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Secondary Google Doc (World Building, Organizations, Characters, etc.) If Needed
Of Sweet Night, One Faint Kiss
Nazeek Thorne said
The world grows tumultuous and I fear this fact is revealed to me all too late. I serve you, Selene, however, my years in this world have taught me that little of what comes easily is true and that life's secrets come with struggle. Léva is a vast and beautiful land with unparalleled histories. Yet, tucked between the years of culture and advancement hide transgressions sewn deep as if to the bone of this very land. How many hints at the reality of things have passed these eyes without notice? We talk about this great threat, too afraid to even properly mark the name, but did the threat ever pass? I don't believe so.
Excerpt from Journal of Nazeek Thorne, 409 4E
I. Regions of Léva
1. Léve, "Mystical Forest"
2. Lémuria, "Floating Isles"
3. Nebel, "Dark Lands"
4. Annwn, "Underlands/Desert"
5. Himlan, "Spine of Léva"
6. Sanctum, "Seat of the Empire"
7. Selvia Oscura, "Shadowed Forest"
II. The Arts & Mythos
1. Art of Lef
2. Art of Logos
3. Mythos
III. People of Léva
1. Organizations
2. Night Kiss Roster
3. People of Note
Regions of LévaLéva is one continent, but its share of concerns befits a world's. The land is believed by some to have a special connection to Lef, the magick of life, so one must never be surprised at what wonders hide in the furthest reaches. Ours is also a land of surprising variance. A thick forest with seemingly endless fog might quickly dissipate into barren tundra quicker than elsewhere. Most regions are known for their unique qualities, and if well researched, one should know what may be to come. Finally, Léva is an old land with scars and myths mysterious to even the learned. Without this history to guide and to build from we are lesser than we might be. Always keep an eye for answers to our great mysteries.
All descriptions are current as of the present, Autumn, 415 of the 4th Era

Lémuria and Annwn's underground tunnels are not included on this draft. I'll come up with a more refined, better looking version later.
Léve, the Forest of Lef _________________________________________________________________________________
Legends referring to Léve go back as far as Léva and is considered the oldest region of the land. Léve is a region covered entirely with thick forests, coniferous and deciduous, that grow as tall as the great cities. Even simple beings feel the rejuvenation and heightened senses of the Forest of Lef, which some say freely gives even unto death. One must remain weary of the various sorts of creatures this land hosts -- predators to those caught unawares.
Léve rests in the Northeast corner of Léva with a curved side against the sea. Forestry is heaviest deeper inland and at the edges of the region against the water, leaving a the middle nearest to the beach-border is thinned and bayou-like. Within Léve are several multilevel cities built high above in the trees with pathways running around and through the ancient wood. Each city is connected into a singular network, though broken into districts. Districts more inland are High Alps, while nearer to the water are Low Alps. Districts bring their own subcultures, but ultimately, the Alps are built with great reverence to ancient lore. The Alps are chiefly populated by all sorts of Elves, though humans have been welcomed. Bayou lands, however, draw mostly humans and beings hungry, if not gluttonous for abundant Lef. Meanwhile, the western border is well guarded and watched closely with great distrust for their western neighbour, Selvia Oscura.
Léve is known for being the center of Elfkin in Léva. A Council shares authority and though castes are respected, one born into a place usually remains there. Additionally, the High Alps host the largest, most respected University of Lef in all of Léva. Léve also see Corrupt Lef as an abomination and threat
Lémuria, the Floating Isles_________________________________________________________________________________
South of Léva where the coast straightens out lieshovers Lémuria, the Floating Isles. It is said that Lémuria became a haven, a creation by the Human neighbours of the Forest of Lef to offer protection against a great threat, and thus was raised. Reinforced by the awe at such an undertaking, many hold the legend as outright truth. Lémuria is treated as a place to be protected and of protection. Ancient forests once a part of Léva decorate the hills to the north, kept as a memory of the land's roots, while thinner forestry and grasslands cover the rest of the isles. The isles float lower as one moves south, leaving some to call Lémuria the Divine Stairway. Beauties such as rivers and lakes that run off isle, raining onto Nebel and the sea as well as the gargantuan chains tying Lémuria to land dazzle onlookers. Despite the exotic nature of the land, creatures of Léva still inhabit the northern forests, while horses, cows, deer, coyotes, and felines are also common. Unique to Lémuria, one should watch for the birds of prey, which encircle the isles like vigilant guardians, and at times may attack.
Lémuria is a land of great wonders. Myth suggests the Floating Isles is one of the few spared by time and conflict since rising. Lémuria is connected to the lands below, Nebel, by six grand chains of old. For every chain there are two pulley-carts capable of lifting three full carts in a single trip and offering significant border protection. Perhaps just as staggering, however, is the level of advancement in the Art of Logos. Lémuria boasts one of the largest cities in Léva, and more, the only city built entirely on clockwork -- Logos. Logos dominates the southern isles with equally impressive towns and villages stretching into the north. Folk of all types live in Lémuria, though craftspeople and engineers are highly valued. For an unknown reason, Lémuria is quite opposite of Léva as it leaves those on its land without the ability to form Lef. The culture of Lémuria believes in Lef, however, looks down upon it as a fickle beast unlike the control behind mastering Logos. Humans dominate Lémuria, though Elves and Beast-folk are welcomed.
Lémuria runs under a feudal system with a single Matriarch residing in the Castle of Logos. Though humans are spread all about Léva, Lémuria is thought as their center. Additionally, Lémuria hosts the world-famed School of Logos in the middle isles.
Nebel, the Dark Lands_________________________________________________________________________________
Nebel lies quite literally in the shadow of the Floating Isles. Legend has it the great threat that drove Lémuria to the skies left Nebel little more than a gaping wound. They say that the sea rushed in to cool the gash and, curiously, froze. Solid and harder than stone, the land of Dark Lands formed. The only connection to the Floating isles the Dark Lands boasts are the roots of the great chains which feed into abrupt, spire-like pillars and the pulley-cart stations. Beyond this, the land is largely a frozen tundra cast in evernight where the very air feels and tastes off. In the north the land steadily lowers where a massive and strange lake, Dark Water, is said to reside. Meanwhile, tundra gradually ebbs and flows, like flash-frozen waves, and thus can prove dangerous. What water streams from Lémuria's waterways quickly freezes, creating a permanent snowstorm that only grows stronger at the core of Nebel. It is widely believed that in addition to wolves, bears, and sabre-toothes, there may well be trolls, giants, and other dark creatures lurking in Nebel's midlands.
Lizardfolk moved into Nebel first, then Orcs. The resilient species established a string of small, fort-like villages surrounding the outskirts of Nebel and a few scattered deeper inland. Stewards travel in small troops to ward off creatures and help guide merchants and travellers so often travelling to the pulley-cart stations. While 'road' might be a charitable term, there are indeed routes all over the skirts of Nebel that are watched. A curious feature to Nebel is the effect on Lef. Though orc and lizardfolk rarely practice the mystical art, it is documented that Lef responds erratically within Nebel. Perhaps related, strange and horrible beasts are rumoured to travel near the center. Though a strong system exists to maintain travel, the core of Nebel is generally considered wild. Undoubtedly, those stricken with diseases such as Lycanthropy, Vampyrism, or Possession take advantage of this fact.
Nebel is considered the center for lizardfolk, though the orc population is also strong. All sorts are welcomed, but travel at their own risk. Government is loose, nearly non-existent, the protection of the land largely local militia funded and armed by Lémuria. Beyond the strange weather patterns or history, Nebel is renown for the Night Watchers.
Annwn, the Lands Above & Below_________________________________________________________________________________
Another peculiarity in the land of Léva, Annwn is a vast region of rolling hills covered by grasslands. The north border of Annwn is notable for the marshlands, which combined with hills have proven treacherous to the unsuspecting traveller. Due the endless snows from Lémuria falling so close the marshes rarely dry up and grow a variety of foods. At first sight, Annwn appears to be nothing more than endless greenery and overgrown ruins. Compared to Lémuria, the folk of Annwn are a modest people content with the basics and making due with the ruins. They build little for structures, instead focusing on agriculture and husbandry.
The true source of renown for Annwn is the underground network of cities. Like Léve, the subterranean region exists as a single entity split into districts based on placement. Warriors and hunters live nearest to the surface with farmers and other surface-workers beneath them, then merchants, artisans, and commoners below. Royals live in a multi-level tower that runs through the center of each district. Beneath it all, on the bottom level is an intricate web of tunnels for mining and excavation. While Lef reacts quite normally in Annwn, if felt more bodily, the folk of Annwn respect physical work over magick or machine. That said, Annwn does in fact use several tools designed by Lémuria's brightest.
Annwn is chiefly populated and was built by Dwarves-- though most live below ground, leaving humans and orcs popular above. One must assume that in light of the great threat and in case Lémuria failed, Annwn was built as a haven. For this reason many families go back centuries in the region. Dwarven customs are law and the government reflects their deep respect for familial ties. Four dwarven kings serve as the Patriarchs of Annwn, each of which seeing over a single level of Annwn and coming together to watch over the surface. Annwn is renown Léva's most talented smithies and for hosting several criminal organizations.
Himlan, the Spine of Léva_________________________________________________________________________________
The southern grasslands of Annwn gently rise, feeding into the Spine of Léva, Himlan. Mystery surrounds the mountainous region due to the severity of its terrain and how few successfully brave its passes. What is known lies mostly in myth, suggesting several temples hide amongst the mountains holding sacred wisdoms. Those who've tempted the mountains report caverns, some wild and others seemingly crafted spotting the walls of even the most difficult paths -- like resting points along the journey. Most disagree exact locations of these points, but all note strange and booming cries amidst the heavy winds.
As a region, Himlan spans from the southern border of Annwn until the land begins to curve in the southeast. Off its cliff-side coasts there are several islands, far less treacherous than Himlan, but mostly wild. Ruins remain on each island, though their design is significantly different from those of Annwn. Additionally, the sea creatures and beasts on the islands sport various predatory adaptations unlike those on the mainland. Those islands inhabited by Lévan and in Himlan are generally owned by the Schools for study and, in some cases, used for royal assemblies.
Himlan is renown for the Temples of Myth and stories of Phantom Cries.The Spine of Léva is a treacherous mountainside higher and colder than most and without government or documented cities. The islands are largely unexplored, dominated by deadly creatures apt to kill any untrained explorer. Yet the ruins may offer insight into what mysteries lie in Himlan, not to mention Léva. Some believe that settlements might exist within the mountains and islands of Himlan, though have risked proving these rumours.
Sanctum, Seat of the Empire_________________________________________________________________________________
Sanctum consists of the southern lands in Léva until the bottom hook of the continent's crescent (the bottom of a backward C). The lands are built upon the rubble of past nations. Eastern regions jutted too close to war without suffering painful losses instead colonized the south to grow their power. Should conflicts arose, they were argued in the east and fought in the south. When new nations grew they came into the world without support or wealth and all too often submitted to the east for both. And so the cycle continued. One hundred years ago a republic resting on the southwestern hook, Sanctum, swept across the southern lands. Over the decades they unified the warring nations into a power separated from the east physically by Himlan and philosophically due to their pasts.
Sanctum exists today as an assembly of nations ruled by the Empire. Though each nation has generally unique terrain, the southern lands are generally mild, if warmer than the east. The heart of the empire rests in the original Sanctum in the western hook where a monumental fort-city serves as a symbol of power. Additionally, the Empire's fleet rests all along the southern coasts, docked and ready to protect the lands from attack. Many of the nations also keep large walls between them and the sea. Despite the collective hatred for the east, there are conflicts within the borders across the empire -- nearly all ending in bloodshed and the elimination of dissidents. As a hodgepodge of nations, Sanctum also enjoys various cultural centers, schools, and mythos, making the peoples of this land extremely diverse.
The Empire of Sanctum has a relatively even distribution of folk as all were sent to colonize the south. Sanctum is renown for its sheer size, for its alternative Schools of Lef and Logos, and its Divine Temples. While an empress reigns from Sanctum, the nations are governed as they please, but all with authority figures who answer and pay into the empire. Visitors are welcomed, though the closer to Sanctum, the more thorough the background checks. Ultimately, Sanctum is a common land for those seeking protected, familial living.
Selvia Oscura
North of Sanctum's southwestern hook, Selvia Oscura sweeps into the northeast until bordering Léve. Selvia Oscura is a forest perpetually covered in a thick and grim fog. Legend has it that while Léve experiences life-enriching Lef given by the land, Selvia Oscura offers a corrupted form. While stories of old may be dismissed, this legend resonates with most and has deterred nearly all. Though legends kept explorers out they did not keep the blight in. After villages between Léve and Selvia Oscura reported dark apparitions, corrupted folk, the Empire of Sanctum and Léve met. Two villages were found slaughtered before a treaty was signed, forming a small army, several small forts, and large tower-like torches visible to the edges of Léve and to Sanctum. The treaty meant only that the borders of Selvia Oscura be guarded despite past or future politics. Perhaps the only good thing spawned from the forest.
The forest covers all the land, but the land itself varies. In the furthest east mountains rise from out of the hook of the crescent and continue north. Before the lands bends at the sea the mountains give way. Outposts are generally kept to the borders of Selvia Oscura nearest to the water with small docks in case of emergency. No soldiers are officially stationed deeper into the curious woods, though some might disappear of their own volition. Otherwise, there are rumoured to be winding rivers of blood as well as black waters. On the western border of the forest, as the woods thin and meet Léve, there lie a handful of townships. These are the only known occupants of the region and they are mostly quiet about their homeland.
Selvia Oscura is the origin of many horrors shared across the land. The chief population are a host of overgrown predators corrupted by the strange Lef in the lands. Otherwise, there is a small set of villages on the eastern edge of the region populated by Dark Elves. This land is renown for its legends which suggest it to be the origin of the diseases leading to vampirism, lycanthropy, possession, and so on.
The Arts & Mythos
Art of Lef_________________________________________________________________________________
Léva (Yuh-Ee-Vuh) is a word gifted by the Ancients meaning 'To Live'. Elders of the Elfkin, among the most learned about the Ancients, maintain that the name Léva was assigned due to the belief the continent was alive. This thought might be strange to those who've not felt the grace Léve seems to breathe or the horror Selvia Oscura sews deep into one's core. The Elders describe Lef as energy which can be expressed as heat, light, form -- it is essence and it is Life. They say the Magick of Life is thought to flow from Léva into the body. To receive the energy purely the body must be open, however. Restored journals illustrate the flow of energy channelled through a series of seven chakras beginning low in the body and rising upward. Each chakra is thought to open with great practice and discipline and as each open the Lef grows stronger and truer to one's will. If one cannot open the first chakra, they cannot use Lef. In short, Lef is energy and may flow from land into the body given the paths be opened.
Lef, as energy, can be expressed in various ways. Some forms teach the Art of Lef in the form of light, others heat or fire, some create gravity, force, lightning -- the possibilities are endless. While there are many ways to use Lef, not all are pure. Purity is not a moral thing, rather it simply means one is exerting energy. When Lef turns to flame it releases energy, as with light, force, and so on. Lef is corrupted when it absorbs energy. Some vampires will use their Lef to absorb the life-energy from another, clearly immoral, while others may simply use Lef as ice to keep their food longer. Corrupt Lef merely means that the magick is used to collect energy, and therefore can endanger those who are targeted. The Ancients believed, according to Elven Elders, that Corrupt Lef might destroy Léva if used widely. Old beliefs still cause strife, though, so the point must be repeated. To be clear, Pure and Corrupt Lef are not named for moral intentions -- one can kill with fire and the Lef still be Pure-- Pure and Corrupt merely designate the way energy flows. Also, summarizing, Lef can be used in many forms so long as they absorb or exert energy. Sustaining a form or creating complex ones require higher concentration and mastery of one's chakras.
There are some who believe Lef is a gift from Léva as a divine. This belief is a pleasant musing, however, some take claim so far as to demonize those who do not/cannot use Lef as easily. Former nations within Sanctum committed genocides against those incapable of 'deep' use of Lef. Similar extremists still exist in pockets across Sanctum, and significantly in the bayous of Léve.
Art of Logos_________________________________________________________________________________
Logos is another gift from the Ancients, this one meaning loosely 'To Speak'. Elders of the Elfkin explain that Lef was viewed as natural without action whereas Logos requires action. Lef can be felt and experienced even by those with little to no access -- Logos must be spoken or created. Though Logos is mentioned throughout restored texts from ancient times, it is largely to do with rhetoric, mathematics, and measured observations.Texts speaking of mechanical creations like the clockwork city of Lémuria are among the many lost in light of the great threat. What is known is that for some time the Arts of Logos and Lef communed, but little more known outside the Elders or Scholars of Himlan. Today Logos is used most visibly in the city by the same name in Lémuria. The analytical nature of Logos allows for impressive machines and complex creations that run solely on force as opposed to Lef. That said, like Lef, Logos is but another path to solve a problem -- this one is merely usable by all.
For all the benefits to Logos, there are also drawbacks. The great threat left very little in the way of records even describing what mechanical creations spawned from the art. Clockwork is merely one branch from Logos, however, what other knowledge was is now lost. Also, the metals used to produce more complex creations are often found across the lands, taking deep pockets, time, and dedicated sources to collect. Crank-powered carts are an example of a modern creation stifled due to the drain in resources for production. Similarly, clockwork rifles can be produced alongside flintlocks, yet should the clockwork break, it is far less likely to find a smithy skilled in advanced Logos than an interchangeable part to a flintlock. Despite all this, Lémuria enjoys a vast wealth and continues with such creations within their lands. The products are expensive outsiders and rarely traded in mass as to keep superiority in the Floating Isles.
There are some who believe Logos is an equalizer for folk unable to use Lef. This belief can be true, but some stockpile the advanced weaponry and machines to compensate for feelings of weakness and inequality. Lémuria is a land where Lef is not attainable and it is also the most advanced, Logos driven city in all of Léva. Some believe Lef to be a way to oppress, suggesting Logos a tool for freedom and equality (often through violence).
People of Léva
Organizations_________________________________________________________________________________Night Kiss
Night Kiss are a curious assembly of assassins originating from a southern nation called Guayaba destroyed and consumed by Sanctum almost a century ago. Consumed in that the culture, beliefs, and texts were largely destroyed when the nation, which denied occupation, was razed. The remnants salvaged what of their homes they could and so Night Kiss was born. Two missions stand out for this band: 1) To follow Selene, Divine of Night and Balance, and 2) To Maintain the Ways of Old. While they are by no means the only group of assassins in Léva, Night Kiss seem a popular choice for work. Not surprisingly, the assassins do not play well with others of their profession. To maintain secrecy, the location of the Night Kiss Sanctuary is revealed to members only after 5 years of service. A second official branch of Night Kiss is also known live and travel by sea.
Empire of Sanctum
Sanctum is an assembly of nations built from the rubble of those poised to war by the eastern regions. Officers and older soldiers who felt the manipulation fight fiercely, displeased with the east still, while youths may or may not inherit this same fervour. Besides historical motives, the Empire is a region built on obedience and loyalty to preserve its borders from the wilds. There is a growing belief among the Empire's government and soldiers in one true Divine rather than the pantheon -- they call the Divine Atabey as She who nourishes and sustains them.
Night Watchers
Sometimes nicknamed simply 'Guardians', Night Watchers are a skilled band who hunt the so-called Corrupted. Watchers are skilled and armed specifically to kill those tainted by Lycanthropy, Vampyrism, and Possession -- though other strange occurrences may be dubbed abominations. The group has existed in some form since the great threat centuries ago and maintain a well guarded fort supposedly built off the ruins of their ancestors in Annwn. Those who have suffered at the hands of the 'Corrupted' often praise Night Watchers, rendering the heroes in many cities. It is worth noting that Night Watcher camps exist throughout Léva and the troops may well be more educated about their abominations than the abominations are of themselves.
Followers of LogosFollowers of LefPeople of Note_________________________________________________________________________________Empress Hila Diane Rodham of Sanctum (b. 365) Empress of Sanctum (circa 395), Retired General under last Emperor, Third to Rule Sanctum
Elven Elders (Est. 1st Era) Council made up of centuries old Elves who remain in Léve forgoing death and freedom to serve Léva as non-partisan advisers, scholars, and sometimes spiritual leaders
Patriarchs of Annwn (Est. Early 4th Era) Four Dwarven Kings with respected familial lines who share power over Annwn through a deeply patriarchal system
Queen Malala 'Iron Lady' Tuff of Lémuria (b. 380) Queen of Lémuria (circa 404), ...
Nazeek Thorne (b. ???- 415 (?)) Master Assassin under Night Kiss
Night Kiss Roster_________________________________________________________________________________
I've been keeping a mostly IC-ish feel so far, but this is an important note. You're welcome to create 2 Main Characters within Night Kiss (one may leave the group later, in the future I'll allow them to start in other groups). You don't need to post two separate posts for them unless they're off in other areas or what have you. That said, please create NPCs within Night Kiss and outside to serve as contacts for your character. NPCs are fair-game for all, so you're adding to the pool of potential. NPCs are placed under People of Note. NPCs are a lot freer. You're welcome to just include the basics when creating them, no need for an IC character sheet. Thanks!
Sogna of Sweet Night, Fall 370Simeon Cythera of Sweet Night, Spring 399Rhus Lancia of Sweet Night, Spring 409Samantha, the Wisp of Sweet Night, Winter 410Dez, the Shadow of Sweet Night, 411Arin the Black-Blooded of Sweet Night, Winter 414Rose Thorned One of Sweet Night, Autumn 415
I am fate's strike unexpectedly come, I come too soon and am before their time, I am reaper, predator, and I swear this Oath before Selene. I, [ B ]WHOLE NAME[ / B ] of Sweet Night, One Faint Kiss. Amongst Night's Chosen, I shall be [ B ] Desired Nickname or Alias [ / B ].
The Chosen are my kin, I am servant to Selene for She is my patron, my Divine. Through my kin, I offer my skills to Selene. I offer my [ I ] DESCRIBE THREE STRENGTHS. Write as you please, there's no minimal length or need to keep to the tone [ / I ]. I submit my greatest flaws: [ I ] TWO FLAWS, SAME AS BEFORE [ / I ] so that my kin might aid me in my time of need. I recognize the Sweet Night knows no politics and declare mine openly to shed temptation. [ I ] DESCRIBE any noteworthy hatreds or loves of regions, of species, races within, or any sort of 'political' jazz. This could be religious, could be biases for or against Lef/Logos... etc. [ / I ]. May my kin aid me should I stumble as I shall do so for them.
Openly I declare with neither pride nor shame-- for Sweet Night knows neither-- my past as kin may know. [ I ] OPPORTUNITY to share a brief background on your character-- this should give us a good idea of how you came here. If you hadn't noticed, this should be IC, and as such, you should be realistic to what someone might say. Would you really write a 2-3 page life story right now? Or would highlight a few key experiences that shaped you or stay with you today. Things we're apt to hear about IC as you expand on them, or things that shape your skills, flaws, and personality. We don't care about your first steps or any of that... Tell us what truly made you who you, what haunts you, and what you can't ever forget. Who are you? Additionally, feel free to comment on one's own perspective of their personality, kin/friends as they're relevant to your future, etc.[ / I ]
I do not hide from the gaze of my kin. [ I ] Feel free to add in anything you don't believe you've had room for so far. This is a great place to mention skills you've gained that you did not choose as Strengths. Secrets are good here too and you're welcome to mention weapon preferences or your personal style (i.e. You prefer deception over needless bloodshed to achieve an end's. Murder might kill you, but you recognize it can be the greater good. You wish to you ascend and shall work toward that end. You stroke it way too often, etc.) [ / I ]
Truly as I am [ I ] ALIAS/NICKNAME HERE [ / I ] and amongst Night's Chosen, I seal my Oath. Of Sweet Night, One Faint Kiss. [ I ] DATE... You swear this Oath once you become one of the Night Kiss. Look at the date of the IC and decide how long your character has been a member with this date. Most characters should have been members roughly 2 or more years, but I would like a couple freshly admitted.[ / I ]