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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Hyped as hell about this new post man! A big thing though, now that two more 17 year olds (and one more) have just been added I think it's safe to make them all seniors/in the same class.

Edit: I've been ninja'd it seems.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Hyped as hell about this new post man! A big thing though, now that two more 17 year olds (and one more) have just been added I think it's safe to make them all seniors/in the same class.

Edit: I've been ninja'd it seems.

I think several of the other reserves will be finishing up soon too, so yeah if we have a more even spread we can redistribute as needed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Awesome post, @Zeroth

Now to have my little villain stealthily make her exit~
She'd probably be outed quite quickly now~

Still say this is a win for her, though, hehe~

I'll post sometime tomorrow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Yeah I was just thinking since we've at least got two 17 year olds whose only option is Junior I don't think @Plank Sinatra, @Krayzikk, or myself would mind heading up the seniors. Otherwise we'll have at least 6 Juniors right out of the gate. this keeps that number much more even at 5 - 4 - 4 - 3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

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You know, you just know that I'm gonna have Sou mention her sometime.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You know, you just know that I'm gonna have Sou mention her sometime.

Feel free. She's already got what she came for.
The sheer satisfaction of being right under their noses, and them not even realizing, among other things~

but mostly that~
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Namari was only one more chair from seducing her too..
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

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@Plank SinatraI'm a little wary of any time manipulation powers, but absolutely awestruck by how creative this is. I think I'm going to allow it, although might I suggest maybe adding a limit or two to it? As it is the one he has is a pretty big one, but since it's a time manipulation power I just wanna be on the safe side, you know? But I think as long as he's basically a support of sorts, speeding up allies and slowing down enemies, it will probably be fine.
@Plank Sinatra

I'm willing to help if it's decided another weakness is needed, but in the meantime, one thing I either missed or wasn't mentioned in Dallas' sheet was the exact delivery mechanism. His abilities are basically a buff/debuff, but does he need to touch someone to activate it? Does he need to be within a certain range? Does he just need to be aware of them spatially?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Namari was only one more chair from seducing her too..

Well, she could always ask Namari to stop by her place later before she pulls her vanishing act~

She'd be greeted with the body of the real Natsuki when she arrived, but little surprises like that make a first date so much more interesting~

...would likely not end well for Namari in the end, though, unless you want her to get involved with shady people so I don't suggest that xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

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<Snipped quote by Zeroth>@Plank Sinatra

I'm willing to help if it's decided another weakness is needed, but in the meantime, one thing I either missed or wasn't mentioned in Dallas' sheet was the exact delivery mechanism. His abilities are basically a buff/debuff, but does he need to touch someone to activate it? Does he need to be within a certain range? Does he just need to be aware of them spatially?

About ten to fifteen feet or so is what I had in mind. You're not always gonna be able to touch a friend in the thick of the fight, so as long as someone relatively has his back they'd probably be fine.

I'll put another limit in and throw this up in the Char tab, then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

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@Plank SinatraI'm a little wary of any time manipulation powers, but absolutely awestruck by how creative this is. I think I'm going to allow it, although might I suggest maybe adding a limit or two to it? As it is the one he has is a pretty big one, but since it's a time manipulation power I just wanna be on the safe side, you know? But I think as long as he's basically a support of sorts, speeding up allies and slowing down enemies, it will probably be fine.

@WriteHmm, you make some good points. Alright then, I'll allow it, @Krayzikk, if no one has any other objections. And within her limits, let's say that the speed that she can safely run at is 65 kmh (about 40 miles per hour), with her yellow, orange, and red areas being 2-4 times that.

Everyone, I hope that huge-ass post wasn't too much for you. If you need a TL;DR, basically all the teachers collected their homeroom students--the four classes--and are giving them a tour of the school for the benefit of the Freshmen and any newcomers. This is the time to ask questions of the teachers, interact with and get to know each other some more, and for the Juniors, to do their Quirk Assessment at their own pace. I'll let you guys decide how well you do in each event, and once the juniors are finished the other classes can move in.

If you haven't finished a character or posted yet, it's fine with me if you retroactively write yourself into the previous bits and pieces, since we don't want to leave anyone behind.

Much appreciated! I was going to cover it when I got home, but @Write basically said everything I was going to say. Thanks again, man. And I would be quite fine with Kazu being in the seniors, like Write mentioned.

And those speeds are perfectly fine by me.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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I'll post something soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

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@Zeroth If you need more seniors, then Dirk could easily be one. I never had a preference when I wrote him since he was a transfer and I really didn't think class years were that big of a deal. I always view the senior year as a story-ender because if this game actually manages to go on longer than a month, and it goes to a year IRL. They would graduate and either a) the story around school life ends, or b) the hero's story actually begins.

Also, I'll have to present my villain CS this weekend because the training school I'm in is very demanding during the week days and Mon-Fri tend to be days where I can rarely find time to post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

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Just to let you know, I haven't forgotten.

Working on the profile right now should be done today.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Olivia Ostrovsky



Olivia is very joyful and always seems to be quite happy around others. She is however very scared to approach others and would rather do things the hard way all alone then approach someone to let them help her. So she doesn’t have much friends because of her own selfishness but when she is a little closer to someone after talking for some time she tends to hang out with them, well more instead of others she doesn’t know well yet at least. She is very flirty and has a perverted way of thinking but is generally a very nice girl and does get embarrassed about certain things. So she likes teasing people but would rather not be teased herself. Olivia can't handle pressure very well, so when she is ever in a test of some sorts she tries concentrating as hard as she can. When there is no way to concentrate at all she would likely freak out and panic or worse cry untill she has calmed down.

Olivia knew her quirk almost immediately at birth she was able to go invisible at any given time. The girl had loads of fun with this quirk inclusive running around naked in public pulling pranks on them all the time. She was originally born in Russia but was quick to move with her parents due to financial problems not being able to support themselves by the lack of work her parents had. They moved to japan and quickly were able to find work, it was very simple and basic so the language barrier was close to no problem. They quickly adapted to the society, Olivia was one of the fastest of the family being able to speak and write Japanese well since she was still young. On a later date she had gotten a little brother from her parents. Instead of letting him learn Russian they decided to talk Japanese in house instead so he would be more used to the Japanese language when he grew up. He too quickly knew his quirk which was the complete opposite of Olivia her quirk. They were eyes of a god. He could see the truth behind everything with his eyes. He could see through walls and was able to see something coming from an incredible distance. It made Olivia kind of hate the gall since he was able to see her and a lot more. It kind of defeated the purpose of her quirk so it was hard to ignore. She tried hard to get past his power to see her while she was invisible. At the end she was never able to do something as that but had come a long end. She was at least able to get off his vision at some times but it would take just a little more to defeat the brat.

age 7: Just a normal day when Olivia and her mother were out shopping an abrupt danger appeared in front of them. A villain of quite a high calibre caused chaos in the streets. It destroyed everything in its way without any mercy. He had a splitting quirk that would blow everything into multiple small pieces, truly a devastating power once it is used on a human being. Olivia and her mother had gotten separated in the middle of the ruckus. While her mother was dragged away with the crowd Olivia hid in one of the side stores. She went full invisible and tried to sneak out. It went well for a whole while but the villain came to know of her location after she had made just too much noise out of panic. The villain thought it was fun to use his quirk on the small girl. She was split into small pieces and floated around the street. The villain slowly started destroying the pieces as if they were nothing. He must have destroyed about 5 of her pieces before being stopped by a random hero. They were able to take him down but never managed to get the destroyed pieces back of the victims. Olivia must have shrunk about half a feet but luckily nothing too serious was destroyed that would stop her from living. Her body still seemed to have been rather normal but the pain she had at the moment was unforgettable. She had tanked the heroes a million times to have stopped that bastard from doing anymore and of course cried a lot. She had a lot of respect for heroes doing things like this for nothing and had taken the inspiration from them to create her own self.

Her little brother went to the same school as she herself did and seemed to be always in the way. Wherever she tried to run away from a conversation or simply tried to hide he would interfere and give them her hiding spot. At a certain point he had some sort of sticky dust with him that would reveal her as soon as it was thrown over her and wouldn't go off for at least a day. Talking about a bother, there went her quite school life. Knowing she couldn't stop this brat with her own quirk she went for another method that didn't require the use of her quirk. She started doing martial arts so that she could use her quirk in a useful way. It took her a long time to achieve something good but combined with her quirk it was powerful enough to use against something not that strong. Of course she did not give up on training and kept it at the same schedule she had been following to not slack.

It was about end of the school year, they had to decide on what to do after they had graduated but to be honest. Oliva had a general idea on what she wanted to do. Get these baddies out of this town so they could never do such a thing again like they did to her. The humiliation of having something taken away from you is too painful. She wants to erase this even if it meant that it would take up all her power. Olivia decided to go to Brave high to live a fulfilling and amazing high school life.

Invisibility - This quirk can be used to render themselves unseen by the naked eye and become invisible. The user can move about an environment unseen by others and act without being observed. She can activate and deactivate this ability at will. It is usable in combat or simply for sneak attacks and the likes. The only real problem to her quirk will be that it only makes her body invisible and not anything touching it. So for her to be invisible all the way she has to undress.

Maximal effort - She completely undresses to render herself completely invisible so she can use her ability much better in combat and anything else. It takes a lot of confidence to do so but she had gotten pretty used to it
Back stab - She can use her quirk in order to sneak up on people and hit them in blind spots. She can also use it to give them hell from different sides without them noticing.

There is still a body underneath the cloak - Rain and other liquids, solids, fire, etc. may show the user's shape while invisible. She can be detected by senses that don't depend on vision, such as smell, hearing, touch, etc. Others with any type of vision quirk can detect the user.
Countered - Invisibility Cancellation is a direct counters to this quirk but has to be strong enough in order to work properly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Redrum
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Redrum Cowboy Killer

Member Seen 3 days ago

So -- I had mentioned my interest in this much earlier, but I haven't had the time to post up my CS. I noticed the status is Full on here, so if you get any open spots let me know @Zeroth!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Wew, finally got my sheet up!

I'll just drop this here to await judgement.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Jay Kalton That font is dope. Lol I really like it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

@liferusherI'm going to say no to possession, because it's a mind-control type Quirk and I'd rather not have those because of how overpowered they can be. And we already have someone who can use telekinesis. Intangibility, and the spirit form, might work if they're more fleshed out, though.

@RedrumYou've still got a spot, actually. I marked the topic as full because there were so many people joining, but I decided it'd only be fair to let those who had already expressed interest, but just hadn't made their characters yet, keep their spots. So if you're still interested, I'll still take a look at your character.

@Jay KaltonThis looks good, another interesting power! She's accepted, and within her limits the specifications you included in your power description will be fine.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Zeroth god I really dont know anymore
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