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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago



Alex laughed up at the sky as Harald spoke. "Oh man that is hilarious! Change the scientist for tourists and police and you basically have my childhood as well! However, I did not come away with it from any awesome looking headgear though. Got some pretty weird looking feet though-sometimes they glow, but usually only when I am running pretty fast." He stopped and thought for a moment. "You know, I think at one point the police did bring a scientist, but he was pretty slow and it was easy to get around him." He shrugged nonchalantly, not thinking too much in particular about the incident. "Well we might have had some interesting lives when we were younger, but now we are here in a place that not only accepts us for the things we are, but downright encourages it. If you would have told me a year ago that I was going to be swimming in a lake with a 'Splice' after a dragon had just finished blowing hot smoke across my face after losing a race to a flaming female leopardess who was a actually a beautiful woman, I would have said..." Alex again paused for a moment trying to think of what he actually would have said in that exact moment. "Probably I would have said something like, 'Who are you?' or 'why are you telling me that?' in all honesty.'

He turned to look over at the splice. "Was there something else in particular that you wanted to know about? Feel free to ask I am not doing anything till the dragon and his friends come join us." He glanced over at Rush on top of his clothing, simply reassuring himself that Rush was fine, not that he was particularly worried.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The brunette lycan burst out of the water and tackled Kiara. The girls plunged under in a tangle of limbs and bubbles before surfacing again. Kiki was caught in a fit of giggles, coughing out some of the water that she had inhaled. Kiara splashed Samantha playfully and then offered a falsely-coy smile. Whilst the girls had their fun, the boys joined shortly after.

Shining yellow eyes flicked over to Sulleykaar once Kiara heard Samantha’s cat calls. The Unseelie faerie couldn’t help but stare… it was in her nature. Even if she was royally pissed at the dragon. A pointed tooth tugged at her bottom lip while she watched him take off his shirt.

”Hey Keeks, did you know his body looked like that?” Samantha asked, obviously just as stunned.

”I wish I did… I was sooo close.” Kiara admitted in a whine, cursing how faeries couldn’t lie. Samantha then started cheering for the dragon to take off his pants too. Kiki laughed at that. This Sammy girl was just her cup of tea… life at the Academy was going to be a blast!

Even Morgie had joined them now, diving into the water and reemerging near Kiara and Samantha. Feeling particularly playful, Kiara splashed at Morgan and then giggled. The smile on her face could put the sun to shame.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"I wish the police had come and taken away the screwballs of the lab I was born in..." Harald commented sullenly. It wasn't directed at Alex, it was just what happened pretty much every time the splice had to think about the way he had been born and grown up. Of course, from the standpoint of someone already living he would never want his birth to be undone, but if someone had been able to ask him before it had happened... That was a different story.

Suddenly, his left paw plunged into the water. When it came back up, a small and incautious fish was pinned between the tips of his claws. The splice devoured it with barely any chewing at all. "Delicious... erm... sorry, couldn't resist." There was a small gap as he ran out of words. Was there anything he would like to ask ? "I think my questions will come once I know this place a little better. Get ready to be bombarded." Harald grinned.

"Is this your tortoise ?" he asked, pointing at Rush. "Or... well... it can just be yours because you let it rest on your clothes, right ? Feast upon my stupidity!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Soon actually hence why I am telling you now. Despite everything that has happened so far I truly mean inviting you. I still won't understand this formal act you put up when your around me but it is your decision to do so. However pertaining to the trip be sure to let the others know as well. If they wish to bring family that is fine as well. He smiled before continuing to strip down.

Samantha jumped back slightly when Morgan emerged from the water. "What the hell don't do that!" She splashed him with water. Take off the shirt morgie. None of us have ours on. Hye that reminds me. You two don't seem the best of pals. Why? you both seem like fu-likable guys. What gives?" She pouted. Time would go by after morgan's answer and she found herself looking back over to Sulley. "How do you think he got them..." She asked quietly. Sulley had taken off his pants when he was in the water. Once in, he decided to let a bit of his magic out and waved his hand over the water. The ground beneath shook as a curved column of earth emerged beneath the water and rose just beyond the surface. Following that was a small hole that came out from the middle of the parted off spot. It funneled down underneath and into an empty space underground. Cupping his hands around the funnel like hole he blew fire into hit for a long minute before sealing it back up again, pressing down on it to place it back under the waves. It didn't take long but soon enough he hand a 12ft wide hotspring currently to himself as he laid back on the newly formed earth chair and laid his head back.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Niall Collins -

Niall honestly couldn't believe what that he had so blatantly stared at someone, his nose was always getting him into trouble. He had all of the sudden forgotten all of his southern taught manners, enough so that if his mother was here she would had most definitely slapped the every loving shit out of him. Since he had already made a fool of himself by being so rude as to state when the lad introduced himself as Dominic Niall stood up. He neatly pushed the chair back away from the small table in front of the cafe outside as he made his ascent to his full height. In the dusty black square toes he had on Niall was nearly seven feet tall. He was quite sure the young lady was used to tall men but perhaps not men so tall as he was.

"It's lovely to meet you both. I am Niall Collins, heir of the Eastern US pack." He bowed lowly to the both of them, despite being the heir he was a true southern gentleman and that entailed being polite regardless of his rank within his pack. Especially among people who aren't members of his own pack. Within the pack as long as his father wasn't concerned everyone could be friendly and informal. He chuckled a bit at her comment about wars and assassinations. There was little to worry about. "I personally like to think this is the one place that I can speak slightly more freely than back home."

Once he had returned to his full height he smiled easily, his eyes still swirling with the brilliant yellow that belonged to the wolf in his soul. His other half was quite curious about the elf, for some odd reason the wolf was quite curious about elves. It had been that way since he was a pup. His wolf was intrigued with one thing or another from time to time. This time it was the elf. He could only imagine the trouble that his wolf would get him into this time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It won't happen, it won't happen, it won't happen... Linus thought over and over as he made his way by foot to the academy he was sent to, as a wendigo, Linus was always told that to live, you must make others die. Linus had never believed in such a thing and chose to go to Rosa Claire academy, while he was looking forward to living in a place away from a blood cursed family, he was also nervous knowing that his true self could come out at any time. It isn't going to happen. He continued to think as he approached the academy office When he stepped inside he looked around for someone who might be able to help him find his way "Um, hello?" A hollow voice for someone with the curse of a beast inside them, but Linus couldn't care less about it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago



Alex watched with interest as Harald grabbed a fish with the speed of instinct and ate it quickly, seeming to enjoy the quick morsel of the meal. Harald apologized but Alex waved his hand absently. "Doesn't matter to me. It's way faster than fishing them out, I can tell you. He glanced over at the shore as Harald pointed over to Rush still warming himself in the warm sun of the clothes he had carefully folded on the shore. "Yup. That's Rush, he is a greek tortoise. He hangs out with me most of the time, though he is not much for conversation. He has been with me for about a year now." Alex looked over at the other group that had entered the water and motioned over to them with his head. "Why don't we go introduce ourselves to Sulleykaar's friends over there. It would probably be best to get to know some more people that have actually been to this school, see if we can get the lay of the land from them."

Over by Sulley there was a rumbling as a pillar of earth extruded out from the bottom of the lake floor. He was using some type of magic that made Alex's eyes go wide as it seemed that he had made himself some type of functioning hot spring. Alex swam over to it and climbed atop the the earth mound that made up the outer circle of the dragonmade hotspring. His plain boxer briefs clung to his wet, runner's body as he looked down into the water and then back up at Sulleykaar. "Room for one more?" After that he turned to look over at the other people in lake calling out to them. "What's up people? I'm Alexandros- just entered the academy today. Is everyday as fun as this one has been?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Damnit... that dragon has already started 'dragonforming' the academy's surroundings." Harald mumbled to himself, lowly. It made him just feel a bit more humble. He watched Alex climb out of the water, taking a look at his athletic body shape. Hearing his call, Harald started to make his way out of the lake as well. His wet 'crystals' reflected the sunlight, and the multitide of surfaces angled to each other, combined with refraction, resulted in an appearance similar to a gemstone. However the only coolness coming out of that for Harald himself was water clinging to the different pieces of it and running down into his ears. He shook the liquid off from them and his fur, pretty much like a domestic cat did, just on a tremendously bigger scale.

He glanced at Sulleykaar, and though he currently had the face of a lion-like thing and not like a human, one could get the impression that he wanted to ask the same question: 'Room for one more ?'
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 2 days ago

A male figure floated in the center of the lake, Caucasian skin shown upon by the light of the sky. The stranger was shirtless, though not showing off what seemed to be a four-pack chest. His dusty brown hair matted over his head with wetness. One could swear that the teenager was asleep in the water without fear of drowning. He wouldn't be too noticeable as he could be easily passed off as driftwood at first glance from the distance.

I forgot to go to class today....wait was there class today?

He lamented in thought as he floated along the lake's surface.

Ah no matter, perhaps it was for the best I was in a sour mood today, this water sure is soothing.

His emerald green eyes opened as he came upon a realization and question

How long have I been in here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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@dragonmancer@Fetzen@EurmalEye@Silent Observer

Sulleykaar nodded to the Splice and called out to the others You all may join as well. I'm not that egotistical as to make this all for myself." He waved to the others, internally hoping they would join him. Samantha coerced Kiara to come with her to the hottub, which she grudgingly accepted only if Morgan was to come. Samantha looked to Morgan with a playful pout, pushing her breasts together and swayed side to side. Oh Morgie, could you pleaaaaassseeee?"

While that was going on Sulley sniffed the air and took in the smell of ember and sulfur. He squinted his eyes as he saw what he thought was a floating log but narrowed his eyes. 'Not another dragon.' he cursed internally. This school was only meant for one currently, and that was him. He glanced to Alex and back to the center of the lake. Enjoy the hot spring, I will be back shortly. There is something I have to tend to." Sulley hopped out of the lake and made his way towards the center, passing Kiara, Samantha on the way but stopped next to Morgan. "If I call your name in the next 10 minutes I want you to get everyone away from the lake, got it? I trust you with this Morgan." He took a step before turning to him once more. "And despite our differences are, I did extend that invitation with good intentions." He continued on until he reached the floating "log".

He approached the log now resembling another race. He studied him closely. "You. You smell of dragon and yet you aren't. But you are...Gorgon by chance?" He cocked an eyebrow up and waited for his response.

Samantha trudged through the water until she reached the hotspring and jumped in. However, her foot caught the ledge and her naked body grazed Alex's face before she fell in with a splash. FUUUUUUUCK ITS HOT! GODDAMMIT WHY DID I DO THAT!" She cursed herself out as she moved to where sulley had say and pused herself onto the ledge, her feet dipping into the water. Cocking an eyebrow she looked at Alex and smirked. Hey Alex, name's Samantha. Call me Sam though."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 2 days ago


Sulleykaar raised a brow before smiling. ”How long have you been out here, hm?” He asked with curiosity, seeing as how he didn’t take notice to him earlier.

I Blinked for a moment, trying to remember how long indeed I was out here, “Since the sun was out, I think. I lost track after I dozed off.

The dragon furrowed his brow. ”Dozed off? Have you checked in with staff already? Wait ignore that. I think I was there to introduce you to the school. In case I wasn’t my name is Sulleykaar, Student body president and only presiding dragon of this school.” He said with a smirk. It was a bit of a tease at the end but meant to take in stride. If those at the school knew Sulley, even though he could be kind he would still let others know where he stood among them.

I would stop floating from the water, and resurface in a more appropriate position to speak. “School president? Well I suppose that is what you could expect from a dragon, but of course, you’re no longer the only dragon in this school.” I smirked back at the dragon, unsure of to make of him as a rival or friend, though a teasing smirk none the less.

His smile slowly faded into a straight line. ’He really dares to consider himself a dragon? More of a mere imitation of one.” he thought to himself. ”call yourself what you wish but I wonder what brings you to this school. Many I find come here to get away from the lives we live in order to feel somewhat normal. Others to learn.” He left his comment open to interpretation, figuring that he would catch on to what he was asking.

I’d float on my back once again as I thought of the question he posed to me, a more gentle smile growing on my face. “My race tends to be violent, yes, and I will admit that I too can be a bit of a...well monster.” I paused trying to word carefully

”Your kind is much more docile compared to dragons I’ve come across. However I will admit that you do have your hostile moments.” He smirked with a low chuckle.

I chuckled back. “Right, but thats the thing. I’m still young, but I’ve heard of my race’s past living amongst well, normal human beings, long before my time. Such an idea is fascinating and I always wondered if I could ever fit into somewhere along those lines. I came to this school to work on my anger management and learn more of the culture. I guess in short, I want to be human.” I said in a melancholy tone.

Soft eyes landed on the boy’s own. How old are you?” He asked with a tone that resembled a teacher’s own.

“Juvenile I suppose, for human years I am 16. For nagas that is infantile.” I said in a matter of fact statement, looking to the afternoon sun with my now gentle eyes. It has been a while since I had ever been this calm communicating with someone.

”In human years 16.” He repeated before sighing. ”My dear boy, I am close to two thousand years old and I am still around the same human age as you. I want you to understand that humans, they fear what they don’t know, or understand. I know because I have lived amongst them for some time and out of seven hundred years only managed to find one human that I can truly call my friend. Yes, Gorgon’s anger and rage do not help your situation but this school can teach you only so much. I will say though that is where we differ. True dragons have control over their emotions. It’s natural to us. You are our cousin race. You unfortunately did not inherit that trait from Tiamat. Your emotional control well be that much harder than you care to know.” Naturally, Sulley managed to slip in that little superiority jab as per usual. Many usually just ignore it but Sulley did it by instinct. It was second nature to him. Whether he meant it or not he didn’t care. It was one of those “up for interpretations.

I tilted my head up to him as I listened. “Suppose that’s why my race has little interaction with the mortal world anymore.” I muttered before giving a louder response. “Probability-wise, I can potentially live for a long time, much time to learn and evolve my nature. In theory perhaps one day I could achieve this dream, for now though, I want to settle with this school as a starting point.” I finished once again, though I was now a bit unsure of myself and my goal, his words had caused me to question my own goal.

”So I presume that you are of fire. I could smell sulfur coming from you. Plus considering your build you’re much more likely for short range combat, am i correct?” He smirked.

“Indeed, I have a few things for I suppose, longer range, involving fire balls, but most of my power is close range.” I again answered in a factual tone. Looking back to the group of strangers in the distance.

Sulley stood there for a moment in silence until a mischievous grin slowly etched onto his face. It must have been awhile since you practice I suppose.” he singsonged, expecting the boy to pick up on where he was going.

“You want to challenge me?” I smirked at the dragon with a devilish grin.

”Well, I suppose so. But not here. They have already been through enough.” He grimaced as he thought back to the time at the ball and with his eldest brother wrecking it. ”Come, there is an opening away from them where we can practice in piece.”

I paused for a moment in thought, before replying. “As much as I want to fight you, I’d rather relax for the rest of the day, there seems to be people I haven’t met yet either. So how about we hold this spar off till tomorrow?”

The dragon’s head tilted to the side slightly and he simply shrugged. ”Very well I suppose. Come then, you can join me with the rest of the group.” He turned away from him with a nod and made his way back over to the dragon-made hotspring.

I’d swim towards the designated camp, just behind him and beneath the surface, my body moving side to side like a serpent rather than using my limbs to swim, which was surprisingly effective despite my current morphology.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago



After Sulleykaar had given them his blessing, Alex slid into the magic made hot spring letting the intense heat wash over him in one intense wave. His skin turned pink for a moment as he completely submerged himself, but thanks to his Gifted body rapidly returned to its original hue. He could feel the heat of the spring relaxing his muscles spreading a feeling of contentment through his body. His head rose up again over the water's surface at glanced over at Sulleykaar again. He wondered to himself whether the magic Sulleykaar had displayed was part of racial abilities or if it was some kind of magic that he himself could learn. Before he had a chance to ask however, Sulleykaar sniffed at the air than narrowed his eyes at a speck of color in the distance.

Enjoy the hot spring, I will be back shortly. There is something that I have to tend to." Despite his rather easygoing words, there seemed to be a rising air of anticipatory tension around the draconic man. He leapt into the water and began to swim out past the group of approaching students. Alex raised an eyebrow at the suddenness of his departure before turning to look at Harald about to ask if he had any idea what had concerned Sulleykaar so. He never caught got the chance however as one of the students that had been approaching tripped on the ledge behind him. As she fell, he felt her warm bare skin brush past his face on her way down. The skin could not be called however, even with the momentary brush he could feel the muscle just underneath and the scar tissue from numerous cuts upon her.

Alex blinked in surprise, looking down at the water where the girl had fallen and blinking again when he realized that the girl had been nude. She emerged out of the water quickly loudly cursing about the heat of the hot spring. She moved over to where Sulleykaar had sat before and lightly dipped her feet into the water. It seemed she was entirely comfortable with her current state of nakedness, so Alex decided that he should be as well. She cocked an eyebrow at him and introduced herself to him with a smirk covering her face. "Always a pleasure to meet someone as fiercely beautiful as yourself." He glanced down at the water and then back up to her, a small smile of amusement on his face. He gestured over at Harald introducing him. "This is Harald, a splice, and we are both new here. Got any advice for us new folk?" Out over the water he could see Sulleykaar making his way back towards them and the speck of color he had been talking to swimming under the water, apparently student. He could not see the same tension as earlier so he assumed that whatever there issue was it had been resolved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Harald had almost been into the water when his dive into it became interrupted. In the corner of his view he could see how Samantha's body skimming over Alex's skin. "Perhaps you should probe the water's temperature before you get in so fast." he commented in her direction, but with a tone indicating that he wasn't serious about it. On the other hand now he had received a good warning not to make the same error - he too had been on the verge of going in there without hesitation. Harald dipped his right paw into the hot water and pulled it back out immediately, getting rid of the fluid by shaking it rapidly. For one moment one could think that he really was a cat that just had discovered an anxiety about water. Then however he got in. Warm water would have a far superior cleaning effect compared to the lake. Speaking of which, he could barely hear Sulleykaar talking about 'Naga'. Harald had no idea what that was. But the other person moved quite a bit like a serpent. So strange to see... But who was he to judge strangeness ?

The splice turned his head around again, now paying full attention to Samantha whom Alex had just introduced him to. "Hello. Yeah that's right, I'm Harald. And I'm a bloody newcomer here like my friend just said. How long have you been around here, if I may ask ?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Kiara looked up from the small splash battle she was having with Samantha and Morgan when someone new called over to them, introducing himself as Alexandros. He was quite cute so, of course, he caught the flirtatious faerie’s eye. It appeared as though every student at this academy must be attractive, by default.

Samantha nudged the currently speechless Kiara and told her they should join the others in the dragon-made hot spring. Kiki looked toward the warlock and smirked ”Only if Morgan joins us.” she replied in a purr-like tease. This only served to egg the lycan girl on in a pouty, busty display of feminine charm.

”Oh Morgie, could you pleaaaassseee?” The warlock agreed after a fair amount of blushing, and attempting to hide said blush. The trio made their way over to the make-shift hot tub, to which Samantha rather gracelessly fell in. Kiara dipped her feet in first before gliding the rest of her bikini-clad body into water beside Sam. The one who introduced himself as Alexandros greeted Samantha and introduce Harald, a rather interesting looking splice, before asking for advice.

”Advice? Not really, I’m only a first year… I just arrived about a week ago. My name is Kiara, or Kiki if it pleases you.” she said rather politely, as was the way with the fey, even those of the Dark Court. Her emotionally expressive eyes were still an excited yellow hue from her playful moment in the lake, and they looked from Alex to Harald. He was the second splice she’d come to meet since arriving at the Academy. He looked like a lion and a bird, very unique. ”You look like you come from Faerȗn, not Earth. What fascinating things humans can do with their science... it is like glamour-magick, but permanent, yes?” she mused, studying him appreciatively. ”Do you always look like this, or do you shift?” Kiki asked curiously. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sulleykaar returning to the spring with another new student.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PixiePudding
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PixiePudding NotAdorkableAtAll

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Oh wow, a real lycanthrope, I've never met one before. Well to be honest, I haven't seen quite a bit but I'm glad you were the first one I met. Truth be told you also the second person I've introduced myself without any help from adult who wanted to get on my mother's good side" He smiled over to Lumine in her radiance "But enough about me, potion crafts and the like can come a another time" he reverted back to looking up at Niall.

"I've read quite a lot on lycanthropes and elves alike but first hand experience is always more valuable. So your the heir to the Eastern US Pack. It only goes to show how little a lone book on anatomy can give you. I wasn't even aware that Packs segmented geographically" Dominic flipped out a notebook ready to obtain as much knowledge as possible. "Tell me, is there anything else culturally, politically or sgnificantly that is attributed to the lycanthropes community?" He looked straight, bright-eyed and curiously at Niall, poised.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Niall laughed, a deep booming sound with a hint of roughness. A smile lit his face as he looked at the witch, "I am fairly laid back compared to my pack mates and most of the others that I have met. I would not recommend asking my father so many questions should you ever meet him. Most definitely do not offer to shake hands or look him in the eye. It ends poorly when he forgets he isn't dealing with other Lycans. Social etiquette I suppose one would say. Politically there isn't a lot of outside politics, the only time the Alpha's come together is when there is a rogue or someone wants to swap packs. As far as us being segmented geographically as you put it generally packs aren't. My father is a very persuasive man." Niall pursed his lips, still faintly smiling as he thought of his father. He looked only to be in his late 30s and was a massive beast of a man not unlike Niall.

Shrugging his broad shoulders as he thought about his home and his family. They were a mixed bag of personalities, likes, and dislikes. They were all unique and different but they all had the wolf in common. "Have you any other questions?" Niall asked kindly before drinking the last bit of his sweet tea and set the glass down. This little cafe that was near the forest and away from the other buildings of the school was one of Niall's favorite places, it allowed him to sort of feel like he was at home as opposed to here at school. He liked being here at school but he always missed being around his own people.

The little cafe was just that, a small cottage style building that had tables both inside and outside on the stone patio. Potted plants stood along the walls and make for a cozy homey feel. They served sweets, light breakfast meals, and lunches of sandwiches and other simple but homey food.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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@EurmalEye@Silent Observer@FallenTrinity@dragonmancer

Harald's head turned around, inspecting Kiara with an interested look as she spoke. Of course, he wasn't able yet to identify her as a faerie, but the color of her hair and especially the strange color of her eyes were demanding for his attention. Then, suddenly, he broke the line of sight just to restore it moments later with her eyes only. Perhaps this examination had been a bit unfriendly.

"It is permanent, yes and unfortunately." Harald responded, again showing signs of the mood he always descended into when explaining his own appearance. "I can shift my face, but it looks rather strange. I prefer to stay in the shape I am in." Kiara's words sounded as if she admired those 'scientists', and her mentioning the words 'fascinating things' in that context did boost his disapproval so much that he wasn't willing to talk about it. Hopefully this sentence would be quickly forgotten!

"So..erm.. yes, I'm Harald. Nice to meet you, Kiara!" He raised one of his paws off the ground and stretched it out to her. However, he didn't really expect her to pick it up. These claws attached to it looked pretty nasty, at least that was what he thought he would be thinking if he was in her position.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Well I'm as new as you guys are. I wouldn't have a fucking clue." She shrugged at the two. She looked to Kiara. Fae? Where's that? sounds interesting." She cocked an eyebrow to her for a deeper explanation as Sulleykaar rejoined them with another newcomer. "May I interrupt for a second?" He said as more of a formality. This is...Actually I don't think I ever got your name so I'll leave that to you. He is a naga, a cousin race of Dragons." He nodded to them and started to sink back into the water until he stood back up and looked at them all. "Also if you are interested I do plan to go to my summer home in France and extend invitation to you all. Just let me know if you are interested so I can prepare for your arrival."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago


@FallenTrinity@Fetzen@Silent Observer@dragonmancer

Alex shrugged as both girls told him that they had no advice to give. While Kiara seemed to be wearing more clothes that her friend, she too was undeniably attractive, in an almost unearthly, alien sense of the word. While she spoke to Harald about his origins, she described herself as Fae, and Alex was just as interested as Samantha in figuring out what that was. It seemed that the supernatural world had a huge variety of species inside of it given the different variations of mystical being he had met just today! It was a fascinating new world for Alex as he sat there in a hot tub constructed by a dragon's magic next to a creature that looked like a lion mixed with a bird. Sulleykaar rejoined the group with figure he had been speaking to in the lake. The newcomer had a similar build to his own, but moved with a more serpentine level of grace in his movements as he moved quickly through the water. Sulleykaar introduced him, sort of anyway lacking a name, but identified him as a Naga. Alex did not know what that information meant exactly or what it was that he should do with it, but he was always pleased to meet someone or something new. He waved his hand at the man, "Hey there! Come on in."

Then his attention was distracted by Sulleykaar's offer to join him at his summer home at France. Alex felt a large mixture of things, mainly confusion over what exactly a summer home was and its function versus a regular home, then more confusion about whether he had been asked as well, than equal measures excitement and disbelief. He had just met Sulleykaar so the dragon could not have been asking him to go could he? It was more likely he was addressing the group he had originally met up with. But from the way his eyes went to all of them it seemed he was, in fact invited. He nodded his head vigorously, jaw somewhat agape at the dragon's generosity. "Are you sure that it would be alright for me to come? I mean I am not certain how I would get over there. I can probably run there in a few days if I stop enough but I have never seen France before." He said this in rapidfire French before he realized he was beginning to babble and ceased talking. He wondered idly what France was like. He only had impressions of the place from the French tourists he had met and images on the front of postcards displayed in small corner shops.
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