I am fate's strike unexpectedly come, I come too soon and am before their time, I am reaper, predator, and I swear this Oath before Selene. I,
Samantha Black of Sweet Night, One Faint Kiss. Amongst Night's Chosen, I shall be
Samantha, the Wisp.
The Chosen are my kin, I am servant to Selene for She is my patron, my Divine. Through my kin, I offer my skills to Selene. I offer my
my agile and flexible body, capable of keeping most dangers at bay; my quiet steps and soundless heartbeat, masking my existence from even the weariest senses; my skillful hands and knowing lips, weaving Lef back where it no longer belongs. I submit my greatest flaws:
my arrogance, as I know myself to be superior to most and a rightful judge over life or death; and lack of stamina, making me unfit for prolonged combat so that my kin might aid me in my time of need. I recognize the Sweet Night knows no politics and declare mine openly to shed temptation.
I believe that life is sacred and only some are worthy of keeping it. Only those who can truly appreciate it have the right to own it and only they are worthy of respect. I despise the ones who take it for granted and deem themselves above it, as the creatures of Logos and the elves of Léve, who artificially divide the gift of Lef in right or wrong and look down at their forsaken brethren in Nebel and Selvia Oscura. Destroying that view is my mission and I shall pursue it, even as it may destroy me. May my kin aid me should I stumble as I shall do so for them.
Openly I declare with neither pride nor shame-- for Sweet Night knows neither-- my past as kin may know.
I grew up but a misguided sinner of Léve, an elf akin to all the others. I was brought up to respect and cherish life and disrespect and hate all death. I knew myself to be a chosen one of Lef, having it in abundance, seeped into my very soul, following my every whim. I knew there were others, who did not deserve it, who abused and tainted it and corrupted themselves and others with its improper use.
But then.. then one night everything changed. My village was destroyed and not by those foul beings, not by vampires or lycans, but by the Lef itself. A herd of deer the size of pines passed through our village, none of our constructions a challenge to their mighty foot-long hooves. Then came their pursuers, the Wolves, competing both in size and speed.
We stood no chance against the giants. We didn’t know they existed, didn’t know that Lef could influence the animals like that. We all should have perished. But not all did. The very Lef which took away so much, gave some back. I awoke and for the first time, I realised the truth of Lef. It wasn’t right or wrong, Pure or Corrupted. It just was.
My realisation didn’t correspond with the views of my kin. They called it sinful and shameful.
But the people of Sanctum didn’t have such rigid walls around their souls. They taught me much and the rest I taught myself. I hold no grudge against my kin, only pity for their foolishness and arrogance.I do not hide from the gaze of my kin.
I have practiced the arts or stealth and combat, one with better results than the other. My weapons of choice are twin daggers, a pair of beautiful stilettos that have been coated in the blood of many, regrettably including my own. Despite my best attempts I cannot last long in open combat and will need to retreat if neither my dead allies nor my daggers assure my opponent’s death within a few short moments. Additionally the lack of Lef and the number of my opponents would greatly reduce my chances of success, and sometimes, even survival. As such, I deem myself much more fit of completing missions in regions with abundant Lef and protect myself with shadows, silence and poison. Truly as I am
Samantha, the Wisp and amongst Night's Chosen, I seal my Oath. Of Sweet Night, One Faint Kiss.
Winter 410 of the 4th Era