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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf

The vampire noticed that her friend nodded at the meantioned of the college’s only child. The child was growing rather fast which caused fear to longer in the air like a cloud in the sky. The young woman only knew what Mar had told her, which was only about Naga, though the concern was clearly displayed in the air. The growth for the last two week had been rather fasinating as well as frightening to Keri. Granted it was only when the kid had only stepped inside the forge for a bit. The real question was if the hybrid would be alright out in the real world. Humans could be very cruel to those who were different which would most likely hurt the child though after the Hunt she seemed to have gotten stronger in her opinion.

“Sure let's go find Lyn. I think is saw her in the courtyard somewhere.” Annabeth said to Keri.“ It's settled then. Let's go find Rabbit.” the vampire said while using a nickname she would call Lyn sometimes.

The young woman followed the older one out of the mess hall and into the courtyard once more. There were stundents either walking around or studying depending on their mood it would seemed to be at that specific moment. No surprise since the teacher were busy trying to keep the enemies from the hunt had suddenly disappeared. The worst part was they all seemed to be at their wits end with all this stress upon their shoulders along with the private and regular classes. The vampire could tell this would be a bit harder than her friend had originally thought since there was more people outside now. Keri didn't quite know what Annabeth was doing but she could guess. The older woman’s Mageblood was Physcomancy so ten to one that was what she was using to find her. Granted no one was as powerful as Satori according to the students. Who would have prodicted that the strangest person from the young woman’s village would have been one of the great teacher in the college.

Eventually it seemed that Annabeth had found Lyn since she had pulled the vampire to the side. Her green ring was now out in the open showing a very small part of her plan. “Let’s surprise Lyn. Just be careful of her bear, it’s temper is almost as bad as Tyrael’s.” was the ‘brilliant’ suggestion the older woman said which caused the younger one to roll her eyes. “ I don't think that is the best idea considering what Rabbit has been through Annabeth. I know you want to have some fun but I just don't think it's the best idea right now plus I don't think it would work. I'm pretty sure she could smell us coming a mile away.” Keri said before walking toward the child and the other woman from the hunt. " Hey Rabbit!" she called.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Lyamis, courtyard

"The fact you're leaving is precisely why I've come all this way to talk to you. It's not often that I get to speak to a naga, especially one as important to their society as you. And I figured if I kept introducing myself, even the naga who do not speak to me would get more familiar with who I am. Plus, this is just a flesh wound." Myrn stated, her tone positively glowing with excitement over new knowledge.

Lyamis watched Myrn’s movements, his eyes noting the clues. It was a second nature to him. His eyebrow raised in question over her smile, her teeth exposed and flashing him. He didn’t think she understand how taxing change was for his people as he struggled to ease the experience. This was why they tended to keep to themselves mostly, the change contained and controlled until Marya’s display of mageblood.

Shaking away the unsavory memories, Lyamis focused on Myrn. He planted his spear within the ground and listened to her casual brushing off of her wound, his eyes scanned the exposed bandage over the shoulder area and sighed at her attitude toward it. No naga would’ve ever taken that type of wound with as carelessness as she did. A simple observation crossed his mind, ‘Bipeds...are such strange things.’

“Why didn’t you have the College tend to your wounds?” Lyamis asked, his tone pointing out she should’ve done that from the start rather than take the more mundane method to heal.

"I'm sure you want to leave as soon as possible, so I'll get right onto the questions."

When Myrn said that, her arm produced a book with a built in inkwell and a feather then she began to fire off several in a rapid form. Most individuals could barely understand them, but Lyamis found it less odd compared to the first time he met her and quickly answered her questions in order. His tail coiled underneath him, his torso leaned upon the spear handle.

"I still have many questions about your culture. For starters, what are your thoughts about demons? I understand that your home is near the Ravine of Demons, so I imagine that the naga came into contact with them a lot.”

“Demons aren’t to be trusted, as most individuals know this. When we come into contact, we often kill on site or chase they away due to the threat they might become. Through demons of higher intelligence are often treated with higher caution and suspicion.”

“Have they ever considered any sort of peace with them, or has it always been conflicts?”

“No, it’s a foolish thought to consider. If anyone had, they often ended up dead.”

“Additionally, what are the naga's thoughts about magic? While it is still a wild and mysterious force for even those of the college, there's no doubt that magic is involved in everyone's lives, whether they are capable of utilizing it or not. I also understand that a naga was sent here to the college after she was discovered to have mageblood. What were the first reactions to this discovery? What were the circumstances which made her come here? ”

“Magic is a change we’re not familiar with and to pretend we’re unaffected by that, is foolish. As for Marya’s situation, shouldn’t you be asking her rather than myself or anyone else here?”

“Has the naga ever practiced any sort of rituals or religious ceremonies that you would think is 'Magic'? Do nagas worship any gods? “

“No to both.”

“And what about the naga's ability to resurrect themselves similarly to undead after suffering mortal wounds? That isn't a natural, or at least normal, thing for most creatures to do. Do you have any idea what may be the cause of this? I am told that it is linked to one's emotional state, but what would you consider to be a strong enough emotion to evoke it, more so near death? “

“Malice isn’t magic. It happens when the soul leaves the body and intense emotions, usually anger, take over and keep the body alive. After a set amount of time… it often dies a natural death when the adrenaline dies or the brain is severed, killing off all function commands to the body. There’s no intelligence or anything to us when we officially die. This is a prime reason why emotion is frowned on as it causes nothing but trouble.”

“Also has there ever been any naga hybrids with other races that you know of? Have nagas ever had children with people of other races? How would you describe the mentality of a naga compared to other races? I have also heard that there are nagas who live in the oceans, do you know much about them?"

“No. Most believe a child between any race besides naga is against nature and harbor ill will toward my sister’s offspring, namely due to what her conception means. What it says for the naga’s possible future. As for naga, I wouldn’t know how to compare it to other races as I’ve never, nor would I want, to be in another’s mind. As for the naga in the ocean, I don’t know or been informed about them. Now any more questions, which I’m sure you have, will have be asked while I make my rounds.” Lyamis stated, wrapping up his statements as he picked up his spear and held it to his waist. His tail pushed him toward the matriarch first.

Lyn, Orchard

Noting Helena’s brow and reaction, Lyn explained her odd skin. Her arm was held outright and made sure it easily seen as she rubbed her scales the opposite way, causing them to flick upright on end. Helena could easily see the scales were skin colored and surprisingly smooth while the child made a few passes then straightened them out properly, trying not to flick at the tingling it caused the whole time. Her brown eyes smiled while she spoke. “My skin is made of numerous scales. I also have a issue with cold temperatures due to my reptilian appearance.”

It hurt a little to see Helena suddenly wipe her hand on her leg as if she was slimy or something, a very untrue fact. Inhaling, she pushed her thoughts away and focused on the fact the woman’s smile was at least real. It eased her guilt for disgusting the woman for the moment.

“Well thanks, I'll let my old man know that,” Helena stated, continuing. “And he can gloat about being right. And yeah, I've only been here a fortnight. Still trying to figure things out and find my way around.”

Helena then looked nervous causing Lyn’s expression to become concern as she leaned, her ears listening to the woman’s next statement, “honestly feels both longer and shorter than that.”

When Helena snorted, Lyn jerked in surprise and jumped a bit. “Not that you needed to know that. How about you? You've obviously been here longer than me.”

Lyn paused then thought for a moment. Her finger pressed to her lips in thoughtfulness and her back pressed against the tree, her feet skimming the ground. “Let’s see… Mom said I was born around spring or was it summer? I think I’ve been here about a year, going on two, which is pretty my whole life. I grew rather… fast.”

While she studied Helena, a voice caught her attention.

"Hey Rabbit!" Keri called, her pale complexion and simple dress edged into view. Immediately Lyn waved in excitement and moved to hug the vampire, the bear dropping from her shoulder to the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

E'nasha Williams

E’nasha smiled and sat next to Baulder after he greeted her, trying not to feel embarrassed that he'd been laughing about Ucile as she'd walked over. That was definitely her fault, but Baulder didn't stay on the topic so, she would put it aside for now. She perked up when he mentioned that he'd gotten blood sickness from the catacombs mission. From what she knew, that was the other mission going on when she was helping with Lyn’s hunt, but she hadn't found out yet what happened.

"I've been good, I guess. About the same time as you were in the catacombs, I was on a mission to help with a hunt. It was supposed to be, anyway. In the middle everyone kinda got attacked by either monsters or weirdos, and it just became a fight." She paused to think what to say next. Besides throwing a tree at a Cosh, she'd really been useless in all that chaos. "In the last two weeks after we got back to the college I've been focusing on studies. The only reason I'm out and about today is because my friend El’kan hid all my stuff. So, I've been looking for him, and am kinda giving up for the moment."

She shook her head slightly and let a hint pf worry slip into her voice. "So, how do you feel? Was this the first time you've had blood sickness?" While she seemed to catch it more often than most, no case she's had in a while has lasted more than a few days. If Baulder was sick for long enough to need a couple of weeks to recover, and he's never been sick like that before, he could still be in danger if he’s not careful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

☆ Helena ☆

The young woman blinked at her words, her green eyes widening behind her glasses some, making it look almost comical. She wasn't even...she had younger siblings older than this girl. Her baby brother was older than her!

She was still looking a little dumbfounded as someone called out for Lyn, catching both of their attention. She turned her head some, looking at the approaching girls as Lyn turned to great them more enthusiastically. Helena recognized at least one of them fairly well. She was among those she'd help save. Or she supposed more accurately the hunt, as they called it, that she'd barged in on. Lyn's hunt.

Shaking her head a bit, she looked over the other girls. Pretty girls the both of them, just like the first of them was. She huffed a little laugh at the thought of what her boyfriend would say if he was there.

Waving her hand at the one not being hugged, she stood looking the slightest bit awkward.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Baulder moved over to make room for E'nasha to sit next to him in the booth. As she sat down next to him Baulder had a realization, noone ever sat that close to him. Everyone had a habit of sitting away or across. Baulder was unable to make anything of it but it was something... different. He bent the corner at the top of his heavy book and closed it as he slid further into the booth, likely to come back to it soon. Baulder laughed slightly when he heard that her study time had been interrupted by someone taking her books. Had someone done the same to Baulder he would likely begin to wonder what their flesh tastes like. But what did Khan say? No eating people on college grounds right? Did that apply to students at all times or just while on campus? Were non-campus children safe to eat? He would need to talk to Khan later as these rules seemed not specific enough to him.

"I heard, odd things about the hunt. Mainly that they don't remember it or some such, someone said you guys killed a dragon but the man that told me was in pyromancy and I don't like those people much. Too... much heat, evil evil stuff that is." Baulder scratched the hand scar on his face before he answered. "Yeah I'm fine now....I.. think, I couldn't summon John for a few days or anything it was strange. Having all this taken away from me after I just started to unders......" Baulder sorta trailed off with his thought for a moment trying to answer her other question. "I don't think I've ever done that before no, we just had to keep going. The old guy in the infirmary is nice, I like him. I met him when I first came here too, still old still nice. How uh... have you been feeling?" Baulder didn't know if the question made sense. That was one of the things he had begun to pick up from people at the college, reciprocation of questions. Baulder licked his lips and then pursed them for a second before speaking again. "Killing that dragon must have been hard." Baulder said with sort of a laugh and a grin on the end. That's what other people think is funny right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Listening to Ssarak, Meirin was happy to see he was open-minded about these sort of things. She had to admit, she was afraid that he'd be so staunchly defensive about his own upbringing that perhaps he would belittle the things Meirin was starting to enjoy. Things like fashion, good food, entertainment. For others they were vices and sins, but for Meirin they were merely ways to express one's self. Sure it can be harmful, but anything in excess is harmful. Moderation is key, and Meirin was more than happy to just have a few nice things than to dedicate her entire life in the pursuit of luxury. Of course, if or when it comes her way, she's certainly going to take up the offer. Such as Ssarak's ride in the sky.

"Of course. Take me away, my love." Meirin stepped into Ssarak, holding him close. The initial lift-off can be a bit rocky, but once Ssarak builds up speed it was very smooth. It also reminded Meirin that she needed to stop by the college's store and pick up a pair of goggles. It helps keep things out of her eyes as she flew.

Myrn Vaan'Atisha

Writing furiously into her journal, though Lyamis doesn't tell her much Myrn fills in the blanks herself. Perhaps not the best type of journalism, but Myrn was more than willing to make up for what Lyamis lacked: content. She said nothing and only mumbled agreement to let Lyamis know she was still paying attention to him. Once she was finished writing she assaulted Lyamis with more questions as they walked towards the matriarch.

"Fascinating! Could you tell me more about your home? What was it called, where was it at? Was it underground, or did you have settlements above ground as well? What about the diet of a naga? I've noticed it's primarily meat, do nagas have any vegetation to their diet? Do they practice animal husbandry, farming, anything like that? What is their cuisine like? Do naga practice any sort of smiting or crafting? Most naga do not seem to wear clothing, what do they do with leathers and hides from creatures? What do naga hunt the most in the Ravine? Have the naga ever warred against other civilizations in the past? I know that right now they've been displaced due to the Yarosmere government, has something like this happened before? What is the daily life of a naga like? Is there a caste system or other form of government for the naga? You're lead by a matriarch, is it typical for leaders to be female, or is it by merit? And what will the naga do now? Will you still maintain relations with the college?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ssarak took Meirin up in his arms and, with a running start, pulled them both up into the air. Taking off from the ground was usually the most difficult part of a flight, particularly when carrying any sort of weight. He could use his legs for an initial boost, but it took a lot of work with his wings to gain any sort of altitude. Given his experience in flight, however, he knew how to save energy wherever he could. Tall structures, like towers or mountains, tended to create updrafts of which he could take advantage. As such, he flew alongside the College's tallest tower to use the wind to carry him even higher, until he had taken them above the tower. From that point, it would simply be a matter of flying in a spiral upwards until his wings could carry them no higher. He would take advantage of thermal updrafts whenever he could find them to speed along the process, but it was not something he expected to accomplish quickly.

The pair were already higher than the tallest landmark in sight, though it was no height they had not reached before. Since the flight had steadied out, Ssarak readjusted his grip on Meirin to be more comfortable for her. With her weaving magic, she could easily save herself if something went wrong, so he did not have to carry her with near as secure of a grip as he had in the past. Of course, he still took pleasure in holding his arms firmly around her. "I should probably say, it could take a while before we reach the height I am wanting. There is heat rising from the College below, which is helping, but it is still quite the height regardless. I hope you do not mind being in my...gentle, loving embrace for such a time." He chuckled.

Ssarak's gaze shifted down to the landscape below. The College itself was starting to appear increasingly small beneath them. The College was an impressive sight, certainly, but when compared with the entirety of the horizon in all directions, all of the forests, plains, and other features that expanded out beneath them, it almost looked insignificant. To Ssarak, such sights had been normal in the Scorched Lands, but he did not often take the time to seek them out since he had arrived at the college.

Above them, the clouds that were growing increasingly closer were thick, and somewhat dark. Smiling, Ssarak moved his head so he could look at Meirin. "It looks like it could rain soon. Fortunately, that shall not be an issue for us. Just...be ready for some humidity in a few minutes."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Lyamis’ eyes darted over the skies, still not use to the twilight scenery or how it bathed him in a crimson light. He noted the birds flirting past and skirting toward the orchard where he could scent his niece’s smell wafting among the flowers, fruits and other numerous plants the herbamancers grew there. He would some times past time by passively watching them since his duties were lessened thanks to the wall as it provided continual protection from the outside elements. The male naga again treated the next batch of Myrn’s question like before. His voice rapidly sounding off answers in her nearly breathless volley, her quill scratching away with the newly obtained information.

He was mindful not let his tail tread too closely to her current position, recalling her reaction last time. Repeating it wasn’t a very desired thing.

"Fascinating! Could you tell me more about your home?"

“Why,? It’s no longer our home.”

”What was it called, where was it at?”

Mesa Gaan and within the deeper desert parts of Yarsomere.

”Was it underground, or did you have settlements above ground as well?”

“Our sleeping quarters were underground while we did normal, everyday activities on the surface.”

”What about the diet of a naga? I've noticed it's primarily meat, do nagas have any vegetation to their diet?”

“Vegetation tends to run through our digestive system quicker than meat, which sets in our bodies for up to a month. This allows us to go hunting only once every month, each naga divided into groups and designated key times to hunt and feed. Any more meat hunted between is often salted and preserved before selling to the brave merchants in the desert. Usually conducted by the crafters and watched over by the hunters.”

“Do they practice animal husbandry, farming, anything like that?”

“No point. Ravine provides most of what we need.”

“What is their cuisine like?”

“Depends on the demon. Most have a hot, sulfuric taste to their meat that requires specialized preparations to make edible, though it helps it’s Ravine demons since they are technically surface demons and less tough.”

“Do naga practice any sort of smiting or crafting? Most naga do not seem to wear clothing, what do they do with leathers and hides from creatures?”

“We create goods and tools from the items we don’t use, ensuring no part of the demon is wasted. In addition, some people pay us to capture or hunt specific creatures within the Ravine for their own uses.”

“What do naga hunt the most in the Ravine?”

“The Ravine is difficult to predict what will come to the surface or within, it was mostly Ravine Hounds. They seem to have a sac that allows them to prevent poisoning and very highly valued in large amounts.”

“Have the naga ever warred against other civilizations in the past?”

“No. We’ve always been separated from the other races for as long as any generation can remember. We never found it reasonable to want to any race, unless they became a repeated and endless threat to us, dead. That’s a key difference between us and the other races. Mainly because grudges or wars are caused by emotions.”

“I know that right now they've been displaced due to the Yarosmere government, has something like this happened before?"


“What is the daily life of a naga like?"

“Depends on the naga. Casters are in charge of taking care of camp, crafting, and manual labor. Hunters are in charge of defending, hunting, scouting, order and watch.”

“Is there a caste system or other form of government for the naga? You're lead by a matriarch, is it typical for leaders to be female, or is it by merit?"

“As said, earlier, there’s two castes. Crafter and Hunter. And yes, all naga are lead by at least one matriarch who was once a hunter and chosen for a successor by the prior one. They are called Tyros which often were chosen from the Hunter caste by the matriarch.”

“And what will the naga do now?"

“Resettle at first then it’s up to the matriarch to determine.”

“Will you still maintain relations with the college?"

“I don’t know.” Lyamis admitted. He, himself, personally would’ve liked to keep in contact with the College, which allowed him to keep tabs on Mar and even to some extent, Lyn. The hybrid had been the source of tension between most of the naga since her discovery, a fact he found rather unsettling and worried might tear his clan apart. The matriarch said such diversity was expected but he wasn’t sure it should’ve been tolerated as they drew near to Amaryllis. Her weathered figure hunched over her woven basket, crudely made compared to the crafters they have lost, and hung loosely at her thin arm. She looked like she would die any day now. A matter that worried the male indefinitely because he knew not everyone will follow him when the matriarch died.

He leaned over and hissed quietly to Myrn. “Behave yourself and don’t pepper the Matriarch with your numerous questions.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth pouted hearing that Keri wasn’t interested in her little game. Not that keri also wasn’t right that Lyn couldn’t sense them. Ever since her hunt, Lyn has to be more perspective. But all the more reason Annabeth needed to hone her own magics. She used to think that being invisible would be a good enough edge. But during that fight, that masked man was able to track her flawlessly. He was even able to see her arrows, which were not only invisible but faster than most people could see. And then there was the naga… Annabeth knew that right now, her magic simply wasn’t strong enough. She needed to be able to subvert more than just sight; she needed to be able to manipulate and trick all the senses.

But Annabeth could practice her magic later. Right now she and Keri were just relaxing, so Annabeth followed the vampire to the little girl. Well, young girl. Lyn wasn’t very little anymore. Barely a year old but she was nearly an adult in height. Annabeth still feels this growth spurt is very strange and unnatural, more so for a long-lived race like the naga, but Annabeth just assumed that the gods had a reason for people like her. It wasn’t Annabeth’s place to question it. Soon the vampire and Lyn embraced one another, with Annabeth walking up from behind keri and waving at Lyn and Helena.

”Hello! You must be Helena, right? I remember seeing you. I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for your help, have I? My name is Annabeth Gulch. How are you?” Annabeth remembered Helena, vaguely. It was a frantic mess after the hunt, so there was no time for formalities. But now things were more peaceful, Annabeth had the chance to properly introduce herself. Of course she also needed to greet Lyn too. ”Morning Lyn, are you just by yourself today?” Annabeth asked she she was quietly hoping to have a hug too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[h1][color=silver][center]Keri Wolf[/h1][/color][/h1]

The mulberry tree seemed to be at full bloom, as if trying to help everyone forget all about the missions. The excitement from Lyn only showed that shown that she wasn't affected as much than when Annabeth had taken her back to the college during the hunt. Though the mental scars would still be there no matter how much the child talked about it or at least in Keri’s mind. A grin worked it's way on the vampire's lips, exposing a white fang on one side which wasn't really noticeable unless you knew what you were looking for, as the hybrid moved for a hug. Her red eyes watched as something brown seemed to worm it's way off the kid’s shoulder and then settled down on upon the ground. The bear must be almost as new by now but truthfully the vampire wasn't really sure.

The young woman gave the hybrid a hug only releasing when she gave a slight shiver. Annabeth’s scent filled the air causing her head to suddenly turn to see what the human decided to do. Though to Keri's surprise the woman had decided against the prank granted she didn't seem quite happy about Lyn giving a hug to her first. A claw like hand just gently ruffled the girl's hair before the human spoke.”Hello! You must be Helena, right? I remember seeing you. I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for your help, have I? My name is Annabeth Gulch. How are you?” she said causing the young woman to raise an eyebrow as she finished and addressed Lyn.”Morning Lyn, are you just by yourself today?”

The vampire shifted to the child's other side then leaned down in front of the bear just noting that it could walk now.” Alright buddy just think of this as a check up. Hey Lyn did he started walking after I gave him back or when Ucile took a look at him? If so I would love to ask my teacher where I went wrong.” she said turning the stuffed animal around again while it growled at her.” Okay. Sorry. I didn't realize that you were against everyone else touching you.” Keri said as she raised her hands in defeat before her red eyeslooked up toward Helena.” Thanks for your help during the hunt. We really appreciate it.” she said bringing her right hand down for a handshake.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Lyn, Orchard

Lyn embraced Keri, letting the vampire’s arm wrap about her and keep her close. The girl’s tongue flickered out and absorbed the cherry blossom scent she enjoyed about Keri. Granted it wasn’t the vampire’s own natural musk but it was much better than that absence of smell, the void making her and most animals rather uncomfortable around the undead students. Few of the other vampires were as accommodating to ‘gain’ a unique scent and put the hybrid, or her mother, at ease. Keri wasn’t like them which made the child enjoy her more as she pulled away, her feet falling down to the ground and stepping back.

Lyn hadn’t noted the bear had moved from her shoulder to the ground until she noted Keri’s shift to her bear’s direction, moving forward to inspect the thing. Her voice was slightly concern, her body taking a knee to bring herself to the bear’s level. “Alright buddy just think of this as a check up.”

She then asked a question that draw a thoughtful look from Lyn. Hey Lyn did he started walking after I gave him back or when Ucile took a look at him? If so I would love to ask my teacher where I went wrong.”

“He walked before Uicle got a hold of him, through not very good. I know he made some improvements and stitched him together a bit better.” The girl admitted, truthfully, with her finger to her lips thoughtfully. She then frowned at the bear when he growled at Keri’s outreaching hand causing the vampire to retract it, commenting on his sour mood.

“Okay. Sorry. I didn't realize that you were against everyone else touching you.”

“Hello! You must be Helena, right? I remember seeing you. I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for your help, have I? My name is Annabeth Gulch. How are you?” Annabeth’s voice appeared suddenly causing Lyn’s head to jerk immediately to the source then relax. She was still a little jerky since the mission and so every once in a while, she reacted to abrupt noises despite her knowing the person was there. Thankfully no one had decided to startle her or she might’ve bolted off or worse.

Annabeth then turned to address her. “Morning Lyn, are you just by yourself today?”

Pausing long enough to look at Helena, who she noted was looking awkward in her body language, Lyn gave Annabeth a warm smile before she came forward to give the older student a hug. Stepping back, she replied. “I was collecting mulberries for Uncle Tyrael, namely to make him feel better as he seems down in the dumps. I was hoping to possibly get one of the cooks to teach me how to make it into a pastry and bring it to him later.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

☆ Helena ☆

Helena smiled, looking a little surprised that they'd remembered her name properly. It did happen, on occasion. But it was often the other way and people forgot. She nodded to each of them, watching them interact with their friend. Who Helena was still having a hard time grasping just everything about her. She was a little jumpy too, it seemed, but from what she'd heard about what had happened, it made sense.

“It wasn’t anything, really,” she laughed waving off their thanks. “Couldn't just do nothing.” And she really couldn't. It just wasn't in her nature to stand by and do nothing, especially while people were obviously in need of help. If things had looked more under control when she'd gotten there she might not have charged in so quickly. But she probably still would have.

“Besides, not like I was unrewarded for it,” Helena chuckled, pulling up her tattooed and bandaged arm, flashing her ring at them for just a second, the yellow stone catching in the light for a blink. “So it wasn't all bad for me. Even if there was a little blood.”

She listened to Lyn talk about learning to cook and she laughed softly. “You don't know how to cook?” That was something she couldn't remember a time not knowing how to do. She just assumed that was something you were taught very young. “I can make pastries. They're not that hard.”

She took Keri's hand, sucking in a soft breath at the temperature of her hand. And this time, instead of holding her tongue like she'd done with Lyn, she opened her mouth without thinking much. "Fuck, you're cold."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Meirin Kurenai

Meirin took comfort in being so close to Ssarak. This was a rare time where they actually were this physically intimate with one another. Despite seeing each other for so long, Meirin hasn't so much as kissed Ssarak. Having him hold her, or the occasional hug, were about as affectionate as they got. So Meirin cherished these little moments together. High above the college, hundreds if not thousands of feet above the ground, made Meirin forget about her worries in life. She didn't need to feel strong or forget the demons, or to even try and me something Ssarak would like. In moments like these, Meirin only felt love, and that's all she wanted from Ssarak. "If I had my way Ssarak, I would never leave." Meirin said smiling.

She looked down at the college below. From this height everything seemed so... Small. She remembered the first time Meirin came to the college and how imposing it was. She always thought that she would only end up locked away in some remote corner of the fortress, never seeing anything beyond her room. But now she felt that the college was like a second home to her. It was a strange feeling; the monestary she grew up in, while far less accommodating as the college, was always going to be her home to her. But if she ever wanted to settle down, or if for some reason she can't return to the monastery, Meirin knew that she would stay at the college. Perhaps even for the rest of her life. She felt that she would do well as a teacher her, even if she doesn't master her Weaving magic. The college just felt so... Homely.

Turning her eyes away from the college Meirin then looked towards the horizon. It was a different view from the skies. Before the horizon could have been anything from the roof of a building or the top of a hill. But in the air the horizon was none other than the very edge of the world itself. It reminded Meirin of her insignificance; that she was barely a single blade of grass in this massive world. The monk taught Meirin that at an early age, but she never really took it to heart. To her, everything she was doing was her world. Every person she met, every monster she fought, even event she saw, that was her world and that was all that really mattered to her. Sure there were countries at war with one another, gods scheming, and conspiracies rising all around the world. For all she knew, there could be an eldritch abomination beyond the stars, just one errant twitch from breaking the fabrics of reality to arrive in their world. But to Meirin, that sort of thing never concerned her. It wasn't something within her reach, so as far as she cared to know, it wasn't part of her world. But flying above the level she had always walked, she felt... A greater weight. Now that she could see the world from one end to the other, she felt that she could do something for it. It reminded Meirin of a proverb her master taught her:

"You cannot touch what you cannot perceive."

Slowly reaching her hand out, Meirin tried to touch the world before her. Sure she was only grasping at empty air, but she could see it right before her eyes. This was her world; it was in her hands. And she would do whatever she has to to protect it. Her mind switched back to Ssarak when he turned his face to her and mentioned some rain coming in. For a moment Meirin felt a bit concerned; she's never been flying during the rain. Was it even possible to avoid the rain by flying above it? Ssarak would probably know better than her since he can fly, but Meirin wasn't certain. "Be careful Ssarak! If this turns out to be a thunder cloud, we should head back to the ground." As he was still looking at her, Meirin moved her outstretch hand to caress Ssarak's snout. It felt warm.

Myrn Vaan'Atisha

So much information, so little time. If Myrn was here on her own time she would have immediately sprung into more questions regardless of how Lyamis felt, but by the time she finished writing her notes they where at the Matriach. Closing her book, Myrn couldn't help but ponder the situation about the naga. Myrn can't say she holds any particular kinship with any of them. While she was fascinated by their culture and wants to know everything she can about them, at the same time she wouldn't try to affect their future. Myrn was a Vaan'Dred; their role were to record history, not make it. Of course... "A blade that cannot bend will break." Myrn left the clan to control her own destiny. If she happened to break tradition... Well, that was certainly going to be in the history books.

"Greetings, Matriarch. I hope you and your people are well. I know you all intend to leave the college, and..." Myrn glanced at Lyamis. She wanted to ask questions. Surely the Matriarch was more of a conservationist than Lyamis was. But at the same time, Myrn wanted to help the naga. After all, she can't get the history and culture of the naga if they all end up dead by the end of the year. Before she could be stopped, Myrn asked her question. "Have you considered taking up the college's hospitality and staying here? I'm certain they can arrange some way for the naga to earn their keep. War is coming, demons from the Inferno are rallying their forces against the college, no, the entire world. I cannot say I know the motives of the Yarosmere were, but I fear that if they learn of your survival, they may attempt to attack you again, or convince others to attack you. I understand that the naga as slow to adapt to new situations, but if they return to their old ways your troubles will only come back, stronger than before. And even you cannot deny that the naga are not strong enough right not to fend off another attack by any forces, be it demons, monsters, or men. If they must go into hiding, surely they could do so with the protection of their allies?"

Myrn knew that the college hasn't exactly been open about their thoughts regarding the naga. She was aware of Tyrael's distrust of him, but frankly Myrn took his considerations with a grain of salt. They allowed the Naga a place to stay and as far as Myrn has learned, the naga are leaving out of their own accord, not because the college has told them too. Myrn wasn't blind to the possible incidents that the naga would make either. Myrn has already learned much of Mar when she was looking into the Naga, all about the shenanigans she were involved in. And unlike her, most of the naga do not have a sponsor to vouch for them. And really, it wasn't Myrn's place to even be talking about this. She wasn't really a student of the college, nor truly a member. She was no more part of the college than the mercenaries that protect it's walls. But Myrn wasn't doing this for the sake of the college, but for the sake of the naga. As prideful as they may be, they needed protection. They simply were not equipped to deal with the new magical threats that may be after them, nor of the new power formed by the Yarosmere. They lacked the number nor resources to defend themselves. They have turned into prey, but not if Myrn had anything to say about it.

"I... I do not mean to offend, Matriarch. It's just... As a Vaan'Dred, a historian, I have seen great people similar to the naga. I have learned how they met their end. And while death may come to us all, that's no reason not to continue living. The naga have so much more they could be capable of. An unknown, bountiful future ahead of them. I wish to see them flourish and prosper. I would hate to see only their shadows as they vanish into the sands of time."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Despite Meirin’s worries, Ssarak seemed unfazed, and still in quite good humor. He leaned his head to the side slightly as she rubbed her hand across his muzzle. He gave a soft, pleasant hum. ”You need not fear. I know what it is that I am doing.” He answered confidently. They were nearing the edge of the cloud, so the truthfulness of his words would be proven shortly.

As the pair ascended into the cloud from below, Meirin might have been surprised by the sensation, in that it did not feel too appreciably different from flying anywhere else. For someone who lived their life on the ground, a cloud might appear soft, like cotton, but the only change they could feel physically was that it quickly became strongly humid. It was almost like flying through a very thick fog, and indeed, they could not see more than a few feet in front of them. Even Ssarak’s sharp eyesight did not allow him to see any farther than Meirin. Regardless, he had flown through many clouds in the past, so there was no panic from the fact that he could not see their current bearing. He simply continued to spiral upwards in the same circles as before.

Even with the lack of sensation, Ssarak did not doubt that the cloud was a new experience for Meirin. Clouds were simple things, and a common sight to anyone who did not live in a desert. But, that only meant that they were something most people could fanaticize about, without actually being able to reach them. Among Humans, Meirin was now one of the few exceptions. However, what was even more impressive than being in the clouds was the view once they breached the top of the clouds, and were able to fly above them.

Extending out in all directions around the pair were clouds, which had replaced the horizon below. Though their underside had been dark, even stormclouds were almost solid white from above. They appeared more beautiful than threatening, particularly for one viewing them for the first time. From the ground, clouds tended to appear deceptively small, but now that they were flying just above them, their true scale was readily apparent. They were like mountains floating through the sky all around them. Above them, the sky was bright blue, like the clearest of days. Some of the splendor of the sight was lost on Ssarak, since he had flown to these heights before, but he could still remember his first time testing the limits of his wings. Between the clouds’ white color, and their sheer scale, it was like flying inches above the landscape of some strange, foreign world.

”Sublime, is it not? Just tell me if you start to feel short of breath, and I shall climb no higher.” Ssarak commented.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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E'nasha Williams

”Well, I didn’t see any dragons, but we did fight a guy that could turn into a swarm of bugs, apparently. And he was an herbamancer. He, sent a bunch of trees after us. Not very fun to try and dodge.” E’nasha laughed slightly as she finished talking. It wasn't very funny at the time, but now the event did seem almost laughable, especially scince the guy they'd fought had seemed so strong when she'd been told about his abilities, but had died almost… easily.

”Well, I'm glad you're better, and I hope you don't get blood sickness ever again if you can avoid it. I… seem prone to catching it, though it never really lasts long. I haven’t had blood sickness scince I came to the college, but a couple months before El’kan and I got here...” She trailed off. There, wasn't any reason to talk about this anymore, and, she didn't really want to. She always had bad dreams, worse than her nightmares, when she got sick, and those dreams dominated her memory of the time. When there's nothing good to focus on, dreams are supposed to be your escape, not a prison.

Change of topic. ”Well, scince you're obviously not bedridden anymore, but should still probably take it easy, do you want to.. er, would you like to.. ” Shoot, this sounds way less wierd in her head. She sighed and spoke quickly, before she could back out or something. ”I was gonna ask if you would help me look for El’kan, but honestly I think I've given up at this point so… would you mind just hanging out with me? Or letting me hang out with you, I guess is the better term. We could explore the college together or find something fun to do… unless, you already have plans?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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Keri Wolf

“He walked before Uicle got a hold of him, through not very good. I know he made some improvements and stitched him together a bit better.” Lyn said truthfully. It didn't really upset her since the young woman had no prior knowledge of the creature’s creation since the bear was made long before the vampire had decided to come to the college. But it was was another lesson in which she was curious to take just in case the same problem occurred in the future. Granted it was a major possibility since the ones from the hunt weren't captured yet.

The young woman felt Helena grasp her hand and the human taking in a deep breath from the ice cold feeling from Keri’s hand. Something in which most seemed to do, well that weren't other vampires making the girl grin, exposing her white fangs. "Fuck, you're cold." The poor woman stated as the vampire softly chuckled.” I should have warned you that I have a really low body temperature. Sorry about that Helena. I guess I forget that other humans can't stand the cold very well.” she said calmly and waited for the woman to absorbed that bit of information.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Annabeth Gulch

Smiling at Lyn's warm embrace, Annabeth gave the girl a hug herself. Keri had a chat with Lyn about her stuffed bear. Annabeth didn't know the whole detail of the thing, only that Uicle made it for Lyn as her guardian. Some sort of golem hiding steal daggers or something along those lines. As far as guardians go, Annabeth supposed that a stuffed toy wasn't the worse. Though she wondered if Lyn would eventually out grow such things. It might be fine for a little girl, but it would be strange if Lyn matured into an adult woman yet still carried around the little brown bear.

Annabeth also noticed Lyn's jumpiness. She didn't need to read Lyn's mind to know that ever since the attack, Lyn has been... Careful. Now that she thought more of it, Annabeth felt some guilt about wanting to surprise Lyn. True she was maturing far faster than anyone or anything else Annabeth has ever known, but Lyn was still naive and innocent. Even if everyone was ultimately safe from that disaster, Annabeth could imagine Lyn having some mental scars due to it.

Lyn then mentioned that she had been gathering mulberries to make into a pastry for Tyrael. Annabeth knew that Lyn was someone Tyrael holds precious to him, but in his currently unstable mentality, Annabeth was uncertain if it would be alright for Lyn to be around him. While he may certainly mean well, from what Annabeth heard, Tyrael intended to kill some of the students to protect the ones he loved. Annabeth is afraid of finding out what else he would do for his loved ones, or to them for that matter. "I'm a pretty good baker. And if you want, I could bring it to Tyrael later. He tends to go to Underhaven a lot so I can give it to him during work." While Annabeth does think that maybe Tyrael needs to spend some time with his "Family", she doesn't want him anywhere near Lyn after his trips to Underhaven. She has no idea how much booze it takes to make him tipsy, but she wasn't going to let Tyrael near Lyn whenever he's reeking of booze. Being Lyn's drunken uncle was just going to be a set up for a tragedy, Annabeth knows it.

"How many berries did you get Lyn? If you have enough, we could make it into something easy like a pie. Or we can make it into a jam and go from there."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Lyamis and Amaryllis, Courtyard

Lyamis heard Myrn mutter something, causing his eyebrow to raise in question. His eyes watcher her place her book away and seem to follow his advice in not pestering the Matriarch until he heard her mutter something. The male naga’s expression almost flinched in reaction to her next actions, wondering why he thought she would understand and actually behave. His sight turned to watch the weather old Naga, her skin bleached white from the underground and lack of sun, pull back her waist length hair. The platinum colored strands shifted gently to the side while she looked over the young wood elf before her.

"Greetings, Matriarch. I hope you and your people are well. I know you all intend to leave the college, and..." The woman looked as if she was about to break some important promise to Mayra’s brother when she looked over to Lyamis, the male showing slight signs of embarrassment over her next actions. Quietly, Amaryllis listened to the concerns pouring out abruptly without restraint.
"Have you considered taking up the college's hospitality and staying here? I'm certain they can arrange some way for the naga to earn their keep. War is coming, demons from the Inferno are rallying their forces against the college, no, the entire world. I cannot say I know the motives of the Yarosmere were, but I fear that if they learn of your survival, they may attempt to attack you again, or convince others to attack you. I understand that the naga as slow to adapt to new situations, but if they return to their old ways your troubles will only come back, stronger than before. And even you cannot deny that the naga are not strong enough right not to fend off another attack by any forces, be it demons, monsters, or men. If they must go into hiding, surely they could do so with the protection of their allies?"

Quickly the woman realized her mistake, her next words made to apologize. "I... I do not mean to offend, Matriarch. It's just... As a Vaan'Dred, a historian, I have seen great people similar to the naga. I have learned how they met their end. And while death may come to us all, that's no reason not to continue living. The naga have so much more they could be capable of. An unknown, bountiful future ahead of them. I wish to see them flourish and prosper. I would hate to see only their shadows as they vanish into the sands of time."

Amaryllis sighed, listening to the young woman and replied. “The Naga are a hardy breed. We’ve faced much worse in our past and still progress, but times are changing. As a people, we can’t remain the same forever. However change must come gradually, unlike what you and Lyam have come to believe. Too quickly, and is the cost worth the price in the end? Thousands of death over the heads of those who have managed to survive?”

Her eyes widened and made wiser through the ages stared over her people with a sorrowful gaze. “I wish it was easy, I do, but it’s not. Life isn’t smooth or easy to overcome ages of conditioning, tradition, and more. To attempt to force change too soon could risk a division. Take Mar’s young… daughter, her existence means Naga are able to breed what some might consider abominations or monsters worse than demon, something worth extermination. A tainting of what we are. This will time to adjust to and sadly, if the issue of conflict is present then it’s only likely to fester.”

Amaryllis, or called Amar by others, looked toward Lyamis. Her next words seemed to suggest he wasn’t fully acceptable of the move or the refusal of taking aid from the college, through in the end he had accepted it. “You’re not the only one opposed to my final decision, but rest assure we won’t be completely isolated like before. I’m fully aware of the threats coming to purge our kin from the world and change will come. It will gradually, but will happen.”

Lyn, Orchard

Lyn spotted the bright yellow ring, her smile widen she spoke about it. “Rurik gives out excellence gifts and rewards in exchange for goods trade, aid, or for a good price. I might be basis as I often get a candied sweet or trinket whenever I visit his cart. He also have some pretty fabric for clothing making if you’re ever interested. The college has some good seamstresses who would be willing to make some tunics and breeches for a few favors.”

When Helena pointed out her mention of not being able to cook, Lyn lowered her eyes as if the fact was something to be ashamed of it. Her boot twisted about the dirt while she smiled sheepishly. “No and could you teach me? “

She watched Helena extend a hand then jerked back, surprised at the vampire’s temperature. “Fuck, you’re cold,”

Keri was amused by the woman’s reaction as well, her voice chuckled softly. “I should have warned you that I have a really low body temperature. Sorry about that Helena. I guess I forget that other humans can't stand the cold very well.”

Lyn giggled to see Helena jerk, uttering about how cold Keri was, then nodded. “I know the feeling. My body temperature is much lower than a normal person so touching Keri is like embracing ice. It takes a few minutes longer for me to warm up through, It will pass in a bit, just rub your hand.”

That’s when Annabeth pipped in. "I'm a pretty good baker. And if you want, I could bring it to Tyrael later. He tends to go to Underhaven a lot so I can give it to him during work."

Lyn paused to think. She still wanted to learn, but giving uncle Tyrael a rottenly made pastry wasn’t something she wanted to do and she pondered the option in her head. After a few moments, she bite her lip and gave in. “I don’t want to give him a crappy treat but I don’t want to create more work for you. It might be better if we make it together and that way, it won’t become a mushy mess?’

"How many berries did you get Lyn? If you have enough, we could make it into something easy like a pie. Or we can make it into a jam and go from there." Annabeth asked.

Again, Lyn thought then answered honestly. “Not much, sadly. I was just collecting some when I ended up losing one in Helena’s hair and stopped picking. My basket is barely filled. Can you help?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Baulder grinned and exhaled quite sharply out of his nose at the idea of Trees being thrown at her. The image that Baulder had in his head was quite entertaining to him. "Attacking trees, that's better than the dragon I think! Might be a bit harder to eat, but I like it! Wood taking revenge for burning it's brothers! Baulder adding a bit of a laugh onto the end of it. But Baulder then had to push the idea of rampaging trees uprooting themselves and breaking down the college to find him. Baulder managed to bring himself back to hear E'nasha talking about how she has gotten blood sickness multiple times. While he wasn't interested in doing it again soon he liked the rush, the power he had felt when he was in the catacombs. He had felt as though he could rip apart that place and bring the Inferno into the real world, like master Tyrael had, but even he knew that he had no clue how to do such a thing. But then she mentioned someone named "El'kan".

Baulder's eye twitched and he wondered for a second if he knew who that was. He very quickly realized that he didn't and wondered if it was someone he was allowed to eat. "Is this El'k-kan your brother or clansman of some sort? Your names sound similar, i-ff I may ask.... that is." He had already been told by other people at the college that the constant questions that he usually asked were unwelcome, so much so he had had a ice mage stab him in the thigh to get away from him the day before. He didn't know her name or anything so they weren't punished but he would remember the face for a long time, he would always remember. She had looked tasty after all.

E'nasha's last statement stopped him for a second as he had to think if he still had anything to do that day. The term she used Baulder also had to sort out with its context, hang out he took to mean spend time with and decided to go with that. "I uh... don't have anything else to do with the day, so we can 'hang..out'? Do you want to go kill something in the woods? I haven't seen the whole college yet I guess, we could probably find some fun in one of the rune storage rooms. Or we could try to tip over one of the golemns, I wonder if they can get up themselves. Baulder let out a very short mischievous laugh. Tipping over the cattle at the village was one of the things the kids did frequently for fun. It was fun almost getting caught. "Weeee could eat! I imagine that one of the people working in the kitchen has something we could take!" Baulder was stuck in a loop of saying things that only really he or he and John did. "We could practice with swords, I've seen some of the other students doing that in the courtyards."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by May
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☆ Helena ☆

She hadn’t even registered the temperature of Lyn’s hand. It hadn't felt unnaturally cold, but she'd been distracted by the texture too. Keri on the other hand though hardly felt like she should be moving. Or at least shouldn't be moving if she was human. And it seemed like not a lot of people here were. “I run a little hotter than most anyways,” She shrugged, laughing. “I don't always realize it either. It's the problem with fire. I've singed a lover or two.” She'd done more than that to a few others, but she didn't think they'd like to hear that she'd burnt a man's arm so bad that almost four years later the shape of her hand was still burned into his flesh.

She looked at Annabeth, thinking that her offer to make it for the girl instead of helping her make it had some other motive behind it than just making something good for whoever she wanted to take it too. But she couldn't pin point what exactly that was. “Maybe we can work on something a little easier first,” Helena offered to Lyn. She didn't want to risk causing drama just now. Not when she was finally making friends.

I can definitely help with that,” Helena said when Lyn asked for help with the mulberries. “There are some advantages to being small. And already covered in juice.” She pulled out a ribbon and started tying her hair back into a ponytail behind her head. It would help with the mess that it was anyways.
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