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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 16 days ago

Luca followed quietly along with the tour, doing his best to stay hidden in the crowd and avoid catching anyone's attention. He felt slightly bad about avoiding these people and trying to be a wallflower, but he assured himself that it was for the best. Even if this was a place where his abilities were accepted, he still had to gauge the climate. Showing his hand this early would probably do him more harm than good, and lead people to make hasty judgements about him. Even if he demonstrated his powers, they still had no idea of what he was capable of.

His thoughts were broken as a larger boy accidentally bumped Luca from behind. His powers flared in reflex, his eyes glowing cerulean as a psychokinetic pulse burst from him. Luckily, his power limiter was in perfect working condition, and so his reflexive outburst did nothing other than cause Luca's hair and clothes to rustle. The glow quickly faded from his eyes, but known only to Luca (and the most careful observer), persisted under his clothes on his implants for a few seconds after. Luca released a breath that he hadn't realized he had been holding. Were it not for his limiter, the boy would have likely been sent flying, probably with a few broken bones.

"O-oh, no worries." Luca said, turning to the boy that bumped into him. "Accidents happen."

The tour continued, and eventually Luca and the other Freshmen were invited to introduce themselves and share their powers. The boy from earlier introduced himself as Oshiro Tatsumi, and apparently had some sort of Quirk that enhanced his physical capabilities. Interesting. Luca then realized that he was standing next to Tatsumi, and the rest of the group was looking at him expectantly. Luca panicked for just a second, but then got a grip on his emotions and decided that there wasn't any avoiding this. He'd give them the bare minimum of what they wanted to hear, and they'd move on from him, none the wiser.

"My name is Lucius Arioch... Uh, please call me Luca. " He gave a slight, respectful bow. "I am a... telekinetic." He stated his ability in the simplest manner possible, even if it was far from the whole truth. He nodded his head to indicate that he was finished, and sincerely hoped that nobody asked about how powerful his telekinesis actually was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Matsuri opened her mouth to respond to Nina's comparison, but the teacher took the stage. And when a hero said something, it had been drilled into most people people to listen in the case of emergencies. They played that commercial a lot.

As a few of her schoolmates described their Quirks, Matsuri was more interested in their names: she was actually pretty good at remembering names, if nothing else. She already knew some of them, but there was one that gave her pause.

"My name is Lucius Arioch... Uh, please call me Luca."

"Lu-lu-shi-asu...Ari...Arioku?" Matsuri stammered. At least 'Luca' was easy enough for Matsuri's Japanese tongue.

No one was going next though, so Matsuri lit up, jumping into the air, hand raised, "Oh! Me! Me me me!" Slowing her roll, she began, "Um, it was um, super acceleration! When I'm stopped I can go BOOM and run superfast. And and and that's it." Feeling like something was left unfinished, Matsuri added, "Er, I'm not good with walls. And um um I also like salmon over rice but soy sauce is too salty for meh!"

Great, now she was getting hungry. When was lunch?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 17 days ago

Yosumine Kazu: Castled

This was why she shared.

Kazu silently slipped another donut onto Namari's desk, electing not to try and speak while she continued rapidly draining her first cup of coffee. She had already made her way through two donuts by the time she gave Namari a second, thus reducing her dozen in total by a full third. Progress was being made. She held up a single finger to indicate her pause while the silence stretched on, setting her cup back down once it was empty and commencing the refilling process.

"Long." She said, briefly directing a friendly smile Namari's way before watching the coffee level in her cup rise again. "Lots of resistance training. Had to take a day to get fitted for the new set. Dad started up on teaching me boxing again, and Mom resumed my practice in technical control."

"Spent most of my spare time resting. You?"

@Write @Plank Sinatra
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Speaking to - Muscleman Decaman (@Zeroth)
Lokey stalking - Leg Breaker Miné (@Rune_Alchemist)
Looking at - Tonaka (@Lmpkio)

Well, the small interaction hadn't been that bad. At least the girl replied with a thank you. And a threat saying that pissing her off would lead to some broken legs. Kaoru was totally cool with that.

I should… probably keep my distance. These divine limbs shall not be shattered!

"Miné Onoda's the name, and a word of advice - I was being serious. Piss me off, and I really will break your legs."

Then, the girl took off to wherever before the gum girl could reply. Kaoru had to admit though, her legs did feel shaky after that.

Deciding to be a complete hypocrite, Kaoru snuck through the crowd of juniors and followed this rather rude thing. The divine limbed lady had already took note of Miné’s face, and felt that it would be better to stalk behind someone familiar. She didn't know if that would get her legs hacked off, but she didn't want to feel lost or get lost on her first day. That would be embarrassing and troublesome. What would be even more embarrassing is getting caught sneaking for the rather rude thing, so Kaoru would have to apply her previous knowledge on how to spit gum in the hairs of annoying people without being noticed and watching crappy ninja movies to prevent herself from losing her Goddess legs. And being spotted by Miné.

She would continue to sneak peeks at the leg breaker within the crowd of juniors, whilst also attending to the other physical activities. While her legs were capable of lasting for long runs, the strength in her arms weren't anything noteworthy. Kaoru managed to score a measly 27 kg on the grip test, and did even worse on the high jump, where she had to repeat it twice because she would jump too early and land face first into the pole. Her balance wasn't too shabby though, so that was a positive.

She would then turn to the muscleman teacher as he bellowed some inspirational words to get everyone's spirits riled up and going. But the part where he mentioned that nobody seemed to be using their Quirks as advised made Kaoru sigh a little. She could have used her idea of attaching her gum somewhere to get herself further on the long jump, or even on the 50 metre run to get ahead of everyone else; but then again, Kaoru thought of that to be cheating. She understood why the use of Quirks weren't allowed in physical tests like this back in the day, so she didn't know whether her plan to literally cheat some activities would be seen as ‘creative’ or whatever.

"And a good morning to you, ladies! I know that both of you are new here. I'm Decaman by the Hero trade, but you can call me Mr. Lawson. May I have your names and a brief description of your Quirks?"

Kaoru seemed to stiffen a bit as the muscleman came walking up to her and speaking to Miné from a distance. The gum girl's shoulders weren't as slumped anymore, they were in more of a locked position as she spoke to the teacher.

“Um, my name's Kaoru Koizumi, sir,” she replied in a hushed voice, almost like a whisper. “My Quirk allows me to make... gum. I can swing around I guess, and maybe stick things to things, but that's really all there is to my ability sir. It's also, well, quite a pain to scrape off. I'm not one to utilise my Quirk carelessly though, especially if it's going to cause some everlasting stain or…”

As she continued, her hushed voice became more of a mumble, barely interpretable by ear. Kaoru's gaze even seemed to have shifted to the boy Decaman was giving advice to earlier, a clear saying that she was incapable of keeping her eyes focused on one thing for such a long minute.

“And, uh… yeah. That's it, really... sir.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"And now we'll be moving on to the indoor gym, if the seniors have finished their tour in there."
"By the way, I see some new faces in the crowd! If you don't mind, would you like to introduce yourselves and tell us about your Quirks while we walk?"

Sou winced slightly, he had forgotten that introductions were necessary. He looked around, but seeing as he was the one far in the back, there was no way it couldn't be him. He guessed it could be slightly worrying if he was in the far back, eskewn with bandages and burn marks. But poking the rather introverted Sou made him worry.

"Would you like to start us off, mister...?"

With eyes on him, some with wonder and others with blatant disregard, he began, albeit reluctantly,
"... I'm Sou Shizukana." he said, looking down at the floor but then looking up at his fellow classmates and students at eye level,
"My quirk... It allows me to change the density of oxygen particles... Allowing for a straightline of explosions with a finger snap. But... The recoil can usually dislocate my joints, and I can still get hit by the explosions." He hoped that this explanation can remedy why he has alot of bandages and burn marks all over.

He turned away now, being done with his explanations, and waiting for the other students to pipe up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tonaka Hokama

@Zeroth - Listening and Acknowledging Decaman's advice
@Jay Kalton - Noticed Karou
@Rune_Alchemist - Wonders where Mine is

As Tonaka finished the 50 meter dash, he along with the rest of his comrades had to return to show coach Decaman how they did when going for the softball test. Guess he has to do it again. He manages to pick up a ball and begins to throw it at the target board. Of course, he wasn't using his magic like everyone else. I mean sure he could use his Light Form, but really it's more of a speed benefit than anything. As he continues throwing the balls, it appeared as if the coach spotted him and decided to give a few of his own points and tips.

"The whole point of these exercises isn't actually to get high scores and pass. It's to let you students channel your creativity, and figure out different ways of using your quirk besides the totally obvious. Hokama-kun, I want you to try the softball throw one more time--but this time, instead of just plain throwing the ball, try using your dark blast to shoot it, and see how much faster, how much harder, or how much more accurate you can be with it!"

Well, if only he could even use it at this very moment in the first place. Tonaka didn't want to use his dark side either though, but, then again, nothing was making him that angry, so to him there simply wasn't any way he could actually tap into it. He was just simply in a good mood. He simply shrugs.

"If only I can at the moment." he simply responds, "I just don't feel that angry. Again, my dark side feeds on my anger, or so I think. Besides even if~"

But then Decaman interrupts and in a whispered tone, he added, "And don't be so scared of your own power. You have to own it. Accept it. Only then can you control it. The more you try to keep it bottled up tightly, the more it will struggle to be free. If anything happens, I'm here. Nothing will go wrong that I can't handle. Give it your best shot."

"Well alright," Tonaka responds as the coach pats him on the shoulder and leaves, "I'll try..."

He tries to make himself a little angry by using his past experiences. What about that time when that Veronica girl, his ex-girlfriend, cheated on him last year and made a fool out of himself? Yeah, that's it. Sure it kinda healed, but just let a trickle of dark come out huh? Already Tonaka can feel his muscles tense up as he grips the ball tighter. He takes aim, setting his sights on the target and throws it with his raw power. It speeds through the air and makes a bullseye shot on the first go. As it came back, he grabs the ball again and throws it. Another bullseye! He then begins to throw it again and again, as if he was trying to beat the darkness out of his body, like his body is trying to get rid of a nasty sickness or something. It actually felt good doing it too.

After throwing the ball at the target for the 10th time, Tonaka finally sees his whole body turning back to white. Perhaps it wasn't so bad after all. Again, it actually felt good to let some steam out. As he wipes his forehead, he turns to where Decaman is greeting a few girls. There he happens to see a girl looking at him. She looked pretty cute, with her blue hair and her long legs. She's quite fit too. Tonaka couldn't help but to make a friendly wave at the girl. He wasn't going to bother with a douchy wink or whatever, just a simple wave and that was all.

He then wonders where Mine may have taken off too...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Miné Onoda~

@Zeroth - Speaking to Decaman
@Jay Kalton -
@Lmpkio - Tossing two force-fields at.

Phew. After a small workout like that, she was actually feeling in a slightly good mood. She might actually not break that girls legs after all. In any case, she had a few more tests to get to. Of course, that was then hindered by the large, obnoxious, loud hero walking over and asking them about their Quirks. Mine had to roll her eyes at the question. He was a teacher here. Wasn't it his job to know something like that? She figured he'd have some sort of...paper or something with all of their Quirks. Well, whatever, she let the girl who had talked to her earlier, Kaoru speak first. Gum? She could make...gum? Well, she had heard of and probably seen some odder Quirks out there.

Of course, Mine noticed Kaoru seemed too...shy? Well, she didn't seem to want to speak with Decaman so much. Well, she didn't care one bit but she might as well answer now anyways.

"Miné Onoda." She quickly replied to Decaman, walking up to the other girl and the muscley idiot of a teacher. Instead of just speaking, it was always better to give a practical demonstration of abilities if someone wanted to know what exactly someone was capable of. Three small blue spheres hovered above her right hand, rotating slowly as they floated through the air. "I can make barriers." Two of the spheres launched themselves in Tonaka's direction. They wouldn't hit him, but instead slammed into the ground next to his feet before dissipating. The remaining one then took a more square shape, putting a wall between herself and Decaman. "And pretty much control them however I want."

She didn't go into the limitations of her Quirk, of course, telling anyone the limits of your abilities was a bad idea because eventually something like that would get out, and she didn't need some upstart brat trying to take advantage of her Quirk's weaknesses when she was picking on them.

"And that's it. Now I'd like to finish this so I can get this annoying thing over with, Muscle head, so..." It seemed that's about all she was going to say as well, and turned her back to Decaman as the force-field dissipated, going back to deciding which test she'd be going after now.


@Zeroth - Hope Corrosion likes metaphors

"Ain't no l'il princess after all, is ya? The hell ya think you's doin', just waltzin' right the hell up into Brave, huh? How'd ya do it?"

"What can I say? I find being right under their noses and them not even noticing it, absolutely humerus." She chuckled beneath her mask. She didn't seem intimidated by the man at all, even if he towered over her. More importantly though, that question of his. How she did it? Well, answering that was simple enough. Still, she wasn't going to let this guy have the answer so very easily. He probably wouldn't be satisfied with the answer either, especially since as soon as they found the body of that student, they were likely going to tighten security quite a bit.

"As for how I did it...well, one has to crack a few eggs to make an omelette, no?" She replied, shrugging nonchalantly. "Too bad that Omelette was a once in a life-time item. Eggs are going to be so hard to break after this because everyone is going to guarding them so...protectively."
What that entire sentence meant, she'd leave up to his own interpretation. Of course, she meant something along the lines of 'As soon as they found that students body, security would likely be tightened quite a bit, thus rendering what she had just done quite difficult.'

"But well, when you decide to make the worlds best omelette on a whim mostly for giggles that tends to happen." She chuckled once again, and waited for this mans reaction. If he wanted a more literal explanation, he'd likely not get one. At least, not without 'coercing' it from her in some manner, though if pressed she'd just run. She wasn't feeling up to playing with a rabid mongrel today.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago


@Lmpkio - Speaking to
@Rune_Alchemist - Speaking to
@Jay Kalton - Speaking to

"Speak up, Koizumi-chan!" Decaman said with a smile, though he didn't force the girl to repeat herself. Instead, he listened intently to her hushed voice as she explained her Quirk. Because her gum was sticky and left stains, she was hesitant to use it. The teacher nodded understandingly.

"As long as you don't interfere with another student's scores, using your Quirk isn't cheating this time. A Hero school has to be all about acceptance, no matter how troublesome a quirk seems on the surface. I'm sure whatever mess your gum leaves behind, we've got some kinda chemical somewhere that can remove it. You wouldn't believe the kinds of messes I've seen kids make over the years." The big man rubbed his chin in thought for a moment, then pointed at Kaoru dramatically.

"Here are some suggestions, Koizumi-chan! Try spreading the gum between your fingers to make a slingshot, and see if that improves your score on the softball toss! Or, instead of using your hand for the grip test, try sticking your gum around the handles and see how much pressure it can hold before it breaks? And if your gum is bouncy too, try sticking some on the soles of your shoes and then doing the high jump!" He crossed his arms and nodded again as he continued. "The more creative you can be with your quirks, and the more ways you can figure out to use them, the more helpful they will be to you no matter what situation you find yourself in--whether it's a battle with a Villain, or a rescue mission!"

He gave his attention to Mine after that, as she introduced herself and her own Quirk--by tossing two spheres at Tonaka. Decaman's perpetual grin faded slightly. Then the girl spoke to him in a tone that implied she didn't have a lot of respect for him, and the nickname just confirmed it.

"That's Mr. Lawson, please, Onoda-chan." he said, very firmly but not overtly scolding. "And please don't do that to other students, even if you're kidding. Now, if you can shape and control your barriers, you probably have a number of creative uses for them. I know schoolwork is always going to be boring to some children, but it's important that you practice these things." The girl was already turning to leave, so the teacher didn't bother giving her any suggestions for how to better use her power like he had Kaoru and Tonaka. He sighed and shook his head. That one was going to be trouble if she didn't straighten up.

As Tonaka, Kaoru, and Mine continued their tests--perhaps now with a new outlook on things thanks to the teacher--one of the doors along the eastern wall opened up and Masamune came through, leading the freshman class. Decaman strode over to greet the other man.

"Heya, Ichiro-san! Almost done here, just another minute or two!"

Masamune glanced at the scoreboards being displayed on the monitors, taking note of the various averages and records that the students were setting with their attempts at each event.

"A bit slow going this year, it seems." he said simply, before looking back at his own students.


@Pacifista - Speaking
@Great Sogeking - Speaking
@Dead Cruiser - Speaking. Tatsumi is also speaking directly to Luca.
@Dblade26 - Speaking

"Thank you, Miss Aiza. Combination Quirks have a lot of potential, so be sure you train hard." Masamune nodded, then listened as the next student piped up. It was a small boy, wearing a hooded sweatshirt--not exactly against school rules, but just at an odd time of year. Maybe it had to do with his quirk? But then he explained himself as a telekinetic. Masamune wondered, but then thought that perhaps he was a foreigner because of his name. Maybe he came from a much warmer country?

"Another high-potential ability, telekinesis, but often taxing on one's mental stamina. Thank you, mister Arioch, and I look forward to working with you."

The next girl was much more energetic, but Masamune's face remained set in a stony line as she explained her powers. He nodded.

"Super acceleration? A unique variant of a speed-type Quirk, and where I imagine you get your energy from, miss. But you forgot your name." He nodded for Matsuri to continue.

Tatsumi was trying to pay attention and learn his fellow students' names as everyone introduced themselves, but there was one thing that he couldn't wrap his brain around. He leaned over next to the smaller boy, Luca, and nudged him lightly with his elbow.

"Hey, uh, 'sup l'il man? Look, I uh...I dun wanna sound dumb or nothin' but, what does tele-kenny-sis mean?"

It sounded like telephone or television, so...did it have something to do with something that was far away? Tatsumi had only barely made the grade to get into Brave, and on the first day he already felt like he was falling behind, compared to some of these other students who had cooler sounding quirks and probably a better education too. It irritated him, though he tried not to show it.

As the group continued to give introductions and explanations, Masamune led them out of a large pair of sliding doors and into the Brave Court. Decaman approached him with a wave, and said that his group was almost done.

Masamune glanced at the scoreboards being displayed on the monitors, taking note of the various averages and records that the students were setting with their attempts at each event.

"A bit slow going this year, it seems." he said simply, before looking back at his own students.

Snow White

@Inertia - Speaking to directly
@Poke - Speaking
@Knight of Doom - Speaking
@Falkon - Speaking

"Oh my!" Ms. Baumgartner said as Sou explained his ability. "Well, don't you worry, Shizukana-kun! I'm sure you'll be able to master your Quirk during your time here." Straightening her hair with one hand, she added, "My own Quirk is rather simple--I have frost-breath. I had to learn to be creative with it to be an effective hero. If you ever want to hear some training suggestions, please feel free to ask, Shizukana-kun!"

Knowing the cause of his burns and bandages made it only slightly less worrisome, but the fact that he was still alive with such a volatile quirk was a sign that the boy probably knew very well the limits of his own control and would be careful with its use. As Sou turned away, Snow White looked out expectantly over the other students, though she had to split her attention between them and the hallway in front of her.

"Who would like to go next? Oh, and here's the gym, by the way!" she said, as she pushed open the doors and let the sophomores into the huge enclosure.


@Rune_Alchemist - Interaction with Bonesaw

"...What the fuck is you smokin', gurl?" Corrosion tilted his head, much like a particularly ugly looking dog. He seemed to be chewing it over and trying to work it out for himself--but when he apparently couldn't, his eyes flashed with anger. He looked away for a moment, then shook his head--his dreads flying this way and that--before turning back to Bonesaw.

"Look, it dun even matta! Anyway, you obvs-isly ain't got no love for the big 'H'--" as he spoke, he kept making emphatic gestures with his hands, as if it somehow helped get his point across. "and I can't stands 'em neither! Whaddya say to hangin' wif me an' my crew, huh gurl?"

He reached down and picked up a wad of newspaper, crumpling it in his hand. Then, a green ooze began to trickle from his pores, and soon the wad was burning away, steam rising from between his clenched fingers.

"Then we'll see how 'Brave' they asses really is!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ayah Cadeyrn

@Falkon - Mentioned
@Zeroth - Mentioned
@Inertia - Mentioned

The opening ceremony was the same as usual. Ayah didn't understand why the sophomores and juniors had to attend it. It was mostly a motivational speech and they hardly needed the motivation. Honestly, all anyone had to do was turn on the TV to find the motivation for becoming a hero. It was just like becoming a singer or actor, most people wanted to have that occupation, so there's not really a lack of motivation. However, it was nice to get hyped up for the day. Or at least, more hyped up. The one thing Ayah had been curious about was who her homeroom teacher would be this year. She didn't really have a preference, but she just wanted to know. Unanswered questions drove the curious girl crazy, especially when the answer wasn't far away. That's not to say she doesn't like surprises…

Anyways, the ceremony ended with the different grades grouping up with a teacher. It was only logical to assume that this would be their homeroom teacher. Ayah quickly got up from her seat when Snow White called the sophomores over. She liked to be up front even though the tour would be over things she already knew. In moments, she lost her companion that she had been talking to earlier. This didn't phase the excited girl, though. She was too busy focusing on the words that tumbled out of the beautiful woman's mouth. Perhaps she'd learn something new? Or at least be of assistance to someone with a question. Ayah thought that maybe the new students should get a tour on their own, so as not to waste class time. But hey, she wasn't a teacher, so what did she know?

After a while, Ayah did become a bit bored and started to fall back in the pack. She didn't mind Ms. Baumgartner, she was powerful, beautiful, and kind. It was simply the lack of new information that made the tour uninteresting. Once most of the things were out of the way, the group headed towards the indoor gymnasium. Ayah's interest was piqued when Ms. Baumgartner started new student introductions. New students were always fun to meet, not to mention many had interesting quirks. Unfortunately, though, one guy in particular got called out. When the brunette looked over at said person, she noticed that today didn't exactly look like his day. However, he did explain that the bandages were because of his quirk. Ah, poor Sou. Hopefully he learns quick, then he won't have to suffer as much of a recoil from his quirk.

Snow White then asked for volunteers to introduce themselves. Something could be said about a person who volunteers to go next depending on how they go about it. Ayah didn't say anything. Normally, she'd be all for going next, but if she remembered correctly, only new students were introducing themselves. However, she did look around to see who would go next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Laser Sight

@Plank Sinatra - Speaking to
@Krayzikk - speaking to
@Write - speaking to
@Holy Soldier - speaking to

Mr. Kobayashi flicked what was left of his cigarette into the appropriate recycling receptacle, then turned and headed back inside, one hand reaching into his pocket to check his phone. He had finished his groups' tours early--mostly by just skimming over stuff everyone but the new kids should know already. Brave High had a lot of transfers and foreign applicants, but Senior year rarely got them. As far as he knew, he had only one new face in his class, one his dossier identified as Dallas Grenier. There was another student, Dirk, who was also from overseas, but he had been here for a few years already.

The elevator trip back up to senior homeroom was short, but he still tapped his foot impatiently until the light dinged and the doors slid open. A short walk through the hall later, and he slid the door open and stepped into the homeroom. His eyes swept around--not with the "have they done anything yet?" look of a teacher, but more practiced, more subtle. This was the type of sweep one might expect from a bodyguard, ascertaining every exit and entrance and blindspot in a room--or an assassin, identifying all the possible routes to and from his targets. By the time he reached the podium at the head of the class he'd finished his scan, and as he pulled the student dossier out of the small drawer in said podium he spoke, again in a dreary monotone.

"Mr. Grenier, that desk did not have those saw marks when I left this room. I'm not going to identify the object outlined in your pants pocket, but don't bring it back on campus grounds, please and thank you." His finger scrolled down the list of students as his eyes flicked up and down, putting names to faces in a silent roll-call. "Ms. Yosumine, I see you brought breakfast. Hopefully enough for everyone. And me. Hope that coffee isn't that iced mocha lacha-what-the-hell-ever crap you kids drink these days."

Then his face, which up until now had been the same weary expression, crinkled up. His eyes narrowed, enough that a pair of small yellow dots--like someone holding a pair of magnifying glasses up to the sun--appeared on the dossier page.

"Natsuki Enoki?" he asked, looking up. He widened his eyes, mostly to keep from accidentally blinding someone as he scanned the room again. He knew he wasn't mistaken the second time. "I know I saw her this morning...Huh. Anybody know where she went?" he asked, looking around at the rest of the class. "Semi-short red hair, red eyes...was wearing a lot of makeup?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
Avatar of Matsuri

Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kaoru's odd pink eyes seemed to be rolling around like marbles as she tried to focus on mumbling at Mr. Busting Muscles here. First she would look here, then there, and two seconds later they would be focused on the tiny rock next to her shoe for a quick second. It then finally came to her that the fellow junior she had briefly stared at decided to wave back at her nonchalant self. Not really the reaction she was expecting, but it was better than getting her legs hacked off for looking at somebody. So she decided to give a small wave back. Unconsciously keeping that straight face of hers, of course.

"Speak up, Koizumi-chan!" he would say. The girl could feel herself shiver ever so slightly, a chill being sent down her spine.

K-Koizumi-chan? Him saying that… gives me the shivers for some reason...

The man then proceeded to tell her all sorts of things she could have done with her Quirk in the past hour. There were the upsides and downsides to his suggestions, though. Using her gum on her soles for the high jump wouldn't… well, let her jump. She'd just be dragging extra sticky feet around. Her gum would literally stick to anything, so using it as a slingshot wouldn't be very handy either. But, this would eventually spring up a brand new idea that she was eager to try out. As he offered a nod of reassurance, Kaoru's slips curved up by a millimetre.

Before she could even turn back towards the softball toss, the corner of her eye caught sight of the equally taller girl from before, who was making her way to the currently conversing pair. Kaoru let out a barely audible squeak as Miné Leg Breaker Onoda came strolling in. With her shoulders raised slightly higher than before and her eyes actually fully open for once, the gum girl's mind went into an overdrive of possible torture methods she would experience after supposedly being caught for stalking this junior she had known for only ten minutes.

Oh, no no no no no no no no no. Oh no. She noticed. I am done. I am dead. These legs will be torn off and hurled into the gates of Hell itself! With this girl watching from her throne! Oh shizzle, here she comes…!

A tiny bead of sweat slid down Kaoru's usually expressionless face, making her look like less of a ‘lazy piece of gum under the table’ and more of a ‘person who just touched a piece of gum under the table’. She couldn't remember the last time she was this freaked out to see someone.

"Miné Onoda. I can make barriers."

“Barriers?” Kaoru muttered under her breath, trying to ease up by rolling her shoulders. That wasn't one she'd really seen before, so she wasn't sure whether it was a strong Quirk fit for this girl or a weak one that totally mocked her.

She would then hurtle some blue sphere towards the white haired junior, just narrowly missing his feet. The slightly more fucked up side of her mind was curious to see what would happen if that barrier hit the boy's feet, but the rest of her mind signalled Kaoru to take a tiny step back and let Miné do the rest of her speaking. On her own. Without any disruptions.

And after she had said her vulgar farewell, the Limb Butcher was off. And so was Kaoru.

After a quick stretch, the candy eyed girl attended to the softball toss again; first, attaching a piece of gum onto the centre of the target. Then, grabbing a ball, she attached some more gum onto it, letting it stick to both of her hands.

Okay, this could work… But it’s going to take quite some practise to hit the bullseye though. Unless my luck turns for the better today...

Rather than throwing the ball like a pitcher, she swung her gum attached ball like a bat. The gum would then begin to stretch, and by the time the ball swung in front of her it extended forwards. The clean side of the ball just narrowly managed to attach itself to the gum bullseye, which Kaoru smiled at once she had realised the result. It would take some practise, but she was getting there, steps closer to seeing that softball hit the very middle of the target.

A few more practises and I should get it. I hope.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tonaka Hokama

@Zeroth - Listening to Decaman
@Jay Kalton - Considers approaching Karou
@Rune_Alchemist - Glares at Mine

As Tonaka would finish greeting Karou, he suddenly would see Mine firing two of them right in his direction. He gasps slightly as he braces for impact, only for them to slam at the ground next to his feet. He jumps a bit, making sure there were no after affects, but was otherwise unharmed.

"Oi, what the hell?!" the junior shouts with anger. Thankfully for the bitch, this wouldn't put him into a frenzy. Perhaps if she were to continue then maybe so. The remaining force field one then took a more square shape, putting a wall between Mine and Decaman.

"And pretty much control them however I want."

Decaman's smile seemed to fade as he spoke quite firmly to Mine.

"And please don't do that to other students, even if you're kidding. Now, if you can shape and control your barriers, you probably have a number of creative uses for them. I know schoolwork is always going to be boring to some children, but it's important that you practice these things."

"And that's it. Now I'd like to finish this so I can get this annoying thing over with, Muscle head, so..."

Damn, that Mine was even more of a bitch then he realized. Of course, that kind of attitude was to be expected of course. All Tonaka did was simply glare at her until going back to the tests at hand. Well, that is before he looked at Karou's power, which had to do with bubble gum. An interesting power to say the least. Maybe he should go and talk with her. She certainly looked a lot more nice compared to that bitch. So after throwing a few more balls with his powers, he looks back to see where the girl might be. There she is, trying to shoot some softballs towards the target. The target seemed to have a piece of gum at the bullseye, while she herself, grabbing a ball, attaches some more gum onto it, letting it stick to both of her hands. It looked a little gross, considering it was basically chewed gum, but Tonaka still watched curiously.

Rather than throwing the ball like a pitcher, the girl swung her gum attached ball like a bat. The gum would then begin to stretch, and by the time the ball swung in front of her it extended forwards. The clean side of the ball just narrowly managed to attach itself to the gum bullseye, which Kaoru smiled at once she had realized the result.

"Hmmm," Tonaka thought to himself, "That looks pretty neat. Maybe I can talk to her a little later on."

With that, he continues to participate with the tests at hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Class: Senior
Location: Senior Home Room
Mentions: All @Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra@Write@Zeroth

“Me summer was all right.” He didn’t have much to do since he didn’t return home to Ireland, and so, he practically slept the summer away, which was very easy to do. It was like speeding up time.

When the teacher entered the room, Dirk’s eyes turned from the window to regard him plainly. Senior year was already seeming like it was going to be a drag as all final years were.

Natsuki Enoki?

“Who?” Dirk replied.

Semi-short red hair, red eyes…was wearing a lot of makeup?

“Never ‘eard ov‘er.”

He then added, “Kin we actualleh do our jobs now? What else is there ta teach?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Miné Onoda~

"That's Mr. Lawson, please, Onoda-chan. And please don't do that to other students, even if you're kidding. Now, if you can shape and control your barriers, you probably have a number of creative uses for them. I know schoolwork is always going to be boring to some children, but it's important that you practice these things."

Miné simply rolled her eyes as she walked off. He sounded just like...well, everyone else that had tried to tell her to 'straighten up' in some manner. She admittedly wasn't the nicest of people, and probably could have not been so hostile...put where was the point in putting on a smiley face when she really wasn't smiley? She bet that Muscle head was a lot less smiley when he wasn't putting one on for the students here...meh.

Whatever. She noticed Tonaka glaring, but it wasn't anything she wasn't used too and shrugged it off. Gah, she just wanted to find a nice quiet place to maybe play her guitar...

With a sigh, she moved onto the last of the tests. Side-jumps were fairly easy, though nothing spectacular. Toe-touches were similar. Her attempt with the punching meter was definitely above average, and she pretty much scored a perfect score on the whack-a-mole with the help of three barriers. Weight lifting was similarly easy, since she tended to do that on a regular basis. With her tests finished, she went back to the changing room and got out of her now sweaty clothes and waited for the others to finish.


@Zeroth - Speaking with Corrosion

"...What the fuck is you smokin', gurl? Look, it dun even matta! Anyway, you obvs-isly ain't got no love for the big 'H'-- and I can't stands 'em neither! Whaddya say to hangin' wif me an' my crew, huh gurl?"

Oops. Looks like she may have almost exploded his brain. He looked like the ugliest and dumbest pitbull on the planet had tried to understand how to build a rocket. She almost wanted to mess with him and see if she could actually make his head explode just from talking to him - it seemed like a definite possibility, but well, the offer he made intrigued her just enough to play nice.

For now.

"Then we'll see how 'Brave' they asses really is!"

"Hmm...an interesting offer." She replied with a small hum. Oh yes, she could use this...idiot definitely to her advantage in some manner, so getting in good with them could definitely help her long-term goal. Plus, if she could use them to possibly help get her on the inside as maybe an actual student again...she'd just need a student ID and proper history.


"And one I am inclined to agree too." She smiled beneath her mask. "So, lead me to this 'crew' of yours, and let's see what we can do against these so-called heroes, hmm? You may call me...Nat." Well, might as well use the name, hmm? It wasn't her actual name of course, but it was good enough to give to these people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She wasn't even in for 2 minutes and people had already started bumping into her. It was to be expected when you would only show people your clothes and not your actuall head. She was small already so it was bound to happen. Her first day had gone off swimingly. She spend more time in the restroom than the actuall auditorium, constantly putting new toilet paper into her nose after bumping into people. Even after her mistakes she was still stupid enough to continue what she did. Walk around invisible even though people could still clearly see her as a bunch of walking clothes. Truly the origin of stupidity.

After they got a speech from Decaman in the auditorium she got to follow the man in question as he lead them around showing some of the important things around the school. It was big, that was one of the ways to describe it. There were dozens of ways to desribe such thing as amazing as it was. It had to be said that Olivia definitely was impressed. The teacher asked for their names and quirks. Olivia didn't bother to remember everything that was said and simply followed like a zombie. She didn't even bother to let herself sound.

The first thing that they were gonna do today under Decaman his authority was a physical test right of the bat. Not surprising in the least. They were told to change in the changing rooms and come back as soon as possible. Before they started Olivia quickly washed her face and arrived a bit later than everybody else.

Just about as she arrived they begun the small training. They were told to use their quirks to the fullest of their potential. Olivia glanced away although no one could see. After each test they patiently waited for everyone to have finished. They waited, they knew she hadn't taken a turn yet. It was a bother really. Olivia quickly went up and threw a ball as far as she could. No ground breaking record or anything. It was a plain. Throw that would probably be just below average. It was all the same. Dashing, jumping, running, throwing. Average, average, average. Full potential my ass. Everyone was getting great advice for their quirks to grow. It was a little bit painful but she was able to bear it. Seeing all these great quirks made her happy for them. They were able to grow. It did make her jealous but it was also a reason to train hard herself. Her quirk might not get any better by it but as a person she might grow if she tried.

Starting off by letting herself sound as a starter... Instead she back off from the group. Best... day... ever... Social anxiety to its max. It was a wonder on how some people would stay alone during the years they have been in class together. It made herk ind of wonder on why schools didn't think of that. Wouldn't it be better to bond them together? If that excisted it wouldn't be such a bother starting a conversation with someone else. Olivia gave a short sigh and drooped her shoulders in annoyance. Why had her mother forced her to go to school today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 17 days ago

Yosumine Kazu

"Haven't seen her." Kazu answered, taking a brief glance around the classroom just to make sure she wasn't there. No sign of her, so Kazu returned to her breakfast. She gave a faint grin at the teacher's remarks, reaffirming the wisdom in buying a full container of coffee. Even if she wasn't able to drink it all, someone else would happily 'take one for the team' and take a cup. Often the teacher. "Running late, maybe?"

The query was accompanied with a noncommittal shrug, while the speedster busied herself with another donut. Not really her issue.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nina Aiza

Nina withdrew her arm from around Matsuri as they made their way to the Brave Court. Partially to give her some breathing room after being completely up in her space this whole time, but mostly because her arm was actually getting tired staying in place. She gave it a good roll and shoved it back in her pocket as she listened to the rest of the class and their quirks, sizing up what she’d have to compete with this year. So far, after Matsuri and Tatsumi, that Luca guy seemed like he’d be pretty impressive. She had to bet someone as meek-looking as him was hiding something away about himself.

As they entered the court she had herself a good look around at all the people still testing with an impressed look on her face. ”Oh man, I can’t wait to get going.” she thought out loud, her gaze turning up to check on the scores on display.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago


@Lmpkio - Decaman, Speaking to
@Rune_Alchemist - Decaman, Speaking to
@Jay Kalton - Decaman, Speaking to
@liferusher - Decaman, speaking to
@Pacifista - Masamune, Speaking to
@Great Sogeking - Masamune, Speaking to
@Dead Cruiser - Masamune, speaking to
@Dblade26 - Masamune, Speaking to

As it seemed like most of Decaman's students were finishing up their assessments, he gave his fellow teacher a nod.

"Yeah, it's been a little slow this time--a lot of folks seem to be trying to make do without actually using their Quirks. You must have really drilled that self control thing into them last year."

"At least they have the proper respect for their abilities." Mr. Matsumoto retorted, before turning to his own class. "Changing rooms are over there, everyone. Once you're ready, report back here and get started. You can see on the screen the list of events that we'd like you to perform, and as Decaman has been saying, it's important to try and use your Quirks creatively here--so long as you're not directly sabotaging each other of course."

Tatsumi was still waiting for Luca to tell him what telekinesis meant, but now he kept looking back and forth from the smaller student to Decaman. He wondered if he could find a moment to thank the Hero for what he'd done to help the freshman, but right now didn't seem to be the time.

Snow White

@Inertia - Speaking to
@Poke - Speaking to
@Knight of Doom - Speaking to
@Falkon - Speaking to

"Come on everyone, don't be shy!" Snow White encouraged. Maybe she didn't have as many new students as she thought this year? Nonetheless, the tour continued, soon finishing with the indoor gym and moving on to the dorms. "Well, in any case..." she explained the dorms much the same way that Masamune had to the freshman, with particular emphasis on the fact that boys and girls were to remain separate and the extra facilities were only open on weekends. With that, however, her classes' tour was mostly done. If no one else introduced themselves, the group would quickly head to the Brave Court as well, and watch the ongoing Quirk Assessments before proceeding with their own.

Laser Sight

@Plank Sinatra - Speaking to
@Krayzikk - speaking to
@Write - speaking to
@Holy Soldier - speaking to

It seemed like no one remembered seeing Natsuki Enoki slip away, even the students who knew her. Some of her friends, however, reported that they had seen her in the auditorium, but that she hadn't acted like her usual self, remaining near the back row with other students that she didn't normally hang out with.

"This is starting to smell fishy." Kobayashi grumbled under his breath, before Dirk Ryan's comment made him look up at the stone man.

"What 'job' Mr. Ryan? Are you already working for a hero agency? You shouldn't be, because you haven't graduated with a Hero Degree." he said firmly. "Let's not start off on the "this is pointless" foot. That's both feet for me, but for you kids, this year is the last chance you have to give it your best shot and show the world that you're real professional hero material."

He closed his dossier for the moment and began to ruffle through some papers. For now he would do things as normal, and bring up Natsuki's disappearance with his colleagues at a later time. Still, it was obvious that the man was somewhat rushed--what kind of suspicions about the girl's disappearance might be dancing through his head?

"Here are your locker numbers and the other miscellaneous things you'll need this year." he said as he began passing out papers. "Inside you'll find your textbooks and the syllabus for your classes. The last thing you'll want to do for today is head down to the Brave Court and do the yearly Quirk Assessment test. After that, your "first day" will be over and you're free to go. The real thing will begin tomorrow."

As he finished and headed back to the front of the room, his eyes swept the crowd of students once more. Nothing out of the ordinary stood out, although among a class of extraordinary individuals that wasn't saying much. Could one of them be involved with the red headed girl's disappearance? No point in starting a scene now, though, not until he had more information.

"Class Dismissed. Welcome to your hero academia." said the hero, in a deadpan voice.


@Rune_Alchemist - Interaction with Bonesaw

"I'm Corrosion, y'know what'm sayin'?" the other villain said, again with flashy hand movements. He motioned for Bonesaw to follow him, and began leading the way through the backstreets of the city.

"So, Nat, what can ya do anyways?" he asked as they walked. He held up a hand coated in a green sheen of slime. "Me, I makes dis acid stuff, but I can make it like putty or wahtevs too. You, I's guessin' you does somethin' wit ya bones?"

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