Sitting up, Emilia squinted again only this time the squint was directed at her roommate. Moving her eyes from left to right, she didn’t seem to quite understand what was going on. This uncomfortable silence only continued to grow and grow until Emilia decided to open her mouth. ”Did you… Did you fucking mind rape me?”

Minako’s glowing eyes widened, and her panic decided to take the new outlet. ”Did I… NO! No no no nononononono! I swear I didn’t… I don’t… I didn’t see anything! I just…” She wracked her brain, trying to come up with an explanation that didn’t sound remotely similar. ”I just… oh, this is going to sound so awful...I’m just… kind of… when I look in someone’s eyes, I become connected to their body. It lets me control their senses. Sight, sound, balance, things like that! I didn’t do anything to your mind, I swear!” She hugged her legs to her chest, burying her face in her knees. ”I swear.”

Emilia kicked her feet off the bed before rising onto them shakily. Keeping her eyes locked on the small girl who was smothering herself due to embarrassment, she casually slipped over until she was standing over her again. ”You’re… You’re alright, Minako” In a surprisingly mature act, she once again offered her hand to her roommate.

Slowly, Minako raised her head, looking at the proffered hand. Her eyes flicked between it and Emilia’s face, before she hesitantly accepted it. ”I’m sorry. I just… I’m very sorry. First Gianna, now you. And… I thought you were going to…” At that, she bit back the words so hard she just about bit her tongue.

”Kiss you.” She finished it for her before giving her a dull look and rolling her eyes a little. ”Listen, sushi brains, it’s inevitable that we use our powers on each other. I can’t fucking stop it and you can’t fucking stop it. But, the best way to deal with it is just by figuring things out… And not being a cunt!” Smiling a little, she leaned down and took her hand of her own accord before shaking it as well. Minako was afraid, it wasn’t hard to discern, but there was something else there. Something Emilia probably didn’t want to see just in that moment. ”We cool because I can’t have my fucking roommate looking at my like a gazelle in the fucking headlights?”

For a moment, Minako was silent for a moment, then she gave a small smile. ”Th-thank you. I just… you’re the second person who has been affected today, and neither of you had a very good reaction. And… I’m not very good at being so close to new people. But, I give you my word that I will try to be better, and not be a… cunt.” She flushed slightly at the word, it sounded odd and unfamiliar in her mouth.

She beamed at her, an honest and genuine smile. Suddenly, her phone buzzed in her back pocket and she pursed her lips in confusion. Nobody ever texted her. Yet here she was, unlocking her phone to be greeted by a mass text detailing information about a party hosted by Mayweather for “heroes only”. ”Hmm… Well, sushi brains, it looks like we’re getting close to new people - there’s a party on at some rooftop. You want to go?”

Surprised at the offer, she mulled it over in her head. A party? Already? But aren’t there classes tomorrow? Hmmm… I don’t really know anybody here besides Emilia and Gianna.... But, maybe this will be a chance to meet others. “Um, sure, but…” Minako smiled shyly. ”I uh, haven’t ever really been to a party before. I’m not sure if anything I have would be suitable.”

At the sound of ‘sure’ Emilia was already up and dragging her vest top off, stopping halfway with more than enough midriff exposed as Minako piped up with a problem. Frowning, she casually lifted the top off the rest of the way and chucked it aside before looking around the room. When she found the suitcases, her eyes lit up with a mad glee. ”I’m sure you have something! Lemme just take a little look~!”

Minako’s eyes widened at her roommate’s apparent nonchalance at exposing herself, and then widened even further when she saw her headed towards her suitcase. The one she most certainly did NOT want her looking in. “Wait, Emilia! Not that one!”

Almost an hour later, Minako stepped out of the dorm, having seen much more of her roommate than she ever would have asked for. Wow. She shook her head, trying and not quite succeeding in banishing the images from her mind. No, no, bad Minako. She is your roommate, you’re going to be living with her. She paused. I’m going to be living with her. I… guess I’m going to have to get used to this. She glanced down at the black knee-length skirt, purple t-shirt and two-inch heels that they had eventually settled on, her fingers briefly touching the headphones around her neck. Still, she seems very nice, if a bit… strange.

Emilia had actually covered up more than earlier, choosing dark skinny jeans and a baggy white t-shirt topped with a short jacket. All-in-all, the two of them didn’t look so bad. Locking up, she casually looped her arm through Minako’s arm and set off on their journey. ”I didn’t even fucking ask you - why exactly did you arrive a month late? Colleges work differently or something over there in Japan?” She questioned, hooking her arm through Minako’s so that the other girl was effectively stuck to her side.

Keenly aware of her proximity to her roommate, Minako did her best to ignore it as they walked. “No, not really. It’s true that we finish later than American schools do, but, after I had graduated my father had me assisting him in finishing several important contracts.” She still remembered the late nights they had spent, but there was still that sense of accomplishment.

”Several important contracts? Your dad some sort of big fucker?” She questioned, turning her head with an ever-curious look etched into her features. At this point, Emilia knew her way around the campus and the rough directions provided in the text were enough to guide them to the building where the party was being held.

Minako winced slightly. That particular image was one that she could live without. ”Sort of. My mother’s family have been the owners and majority shareholders in a global shipping company for many generations. We hold contracts with dozens of companies around the world. My father is American, but he orchestrated a large merger with an American transportation company. When he married my mother, he was able to become the head of the company. I am set to follow him when he eventually retires, though I do not believe that will happen for quite some time.” When they made it outside, she shivered slightly in the cool air.

Her eyebrows shot up once again. So Minako was rich as fuck. Interesting. ”If you have a career already planned for ya then why come here?” She questioned, cocking her head to the side as they halted at the door to the building. ”And from what I can see, you have a control of your powers. Or, at least, as much as the fucking thing wants to be controlled!”

Biting her lip, Minako extricated her arm from the other girl’s grip. ”My father is constantly involved in numerous negotiations and deals simultaneously. In order to be successful and ensure the best possible deal for Ikeda Global Shipping, he must present an image of strength and confidence. If I am to succeed him, then so must I.” She glanced at her roommate, her hand cupping the scar on her arm. ”I can’t look people in the eye without triggering a connection, and as I have proven today, doing so is not always pleasant for the other person. If I can’t look someone in the eye, how can I appear to be strong. Additionally, it would be very easy to misuse my abilities. My Sensei recommended that I come here, and both my parents agreed.” Looking out across the darkened campus, Minako leaned against the wall, a slightly forlorn expression on her face.

Emilia nodded slowly, making sense of the situation slightly. She had no fucking idea what was meant to be going on but she had a feeling that this girl had a lot on her plate. Whatever, it wasn’t like she was anything to her - just a roommate that she had to get on with. Smiling gently, she peeked up the stairs in front of them. ”No partying just yet then, huh…?” She murmured, inferring that Minako didn’t want to take the risk.

For a long moment, Minako was silent. She had heard something, faint, but enough to pull her attention away from her roommate. She strained to hear it, frowning. It was… something familiar to her. ”Um…You go.” She pushed away from the wall, taking a step down the hall. ”I’ll… I’ll come a little later.” Turning, she smiled warmly. ”I wouldn’t want to keep you from enjoying yourself.” Her smile became slightly more impish. ”I gave my word that I wouldn’t be a.. cunt, remember?”

Emilia simply grinned and gave her a thumbs up. ”You did indeed. And I swear to fuck, if you turn out to be a cunt I have friends in high places… Y’know, all those other rich bastards that aren’t you!” Winking, she quickly swatted her away, watching her leave before she began the climb up the stairs. ”And here I thought we were fucking remaking Shanghai Noon. So much for my Asian sidekick - onwards and upwards as they say!”

Making her way across the grass, Minako smiled to herself. Yes, Emilia was very strange. But, she was at a school for people with amazing powers. She herself could manipulate people’s sense of reality. Only a few hours before, she had seen a boy sculpting dirt without touching it. “Normal” no longer really applied to her, whatever that might have meant before.

Still...that sound… She was sure she recognized it. It was soft, almost silky. Certainly a string instrument. Violin? No, too deep I think. Cello? Following the sound, she came to a large building that was almost certainly an auditorium of some sort. Someone is inside. She went along the wall, testing doors until she found one that was unlocked. Pulling it open, she slipped inside.

The pitch darkness made her take off her heels, and she padded along, still following the sound. She was certain now that it was a cello, though she wasn’t entirely certain of the song. Eventually, she came across a light shining into the hallway. Peeking around the corner, she swallowed.

On the stage, illuminated by the stage lights, was a lone girl, seated behind the tall instrument. The rest of the auditorium was dark, making her the only thing of note. Letting the music flow over her, Minako closed her eyes and leaned against the doorframe.

When the woman was done, Minako opened her eyes again. ”Wow…” She spoke a little louder than intended, and she winced as the sound echoed around the empty hall.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location; Brenna's Dorm → The Party
Interacting With; Eachother @Smarty0114@FacePunch@BeastofDestiny
Mood; Happy →Scheming → Sinister → Excited
Mood; Awkward → Unsure → Reassured → Terrified
Mood; Ecstatic → Curious → Feeling Sorry → Daring

Brenna's day had gone from great to amazing when Gia's text came in on her phone. She'd spent the rest of the day after Gia's departure shopping in Town Square, with James and her new "friend" Kayla. To find out that there was a party to crash, well, that made everything that much more fun. Luckily, she'd bought a new dress. Fate had a funny way of having things work out like that.

Currently, she was in the dorm that she shared with Carmen, although instead of the feisty hero, James and Kayla were there instead. She turned to her companions, a look of mischievous delight on her face. "Kayla, it looks like your hero friends are throwing a bash, but they don't want any Delphina's showing up? Seems a bit discriminatory to me. Think you can help me and Jamesy here get in?" she said, smiling at Kayla.

Today had been an overwhelming success for James. The Delphina freshman had gotten to spend an entire day following his crush around Town Square. Sure, shopping was probably the least interesting activity on the planet. But Spider-Boy knew how to entertain in even the most boring situation. The day had been made even better when Spinne learned that Gia wouldn't be coming with them. Ah man, can this day get any better? He'd wondered. Oh, but it could. It definitely could get better; because it totally did. When the trifecta arrived back on campus, Brenna had gotten a text from her mentor. Apparently the Mayweathers were holding a heroes only party that night. And Delphina was planning to crash it. Lancaster was busy convincing Kayla to smuggle her and James into the party. She was likely well aware that Spinne could rather easily get them all up on the roof. His powers were sort of perfect for this kind of thing. But getting the hero to do was oh so much more fun. He chose not to speak quite yet; he wanted to see Kayla's reaction to the request before he worked his magic.

Kayla's day was a little different from the others. While she did have a fairly good time shopping with Brenna and James, she felt that everything had progressed from a series of awkward state to awkward state. First she could begin by the awkward and uncomfortable feeling she felt when that girl had bumped straight into Gia earlier. Second would have been when she completely failed to notice James' initial presence, she felt so blind and stupid; she must have apologized at least a hundred times throughout their day and interactions afterwards. Third would have been James' presence while shopping, she tried on plenty of cute outfits, outfits she thought looked really nice on her, but she felt embarrassed having to show them to another guy; though to be fair she felt embarrassed showing them off to Brenna too. Despite all of this, she felt happy, happy to be with people, even if she felt she was a wet blanket at times. It was nice to have powered friends. She even bought herself a nice dress, a little shorter than she normally would have gone for, but Brenna made it clear just how good it looked on her, and for once, Kayla's confidence skyrocketed.

That was when she found out about the heroes only party, 'No Delphinas allowed' and Brenna asked if there was some way she could get them in. Kayla didn't know what to say, she felt frozen. She wanted to be cool, to tell them 'Sure, I can get you in that party, I know everybody at this school,' but what actually came out of her mouth was...

"I...I don't know if I can...I'm not exactly part of the...in crowd with the students here..." She felt like a loser, what if they thought she was a loser? She felt uncomfortable, unsure of what their reactions would be to this discovery, its not like she had made herself out to be cool, but she never defined herself as uncool either.

Brenna smiled sweetly at Kayla's response. Of course she wasn't part of the in crowd, if she was then she wouldn't have been hanging out with her and James. For a moment, deep down, Brenna felt just a pang of guilt, for turning this girl into their unwitting informant. She knew what it was like to be an outcast, of course she did. Growing up with powers in the middle of New York hadn't been a fairy tale, so she could only imagine what it was like, going to a school surrounded by extraordinary people, only to be decidedly ordinary.

However, the guilt was quickly pushed down, far into the reaches of her mind, into the place where she put all unnecessary things. "Honey, this is a party being thrown by Avalon Middleton and Samantha Youngblood, some of the most anti-Delphina people here, but also some of the most pro-Mayweather. It doesn't matter if you're not popular, those girls will let you in just because you enrolled at the right school," she replied, still smiling.

Not even waiting for another response she reached into one of the many shopping bags from the day at Town Square and pulled out a short black dress. Tilting her head to one side, she looked at her two companions, and with a sultry smile, stated, "I think I'll wear this,"

"You...really think so?" A small smile crept up on Kayla's lips before retreating into a questioning frown, "Even so, that only means I can get in, how will you two get into the party?"

Kayla's response was as expected. James felt sorry for the poor girl. Here she was with barely any friends and the only people to come along and give a damn abou her are a pair of manipulative assholes. This was one of the suckier parts of the villain gig; for Spinne, it was right up there with hurting innocent people, a thing he utterly loathed. But it was necessary. At least, everyone he cared about said it was necessary, so he believed them and went along wiht it. He was determined to do this differently, though. He wasn't going to use Kayla and toss her aside once she had done what Gianna needed. He'd cultivate a genuine relationship with the girl. Sure, there wasn't a chance they'd ever be 'real' friends; but staying in touch was the least Arachnid could do after all of this was over with. James sat on the wall, his feet glued to it under him to keep from falling, all the while listening to Brenna as she worked her magic. "All this Mayweather versus Delphina stuff is stupid." James chimed in. "It doesn't accomplish much of anything other than stress everybody out. I mean, what's the point in fighting over nothing?" He finished with a shrug, not exactly sure what his own point was. "Annnyyway. Party. Getting in. I assume plan A is to talk our way in? 'Cause I know I'm plan B." James tried his best to explain; Brenna is way better at this strategery stuff...Is that how you say it? Strategery...Strat..egery..

The Spider-boy's mind snapped back to reality as Lancaster pulled out one of the dresses she had bought while they were at Town Square. "You'll look great in it. Well, you'd look great in anything. But whatever." Or without anything. Heheheh- NO. Bad brain! Stop it! "Speaking of clothes, I'd better go get changed. I'll meet you girls back here? Yes? Okay." James manuevered over to the window, pushing it open. He gave the two a wave and allowed himself to fall out. "WOOOOHOOOO- Where am I going? My dorm room is down stairs!" Spinne's shouted, his voice growing distant as he swung around to the other side of the building.

Kayla was unsure of what to make of James. He seemed funny, but very...unusual, almost out of place. Were all Dephinas like this? Despite his personality though, she had to agree with him, this feud between the Mayweathers and Delphinas was stupid. Why couldn't everyone just get along?
"He seems...nice." Her attention returned to Brenna, holding the black dress up to herself. "I- I think it'll look great on you," she smiled softly before reaching into her own bag, pulling out the dress Brenna had suggested for her. "Do you think this will be okay to wear? It seems a little...revealing..." It wasn't that she doubted her new friend's judgement, but Kayla was feeling somewhat hesitant to wear the dress in front of her classmates, especially other boys.

Brenna smiled as James exited the room, biting her lip lightly. Turning to Kayla as the blonde mentioned James, Brenna chuckled. "He's something alright," she said wistfully, before snapping herself back to the task at hand. There was a party to crash, and a Mayweather informant to gain. This wasn't the time to dwell on James.

When Kayla pulled out the dress, one of the ones that Brenna had recommended when they were out shopping, Brenna grinned and clapped her hands together. "Trust me! It'll look phenomenal on you! I promise. Would I lie to you?" she said, smirking as she posed her rhetorical question.

With that settled, Brenna began to get ready. She changed into her dress for the party without even bothering to go somewhere more private. It was a show of confidence, aided by the Ice Queen's complete lack of inhibitions. She was showing off what she knew she had to Kayla, Brenna's way of showing her dominance. Once she'd changed into the dress, she flashed Kayla a smile and went to work, fixing her dark hair, and touching up her makeup. She grinned at her face in the mirror, thouroughly impressed with how great she looked.

Satisfied that she looked great, she slipped into a pair of black heels, then focused on Kayla. "Okay Kayla. Let's make sure nobody forgets you tonight," she said, pulling the girl in front of the mirror, and standing behind her, a wicked grin on her face. "Tonight, you're Cinderella, and I am your extremely well dressed fairy godmother, who's going to make you look great. But first, change into that dress. No dilly dallying, I've got a lot of dancing to do tonight."

"No I suppose you haven't..." Kayla said timidly. If Brenna had no doubts to the dress Kayla wore, then why should she? Her mind contemplated the decision briefly before it snapped to attention as Brenna began to disrobe herself, putting on her own dress. Kayla blushed heavily, looking away in embarassment as her new friend confidently dressed herself. In a way, Kayla felt like a tiny bunny in this lioness' den. She clutched her white dress tightly to her chest before being pulled in front of Brenna's mirror, once again stripped from her mind.

"W-w-wait, you want me to change here? Now?!" 'Oh boy...'

Kayla walked alongside Brenna, following the girl to the heroes only party. Two thoughts ran through her head, one, that Brenna had actually done a really good job applying the makeup, she actually felt...really pretty. The second, how in the heck were the two of them going to get inside the heroes only party. Kayla knew she wouldn't have any issues, but Brenna on the other hand...no she couldn't think like that, she didn't want to disappoint her new friend. She walked as confidently as she could, but as much confidence as she could muster was clutching her arm nervously, anxiously awaiting the encounter with the bouncers, the Dewey Brothes, that lead to the rooftop of the old east buillding.

As the two of them entered the building and headed upstairs, Kayla was surprised to find that there was nobody waiting for them. Not only that, but the door was propped open. Confused, she turned to Brenna asking, "Where is everyone?"

Brenna was as confused as Kayla was. Her head was cocked to the side as she surveyed the empty path up to the party. "It seems like the bouncers have abandoned their posts," she said. She looked at Kayla with a smirk before whipping out her phone. "Lemme just tell Jamesy we're here so he can come meet us. Then we can make our debut," she said, fingers already tapping away at her phone.

Hey, we're going in now. Hurry up ;)

After sending the text, Brenna hooked her arm around Kayla's and walked into the party, grinning as she saw the mess of people. She spotted Gia dancing with that telekinetic, Will, and Sam looked ready to explode. The Deweys were there, practically assaulting the atmokinetic and her little lap dog, Avalon. Turning to Kayla with a grin, Brenna dragged her to the dance floor, with just two words. "Let's dance!

'But I don't know how! Kayla screamed in her mind as she was dragged off to the dance floor.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Location; Rooftop → Inside → Rooftop, again
Interacting With; Gia -@lovely complex | Mitch
Mood; A Little Happy → Furious → Very Unhappy

As soon as she was just close to pounce on Gia, one of the Dewey brothers was shoved into her by Eliana. He grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor after she flipped her hair at Gia, letting her end strands press against Gia a little bit. She was a terrible dancer, to say the very least but she just moved to the beat along with the Dewey brother she was stuck with. Her eyes glanced over as Lou grabbed Ava and lead her to the dance floor now and soon the party was slowly getting started.

Samantha was enjoying herself, honestly and loved the song that DJ Bailey was blaring through her speakers. A soft smile grew among her facial features then her eyes glared over at Will dancing with Gia. She had stopped dancing for a few minutes then lowered her head, shaking it and walking away from the rooftop party that she was co-hostess of. While entering back into the building and walking down a few flight of stairs, she had bumped into someone and it was no one other than Mitch.

"Hey. You okay?" Mitch asked even though he didn't really care. Samantha nodded her head then looked at him. "Where's Milo?" Samantha asked as Mitch shrugged his shoulders. "I was just about to ask you the same exact thing. I haven't seen him since our little outing." Mitch responded as Samantha shrugged her shoulders back at him. "What's going on upstairs?" Mitch asked while pointing his finger up towards the roof as Samantha responded with the wave of her hand. "Oh, just some party me and Avalon put together. You're welcome to go up there but I done for the night." She sighed after those words, sitting down on a step with Mitch looking down at her, rolling his eyes and sitting down beside her. He hated it when he had to be compassionate towards people and honestly blamed Milo for it.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asked her as Samantha shook her head. "Gia. Delphina's Queen Bitch." Samantha responded as Mitch nodded his head at her. "Thought so. Let me guess, she's doing something that makes you want to claw her eyes out?" Mitch said as Samantha looked at him with an arched brow. "Are you getting inside of my head?" Mitch chuckled while leaning up, shaking his head. "Nope, I just know Gia." Mitch said while grabbing Samantha's wrist and staring at her directly in the eyes. "So, why don't you go up there and claw her eyes out?" Knowing Mitch, being nice doesn't last as long as one would suspect unless he's with Milo and that's about it.

Plus, it's been mere days since some action has went down within the facility so he definitely wanted to see some action. Another telepath appeared behind Mitch and grabbed him by the ear, pulling him up. "What do you think you're doing?! You need to stop this now." The telepath said as Mitch rolled his eyes then grabbed Samantha's wrist again, stopping the control though giving her another command through the mind.

Samantha nodded her head and went back up to the roof. Soon, thunder lightly rumbled in the sky and lightening streaks struck between Gia and Will, meaning to separate them as she stood right behind Gia, arms folded and a look of determination plastered on her face. "Thought I was going to be little Miss Runaway and cry? No, Gia. Not this time." Samantha stated as she threw her purse towards one of the Dewey brother then eyed Gia. "Forget this whole no violence policy because I am about to kick your ass." Naturally, Samantha was a rose but mess with her in the worst way, she becomes a rose with thorns and right now Gia was dead in her sight until Lou broke away from Avalon, trying to stop Samantha. "Lou, it's in your personal interest to get out of my way." She pushed him to the side, still marching towards Gia in a furious manner.

Mitch ran out on the roof, looking at the display as it unfolded. A slight smirk appeared among his handsome features as he knew why Samantha was acting this way. Of course, he did it. Remember that other mentioned command? Mitch practically commanded Samantha to go up to the roof and start instant drama with Gia - Even if it means using her weather manipulation ability. He then remembered that Milo had texted him as he pulled his phone back out then shot him a text back.

To: ♥♥Milo♥♥
I'm safe and sound but might want to get to the party before it turns into a nightmare. Shit is about to go down between Samantha and Gia.

Mitch sent the text then looked back up, wondering what was going to happy between the two Queens that basically ruled their respective schools.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

E L I J A H, E L I A N A, & M I N A K O

Location; Auditorium Campus Grounds Infirmary
Interacting with; Each other (@lovely complex@BeastofDestiny@Thundercrash); & Blacked out Lucas (@Legion02)

Reflective → Intrigued → Watchful → Helpful → Contemplative → Honest → Philosophical → Interjective → Philosophical Again → Opportunistic
Meditative/Thoughtful/Somber → Distant yet welcoming/Observant → Informative/Quizzical/Conversational → Annoyed/Passionate/Embarrassed → Surrounded by Formal People → Immensely Intrigued → Playful/Nervous/Daring
Nervous → Relieved → Reassuring → Shocked/Upset → Confused → Concerned → Confused → Curious/Concerned → Argumentive → Contrite → Shocked/Worried → Pleased/Worried
Just kind of... there.

The rest of the day had been fairly uneventful, after intervening in Klaus'...activities, Elijah went about his business. He wandered, he thought, he appreciated the beauty that life had to offer, while everyone else simply shied away from him, as was usually the case. He heard the rumors and the whispers of a 'heroes only' party that evening and merely scoffed at The Mayweather's pettiness. It was like they were openly issuing a challenge for his classmates to crash the party, but he wouldn't stoop to their level, he knew when he was unwanted, and he didn't care enough to try really.

As night fell, he found himself up in the branches of a tree near the auditorium, his mindscape a wandering haven for the colors and auras of those who passed beneath him. Elijah of course, remained undetected, a silent wraith to the student's gossip and excitement that was sure to fill the evening. Recounting the day's events, his mind wandered to Klaus' final words to him

"Oh, but Masterson? Do not threaten me again or you will not live to regret it."

The line was merely for show, to make his followers believe him to be the undefeated leader that he was. Perhaps he would not live long enough to regret saying such a statement, 'Don't make promises you can't keep Untergang...'

Elijah's thoughts were suddenly intruded as he noticed a peculiar aura, one filled with...sadness, loneliness...hopeless abandon perhaps? It disappeared into the school, purportedly the auditorium's back entrance. How peculiar that a wandering soul would find their way into a room that was normally locked, unless of course they had special access. That was when it hit him, that was Eliana Lovelace, he thought her aura to be familiar, though he'd never seen it in such a state of depravity. However, he wasn't interested enough to follow the girl, and merely kept to himself; that is, until the music began to play. He opened his ears to the song, a sad melody of a sad soul, only such beauty could be played by something so tragic. So the girl was deeply troubled then? He sat back, merely listening to the tune, all that inner pain and turmoil channeled into one song, then another curiosity came out of nowhere. A rather uninteresting aura, someone who probably sought after the music? She was new, he hadn't seen her before, thus his interest was lacking as she found her way into the auditorium. More time passed and it seemed the music was beginning to draw even more interesting individuals.

Another wandering soul, an amalgam of colors as their aura passed beneath Elijah's very tree. He recognized the aura as Lucas, one of his classmates. Though Elijah had never personally spoken to the young man, as far as he was concerned, his temper was just as strong as Elijah's yet far from controlled as he was prone to frequent outbursts. He was very clearly drunk and injured, a dripping trail of his residual aura falling like drops of rain in the young man's wake before he collapsed against the school building. He knew of the feud between Lucas and Eliana, if only he knew that she was the one inside, or if only she knew that he was outside. Elijah was tempted to give his classmate aid, but stayed himself when he noticed the change in Lucas' aura. It was...joy? For the amount of intoxication, anger, pain, sadness, and the other emotions that clustered into his aura, joy suddenly became the most prominent. It was brief before he slipped into darkness, but it was there and now that was left was the residual effects of pain and unconsciousness. Now would probably have been the best time for him to have helped his classmate, but that was when the music stopped and Elijah kept his observation.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Location; The Roof
Interacting With; Each other (@lovely complex@HushedWhispers)
Sam's Mood; Furious → Confused → Furious, again → Heartbroken
Gia's Mood; Indifferent → Having fun → Presumptuous & Expectant → Offensive & Heartless (Desolate)

- Featuring -
B R E N N A , K A Y L A , A V A L O N, W I L L & M I T C H

With a stoic expression, Gianna Daniels, Delphina Queen, and a force to be reckoned with, nonchalantly stepped backward, as a sudden electrostatic discharge struck in between her and her dance partner. How rude. With an unreadable expression, her melting chocolate orbs glanced over at the other self-proclaimed Queen of her kind. Something did feel slightly off about Samantha's reaction, but why not take advantage of these odd circumstances? It's the least her nemesis could do, you know, for old times' sake. The situation was highly in Gia's favor. Even if a villain took part in elevating the emotions of Mother Hurricane, Sam had so much more to lose and Gia would make sure her counterpart left this place with a shattered piece of glass, or two, lunged into her heart. Cupid's Psyche quietly observed the human tempest throw her purse to Jay, push Lou out the way, and like a little child, storm toward her classmate, who stole her precious, little play thing.

Scanning the area, the calm, bronze skinned woman captured all the expressions of those that surrounded them. Some didn't know how to react. Some were retreating. And some, definitely her villainous babies, had their phones subtly out, waiting for shit to hit the fan. Through her peripheral vision, Gia caught sight of company she always tried to keep an eye on: Mitchell Danford. Indistinctly, her orbs locked with his for a brief and quick moment. She couldn't help but return a smirk. No, she didn't necessarily know that Mitch took part in 'brainwashing' the other dominant bitch, but the result of how this night could end was proven even more in her favor with his very presence. Brenna and Kayla had made their arrival and Will and Avalon were close by. This night couldn't get any better. Gazing intensly into the blue eyes of the caucasian woman, who stood across from her with a forest fire in her stare, Gia's upper lip curled with mirth. Obviously, unfazed and unnerved. With her delectable, red wine voice, Psyche taunted, "Oh, how insecure of you." Her brown orbs gingerly went toward Will and then back at the volcano ready to erupt. "Come on baby, hit me with your best shot. I dare you." she coaxed, while taking a step closer to the spirited Sam that she loved seeing.

"It's funny, really. I try to offer peace and you want to kill me." Gia shrugged at the notion of dying, "And don't say you won't. Your ocean blue eyes spell murder, all the way. I think it's kinda hot, wouldn't you agree?"

Samantha was still furious and it definitely showed with the look upon her face. As soon as Gia turned around to finally notice her, she stopped in her tracks and eyed her back. It was now a stand off between the two Queens and she had her fists clenched by her side, ready to attack at any given moment. "Insecure? Insecure?! The only thing that's insecure around here is you and the other filthy Delphina fucks." Samantha snapped while seeing Gia provoking her to take a jab.

"Oh, I don't want to kill you, Gia." She slowly started walking towards the girl with a slight smirk curving among her facial features. "But I do want to kick your ass! Come here, bitch!" Samantha started running towards Gia now but before she could lay a hand on her, Mitch stepped in the way, stopping her.

"Can't we all just get along?" Mitch muttered while looking between the two then smirking towards Gia with a wink. Mitch took a few steps back then looked at them both again. "Well, it's been awhile since we've seen some action around here. So, no hair pulling, no scratching and no hitting below the belt."' Mitch said then made a ding, ding sound like a bell. Samatha looked confused at Mitch then shrugged her shoulders while taking another running start towards Gia. The battle was on, hopefully.

Avalon was watching, helplessly from the side as Sam ran towards Gia, murder in her eyes. She passed the present that Peter had given her over to Will and ran up to her friend, placing a hand firmly on her shoulder before she could get farther. "Sam! This isn't the right way to handle this! Just take a minute to calm down," she shouted over the music, concern in her green eyes. She wanted to punch Gia in the face just as much as her friend did, but she knew that if Sammie lost control, no one here would be happy campers. She shot a quick glare back at Will, who looked shocked at the events unfolding in front of him. He shouldn't have been dancing with Gia, that was a bad idea. She was going to hit him when this was all done.

Brenna couldn't help but grin as the drama escalated. Gia did know how to start a fight, that much was certain. As Avalon sprinted to stop Hurricane Samantha from going nuts, Brenna couldn't help but put in her two cents. "Hey Red! Why don't you let her fight her own battles! Or are you hero types useless without someone to back you up?" she sneered, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. Avalon only scowled at her before returning her attention to Sam.

"Or maybe she needs backup too," forcing her way past Brenna, Kayla ran towards Gianna and stood in front of her. "If you want to hurt my friend, you'll have to fight me too!" Samantha eyed the little girl and raised a brow. "If you do not want to get hurt, I suggest you step aside." Samantha said as she knew that she couldn't hurt someone as powerless as a little girl but if she needed to, she would.

"Just try me," There was a fire in Kayla's eyes, the kind of fire that only rose when someone went after her friends. This wasn't the usual timid Kayla who couldn't stand up for herself, this was the powerless girl ready to stand up to a hurricane, all for the sake of her friends. No one, not even Mother Hurricane, would mess with her friends.

Oh, delicious drama. It just kept coming. Gia did raise an eyebrow toward the fearlessness of the little one she had befriended not too long ago (this morning to be exact). There was so much going on and to Sam's disadvantage, people blockaded her way. Psyche did thoroughly appreciate Mitch's humor and Brenna's egging on, but she was also grateful for the daring act of kindness Kayla put herself through - toward her, even. That was a true and noble heart right there. Like a caring friend, Gia brought her hand up and laid it on the small blonde's shoulder, while whispering, her words only loud enough for Kayla to hear, "What I'm about to do won't make you happy, but thanks." Letting go of her shoulder, Gia playfully brought her hands up like the star performer she was, "Woah, woah. Settle down ladies. I'm getting all kinds of excited." After a light giggle, all eyes were on her, and she continued to talk like a grand speaker on stage, "I'd love to thank my babies for being by my side, but I think I can take it from here." Her brown orbs met with Brenna to give her a 'you bet your ass I can take this on' look and then her attention went down toward Kayla, giving the sweet, young woman one of her signature winks, but it wasn't as teaseful as normal. It was a wink that expressed: Trust me. I'll be fine. Though, Gia's fine wasn't what most people considered fine. She may very well end up scathed by the end of this.

After she acknowledged the ones that came to her side, Psyche shook her head in disappointment at her enemy, "First off, if you want to go all ghetto white girl on my ass. Let's clear the floor, shall we?" The moment she said the last words, people all around the dance floor (including Kayla, Brenna, and Mitch, but not including Will and Ava) smelt a stench they would absolutely despise, something that compelled them to move back until the horrid smell evaporated and left their noses. Each would smell something distinctly different but the repugnant smell would be enough to make the audience create a large circle around the dance floor, almost like a mini arena. "That's better." Gia smirked and looked at all those who were still on the roof. If she wasn't mistaken, most were on the edge of their seats waiting for shit to go down. Making a jab at Sam, who was still being held by Avalon, the villainess smirked, "Isn't it sad when your 'fellow subjects' have more sense than you?" She didn't have to gesture toward Kayla or Avalon for Sam to get the point.

Samantha had been stopped in her tracks once again but this time by her best friend. She had just wanted to kick Gia's ass, was that too much to ask for? Samantha groaned as her movement ceased, while eyeing Avalon. "I've been calm for a whole month. That's all out the window right about now." Samantha muttered. She would have continued running, if it weren't for someone else interfering. It was a Delphina. Samantha had every right in her mind to strike Gia's helper with a lightning bolt but decided against it. Luckily for her.

Right about now, hearing Gia's voice annoyed Sam to no end. As much as she wanted to tone her out, she couldn't. As much as she wanted to knock her teeth down her throat, she couldn't because people kept barging into the madness. While looking at Gia, Sam raised a brow at her enemy when she called her a 'ghetto white girl'. Her eyes watched as everyone backed up then looked towards Gia. "I have sense. The sense to kick some ass!" She moved Avalon aside with one maneuver of her arm.

Taking a step closer, slowly but surely breaking the distance between them, Gia stated, "Let me tell you the difference between you and me. Or in your simple minded terms, between a hero and a villain." At this point, while Cupid's Psyche had everyone enthralled in her speech, obviously blessed with charm beyond compare, her scent gradually shifted from repulsion to stimulus. Like a slithering snake, her pheromones gradually made its way to her victims, unnoticed by anyone but her. To those that truly focused their senses in the heart of chaos, they could see small wings growing out of her back - a black one, and a white one. Since she was only using her emotion inducement on two people, her wings would stay small (if Sam wasn't overly emotional in this instant, she could potentially see Gia's wings too; Ava was too focused on Sam and Will was bewildered at the entire situation).

"My reputation precedes me. I'm not nice. I'm not sweet. I'm not 'good'. I live by my own moral code and don't give a flying fuck about what anyone thinks. You, my darling Samantha, must live for others. That's what you signed up for." As she talked, she took these moments to take off any metal jewelry she had on, and tossed it to the side, "Unlike me, you have so much more to lose. One fuck up and oh, look who's not so heroic anymore." Slipping off her heels, she kicked them to the side and smiled (in a sense, her speech was able to stun many people from making a sudden action, including Sam), "Then again, throwing this party was your first strike." Walking barefoot on the dance floor, she stepped forward and rested her hands on her hips, "For a hero, you kind of suck at keeping the peace. You're willing to risk the lives of people you supposedly care about. What a lovely 'Mother' you are. Whether you agree or not, a hero shouldn't just protect their own. You are carrying the world on your shoulders, that includes us, the 'tainted' ones you shit on, time and time again."

Samantha continued to listen to Gia with a weird look. Her brow raised once again, noticing small wings grow from Gia's back then watched as she continued speaking while taking off jewelry and kicking her heels off. "I know what I signed up for when entering the academy. I am still a hero that's about to kick some villainess' ass." She responded then looked around and back at Gia. "This party was suppose to be heroes only. No Delphinas allowed."' She lowered her head while listening to Gia's last part of her speech then looked away.

Mitch looked at Gia. "Whoa. Low blow, Gia." Even though he was smelling something so foul, he walked over towards Samantha and grabbed her hand and compelled her to break out of her trance of wanting to kill Gia. He stepped back aside and Samantha suddenly came to.

Walking to Will's side, who was sweating profusely, Gia's gaze never leaving Sam's, her naturally seductive tone getting far more serious, the more she talked, Gia explained, "Now. This is the big difference between us." Looking at Will with a faux expression of concern, she asked, "Will, honey, how are you feeling? Do you really like a woman that acts out in jealousy?"

Will would have liked to say that he'd fought it, fought against Gia's influence. But that would be a lie. It had hit him before he'd even noticed, and as Gia inquired into what he truly wanted, he turned to her, dazed and confused. "N-no. I don't," he said, sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Wait, what?" Samantha looked confused. Even more confused at the sight of Will saying something like that but he might've been underneath the influence of Gia.

Not leaving Will's side, Gia gave the same look toward Avalon, who had an unusual amount of passion in her eyes, "And you, Ava, is this the kind of friend you want? Someone who would hurt you without a second thought?"

She'd been far too concerned with her friend to notice the pheromones that had begun to invade her senses. And so, when Gia asked Avalon her question, she was almost completely under the control of said pheromones. "No. I don't." she said, glaring at the girl who she'd called a friend only moments earlier with a look of disgust. She shoved the blond away and turned back to Gia.

"Ava. You don't know what you're saying." She eyed them both then looked over at Gia. "What's going on?" She huffed while eying Will and Avalon now then back at Gia.

"What do you both want?"

As if on cue, the two friends rushed at each other, Avalon leaping onto Will, wrapping her legs around his midsection. Their lips met in a display that was far more heated than anything Will would ever display to the public under normal circumstances. Their eyes burned with passion as their hands ran through the other's hair. Will didn't know how long it lasted, he couldn't even say that he cared. At the moment, all he wanted was Avalon. And as the two pulled away from each other, it was clear that whatever had just happened had been pure, unadulterated, lust. Avalon's scarlet lipstick was smudged, and her normally perfectly curled hair was a mess. Will hadn't fared any better. His hair was sticking up in all different angles, and his face was covered in the remnants of his friend's lipstick.

After the display of heated affection that no one could look away from, the Delphina Queen glared at Mother Hurricane and whispered, "Weakness."

Samantha watched the display, saddened by it as a gentle rain began to fall from the sky, tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't handle this anymore. Gia had won against her and she was absolutely defeated. Samantha wouldn't admit that out loud though but she couldn't stand and bare witness to this display anymore.

"Well played, Gia." Samantha said through sniffles while looking at her and everyone before going over towards the table where she had sat her purse down before and grabbed it, walking away from the scene and off of the roof though the rain still fell. She leaned against a wall and started a soft sob while slouching down into a little ball.

Mitch walked over towards Gia and looked at her. "What the hell was that? Huh? You went too far, Gia. Too far." Of course, Mitchell was a Delphina but he knew where to draw the line and knew certain boundaries were not meant to be crossed. His eyes continued to look at Gia as he started to shake his head, a little disappointed at her display at the moment.

With little to no emotion on her face, Psyche effortlessly grabbed her shoes and jewelry. When she heard Mitch's irritating voice, she looked up at the meaningless thing that stood before her, belongings in hand, and gave him a deadpan stare, "This is why you'll never be a good villain. You actually care." Her gaze moved from Mitch to her Toys in tonight's game, "Have fun making up, you two." Honestly, Gia already went this far, there was no turning back. While passing Mitch and heading toward the door (though not necessarily leaving yet), she coldly muttered, "Like I said, my reputation precedes me."

At first Kayla was confused, but now she understood the words Gianna spoke to her. "I...I need to go..." She took off running past Brenna and down the stairs. She couldn't believe what had just occurred, and to think that she was defending... She couldn't bare to think of it, what kind of hero was she to have openly defended someone who so ruthlessly tore through the core of another being. Sure, Samantha was about ready to kill her friend, but her 'friend' did something...strange, she saw the wings, she smelt the stench, she saw the lust, the heartbreak... even though Kayla had done nothing, she felt like she had been a part of that destruction, that breakdown of a human being, super or otherwise. She just wanted to be away from this place, and she took off running down the path, away from Old East.

Brenna stood, smiling at the edge of the slowly dissipating group of people that had recently made up the arena that had housed the nights festivities. She brought her hands together slowly, letting the sound echo dramatically as she smirked at Avalon and Will. The two were in shock, that much was obvious. Will was turned away from his friend, head in his hands, while Avalon was chewing nervously on her lip. She strutted over to the two, heels clacking against the concrete roof. "That was quite the show you two. I'm impressed. I didn't know heroes could be that dirty," she said with a grin, earning a glare from Avalon. "You better watch out Brenna. Gia may have led the charge, but everyone knows that you're her second in command. If you think we won't come after you as well, you're wrong," the redhead growled, pure rage in her voice. Brenna couldn't help but laugh. "Oh honey, I'm counting on it," she said. Just before she turned to walk away, she fixed Will with a stare. "Oh, and Will? You've got a little something right there. Looks like lipstick." Content that she'd infuriated the two enough, she left the roof, heading to the ground floor and exiting Old East, content for the moment to just walk in the night air, knowing very well that the morning would bring a whole new set of troubles. And she couldn't wait.
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